(CO»P- > THE DANBURY REPORT'tK htahlisneil 1872 DALLAS GOIN KILLED IN ACTION TWENTY-FIFTH STOKES BOY DIES IN WAR; REPORT IS VESTER ROGERS MISSING IN ACTION, NOT KILLED Dallas Goin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Goin of Francisco, and husdband of the former Miss Brtha Nations, has been killed in action, according to a message from the War Department. Th? parents received the message of their son's death in the battle of France Jan. 24th. Vester Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rogers of Lawsonville, who was reported killed in France, is now listed as missing. The casualty list now numbr -25, as follows: Lim'.t. David R. Mitchell, Kir.v killed in action in china. Sst. John W. Collins. Francisco killed in action in Florida. Lieut. Jack Hutchorson, Walnut Cove, killed in plane crash while training in Florida. Pvt. Loyd King, kill ed in action at Bougainville. Cpl. Robert Hall, Meadows, kill ed in action in South Pacific. Petty C nicer Jimmy Wallact iffin, Fandy Ridge, killed in nc on in Itily. Cpl. Drcwry Glenn I locker, of King, killed in action i:i Sicily. Pic. Kverette J. Fulk, PlnnacL killed in action in France, July 11 194!. Lieut. Thos. A. Eggleston, D:I lard, killed in action in Italy, Juiv 3, 1014. Sgt. Thomas H. Fhelor, Fran cisco, killed in action i:i France. June HO, 11144. Srt. Rich-id T. Pell. Jr.. Wo,:, fielil, killed in France, July 11. 1941. S.4t. O. W. Slawter, Kin-, kil!c in noli 'ii iii France, Au us t 21. 1014. Philip Simmons, Francisco, k:h ed in action in Franco, Sept , 1944. Pvt. Gilmer W. White. Route 2 Walnut Cove, killed in action in France September 22, 1944. Pfc. Howard D. Tuttlc, German ton, died on July 21, 1944, )! wounds received while in action in France. Pvt. Jadie C. Hodge, of Sandy Ridge, killed in action in HollanJ on Sept. 21, 1941. Hubert Merritt of King, killoc in action. Pvt. Buck Horton of King, k'!l ed in action in Belgium. Pfc. Millard E. Mabe of Sand\ Ridge, killed in action in Eel «tiiin, Oct. 27, 1944. Pvt. Clayt Card well of Wo«* > f .eld, killed in action in Ge»vr.arv C'vtle I.awson. of Lawsonv ' • killed in action in European th" ater. Pvt. Charles Malcolm Wvll, e Madison, Routf 1, killed in actio: in Italy Oct. 29. 1944. Sgt. Marvin O. Lackey, Lawsop Volume 72 LOCALS Mrs. Earl Connor of Thomas ville visited Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Christian Sunday. Mrs. W. B. Royalls leaves this for High Point where she will visit her family for sev eral days. X It * *• * Jean Carol Beck and Jean WoM spent Thursday and Friday here with their respective families, re turning to Woman's College Fri day night, to begin their second semester as freshmen. Pai"line Booth has been ill fur the past wiek with an infect." I throat. Her condition is much improved at tl..s time. M;s. Elmer Petree, Mrs. Robah Smith, Angela and Deese Taylor. Marjorie and Josephine Pepper and Lois Wall attended Jose Itui bi in concert in Winston-Salem Monday night. Mrs. D. C. Kirby is recovering from a sprained foot which was the result of a fall at the schou. building this week. I Thost 1 from here who att nu. the funeral of Miss Nannie L. IV p per in Winston-Salem Wedne-dP... were: Mrs. S. P. Christian, M> . N. E. I'epper, Marjorie Pepper, i-.. S. Stokes, Mrs. J. S. Taylor, Shei ilf John Taylor, Mrs. T. C. Cot'u Miss Lucille Martin, Mrs. W. l Joyce and Mrs. R. L. Smith. •* v * Mrs. Ann 11. Davis of Green l.oro was uest of Mrs. Holli Rhodes Thursday night. Jlr, Davis also visited relatives in Laws invillc. *■ V X- •* h E. M. Taylor and S. P. Chi: tian spent several days in Raleign this week. •** * » ' R. J. Scott is in Washington ii D. C. for a few days. 1 "March Of Dimes" Dance To Be Saturday 1 Night At 'Cove | Tiie annual "March of Dimes' J dance will be held Saturday night in the Junior Hall at Walnut Cove. Admission prices are: men $1; ladies, .10. The conimitt c ' urges the public to dance {hat others may walk. I ville, died of wounds rioter', in the battle of Germany, December 1041. R. C. TVn'h. Geraa-fon. in action in Fi'ronoan m n i.i !' . fmher, IP' l . II !•••;• fa-it't. Lav." d' of '.vr.-n 1-. receive 1 in a?'i • > i .. Germany. Dallas Gein. Francisco. killed ii t action in France. Danbury, N. C., Thurs day, Feb. 1, 1945 * * * KING NEWS 3y S. f ■ XiAVSUM King, Feb. I.—Joe Goff and Miss Lorane King motored to York, S. C. Saturday where they were united in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny King of Capella and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gray Goff of King. Landis Newsum has returned from Washington, D. C., where lit spent several days on a busings? trip. The following patients under went tor.sil removals in the clin ic here Friday: Billy Gray Slate of Capella, David Lawsoon o. Rural Hall and Billy Long o! King. Announcement is made of the marriage of Bulge Loiijr of Kin, ar.J Miss Estelle Spainhour of Rural Hall, Route 1, on Jan. 23. T. G. Slate of the U. S. Army, 1 stationed at Camp Lee, Va., i« , spending furlough with relatives here. Mrs. Gabe Tuttle and Miss Bon ny Jean Shore of Rural Hall were among the visitors here Friday. Frank Newsum, son of Barnun Newsum is undergoing treatment in a Winst'on-Salem hospital foi an internal injury incurred while loading baled hay. Mrs. Frank Pulliam is spendine a few days at Norfolk, Ya. where she is the guest of her liu? band, a member of the U. S. Navy Mrs. Caralea Ingram, aged 77 died at her home, one mile south west of town, Saturday, follow ing an attack of pneumonia. In ermcnt was a Galatia Gemetcr; Monday afternoon. Surviving ar several children and a number o grind iiiidren. Hole's the stork's report: t. ' Mr. and Mrs. (lid While a son 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Webale a son: to Mr. and Mrs. Edwari Masor, a son; to Mr. and Mrs Fate Dosker, a daughter; and * 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, : son. Mrs. Herbert Marshal! and ehil 1 dren of Wilkesboro are visit In; relatives here. Miss Sallie J. King Passes Tuesday Nigh Funeral services for Miss Salli •• Jane King who died Tuesda; t night at the homo of her ncphc", t Johnny King of Capella, were he! , today at 2:30 in the Qu deer Ga 0 Baptist Church, Rev. E. T. Sim •in cha!g» Bi ial in the 'iiutc graveyard. Miss King, 'l r j veirt old lia '' been ill for two weeks before lie f death. She had lived in the Ca p Ila section for around 8 years 1 fur-ivors: three nieces, Mr Peter Bennett, Rural Hall, Mi Grady Coloy of Walnut Cove, an * T s. n-;!in Bennett, Rural Hal l f'—r no -hews, W. S. King, H> ; T .at. n . 11. King, Danbury. CI,- : '' ley King of High Point and Johr nie King, Rural Hall. Second Battle of Bataan May Soon Be Fought i > A second battle of Bataan may 'be fought in the Philippines be fore many moons pass. ' Hhis time the Japanese would * be in th etrap, reversing the po.si • tion in the early months of 19* J. when heroic American c».l Fi'.i- pino forces, backed into the Ba taan Peninsula, fought a losing ~ fight against overwhelming oriels. Yank invasion forces at" on the Lingayen Gulf front of I.u/on is " land, within 7i> miles of Bataai l " Flat country, pierced by a fine highway and a railroad, reaches south'.vard to the month of th bloody pi ninsula where Americai 0 and Filfpino troops after their '■* surrender, suffered super-vicious atrocities and then were forced t' make the infamous death mar;' '• from Bataan, during which un s counted hundreds died. s If a second battle of Bataan i; fought, an important element wil be missing - the barbarous 16:1 c division of the Imperial Japanes Army. That division staged th 11 atrocities and the death march 1 General Douglas Mac Arthur' 11 forces came to grips with it oi Leyte and it was wiped out. The Japanese were preparin ' defenses on Bataan late in 19'.:' " Reports from Manila are that t!i I:'panose had conscripted F' 1 pina labor to work on Bataan Ii !| installations barracks, gun po^ 1 finns and other defense work? 1 Tl:e Japanese a'«o improved th '* air fields at Marivoles, o:i th southern tip of Bataan. a fe* ' miles from the island fortress Corregidor, guarding the or.tr 1 :: to Manila Bay. Between the south shore of Li. gayeu Gulf and Bataan there i nut a single point where stii'l i ' siatance could be oilereil to soutliward smash by the Yank The only natural defense terra: J is Bataan with its rugged jung'n tangled hills, il- Rites Held Saturday For Mrs. P. H. Younj j Mrs. Mary Handy Young, ago ' 85, widow of P. H. Young, of Sa' . dy Ridge, who died at the hon of a grandson, Neal Dalton, « Trinity, Route 1, after a long il 'V, I . ness, was buried Saturday afto noon at Snow Creek Bapti «!' Church. Burial was in the chur us graveyard. Mrs. Young was bo» in Patrick County, Va., Octobi , 28, 1859, a daughter of Wm. an id Marv Ann Handy. Slie had r or sided in Stokes countv for a vears and made her homo wi. 'P. ' her grandson for the past thr years. 1 j Surviving are four daughter I Mrs. D. G. Staples and Mrs. N.r ~ nio Yates of Greensboro; Mr r WMI Dalton, Stuart, Va.: Mr Li'lie I.awson Maillox, Va.; 1 grandchildren. PUBLISHED THURSDAYS Mrs. Boston Garner ! Dies Suddenly ] Elizabeth Rehoeea («ai ( ner, aged 70, widow o.' Boston Garner, died sudecnly at her hoia Saturday morning. The funeral ' was held at Antioch Mc.hoaist Church at 2 o'clock Tuesday aft " crnoon with Rev. 1. L. Sharp i:i charge. Burial was in the church graveyard. r Mrs. Garner was bora Sept. 2. 1874. She spent her entire life in e the same community. >- Survivors include eight chil dren. Mrs. W. E. Spainhour and 0 Mrs. Reid Voss of King; Mrs. ild na Honsley and Mrs. Fimo ''ar bor, Winston-Salem; Mrs. Ray n Moore, Rural Hall; Tern Garner. ir Blucfield. Va.; Guy Gain r, G. id is ston; and Frank Garner, of the homo; 37 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. 1 is Pfc. Harry C. Doss in At Bth Air Force Base h An VIII Air Force Service Con, 3" mand Station, England.-- Pfc. Hi! I, ry C. Doss, son of James O. Doss ,. K Route 2, Mt. Airy, is stationed a. in this strategic air depot where L -17 Flying Fortresses of the Eighth j. Air Force are maintained and )• .. paired. He works in the invoa ~, lory section of the supply .!■• ; sion. ■ n Pfc. Dr.ss has been stationed in the European Theater of Gpe>r >t( tions since May. 1943. His br >sh i,, or, Clifford is stationed at ».•' v . Penning, Ga. r .r ♦ ♦ * * * * * * 01 I: BOYS j f. ****** * ;1 Pvt. Henry Frank Pell, son "' Mr. an«.l Mrs. Wesley Pell. West i: ' tic Id, has notihed his parents le l 0" is now somewhere in France. II entered the army June 19, 194; trained at Camp Blanding, Fla. went overseas in December. s Seaman 1C Robert E. Smith son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smit in . of Westfield, has notified his pa: lie ents he is now somewhere over 0 f seas. He entered the navy Jun ill. 20, 1944, and trained at Cans , r _ Peary, Va. i-.it Pvt. Bernard H. Mitchell, so ivn of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Mitchell o jcr Pinnatle, has notified his parent nJ lie is now in Franco. He entere r. the army June 19, 1941. trained a Camp Blaniling, Fla., went ovei i;! seas in November. Pvt. Wm. IL Fulk has n.it'l , . i,j, ; (>;>•.•)«, Miss Benulah F.:lk i"- King th-' !-e is now samowhe-- r*. in th rt C ntral Pacific. ITe ort* ' rd tlii marines in June, 1941, aa in trained at Partis Island, S. C. an New River. __ Number 3,787. S. A. FLINCHUM RATIONING CHM. OTHER MEMBERS ARE J. W MOOREFIEIjD AND W. SAN DERS HART Sidney A. Flinchum of Dan bury has been appointed new chairman of the Danbury War Price & Rationing Board by the District UFA oiliee, Charlotte. Mr. Flinchum, whose appointment was made Tuesday, and who has ably served the rationing oiliee in other capacities, succeeds C. E. Davis who resigned at the outset of his campaign for State S nate last f; !!. Mr. Davis' resignation took (ffeit two weeks ago. the . members of the Board 'ar \V. Sanders Hart •! Lawson ' villi? and J. W. Moon field. Mead ows. The Rationing Board will meot> regularly each Monday at two o'clock until panels are set up to ' handle rationing applications, and thereafter only on occasions which require the attention of the Board. Miss Nannie L. Pepper Passes Away Here 1 Miss Nannie Lou Pepper died at a Winston-Safem hospital Moil day night after a serious illness i f only one Jay. Funeral services were jonducted Wednesday after -1 noon at !» o'clock at the home ol a sister, Mrs. J. C. Dodson, at Winston-Salem. Dr. W. A. Stan fcuiy was in charge. Burial was in Salem Cemetery. Born in Stokes county, daugh ter >'f Dr. DoWiit C. Pepper and ."gnes L- ;ik Pel per. she ppci.i : v . . ! >■ ii e in Danbury. S!i • iiw . i i i m-S- lem for a few y-. ; r.d ' Btlhr.nia for eight years, moving back to Danbury i'i I!M4. She \v;.s i me i'tT ( : t . Bithania Mot avian Church an i ~ Bethania Book Club, and was w.il ; know in Winston-Salem. Surviving are thro? sisters, Mrs. !. N. A. Martin ol Danbury, Mrs. Anna P. Douglas of Princeton, \V. Va.. and Mrs. Dodson of Wins h, ton-Salem: and a number of th nieces and nephews. ' Annual Red Cross Meeting To Re Here Monday, Feb. 5 The annual Red Cross meeting for the Stol-.es County Chapter 1,1 will be hold at the courthouse on s,r Monday. Feb. 5. Sellmnn Hows cr. Asvistant Field Director ORD, • wi.l !:e speaker. The program al so includes invocation by the Rev. * Nv r. Hovnl's, a talk by Prof. R. J '- '•"■n nn.l ieporls of Depart i "-nt C'nirmen. \ M' -cvt '.ANFOI'S SHOWER C 'IPI.T:U:\T3 MRS. ROYALLS On Tuesday evening Lois Wall, ' : V.'infrcl H: 11, Ellen and Marjorio Popper were jcint hostesses nt 7 * ' • '