MET OUR STOCK or (! U liAHS I Mt U T ! CHEWING TOBACCO l (I A7 IS UNSURPASSED. W. SI. YE J VKAKHY, TIIK DRtCCISt. ,) OUIt STOCK Utr j I VOL. V.---NO. 211. 10 SPEAK ill INDIA DULY DURHAM, N. C, WEDNESDAY i.VJING, SEPTEMBER 19. 1894. PllICE FIVE CENTS. Ex-President Harrison's ply to Mr. Tanner. Re- lli; DECLINES TO ACCEI'T LOCAL NOTES. GO TO RALEIGH TOMORROW. PHONE NO. An Invitation from Mr. Tanner to Sjmak in Illinois. I ii i I it Ilrotlierhood of Carpenters' ami .niiHTo' MfcntiiiK in Annual Session at linliiiiiMpoliH, I ml. They Are IVelcomtd l,y h.-TiiI Difttlngulfthcd Mate ami La lior Speaker. 'amiim. tn. September l'.--Chair-m.iii TaniiiT of tlx- republican slate committee of Illinois, wrote recently to - v I'r. i!t nt Harrison akin liini to make out- .r more campaign speeches in Illinois this fall. IU' 1ms it ched tlu- following reply : Indianapolis, lnd.. September K5, l'.U. John K. Taiiiicr. My Dear Sir: I have not been able sooiht to acknowledge your letter of August 'ii. I only rot home jestenlay. I have made up my mind not to ro out of this Mate to enter into the campaign this fall. 1 do not think' it would he riht !'r me to o into jreneral cam paign wor k. I liave promised our ow n j,e.(.e to make a couple of short speech es in state, and if I beyond this and visit 1 1 1 i nois or Iowa, as I have been invited to do. or any other state, I could not put any limit on the demands which would lie made upon me. I am sorry to disappoint you. for you have all show n me a rreat deal of kindness in t he past. I'KN.IA M I N 1 1 A Ill'.l SoN." IN ANNUAL SESSION. I nited Drotlierhood of Carpenters' and .lolnern' Meeting at DidlanapolU. Indianapolis, Ind., September 1!. The eighth general convention of the I nited I'.rotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America beo-an its annual session in this city yesterday, in the state eapitol. About seventy-five dele gates were present, representing 041 local unions. Governor .Matthews wel comed the delegates for the state and was followed by V. 15. I'reseott, presi .:. nt of the International Typographi--a! I'nion. who welcomed the delegates i, liehalf of organized labor. Henry '.ale also spoke of the local unions. A reception w ill be tendered yMic dele-at os tonioht. The convention will remain in session several days, and will con sider many question-, of iniportanee to lie T ter. ALASKA TO HAVE A CONVENTION On Noviiiiliir .'Hi tiw Citizens i 1 1 Con sider How to I ii I! iifiice Congress. Vi. roi;i a, 15. ('. September li. The n1 earner the City of Topeka. from Alaska brings news of a mass meeting Vii-ust ::; to consider the need of a rode of laws to (govern this vast domain and the necessity of the establishment of a mail route into the Yukon country l.v way of ( hilc::t Pass. Ilesolutions were adopted providing tor a convention of the people of Alas ka to be held at Juneau. November .th. i consider the best means of securing remedial legislation 1 y congress. Kach town and set t lemcn ; will be entitled to representation by delegates, the to tal number provided for bein 1 The election of delegates will be held ' i. toher SUGAR TRUST WITNESSES. . I tern of Interest Hrd toCJet, Kaslly Head and Oulckly Forgotten. John Shelhurn rame down from Bur lington today. Ii. K Carr went down to lialeigh on the noon train. W. II. Willard, Jr , is confined to his room with a touch of fever. W. II. Hanks left on the cannon hall this morning for Occoneechee. Hon. II W (Jraham, democratic can didate, will address the people at Adoni- ram today. Mr?. F. W. Smith, who has been visit ing relatives here, returned to her home in Newbern today. Services still continue at Second Bap tist church. Services at 7:41, and the publih are cordially invited. Go out to Stoke3 hall and enjoy the inaugural of Rev. J. ('. Kilgo this even ing It will be a very pleasant occasion. Mr Tom Boone, who has been attend ing law school the passed summer at Morganton, passed through the city today for Raleigh. V. II. Burkhcad, of Fortress Monroe, Va , is in the city today, on his way home to Moorsville, N. C. He is of Battery II, Fourth artilery. Mr. C. W. Edwards, the valedictorian of last year's senior class at Trinity col lege, leaves this evening for Tulane Uni versity where he has accepted a fellow ship. J. S. B. Thompson, superintendent of the North Carolina road; W. T. West, master of trains, and A. P. Connelly, chief train dispatcher, came down on a special from Greensboro. The mayor only had two cases before him this morning. They were both col ored gentlemen from Chapel Hill, who came over here to do a little artistic work on the town with a pot of red paint. Their names were Leon Cald .veil and Wesely Merritt. They informed the mayor that they were allowed to get drunk in Chapel Hill, and were not pun ished unless they went to sleep on the streets. The mayor informed them that they could not do that way here without being punished. He fined them $2 and cost each. Every Member of the Democratic Club Should lie on Hand Tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a great day in Rah eigh. Secretary of the Interior Hoke; Smith, Governor Oats, of Alabama; Gen.; Chauncy F. Blade, of Pennsylvania; Bourse Cockran, the great New York i orator; Chas. H. Mansur, of Missouri; Lcwrence Gardner, secretary of the na tional association of democratic clubs; Senator Daniel, of Virginia; Senator Faulkener, of West Virginia; Senators Ransom and Jarvis, and many other prominent democrats will be present Col. J. S Carr, our townsman, is presi dent of ihe democrat clubs. This meets To purify, enrich and vitalize the blood, and thereby invigorate the liver and diges tive organs, brace up the nerves, and put the system in order generally, "Golden Medical Discovery " has no equal DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORM. Ervtn Dieterly, Esq.. of Gettysburg?!, Pa writes: uniy mose who have had dyspepsia in its worst forms know what it really can be. What such a case needs I have found in your kindly encouragement, and your Golden Medi cal Discovery Although I can now claim, if any one can, that I have a cast iron stomach. I always keep vour Golden Medical Discovery' and the Pel lets ' on hand when set tling down from an ae- tj. JJIETEKL.X, XHj. A vp Ynii Hill ii ii mil iiuiiii r Unas ? IF YOU ARE, GO DIRECT TO I Met Grocery i to nuiet student life, i ii .r of ihe association will open the cart- every one whose suffering is of the nature paign in this state, and from it will go out fcuch a blaze of enthusiasm as will sweep the state for democracy No democrat should think of missing the great rally in Raleigh tomorrow. It will be one of the events of his life. A special train will pass here at 9:2. o'clock tomorrow morning, returning that night after the affair is over. Itaseball Yesterday. At Cleveland (first gamejCleveland 0, Brooklyn 3. At Cleveland (second game)Cleveland 1, Brooklyn 7. At Cincinnati (first game) Cincinnati 1, Philadelphia 10. At Cincinnati (second game) post poned; bad weather. At Chicago (first game) Chicago 3, New York 4. At Chicago (second game)Chicago 0, New York 0. At Pittsburg (first game)Pittsburg s, Baltimore 15. AtPittsburg (second game)postponed; rain. At St Louis St. Louis o, Boston 4. At Louisville Louisville 4, Washing ton J). that mine was. Sold everywhere. FOR THAT IS HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES. WHOLESALE OR R. IL. OPERA HOUSE ! One Night Only, nH L-ir n ueavy YOU WILL FIND THERE A FULL LINE OF Saturday, Sept. SPECfAL ENGAGEMENT AT G HEAT EX PENSE, M. B. LEAVITT'S Magnificent New Spectacular Burlesque, TT Fancy Groceries, Tinware, Glassware, Plain and Decorated Tableware. HOW THE CLUBS STAND. Clubs. W L Pc! Clubs. W L Pc Haltimor?, 83 37 .091 Pittsburg, 59 Hi .487 New York, 82 42 .mi Chicago, 53 71 .427 Boston, 78 43 t45 Cincinnati, M 70 .421 Philadelphia fc9 50 .5b9 Sr. Louis, 50 70 .409 Brooklyn, (iti 56 .540; Washington, 44 80 .34 Cleveland, 02 58 .513; Louisville, 34 bs .20 IihIh t nu iits i:xpct'd to be Ko turned Against ll:teiii'3 r and Otliers. n l n . nix, September IU. When ! rand jury present their next batch if imlirlinents. it is understood that in iu' nuiits against llenrvO. 1 lavemeyer, l'!iu K. Searles ami Allen L. Scvmniir f linn of Seymour Bros. Young t Ntw York will be presented. 'The art u-s were witnesses before the sen t' investigating committee in theniat t he alleged sugar bribery eases oi'i are said to have answered certain ',r,' res pr.ipttunded to them by the " i' i.;'iee. As slated several days ago '' -es in the matter have been ex ' : ' a n-eently by the grand jury and understood that indictments '-'a the a bove named parties have ' ' 'ietermined upon by the grand Iarriae This Morning:. Married, this morning at the residence of Capt W. K. Parrisb, Mr J. K Mc Cutchin to Miss Maggie T. Parrish, Iiev Ii. H. Hall officiating. Mr. and Mrs Mc Cutchin left immediately for a tour of the northern cities. The following was handed us with the request to publish : Our beautiful Maggie was married torlay. Beautiful Maggie with soft brown hair. Whose shailows lull o'er a face as fair As the snowy blooms of the early May. We have kissed her lips and sent her away With many a blessing anil many a prayer. The pet of our house who was married today. The sunshine is gone from the old west loom Where she sat through the lornr bright .sum mer hours. And the odor has gone from the wii.i'mw llowers Ami something is lost of their delicate bloom ; And a shadow ereeps over the house wi'hits gloom, A shadow that over our paradise lowers. For we see her no more in the old we t i orn- I thought that the song of the rol in t his e e As he sang to hi- mate on the cedar tree Had minors of sadness to t"mpr his ylee As if he for the loss of our darling did grieve And asked "vVhere is Maggie?" and "Why did she leave V" The maiden who carroiled sweet duets with me For she mocke'd not the robin this eve. She loved us and left u She loved and is gone With the one she loves be st, as his beautiful bride How fondly hd eal's her his Joy and his Pride, Our joy and our pride, whom he claims as his But c in he, like us, prize the heart he has wc n The heart that ever trust ing throbs by his side God know?, and we know that she loves and is gone. The Modern Beauty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, fehe uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative Syrup of bigs. TRAGIC OPENING Siii' a I TT ri, Ail New and Up to Date. The Largest and Finest Equipped Organiza tion Traveling. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, Chewing Gum, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and all the various brands of Snuff, afl of which are sold at the manufacturers prices wit the usual terms and discounts. REMEMBER THAT I AM AGENT FOR THE 42-PE0PLE-42 PARAGON OIL CAN Thirty European Celebrities ; sixty-foot car load ot special scenery, one oi tne special will be the very latest craze, Living Pictures, Now the Itage of London, Psiris and New- York. OF THE FALL CAMPAIGN OF THE YEAR 1894. DESTROYED BY THIEVES. 1 Circuit Court KtM-ord Torn Into Frag ment at Ownsboro, Ky. 'Ai NsnoKo. Ky., September l'.t. K t Sunday or Monday night thieves entered the circuit court Tooni at the urthouse and played havoc with the erk"s records. Every indictment ' "and at the recent term of court was v'"!en and torn to fragments. The eees were found scattered around in The Spider and Fly." M. H. Leavitt's. spectacular pantomime will be presented at Stokes hall, Satur day night September, 22. This organi zUion comes heralded as the most com plete and costly production s en on the American stage for years; the company numbers lifiy people, and embraces the choice of operatic, pantomimic and vaud eyille stars, ami several of the latest Eu ropean novelties. I ue siory of the I ''Spider and Fi" is interesting, and l serves as the foundation for a deliirhtful evening's enjoyment; catch)- music Discussion of Ouestions of Vital Impor tance to livery Citizen of the 1 ifth District. He speaks as follows: Friends and itizens "Hear me for my cause and be silent that ye may hear." After a careful consideration of my own affairs, I have concluih d I am right, and as right wrongs no man, I w li be glad to have those who can't henr me read what I write. I like the city of Durham both as a home and as a bu.-iness point and can iruly say of her en Ze is I know of no people more kind hearted, generous and true, than a e her sons :nd daughters, but as I think it to mv inieicst to concentrate my business, I will i'n .binunty 1. 189o, close my Dur ham s'ore, until which time I will off r my entire stock At New York Cost- Our stor k of shoes is comprised of all of the latest hnpe and styles in ladies', mis's', men's, tioj s' and childrens shoes from ihe cheapest to the finest handwelt goods At Cost. Our dress goods department is replete with all of the late shade styles and all of the latest novelties in trimmings At Cost. We have a large and varied stock of men's, youths' and boys' clothing, farn ishing goods, etc , At Cost. Our large line of carpe's, ruirs, cur tains, etc , i At Co ,4foe. Hunting suit?, bree ier muzzle load in? guns, cartridge stw do i c At C. Men's and boys' hat At Co We have one of the rines. - inea of ladies' cloaks and youths' and men's overcoats ever brought to Durham At Cost. A big job in hardware, crockery, etc , At Cost. Our office and store furniture tan Le bought for less than manufacturers' prices, including show cases, ribbon case?, and one very large safe made by the Hall Safe and Lock company. Very respect fully, I). T. Swimjell 0) z CD DC m cc o u. G cc 0) u -1 o o o H G z X cn D DC HA1FPRICE ! Town Going M On Low Prices ! H Q x m Which I loan to customers Free of Charge who buy oil in hve gallon lots. 1 have just received three hundred of these cans and want to put them out among the oil consumers of this citv in the next thirty days. If you want one apply early. There are over two hundred and fifty of them now in use In the city and are pronounced to be the best thing in the way of an oil ctn ever invented. It would he useless for me to trv to tell you all the advantages of looking me up before you make your purchases when in need of gootls, either wholesale or retail. All I cm say, if yu want to save Money it will pay you to come around to the Racket Grocery, on the corner of Mangum and Parrish streets, and see for your self Prices and quality of goods always guaranteed. All goods not as represented will be taken off the customers' hands and the money refunded. All goods sold in the city limits and all goods sold shipment delivered F. O. Ii. without charge for packing or cartage And now, thanking the public anil my triends lor past lavors and hopintr to share a liberal portion of the same in the future, I remain as ever your friend, W. H. FKOCTOK. a Composition on a Boy. It is an every day quest ion, how ! V can you sell so much cheaper than j fn nthppannn line, pvpti in IVew York ' do you mean to f?i're away your Koods '" The answer is jrive one-half and sell the other. We now have an ent re new stock of Shoes, and our customers say they are the best Shoes on earth for so little money. A lot of ladies' new hats just ar rived at half price. 1.25 dontrola i-hoes, solid leather, 75 cents; $1.75 dongola shoes, and a dandy, only s cents: 2 dontrola shoes, a perfect rem, $1.25; 2 50 dontrola shoes.a per fect item, $1.25; f'Z .SOdongola shoes, will take your eye, $1.50; pins, 1 cent, a paper; ribbons and laces from 1 cent a yard up We have a nice line of No. 16 and 22 all silk ribbon, wide widths, will go for 10 cents; 15 cent black hose, warranted stainless, 10 cents; ;J5 cent black hose, seamless and stainless, 15 cents; ribbon velvet half price. Another new l't of Hats and Feathers just received to po at La'f price and 1 will have the Ilt3 trimmed. J. L. COLE & CO., Wholesale and Retul N. Y. Racket Store, Underbuyer and Un derseller of all. PAINT AT COST I . parts ot the courthouse yard. 1 he j funny topical songs, magnificent scenery, 1 "K s large order ihxmv was mutuateil hi 1 distiure'd so as to be worthless. and the leneed. half a imposingly gorgeous ballets, r . ; , ,,,,,.. ..,o. t lerk will Wtfreatlv hieonven- i iuique .lodge Owen is not here, and it trnedy. scores of amusing witticisms, Is 11. it known what method will be eiopted for restoring the revords. Tin police are all at work on the case. TO GOVERNOR'S ISLAND. n. AliU-H Will tie. Transferred Kurly in No ember. ami an even larger and better stock of what are called "IocaI hits." The cos tuming has been lavishly supplied. Not a shabby or cheap looking item is seen in it. The ma erials are all of the finest, t ae colors arc rich and so artistically dis ai.o. September ltf.-It wasdetin- i tribultl1 lhat in ihe successive groupings v announced yesterday that Ocneral j lutre ,!s scarcely ever a jarring shade.but Nelson . Miles Will be transferred to j each iends effect to the others, while that ' " v. rnur s Island upon the retirement j in every particular it is fresh, new and n' i:..., lii t ... - . .... . . . '.udi iiimam. w inch occurrs o- ' brilliant looking goes without i. , "'" ""Hignt mat t.enerai ; There are no stars in thi .iin r ruueiseo. will .nrwt Do you navel? Are you a shipper? The "Hand McNally Railway Guide and Hand Book" contains all pertinent in formation. Ask your newsdealer. Itching, burning, scaly and crusty scalps of infants cleansed and healed, and quite sleep restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap W. M. Yearby. It will be seen in an ad of this issue of The Globe that It H. Crumpler is in the fieid for township constable. Uufus is we'l know here. 150 GALLONS OF BILLINGS' AND KING & CO'S A boy is man before lie's grown up. But his pants only run down to his knees. A boy is a very useful article. His usefulness conies in when his big sister wants him to run an errand ; but his principal usefulness is in wearing out clothes, especially pants. Some boys wear out one pair each session. Others wear out two every week. This cut illustrates a happy boy. Why is the boy happy ? Be cause his mother has bought from us the Stanley Combination. This outfit consists of a Double Breasted Coat, two ( 2 ) pairs of pants, and the latest style Stanley Cap of same material. ( Extra buttons with every outfit. ) The goods are of most excellent and stylish fabrics espe cially adapted for service, and we can sell you the whole outfit as cheap as you can buy the ba.e suit from other dealers. Buy our Stanley Combination tor your boys, and maKC tnem nap py. Sold only by A CD A M SUCCESSOR TO . rnMINiX, w. a. slater & co. 100 WEST MAIN. o o O M k 3 Ha Fl if it u READY MIXED PIT FINE CLOTHING CHEAP AT COST ! We are catching the early buyers, and they are get tin" baro-ains. ( )ur increased sales are an evidence that We are troing to quit handling Paint and wil our goods aild Dl icCS Ul'C l ight. CoillC Ulld l)Uy VOUT gOOds senara nargam wnat we nau-. i i ,.1, ,.lw. lr,wc.f cfs.s.lrffk widf frrm WlieiU yOU lUlVU JIIIICU lllC irtlwt rnjeyrv i " r-eiti-i ovui. Watch our ad. Sneed & Thomas, PEOPLE'S COLUMN LAMBE Short Time Card. 1 Cent per word per dav: One Inih. 'i iter month: Two and One-Half Inches M per month. T70K SALE Pony. Cart and Harness. F Hutchin. City Market. J. W. T. J. The Clothier, Hatter I Furnisher, IDirlxa.m, 3ST. C. saying company, but Uacklen'c Arnica Salre. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns, and a.11 Skin Eruptions, and positivelj cures jr lies,, or no pay required, it is guar- neral Miles as major general in com- I lQ?te WU LVC Deen stars iQ refunded. Price 25 cents per 17. For sale "and oi the Missouri. other companies. atR.Blicknall A Sen. HELP WANTED, MALE Are you unem ployed ': Will you work for f 15 weekly .' Enclose reference nfl &elf-addreel et-arn j.-1 envelope. Secretary, Hjx P. Chicago. HEWAKD-I wid srive the a tore re ward tor the con vie ion of anyone for shooting-, trapping or netting partridge in violation or tn-law. There is a tine ot flO.'M for killing prt ridges between the loth day of March an J the 1st day of November. I T. II. MAIITIN. j FOK SALE A Kooi eee-ond band grand j g'luare Piano, a Mdeboardand a new Fold- ' lnjrBed, cheap. Call on Durham Furniture t Company. OLD NEWSPAPEIt.i When taken in large lots wilt be sold for 10 cents a hundred in order to work off an accumulation of ex changes. Enquire at The Globe ofiice. COAL! CO ALP I am prepared V) deliver Coal as cheap as the cheap Your orders solicited. Respectfully, SIJDIsrE" SCOTT. - 4 A