Carry your Prescriptions 4o State tit.y ? A Fresh Lot at Yearby's. VL. V. NO. 21i0. i;UKHAJI, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTJSMuJSJK '19,. 1894. PlilCE FIVE CENTS. IDE VOTERS ARE STIRRED Campaign Hot in the Old Dominion. MANY PERSONAL FIGHTS tat fluent s Mad e and Denied with j Hit term .luliit IHhcuhhIoiih Nvfr llefore o Niun . ioiih in Virginia G'anipaiK"- Keller Ite- oiuiiienderi for the Settler of the Dis tricts Iteceiitly Ilurned Mer. Held In I lie Flrt Ileyree. Kl iiMosr), Va., September 2S. The campaign in this ,tat is bfcoming alarmingly hot. Two personal encoun ters between congressional delegate. have oceured this week, and it is feared that bloodshed will result before the end of the canvass. The tirst of these occurred at Livingston, Nelson county, in the tenth district, between Repre sentative Henry St. Geo. Tucker and his republican opponent. Mr. .Jacob Yost. During a joint discussion between the two a oue.-tion of varacity arose be tween Tucker and Yost, w hen the for mer promptly culled the latter a liar. .Mr. Yost struck at Mr. Tin ker, but tYienils interferred and prevented fur t her t rouble. The second difliculty occurred yester day at King William court house in this (the third) district, where Colonel Taze well Kllett. the democratic nominee, attacked .Judge J. W, Gregory, his pop ulist opponent. The colonel stated that .Judge (iregory repudiated the Oca la platform of his party now, hut that he had accepted and claimed to stand upon it in his speech at New Kent court h use. .Judge (iregory. in a manner very ve hement and aggressive, denied this. Colonel Kllett asked if his denial in such Hut terms implied that he (Kllett) was making an untrue statement, or something to this elTVct. Judge Gregory's reply was construed ly Colonel Kllett to be insulting, and he kicked him. Friends soon interfered, and further disturbance was avoided. Joint dis cussions were never before so numer ous in a Virginia campaign, and the voters aie wrought up to a high pitch of excitement. SAYS CONGRESS SHOULD ACT. K-licf Itccoiiimended for the Settler of the Burnett District. Washington, September ;s. Com missioner Lamoreux of the general land oniee has decided to embody in his annual report a recommendation that congress should immediately take some action for the relief of the settlers on homesteads in the burned districts of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The com missioner says that he can find no law which will authorize the department to grant the settler permission to cut the burned timber on their homesteads, yet he is enough of a practical lumber man to know that this timber must In cut this winter in order to save it. The commissioner believes that con gress will act promptly ami that the homesteaders will be authorized to cut the timber this coming winter. MYERS HELD IN FIRST DEGREE. (riiiul Jury Kcirarcl the Atlanta Asshsmiii ua the Sole Slayer of Forrest Crowley. Atlanta. September 's. William J. M vcrs, against w hom the brutal mur der of young Forrest Crowley is charged, has been indicted for the crime, the hill of indictment being for murder in the tirst degree. The grain! urv returned the bill yesterdav in three hours after hearing the ease. The same w it nesscs testitied as before the coroner's jury, and the decision was readied immediately upon the close ol he test iinon v. 1 he detectives are still working upon if c! ucs w hich associate Myers' name -th other crimes, but have made as ' n really convincing discovery in ' : particular. DECLINES AN EMPTY HONOR. n H ciuisf Ills l'ernoiinl Krienil the Opponent, Only. v;"Ni. Va.. September -JS. Mr ' ' 1 lies, who w as named by the ! , uists last Thursday for con- --'' :m this (the third) district pub--: :1 card yesterday afternoon de ' : the nomination. Mr. Jones as v -:is ,i his reason for the declination ' -it he has always a filiated with tho iiocratic part v. and now that bis 'nu personal friend. Colonel Tazewell I l-..ett. is its feels in ihit v ! '"unci to support him. SOUTHERN COTTON MARKETS. j.ot Ieclineii an F.lChth at New Orleans, i saanuah. Norfolk ami Halt iuior. Nkw Yokk, SeptemWr -s.- The Sn's ctton review a: Cotton declined twelve to fourteen points and chwd eaf.v. Spot cotton here was i-ir,v lower There was a decline of 1-lCc at Mobile and St. Louis and l-c at Savannah. New Orleans. Norfolk. Raltimore and -Memphis. Charleston advanced l-loo. New Orleans receipts today are esti mated at :UH0. possibly 4.000. against on the saint day last w eek and .'0 last vear. 7 in One Week. East Durham, X. C, July l- UM. Received from J. Reasley, treasurer ,' southern Sick and Accident Benefit As so ; ?u? , :sorfr'lk. Va., seven dollars in lull of claim for one week's disability. . E. U. Marcom. Agents wanted. LOCAL NOTES. People C'oiiiiiiiC ami i"iui; Not- of in- teret Ka-dly lend. .1. C. .Morton went di.wn l lie road to day. Mrs. W. A. Gattis returned on the noon train. Mr. Will Ilickson left on the noon mail for Kinston. Sam Dickson is very sick at Lis Lome on Lea street. I William Angier returned from Cary j this morning. Ham Piper, Tvbo Las been sick for some time, is no belter today. Rev. W. A. Cunningham is spending the afternoon in the city. Mr. A. M. Gray, a prominent farmer of Davton, N C , is in the city Rev. F. A. Rishop went up the road this morning on the "cinnon ball." E C. Hackney returned last evening from a business trip to Lynchburg. J. L. Cole, after being out on the road traveling for his store, returned today There are hundreds of people in the city today to attend the addresses of Settle and Graham. W. I'. Cozart has accepted a position with the Farmers warehouse and would be glad to have his friends call. Mrs. Ada M. Smith came in on the noon train from New York, where she has been purchasing her fall stock James G Council arrived in ihe city this morning from Rocky Mount and other point3, where he has been on busi ness The equirjoxical wind and rain storm i- s;ill pievailiDg over this section of the country. No damage so far has been heard of. Messrs S T. Morgan and L. A. Carr left last evening for Norfolk to look arter the fertilizer works that are going up at l'inners Point Pleasant Frceland is one of Mr. S. W. Uolman's servants, and while he was cut ting wood last evening he made a mi.-s lick, striking his little toe on the left foot he cut it nearly olT. Rut Pleasant is still on foot yet. EAST DURHAM'S PUBLIC SCHOO . Superintendent lllalock Says the School Is Sure to Win. I) run am, N. C , Sept. 27, ism. Editor Glouk We visited the public school in district 134, white, two miles from town in East Durham yesterday. There are seventy four pupils enrolled. Here is a convenient, model school hoiue, for which the school committee, Messrs R. W. Rarbee, J. C. Mathes and .1 R. Walker have our warmest thanks. Here are two teachers, of Randolph county, who were educated at Thomasville; Mi-s Amanda Welborn and her sis' r, Miss Geneva E. Welborn. We were much pleiscd with thei struction given by ihese a m hers. Th government of this school i.- excel i-ij; A class of boys ami L'itls r cited -i S .11 it) physiology Mini lagiene. w ; h was a delightful pet fornmnee. A class of eight or ten bos and j -( years of age, leciicd a 1 vson in w (iulTey's Primer, the teacher us m: a reading chait very skillfully it. ths leci tation. Seeing these things caused me to think that it wi:s not easy to estimate the Lrr, at. good that is beimr accomplished by iIm public school system in North Carolina R. R, County Superinw nden'. OtV for Kaleigh. Piesident J C Kilgo, of Trinity col lege, left on the noon train for Raleigh, where he toes to deliver an address, hi subject being "Our Young Men." Those that fail to hear him will miss some rx cellent comments on a very inteic-ti'iL' subject on this litic. Rev. Dr. E. A Yates also went down and will intro duce Trinity's president to ti e people of the city of oaks. Corhftt TalK About "His fla-s " Lkwision, Me., Sept. 27. Champion Corbett sail today regarMne Fitzsim- mons' challenge after his victory over treedon Inst evening: "Filzsimnions ! mftv reen nn ftchtins: middle w eights uatil doomsday, b 1: I will not meet him ; K 3 i until ne irei-i into my cias. tie ns neen challenged time and aam ny t i"mnu, i and he has got to recognize him before I win lini niui. The Southern' Keport for July. Nkw Yook, Sept. 27. The Southern Railway company reports, for July, gross earnings of I?S,123, an increase of 7,s0; expenses and taxes 494,40, a decrease of .f'.o,020, and net $lS3,3o, an increase of $t0o.400. North Carolina lla Third Place. In the report of new industries for the pist cha three months by the Tradesman at Chattanooga, North Carolina is third with 47, Georgia having 55 and Teias 04. V l " 1 . . mm roriu aronna uas new cotton mill in dustries, Georgia being two ahead of her. GRAHAM-SETTLE. They Had a l ull Home This Kveiii k at the Court liome. Hoii A W. Graham at the app inbd time today was escorted to the court bouse by a large delegation of citizens. The Durham band headed the procession which was followed by the young men's democratic club headed by Mr. Graham arm in arm with J. S. Manning and T. II. Martin. Hon. Tom Settle was escorted to tne court house by one who all know, Mr. Washington Duke. Mr. Settle opened the debate at 1:45 and delivered ar. able address to the crowd that was present. He said it was his pleasure to announce himself a candi date for congress on th republican ticket. Hon. A. W. Graham taken his oppo nent's place at 2:4 , and in his remarks he said he didn't know how to express himself towards his people for the hearty welcome they gave. About three hundred or more thronged the street to see him and escort him to appoin;ep place. After they entered the court room the band formed a circle and there disposed of some of their miuic in the brighet tunes in behalf of the Hon A. W. Gra ham All those that wished to hear the de bale could not find room in the court house Every seat was occupied by a listener, and all the aisles from the plat form to the main entrance of the couit room. At the time of going to press loud cheers were going up from both sides. FULLER ACQUITTED. The .Jury Returned a Verdict of Not Utility. News and Observer. Rockingham, N. C, Sept. 27 Solic itor McNeill made the closing speech in the Fuller trial this morning, which was an argument worth listening to. The court house was crowded to overflowing:. Upon the closing of the speech, the judge delivered an impartial charge to the jury Rut owing to some oversight of a tech nical point, t second charge was deliv ered and the jury retired, remaining out about fifteen or twenty minutes, after which a verdict of not guilty was re turned. Wilmington, N. C , Sept 27 A spe cial to the Star says : The trial of Ed ward J. Fulle-, which has been progress ing at Rockingham, Richmond countyt nearly six days, ended today with a ver diet of acquittal. Fuller was charged with the murder R C Parker, of Fayetteville, N. C . and was tried there lat March, convicted of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to be hant;( d The case was taken to supreme court which cranted a new trial. Change of venue uas then made to Richmond coun ty, and second trial resulted in prompt acquit I al. Tin cM-e s attracted much attention 1 1. 1 on ... h'-u: t li." s t-ite. I r'Uii 15 iniij's 'ote Itook. on- it e.l to s-tnop, walk to and fro, tc w 'cm i , p'iacy of your apartment, with your hands behind your back " .,'. ! -.. . jv! rendered uir;i,.r j,y w ".rii j.' ti.'l .1 1 eyes The presi:re on the arms makes the hands swell. Con toM. i, ,.M cip1Jr,"!in,i pinching fingers th ' are ..qiiare at the ends will give tl.em tie cfiveted taper shape When it h necessary that two people should sleep in the same room, in the in terests of h giene let there be "twin bed-" of enamel or bras, one for each n- u pant A pair of loose, half won: kid j!m.c smeared inside with cold cream o- a s,,ft ening cerate, if worn at night, will ur.d many of the harsh effects of housework upon the hands. Rubber gloves for da:ly wesr about the house are a necessity for the woman who does her own work and desires dainty hands. Stains upon the bands may generally be removed by the application of a little lemon juice. With salt added to it. this is still more effective. I. a e hours re ruinous to a good com plexion. A little fruit eaten after dinner is an excellen' aid to digestion Tlie Modern Iteautv Thrive nn i-nml fnn.l n,t c,mi,in,. .-;!. nh ni v ,f evereUp in h. tt0r! f.rm gows with health and her face blooms with its beautv If her UH'tulls "' beauty. it her system nee Is tt e cleansinir action of a laxative remedy, he uses the gentle and rdeasant hi i'l ill I'iVfiliii. sitiii -.f Vi, 1 ' i,,!,.... .10 f .Johnson 5 Ointal Soap imparts a .!e!l cate odor and leaves the skin soft and velvety. Try it and you will never use- any othtr. W. M. Cure for Headache As a remedv fur all f.rm- of headache Klectric Bitter, h proved to be the very best. It eneets a permanent r-nro and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield i to its indueuce. w . ii . We urge all who are af- a bottle, and give this rlicted to procure eive t n is remedy a fair trial. In of habitual f :.: n. . n-.. . . - ivujiijmuuu xitrctric outers cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases ; long resist the ue of this medicine. Trr it once. bo.lU!s onlf 50 nts at K. Blacknall & Son's drug store" The Ticket Will Win. Public Printer Benedict, who is a New York state man, and whose relations S with President Cleveland are most inti ! mite personally and rticially, in speak ing of the nomination, said : "Mr Hill has never yet been beaten, and it is not likely that he will be a de feated man on next election day. "I have always been for him, and all good democrats can be depended upon to make him the next governor of our state." Itaaeball Yeaterday. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 4, New i ork At Pittsburg Pittsburg 1, Roston 8. At Cleveland Cleveland 20, Philadel phia 4. HOW THE CLUBS STAND. Clubs. W" L Pc Club3. W I, Pc 04 Gi .J 5l7i .4:11 R5174 .4L6 52 77 .4i:i Raltiraor ?, 88 S .t98 Pittsburg, New York, t5 43 .6tk Chicago, Boston, bl 48 .628 Cincinnati, Philadelphia 73 54 21 St. Louis. Brooklyn. 68 CO .5.TT Washington, 45 ;4 Cleveland, 05 til -515s Louisville, 35,i .2.3 WOMEN WHO SUFFER pain each month, can find relief and cure in Dr. Fierce s Favorite Prescription. It regulates and restores the monthly function, 1 run -down, overworked and delicate; allays ana banishes all Nervous Weakness, Spasms, Hysteria, .bits, Chorea, or t. vitus's Dance; cures Weak nesses, Bearing Down Sensations, Backache, Catarrhal Inflammation, Ulcera tion and kindred maladies. For those about to become mothers, it is a priceless boon, for it lessens the pain and perils of childbirth, shortens "labor" and the period of confinement, and promotes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child. Thomas Thirlweix, of Robertsdale, Pa., says: "I cannot sufficiently express to you my gratitude for the benefit your Favorite Prescription' has conferred upon my daugh ter. Of late she has suffered no pain whatever. It is simply marvelous." CS2 T3 a 5 o in a e5 HAIFPRICE ! Town Going Red On Low Prices ! CD O 5 a o Money in Your Pocket. 2.50 Shoes for 1.50 2.00 " " 1.25 1.50 " " 1.00 1.25 " " The cheapest shoe, .25 1.25 Shirts only .Ki 50 cent Shirts, 15 cent Black Hose, warranted stainless, only .10 25 cent Ulack Hose, seamless and stainless, only .15 75 cent Corsets, .48 15 cent Collars, lour ply, only .10 1 Kid Gloves, in tan only, will go at 50 20 cent Suspenders, .10 Face Powders, rood, "J Thimbles, 2 cents and up; Xeedles and Pins, just look, poinp for 1 cent a paper; Fools' Cap and Letter Paper only 10 cents a quire; Legal Cap at 15 cents a quire; Note Paper Ht half price; Envelops a l ull line, at 5 cents h pack, worth 10 anywhere; large Slates 5 cents; Ladies' Hats at half price, and many other things too numerous to mention will be cut half price and less. J. L. COLE & CO., Wholesale and Ket-iil N Y. Kackit Store, Underbuyer and Un derseller of all. n o CD 3 C3 O B CD m 1 a a o to A3 U2 a) PS o ISALKIG", X. '., LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. Good Companion ItejneiitMl Solicits Your Patronage. A CARD ! I hereby announce myseb a candidate for theotliceof Township Constable of Durham Township, Durham 1 'ounty. N. C.and if elected 1 .iMsre to all 10 perform the duties of the : i'l tne best of my ability. It. H. CKUMPLLTt. .f -HALF PRICE I '.nation is the thief of time " Dr. t . urgeon dentist. Uers his prot s- ce in every riepo 1 tment ! dent 13 t 1 n 1 .riTo'lnee his local anaesthetic 10 -j pain, wiii extract teeth for artificial dentil -g only tor tah a' half-pric until Au gust 1. 11U. t)ilice 1113s Main street, Dlt ham. N. C. PEOPLE'S COLUMN Short Time Cnrrlf, 1 Cent ier word per day; One Ineli, S' per month ; Two and One-Half Inches, s4 per month. 1?R SALE Five shared of stock in More head Itanking Co. Address L ck Uox 123. (iraham, N. C. HELP WANTED, MALE Are you unem ployed? Will you work for f 15 weekly r Enclose reterenee ni self-addrtwd 6 tamped envelope. Secretary, lUx P. Chicago. L(SribySicjan-5 jMRktt visiting lit. A liberal regard is cflered fr its return. A. M. MeoKE. M. D. IOR SALE A tr ol stcnd hand rrand X &uare Piano, a Md-Ud an d a new Kold- i fJnVcbcap' Cail Durhatil FurDiture ! C ALBS MAN m secure line of llfe. fkdticjr ! and General Kutitr. from Manufacturirv IConoration. A first- lass line i..r hist-ilas man. P. O. lox for MT1. Nc 1 ork. ''po KENT -Deeirab e o.'liees jn the l!(.lman 1 buiMiiir. EnU!re at ti'BE orfict. 17OKSAf.L-A wire tapiinjr machiae: tte very thin t lor a small jjb printing orhce; brand new. nio I j ioZr. been u-l but one for cah. Addrc-fc j 2W ItEWARD-1 wi l yive the atove re- i V wara ror tne convicioa oi j snootm. trapping or nettinir ; violation of th? law. Ttiere is a ward for the convicioT ot anyone tor; partridge in ; violation ol t n? law. jcereisa nneoi w 1 '' Ior tsihng partridges tt ween the l,th day or ; i iarcn ana tne 1st Uiiv ot ovemuer, T. II. MAKTIN. J ( NwspAPElcj Wben uike n In Urpe older m wort off m mulition of ei- changes. Kn'iuire at The G ixjbe ofUce.! mm mm m PHONE NO. Il 111 i Ann m IF YOU ARE, I , FOR THAT IS HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES, WHOLESALE OR LciAIL. YOU WILL FIND THERE A FULL LINE OF Heavy g Fancy Groceries, Tinware. Glassware, Plain and Decorated Tableware. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, Chewing Gum, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and all the various brands of Snuff, all of which are sold at the manufacturers' prices wit the usual terms and discounts. REMEMBER THAT I AM AGENT FOR THE PARAGON OIL CAN Which I loan to customers Free of Charge who buy oil in live gallon lots. I have just received three hundred of these cans and want to put them out among the oil consumers of this ciiv in the next thirty days. If you want one apply early. There are over two hundred and fifty of them now in use in the city and are pronounced to be the let thbn: in ;he whv of an oil enn ever invented. It would he ueles for me to try to tell you all the advantages of looking me up before you make .nr purchases when in need of goods, either wholesale or retab. All I cm say. if ou want to save Money it will pay you to come around to the Racket Grocery, n the corner ot Mangum and Parrish streets, and see for your self Prices and quality of foods always guaranteed. All goods not as represented will be taken off -the cisii.iiier,' hands nnd the money refunded. All goods sold in the city limits and al! gH d void shipment delivered F. O. R. without charge for packing or canape And now, thanking the public and my friends for past favors and hopintr to shnte a liberal portion of the same in the future, I remain as ever your inend, Composition on a Boy. LT . A boy is man before lie's lm-owii up. rW4?lSii- I5ut ls L2t'?ptioQ. knees. X J as you can buy the bare suit from other dealers. Buy our Stanley Combination for your boys and make them hap py. Sold only by A. FRANK, succeswsoar. IS 100 WEST MAIN. FINE CLOTHING CHEAP We are catching the early buyers, and they are get ting bargains. Our increased sales are an evidence that our goods and prices are l ight. Come and buy your goods where you have much the largor stock to select from. Watch our ad. T. J. r Clothier, Hatter I Furnisher, The Durham, N. C. COAL! I am prepared t deliver jest, i our orders solicited. j S IN M ! V n i I I J mAmm 1 mjmmmwam I Ban ? GO DIRECT TO Racket Grocery i W. H. PROCTOR. pats only run down to bis A boy is a very useful article. 111s useruiness conies in when ins big sister wants bini to run an errand ; but bis principal usefulness is in yearing out clothes, especially pants. Some boys wear out one pair each session. Others wear out two every week. This cut illustrates a happy boy. Why is the boy happy ? e cause his mother has bought from us the Stanley Combination. This outfit consists of a Double Breasted Coat, two ( 2 ) pairs of pants, and the latest style Stanley Cap of same material. ( Kxtra buttons with every outfit. ) The goods are of most excellent and stylish fr brics espe ci lly r(J pted for service, and we can sell yoa the whole outfit as chean. SLATER & COI COAL! Coal as cheap as the cheap- Respectfully, . . a ' m1 I 11 I 1 , K- Si VMi mml LAMBE

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