"1 i ' . A. v if V .. jv I jOL. I--NO. 34. DURHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1888. SUMMARY. . . rM ntaiivt'. Randall continues to im l.ut i) " (-s:irily from the nature of his ...hint, ( rv -slowly. ' At 2 o'clock yes .'vatVrnoon lit-was resting quietly, and :ir:tti vt l v easy and tree Irom pain. dan was somewhat restless (Willi I l ... !.. !--- AkTYiTi iritililn '11; liaUntn tree Irom pain.( since 'ndav, and feels as'if he were a great deal ,mr than lie is. -The heavy rains ,ivlav at the headwaters of the Mononga a and (Vat rivers- started last evening ,'of tht- most Middon, and perhaps before it hi1. one of the most disastrous floods KDITOKIAL 1SUIEFS. SUKKIDAN tlllllk'S IlC IS a (h.si.m ,;;it deal irt.' otth tPHlJjer. storms visited different State this week. lr is said that Hon. William R orrhson is workup for a nomina- ,n to the next Congress,-, but his ,:inw for success seems small. The first bale of cotton of the crop of 1888 was sold in New York last Tuesday at 12? cents per pound. The cotton was raised in (ieorsria. TOWN TALK. Dust again. New moon last night. Illirrv nn with tlio ir-o r-ictdi-v fiiK Evangelical Alliance of Wil- TWin m..Ptin f tivv mington is throwing the weight of C. A. to-morrow night. its influence against the desecration Maj. W. A. Guthrie is back from of the Sabbath, and will present a a triV down the county Mr. Kichard Battle, of the News Observer, was in town to-dav. Can t we have a co-operative cotton factory in Durham? Let's try it. A small reduction has been mac , .- ' - in, tne tare over the Richmond Danville Railroad. I5mi,I) ;ittciii)t at incendiarism at it lii IVnilt on. The floor of the C. l'X ('. rail road .depot was satura- with nil and set on tire. Xo clue ft iiic per nciraiors. i iru searrh warrant for the farmers in the k iiKK-ratir (listnct convention yesterday is rt'turnt'd "not to le found." North Vou must have had -ti blind man t vou r constable. petition to the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad Company and the New Hanover Transit Company, against running Sunday trains. May their efforts be blessed. Sunday is not ob served as it should be. Col. H. F. Fellows, president of the Springfield (Mo.) Wagon Com pany, one of the stanch old 18G0 Lincoln Republicans, has come out for Cleveland. In answer to the question : "Are you going to vote for Cleveland?" he said: "Yes, sir; as between the twTo tickets I have no hesitancy. As a manufacturer I en dorse the Cleveland idea of tariff re form, looking not to my own inter ests alone, but to those of my em ployes and the laboring men in gen- Greensboro, passed down to eral. If a reduction of the tariff to-uaj. I "VT 1 1 . 1 would narnlv'fi t.hft indnstrips of thp ao reaucea tickets to summer , i I ,, i resorts for Durham yet. How long, o v.,f..xV Qh h()w j .h J Republicans allow. the Democrats to folks will accommodate us? carry out free trade measures and thus kill their. party? The fat is, the Republicans are afraid a reduc- The Excursion To-davi The excursion to IIillslKro bv the First Rai)tist Church was delayed in starting this morning bvj a break in the telegraph wire which detained the orders to the trainmen. Alnnit nine o'clock the train bf six cars moved oil' with about three hundred persons on board, all of whom we hope spent a most pleasant day. stkihkn Freeman was hanged i Wilmington yesterday. There ill he several other hangings in the tate during July. W. A. Potts will hanged to-morrow. 1'iiK. saddest words of tongue or pen J here s too manv women and not I'll !" Wilsnii Mirror. enoush Wrong. Not half as I'liere's too many "men luugh women." sad and as not Let the Ladies be Invited. Provision should be made at our Exposition for a ladies' department, wherein may be exhibited needle , work, fancy work, paintings, draw ? ingsand pantry supplies, embracing X i .4 i 1 ,. ; swpct. niotlps ' nirfclp (ti ()iir In- It is thought that the Durham dips miulp n wrv prpditnWp d;MlnV & Oxford Railroad will be com- Lt kn fiftn v,nci;;nn A pleted within thirty days. aso, and we will assume the author- It is reported, that the bridge ity to say that they will make a still over Tar river, on the Durham & more meritorious exhibit at the Dur Oxfbrd Railroad, has been com- ham Exposition if their co-oneration pleted. is solicited. This department would Bishop W. W: Duncan was on the be a very pleasing feature to hun- east-bound train to-day en route to dreds ot our visitors -and the small the Raleigh District Conference, at amount ot money that would be re Selma. i quired for premiums in this depart- Messrk J. M. and W. R. Odell, went could not be expended in a of Concord, and Ir. J. A. Odell, of y inai woum yiem peuer rcsuns. w i i i v ill triJi ;i niiir iir ii iwuii i hp im. L n -t I w V J w - W & - &.J IT & V & A J A V til V A Ci aies in an anair ot this kind is like pulling a very heavy load up a very steep hill. By all means let there be a ladies department m the Dur ham Exposition. . I Our Congratulations. Mr. John W. Umstead, of Flat River, and Miss Lulie Lunsford, of Durham, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony this afternoon, A -1 1- A. il. t 1 . I m . ociocK, ai ine nome oi me bride's father, Mr. Y. I). Lunsford, on Mangum street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. A. . Mansum, of Chapel Hill, uncle of the bride. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. W. IL McCabe and Mr. and Mrs. J no. B. Walker. The happy couple left this afternoon for the home of the groom at Flat River, bearing with them the best wishes of a host of friends for a iappy future. $4.00 PER ANNUM. DAVIS SCHOOL. Military Boarding School FOIl DOTS avl YOU NO XEX. t Vr- Full prnratin for inr CAt fir I'- uuMnrMi tktn : (Inr rtlmatt ; iiitut Inir-rm : rxi--lU-nt tKilUllnw ; 'tri r nrt ItaMfti i'adrt Orraratra. ' r Mfitvul AttetUut. No Eltn J Chant Ut Lanxuafr or HclDcr f- IVirttucnt f Art. Full CVKirfc. K'tKtr Itb full imrticuUis aMrr COL. C. DAVIS, Supt., LA tiKAMiE. N. C. bright and h tion of the tariff would enhance the prosperity of the country and re dound to the glory of the Democratic been notified that th There are complaints of viola- Plant PhotograiIis. iion oi tne locai option law. IjCi tne Miss Mollie Thomas le otneers j exercise the greatesp. vigi lance in detecting the offenders and bring them to justice. Have the railroad authorities ere is an ordi- a visit to Warrenton. Miss Ada Whitaker lei visit relatives in Wake county. Miss Kittie Holt, of Haw River, ft to-day on to-day to The Davis School. At the Davis School last year there was a larger number of boys and young men than at any other institution of learning in North Car olina. There are able professors in all departments. As was announced some time ago, artillery drill will be added next September. A depart ment in civil enineerinir has also been established at the school. The department of art architectural uralting, mechanical drawing, water color painting, oil painting is in charge of an artist from the Royal Academy of hue Arts. Antwerp. rJmere is no extra charge for any of these studies. Full preparation is given lor any college r university. i . or a complete business Miucation is given at the school. The charges ol ii i ii- . c tne scnooi are very low. rite ir particulars to Davis School, La- Grange, X. C. HOLLY SPRINGS INSTITUTE, FOR MALE AND FEMALE. The eleventh term of thl -h.l w 111 mmmetKv July V1. lw. l"M.t. K. Siler. lTttiril. with nitii.atent asitant (u every lHartnent. iMxinl in ifh (kinilie at K...'ni -r mouth. Tu ition. n ?l..t. Mumc, wall initrunieiit. fl.Vui. StulenU preparvl for eolleve or .the LuMtie lur!uitof life. A IhoroMjfh htiMiiev ninl aixri- t-utlural tmhiitiK a t-ialty. . btuileiitx-oinini; ty mil will U- ni t at Aj- ntl ci.nveye! to Holly S.rin:i uiilf. mu n tunieil free tif chnive. Fir further i-Mrtirularn Mre T. I J. HoLT. Sre. I5.rl Trut.n. Holly Sprim.-. WUe Co. X: C. jyll-tlltwiM' party. I say, hurrah for Cleveland nance against the rapid running of was on the east-bound train to-day and Thurman !" Still they come. trains thrnnorh thp tnwn r If nnt why not? Waiting for somebody to get killed ? Little Elbert Magruder, the nine- monthsrold child of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rogers, died at 12 o'clock to-day. The funeral will take place to-mor row afternoon at o o clock, Irom the Nkw; Ukunk's big ratification came Hast night. We saw New Berne a a like occasion once and she did I'rst'lf proud. We can well under anj the glowing reports that come iv Craven will do her duty. Hkkk's food for thought, and "any of us need it : Jiiy at a time ! That's all it can be : tastt-r than tlmt i tha lior.lct fjtt. M)J days have their; limits, however we " Km ineni too early and stretch them too Helen IIunj Jackson. I ...... Mi r '.Mh l. iMOREHEAD was 1101111- wted lor Congress by the conven n -at Greensboro. The nomina was made on the 162d ballot. gallant canvass, come home and The State, Convention of the Re publican League Clubs, of Newr York, is in session at Saratoga to-day. The New York Herald thus speaks of the gathering: "Saratoga has put on her gala attire to-day to welcome the residente on Broadway members ot the Republican League l t i 1 CI i j - -r ill UluDs ot tne state oi iew i orK, j whose convention meets in the though i Spring Street Casino at noon to morrow. Nearly all the. business houses and some of the hotels on Broad way are decorated with stream- the 4th "It's a little late to speak of it, didn t know how much I ; of The Daily Plant until of July, when you took holi day." jThank you, we shall strive to make the evening visits of The Plant indispensable. . Misses Lora and Veri Lyon left yesterday evening on a visit to Greensboro. ' I Miss Annie Link left yesterday evening to visit her father, Capt I. N. Link, in New York. j : Mrs. Eugene Morehead accompa nied Mr. Morehead on Jiis visit to Greensboro, yesterday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Allen are on a visit to Roxboro. The 'Plant will keep them posted on home -affairs while they are away. j Mrs. Jno. T. Edmundson, of Golds- boro, passed through Durham to-day returning irom a visit to her mother, WJo nro rrlurl tn loom li trf matm ersand American flags, though no f tfa mployers of the members of Mrs. M. E. Millard, in Greensboro 1 I AMirV- T1 I I i VT II rlTTUT"riJUI-jl A'I 1 A i i a 1 I iiiiniDuu an, uxviwii. i tne Jjurnam ljignt inianirv nave T?Q,r nnA t a nnniimm yet been stretched across that lively shown a willingness to let the boys Gf Greensboro were ort the west- A Surplus. 1 . . , unaer tins caption one ol our exchanges says: "Durham countv is bothered over a surplus of o,(KK) in the treasury and is talking ol spending-it on the roads of the county. It is strange how people will get things mixed, the only thing that has ever been said about this matter in print has been said by The Plant, and we are sure that our statement was not like the one quoted above. The $,000 is not a surplus, but it is a sum of money paid by the people for a specific pur pose and the only bother that it rdves us is that it is not hem? o - - ---- o expended for the purpose for which it was paid, namely, the improve ment of our public roads. As it is. this money is out of the people's pockets and into the public treasury, where it lies dormant drawing no WIRE RAILING And Ornamental Wire Works. D-ifur & C?., U3-U5 Howard St.. SiHo. l!d Wirv railing for ein-t.THs. lavu. KaMeim oiluv itiil l.al-iu! : win. low iruuM. tr-" KUunN. wire cloth, i. fen.l.Tv uihl vtnil M-rttfii-. Iron lclM al. -l.air. tx-tttf CASWELL HILL RESIDENCE FOR SALE! Stlt-iilil Ijoiiiu' w ith lo rooni: ut-tl water: uu- orchard anil vraiM-rr: 4" arrvti tu lot: immmI ftiin- iii unity. Mr. J. W. liriH.k will uliow any oiif iiii; t iur-hai over tb- pn-iiiiw-. JerniK .-. AjU'lv to 4. A. IAIN'O. jyT-dtf (iraliaiu. N. C. NOTICE ! Janu s ! trity. a whitf liciy. lilit liHlr aul lAw eves, mix nil i.( vearn oit. iinvin UiuikI to me. has lHl mv Miesiioiii. Any one liarliorii.K or giving sail iy einnloynient w ill l l-alt w It t anonlinn to law. JAMKS ItiLrl. jyl3-wlm 8. H. HAWES' GOAL ELEVATOR ! RICHMOND, VA. The Only Coal Elevator Sonlli. le will make a .rower may now ,rq:ire to' stay. TiiK'CJreat Western Air Line, to fun trom Charlotte to Weldon, is Mining power. The survev is nro- fing satisfactorily; and the peo aloncr tK P1!! Durham take any steps toward f miring the road ? Koi. ur yet fronio reason wp-f.idpd.t o-t v W Richmond and Washington ,aptTs to-day, hence our hews from uai nUoftheline is not as full as k Ual. e can, however, nssnrp nnr . f , -, (ers that Congress has not )ed the Mills bill. 1 To,'. i i . I naieigh Christian Advocate tW the New t Observer are disnnt. about where the Fourth of July r came irom." That's right. reeP stirring the matter nn until p find out the right end of it If 4'K)t h .:.! , ngnt. why, say so like men. T . " " ; , U often ! The Renuhlicans ;ilt Massachusetts hv 40 000 mn. A- 1 J r- lJ "US year. WV,ot '-da-ui: i " " . ivcuuuu wm! To counteract the effect 11,13 TiFlAXT is infnrmP(, ,,., ana Texas will go Demo - ana lmuoo respec h! tell us som; news. thorousrhfare. The clubs that have been pouring into town; with bands of music this afternoon and evening have had to march under the por traits of Cleveland and Thurman which have been kissed by the breezes for a fortnight or more." Has Cleveland captured even this ancient and distinguished Republi can camping ground? The attempt made by the Democratic mob to break up the Republican meeting at Dur ham last Saturday night when Lol. Dockery spoke, is justly condemned by the Durham Recorder and Tobacco JtLAST, uvernsuoro North State. Who said there was any attempt to break up the meeting? Who said there was any mob? You are rather wild and at the same time a little unkind. As The Plant stated in its account ot tne matter, a lew thoughtless boys, who were simply indulging in a little rough play, cre ated all the disturbance that occur red, and a Democrat followed, and, accompanied by other Democrats, after the speaking, invited Dockery, Pritchard iind Nichols to Vaughan's soda fountain and treated them to cooling drinks. Yet your highness pretends to think an attempt by a. mob was made to keep the candidates from speaking. Get a cool , drink yourself. We wonder the disturb ance wasn't greater than it was, for no set of men have the right 'to get a crowd of folks out in the street and make them stand up two or three hours and listen to such fearfully dull and thin speeches as Dockery, Pritchard and Nichols made. The bovs had to veil a little and "talk back" to keep from going to sleep. so to the Encampment. That's right, gentlemen. Now letall hand's say, Uro, Doys, go, ana may you have a pleasant time. Tliat was "an interesting and bound train yesterday; returning irom a vian io me eastern pan oi the authorities to point to th. meouue. ; chequer and exclaim : 4Kehold i . Mr. W. H. Osborn left yesterday have got 83,000!" fnr TTrSt i-?nrincra with thp lump ' nf 1T-1VP tliP awful r(i:id- of hist win '. . 1 . r- 1 T T T - " " I' "r' " - ----w ..... torcetut sermon mat unapiain J. xi. obtaining relief from a severe attack ter been forgotten? Or is itthewant nan pieaeneu iu iue iuiuam g"H 0f rheumatism, with which he has oi energy that causes the authorities iniamr , iriuuy cnurcn, last been suffering for several davs. W e to sit supinely and tike no step. rngnt. j inesunjecx was taten irom ho - that he wiU SOOn ibe' entirely towards improvements? Ifthereis David's encounter with Cxolialh ana rtnrpfi anv. reason whv this work should maiij piav-uw" awjjntuuuuo vixti. p not be aone ana aone at once, we power 01 our spiritual enemy ana oi Fire Alarm System. should like to know it. for the tnorp our source of strength in the conflict We are impressed by the fact'that we think about the matter the more II A. I X" - 11' A I . 1- . were urawn tuereirom w e nope a tire alarm system shouia De aaop- absurd the present state of affairs a p that th:e sermon made an impression ted for Durham. As it is, when a pears. Only a few months atro loud for good upon all who heard it. fire breaks , out a general alarm is complaints were heard from those From the Pittsboro Home, of given and unless smoke .or blaze can who had occasion to pass over the this week, we clip the following item be seen, the people have no means roads, the necessity for improvement about a physician who once resided oi locating tne nre ana tney run pen was apparent ana a special tax was Tliere are seventy-two screens in the lluilding. No dust or dirt can possibly get into the Coal as it runs over these interest and giving no satisfaction, screens in passing from the Klevator unless it is a source ol pleasure to into the carts. CX- C,,ncim..ro m,. ll 1 .In- 'mil We i f)drv flu i'inti The railroad cars run alongside the Klevator, and the Coal is loaded into them there, thus lessening the cost to the trade South and West. I have now and shall always keep on hand, a large stock of all kinds of Coal best suited for Foundry, Factory and Family use. All Coal selected and of best iuality. Prompt shipments. Orders , so licited. S. H. HAWES, Richmond, Va. in Dur esteem A. iS lam and who is held in lnsrh men, one inquiring oi anoiner: levied lor tne purpose ; the money bv many of our citizens : uDr. here is it r "wnere is it (" inis has been paid in and is being held Atwater, one of Chatham s was the case this morning ana ior. with a tight grip, while comparative young land promising physicians, has commanded a large ana successtul a while it was not known in what ly nothing is being done to prevent direction the fire was. Prompt ac- a recurrence of the trouble of last practice at his new location Knapp tion is a very important; requisite in winter. Did you ever hear 'of such of Reeds. A short time ago he hap- a successful combat with the flames, queer proceedings before? Again pened to a' very painful accident from Hit is thought inexpedient to adopt we say if there is any reason in al tho kick of his'horse. While ridine the electric system, soine simpler this let the public know it, and mak in his buggy he stooped forward to and inexpensive means could be ae- it mighty plain or it may not be adjust the lines, his horse kicked up, visea tnat wouia De an improvement seen hit him in the mouth and knocked over tne present general aiarui. xue out fodr of his teeth." , The Plaxt is town might be divided into four rlad td hear of his success in his new fire districts, with well-kpown streets home and sorry to learn of the acci- as the diviaing lines, ana in case dent tliat ljefell him. ot an alarm the number ot the ais- tnct from which it proceeds shouia be sounded bv the bells: It is true NOTICE! Fire. The Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of C. L. Iloenig, deceaetl, all inons in- leptel to said estate are hereby notified to Mftue at once, or settlement will te inforeed. and all wrtons havine claim against said estate ere notified to present them wirhin one year, or thii notice wui be pieanea in bar or same. K. Ii. BOONE, jyl-wlm Adm'r of C. L. Iloenig.tlecM. WE BRING THESE TIDINGS : Liberality, Justice, Security! More than Twenty-Five of the Best English and American Companies , Represented. Nearly $500,000,000 Capital and Assets. STRONGEST COMPANY AGENCY IN THE SOUTH. THE LARGEST IN THE STATE. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. NEARLY $250,000 PAltfCITIZENS OF DURHAM. ' Yours truly, J. SOUTHG ATE k SON, Durham, N. C. NOTICE! kitchen attached to the dwel- that many people would fail to re- ling of Mr. J. B. Gates, on Chapel iraember the location ol the districts Hill street' caught fire this morning under this arrangement; but tne I O - - I . from a defective flue. The alarm members ot the hre (department , -.i-r nnA Ytt Gra dnnnmn 1 dVirvlllfl Koi r thPIT in mihfl !inH thllS Wild Lil Cll aiivi nic mi ucuaiiiutui s"uuu v-. - i c.i.i v.: i., i.. .v. - . n i started to the scene, but before have some idea ot which way to go mance county win be received at the office of the reaching there the news was received when the fire alarm is given. SyiSSS&0i that the flames had been subdued. WT e are not at all wedded to this to be irfonnei according to i.iam and epecific- v i , . ..,... -f i j :ti ,i : uons on file in said ReeiMer's office, where thev The Speedy Suppression Ot the nre System OI alarm UUU Win very reaui- njbe seen and examined by anyone desiring ; July, the following tract is due to the fact that there were lv accept anything else that isDetM . acceDt anvthi water pipes in the adjoining house, ter or more practical, put we do for the work, which Sis occupied by Mr. Leo. D. insist that some plan more effective mjJ,SL?t The right is reserved to reject any and all bid the Board of Commissioner! of Ala- Hearttl and that there was a hose at than the present one should be hand. I I speedily adopted. jyT-dtal PETER R. HARDEN, " WM. J. STOOKAKD, Com. JAS. a SCOTT. ) , MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the powers conferred in a certain mortgage executed on the 24th day of December, 17. by C J. Green and wife. Martha, to the Mate of North Carolina, duly registered in the office of Register of Deed for Chatham county, in book -H X." paged 138 and 13. I wiU cell fur cah. to the highest bidder, rn the premixe in the county of Chatham, on Monday, the Suth day of of land, vtx : Lying in the counties of Wake and Chatham, adjoininc the lands of John S. Long. John W. Smith and others, it 11 ng the tract purchased at the sale May 14th. 1H7, by J. A. Long, trusree, and lying on the waters of Kitch ("reek, containing CO acres, more or lew. D: C MANGUM. jeJS-tds c. s. C. of Durham county.