I . ; .-re; r"" r " r . I "TTTi-Tf5 TOBACCO DEPABT3IENT. ) (?) 1 1 ! I . . ! r. V j i -1 i ' IP: it ( . . . t t . . , i I !'1 i i ; i , 5 '( 4 : 3 s . ;' j. .IV. V 4 i 1 5 i V' ! t FOR MONDAY ! thbMtesi These Prices for This Opportunity Will STORE WILL OPEN AT 5 Three Bom Sale Will Cle&n Qui NOW LISTEN TO SOMETHING THAT SEEMS UNREASON ABLE, BUT CAN BE PROVEN TO YOUK OWN SATIS FACTION BY CALLING AT THE EMPORIUM, Holiday, T-U.I37- IS, 1PSSI ' - : 4,000 'yards of Swiss Embroider' just received, a job lot froni tlie Manu facturers,' ranging in widths from six to fourteen inches wide; goods that we sold this season at !(), '5J71, 40 and 50 15 Cents for Choice! mis oner is unparaiieiea in me History 01 me trade, uon t miss your chance. 15,000 yards more of that elegant White Goods which has created such a wonderful sensation. Magnificent assortment consisting of over Twenty Styles, viz.: Plaid Organdies, French Plaiil Satin Stripes, Lace.Plaid, Stripes, Piques, A: c. . ! ; . Goods that Ave sold the first of the season at 25, 30, 35 and 40 cents per yard. The Entire Lot at 15 cents for Choice , 15 Gexits m un sold ib i sb 100 Choice Parasols, stylish handles, fn black silk and colors, goods that we have sold at $1.75, $225, $2.50; $2.75. $3.00 and $3.75. The entire lot will be offered at $1.30 for choice. . Don't miss your chance, 40 pairs from $1.85 to $3.50. The entire lot Twenty-five Dozen assorted Ladies and Gents Hosiery, worth from 10 to 15 cents. The entire lot will be offered at 5 cents for choice. Ten Dozen more of Ladies Lisle Thread Gloves, worth 15 to 20 cents, at 10 cents for choice, j Ten Dozen Ladies Fine Hemmed-stitched Handkerchiefs, worth 10 to 121. cents, the entire lot at 5 cents for choice. Ten Pieces of our 15 cent Matting will be offered at 10 cents per yard; Ten Ladies Seamless Balbriggan Hooe worth 20 cents, the .entire lot will be offered at 12 cents for choice. Ten Pieces more of our 5 cent Lawns, at 2 cents per yard. - - Remember that we open promptly at 5 o'clock a. m., thereby giving everybody a chance to secure some of those wonderful bargains Remem ber that this is a special sale and strictly confined to Monday, .Tnly lO. Extra force will be added to serve the trade. Things will be lively at the Emporium. Don't fail to be on hand. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and no one expected to buy unless goods as represented. Can you afford to miss the chance? Don't forget the place; "Ellis' Dry Goods Em porium, 'opposite Hotel Claiborn, street leading todepot. Il( 8 oectfullv, W. F. ELLIS. m II, ON One Day Only Never Be Offered Again ! O'CLOCK A. M., SHARP. the MM A These Prices ! cents. The entire lot will be offeree! at 15 Cents for Choice! XOl t of Lace Curtains ranjnnsr in price will be offered at $1.50 for choice 11 - J1 FRIDAY, JULY 20, 18SS. AVEAT1IEB BUKEAul The weather prognostications indicate the state of the weather for 30 hours from to-day 3 o'clock. ! Washington, D. C, July '3), 5 For North Carolina, rain, followed Saturday by fair, stationary tempera ture. ! CtREELY. LATEST 15 31 AIL. Mr. Edmunds Fighting Against 3Ir. Fuller's Coiirirmatioii-j-Tlie House Accepts the Conference Keport on Mr. Henderson's Bill 3Ir. Kiindall Better. Washington, P. C'JulvlO, 1888. Senator liansoin secured t lie; tents from the Quarter-Master General for the Wilmington Encampment. He also secured, from the Chief of the Coast Survey the use of the Steamer 'Scrosby" to protect the oyster beds of the eastern coast ot .North Carolina. lie has been! several months trying to induce the Postmaster general to establish a Daily mail route between JJeell's Ferry and Johnson's Pitt comity North Carolina. Mills Naval Cadet George Mallison was one of the catfcts recently hazed on the United States steamship 'fCon- stellation.1' A third classman made him stand on his head, chew reaper and go through various other exer cises known to the mischievous midshipmen Young Mallison's testimony was said to be very direct and clear, lhere is a great deal which is farcical in the court 'mar tial now going on at Annapolis, for boys will be boys, but the;cow ardly and pernicious habit of hazing ought to be punished to the full ex tent or the law. Ir. -H. C.I Rothbrock, of Lexing ton, nrtli Pni'nlinn v;i; tn.il:ivi urn. moted trom a 1,000 to $1,200 clerk ship in the Post Office Department. i 1 hear a number of North Carolina editors from1., the Press Convention now in session at Morehead, will be here Saturday night. Among these is Mr. J. 15.1 Whitaker, Jr., of! The Plant. To-day the House accepted the conference report on Mr. Hender son's, bill to regulate the liens of judgment and decrees of the courts ot the United States and finally passed the bill. Hr. Henderson's bill, which was fully outlined injTiiE Plant when it was first introduced, provides that the judgments land decrees rendered in an United States circuit or district court shall be liens on property throughout the State to the extent, only, ol a judgment jren dered by a court of general jurisdic tion ot the State. nil i , the senate is now in executive! ses sion. It is understood that Senator Edmunds is' making a stiff tight against Mr. Fuller's confirmation as Chief Justice. He will probably be :Conlh'med in spite of this tact bcilbrc the secret session adjourns. Hon. S. J. ; Randall, who is still very ill, is a little better to-day. Mr. Carlisle may change his mind about going to the Georgia Chatau- iua next week. It is understood that the protection ' crow"d in that State, headed; by Mr. Grady of Ithe 'ConslUufion. intend to invite Mr. McKinley, the leader of the Repub licans on the iloor, and the trainer jof the National Republican plat form, to be present when Mr. Car lisle visits Georgia. This proceed ing is in such evident bad taste, and It is considered so unfair to get the Speaker of the Democratic House jof Representatives to draw a crowd for Mr. McKinley to address, that Mr. Carlisle's strongest friends here from Georgia will probably persuade him to decline the invitation. This is very much to be regretted as the jhospitable people of Georgia who pre, very fond of Mr. Carlisle, would equally dislike to see him led into a rap, or treated with discourtesy while he is their guest A Fire in Williainston. . SjKicial to the News tt observer. illiamston, X. C, July 10. Xhe people of our quiet little tdwn Kere startled from their slumbers his morning about 1:30 o'clock J by the alarm of ; fire. The fire was found to be in the single story frame dwelling occupied by W. T. Ward and belonging to Sheriff W. J. Har deson. The dwelling and kitchen were totally destroyed. The origin of the fire Ms unknown. Fortu nately it was very calm and Mr. Ward saved all of his furniture ex cept that in i his kitchen. The dwelling was partially covered by insurance. News and Observer. The Daily Tobac co Plant, i of Durham, is the handsomest dailyiin America, so iar as we Know, or lor that matter in the world. The Plant has always been a model jin mechanical excellence, not to speak qf its other good points. It well ex emplifies the enterprise and thrift and taste of. the town it represents. Long may it live to show what j is possible in North Carolina journal ism. Alex.. Walker, Editor. DuuiiAM, jf. C, July 20, 1SSS. While we write the rain is gently falling, having rained the greater part of the nigjit, but the ground is not wet yet It would reiui re sev eral davs at the same rate to get the land wet. We feel very thankful, and trust, thef rain may continue until the soil is completely satu rated. We find very respectable breaks at the warehouses, with four counties represented : ; Caswell county by Mr. J. K. -Miles. - Durham county by Mr. J. S. Ward. y Granville county by Messrs. F. J. Veasey, W. M.l. Yeasey, Yeasey fc Carver. I 1 Person county . by Messrs. J. T. Gates, J. R. Newton, W. X. Xewton, R. S. Thomas and W. M. Lunsford. U Ruyers did jnot manifest their usual" vim, andrprices were thought by some to be a- shade lower. WHAT f KATY DID." ?; We see froni the Tuhacio Leaf that Winston was serenaded on June the 24th by her first song of the season, and if an old Saying be true, we may expect frost the 24th of Sep tember Xow, all. those who believe that "Katy" is a true prophet, may be on the look out. : Trans - Atlantic markets have shown some more animation for the month of June.; VIRGINIA CHOP KEI'ORTS. t . We notice a tabular statement of 37 counties as reported by White head. Commissioner of the Agricul tural Department, July 1st, in which we 11 ii I the per jeent. of a full crop to be 71, and the prospects to be 82 per cent., with t(ie presumption that the rains since that date have in creased the percentage. It must be understood, however, that the means for finding out j these tilings are mixed up, to a considerable degree, witn me speculative, l nereis no accurate measure! or WL'iht, whereby these figures arc reached; in a word, ; i t ' i i i it is simply work, made up bj persons who are; olten unintention ally biased by their feelings, which leads them to under or over estimate the crop; if despondent, their esti mates are low, aiid if on the other hand, their feelings arc bouyant, then they are very, apt to over estimate. V e therefore conclude in dealing with matters that are sb largely dependent upon unucveiopeq contingencies, we should move cautiously. It is true that men sometime venture on what are termed by -prudent operatives wild speculation and the transaction A - ' - . - A A l -r. A J. i i 1 turns out to ne pronianie, out in a large majority of cases, such specula tions prove ruinous, u c tnniK: we are ' fortunate Jn'having" journalist Til 1 1 i- 1 A .- who win worK up sucn statistics as best they may, and present them to the 'public m order that the public may be able to draw sonic conclusion that" most frequently approximates tlie true state of the case, and the prudent opcratorjmav gather valua ble information jbv weighing well what he reads and comparing it with facts that he maj have learned ly his own experiencp and observation and thereby 'may reach a wise con clusion that will give consolation and comfort, as well as profit. SOUTH. BOSTON, VA. The special sales on the 18th gave inem goou oreaKsrattne warenouses and the prices were about as had been for several weeks, reports are very unfavorable adjoining counties.' they Croi from Asheville, X C. Mr. R v. i . amer savs : as we l , , . . A. 'l t. .j... C A 1 iL-pui luo iiereiojore, mere is nothing worthy of note transi)iring on tins market. the advance in common grades reported last week ijiuvcu 10 uu uiuv iemi)orarv. as prices seem to have gotten'.back into the same ruts as before. Weather has moderated somewhat, and can not be improved jbr the growth o tobacco on the hilj. Richmond Va. Auction sales mderatclv larircnml prices for dark t tained. , No sales .mar cos well sus- f iu-ights of anv note, small ninr Receipts ctmtinue heavy with shipment No sales of ship- are report e as ei, nut it is highly probable that some w ill occur during the week; Reports from the West show the owing cron in a iair condition, hut not so from all sections of Virginia and North Caro lina. We hear a great many com plaints from the bright section, and while it is a good plan to discount heavily all the "bad crop' talk, still there must be a liood deal of truth in the talk we now hear, coming as ocs. from most re a great deal of it c liable and unbiased sources. J. M. Taylor. Wilmington jn a Flutter. Wilmington-, N.c, July 19. The North Carolina State Guard isnow in annual encampment on Wrights ville Sound, eight miles from this city. Every company in the State is present. Thousands of civilians antl soldiers throng the camp and vicinity. Wilmington is in a flutter of bunting, the j buildings being handsomely decorated. The Sea Coast Railroad Cotnpany is running twenty-two trains per day to carry the visitors to and'fromthe Encamp ment. going to the DURHAM POULTRY YARDS TO GET A SETTING OF THOSE FINE LANGSHAN EGGS! for fbee circular.-t Address. C. D. WHITAKER, Dubuam, N. C. WE BRING THESE TIDINGS: Liberality, Justice, Security! More than Twenty:Five of the Best English and American omparuca Represented. Nearly 8500,000,000 Capital and Assets. STRONGEST COMPANY AGENCY IN THE SOUTH, THE L.Ai;ut.i j. THE STATE. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. NEARLY $250,000 PAID CITIZENS OF DURHAM. Yours truly, J. SOUTHG ATE & SON, Durham, N. C. i IB WATCH tfiES ! THE DAILY PLANT Proposes to po Into every home in tlie town. To exieme matters, we nave m-ei on exuiui - tion, at Vatican's Drtiu Store, a ioM Watch which we will r On the 1st Day of August . To the erson (lady or pentleman) who secures lor THE DAI 11 ru.M tne largest nuuiiH.r of iail-ui yearly hubsscnbers. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE To Get a Gold Watch Free ! ('onmtions. Only subscriptions taken for a year, ana accompaniea by the cash, couuteu. the IJ-A-3s,I, Proioscs to bo A LIVE PAPER! Giving all the Ixx-al and State News, all the latest Telegraphic News, Letters Daily from Wash ington, Richmond and Raleigh; in fact, to be a uei;iioi, first Class Newspaper. SHOW IT TO YOUR FRIENDS, Get their names and ?1.00, and hand it to J. B. WHITAKER, Jn., A Ui siness Manager. The largest number of nauies gets the uoiu aicn, August ist. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE R0DTE ! MCUUO.ID AD DAWILLE RAILROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 24th. Trains Run by 75 Meridian Time. SOUTHBOUND. DAILY. No. 66. No. 52. Iieave Washington, Leave Lynchburg, Leave Richmond, Leave Danville, Leave Greensboro, iA-ave Salisbury, Arrive Charlotte-, Arrive Columbia, Arrive Augusta, Arrive Atlanta, Arrive Montgomery, Arrive New Orleans. Leave Goldsboro, Leave Raleigh, Leave Durham, lA'nvc I niversity. Leave irceiistMro, Leave Salisbury, Arrive Statesville, Arrive Hickory, Arrive Morgauion, Arrive Marion, Arrive Round Knl, Arrive Asheville, Arrive Hot Springs, Arrive Moris-town. 11 21 A M 1 M 11 tW 1 M it 10 A M 2 30 ' 8 Ur " y i0 " 11 23 " 12 40 P M 5 23 " y io 10 40 " C 4'., A M 7 20 P M 3 10 " io 4: " 12 J i A M 1 ith " 6 :w " 10 30 " l l 00 7 5 7 .V nofu I M V M 10 P M f 1 4T AM 3 12 3 45 J 50 11 25 12 12 1 1 14 2 10 2 4'J 12 4 ". A M 1 51 " 20 " 4 12 5 07 " C UT " 7 2S ' 9 ir n 10 " M 3 27 1 7 30 NORTHBOUND. DAILY. No. 51. j No. 53. to P M 1 7 RJ A M 12 40 A M 12 55 P M 3 30 P M 5 00 A M 47 A M 10 20 P M 8 05 I 8 50 " 6 27 " i 7 15 " 5 00 " 5 50 11 25 P M il2 35 " 7 00 " 8 30 A M 7 00 " 8 10 " 7 35 A M 2 10 " 4 00 P M 7 55 " I 4 10 P M ill 45 A Mt 2 00 7 15 !l2 55 .." 4 50 " 12 11 " ! 3 45 " y 50 A M 10 50 P M ' 6 27 " 1 7 15 " 3 30 " 5 66 " 1 5J " ! 4 " 1 01 " ! 1 " 12 01 " j 3 3i ' 11 li P M 12 53 " ; y 55 . i i 25 8 05 " '11 40 A M 1 4 30 " I 8 35 " lA-avu Washington, Leave Lynchburg, Leave Richmond, Leave Danville, Ix-ave GreensUiro, Leave Salisbury, Arrive Charlotte, Arrive Columbia, Arrive Augusta, Arrive Atlanta, Arrive Montgomery, Arrive New Orle.ui. Leave Leave Leave IA-ave Ix;ave Ieave Goldslxro, Raleigh, Durham, l.'niversity. . Greenslxro, Salisbiirv Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive . " f statesville. Hickory. Morgan ton. Marion. Round Knob, Asheville. Hot Springs, Moristown. MURPHY BRANCH. DAILY No 50 No 51 Leave Asheville. Arrive Waynesville, Arrive JarretCs. ! 8 25 A M t; 3 20PM t 10 53 " 1 00 j 5 48 " I 6 00 A M STATE UNIVERSITY BRANCH. PAILY No 52 1 No50t Leave L'nivenity. Arrive Chajl Hill, .12 15 i 1 15 P M j 0 25 p M Arrive I'niversitv, Leave Chapel Hill. 12 05 p M 11 05 " 6 20 P 5 J) M tDaily, except 8uriday. DaUj. THROUGH PULLMAN CARS. irain o; asnlngton to AtlanU; Atlanta to New Orleans; Danville to Columbia arid Augusta -Raleigh to Afcheville, Hot Springs and Morinown' Train No 52 Washington to New Orleans': WashinirtoTi tn PiliunM. an4 inmnt.. tiv. J ' ...w. nuu.-i., IUIUIUUUU to Greensboro; Raleigh to Greensboro: Sallsburr to Washington; Augusta to Danville; Moristown. Hot Springs andJlsheville to Raleigh Train No .11 w OrU. r . i u.i)tn4n.. guta to Washington; KnoxTllle to Sallsburr: ... " "Jcumona; ureeosDoro to Kalelgn Y, . 'rURK, W. A. WINBURN, r 4 A. D. P. A. Raielgh. N. C Aiherille N JA3. L. TAYLOR, G. P. A. Washington, D. C ISSUED EVERY AT- DURHAM, N.c THE HANDSOMEST M IN THE STATE! EVERYBODY SAYS DEMOCRATIC IN POLITl ONLY $1.50 A TEA;1 Terms: Cash in AdvarJ THE PLANT GIVES The Latest General Newi! The Latest State K W ! The Latest Local News! K TALMAGE'S SERMOSS PnLliKhed Every Week in Ljtt,. Type. Y WASHINGTON LETTB Giving Incidents of InttrestJ fn National C.ipital. ACCURATE MARKET REPOFt Of the Durbom and Other Marto Liberal Advertising Ra! 0UE SPECIAL 0FFEES! SUBSCRIBERS. JSTo. X, Pnr 1 r.n in xiwli n-a vill bacxxj Plant for one year and 1 : . t . tJ suuHcnuer iwo picrures Cleveland. These picturen vtil&' each and are richly' worth $1M 11.50 you g-t $2.00. No. 2. Fnr 0 rl uro trill KPnd TBt I Plant one year and make yoo a nickel-plated clock, nix incbe 71 dial, warranted to keep good mf j clock retails at $2.50 to 3.(A w $1.50, and a clock worth $2.. words, for $2.50 you get $Ltu QUE CREDENTIALS- From the many complim-nUrTrt- W 1HE VYIXXLT IfUkST ly out tlta o X . . .nn.n.l the t 1 OS! OF TBI KIR Y THE rt Thx Putjrr. which la already vut ot l pen in the 8tat. will bo vuabed on W f f proTement and proaperity. oRATirrijio xrivmcx or ist1 Bute Chronicle. We have ttx-n. la North Carolin l0 more gratifying ridence of enteirn" ' . ) , r.TBi uvurvi, that rr a Piedmont Pre. , It la not wonch-rfnl that Thx Pla5T. enterpriae, ia aaooeaafuL axxounxT raurrio- FranlllB Pra- beautiful and tleganUy printed lV1 19 jrrxi Moax uu IT EJnton Enquirer. J Tn Draaajc Plajtt haa ita opiBif4 xpreaathem. Womld that we " aewpapr in the State.

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