VOL. V.---NO. 200. PKICE FIVE CENTS. THE FUTURE OF THE SOUTH Effect of the Southern Rail way Reorganization. i'lMON OFHANK OFFICERS i! apm' That It Will Troo a Powerful. i)if Think It Will Develop Thin .Section .uhI lnrenhe Itt 1'roi.pfrity in Kvery r i mi - Corheft and Courtney Will He lii.litl y the New .Jeie A nthoritles for I'rie I it;litinK. ; r.i ii'::k. M1.. . j -r: jln -r 14. Li;riit, hiiiiic )r-fil"iit.s. iri'-iudin;r brads if hanliiiir lnus"-,. i.i Xv or!. IJal 'ini'irc Atlanta. I ) inii nylia m. Iiich .'Murnl. Savannah and Norfolk, give opinions in t h- Manu fu-tur-r's Kcord this week of the eflVrt of tl.- Southrrn railway organization on tin- futurr of tin- south. Th financial editors of hading dailies in NVw York. Kostmi, Philadelphia ami I'.alt imorr. have writ ten lettrrs to the Manufacturer's Kfcnnl on tlif 'iiiir Miliji'd. All arrive that this will prove a powerful fator in dtM-ldpin thi-south and in ctv;ivii: its prosperity in ever-;,' duve 1 inn V. ,i!miii and olon, of New York, . : "Tin' Southern Itaihvav company is a superior creation to its predeces sors and will do good to the south as the south will do good to it." Powerful Agency for Southern Prosperity. I fa melton A ( 'o. . of Baltimore, say: 'The millions of dollars spent in im provement, the financial interests of Drexel. .Mmyan tV Co.. and other capi talists mean more than can he told to t he s Hit ll." President II. M. Atkinson of the At lanta Hanking and Trust Company: "The putting of these railroads in sound financial condition as has heen done and connection of such names with t liein as I )re.el, Morgan A: ( o. .t ransform them into a powerful agency for south ern prosperity.'' President. Hamilton, of the .Mer chant's Hank, Savannah, predicts a prosperity unknown to southern history ami regards the reorga ni at ion of I )rex- !. Morgan A- Co. .and the Vandebilts. as "iii- i if the most promising omens for t iiis sect ion. More IVople Seeking the Cotton District. I'resident Taylor of tin Norfolk Marine hank, writes: The reorgan- ati.ui will indirectly- henefit the s.mth as a whole, hy directing the at tcutiim of capitalists to that section of on r unit ry." I'resident Hammond, of the (iiven ille. S. ('.. hank-, finds more people and mi ire trict. money seeking the cotton dis- C.eneral Joseph Johnston, of the Ala hama national hank. I'.inningham. says it is the southVs golden opport u ni t v. President 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 K. (iar.len. of the. Southern exchange association. New N ork says: ' The re oi ga niat ion gives evidence to 1 he out side world of a faith in t he fut u re of t he sout h h- the strong est financial interests in this and other hi nt ries." CORBETT AND COURTNEY. Hill 1m Indicted if tin- Kinctoscopt' Kvidence in t'orrolorittt'l. Ni wk. N. .1.. Septemher M. Tues :a ' 1 1 I o-, . Depue. in his charge to the I'raiid jury directed a searching inves ' i;rat i.ui into the recent finish tight he ' e, :; ( iuimpion Corbet: and John 1 ".irtney he fore the k i net oseope a t the 1 1 - 'ii lahratorv at Orange. The i v.- iv very specific, and directed that indictment he found against the ia!s spectators, if the facts. ished. were tole correct. The '" couid le procured, he said. '.ii' I . e vt ia iii'l- men aim :in mt 1 1 and consequently would not matinif themselves. There is : i . ' " :nid growing sentiment here ""' '" ' fighting in any form. 11 '; a sensation has heen cre "''' ' " new s that a New .Irrsey 11 : ' ' probably indict Corhett kinetoseope exhihition to ' i hv Edison's wonderful l :..'.. ' ,. TORNADO SWEEPS MEMPHIS. tl, r l',.Mlins Injure!. v, h:- Mi.. Septemher 14. A ' "'i. : .o:tii Memphis was swept . ' .: : : ! a ;" wMerday at U:?,0 a. mM ., '1'l"'i damaging propertv to i ' ' -' !': $:?.."00 and killing one iol'-rt Oil p. and injuring two , ' ; ' -vm;s slightly. The portion of visited is the seat of the lum s. ami the damage falls upon , ' them. ne hundred yards of ' f river .f.ridye of tlie Chesa "iiioand Southwestern railroad : M-d up and thrown one hundre.l ' i . The tornado came from the "ravelled due north, and it is 'he weather Imreau to have ,; i'i'. rev local. Conan's cotton -j-in '" 'i ..f Memphis were part'v un- 'ie. s were twisted and up- "'.! as;; mere pip,- stems. Corn and " the r.ati! of the tornado were ' stf.ive.l To My FrirntU un7l l'atroin. lul'l l?. next week for the im intr v h 1 lju' raV fal1 st(k t -.-jrrrir11111111 setilT illillmHke Ju , lnoney', 1 my business a&u ob! v-y anxious to close mTotfboudIm Mns. Ada Smith LOCAL NOTES. Items of Interest Hard to Get, fcaily Kead and Ouickly Forgotten. Mr Ma lison Yates of MorrisyMle is in the city. , Miss Lala Carr is in the city on a vi-it to Mhi Watts. Mr. Charles Turner returned on the noon train today. Miss Lucy Lewis, of Milton, returned home this morning. Mrs Dora Heartl returned home last evening from Raleigh. The work on the roof of Stokes hall is progressing very rapidly. John Wilher Jenkins left on the noon train for a short visit to Raleigh. Mr. C. R. Wilson and W. J. Monk left today to visit friends near South Lowell. The Commonwealth cotton mills have elsewhere an ad for hands to work in the mill. W. 1 Robertson of Wakefield, Wake county, is in the city today w ith a load of tobacco Miss Lida Carr arrived in the city to day from Occoneechee on a little visit to M rs Dr. Carr. Mr. Frank Tisdale, of the Cyrene vaud eville company, arrived in the city last eyening, from Raleigh. Mr. I M. Briggs left on the noon train today to visit his father, who is quite sick at his home in Raleigh. Mr. A. I). Ilabourn, of Raleigh, who has been in the city for the past few days, returned on the noon mail. Manager II W. Bowen, of the Swindel Sjpp'y company, returned last evening from a business trip to Raleigh. i'resident Mclver, of the state norma 8 :hool, was on the noon train today. He reports that the school is in a flourishing condition. Mr. Keyzer, of the firm of Murrill & Keyzer, of Baltimore, who has been in the city for a few days, returned home last evening. The populist convention will meet here in the court house tomorrow. It is thought that fusion with the republicans will be accomplished. There is being an effort made here to have Miss Belle Boyd, the famous con ft derate spy, lecture here in the interest of the Soldiers' home. Sam Cash was before Mayor Link this morning charged with loud and boister ous cursing in a public place. He was found guilty and lined $4.00. Walter Barbee, who has been living in J Philadelphia for two or three years, came up from Raleigh last evening and is visit ing friends and relatives here The people of Durham should call for some of the Mallory Cheroot company's cigars when they are in want of a sm ke They are making a very fHe brand Mrs. Claypoo', Miss and Little Robert, of New Berne, who have been spending s -me days with Mr Leo Ileartt, returned t) their home on the noon train today Mr. H. C. A bornethy, who h:ts be, n here for several days doimr senu-uurk on the Times in the interest of Buiing t n, left last night on the west b unid train. Mr. V J. Christian announces himse f as a candidate for clerk of the superior court today Mr. Christian has served the public before and made a good public o Uioer. Theri: are large crowds attending the meetings at Stcond Baptist church. Ser vices every niKhl at !,7:4.",and conducted by Rev. Mr. Billings, of Virginia. All are cordially invited to attend New subscribers to The Globe come in every day. Six more came in yester day and made our heart beat glad. We have now about twenty-live subscribers in East Durham, anil one or two coming from there every day. The lawn party to hi given tonight at Trinity park by the ladies of Main Street church for tlie benefit of Miss Lizzie Martin, who is now fitting herself for that work in a training school, should be pat ronized by every one. It certainly will be a very enjoyable affair, and should have the support of the entire community. Theie are farmers in the citj- today from all our neighboring counties They are here with tobacco. Most all of the old crop is in. New tobacco is selling well, especially wrappers, and farmers are highly pleased with the prices ob tained. If all farmers who have the weed I lo sel1 wiU it to the Bull city they will get paid for their labor. The Barlow Bros.' minstrels iravp very creditable performance last evening j i ?iom nail s;ome porlioils of ,he performance was very good indeed The acrobats were the best that have ever been in the city, and also the trapeze work of the tramps was excellent Jim and Bill Barlow cannot be downed. We hope they will come to see us next season. In Meuioriam. To Durham Lodge, No. 352, A. F. & A. M. Brethren Your committee appoint ed to present a suitable memoiial on the death of our brother, the late W. A. Al bright, herewith report as follows : In the death of our brother we are again reminded of that omni-present law of human existence : "In the midst of life we are in death." "Man dieth and goeth to his long home, and where is he V" Life is even a vapor, that appeareth away.'' The latest conclusions of advanced science teach that what we call death is but a change of form. There is really no death. The vital essence disappears from the mortal tenement only to reappear in some other form. This, indeed, is confirmed by Revelation itself, which speaks of go ing on from glory to glory. So let us trust that our brother will go on from glory to glory, until at the general resur rection he shall hear from the great judge of all the earth the blessed assurance, ' Well done, good and faithful servant' enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." A famous English orator once said : "The angel of death i9 gassing over the land. I seem even now to hear the beat ing of his wings." Yes, in every day in every year In some household, the tread of the death angel may be felt, and the rustling of his wings be heard. But, we take courage when we reflect that the angel of death is also the angel of life, for, if death divides he may also re-unite. Our brother cannot return to us, but we can go to him. Death has divided us, and only death will unite us. The angel who sits within the shadow of the sepulchre is also the angel of the resurrection of our immortal souls and bodies Pleasant ot address, genial in disposi tion, kind hearted by nature, our brother had many warm friends. These, we may well believe, will long cherish his memory with tenderness and affection. As a Mason, he was as faithful to his obliga tion as human fallibility will allow. The scythe the emblem of time has cut the brittle thread of life, and he is launched into eternity. We shall greatly miss his presence and counsels in our gatherings for the good of the order. He discreetly wore the three precious jewels a listen ing ear, a silent tongue and a faithful heart. We may well feel that when his work shall be finally passed upon by the grand master of the supreme lodge above it will meet with his approval. May he rest in peace and felicity and in the hope of a joyful resurrection, and so enter the heavenly abodes and live in the beatific presence for evermore. To his family we extend our earnest sympathy and bid them patiently wait the time when they may be re united to him and enter the heavenly home and so pass together their eternity. Resolved, That a copy of this memorial be sent to the family and a copy be pub lished in the daily papers of the city and Orphans' Friend. Stewart McQueen, E A. Yates, Committee County Schools .Durham, N C , Sept. 14, 1894 Mit Editor We furnish you a list of the names of ihe white teachers that were ex uniri d on vesteid ty : Females Bessie II L itt;t, Ella Hollo way, Corn E C . .i t. Geneva E Welborn, Claudie Nitiols, Ajr-ies Sm th and Viola S i w r Males II ist-11 X .r.vood, T B. Chris tun, G Uradshnv, F J Lynn, James E. Latta and Sexton Lawrence. The.e teachers were all ohtdient to us, and they are intelligent, wfde awake, earnest, energeti.;, well-educated teach- ers. 1 hey all received ti rst .tIp crti ri ; ttes. We do not grant a first grade ceniri cate to anyone who does not strictly and justly merit and deserve it All friends of public education in Durham county, or elsewhere, are invite ! to artend tlc regular examinations and see for them selves. The next regular ptminatinn will be Thursday, October 11, 1898, for the whites and Friday the l'2th for the C lored 1? R. Ri..T.nru- County Superintendent Cyr e the Dancer. Cyrene, the clever dancer, will perform here on the nights of September 17 and is, next Monday and Tuesday. The News and Observer, in speaking of the per ormance last night, says : A very pleas ant entertainment was Hvpn at tha - mm w lUV, Academy of Music last evening by the Cyrene company. Mrs. Dr. Payne, of ashvllle, Tenn , made her first appear ance with the ccmpany and sang very prettily, her high notes being particularly clear and finished. She was heartily ap plauded, and sang as an encore "The Song That Reached My Heart." Mrs. Governor Carr and party of lady friends were present and seemed to enjoy the entertainment. .Mrs. Payne will sing at every entertainment given by the com pany hereafter. The Modern Beauty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative Syrup of Fis. TOUR GOOD HEALTH, ii you re a sunenng wo- ,man, demands Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre- C ecription. There's no w other medicine like it, for women's peculiar ills. aSo matter how distressing vour symp toms, it relieves vour aches and pains, and if fait! i J bring Vr m f cure ii faithfully used will a permanent in every chronic weakness or (Iprsmrp- ment, in catarrhal inflammation, and in the displacements of women. . T. T. Treat Liberty. O. JJR. K. v . Pierce: Dear Sir I can cheer fully recommend your valuable medicine, the Pavonte Prescription," to suffering females. Ihree years ag-o my health became so poor 1 .?'as scarcely able to help with the house hold duties. I was persuaded to try sour medicine, and I purchased six bottles. That, with the local treatment you advised, made me strong and well. My sister has used it in tv. farr.iiv-R.ifv. io. , - -- " ,l" "o-o OPERA HOUSE ! TWO NIGHTS, OPENING MONDAY, M 17 THE PK Ell LESS SPANISH DANSEUSE CYRENE AND IIEH High Class Vaudivilles. An up to date organization of Singers, Dan eers and Comedians. Nothing to offend the the most fastidious. A show for ladies and children. Popular prices. l.", 25, 3o and "U cents. eats on sale at v augnan s drug store. TED ! WOMEN AND CHILDREN Are wanted at the Wilis. Apply to Commonwealth Cotton S. W. HOLMAN, Superintendent. To the Voters of Dnrliam County. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of uurnam county, N. c, and 1 pledge to all if elected to perform the duties of the office to tne oestot my ability, Iree and nnoartially. Yours truly, V. J. CHK1STIAN. 0) z CD DC m DC Li. H U DC tn . u -j o G O G Z X tn D DC HALFPRICE ! Town Goini Red On Lot Prices ! j n H JJ C If) X H O o o 0) X o Fl H tn H O X m It is an every day question, how can you sell so much cheaper than others can buy, even in New York ; do you mean to gire away your goods The answer is give one-half and sell the other. We now have an ent;re new stock of Shoes, and our customers say they are the best Shoes on earth for so little money. A lot of ladies' new hats just ar rived at half price. 1.25 uontrola hoes, solid leather, 75 cents; 1.75 dougola shoes, and a dan ly. only 98 cents; f2 dongola shoes, a perfect gem, 1 ,2i; 2 50 dongola shoe s.a p-r-tect gem, $1.25; f2 50 dongola shoes, will take our eye, $1.50; pins, I cmr, a paper; ribbons an1 laces f rom 1 cent a yard up We have a nice dne of No. 16 ar d 22 all silk ribbon, v. ide widths, will go for 10 cents; 15 cent black hose, warranted stainless. 10 cents; IJ5 cent black hose, seamless and stainless, 15 cents; ribbon velvet half price. Another new I t of Hats nnd Feathers just received to eo at ha f pri e and 1 will have the IKis trimmed. J. L. COLE & CO., WhoVsaleand Ket ul N. Y. Ttack :t .tore, Underbuyer and Un derselier of all. PAINT AT COST ! 150 GAIXONS UF HILLINGS" AND KING 4 CO'i READY W T -.T COST! We are going to quit handling Paint and wil sell at a largain what we have. Sneed & Thomas. PEOPLE'S COLUMN Short Time CuriU, 1 Cent er word per day; One Ineh, -r month; Two and One-Half Iuche, t per month. T?OK SALE I'ny. Cart and Harness. A Hutchins. City Market. J. W. HfcLP WANTED, MALE Are you unem- i ployed ? Will you work for i 15 weeklr ?! Enclose reference and self-addreseed 6tamird ! enveiope. Secretary. Box P. Chicago. ; i A 25.00 KEWAKD I wH trive the above re- ; warn ior tne convicion of anyone for J snoouoK. trapping or netting partridge in violation of to hue. Tbere is a tine of fVxftl tor killing prtridgea between the loth day of ! Marcn una me ii aay or govern ber. C ill WTT I. j T. if. MARTIN. ' i FOlt SALE A pood second band gracd s-juare Piano, a Sideboard and a new Koki- inx Bed. cheap. Call on Durham Furniture company. Y b IF YOU ARE, l(. T, B, FOR w, HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. YOU WILL FIND THERE A FULL LINE OF Heavy Fancy Groceries, Tinware, Glassware, Plain and Decorated Tableware. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, Chewing Gum, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and all the various brands of SnufT, all of which are sold at the manufacturers' prices wit the usual terms and discounts. REMEMBER THAT I AM AGENT FOR THE PARAGON OIL CAN Which I loan to customers Free of Charge who buy oil in five gallon lots. I have just received three hundred "f these cans and want to put them out among the oil consumers of this city in the next thirty days. If you want one apply early. There are over two hundred and fifty of them now in use in the city and are pronounced to be the best thing in the way of an oil can ever invented. It would be useless for me to try to tell you all the advantages of lookine me up before you make your purchases when in need of goods, either wholesale or retail. All I can say, if you want to save Money it will pay you to come around to the Racket Grocery, on the comer of Mangum and Parrish streets, and see for your self. Prices and quality of goods always guaranteed. All goods not as represented will be taken off the customers' hands and the money refunded. All goods sold in the city limits and all goods sold shipment delivered F. O. B. without charge for packing or cartage. And now, thanking the public and my friends for past favors and hoping to share a liberal portion of the Mmo in the future, I remain as ever your friend, W. EL PROCTOR. Composition on a Boy. 'TlfePV.-- . A boy is man before lie's m own ud. as you can buy the bare suit from other dealers. Huy our Stanley Combination for your boys, and make them hap py. Sold only by ArDAMk" SUCCESSOR TO rnMINrX, W. A. SLATER & CO. 100 WEST MAIN. LOW TARIFF FOR n mi Our matchless array of Clothing, Shoe, Hats and Oents' Furnishing for every and condition of man is ready. New Styles. New Cloth AtTecta, D. Ii. Suits, g Sack Suits, Long Frock Suits. Extra Size Suita, Long StcMit Suits. All rella :ut, made and trimmed He-t in America for the price. Low Tariff la our ?fc L.on Dly cut, made and motto, and the prices at which we will ell you will ever tee azain Everything that wear to select from. Step in and see for past favors have been all that we could ask . . we hope to nave a continuance of the same. T. J. LAMBE, Tr?e Clothier. is i Baps ? GO DIRECT TO Racket Grocer THAT IS Hut his pants only run down to his knees. A boy is a very useful article. II is usefulness comes in when his big sister wants him to run an errand ; but his principal usefulness is in wearing out clothes, especially pants. Some boys wear out one pair each session. Others wear out two every week. This cut illustrates a happy boy. Vhy is the boy happy ? He cause his mother has bought from us the Stanley Combination. This outfit consists of a Double Hreasted (.'oat, two ( 2 ) pairs of pants, and the latest style Stanley Cap of same material. ( Extra buttons with every outfit. ) The goods are of most excellent and stylish fabrics espe cially adapted for service, and we can sell you the whole outfit as chean WKH our clothing this season are lower than a man or loy needs for the fall and winter yourself when you pass our way. Your for, and by square dealing and low price i

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