LOCALS Tom Preston of Pine Hall was here this week. He is a member of the Tire Panel. p Misses Angela ana "Deeso' Taylor of Salem College sient the week-end at home heir. •♦# * * Miss Jean Carol Berk, student at W. C.. Greensboro, was at home for the week-end. Mrs. X. E. Wall h;\. returned after visiting her husband at Morehead City She was accom panied home by Mrs. W. K. Joyce and "Henna", who will visit her-" for a few days. Pvt. Duggins of Fort Bragg is spending a f-uv r'iys witV his mother. Mrs. Susie Duggins. «•• • • Mrs. H. H. King is spending a few days in Raleigh with her daughter. Mrs. J. C. Wall. *• *• * * Donald Stevi ns. merchant ;e . man, who is .•i.iti:.;.. 1 at IVooklw., N. V., spent the week-end at tus home here. Donald siys he >s hoping to transfer to the Navy. SCIENCE WARNS I'XRENTS ON CIIILI) CARE Proper care of infants and oid cr children during illness may have a tremendous effect on their health in later years. In a help ful, informative article science tells about nature's "secret wea pons" and what they do to young sters not properly cared for. Look | for this feature in the March ISth issue of The American Weekly Favorite Magazine With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Your Newsdealer FAST RELIEF From Too Frequent Urination, Backache, Ron-Down Feeing —due to irrit*tioo of the bladder caosed by excess acidity in the aria* Famous itto r's drscsosry act* aa ffco k>dn,y mnd Mpi fcoop ymm trmm gifting up mightat Art you tuMarlfll uiHCMWr discom fort dlstrsss Im bacltacbs, burn... uriao, Irsquoat dtiirt to MM nlttl Cattiat up oltoa at al«bt T Tbsso IW torn say bo causod by bladdar Irrltatloa duo ta oxcosa add la tbo urias. Tboa try that (ataoua doctor's discorsry DR. KILMER'S SWAMP «OOT. FSBBOUS for aur yoars. Swamp Root Is • carofully bloadod coasbiaatloa of borbs, roots, balaam aad atbor astural iofrs dirats. Tbora's mbwmlmtmdy mmthing barsb or babit-forviaff la tbla acioatlflc prepara tion. Just (oad lagradWato tbat quickly act oa tbo kldnsya ta lacraaaa Iks flow of uriao aad rollevo bladder Irritatloo aad Its uncomlortablo, diatroaslaf symptoms. You'll say its ,«W«f Is "®a dorlul! • ... Sand for froo, pripald aaasplo TODAY! Liks tbausands at atbara yoall ba (Ud tbat yoo did. Soad aasoa aad addross to Dopartmsat F, Kflwr * C*. las. Bos IMS. StsmforJ. Caaa. Oflor llmltoA Soad at oacs. All irsilkU 000 Swamp Root. STUART THEATRE Stuart, _Virginia Sunday and Monday, March 4 - .J "STANDING ROOM ONLY" Paulette Goddard—Fred M'Murry Tues., Wed. & Thurs., March (»-"-} "SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD" W. C. Fields— Edgar Bergen Friday and Saturday, March 9 1" "The Man From the Rio Grande" Don Red Barry Also "Pony Express" New Year Starts With i Bang As 'A', B' Btrys. 1 Blast Enemy Planes i ! (This news was sent from ; i Belgium by Cpl. Royce B. Shaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Shaffer of Sandy Ridge, who is in Btry. B cf , the 38.->th AAA AW Bn. The writing was taken from the "Daily Crap Weekly", a small paper published by the 38,>th ; Bn., tor the week of Jan. 17). i The German aerial attempt at . Allied airfields on New Yiar's . morning found the 3Soth AAA • AW En. ready and willing to cel ebrate. Protecting an important aii.'ield in Belgium, the Battalion , had great cause for celebrating . when the meiee was over. Com ing in that morning at tree top level, the Germans were caught by heavy unU accurate fire, forc ing tlieni t>> break formation and r heek in liviilual targets, targets which they r.ever tou n d and (:>st ;*.ie already depli t-d Luftwafft Heavily. Before tl: y had even leached the field, a FW -1! i 1 was smoking and sought al:i tude, the pilot boiling out a few minutes later from a blazing ship. Handling the situation, the gun section took the most suitable - targets. One machine gunner had v two of his guns shot off by a 'JO r mm fire from a ME-109, but stuck - to his guns and saw the Hitler is ite crash but 200 yards in front - of him. examinations prov - ed the markmanship of the gun ner, t 50 calibre projectile in the i pilot's head. Another section, a 40 mm sec tion, had a target all its own. A FW-190 apparently singled out this gun as ineffective and worth his attention. The gun mean while, commanded by Cpl. Buck ner of B Battery, was ready for action, actually on target and merely awaiting Cpl. Buckner's order to fire. He gave it when the 190 came into range and from then on it was gun versus plane, American guts versus German. Once again the superman theory was disposed and the Focke Woli' mac!?~an emergency landing in a beetjjeld a short distance away. I The pilot was captured alive and the 190 in good condition. Two oCher ME-109's meanwhile' were heavily engaged by other units of the Battalion and were busily engaged in evasive ac tion. Once again they were inef | fective, one pilot bailing out and ■ the other crashing with his plane. 1 A sixtK plane was seen by observ ers going east, trailing smoke. Later investigations showed very slight damage to airfield or installations, nor were the casual | ties very great in the A A Batta lion. At the time of this wri ting some of them have already •' returned to duty. The entire action transpired in y a very few minutes 5 and possi bly (T pianes never returned. Ae f tunity the 385 th AAA AW Bn. started the New Year with a bang, quite a bang! " 280.000 (jiiit Teaching The National Education Asso ciation reports that 280.000 teach ers have abandoned the profession " since Pearl Harbor. I i THE DANBUBY REPORTER. IANBURY. NOKTH CAROLINA. MABCH 1, 1945. Distribution Offices Set Up In County For Benefit Of Applicant I (Local Board Release) 1 Distribution officers, who have applications for any rationed com modity have been set up in the county, and the public is asked to call on them for applications and assistance in filling them out. These offices are for the conven ience of the public. The Ration ing Board requests that the pub lic use these offices and come to the office o.sly when it is absolute ly necessary. Following are the officers and the place and hours at which they may be seen: George Barr, King. 12 to 1, 7 to 8 P. M. R. T. Calloway, Tobaccoville, 7 to 9:30 P. M. Nume Christian, Westfield, 12 to 1, 7 to 8 P. M. John A. Dodson, Sandy Ridge, anytime. John W. DoJson, Sandy Ridge. IL' to 1:30, t>:3o to 7:30 P. M. Sid Fulk, Pinnacle, 12 to 1, 7 to •S P. M. Sam "Lawrence, Francisco, 12 to 1, 7 to s P. M. Mrs. TTancy Lee Martin, Law sonvilie, anytime. J. E. Mitchell, Germanton, 12 to 1, 7 to it P. M. Whit McCoilum, Madison, 7 to 9 P. M. Mrs. C. T. McGee, King, any time at office. L. M. McKenzie, Germanton, i t.» 9 P. M. Miss Gladys McPherson, Walnut Cove, any time -it office. Tom Smith, Westfield, 12 to 1, 7 to 8 P. M. Wallace Smith. Westfield, any time. E. F. Stone, Pinnacle, at post office, 6 to 7 P. M. Sam Vernon, Sandy Ridge, 12 to 1, 7 to 8 P. M. Stanley Ward, Pine Hall, any time at Blackwell's Garage. ROSS* STORE NEWS Ross' Store. —Mr. and Mrs. I. G Ross visited S. L. Johnson Sun day. Mr. Johnson has been ill for some time, but is now improv ing. Sgt. Morris Southern visitec his home here over the week-eni Guests of Sgt. Southern were Mrs [ Reba Tuttle of Winston-Salem Lillie Fulp, Pattie Sue Hawkins Lois Terry, Leo Gatewood, -Mr and Mrs. Avery Slate. I Mr. and Mrs. Nunk Kiser visit . ed Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Slate. Robert Chatman and Mrs. Da I . vid Young visited Mrs. Spencei . Fowler Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Ross were supper guests of Mrs. N. S Mullican last Wednesday n ! V. Betty Kiser, Vclemarie Wh'ir Mr. and >!rs. Avery Slate P'v sou were in Walnut Cove Monday I DISTINGUISHED VISITOR Ex-Gov. J. M. Broughton was n the courthouse last week attend ing to some legal matters. Hi j was greeted by quite a number o friends while here. I KING NEWS I ; By E. P. NEWSI'M King, March I.—Lt. Worth Kir by, stationed at Tallahassee, Fla., : is spending a short furlough wiih - his father, Charlie Kirby, in Wal ; nut Hills. Lt. Kirby erpects to j go overseas soon. I A force of men are at work on . a new home for Landis Newsom ■ on a lot recently purchased from -E. P. Newsum. The lot is on the . corner of West Main and Fowler ) Ave. Jesse Lawson of High Point is spending a few days here th-" 1 i guest of his daughter, Mrs. Nell . Carroll, on West Main St. Joe who suffered a , stroke of paralysis at his home last week, remains quite sick, hs . friends will regret to learn. Jack Sprinkle ol the U. S. Army, stationed at Miami, Fla., is here with his parents, on a furlough. K. C. Slate has purchased from ' William Fowler the lot on Ei-si Broul Stree where the Twin St ir ■ res'aurnnt burned son - /' time ngu. • Mr. Slat:- is building a larg lum -1 ber plant and office on the site. Grady Collins is repairing j his home on South Depot St. Farmers ir. this section are fin . ishing up seeding their tobacco plant beds, j Theodore Newsum made a bii3 iness trip to Walnut Cove Friday. Tisey Calloway, planter of the Schaub's Mill section, was anions the visitors here Saturday. The stork, while not entirely out of business, has nothing to 1 report this week, but keep tuned to his number next week. 1 Alton Brown and family of Don naha visited relatives here Friday. , Mrs. W. G. Tuttle and Miss Bon- LL3SB®BKKC>. *. WMmWBKKKMt^S'WKRKE&w , THERE ARB BOOBY TRAPS & ON THE HOME THE ONLY difference is, the ones here have lars for every three they've loaned to I'nc'A price tags on them. Sain—it'll be these people who'il ha\ e booby- People who are buying a lot of thing? trap scars, and not much else, they don't need with all the extra money If you want the host security and tl-.e they're making right now, might just as bc.-t investment in the world today, just well hbel them "Souvenirs of the Greet sock your money into War Bonds." Dor. t \»ar Boom." settle for a bunch of mighty attractive sou- And in later years when goods are p'.en- venirs. And or.ca you've got those B nds, tiful, ar.d prices come c-wn to normal... hang onto them, keep your dollars fighting when an uncertain futura stores them in —and get your full interest back when the t.'.e face...when others are getting four dol- time comes. fCESr FAITH WITH OUR FIGHTERS ojy WAR BO ——— I • The Danbury Reporter Along- The Home Demonstration Way By CLARA R. RALSTON . (Home Demonstration Agent) 1 My schedule for the week end ing Mar. ]oth is as fo'iows: ) Monday, Mar. sth—Panel meet ing at 2:00. i ° l Tuesday, Mar. 6th Walnut ! Cove 4-H meeting at 9:30; Mead .. ows 4-H meeting at 1:00; Pin r Hall Grange meet at 8:00. Wednesday, Mar. 7th—Agent's i training school, Winston-Salem, ut * 10:00. 1 Thussdny, Mar. Bth—Pine Hall 4-H meeting at 10:30; Pine Hill 1 HDC at 2:00 at Mrs. Tom Pres ■' ton's. Friday, Mar. 9th —Reynolds 4-H meeting at 9:30; Service Club at '• VoO. L Saturday, Mar. 10th—Office. fie Jean Shore of Rural Hall we"i visitors here Friday. The doctors in this si :tion at\ Icing mn to dh and '--nnol !, begin to see ail the sick folks v.!. . place calls. Everybody sl'.ou! read Mr. I. M. Gordon's letter l last week's Reporter and try i. start some kind of a move thn o will bring about some relief. E. P. Ncwsum went to Winston s Salem Thursday to attend !• '. some business matters. He had t > e go all the way to VV'inSton-Saleni % to find out it was George Washing ton's birthday. Of course he had V heard of George Washington, but o the fact that he had a birthday d last Thursday had entirely left his mind until he tried to enter i- the Wachovia Bank to transact some important business and i- found the bank closed. Contractors, Builders Asked To Register At Rationing Board Local Board release) All contractors, builders, in stallers and erectors supplying construction and maintenance for services or making sales in whicli they furnish building or in dustrial equipment or materials, together with labor or services by actual construction, installa tion or services, are asked to call at their local \Y;.r Price & Rationing Board immediately ami register with them. This list must be ir. the District Office soon as possible. Mary Sue Smith Dies Mary Sue Smith, infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Peter's Creek township, died .it a Winston-Salem hospital. Surviving a' - the parents: two brothers. Warren and Edward of thi home; thr sisters. jjamona., Doris and Rnyiiiclir, f the home; grandi arcnts. Mrs. Klizabetn Sawyers of Reidsville and Mr. and Mrs. Giles Hall of Lcnksville. CAPT. CARSON. OVERSEAS, SENDS CHECK TO REl> CROSS Chairman of the Red Cross War Fund has received a check for sls from Capt. Jesse C. Carson, who is at present with Gen. Fat ton's Third Army somewhere n Belgium. C Capt. Carson, son of Supt. of Stokes Schools J. C. Carson. writ 33 his wife to "do. say and give ail nl.e possibly can for the Red Cross which is a wonaerful work for the boys."

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