-THE Durham County Durham, N.C., Tues.,t Aug. 19, 1S& Republic; Ent :m at the l ost Office onl-cl.is matter, I - , in Durham as ed FOR James REPUBLICAN NATIONAL .TICKET PRESIDENT: i . . G. Blaine, FOR vJ Jolin OF MAINE. i CE PRESIDENT : A. Logan. OF ILLINOIS ORANGE COUNTY. We-learn from reliable sources that i tlie Democrats of Orange are at a loss what course to pursue in making their nominations. Many arc trying to force ColiiRiiffin to be; a candidate for the Senate, fearing that Mr.; Augustus Graham would meet the same fate that overtook him in f - 1S7S but how can they,- prefer the Col. ' with his record -w- i " ' i" '".7" "ii i J" . tt 1 asan lnaepenuentcanaiuaieiord uuge to Mr. Graham, who has always been a consistent democrat except on one occasion, when he bolted Mr. Fred hard for Mr. Hall! for the House. Mr. Hall is now Commission At all Jountv Republican State Ticket. FOR GOVERNOR TYRE YOR OF WILKES. LIEUf.-C.OVERN WILLIAM T. FAIRCLOTII, ( or: i OF WATXE. Trcnuror WASHINGTON DUKE, - of Durham.' F j . Secretary of State GEOHGK W. STaNTON, ' of Wilson. ' : ' Auditor F. Ml LAWSON, of Madison. Supcrintenilent of Public Instruct jon D. W I NSTON. of Bert ic, Attorney General CHAULES A. COOK, of Warren. Associate Justice of Supreme Court DANIEL L. RUSSELL, of Brunswick. Chaifman of the ers ana was also a bolter. i - t I . events one of these bolters will get the nominations for Senate. 1 to? the liouscl various names are discussed Mr. Tate, Mr. Holden, Mr. Johnson, and ex-Sheriff! Hughes, Of these Mr. HugheA is the boss bolter. He bolted the nomination of Mr. Mick lc for i Sheriff and drove him from the trackf and held the office for ten years fifterwards as the candidate of the De nocracy then heibolted the nomina- ion of Leathers and helped' elect his on Jno. Knox Huthes to succeed him, nd iii 1882 both he and his son de nounced the present system of County -FRANCIS Government and supported the inde- c f these facts whicji no Democrat can c r wilMeny , the Democracy of Orange g et down on their Jknees! and beg the Old Sheriff to please be their candi- date ! ; The trouble is, that i notwith standing the, popularity of i the- "old Sheriff," the3r fear the friends of Strud wick ana jucivee ana .ueatners, ana Mickle and Jarvis, and others who re- part ot the i i : r-Tr 1 ' enough to oppose the presen t system of Countv Government; By the way, Uion't .aLr vaieq urcen once vnte an article iithis, paper advoaiting there- peal of tjie present system .of Count j' GoVcrnmentl5 and how -doxs- lie stand now. Stand on youriown plat form, geiitleitien; lloii't try to get oifo foot" on purjJ so far. as County Gov- ernment is concerned. The days o County; seem Even thd Cox and erlens to S0RROWFUL., btay fhani democracy in Du -.iij a... : 'i -t iuuh to oe .numuereur lithnr:itft KT)CPP.ho nf Trnwln seem to have beeii pow- thc coming dissolution. does not enthuse. Thcv hat swinging. is to be not even anywhere down ant H ' i. perity is success. new crops - reign , in The old Jarty ao not snout, ana inauige in , . yi Lt ' " 1 . ."I in o campaign oanncr seen on the street. We do see a lithograph of Cleveland auoui;. . louacco is going douiocracy with it. Pros- he handmaid , of republican With the harvesting of the she will enter her i long Durham County, ahq our next block of new. buildings will! bear a , new , name chiseled in . modest "Thaxtonf brown stone. Our party friends are again x remin ded that the County' Convention will - - . . i , i be held at Durham on Wednesday Aug. 27th at 10 A. M. - It is impor tant that each pj-eci net be represented a;.e Democrats from principle may by three delegates. Let there be a gInt tliis "sell butt on the part of full attendance of active, working re publicans. Hillsboro bosses, who hal e gone so far as'-to promise tho f'old Sherifl" that they would allow! no one to oppose Jno. Knox for Sheriff provided he And now saying that the Democratic cause what will the friends ofRountree, Wil- id Wm. Dick- theif friends But judging f the; Orange SQUEALING. Some of our Democratic papery are would Irun as their candidate. is loosing by the joint canvass between son and Wm.; Strain, and Y"ork and Scales1. When jYork; was son say to this sell out" nominated he was classed by the dera- want them to be Sheriff. ocratic press as la 'tIlobod," but 1 he from what we can learn o seems to have a way of making friends Democracy, the surest way to obtain and votes bv his method of dealing Dlace and power at theirl handa is to with ' plain ' Tacts! and homely truths fight the regular ticket and beat it, that is not pleasing to Scales and his and afterwards the Democracy will be party friends, We predict that as the sure to give them a nomination almost : '.LI' a t ' t "'n V . "'Li a :. -'r '. t1' t : 'L canvass progresses mat x one .will ; ue able to show that he can "hoe his row" and that he will not lack for ' earnest supporters in such localities as he shall visit and speak forth the.words of wis dom and sobenie$s. York i is , plain. practical and convincing. f The people w e nave a warm neart lor such a man. ihA thout asking. Mr. Jno. Laws is a let et, the gentlemen bring out their tick- if a Demo- we will - beat it. Put crat should represent the Counties, would much prefer such an. one as oldl SlierifTt who is independent ::' I tHE OLD GAME. The ' defnoo'hitsj aiSe. making An ef fort to elefct Scales by ( tho same old muiiiuiis tvavairy escorts, lair wo- men, oqUets aiid campaign roorbachs ; that put Ananius to shame.1 Rnl v ance was too gooa a ma n to be longer i itooinson nas reacnea tlie tolerated. end of Jiis mocracy is even : with tioned. ropei and tho countv f in a fearful state o dc- moralizatiqn. ' . omo one must whis tle or Scales, will "become, despoil dent, ?ms to sit supreme upon the brow of the Durham "J 4. We rnam "Uigl cannot say with; certainty the cause of this calm. . We are inclined to think that they sould jiot hold out as they, had begun. Defeat is tariiig thcin in " Notice The Republicans of he accessories aoove men the face but we doubt if they .wil present admit themselves beaten U 'il' 1.-. 1 i it now looks enough democrats in i Durham Cot next November. to hold the, polls; as though tliOre? will not be' tyr pf . Meetlngr. T; , North and South Durham. rrecmct, are rjotined to meet in Primary CoriTcn tion at Justices I Hall, Monday nleht. at 8 o' clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to the County Conrention to le held Aug; 27; 1884.: iBy Order Chra'n Precinct Cotaai - at. It J Let all republicans attend' the: Pri mary Meeting of Durham Precinct noixt fondnv nifhr!'' '' - !''' ' w . j-j 0 I .