t lie ST this globe is i j cUS snd DISCUSSED. mm i) THE GLOI1K IS j NEVZfl A TOMBSTONE.! !j! 1--. . ,(! j! IT IS ALO.NE rOU LITE MKif.- PRICE FIVE CENTS. ct' ! t Vlli:yci' of riiosPEKiry. I VOL. HI-NO, 118, DURHAM, E". CM SATUKUAY EVENIKG, JUKE 125, 189!i. nn Sf-? Will be Ezliibited at Washington City June 28. Take Advantage of the "vTS BONANZA JUNE 27, AND GO SEE IT (Stow o u LL W BUaHAK TO KORFOLE iU&D RSTURHT, $2.50. 3D tt i5 n im: . nr c XOT MUCK WATER! jlirii.' Were but Two Feet of Water in the I!e?erYoir, Keeping It Dark" 1111M MAOUlNO Mi 111.1 I The Exercises Last Night Were a Decided Success. Hiit t!! in m J W!iooel It I'p Lively Yesterday. THE CITY SHOULD LOOK AFTER THIS jvople Wiio Come and ('Jo liricf ISrcvi-ti-s ol Interest to All IleatkrH of The (Jlobe. TLtic lias been complaint from several ...urn; to, tlie effect that the supply of vutei in the reservoir was not what it -h i)d h'. At tin.1 "flier of the water company i: wa; ( !;ti"H''l that a full head of water ;t- on, ami that, the pressure whm sixty--fvci) pounds. It will he remembered that Mr. Hol iii:i!i stated a few months ago that the ii:;uiitity of water in the reservoir did not iiiTeet the presure materiallv. This we believe was accepted. However, the board then ordered that :tt least eight feet of water be kept there. Yesterday at 5:20 p. m. Mr. Starrette, of this paper, and the editor hereof meas ured the water and it depth was a trifle less than two feet. At :2o, however, the pump commenced work, and jvas still going at fi:4." when we left. It is supposed that after an inquiry at the office steam was hurriedly gotten up au'l the How started if the order is for eight feet of water there should be eight feet. If two feet is "iiflinVnt then all right, but the opinion of manv is that two feet is not sufficient. LIVE LOCAL LINKS. The Uanquet All That Coald Have Heen Expected. PROGRAMME AS IT WAS RENDERED "ALL THINGS COME TO HIM WHO WAITS." least fifty yards from its foundation. Mr. Rogers, of Persimmon Tree Station, is our informant. A day and night with the ocean breezes. Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Wrightsville and Ocean View. The nicest and best excursion of the season will be run from Durham to the above named places Monday, July 11. Train will leave Durham at 7 o'clock a. m., and arrive at Wilmington at 12:20 p. m. Re turning will leave Wilmington at 5 o'clock the next evening and reach home at UMO o'clock. Round trip, $2.75. The managers are well known and reliable men and will do all in their power to add to the pleasure and comfort of the crowd. Messrs. T. 15. Moseley, J. M. Broughton and R II. Bradley are managers. COMING AND GOING. Hie I;' lU'conl of Cuirent Events in tin City and Vicinity. W. Vickers, county superinten dent, has a very sick child at his home. ('apt. M. Smith's private car hit here this morning, via , Henderson, for lhtleigh. We are reliably informed that J. B. Gates has announced himself an indepen dent democratic candidate for the office of eounty treasurer. Our townspeople will please keep in "dnd that Monday is the day set apart for the .great Bonanza excursion to Norfolk. All who go may expect a good time. To dose out their stock of baby car ri:.Tos at once, The Cheek Furniture Co. offer the greatest inducements ever be il,re offered. Easy payments if desired. If you go on the excursion to Wil "ungion and are not satisfied when you turn, the managers will give your money back. Every passenger guaran Ued a seat or money refunded. To those who have not yet made a "turn of their taxable property we would N1y that the time has about expired. We u1 not wish to know of any one having " pay double tax because of negligence. "-Did you ever see the old ocean? -'d. whether you have or not, you can't H;'!d to miss this chance. Join the ex curion party to Wilmington, Carolina Hueh, Wrightsville and Ocean View, M:'n'!ay, July ll. A horse belonging to (ieorge Hardin ra away yesterday but no damage done. - horse was hitched at Duke's factory, beeoming frightened at the car?, ,foke loose and never stopped until he ,al reached the stables. I wo colored men and three colored otaen. of Raleigh, are in Durham ere- 'ns- finite a stir among the colored creh people. TUe doctrine of sanctifi-atii-a is what they are harping upon. ' fiveral members of the Methodist and ,aPtist churches have joined in the pro sion. rt-w people of our city are not aare that we had a cyclone in the city H'sterday evening, nevertheless, it is a -L A cloud passed around North urlam about 2 o'clock in the after non, accompanied by a severe wind, jD(i laid waste a heavily built chicken i0llS(?. not a coop, and carried It at Durham I'cople on the Move anil Visitors in the City. R. P. Canaday, of Creedmoor, is in the city. Capt. J. S. Lockhart has gone to More head. II. E. Seeman returned yestetday from Morchead, G. L. LeRoy, of Norfolk, left on the noon train. C. II. Doughty, of Greensboro, is at Hotel Driver. Morgan R. Mills, of Richmond, is at Hotel Driver. Mrs. W. II. Dixon left to-day to visit relatives at Wilson. C. W.Johnson, of Chapel Hill, is spend ing the day in Durham. Mrs. Lula Dolman, left to-day to visit relatives at Fayetteville. Louis Purycar, of Daiville, is visiting his brother at the Yearbr house. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ilae, of South Bo -ton, Va , arrived yesterday on a visit to friends and relatives. W.R.Jackson, of Blacksburg, S. C , arrived in the city to day and will make Durham his future home. M. Mike Sherwood and John Wheeler, of Greensboro, passed through the city to-day en route to Morehead. Misses. White and Iludgins, of Greens boro college, passed through the city to day enroute to Morehead City. Rev. F. L. Reid, of the Raleigh Chris tian Advocate, passed through the city to day en route home from Charlotte. Mrs. Dr. L. A. Hanks, of Pittsboro, J who stopped over in Durham while on her way home from Baltimore, left to day with her children. Rev. S. C. Tapp came in to day from Caldwell Institute, and will occupy the pulpit of the Second Baptist church to morrow morning and also at night. R. C. Gulley, who has been in the city for about a month, went to Carey to day and will return next week with his family and make Durham his pcrmaneut place of abode. Miss Lillie Koonce, who has been visit ing her aunt, Mrs. D. W. Whitaker, re turned to her home at Raleigh to day. She was accompanied by Misses Fannie and Lottie Whitaker, her cousins. The Funeral Services of 31iss l la liou land Held This Morning and Was Attended by a Large Crowd. The exercises of the Masonic meeting at Stokes hall last night were of an inter esting character. The opening prayer was offered by Rev. Stewart McQueen. The master of the lodge then intro duced Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, who deliv ered a magnificent address upon the subject of Masonrj', after which the in stallation of officers for the ensuing Masonic year took place.' Mr. J. S. Carr was the installing officer and Capt. J. F. Frecland was the master of ceremonies. The following officers were installed : James Southgate, W. M. E. T. Rollins, S. W. J. S. Burch, J. W. W. A. Albright, Treasurer. James Gattis, Secretary. II. N. Snow, S. D. S. L. Leary, J. D. R. I. Cheatham and J. M. Hornada)'-, Stewards. R. S. Wood, I. G. Wr. P. Rollins, Tiler. Immediately after installment a large crowd proceeded to the Y M. C. A. hall to join in the grand banquet, where a joyous time was had. Professor E. W. Kennedy was toast master. First toast James II. Southgate. He responded to the toast, Masonry. J. S. Carr, toast, woman. Rev. Stewart McQueen, Masonry the hand-maid of Religion. Col. W. A Albright, Masonry in Dur ham. Seats were prepared for 200 guests and nearly all wlm"C tilled. The whole was a delightful affair. o- SO WHILE YOU AKE WAITING, WAIT TILL Thursday, July 14, 1892, WHEN THE -13 Will leave for Norfolk at 8:30 a. m., and return Saturday 5:30 p. in. reS ZF-RIE, nOXTISTOD TjESIIE3, $2.50. PBEELiilTD CHRISTIAN. THE FALL SESSION OF LMD TO REST. Til. Mortal U-Miitiiiis of Miss Ula ISow lan I C-iis!fied to Their Last Home. The funeral services of Miss Ula Ro v land, conducted this morning from the Presbyterian church drew forth a large crowd of sympathizing friends, who had known and loved her while living and who anxious to pay this last trib ute of respect mingled their tears with those of the sorrowing parents. Rev. Mr. Beaman read a portion of scripture from which he drew lessons timely and beautiful. Rev. II. T. Darnall assisted in these sei vices and many followed the remains to the cemetery. Capt. E. J. Parrish, Walter Bradsher, W. M. Yearby, John Jones and James R. Rankin acted as pall bearers. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful. !enderson College Will Opan Sept. 5, 1892, With a lull corps of teachers in En glish, Latin, German, French, Spanish, and Mathematics through conic sections, Music, vocal and instrumental, Art, Elocution and Calisthenics. For catalogue with terms and special rates, address MRS. B. B. PHILLIPS, PRINCIPAL, HENDERSON, N. C. ELLIS, STONE & CO'S JST (J I SKAT 52Q CLEARANCE SALE OF REMAHTS Will be continued through next week. -o- The Testimonials Published in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla are not extravagant, are not "written up," nor are they from its employes. They are facts, and prove that Hood's Sarsa parilla possesses absolute merit and is worty the full confidence of the people. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, eUective, but do not cause pain or gripe. Be sure to get Hood's. Malarial fever and its eHects quickly give way to Simmons Liver Regulator. Is your blood pure ? Pills. Take Beecham's Tobacco Association. The North Carolina Tobacco associa tion meets at Morehead Cit July 5. Tickets on sale July 2 to .1 inclusive, limited to June 11. Round trip, Durham to Morehead City and return, $ 5.73. Any one can go to the convention that desires to do so, can enjoy all of the privileges of reduced rates and will receive the courtesies of the association. The meet ing promises to be a big one and every tobacco section should take a big interest in it, as all will be much benefited by the results of the convention. Albert Kramek, President Durham Tob. Asso'n. J. S. Burch, Secretary. The Homeliest Man la Durham, As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Large bottles 50 cents and f 1. Every line of goods is represented on our remnant tables. Elegant line of Black Goods in lengths from 3 to G yards. Among them will be seen some of the best grode3 of 4C-inch Henriettas. Sec them. They arc cheap and desirable. You can pick up a dress pattern at a bargain. Our clearance sale of Mattings at cut prices still holds good. A few choice patterns yet on sale. These Mattings arc cheap ond we advise all in need of Matting to call and secure a bargain before the lot is cleared out 124 Main Street, Durham, X. C. Ice-Cream Soda ! i Pineapple Bon-Bon ! j Chocolate Cream ! : Delicious and Refreshing Fine as the Finest Popular with all. Limeade with Crushed or Shaved Ice, at DRUG STORE. A FULL PURSE ! -o- It is a very satisfactory thing to con template. Those who squander money on poor goods and bad bargains have thin purses. QST THE WORTH OP YOUR MONEY. Our Prescription Service is Unsurpassed. Night Bell. Xo. 123 East Main Street, Durham. This is the season of the year that you need Fly Fans and Fly Traps. Those Wire Window Screens at 40 and 50 cents are the cheapest thing out. Our Lawn Mowers at $5.50, 0.00 and $0.50 are extremely low and thev make it a pleasure to cut grass. White Mountain Freezers, Water Coolers, Etc., at Hock Bottom Prices. CALL AND SEE US AT LLOYD'S HARDWARE STORE, DUltllAM, X. C.