i i t ? ; t I I I 1! ! '!) ) : t i ! I i i 4 N3 : 1 Durham County" RepubUcaiuf th Durham, N. C, T::cs., Sept. 16, 34. I I M 4 Eul.-red at the I o. onu-elms mutter;' REPUBLICAN. ' NATIONAL TICKE1 FOR VICE f STARTLING I ri'lio Citv of Wilmington avJ., ai- !ourl having an overwhelming Re- pijblican majority of the popular vote is to jerrymandered as to give the Bour- t "" ". : I - 1 - t . .. . . y- ' t . i nu nintw! n t ia :irv VTOVerillllUIllr . ' .Tlis Eabveision of the voice of the people lis by no means extraordinary in falct- it is in perfect accord and sweet Harmony with .-Bourbon praeti- FOIt Pit EVIDENT James (Gr. Blaine. OF MAINE. PRESIDENT : John A. -Logan. i ILLINOIS. OF I Republican State Ticket. FOR GOVERNOR : TYRK YORK, OK WILKKS. LI EUT.-j ! O V ERXOR WILLIAM T. FAIRCLOTJI, OF WAYNE. NTOX, Treurer (IDjUCii: W. STh of jiilson. Secretary of Stat W. G. CANDLER, Auditor F. M. iiAWSON, of Madis ison. Superintendent of inb County Ticli '(indorsed by republican ic In.'t ruction FllAXCIS D. WINSTON, of Bert it, Attorney Genera l-fCIIA'RLESV. COOK, w i i of jVarren. Associate Justice of Supreme Coutt DANIEL L. KUSSELll, of Brunswick For Sheriff: For Regis JOHN C. et. PARTY.) JOHN V RIGSBEE. er of Deeds: WILKERSON. Balance of the Ticket to be supplied. j Protect the industries of our people, and continued prosperity will crown their efforts; open our port to Free trade, and our people will become beg gars! Their occupation willj begone, and an Eagle hallj-dollar will soon be come as uncommon, as loose (diamonds on our thoroughfares. Common sense cry half intelligent man, th ought to teach ev is fact. "We are informed by a democrat of high standing in this community that $2,700 County taxes are uncollected And that there is no money in the Treasury for paying County orders and Jury Ticket si i cefc butf-they have a negro policeman authorized and empowered by a Bour bon -Mijiyor and Council to arrest white iiEN for violation of town ordi nances.! To be sure he is a Democrat ic, negro, but will some Bourbon tell us in what maijner this changes the general! principle of "negro rule" as laid down in the democratic platform as a gW'ivance. Wilmington is situated in the "East No men living a'rd more worthy to be trn plat forihj needs norant jiegro ru and intthe language of the Bourbon "protection" lVom lg ie." How the "white people' j of Wilmington must pray to be sa4d from their friends. Incon sistanct and hyocracy1 thy name is Bcurbonism. Any denial of the above statement will be met by mcoiitesti- ll'tk prodf. ted than those -who toil up from poverty none lc.s inclined to take or toikeh auglit.'wuich they t iwj honestly enrueuu l c uitm lewnrc oi jbiii ljrtiilc.in a jolitical bo vr' which they alrui.!y possess and which ii sur endeied will puri'y close t lie dooi- of adrn nciioent, and to fix ntw disabilities and burdern upon t'leni till allliWi ty shall be loU." Abraham Lixiolx. These words although spoken over twentj' years ago by our great and good President, Lincoln seem to lie as! forcible now as then and we speci ally commend them jto those who vol untarily, years ago surrendered to :po- Ci,l ltli(i ov- A (f litical "bosses" Self Government! heir rights of L I The drift of preseii t sy it cm orj plan of County (3 ernments is toward a compute Ic? all liberty. The pri leiple one for a froe people Retrace your ste s a most dangenous te.' o longer toler t once bv-ioiniiro the party of Liberalism and in again pill your uyurv&L nyuir. uijt ardy by surrendering principle for ar ty advantage. ' A WORD IN TIME. Froni orescnt indications it begins j . r: : i . . . now to look as though application wt uld lie made to the next Legislature for authority to extend the corporate liinits of the town of Durham. We high in the councils press himself in favor extending these limits to include one mile from the depot each way 1-4 L . . - makingj the town four times its pres- AVe do not rejHyto this mat to make any unfavorable commen he of of rd one party tlemoci acv ex 4 ent sizei l i ter upon this scheme nor to express air opinion) thereupon : it ought not to take oi a political aspect. We onlT refer, to jit. that the people may be fore warned! and put in possession of 1 his information in ample time to take s ich action as they deem best. We are sat isfied however that in any event in is noi intejided that the town if extended shall be! left so tliat by any human pos sibility ihe Republican Party can con trol it, 04 that any true democratic sys rF witirocont-jfioTi will hft rkPirmif-i V f T ed. ! It lis not worth while to place any confidence in Bourbon promise of fair play in this matter. Such promis es are easily evaded and given a strain ed construction. There. is not to-day in all the State of North Carolina' a single town of any size under republi can rule1, nor do the Bourbons intend there shall be, so long as "jerrymand ering" can be used to prevent it. Messrs. lYork dnd tised to sneak as fol A Durham Raleigh, PUSLld SPEAKING. Scales are ad ows : i ' HillsborO, Tuesday Sept. 30. Wednesday Oct. 1. ver studying Maine. t he ek T ction The National Democratic Com mit tee is at present s itjting in sack-cioth antl ashes, with ( Fabe on its left arm returns LOGICAL, t,li,i ouite often that if. thev roui bv lived VERY .i . We j have been Southern men 4 North they should be Republicaiis:' that the progress, respectability and intelligence of tlie people was there as- sociated with that party. Is thiserpial to saying that in Vfrit i they woul d be J cannibals; in Rome catholics; in En-1 gland,' higli churchmen ; that in Egypt j they would support a harem ; in Utah j be a Mormon Bis; politics posed that principle but we much to unlearn learn, j During t masters informed ' hop? We had ic wrar sup-1- was a matter oil find that we have I als well as monui one of our Quartcr- the Regimental! tol Chaplain that the reason the Children of Israel were so long kept hVthe jVH derness was 'because they "had, too many, chaplains and not enough duar- Tliis is what seems fo l with the Durham, C land and Seal es Campaign 01 nb masters." the matter eve- f. J f