I " : A -THE- Durham Cour.ty Ropubli ican. REPUBLICAN NOMINATING CONVENTION. !PUDlican ionvention 01 Durham, N.CTucs.. Sept. ISS4. Knlcreil at the lost miUcl:i.! matter, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL Office in !urliain a sec FOR PRESIDENT!: i I James G. Blaine, TICKET. tie ivepuoncan uinvt'uuuu m jltui- ham County met on Wednesday; last at 11 o'clock A. -M, C. II. Rogers was maclc Chairman, Jacob I). Jones and G. E. Tinker Secretaries: .1 I. C. Mangum anilR. B. Fitzgerald were eleeled delegate to the Congres sional Convention with J. V. Betts pie" we conilemn of the 4Rourbou,1 the voter of the the acts of! tyranny party in depriving right of Local self am OF MAINE. Jaco H. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: w i OF ILLINOIS. John Ai Lost Republican State Tic for governor TYRE YORK, OF WILKKS. lieut.-govkrnor: WILLIAM T. OF WAYXK KET. ) D. Jones as alternates. Plumer and I. H. Patrick were elected delegates to the Sena to- rial Conviention with 'Stephen J. Beas- lev and Madison Walker as alternates. Thd intr following resolution was then pduccfl and a fall and free discus sioii invited thereon, ine political situation and ' prospects were freely and fullv canvassed after which the resolution. passed unanimous. XieSUlVCTU. Xllill U U; lie mum;anp n ? .J;i . ' n - a. ' , i vyuiiveniiuii au uuruuu. )led deem it inexpedient to make government and we pledge our .'vote ana our influence to ey cry worthy 'ef fort to bring about a return to a rep' ri4entative 'covcrnineiit.?-. ? it s Resolved, Thai fTyre York the tiberal -Republican candidate for.Govl ernor having placed himself squarely upon our Republican platform ami heartily endorsing our nominations o Rlaine and Loganj and being commit te 1 1 to a repeal of the present cdfciui tied with the entire State Ticket to1 the hearty and loval support of al true republicans ana sucn. voters- at favor protection to home industries and labor, local sejf government edu cation and progress. After the passage of a vote of thanks to tlit) chairman commending; his pa tience impartiality and ability the FAIRCLpTIT,,' Treasurer WASHINGTON DU i of Durham. I KB, Secretary of State GEO ItOE Y7. STANTON, of Wilson. ; j Auditor F. M. LAWSON, of Malison. Superintendent of Public Instruction FItAXCIt D.WINSTON, of Bertie, Attorney General cjlAULES A. COOK, of Warren. i I . . . . Associate Justice of Supreme. Court--DANIEL L. RUSSELL, of Brunswick. County Ticket. (INDORSED BY REPUBLICAN PARTY.) ' For Sheriff: JOHN V. itlGSREE. For Registerj of Deeds JOHN C. WILKERSON sem ieu ueem it inexpedient to maKe i plain as day. any nominations lor the legislature Tll Mr. Julian ft. Carr's Second let4 and Counitv ofiices: but pledge our L . ril1 I ' , . j 1 support t( John C. Wilkorson inde- r " J1uu J"ur' 1 "1Y pendent jandidate for ICegister ot FS"1"" uKen uy iuu nurm varumw Diels and John V. Rigsbee the inde- delegation at Chicago upon the tariff pendent candidate for Sheriff. Re- nuestion. It will lie remembered that solved fuvthcr than the Republican Mr MorrIst)n represented the Free Executive Committee in whom we , . , ,r? 1 havd implicit confidence be authorized Trade" wing and Mr. Converse thq . l i J : : J.: i I t-frtartt rtn ' cwln Mi f.a i-t co xa I' to suppiyjaiiy vacancy un uur iiukci , 0m.. , I . L i. j . iV.i a J J iJ -J L wnenever uiey aecm n auvisuuie. voieu lor vonveree; deliberately U pon t Ho passage ot tnis resolution im ow i o not aenv nor nave l even i r -.. I -1. : Jacob D. Jones, (not st delegate) asked sought, to deny that my vote for 3Ir perniission to make a personal lexpla- Converse offended a portion ; of the nation . wliich request was unanimous- North Carolina delegation, and per- ly granted. He stated that it was well haps a large portion." known to his many friends that he as- How large a portion wo are not toldj pnea to tne iegisiatnre ana naa m- dui we tninK it iair, in view oi wnatj tended having been put in nomination has been said upon this subject, to as- but the passage of the resolution had sume that that "large portion" consti disposed o(f that matter and he left his tuted a ma jority of bur State delega case in the hands of the County Ex- tion. Wc are only concerned in so far ecutive Committee. He had no sym- as it goes to show that the majority of tathv with a candidacv outside the the Democratic partv in North Caro- organization and should accept the def lina as represented through the delega cision of the committee as final. He tion at Chicago, favored Free' Trade t i fi 'fpi i ' -i ' t a desired his friends to understand that as represented by Mr. Morrison. As Ralance of the Ticket to be supplied. , ... . . . J- r. , , . The following resolutions were then j party in our State do represent Free introduced and pa;ssed without a dis- Trade. I We desire herein to show that senting vqice. ' ! . the majority of the N. C. delegation Resolved, AVe The Republicans of at Chicago desired to be so recorded the Platform LETTER. ie pub- THE DARBY AVc commence in this issue t lication of the letter of Frank H Darby to the Board of Aldermen of : . 1 the City .... Tto , oiea pieage ourselves anew to the fWimitto It is one of the finest pieces of cal composition of lalte years. land's letter is "clian"" beside it. politi- that grand platform formulated by our Our mission is to instruct the people ; I cieve- party I at Chicago, and so splendidly not to "nnmbug " them. It the North AVa represented in the persons of James Carolina aemocracy jls a free trade de- commend it most earnestly to all our an',1 .fnn iA "CZ "-cney are oeep.y .everestea in t : , ,Uu, r , . 1 ,Vri T.:?7 rr.. I,"" , snowing it, ana tnat now. we can vuvvio. iv 10 me luttuij uuwouvcui aeni. e recognize inai iue- presem , . ... owi r i i.. ' inAi ia ui, Li-wrva oi auvise wunout nesitawon or reserva- j uuiit: uiuu itai iiuiu LilU lumv wuiov 10 iiii nini uu yivuiu'c i walks of life to be met bv Bourbon in- me liepuDiicans oi ine ooutn, ana v I - , 'il 1 "J . 5 .1 xtJA 1.' i! i il .1 ii is wivii pleasure aim priue inai we i lecnon xor ine saKe point to our distinguished Presiden- capital and labor RecOirnmnff the principles of a true and fostered in a Republi democracy to be a government "of the hold; loved and cherished with a par- people for the people and by the peo-1 ents love and affection. If it is at all tolerance and proscription and brand ed because he dares to exercise his , rights as a freeman. Orange Co. Rep. Convention i i post- is hostile to Pro- of Protection to Protection is a ge;i ican house- poned to Sept. 27th inst.