if i ' THk Durham Count? . Republican, Durham, K. Tuts., Oct. 21. 1884 Enteral at t lie I'ost Office in Durham as ec- .oiiiI-cIjism matter, : REPUBLICAN NATIONAL FOR PRESIDENT James G. TICKET. brXctown AGAIN. GIV? THE COUNTY CANDIDATES WILL SI'EAK AT BRAGTOWN SATURDAY OCT. 24th AT 11 O'CLOCK !A. M. Come out and hear them, j " US . ! 1 t The materia REPRESENTATION! interests of the fourth district has had no representation hi Congress since Joe '. Davis' retirement! To be sure Gen. W. R; Cox has for four vearsTaired himself on I'ennsvl Vania Avenue as an I his salary of $ 5,000 Blaine, REPUBLICAN SPEAKING OF MAINE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: Losraii. John A. f OF ILLINOIS. Republican state Ticket. CO I. J. YOUNG WILL SPEAK i ' ! AT STORE'S HALL MONDA Y OCT. j wonderful promptness and fidelity i but this service in oiir estimation falls far short of what the Metropolitan dis trict has a right to expect. There are varied and important interests 27th L M. C. and drawn per annum with been wofullv neglected e are that MEN 884. ! SPEAKING TO COM- CE AT 8 O'CLOCK U" - " FOR GOVERNOR : TYRE ORK. or wiuIkm. 1 Come from all sections and her i ' j ; rousing goqd speaker. a lieut.-governor: WILLIAM T. If A I ROLOTH , I or waYnk. Suj Treasurer (i EOKU E W. STaNTOX, of Wil.xon. II Secretary of State V. U. CANDI.KR. of Uuncaiiibe. Amlitor F. M. LAWSOX, of Mad Lou. j Laboring men visiting the State j Exposition j are especially invited to (note ithe exhibit of Wetmore & Co.. j shoos made by convict labor': then go to Durliam County and1 see the exhibit of 'tanned leather's labeled during the greatest of all 3 mierei, iius -54.11 1. have his incumbencv nnmelv. the tobacco fered positive aul untoia narm tnrougji hisstupiditv. Were i not, for his famous telegram the State' gard Ho we him as a ell Koberson ana sav should be willing to re- well meaning jrentle man, as it is w perintendent of Public I Wuctiou4-tf KAXOIS D. W1XSTOX. of HertieJ Attorney General CHARLES A - of Warren. Associate Justice of Supreme Coiirj PAXIEL L. RUSSELL. ol Brunswick. thus, "Tanned by a wortliy colored COOK, man of Durham County." Then when on your way home cojnsiderjifthe con- vict labor of the State should be al lovvec at a inere nominal price to oc cupy the field assigned to honest in j dustry It is democratic "free trade" as we more man meaning regard him i n pol i t ict , i - : .-r wou Ida5, fossil i n a in u seu m ' I ' .. I : I i I . ' 1 : - t'l ornamental than useful. A without capacity, or ; infkiencc. He has about as much weight with tne oig guiis in vouBieHS us a w""1;: tleberry would in a four horse wagon. We want a man who has the cour- : l I i . - - ace of his convictions ami; the earnesn work of a statesman. " i r COME AGAIN! I 1 r Honest Republicans like Dr. Gris - som are to hiie the pheapest labor and sell atj chief of demagogues highest prices. j i Tobacco Plant. ! t 4 i iurhin" their backs upon tli CONtJKKSS: RICT. FOR THE FORTY-NINTH I ? . FOURTH IJIST .I i r JOSIAH TURNER. OF ORANGE REPUBLICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. lfIsiden .FOR ELECTORS OF PR ! PRESIDENT OF THE :t an UNITED ST CaptJ For County Treasurer. This week we place the name of John W. Ferrell upon county ticket as our nominee p VICE NTES : ' . t Coiig. s. oi ine :rn Cong. Cong. William A. Moore, of the Disk. William R. Trull j of the 0 Dist. Jonathan W. Albertson, 1st Cong. I Oflahda Hnbb Wm.'AV Guthrie,! of the 3rd Cong, oj Dist. ibsfAAl'UledsoeJ of the 4tl Cong. ti J) I! Dist. AiuirerTV)H,. Joyce of the 5th Cong. Rchard M. torment; of i he 6th V;ii:f mW PisU fM-?ggthe7fl . fT f i f k - i ' -J" 1 Cliarles'F: McKesson," of j ihe 8th our for i - Treasurer, j He enjoys the reputation of a good business man, stands well in the community, and is known as ia man of integrity and purit-: a good worker with a large personal following we confidently predict his election. :j ... The Office and the Man. Mi . T. CI Oakley has at last yield ed t the Solicitation of his many friends andland consented to becomo. - u a candidate? for the Legislature. The! Dr. Tyre York. . I e . -f Yes, According to the Democratic Standard Gov Holden, Bill Smith' Dr. Grissom and Rev. J. W. Gri i i som (col J licans in some attribute r 1 . ) are the onljiionest , Repub- North Carolina. There are i ' l . ; i i people mean enough however to ute Dr. Grissom's opposition to York to his (Yorks) effoi ts when a member j of tht Legislature to havje the salaries of officers at certain pub lic institution rednced, while it is a notorious fact that Rev. J. W. Gris som's defection was brought about uy i As to Cong. l)ist. i ofticel in this case has sought the man. 3Ir. Oakley; publishes in his card his platform which is the same as two years ago when he made his brilliant canvass. Our readers will readily re call his earnest words of two years ago and are al read jt prepared to give him a strong support. It is his intention to speak ih most of - the! precincts. Watch for (his advertised j appoint ments and give him good j audiences. He will givie bottom facts well worth the free use of money and Smith they were original seces- record by opposing VjCh Holden Scales. Republican majority ..t averaert in Ohio is 15,000, AVest Virginia gois democratic about 3,6o6J a Republi-' can gain of 10,000 votes. Now let's put North Carolina in among; the Re publican! States and our duty will be He democratic majority but 443. i Ve cdtti fully done. two years ago was overcome that 000 majority. and rt rr Sect York'bymK"! xne. tning to ao is if ton a R. M. Henry, of t leflth Cong. Dist..: listening to! ill! work and now is the time.