lr The .-5t, t -true p 5 lie Of i K1;I1)AY, JULY 20, 1888. fBDEOKAPHIC NEWS. the the generations then living and those which might come after them would rise up and invoke the blessings Providpnoo linnn thoso whn nrit . "i - . Jiipf nated it and upon those who gave to it the force and power of law. (Ap- COMMERCIAL. i - i- Hf T T 'C I" .1 Senate and , ""gifj, ame, uigueu tnat where imported articles came into competition with articles pro- l duced in this country the consumer I''11' . i . f L.-. I riirl nnt nnv thp thy Ho n .llncr HI HiHise Yesterday ,,,V,:T(l , U1Y W. OI'..YAir, l.'"' ' " iL-ulendarOfminorinter-Mid not y the tax. He ridiculed Lftoc,,, ,,ok,i Vio TTnnco I r. oprinsrer s arguments ana ae- to hoi. v ,,:. K ,1 -X '4Vtt p.oifin clared that the tanll on wool and on th l';ir:iti ciliti-liiif---trik- Mr. t . . . ; t .luii'"- tii in. . Mh' Arnpndmnt. woolens had stimulated manutac hill passed by the House turefs of wolen .ods and had held of March requiring me . - : ; y . ;IVc"v York Stock 3Iarket. New York, July 18. Money closed 1 per cent. Exchange elopt-d steady. posted rate 47.l2a4Hy. Actual rates 4s7a4M7 '4 for 00 days, and 4'-Ia4v4 for demand. Govta. t-tadv. Cum my tie lia bid. U eouponfl 1274 bid, 4'2s H'.bid. North Carolina consol, f liWal'23, 4s 92arJ3. N irginia eonsol. Gs 4. s Oliicajo Produce 3Iarkut. Chicago, July 1. Wheat opened strong: Corn steady; Oats steady ; provisions active and higher. iov York lroflui?t 3railvet- Wint-r wheat ex. 2.7.ra..(iO; .00: SoutL-rn stt-adv. i-omnion to ehok eex. a.Hoaj.ixt : HtlT Closed weak; &pd sales No. 1 red state 02: No. 2 do J1; No. 2 red winter ao' : Ungraded do H-2.aaUU; Juiv 84 a8..: August x1.: COIiX Clo-d tiriui and stcadv: spot sales No, "2 mixed, 54j: Unral. d luixed 54a-Vt ;,: No 2 lnixt-d . oi i. ui The tern norarv effect- of iiuttin" 0 pAis-st-adypotMeXo. i white 8tan.4.-,: No. r . l'-iilroad Companies to con- AI,e, temporary eneci oi puuin 2do iuuaii; xo. 2 muinv : t; Au-ust f in' nni oDfrite tele- wol on the free list might be to al- t. inMintain .n" e f , f depreciate the price of woolen goods .itaiiimorcidi.W! Market. ih liu, and to a lord equal la P 1 rinotn s-.";MiiidiiBB. la-,. and hriu. DRIVES. HOUSE ! t : Church St., 3d .loor South of Main. DURHAM, N. C. Mrs. Fannie Petway, Proprietress. Board with or withoutirooms by the day, week or month. Terms moderate. Board redueed fromiJ to JIG j-er jntitl. j jet-d:tau REUBEN HIBBERD, Florist and him. ! "11 i-nnnpetine teleeranh to 'extent ;of the reduction of Tun-ii-l l"' ,wt 1 T . . . .....V. . I thitv lint ivlipn hntrip m.innhirtnrps HLAT Southern, stt-adv. firm : Fultz XkiKS; The. ailienameniS merely y ' I V . i i Dyberry HSuW; Western, tVady and quiet; X.i. 2 COIlStrUCt I '',1CVJCB''11-'J, C,A. Liit11 L1 l1 ouiu 1 muier misixit July siaM1,: August M';!a'-4,i4 1 T-i.- 1 1 1 out the won V(.r it occurs Mi;iih ..v..,.,l I iv him oil the 12th Cot Flowers and Bouquets A SPECIALTY. CHEAPER ICE! We have a limited mimWr of i-e tickets which we x ill Kfll ai ihe lol'.oxxing prUf, Good at Our Ice House Only : 10u imnd tickets cvnts. ,00 pound tickets J4..". !.' pound ti ket 2,tJ i-ound tieket Sl6.r. Kei-ectfnllv. jyl'. dlt W. J. WYATTAiCO. CASWELL HILL RESIDENCE FOR SALE ! hpl''!nii.i ttoiis with ! rooinfi: $m water; m-e orchard and ).'ra ry: 4', a-j in lot: pod -oiu- niunity. Mr. J. w . Uronk will nbow any uiie w ili- iUii to puri ha.-- ovi r t !- ptviuii s. lerins easy. . to J. A. lANO. jy7-dtf (irahalii. X. C. Bright, Fresli,NeYsy! THE again rise, and ultimately the con- COKN Southeri). oui.t and easy; Whitt i'lCi: Yellow TiMari't- i,nit ,11,1 H.. 1 1 ut,t I t iir roar ii duuiui nuuiu nave iu wa. nunc umii -''" i t'ji iit.,4: juiv :)va:', aul'usi ... el mouiliMi im, itnuiu . . Tr, ., 1 J i t - OATs-ouiPt stH.h- s....ti,..n, ...i I'm.i.i. ol-iii present, xie men proceeueu in a Vlillia NVe,t,.ru whiiiar; werViinxt-d i' -tiii' 'inquiry into the elec- general way to denounce the Mills . . '.'"'I ' : :n,nnl (f T,oiiisiaiia. bill as" slaughtering every fanning - 'er.YJ ,,mti.Hi of Mr. kackburn,the interest in the North while leaving a Ure about iw wie8. aJ it ,1 j 1;h' ' ;!,.!! ntials were taken on in I.,;.! .lit the table. j i i . . ..t p. in., went .ii. 'f he .doors i,,-;.wl 1 he Senate ork Cotton 3Inrket. July IS Receipts at our ports to-day 1 bales, against :J'J7 bales lai-t week. f'riiTntho tnblo Uluty of b iier cent, on sugtir and utun deliv1,i;i; H advanced ioaii-pHUr juiy aud HOmilll LdDIl J 1 . o August and 1-10) lor all later months. There was rJ Ik; resolution 1UU Pr ceni on rice.. Thp Sfintf Jlr- liutterwortii ,ot Ulno, said ttiat nto executive 011 Saturday next a vote would be taken on the mil. it would secret Tin- .N 1 1 :i t - u tlnve hourr mi n: t i n of Samuel . .li-trict attorney o were ! nopened ndjbunied. session tolay considering the .1. Bigelow to New J v." i'!i;U illtT ipillr l:trLr I'lllll' .11-11 mitt tl a Fuller case as unlinished in j.-lH inir lll'S I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' j UMiit.-i uim Jiiiv ohho'd the coi tirmation vig- ' . , . . A .1 1... Iv and it was rejeeieu n . - majority.- Imp nil ;io-inorrov of the secret session. 1IOUSK. Ilmise then went into com- ot' the whole linf- aiiiendment hv Mr. Mills, of Mr. Springer tan 11 bill, the on the Dili, it would pass the House against the protest of every Republican representative with one or two exceptions. It would receive the support of every Demo crat in the House with a very few ex ceptions. He desired to call atten tion if t1ir f'nrd' ttmt im ltuliisstrv tn iii i X March. be atlected by this measure had been April.. accorded'a hearing; that no working- ;;;;;; man whose wages were to be atlected bv the reduction had been vouch- safed a hearing ; that no interest at lected bv the .bill1 -had "been accorded an audience. The bill had been framed and passed without con- notliin ot interest m; connection with trading to day, the advance in July and August is generally viewed as the result of manipulation. The dosing prices show some reaction l'roin the c xtr ine ad vanc; in those months. j Spot cotton quu t and linn. Middling uplands 1') a-lti. Sales are -i'M ibal'-s to spiuuero and bales on speculation. Sales a4,otJ bale.. I July August. .... September . October Xox'ember. . December . January .... February 10 r.".-i- lO .V.I-4-O) . 7'.4-HU a 5s4-ry y 5o4-51 y to-Lii a 5iJ 57 y c,3-.i;4 a 71-72 a .7a ho y s74- ks 'sHai.timoke, July IK. Virginia Kix. sconsolitla.ti-d 33 J i ; past due -ouions Hi; do new :i's :;,'2: do l'i-4o's ; North Carolina's 1'20 bid to-day. Cot ton- Evergreens, Shrubs 1 Shade of all Varieties lutmishetl upon short t ; notice. LAWNS, j GARDENS I AND Oe2ieter3r X-iOts C.iri -'.fully looked after and kept in order. s CHARGES MODERATE. ; REUBEN HIBBERD, 5 Durham Floral Nursery. PIEST NATIONAL BAM r OF DURHAM ! i WIRE RAILING And Ornamental Wire Works. Dufur & Co., U3-11S Hcvrard St.. Bilto. Ud ! Win- rai'ine f..r eeim-icries l.ixxtis uar-len o'.liccs and' bac4.iiii- ; window twar.N. tree guards, xs ire cloth, siexe. fender. ca;c. and and m recii. iron l-ol-tcads. tl.air. -itev. etc. ' jya-dly DAILY TOBACCO PLAMT ! FLY FAMS, : Ice-Crekm Freezers WATER-COOLERS, Conni'on Sense Sash Ralances, very useful in this warm weather. Durham Cook Stoves, &c, &c, at J. T. WOMBLE'S 23Ia.rd.-x7'SLre Stcre. jya rm ISSUED EVERY AFTERNOON, Except Sunday, at DURHAM, N. C. City. Sales.. Tone. -Market. Rec'ts Ex. ICI'O. Mr. Lafollette, o thought the motion Xew Orleans Mobile Charleston Galveston, Savannah Wilmington Norfolk called revision of the tariff had been Y isconsin, mode except from the standpoint of . Louis maae oy Mr. those who tavored a tanll tor rev sulfation with those who rep- being that of- resented the vast and grow Texas, restor- 'mir interests; of the country: It the present rates of duty oil to- was not pretended that this so- :")0 firm ; a i:i-H'. 50 tirni ' a iuiet ; a,!4' 3 fcte'dyi a1, 40 ste'dy a 4 quiet I a ste'dy 10'.; 1(1 a.i :$'. firm t'KiO tirm: 50 tirm." Cincinnati Philadelphia Boston altiniore Mills was not actuated by any sym- enue only, which was another one uathy lor the domestic tobacco in- for free traile. r So far from stopping Louisville dustry. Ihe amendment was oi- the increase of the surplus, lmporta- ste'dy 10 '4 tirm 1H3 '.quiet li?a !.piiet 10 8 i.piiet 103 2x :i llo 12 J4 114 54 :i5 ::ia :is ! :is-2' r.i'4'2 Chartered Nov. 9th, 1887. Capital, $100,000.00. W. G. 1IURK1IEAD, Editor. J. H. WIMTAKEU, Jiu, Ikui1 E.I. itor ami luinrss Manager. OFFICE11S: J. S. ("ARK J. C. S. BUY AX 'i LEO. D. II KA HTT. ...... i nil 4 i! 1A1)1IV ' f , President. , Vice-President. Cashier. Teller. GOING TO THE DURHAM POULTRY YARDS TO GET A SETTING oF TIIoSE FINE LANGSHAN EGGS! -Sviid f.r krkk ircular.i AddressC D. WlIITAKKll, Di kham, N.C. SlTr-scnilTION : One vi-jir. Six months, 'three months li-rt'i. j ' " f 1 i io v x nx i ' l v' i liverpool Cotton 3larKet, 1 not because ol any constdera- tions would be increased Under the ! Liverpool, Julv IS. Spot cotton steady; Mid- iiiii in Sales 8.000 for- t.hft- indllstfV Or because ,.1 of tho Mills hill. Tn Xn-1 ,Um planl 5 y-li; ;1" Orleans t . ! . i . . i i . ... . , , ... I ua. iniifi's wanteu proiifcuon, dui oe- yember next the people would sit in c the amendment was necessary judgment on the position occupied Good middling v ,eli, the Democratic party to by each side of the House. If it was CltUiug !! , I . -. r. . 1 .1 i .1 I - r- " irrv toiinecucut. the desire ot the people tnat tne strict low middling. mu o . cc i l i t .1 1 .r,.. 1... Low middlini? .Mr. ua.h.t'1, oi imuuw, i"au ci rnrin snouiu oe reuueeu noiu ujc J. S. Carr. W. W. Fuller, H. X. Snow, J. T. Malloxy. E. J. Parrish, I". S. IJryan, T. 1J." Jones, i: J. W. Walker, A. II. Stok. s. Jas. A. IJryan. dlillg. Middling stains ti 1 i i a . . . . i .ii I . . 1 r t 'irfrntni'nt. ncninst, tlie t)lll in of.inlt-rvirf lrritpotincr flip , inhl- Low middling stains, .. . i i Ll i i I . t . 1 ' , i t . 1 Market iuiet, receipts light, .ntm tv i i'plnrinfr that the tiues- trw-.c, fflio rnr1rv tlif-v would trnns- i 1 triiil t)eo)le of Aiiierica should ilacetl on a higher or lower in-. ' - Mr. Mill's amendiiient Avas rn-il to. without division. then ntirttv, declaring that the tiues . . ".1.1,1 I . . .. " . I, ! ;uuu Hixutveo xviia v iicvuti nit ier llie maiOriLV 1IOIII Lilt; if iiiociiiLn; i . . 1 1 T 1 .' . . . - - I to the Republican side ot the House. If it was their purpose to strike down the areat industries of the country, they would restain the mnioritv on the Other side of the ii "motion of Mr. S binola, of New central aisle. The bill would be ork, tlii? present rate of duty was DaSsed on Saturday and .would loiTti on pipes, pipe nowis aim mi then go to ttie Senate, mere ne blinkers articles not otherwise pro- trusted it would be relerred to a 1 i'ur. The next paragraph taken committee which would sit during for consideration was that initios- tlio holdings in order that the irreat .. .1..4 .. ..I' on ...... ,,L.t . 7 ,,,i,, . . , 'i - i a i. EGGS a uiuv oi oiF pri i v in-, uu vuiuiriit, mtCl'CStS WI11C11 WCIC U) OC UUCCLUU CHICKEXS Hi itoiiiiets, hats ami hoods composed hv the measure might- be heard; in .fi?:LAA- iny othei' vege- order that the tariff might be revised salt,' 'sa'c'k".. M.n-'i:,.l.f "Af nviVniMOllPO mill in KtUUSKMi uu. 111 lliillU VA VAiun-.. ...... TOTTTTFTt .ev derse) , onicr that on the asseniDling m ie- 1'iveil to increase ' the duty, to fifty CCmber Congress might respond to Durham Markets. PRODUCE MARKET- SUGAR COFFEE MEAT N. C. HAMS .... ' SIDES. ... . ! LARD .... W. LARD ....... CORN. MEAL 2 bu.l... OATS FLOUR HAY lair, whalebone or i1 lc material. . Mr. Lehllmck. of t cent . stating that he did so in Ujic iudgment of the people as shown if interest and at the request? ot by their votes in November. ic hatters of his district. Motion After a, short and sharp exchange of courtesies between Messrs. Heed then offered an lim gprm'gcr the discussi6n and con- il j ! I . I'll" CHEESE...... FODDER i.... MOLASSES, Cuba N. O. SYRUP r. a 18- 14'.,fa 15 11 ! 10 a ii . 75 (a SO (. 1 ('.5 B0 (cu (K) 4 B0 (al 00 70 fal 10 15 (ail7 l'232(a 25 15 18 70 (g ao an (ai oo 20 --25 (al t 15 (a j20 1 00 (a l 25 US (al 40 50 ra M 35 (a 40 We beg to announce to the iublic that xxeare now ready lor business, and can be found in the "I'arrish huildiiig." Persons desiring pHpersdi counted will pleae preSi-nt them to the Hoard ot Direi'tors through our Cashier every Tueday and Fndax-. t Persons dejisiting monies and reccix ing certi ficates ot'leiosit therefor, running six or twelve months, will receive inerevt thereon at the rate of 1 per cent. cr annunl. Ife 'f J'ltjximl to ilb Uni'l iii'j in All Us J) iHliliitr.iils. LJb cJhwS, IahIh, Itisc.oKiit ami fJ'jxjsit. f Knowing the wants of the community, as thor oughly as we do, xve xvjll endeavor to serve the putuie as iineraiiv as iiTuiiitiaiu eh x in uuiuu. JONES & LYON'S SPECIAL SALE One month. WE BRING THESE TIDINGS : one Liberality, Justice, Security ! More than Twenty-Five of the Best English and American Companies Represented. Nearly S500,000,000 Capital .and Assets. STUOXdEST COMPANY AC.KXCY IN the soi:tii. the l.ik;est in THE STATE.' SATISFAC TION (SUAKANTEED. NEAliLY$LV.O,000 PAID CITIZENS OF DU1UIAM. Yours truly, J. SOUTIIGATE k SON, Durham, N. ('. VALUABLE , PROPERTY FOR SALE! $ 4.00 2.00 1.00 . .10 OUUJIERMS: i WE WILL, . 72 to S t. Mi-. -Lehlback iiiicinlment fixing the rate of duty COTTON MARKET. Reported by JOHN L. MARKHAM. sidcration of the bill in committee of MipDLixoi qs- nny.nnu.i MIDDLlN(r ii pt'iirl huttons at four cents perl the whole closed and, upon motion of low middling,!".. ... ;in por gro ui'iit. . Ell! On Moiiiay, July 2, 1888, 1' t- lish nieasure- COM3JENCE OUlt SEMI-ANNUAL TOBACCO MARKETS. DURHAM. I SMOKERS : Common $ 3 00 ;4 00 Medium to Good 4 00fa !; 00 I Good to Fine '. 0o(gtl'2 00 ! - Fine and Fancy.. 12 00(o14 00 FILLERS : Common Dark 2 OOfg) 3 00 Medium to Good. 3 00 6 00 Good to Fine OOfajlO 00 Extra. 10 0014 00 CUTTERS :--Common.. ll 0015 00 Medium...... 15 00(a,18 00 Good to Fine 16 00CA20 00 i Fine to Fancy 20 00rd,a5 00 WRAPPERS: Common to Medium.. 14 O0(gi2'2 00 Medium to Good 22 00Gl30 00 ! Good to Fine 30 00a 45 00 Fine to Fancy 50 00(0.1)0 00 j Let the farmers give strict attention to the handling ami classing their tobacco. There is no labor that pays the producer half so well as that bestowed in preparing tu to CLEAMIG SALE! To be continued for sixty days. $8,000 to $10,000 AYOIITH OF Mr. '-Mills,- it was reported to the House with a favorable reconunenda- Manv of the pearl buttons, he said, tion amid hearty applause from the minted into this country came Democrats. Its iurther consideration "in Austria, where they were one wari then postponed' until 11:30 Sat- I'll,.. 1....4 . e . :..' t..i ii' - . ' i in; p-iouueis oi couvici laoor. ji unlay a. in. raic ol duty was not, increased i'1' doiih'st ie ; pearl button industry Michigan Democrats. "Hid he wiped out. The amend- Detroit July 19. The Demo- 'nt was rejected, hi to.83. - cratic State Convention met at noon Mr. Springer, of Illinois, having to-day. After the calling ot the illed .Mr. Dockerv. of Missouri.- to mil to name the various committee- l- chair, addressed the committee men and electors to be chosen by a re-iard to the bill. He stated for the district caucusses this morning, W illfortnntion nf mpmbpra thnt. PKoirmon VTPton. of the State - W V ' V V V V1.1 till U.A Ull If - - Wfiity-seven evening sessions had Central Committee, announced that tin eonsidfrrd in crpnpml dpbntp v. vol rpppivpd a ttdetrram from the Hundred and hftV-one speeches Greenb'ackers, who met in conven- bacco for market.: Handle carefully, class it yv, i nIJCJHH rlxlUEu avini; been made. The debate, tion at Grand Rapids this evening, Well, and by all means have, it in gojsafe wwv illl CIUU, VliHC 11 VU 4o twvi tui " i gcKxl uemanu, and it :il ...... tr. linmlln it n-ith crrfnt rare i. j o i x i . . , t mi I mil uar ,yj iiouuiv .v. j,... i - i iJj j i i... i .'ii. ' 14- V.-It 'Die ; J "jo miu uunureo; anu iwemy iar commmee iiom uiai uuuj. ahv. luurs. I hp dpbntp wnnhl bp rpmptn- nnnnnnonmMit. was received with r ; W-thtMnostrem and a committee, 1 TSSjLlSjrSi avi t'TIT npnrrnil m ivirhniYiniitorv .v --t rt rttio rTPmiPr ITIIIll H ill ' . - ... vvv,iim,n in JUWIUUIH.11U11; I UULli .O.M-v.4, Ji uiv - - l!ihry. It had awakened a lively Congressional district, was named'. ntert-st not onlv in ni'ir own I'nnntrv nrA n rpppc V!1S taken until - ut throuirhout civilization, and oV.lock: That a fusion will be ef- iHdorth, as long ks our govern- fected there seems to be but little Kill endure, it would be doubt, both on the btate ticket ana "own as the great tariiY debate of on the electors. - He then iroceedcd to arcue Seasonable Qaods TO BE SOLD Rv virtue f authority i )iif rr l upon mo in o-r- tain ilii'ds of trust.- -M- iit-d ly 4 no. r. Ani r and wil"', I will wll. Jit iulli- au tion, at tin: Court IIoum- door, in Durham, N.C, on Saturday, August 25th, 1888, tin- following lvrsoiml lTom rty. to-wit: Two tdiar- of stm-k in tin- "Durham Str t Rail way Co." of tin- par valu- ot J p i a li. Ti n shar of htor k in tin- "Durham Furniture Co." of tL-par valu? of Pnj a-!!, tot'i tln r with oiH-fifth of th! iiiitlivilil profits, tstimati-d at J700. At thf Panw timo and da--. I will off. r for nale th- following Ral Ftat-. to-wit: lht 1't. l int? n undiviil-l on-half int-n t a t" iiaiit in onnnoii with 4no. R. PnH-tor, in a tr't i-oiitainiiig :t' a r . a-ljoinln F. M. PrM-t..r on th; north. G. A. Parl - on thi- hhiIIi, th- Willix Mark ham land on tlii-wi'Ht, and 1'. II. PrK-toroti tin-iiiht. 2d It. Itt-inu an nndrndi-d om-half int nt a tenant in common with 4 no. R. Proctor, in a tract contaiiiitit; 104 arrcn. in Iatt-rwii Township, al joiuing on the ca'-t thi- land of 4. . Itarl--, dc ceasiil, on the Koulh. tho lamlx of lUlmund Iwe, on the w'eit, the landu of a. A. Uarl e. and on th north. th lands of Marion Ikirlx e, and known an a part of tin 4amV Rarln- land. PrivaU- otlcra will 1h- ni-eived until day of ka1-. Time of calc 12 iii. T mm of halo wn -half yuh. lialaui-c in kix month.. Title n,.t 'onveyHl nr tiM-k tram-fernil until full payment of pur hac money. For furth r information apply to 4. s. MANNING, TrnM.-. jy 13-l'-odtd. Durham. N. C. HATES FOR ADVERTISING. column, three iuonths, $ 10. K) column, six months 33.00 J column, cue year, 00.00 J column, tbree months 33.00 J column, six mouths, J ctilumn, one year,.... 1 column, three months,. ....... 1 column, six niontes,.. 1 column, one year, 00.00 110.00 00.00 110.00 It will be the aim of The Daily Tobacco Plant to furnish iU reader with the very Latest newK from all quarters and to preunt the same in an attractive manner. itfflWMW.1 'tuni; ueen matte, ltie debate, tion at urana napius mis ewnug, -eii,auuu dU a.., , mtler the live minAtes rule, had asking that a conference committee preler. This crop whih J'nsunied up to to-dtiy twenty-eight be appointed to confer with a simi- 'dlewh That will riiake you htiv. THE DAILY PLANT ft L aw f itself i wasTBrjvr' DlGTIONAflyi f support of the free wool feature hill. Pass this bill, hp said, nnd red. Special to the News & Observer. ?u w era- of industrial prosperity Winston, July 19. Will Houston uuM dawn on us. Factories would was hanged here this afternoon at 2 i'I'IIIL' tin in tl f KWtp Cosbv j SOOO more Word an. nearly 2000 more Ulua ! trations than any other American Dictionary. i Among the supplementary features, nnequalod i for concise and trutworthy information, arc Bioaranhical Dictionary The latter is not found in any other Dictionary. Webster excels in SYNONYMS which are appro priately found in the body of the work. Sold ty'all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. G k C. MERRIAM A. CO.. ruL'rs.SprincfieId. Mass. - -, giving brief facts concerning 9,.'J JNoted rer- POD3 OI ancieui aii-i iii'mu i A Gazetteer of the World . . - l v w , . . i a x z i A.rtfii.i(T v i nil I'i'ii'tiK hiiii ia. Mil ,.t ...i.l. :.. fP i x ir... Tt. nM,,4;An una nnh ir locauug am. " . . - i . . v v ,uii in iiiu 1 I 1LU1 . laSl iUUy. liic CAci-uiruii uo caoiiiary i ii.e iiaiues ui .ix ; U"' already in existence in all and was witnessed by several thou- FintitinuS PerSOnS and riaCeS. :'" i tiie country lould run on full sand persons. Houston slept wen la, mid increase their plant -from last night, ate a hearty breakfast ,u ,vear. Instead of mnortino- thi mnrnincr and met his death as ll" tins eoiintrv forty million ilollnr' Ullv o ji St:irtan soldier. The tr wtioleii goo"tls, as was done arrangement for carrying out the - -v Noma soon oe aoie w law was periect, auu tuaumug no llili v tli, I,,....., ' .l.x ...m i. 1 . i ,i. j : l l-.o i v iiuiut; tiiaiKei wiin wooien done aecenuy aim m umw, w M,,l und export iiiiiliensc quantities credit of Sheriff Boyer and his dep ' "i.'i'T nations. Pnst this bill. t;p r' t lt heeoinotho lkw nf tlio lnml P, vuul,i result in loW to all. Pool. The Emperor and the Czar. r1' WnihVlM l,nttr. 1 ua.'i -.-DnnTTV . TiiUr , i ' '"-LIU UC'llC'L C1UU1UU I ULKLiUi, uJ OUR STOCK OF 1- I DRESS GOODS! SILKS, SATEENS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CHAMBRAYS, LAWNS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, SEVERAL LINES SHOES, Oxford Ties and Slippers, HAVE BEEN MARKED DOWN ! Protxise to tro into even- home in the town. expedite matters, we have plH el on exhibi tion, at VauL'hMii' lru f-tore. aunM Watch vslii'h we will To 19. The German live in bettor houses and snuadron tassed Reval last evening. vl' "1 better lieds. In after years The Emperor William and the Czar : iiiu measure of its countless will meet near ronsiaui auu ciock w'lll"s sMuld have been realized ' this afternoon. NOTICE! Sealed bids to enlarge the Court Uone of Ala mance county w ill be receivetl at the ofiiee of the Re'iter of Deeds of Oraham up to P2 o'clock, m.. onVondav. the 6th of August, next. The w ork to be trfo'rmed accirdinf: to plans and specifica tion" on file in said Register's office, where j they inav be sten and examined by anyone desiring to do so. -The right is reserved to reject any and alt bids for the work. . Bv onler of theBoard of Commissioners of Ala manee county. PKTER R. 1IARIEN ,) WM. J. STOCKAKD, .Com. iy-Jtal JAS. S. SCOTT. AT SUCH PRICES THAT VILL MAKE IT GREATLY fro THE INTER EST OF BUYERS TO PAY USA VISIT. POLITE ATTENTION Shown to Looker or Buyer. : -l Satisfaction Guaranteed. JONES i& LYON. On the 1st Day of August To the jifrvoii (ladv or irentUman) who f'urvi f..r THE OAILV l'LANT the lawt tuimUr f piii'l -up yearly ub nlxrrs. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE To Get a Gold Watch Free! 1 riSMTKN..r-Only MiWr:ption taken for a year, and aTompanie l by the -ah. counteu. THE i-.-lSTT PToje to le A LIVE PAPER! Giving all the Lor al nl Sute Newi, all the latet Teieirraj'hic New Letters lily fnm Wa.h inton. Rit hmond and Kaleuih ; In fact, Ui be a "Rod-Hot." Trt-tTas Newpper. SHOW IT TO YOUR FRIENDS, At their names and $1.00. and hand it to ' J. B. WHITAKEIt, JiLy IN POLITICS We shall give faithful allegiance to the principles of the Democratic party that party under whoae administration of pub lic affairs the State and the country at lare baa enjoyed the greatest prosperity and the richest bleaninga and of course we Khali contribute our bent efforts toward n M-curing the triumphant election of the excellent State and National Democratic ticket. OUR LOCAL DEPARTMENT We hhall endeavor to make interesting and sprightly, furniahing the latest hap pening at borne and doing all in our power a to still further advance the interests of oar plucky, enterprising and prosperous town. ' REMEMBER Our prices and our terms, and aror us r ' Bi mnkju yjiMi.E. I at once with your subscription and with -The larcvt number of names pets the . . Gold Watch, August it. 1 your ailvertising jiaironage,

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