- Carry roui Preoptions to A Fresh Lot at Yearby's. DUKHAM, X. C, MONDAY liVENING, OCTOliEJLi 1. 1894. PlilCE FIVE CENTS. VOL. V. NO. Imrtam PARTY LEADER DISGRACED Arrest of a Former Member of Parliament. ASK OF CA1T. HOWGATK I ;illg"r Ih.'Yf'iopMitllls tin? romicd at J,,- I'i esid. iif H- 1 1 Ik Mik Ii Iin-,,r-i.-d That Will J.-in:.iii at liu.- l!a I ntil Oc'oher A Taper .ml I 11 1 Mill in Win uiixiii I uri hawed tiv an -.iinlili Sy rid i at-. CmcAoo. October 1. i ii !er t lit- Large of embezzlement. I'm:;, t, ;..id tampering with the mail of U Ih'iti h (.'iiiiTiiiiicfit Ouriicl ampheli. ! i -;i ier t t he i i i til party in the north. ves,t ter ritory, a former post mister in of th: provinces, as well ;is a n.e::i'. r o the Canadian parliament, is a ;.ii-'n-r at the cent ral station. When a. iv.-tcd lie admitted the truth of t:im; .-ring with the ma i N and m !e.! mi.-h; hut denied that he was guilty of forgery. I'art of the money which he tooU lie says, lias lwn paid bach to the govern ment hy iu's family and the remainder has lin n promised. CASE OF CAPTAIN HOWGTE Mm::g I-vflofiiu-ntH 1'roiiiit.cil , lien the 'I rial Taken I'lace. Nkw Yd'.K, October 1. Captain Henry W. J low gate spent Sunday at Ludlow st reot jai 1 awaiting the order of the I'niled Stales marshal rein.unl inghimto Washington to answer to charges of embezzlement and forgery. I'nnii remarks let fall by 1 lowgate from time to time it is evident that In be lieves t hat sens.it ioiia 1 disclosures will he made and that testimony will come out at the trial which will show that the S.".70.0U0 which is alleged the man embezzled was not used by him alone. THE PRESIDENT'S HEALTH. So Miu li ISent-litU-d I hat He Will Stay Away t'ntil October "JO. lh .AKD's Bay, Mass.. October b rrcsident Cleveland will probably re main at. (iray (iables until about Octo I -1- 'JO. So beneticial to his health is muting here proving that it has virtual .;. been decided to delay breaking tip ! ! until that time unless executive i iisiness demanding an earlier return r other unforeseen circumstances may arise to prevent such plans. GREAT SYNDICATE DEAL. l'iiT ami I'ulp Mil In itnuht hy gliMhiiw-n. A 1 i l l 1 o. Wis.. October I. Tl ie great e-d syndicate deal since the pur chase of the American breweries by lingli-.li capitalists has just been con cluded, and unless something unfore seen occurs all the paper and pulp mills a l'ox river will pass into the hands of an Knglish syndicate on April 1. The IVary Ta rt j ' Su fVeri 11 u. Bosi'nN. October 1. - ( ieorge . ( "lark, of Boston, the texidermist who accom panied Lieut. I Vary's party, arrived home yesterday. Regarding the reports of the dissatisfaction and complaint a inoiig t he members of the crew as to tiie alleged snubbing. lack of food and mi tiering from the cold, he showed not t he slightest reluctance to eontirui all tnat had been printed in the new spa papers for the last few days. In Memory of Sunset" t". N 1 u York. October 1.---Yesterday "as the anniversary of the birth of the .i'e s. S. Cox. and the letter carriers. ' ii. alw a.v.s keep his memory green in recollection of his services to them for ii.inv cars. decorated his grave in ' "iveiiwood Ccmctei'V. There was no ; '.i:a.:e. hut hosts of carriers stood by ' s , r;t ,. during the day. and it was ' !,! with the most beautiful flowers :-e iiad. 1 1 fin n.loim lilae in Stillwater, Mlnneiutn.. v : : w ri-k. Minn., October 1. ' ; ant of the Stillwater nianufac ' company, on Main street, was - ' .stroyed by tii at 1 ::'.0 o'clock " ' ::,ng. The local tire depart- , : ' 'v-:s unable to cope w ith the tire a:' ' v'. i'tul was asked for aid. BRIEF NEWS FROM THE WIRES. :- 'veatened railroad tax riots in '-.s. Ky., have been averted. : National Christian Endeavor con : ' n will be held in Boston in ljyS. - "1 Zahndt. a world's fair buildinff 0 ' -actor, has committed suicide in Sa :- 1 rancisco. hapter general of the Kniffhts hhn and Malt a concluded its ' rations at Toronto Saturday, letter from Lieut. K. L lVary says 'Homing pigeons are not a succesj M : or" 'in I t . 1 !oi lowing i-ascs wcrcti 1 1 : e ' ninyor this morning : "N il'.iam lbigcrs, who was ch:ircd with K' t'inj; a razor from Willinm Macklin. W:is hefore 1 ho mayor this mor.iiug. The veietice not beimr sutlicient to convict. IH tilni wis I'm ,1 ,;, l.. ..,,.-.- r ! ... v 4 m mi mi iiijis in lue, 1 l"L' ! ack Diitugiii Hnd Jatues Hanks, affray, hey walked up aal paid over the sum -l..ttJ etch. i JHir Smith ! unus mitu as he.d in two different ' :.cs He was discharged in .,.1 ", hut the other one cost him $.1. subscribe for The Globe. --o- iiui LOCAL NOTES. People Coming ami Cioi rig Notes of t-ir-st I ailv Fend. 1 Mr. E. Warren Myers spent Sunday in j the city. j W. II. 0.-born left this morning for j Oxford ' 1 Buck Meadows left this morning for j Oxfor'1- j . Jiailanl returned last evening irom Kaleigh. Mack I'arrish went to Chase City tliis morning. Miles Goodwin returned from Raleigh this morning. Bud Ferrell left this morning for Chase City on business Mr C. Felix Harvey, of Kins-ton, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. .lames Mollit came down from Bur lington (.n the noon train. Mrs. Dr. Manning went down toGolds boro on the noon train. Bditor Barber, of the Greensboro I'a- t. iot, spent yesterday in the city. Miss Sallie Crump, a sister of Mrs. Dr Fitch, is spending a few days in the city. Rev R. B. Hall left on the noon train for rayetteville on a short business trip. T. A. Lyon, of Greensboro, passed through the city on hi3 way to Raleigh lod:-.y, Lieut. W. Rose, of the L'nited States army, left this morning on the Id o'clock train. The county commissioners are in ses sion today. The usual routine of busi ness was liuished. W. L. Ferrell left this morning on the U. A: C. train for Chase City, whexe he will spend a few days. The work of repairing begun this morn ing on the Reams warehouse. They are putting in skylights, etc. Mr. George Collins spent Sunday in the city and left this morning on the fcb S: C. train for a visit to his farm Mr. James L. Davis has a card else where in this issue, announcing himself as caedidate for the office of township constable. There will he services at the Second Baptist church tonight at 7:30 o'clock by Rev. C. M. Billing. After services seyeral will be baptized. The protracted meeting at the First Baptist church is meeting with a great deal of encouragement. The church was crowded last night. Mr. Dennis Sheppard a prominent farmer died Friday night at his home in Wake county. Mr. Sheppard is well known in this city and those knowing him will regret to hear of his death At midnight Saturday night the Jewi-h New Year commenced. According to their caleinl ir the je-ir "";.") commenrtd at sundown Saturday evenin.'. The cel. -hration continues today, and a!! ih r stores are closed. Miss Annie DeG IYay will rive a piano recital on next Thursday vt r 1 i 1 1 l? . October 4, at 8:30 o'clock in Stokes hail. She will be assisted by Miss Blanche Morgan, Mr. W. K Yates an! Mis- Lib t Virginia Parrish, who will act as accom panist. John Moidiky was hefore 'Sipiiits Me Man neii i.nd liar bee this morn in Lr charged with an a.-saull on Zick Dnnnigan Xack had about fifteen w it nesses, but it v as impossible to convict John. He was dis charged, and Zick was taxed with the cost, $10. The woik on the new telephone line is progressing very rapidly. The switch boards are up in the exchange, and a un at many of the wires have been run ftoin subscribers in the out skirts of the eity. The rain last week delayed the work very much indeed. This morning 'Squire Gunter adu.inis tered the oath to Mr. () B. Foushce as assistant postmaster and registry clerk Bob Rigshee resigned several days ago to engage in some other business. He will stay with Mr. Foushee for several j weeks to get him familiar with the work I Changes in the Tobacco 1 1 ii i 11 ess. j There were a good many changes in ' the waiehouse busiruss today. ; K. J. Barrish and John W. Rope torn . menced business together. J. Scott Burch goes on the m irkei a- a buyer. Mr. Andrew Cattis takes charge of the ft books of Carrington & Hutchings Mr J. F. Cothran leaves for Danville to engage in the warehouse business. Mr. Claud Johnson goes with Carring- ton A- HntehiinTC .ucw. Obe Carver leaves today to enlace in j - - - i the sale of tobacco in Chase City, Va Mr Mr.c. Irrln f iin;ii , UU5t irin oi lanville, has ac- i cented a nosition with Mr T II Martin ; -ru x . , ' " i 1 ne lohe warehouse closes up today Th old Farm warphn,, nn t h ' vvuvuuilu street, ooens for husinei i ' ' . , Let the tobacco come in now, and the boy i .ys will do it justice. I COURT CALENDAR. Cas to be Tried During this October Court. . I At a meeting of the Durham Mr, held .q thg derk,3 office Sep,ember 2, 1S94, J it wa3 agreed that the following shall be j the civil casc3 set for the term: ' Thursday, October 1 1. I No. 115 Durham Fertilizer Company J w H Chaffell acd other, No. loO-W.C. Maynard vs W. II. Mor ris. Xo. 200 The Fountain Marking Brush Company vs. J. J. Baldwin No. 209 -John A. Umstead vs Lucy A. L'mstead. No. 102 J. II. Shields vs Town of Durham. Friday, October 13. No. 10:i Foster vs Smith and Pinch back. No. 159 Smith and Henry vs. Carter. Xo. 188 Durham Fertilizer Company vs. Ivey. Saturday, October 13. No. 205 Corden vs. Neal. No 214 Shaw vs. Ilowerton. Monday, October 15. No 210 O'Briant vs. Wilkins. No. 207 Joyner vs. Trinity College and Crowell. No. 1G5 Dalborn vs. Crowell. Motion Docket. No. 3 Andrews & Farthing vs. Rigs bee k Manning. No. 30 Tilley vs Bivins. No. 94 Bowling vs. Allen. No. 153 Bloom vs. Walker. No. 175 Morehead Banking Co. vs. Morehead. No. IS; Wily & Ballard vs. Durham Supply Company. No. 187 Ballard & Wiley vs. J. Y. Whitted Tobacco Company. No. is Markham vs. Alliance Mdse. Co. No. 193 Morehead Bkg. Co vs. Fon ville. No. 200 Faucette vs. Music House. No. 210 O'Briant vs. Wilkins. TIN PLATE MILLS CLOSE. Every Plant in the United States Shuts Down. Pittsburg , Pa., Sept. 29 Tonight all the tin plate plants in the country will close down, throwing several thousand men out of wrork, and there is no indica tion as to when they will again be put in operation. There is a wide difference be tween the manufacturers and workers on the subject of wages. Two important reasons are given for the action taken by the manufacturers' association. One is that the closing down of factories is to discourage pros pective builders of tin plate plants. Another reason given by the manufac turers is that, under Secretary Carlisle's ruling, 415,000,000 pounds in tin plate now in bond can be put ou the market Mon day by paying the new reduced tariff This will till all demands for some time to come. On the other hand the workmen assert that the shutdown is merely a scheme of the manufacturers to compel their em : loves 10 work for lower wages. Swansea, Sept. 29 It is rumored here that there is a movement on foot to strike a bio v at the tin plate tra eof the United States. It being contended that the Americans cannot produce certain plates wiihnut Welsh labor, the representatives of lab r in Wales, it is said, are inviting the return to that country of all makers of tin piale in America who have been discharged from their positions, or whose wages have been reduced as a conse quence of the adoption of the new tarilT l'ootlall Yesterday. At IJoston Harvard 22, Dartmouth . At Princeton Princeton -td.Lnf ayct !e 0 At Hattfoid Yale 22, Trinit y . The little infant of Mr. .J. II C.p:e-'-died yesterday of chills and fever. Mi Copley reported very ill. That .Joyful Feelinjj With the exhilarating sense of renew d health and strength and internal cleanli ness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medi cines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed Aheko FV 0 : Messrs. Lipptuan Pros.. Savannah, Ga.: j Dkak Siks -I oought a Ixjttie ot your P. P. i P. at Hot springs. Ark., and it has done n e j more good than three months treatment at : the Hot Springs. j Have you no agents in t his part of the coun : try, or let me know how much it will cost to i get three or six t.ottits from vour citv hy x ! press. Respectfully yours, 1 Jas. M. Newton. Alerdeen. Uiuwri CouLty. U. N EWNANSVILLE. FLA.. June 5, 1-V1. Messrs. Lippman Pros., avannah, Ca : Dkak m h I wish to trive mv t est i mi mini in '1 Ktr valunle medicine. P. P. P.. for the cure ot rheumatism, neuralgia. dyjeia. hiliousDess. etc. In Wd I was attacked with uiui'us muscumr rneumatism, ana have oeen a martyr to it ever since. 1 tried all medic n-s I ever heard of, and all the doctors in reach, hut 1 found only temporary relief: the pains were so ha i at times that I did cot care whether I lived or died. My digestion hecarce o im paired that everything I ate disagreed with me My wife also suffered so intensely with dy6iepsia that her lite was a burden to her : she would be confined to her bed for weeks at lucwuic. fuc aiw Buuerv! gieatiy Irom sia- dines and loss of sleep. Some timo in v.rch I was advised to take P. P. p., and tfore we my "ite and I had finished the second bottle of P. P. P.. our digestion began to improve. Jiu P.! JS? tht .ve been I haven't done before in a number of rears. ! huic iu nun. am am leeiin? IltC diiinif whst e will continue taking P. P. p. until we are entirely cured, and will cheerfully recommend tfuiivffCnru? humariity- guSL7 " J. S. Dupriss. IT GIVES WARXIXQ that there's trouble ahead if you're getting thin. It shows that your blood is impoverished, and your organs deranged, so that whatever you eat fails to properly nourish you. Ana just as long as you emain in this condition, Consumption, Pneumonia, and other Scrofulous ana dangerous diseases are likely to fasten upon you. You should build your self up with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Purify and enrich the blood, rouse every organ into natural ac tion, and build up healthy, wholesome, necessary flesh. Ocean Port, N. J. Dr. R. V. Pierce: Dear Sir We have used your "O.M.D." in our family and find nothing else to equal it. One of our children had the pneumonia, and one lung1 become consoli dated, but by the use of the "Discovery" she has entirely recovered, and is now in good health. Stoles Opera House 1 One Night Only, (I Tuesday, October Under the personal direction of GDSTAVE FHOHMAN, the Queen of Comedies, All Fid, Merriment, Lailiter ! Prices 2. "0 and T5 cents. Spats on tale at Vaughan's Drug Store. HALFJPRICE ! Tom Goini M On Low Prices ! zn CO o I 93 a 4 5 E2 o" C3 .a cC a o Money in Your I'oeket. -2..r)J Shoes for -T'l-'O 2.00 I.-1") 1.50 " " 1.0" 1.25 " " .85 The cheapest shoe, .25 $1.25 Shirts only .85 50 cent Shirts, .39 15 cent lilack Hose, warranted stainless, only .10 25 cent Black Hose, seamless and stainless, only .15 75 cent Corsets, .48 15 cent Collars, lour ply, only .10 1 Kid Gloves, in tan only, will go at .50 20 cent Suspenders, .10 Face Powders, good, .50 Thimbles, 2 cents and up; Needles and Pins, just look. going for 1 cent a paper; Fools' Cap and Letter Paper only 10 cents a quire; Legal Cap at 15 ceDts a quire; Note Paper at half price; Envelop, a f u 11 1 i ne, at 5 cents a pack, worth tO anywhere; large Slates 5 cents; Ladies" Hats at half price, and many other things too numerous to mention will We cut half price and less. J. L. COLE & CO., Wholesale an1 KeHi! N. Y. Packet Store, Lnderhuyer and L'n derseiler of all. CD CX. m SO 3 a C3 O B CD S in a o i o ilALKIGd, X. C, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. Good Companies K'ireseiited Solicits Your Patronage. For Township Constable. WOMEN AND CHILDREN Are wanted at the Commonwealth Cotton .Mills. Apply to S. V. HOLMAN', Superintendent. PEOPLE'S COLUMN 1 j short Tiine CardSt , tIlt J)er wort, rt.r J day; One Inch, i per month ; Two and One-Half inches, i per mouth. j j 1' 'UK SALE Five shares of stock in More- head Hanking Co. Address Lock l'.ox l. Graham, X. C. HELP WANTED. MALE Are vou unem ployed .' Will you work tor -r weekly .' Enclose reference and self-a ldresM-1 stamptd envelope. Secretary, IJx P, Chicago. Io.-r Physician's y -:t viij'ing I.st. A J lileral r gard is o:!-rd Jor i?s r turi!. A. M. M KE. M. D. P'H' SAI L A g' o-l cii-I hand grand V 6'iuare Piano, a i'i-l aid and a new Fold ing lied, cheap. Call on Iuri;a:u Furrutur Company. SALESMAN can se. ute.;a.-oi i and (o-nerai IIudNt. iroia M.- ii -.u: g c ..ri: g St Ci-S Corpora: i-iii. A T man. P. U. to. : . t-i-ins- li:.- ! ::ti. Vo T"U HEXT-DfSinhe o in the 'I- '. tan Hf. o;f. . 1 huildmg. ErijuireatO: IUKSALE A wire stapling machine: the very thin for a small joh printing office; i hrand new. hvin' ued hut one month: ill sol i low for cash. Address The Globe. Durham. X. C. itr. Alii) l wi.i give me aoove re- : ? ward for th i,nvininn of anvone tor snooting, trapping or netting partridges in t violation of the Uw. There is a fine ot 1j.' ' ior killing partridges between the nth day ot ; Mrcl ani the Lt day of November. 1. 11. JIAul l.i. j ( J lots will be sold for 10 cents a hundred in order to work off an accumulation of ex changes. Enmire at The O lobe office. Crurnoler ! 1 Are PHONE IF YOU ARE, in Hiii I w, ,T, FOR THAT IS HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES, WHOLESALE OR HETAIL. YOU WILL FIND THERE A PULL LINE OP Heavy Fancy Groceries, Tinware, Glassware, Plain and Decorated Tableware. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, Chewing Gum, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and all the various brands of SnulT, all of which are sold at the manufacturers' prices wit the usual terms and discount. REMEMBER THAT I AM AGENT FOR THE PARAGON OIL CAN Which I loan to cu-tomers Free of Charge who buy oil in five gallon lots. I have just received three hundred of these cans and want to put them out among the oil coiiutiwrs f thn city in the next thirty days. If you want one apply early. There are over two hundred and tifty of them now in use in the city and are pronounced to be the hot thing in he way of an oil cm ever invented. It vw mum he n-e!e for me t. try to tell you all the advantages of looking me up beb.ru you make our purchases when in need of goods, either wholesale or reiai A!! I e 01 -;iy. if ou want to save Money it will pay you to come around to the 1 1 k k ' t ; (- r, n the corner of Mangum acd Parrish streets, aori see for your elf Price him! qua!n of L-oods always guaranteed. All goods not as represented v. i l be taken ' 11 1. - ci;omer-' hands and the money refunded. All goods sold in the city limit-a- ! nb go, .is sold shipment delivered F. O. II. without charge for packing or entire And now, thanking the public and my friends for past favors and -e.p in it to shun- a liberal portion of the same in the future, I remain as ever your friend, Composition 1 ;h you c .1) ouv SI ..ft 1 .k.OK Stanley Combinatin:i fur your boys, and make them ban- py. hold only hy A. FRANK, SUCCESwS0AR 1 100 WEST MAIN. Eye do (Dp luu See our Novelties in Walking Canes just arrived. COAL! I am prepared to deliver Coal as cheap as the cheap Vour orders solicited. Respectfully, est. sir)isrE"y SCOTT. NO. 23. Bras ? GO DIRECT TO k (et Grocefy. W. EE. PROCTOR. Boy on a A boy is man before he's rown up. Hut his pants only run down to his knees. A boy is a very useful article. His usefulness comes in when his bi sister wants him to run an errand ; but his principal usefulness is in wearing out clothe, especially pants. Some boys wear ou one pair each session. Others wear out two every week. This cut illustrates a happy boy. Why is the boy happy ? J be cause his mother has bought from us the Stanley Combination. This outfit consists of a Double Breasted Coat, two ( 2 ) pairs of pants, and trie latest style Stanley Cap of same mat-rial. ( Kxtra buttons with every outfit.; The tfoods are of most excellent and stylish fabrics espe cially adapted for service, and we can sell you the whole outfit as cheap .ire suit from other dealers. Iuy our SLATER & CO. COAL Is Sit !