1 i OURHA3I. N. C, SATUKOAY H.V.ENXNG, SEPTJSMliJiK 8, IS94. PllICE FIVE C ir. TS. VOL. V. NO. UOO. THE GOSSIP FROM GOTHAM Dtipew Will Oppose Morton for Governor. I ILL IJKARS GOOD FRITf iias Consul Vet Mifesing lrom Ilia Neu York Ollin. ,.. . t It Til.tl and Conviction of Stevm--,n It Ih Am ertained That at Least lour Other Official Will He Tried at On Dr. lluisfcll Arrive in Ni- Vork Healthy and MroiiJC. but Decline to Speak. N'l v Yi:K. September S. Notbinpr :;c been li. ;trl of .1. Iwnilm bassos. :.e iiiismiil: i.oiivi.ta .......... ciiv. It is now nearly nine wn'i since he was last seen in ibis city and in the meantime an acting ' nsi 1 - ien eial lias been appointed, lb- is Alejan dro Santos and is located in the same Imildin-that his prolc-ess. ,i occupied at No. l'. Whitehall street. Creditflrs hope 1 hat Lassos, has only left town for some summer resort for a little vacation and that he will turn up all rijht. It. is alh-c-ed. however, that he has one to I'nnama on a I'acdu n,,i,i -o-am.ship. Other to hollow s iiou. .i i... 'I lie i n vest iat ion of the NeW Yorl: police corruption remtinin s to l.ear ood fruit. More than lifty down-town merchants and produce dealers ap peared Wednesday before Mr. Well man's associate. Assistant hist net Attorney arnit hers, to furnish further evidence aainst I'olice aptain Stevenson and others of the police. It is certain that a bomb will be exploded in a few days. Mr. ('arrutliers said so unreservedly, and September will riot end without t lie arraignment of at least four more police captains. This will lie the result of Mr. Wellman's original investiga tion" bee-un a few weeks ae-o. Doctor Iturtsell KeturiiH. hr. Ihirtsell. who ari'ived on theAu lania frrm Liverpool yesterday, said that he hud had u pleasant trip, spend ing most of the time in Home. His health was never better. lie positively refused to sa v v.hether he was the hearer of a papal message to Mr. Sa i'.ii. neither would he confirm or deny '!, report that he had been appointed i-nt for t lie society for the propa;a ' ..nof the encyclical rerum noarum in the I'nited States. The doctor said that he would remain in New York for a couple of days before proceeding to his home in Kondont. but he refuses to e i ve 1 1 is ei 1 y a dd ress. Uepew to Oppose Morton. A hih republican authority said yes terday afternoon that a cable message had been sent to t'hauncey M. Dopey asUino- him to lerni a candidate for governor of New York, or to assume the direction of the opposition to Mr. Morion. This, opposition consists of the men who were most active in recog nizing t ho party in this city ami in cludes W illiam I! rook field. General Horace Porter, and .b.hn Sabine Smith. A reply is expected from Mr. hepew t m lay. HORSEMEN TO TAKE ACTION. KmiKir That They Will Oivo .'."..OOO to Defeat llrcc k I n ridge. I'lM'INXA r I . ., September S. The horsemen w ill make a move on Colonel Kreck i nridc-e that will border on the sensational. A movement has boon or ganized amoii" the Kentucky turfmen at l.atoniatoco against Preckinridc tor all they are worth. On the nilit of September 14 u special train will V;ivc the l.utonia racetrack to takv tiio (ens men to their homes to vote against P.reckinridc"e. The race men are sore at Prei-kinrhlLre because of a speech of his. in which he is reported :'s say iuc; that horsemen had no sense and should be run out of the country, i he action of the horsemen has created h talk. They have influence and k v. It is said that they have prom : sj;, (i(H to the campaign fund to ' ' ' i'.reckinridfv should he get the '' -.at ion. ADMIRAL ERBEN RETIRED. ' H Mi,i,,,lv Kichard Meade Secure a I'romot Ion an a Ketmlt. U s . . n. Septembers. Pear Ad- m:ra' " Krben, commanding the hurope.tn latval station was t' vears " ycs:( :,;a V- an,i hauled dow n the ad-:!i:r:'- v penant on the flagship Chicago. .ov;ng his place on the retired list. The 1 ...i ago is at Cowes, Kng.. and her com ''andcr. Captain Malum, will succeed A imii al Krben as chief of the Kuropoau Nation until the arrival of Commodore kirklandfrom Cape Town to reliee in. Commodore and Act lm- Hear y.u - - .... !"..:rai uionani .Meade became a roar ad miral vesterdav 1bronrl, th.. v.t o-.. r .... . , wi v. Uil lU ef Admiral Krben. THEY WERE DISCHARGED. Sem Michigan Workmen W ho ot.rvd I-alr Day Loe Their .lobs. 1 1 ii, p. roN. Mich.. Septembers. The state of Michigan dischar ges its labor- ers eeause thev celebrate Labor lh :i al holiday. IV. f L'idwdl in .Onr,... of the repair work at the State Mining School during the absence of Director Yadsworth. discharged seven work men yesterday because thev failed to come to work Tues, lav. Indie-nation is felt over flu matter wi'.l Rich at once. summary action. The laid before Governor i mm.!. H1 :i C- M- -'erndon will Lave w",,":i,ul1'.1"1 week and desires Hne Y-'b i'd in your orders. to LOCAL NOTES. People ( oiii in); ami Going Note of In-J terest Kaily Head. Mr. K. I. liefer- returned to tie city today. Mrs. II. McCube. returned to the city last evening. Misi Kthel Koberts ban been routined to bcr Lome for several days, threatened with fever. W. A. Koger?, the News and Observer representative, has been in the city for several dnys. Conductor Witherspoon and family j are spending several cays here on a visit ' to Captain Whittcd ! Mr. II P Houn and W. W Fuller left this morninir for HilUboro to attend the convention there today. Miss Undine Iiarham, who has been vL-iiinir relatives in Winston for the past .. fWv. returned home todav at noon. - ! The many friends of Mr. George Col lins will be glad to know he is in the i state again. He passed through the city ' on his way to Kaleigh this noon. ; John W. Iiiggsbee, chairman republi can county convention, has issued a call for the convention to assemble here on ; Sept. at 2 o'clock. The call says : "All who oppose the present election laws of North Carolina and favor fair elections ; are cordially invited to attend the county j convention. I It was found upon investigation by the street commissioner that the street in front of the Watts hospital was in the corporate limits of North Durham, and that they could not take any stept in re gards to grading it without permission of the commissioners of North Durham. They have called a meeting for this after noon to take some steps in regard to the mitter. There is a drummer who travels for Kerner, Montgomery & Co, of Lynchburg who will not want to go to Koxboro again soon. His name is P. J. Winand, and he is evidently very green. The boys there got up a snipe hunt last night for his special benefit, but he did not know it, as is usually the case. However lie knoyvs it uoyv, much to his sorrow and regret. They took him about three miles from the city and set him down in the woods yvith a bag and a lantern and told him to hold until the felloyv with the other 1 intern some distance away moved. The consequence yvas that Winand stayed in woods all night long. They had get the other lantern some distance ayvay from him and went oil' and left it. Winand yvas a sick felloyv when the boys brought him in this morning, lie left town as soon as possible. Kast Durham Items. Rev. Mr. Llauchard is spending the week In Cary. W. S. Dullie, of Koxboro, arrived in the town this evening oa a visit to his brother, Kev. J F. McDuflie. Kev. J. F. McDullie arrived today from li )hinson'sGrove, Durham county, wh-rf he went to fill his appointment. Mr J. W. Cameron, one of our promi ncnt citizens, has just completed a very neat home in the eastern part of the city He is teaching school near the citv. K. G. Stephens, a highly esteemed ciii zen of our thriving little tovvn, i, con fin oil to his room, we are very sorry to s'afe. with a slight touch of fever. Ve hope he will be out soon W. J. Wyatt visited Oak Grove a day or so ago and reports crops injured very much by recent rains, fodder especially. He is a dairyman in our toyvn and is well fixed for the business and we judge from his vineyard th tt he was not short on grapes this year. Our thriving little town generally is on a boom. Some new houses are noyv near completion and others starling. Our grocery men are very well satisfied with their trade anil it is a little on the increase, also our druggist is not saying very much about the stringency of the times Mayor's Court. Walter M. Drowning was charged with disorderly conduct, but he submitted his case and was discharged upon the pay ment of the cost, amounting to $2 00 S 'illie Christian was charged with in suiting old niin Max Fivell, a Jew who tias a very patriarchal appearance, by calling him ranta Claus. He was dij i churned noon the nnvment of the cost. j 1 k I J ' i .'.in. ' Nelson Long, the porter at Ulacknali's , drug :?ure, was charged with the same ; offence, and was discharged upon pay I inent of c )st. W eslcy liay, who was charged with the larceny of some ausage chscs, was oound ,,ver tt court in the sum of $2o Molke snipes, w ho was charged as bein his accomplice, was discharged. The Modern Iteatitv Thrives on good food and sunshine, plenty of exercise in the open air. form glows with health and her w un Her face u.ooms wun us beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, the uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative Syrup of Fi;s. GASTON WAS NOT KILLED The Famous Negro Emigra tion Agent in Liberia. n tii tmm- Tin'' ii r i i) i FLOODS IMPEDE Til h WAK ; Military Operations at a Stand Still in the East. Tragedy in a Georgia Town Three West ern Sf nators Expec ted to Leave the Re publican I'arty A. Cans of Counter feiters. Together with Their Moulds, Captured in This State. Atlanta. September s. Hack of the storv of the shootinir of Gaston, the i- rican colonizer, which occurred at a place near spuria .moiuui mm. is a sensational story of fraud and false pretense which has stirred up that en tire section of the state. The wounded colonizer is not Penja min V. (diston, the famous negro emi-g-ration agent who worked Atlanta for several months, but a preacher who has pulled the ignorant negroes of Hancock county and adjoining" counties for sev eral thousand dollars. As a matter of fact the Atlanta Gas ton is now in Liberia and will set sail for this country in a few days. He went to Liberia tome time in June, and has been there getting into homes a colony of Georgia negroes that he car ried to Liberia. During his absence he has been im personated by a swindler and a hum bug who. in the name of the African movement, has collected several thou sand dollars from his blind followers. THE FLOODS IMPEDE THE WAR. Military Operations in the Kast at a Prac eal Stand Still for the Present. Tokio. Japan. September S. The last reports from the front tell of heavy rains, which have impeded military operations. The streams of the Korean peninsula have risen rapidly and much of the adjacent lowland is partially Hooded. The Japanese officers say it is not likely that any battle will be fought before the floods subside. Occa sional skirmishes have taken place they say. but neither side has tried recently to bring about a decisive action. The Japanese regulars now in Korea num ber :'0.000. Some 10.000 of these troops, comprising a strong cavalry force, have been detailed for the scouting service and the protection of the main army's lines of supply and communication. TRAGEDY IN A GEORGIA TOWN. J. F. Uolinson, of Tallulah Falls, Uses a Pistol on K. XV. Shirley. Tai.mt.ah Falls, Ga., Septembers. I. F. Robinson shot and seriously wounded E. W. Shirley yesterday. The ball entered below his right shoulder, ranged downward through the right lung and came out just below the right shoulder blade. Robinson says he did not intend to kill Shirley, but did in tend to disable mm. the doctors say that recovery is extremely doubtful. Robinson is a partner in the Tallulah furniture and lumber company, and a brother to the state senator, T. A. Rob inson. The trouble occurred about a difference in settling a lumber transac tion. THE REVOLT IN THE WEST. Three Senators, Confidently Uelieved, Heady to Disentegrate at any Moment. Washington. September s. it is re ported here today and credited among many politicians that Senator Teller anil Senator Shoup, have determined upon a course similar to that pursued by Senator Jones, to leave the republican party. It has been known here for some time past that Senator Dubois was meditating leaviny; the republican party, but the report that Senators Shoup and Teller con template similar action has created consternation among the republicans in this city. CAROLINA COUNTERFEITERS. Arrest of I.oyd and Wilson at Manning and Their Moulds Captured. Manning. S. C, September s Joe Henry Lloyd and Charles L. Wilson both yvhite. have been arrested am lodged in jail here for counterfeiting by Deputy Charles L. Kmanuel. Mr. Emanuel says he found seven moulds for counterfeiting" m ail denominations from a nickle to one dollar. It is thought that there are several more who will be arrested in a few days Mil ' - 1 1 i no counterieix money nas teen pass mg around here for about six months THE WATTS HOSPITAL. When Completed Will Prove a Credit to Durham Workmen. Mr Norton is certainly doing some very tine work on the Watts hospital. Xt would be of interest to any one who contemplate building soon to inuestigate this piice of work and see how it is bein doie. The workmanship on a building a very large part of it. Durham is forlu rate in having a contractor who is capa ble of doing such work. The grading o the hill in front of the building is being done by Mr. R. II. Hibberd, another one of Durham's citizens who understand their business The plumbing and heat in will be done by S. W. Ilolman fc Co who have a force of very capable men in their line. It is to the credit of the city that all of this work can be done by home concerns. POPULISTS MEET. j. ; I. yon Was Made Chairman, and W XV. Woods Secretary. The Durham township populist con vention was held in the court house this afternoon. It wa9 called for one o'clock but did not convene until 2: 0. The con vention was called to order by I. G. Lyon who declared the convention open for business, J. G. Lyon wa made perma- nent chairman, W. W. Woods, on motion was made permanent secretary. Mr. Lyon addressed the convention in a few well chosen yvords. He said he had joined this party two years ago, and had burned all his bridges. On motion a committee of three were appointed by the chair to confer together and recommend ten delegates to the county convention to be held here next Saturday. They were D. Mangum, Mr. Perry, J. K. Shambly. The following were elected delegates to the county convention : N. W. IIol- oway. W. D. Cole, W. D. Blalock, J. W. Terrell, J. D. Perry, W. S. Newtcn, Jas. Sheppard, D M. Cheek, Rev. Ed Brown, col ; Rev. Sun Ilolman, col. The selection of delegates did not seem to meet the entire approval of the con vention as there was only four votes cast The next business being the nomination of township constable John A. Proctor was nominated by acclamation. The following gentlemen were elected as the executive committee for this town ship: U.J Knight, S.D.Perry, W. P. doctor, W. P. Ilaily and W. T. Neil. Mr. Lyon was called upon and ad dressed the convention, lie said he yvas here, and a full-Hedged populist, and his reason for withdrawing from the demo cratic party was that he found that neither the party was for his interest, aud that he believes the populists is the party for the people. D. Mangum was called upon to speak, but he yvanttd to adjourn the meeting f t once. Mr. O D. Perry arose and said that 1 e was not the oldest man in North Caro Una, but he yvas one among the oldest populists in the state. That five years ago he could earn $1 easier than he could 10 cents today, and that is proof enough for him to know that something is wrong yvith the government. On motion the convention then ad journed. A Card. Durham, N. C, Sept. 8, 1894 Editor Durham Globe: Dear Sir I desire to call attention to a few things which in my judgment is detrimental to our tobacco market. There is a practice existing to rebate a buyer one half the charges on tobacco, and thus a worthless buyer can go to the country and buy largely and pay fabulous prices and never make his contracts good, and after the sales call around and get a check for one-half the charges. It is working harm to our market and should be stopped. There are some men running over the country and telling the people that to bacco is bringing nothing scarcely and quoting prices far below market to make big profits for themselves, and in case they fail to derive a trade that man will b i sure to go to some market from which there is a favorable report. There is another abominable practice a few worthless cusses lay around and yvhispers in a farmer's ear when becomes to market, that he will pike his tobacco for $100 or 50 cents, when in reality his bid would ruin the farmer's sale and it would not be taken at all. In fact there are other matters just along on this line that should receive the attention of our Board of Trade and be broken up and that quick If folks don't quit their meacess and working barm to our market, then come right out and call names and tales too. I for one warehousemen will come out and shake Uantls with our B ard of Trade to brake up all such ras cality. Very truly, John R. Hutchings. County Sehools. Mr. R B. Blalock, superintendent of public instruction, visited the school in district lo, white, toda in Oak Grove township. Miss Maggie Laws is the teacher. She attended the Nash school at Hillsboro and is well educated There are now fifty five pupils enrolled in her school. She is a very earnest energetic teacher 1 he school committee of this district are Messrs. Joseph Hopson, W G. Page and Charley Morris. of cures such as no other medicine can boast of, has been won during the past 25 years by Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The worst forms of Scrofula, Salt -rheum. Tetter, Eczema, Erysip elas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, Tu mors and Swellings, are cured by it. Mr. John G. Foster, of 53 Chapxn Street Can andaiijua, X. Y.. sars: " I was troubled with eczema, or salt-rheum, seven years. I doctored with a number of our home physicians. alo with Rochester. New York, and Philadelphia doctors, and received no Mr. FtjgTEB. be nent- I paid out hun dred of dollars to no purpose. I have t&ken ten bottles ot the 'Discovery ' aiivl am ta tirelx cured. A RECORD The Tari Mr. Cleveland has freely given to the people of Amer ica his reasons for not signing the bill which at midnight August 27, 1894, became a law. And we now give to the public our reasons tor pin ing Clothing:, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, etc., on the low price schedule : 1. Our goods were bought by experienced buyers. 2. Our goods were bought after the reduction in prices. 3. We buy direct from the largest manufacturers in the country. 4. We are satisfied with a small profit. Therefore we have affixed our signatures to the low price list on all Men's and Boys' Wearing Apparel. We are receiving daily a fine line of Clothing, Furnish ing Goods, Hats, Shoes, etc., and we invite you to call and examine same. SUCCESSOR TO W. 100 West Main, J. H. SNEED, Manager. LOW TARIFF FOR H n mi 834 M Our ma-chless array of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gents' Furnishings for every age and condition of man is ready. New Styles, New Cloth AlTects, D. B. Suits, Long Sack Suits, Long Frock Suits. Extra Size Suits, Long Stout Suits. All relia bly cut, made and trimmed Best in America for the price. Low Tariff is our motto, and the prices at which we will sell our clothing this season are lower than you will ever see atrain Everything that a man or boy needs for the fall and winter wear to select from. Step in and see for yourself when you pass our way. Your past favors have been all that we could ask for, and by square dealing and low prices we hope to have a continuance ot the same. T. MJVIBE, Tl7e Clothier- PEOPLE'S COLUMN Short Time Cards, 1 Cent per word per day; One Ineli, J$3 per month; Two and One-Half Inches, !4 per month. TEW ADVEUTISEMEXTS-T. J. Lam be, li A. Frank, J. V Hutcbins. HELP WANTED, MALE Are you unem ployed ? Will you work lor $15 weekly ? Enclose reference and sell-addressed stamped envelope, Secretary, Box P, Chicago. I7OK DRESS MAKING In the latest styles, at prices to suit the times, and guaranteed to give satilaction call on Mrs. Geo. S. Taylor, ltd Hunt Street. WANTED 10.000 persons to buy the good beef, pork, mutton and sausage 1 am hav ing on my stall every day. J. W. II L'TCIUNS. WANTED Customers to buy fresh leef. They willalways rind it at my stall in the market house. J. SCHWA UTZ. Y7"ANTED A good saw mill, a second-hand T t one preferred. Address care of this otlice Cf-5.00 REWARD-1 will give the above re- ward ior the conviction of anyone for snooting, trapping or netting partridges in violation of the law. There is a tine ot 10.oo ior killing partridges between the 15th day ot March anl the 1st day of November. T. II. MARTIN. OLD NEWSPAPERS When taken in large lots will be sold lor 10 cents a hundred in order to work otf an accumulation of ex changes. Enquire at The Globe t!llce. 77OR ONE CENT A WORD A DAY YOU A can print your wants, tell of your losses or your linds in the "People's Penny Place.' One Cent a Word a Day. O RENT -Desirab e cilices in the Ilolman J building. Enquire at Globe ollice. "17ANTED A seven-room house wi.h a good lot. Apply to M. O'llARA, Hunt street. Jurliam Furniture Co. FURNITURE From 10 to 25 per cent less than cost. ONE-HALF PRICE I "Procrasntination is the thief of time." Dr. J. C. liruwn, surgeon dentist, '-tiers his profes sional t-rviees in every department of dentis try. And to introduce his local anaesthetic to lessen pain, will extract teeth tor artificial deuturs only for cash at half-price until Au gust I. l'V'l. o.t.ce 111. Si Main s-treet, Dur ham, n. :. KALKIOJI, N. C, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. Good Companion Kepresented Solicits your Patronage. MISS WILLIE SMOOT Will Iifiun.e Jnr ructions in her Class in Music On Monday, "epteuiber Tenn l.'.0 Per Mouth. at mm A. SLATER & CO., Durham, N. C, WALL PAPERS! - Just Think of It, Nice Wall Papers from $3.00 Per Room Up. ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF French anfl American Wall Papers In stock. Will soon have them on exhibition in the parlors of the Y. M. C. A. building. TILE, HARDWOOD MANTLES, And everything in the house furnishing and decorative line furnished on short notice.; MANUFACTURERS House Furnishing Agency. PAIWT AT COST ! 150 GALLONS OF HILLINGS' AND KING & COS2 READY MIXED PAINT COST We are goirik' to 'juit handling Paint and wil sell at a liargaln what we have. Sliced & Thomas. NEW! UNIQUE! AND A Universal Success ! SHAVING a LUXURY at HOME Every rcan liu own lurber if you use the Foi alety Razor and Strappm .Machine. W. SU YEARIIY.

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