THE DURHAM DAILY L.OBJS, FRIDAY, JUNE 24. he Durham gnilg 6lobe. By AL F AI K BROTHER. IT WAS RIGHT. Two druggists of Durham have been arrested for selling goods on Sunday. Of course no one will advise people to violate the law, but we are glad that ham, N. C, us mail matter as the second class. Mayor Angier dismissed the case It is to be regretted that we have such Blue Laws. What we should do is to make our ordinances simply consistent with common sense. If a man wants a The Globe Is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carrier at $6.00 a year, or 50 cent a month. The Globe circu lates throughout North Carolina. paper, containing all the news, and is sent by glass of lemonade on Sunday he should mall at J 1.50 a year in advance. je allowed the privilege of getting it Office Corner Main and Uhurcn streets. G lobk telephone, No. 50. ADVERTISING KATES. As it is now if a druggist sells ice cream he is arrested, while a hotel Space for one week 6 cents per inch per issue, keeper can sell ice cream and not be when over 5 inches are taKen. Space per month, f 2 per inch. Heading matter 10 cents a line each insertion. Ilusiness notices 5 cents per line each inser- 1 ion. All advertisements and notices continued until ordered out. Address all communications to THE GLOIiK, Durham, ". C. molested. Such business is not good business, and the Blue Law should be repealed. If we expect to ever have a town there should be no class legislation. Mayor Angier will be endorsed in what he did. AT RANDOM. For Cleve and Steve We do believe The welkin loud will ring. The votes will come, They'll make things hum And crush the Hoosier thing. The above comprehensive song is suggested by Colon el Charley Whitaker, who says that Cleve and Stevk is the only rhyme he sees in the democratic ticket, lie says that G ROVER, Clover, Hover, Over, Etc., etc., etc., Jingles all right, but he will give a dollar to see the color of the man's hair who can get a rhyme on Adlai. & Three green goslins are now roosting on the Yam Farm. C. F. King, of the Atlanta Journal, lost 400 pounds of flesh. It was a quarter of beef which He hadought. WHAT OUR STATE WILL DO. lXJUlIAJM, N. c. FKIDAY, JUNE 24, 1892. THK (jLOBK FOU 1802 I MV WELL, SAID. The New York Sun says : A witless and very vulgar cartoon caricaturing Mr. Blaine appears on the first page of the number of Puck which was issued yesterday, dated June 22. Even if Mr. Blaine were not at this time bowed down under a domestic affliction which entitles him to the sympathy of every sensible heart, the performance of Puck would be an outrage; under the circum stances it is unspeakably brutal. It may perhaps, be said that the cartoon which has excited so much indignation and dis gust among decent people, had been pre pared and perhaps printed before the news of the death of Mr. Emmons Blaine. That makes no difference. The three or four days intervening between the death of Mr. Blaine's son and the An Insight Into the North Carolina De partment at the World's Fair. The State Chronicle says : The com mittee on collections are hard at work and every division of the several classifi cations are being prosecuted as rapidly as the nature of the w ork will admit. The progress so far made in every depart-' ment is perfectly satisfactory. In ad dition to what has been published here tofore we give below some additional items of interest to the public. The hoi ticultural department; under the super-j vision of Dr. II. B. Battle, is being most j thoroughly worked up. This departrnen has been sub divided into viticulture which will show the methods of planting staking and training the vines and vine yards. Also pomology methods, appli ance, manufacture and products, rlori culture, culinary; vegetables; seed raising, testing and distributing. The di "flOTHER'S FRIEND" is a scientifically prepared Liniment and harmless; every ingredient is of recognized value and in constant use by the medical profession. It short ens Laborj Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to life of Mother and Child. Book '-To Mothers" mailed free, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all druggists. 33 Gr G t IE LINDSAY FAUCETTE ON TOP OF THE Sip -o- MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' FINE SPRING CLOTHING OUR LINES TfflS SPRING OUTDO THING WE'VE EVER SHOWN. AXy. -o- SHIRTS ! I PLEATED, PLAIN, I NEGLIGEE. In a Large Variety of Patterns. SHIRT WIt.Ii Handle all Baggage I STIFFS ! A FULL LINE, AS WELL AS FELT AND ClirSHEltsi. 5! STIFFS Orders left at Michaels' and at Tearby's Drug Stores will receive prompt attention. CIIAKGKS REASONABLE ! And Facilities Second to None in the City Give hira an Order. SUPPLY GO. nulilication of this coarse and heartless riolwu "l uu,utu"u,c mo1"S a "au portant one every means win oe used to the furtherance of the best interest o Will call things by their real names and name them properly. It guarantees to advertisers more than double the combined circula tion ol all other papers. It will continue to tell the truth insult, allowed plenty of time for recon sideration. It would have been better to have recalled and suppressed the entire edition. In generous contrast with the perfor mance of the mugwump picture paper, is the act of the democratic convention in Chicago on Tuesday, when the resolu tion of sympathy for Mr. Blaine in his bereavement provoked a remarkable demonstration of his popularity as a man. The heartless and the hypercriti cal may doubt the good taste of the dem onstration ; but of its sincerity, sponta neity, and cordial intent there can be no question. HOW ABOUT THIS? The money plank in the democratic the state. the state ; among other things, it is the aim of the committee to have the state's annual fruit fair held at Chicago nex year ; in addition to this, arrangements will be made to have in May next an ex lnbition at Chicago or the truck grown in eastern Carolina, getting the growers to make shipments twice a week. A complete series of enlarged photo graphs, illustrating truck growing in the east, will also be shown in this depart ment. The culinary department bids fair to be especially complete, which is being aided greatly by the ladies of the state. Canned fruits and vegetables will be shown from every manufactory in It is the hope of the commit tee to be able to present such an exhibit in this line that will attract the attention of the fruit growers of the world. In the mines and mining department, Prof. J. A. Holmes, state geologist, with his crops of assistants, are busily en gaged. The collection of building stones will far exceed any exhibit heretofore made. A superb exhibit of the ores, in money of the country, and to the coinage duding gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, of both gold and silver without discrimi- zinc &c., win be made. The finer crys- nation against either metal or charge for tals and minerals which have a gem mintage; but the dollar unit of coinage vaiuej that have been secured, will make of both metals must be of equal intrinsic the most complete collection of any and PVP mn fTfifi lil rnlno nr ho arim a tori I . - 11.. - irir,.i i :.-. " & uuju.u giaie m mcLDion. i, uu iuauu juuwisva by international agreement, or by such safeguards of legislation as shall insure the maintenance of the purity of the two metals and the equal power of any dollar at all times in the market, and in the payment of debts; and we demand that platform is as follows : "We denounce the republican legisla tion known as the Sherman act of 1890 as a cowardly makeshift, fraught with possibilities of danger in the future, and jerk the mask olf of pious and which should make all of its supporters, pretending frauds. as weH as ta author, anxious for its Tf ici'ii nM wo,. ; r, ;to iif speedy repeal. We hold to the use of 4i... i i . , r both gold and silver as the standard the New South, and it asks the patronage of all honest men. IT fjlii;s. io Tlio (ilolto tn lmv wlmt. thnv rwn1 inurt remember that time Hies. It is a way that time has. Those who GROVER TALKS. The Next 1're.sirtent Over i Feels ; All. I'retJy Good Buzzard Bay. Mass.. June 2-. At have promised and fail to call at the all paper currency shall be kept at par 4:30 this morning Mr. Cleveland, through nflipo with thr stuff n-ill l,n mrmJ"11" duu icuwiuauie m suen coin. v e governor nusseu, sent irom uray uauies ' insist upon this policy as especially the following statement to the press t lie advantage ol an explanation to necessary for the protection of the "I should certainly bo chargeable with farmers and laboring classes. The first dense insincerity if I were not pro and most defenceless victims of unstable foundly touched by this new proof of money and a fluctuating currency." confidence and trust of the great party This will not cause much rejoicing in to which I belong, and whose mandates the camp ofthe third partyites. We will claim my loyal obedience. be obliged to wait for the Omaha con vention before we get what we want. the cil'ect that they lied about what they owed. All must come and whack some- thin l r Tin: Hat and the to business now. Bat must cret down V v. want to know and all at once, Is that hot enough for you? Cleveland and Stevenson. That is not a gcod sounding ticket. The cam paign sonir writers will find it hard work to get up a rhyme on that. In these times our readers imut re member that a little politics is not out of Adlai K. Stevenson. Xews and Observer. The nomination of Hon. Adlai E Stev enson lor vice-president is extremely agreeable to us. In fact we had joined our friend Joe Caldwell in urging him for the first place on the ticket. Failing in that we are rejoiced to see hfm honored by the nomination for the vice-presidencv. It goes without saying that we believe Mr. Stevenson will brinir to the ticket his place. Accordingly we propose to use a full share of the necessary popularity to little politics now and then. secure its irinmnhnnt nifSnn tt ;3 known throughout the uniou, and has a reputation for standing up for his party that is in accord with the large majority The Creensboro Keeord says that it was for Hill and is for him yet. How ever, it will support Cleveland this time and Hill four years from now. "I am confident that our fellow countrymen are ready to receive with approval the principles of true denioc racy, and I cannot rid myself of the be lief that to win success it is only neces sary to presistently and honest advo cate these principles." "Differences of opinion and judgment in democratic conventions are by no means unwholesome indications, but it is hardly conceivable in view of the im portance of our success to the"country and to the party that there should te anywhere among democrats any lack of harmonious and active effort to. win in the campaign which opens before us, I have, therefore, no concern on that sub ject. that it was the original per. A dozen now come in that distinction. The Clore been for Cleveland. and claim has never Tin- P.i .MM- !i. I "7 - " i iuuuMium delegation should have been so instru Cleveland pa- mental in securing his nominatinn Mr. Stevenson is of North Carolina parentage. His father moved from the section near Statesville to Illinois just 1 he date for the opening of the World's bifore the birth of this son. Mr. Steven fair is les9 than a year oil now and North son has rilled manj' positions of trust and Carolina is making very slow progress in honor in Illinois, and served with great the way of icpresentation. The Durham acceptability in congress auxiliary should get a move on itself. It is announced that J. Daniels will become editor of The Progressive Far mer. But as the last issue of The Farmer stated that Mis. Bamsey would continue in charge, the rumor is perhaps a mid summer joke. The Omaha Bee is just twenty one years old, and will vote this fall for Har isison and Beid. Colonel Bosewater 'Tt will nnrt ni nl ir mv nnnctont nn . lUv wuiucmuc pcupie. u e are grau- tinnvn9 in ,in , ..... i ui. a f w ii nea particularly that the North Carolina ;scrye the support of every democrat." LOOK AT THIS. When Cleveland was elected president in 18S4, Mr. Stevenson became his first assistant postmaster-general and won many encomiums on the efficient dis charge of that difficult position. This spring- he was spoken of in con nection with the nomination for gover nor of Illinois, but did not enter the race. Most of the North Carolina delegation " arren, general manager, or C. A. Jor- voted for him for president, and thev dan, secretary and treasurer. were largely instrumental A Fine Chance to Get a Home :it Low and Reasonable Prices. The Trinity Land company who, it will be remembered, bought the T. B. Lyon land near Trinity college only a few weeks ago, have already had the property laid off and platted into nice streets and lots, and are now ready to sell the lots to any person desiring to build. It is the intention of the company to build up a nice community out there. Lots will be sold reasonable, as it is not the purpose of this company to try to make a fortune out of it. For prices, etc.. aDDlv to J. B. brinjrin: bu been the most successful newspaper him forward for the vice-nresidencv. .odd, nST 3 ST" "-SSS men in the West and his great paper is Mr. Stevenson was from first to last a has no equal. r," j,titt and abi,ity i sr adTocate of c,eTe,ands nomina- cfifetidoti! are k v cured by Mmmons Liver Regulator. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Neckwear The Neatest Ever Shown ! r it TV -V m - 1 timers lianiKsewed SHOES Turner's H;! In Congress, Button and Lace. "W. SLATEE dz CO. Northwest Corner Main Street, Durham, X. c. -FOR- PEOPLE' WHO WALK ZEdL SZEdZO H i s That ours is rienced manager Shoe Business of run by an expe- "Shoe Man." The knows the truth about Shoes and Leather, and tells it. He under- . i m Til i stanas onoes, ana mat can be honestly said about few shoe dealers. Just Heeeived ! Four styles Ladies7 and Misses' Oxford Slippers. They arrived late and will be sold at cheap prices. ZJT All proper sorts of Shoes for-men and women, boys and girls, are here at eminently proper prices that is cheap. Durham Supply Go. IMIaiia. Street. TRINITY COLLEGE. The next session ODens September 1, 1802, at Durham in the new luiildings on Trinity Park. Seven departments of instruc tion. A superior faculty. New laboratories, libraries and mu seum. Finest dormitories in the state. Ex penses reasonably low. All courses open to local patronage. Catalogues may bo had at Oattis1 book store, or by applying to th pres ident. For rooms apply to JOHN r . CUOWEL.U Fro.. Trinity Park, Durham, Is.C. Headquarters, Raleigh. Durham OHice, II. .1. Brown, A -rout. Hotel Driver. "Seeing1 mm mm is Bel levin 2 A 71 1 a a mi r e simple; when it is r.ot simple it i: :''H'lf&' od. Simple, Beautiful, Goedtie jj ,ii aiiu scaimcsi, ai;u nuiuc ui mice j)ieces Or.l y, .v;: absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's must b not cood words mean much, but to see he Rochester" will impress the truth more forcihlv. All metal tough and seamles it is 01 01a, it is inaeea a "wondenul lamp, lor its mar velous light is purer and brighter ti nn 'eas lifiht. softer than electric light and more cheerful th-n either. Look for this stamp The Uochestfr. Iff": 1 tmti'itT.lor hisrn the cnnln Rochester, and the style yon want, send t.i u. ;".r our new illu-trated catal'n: and we will send you a lamo Fift-ly bv twr.rt - tliuicb of over 2.U0I varieties from the largest Lamp 2t tin the It '.' llOCIXESTnil LAITIP CO., 12 i'arli Place, .cr fork CUf. W "The Rochester." BILLINGS, KING & CO'S PURE Ready Mixed Paint! GUARANTEED TO COVER WORE SQUARE FEET PER GAL LON THAN ANY PAINT ON THE MARKET. -o- FOU SALE IX DUltHATVI K.VCLUSI VI5LY I5V I0HAELB & COMPANY, DBUGG-ISTS, Corner Main and Maninn Sticit h Jim, .i 9"" -A - (. r? r -hv rrr v ' W til ' - . l j . . ii ) 1 " v2tr:- ' Wc deal with all parts of the Country. Send your orders to 44 The Globe, us direct. cfo L HILL PRINTING CO., t RICHMOND, Vd or to

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