a itA A f . i rvi m m 1 i mr DURHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1888. $4.00 PER ANNUM. SL.MMAKV. tnl,.r:.l'..' ( iencral Williams Carter ,','L,,. w;i, hel.l'at his late home, Hick- ..-Hill H;mver ii)iniu,,'"iciuu; , ;il H.:;(i n' ln, k. lhe generally "'.,. ,-i.ii.'liiin "f ( Jen. Sheridan's case 'll in our hulk-tin f the 22d, continues ( ;,;t ahv important alteration. Should "I w '-no. hati- worthy of record in the !' t titv-four hours, no bulletin will be t., Wnln.-Hlay evening. ive)rebenia- Kaniall U' progressing- satisfactorily. lt.ft J,;, K.-.1 for a short time this morning , . ,i ..rl.wr tn-nL'th rapidly. A. V. . xlli' riti'of Onachita county, Arkan . ;u,,l ;t brother of Walter L. liragg, of the r.Sf,!,. ( oniiucrce Commission, was shot J,j 1,111,(1 Moiiduy night at Camden, Ark., K ii. N-vitr, The row came up over po- ;,! uKittir-. Surgeon-General llamil- !u-u flay, roeived a telegram from Dr. ..li, :,t Tainpii, Flu., stating that he had be- , l MVU I i .,...1 (:,! Plant Citv. There were two Dl.. ., Cliv l.nt nrmp fit Tamim M KDITOKIAL BRIEFS. ... I!amai.i. is gaining strength Sim:kidan's condition n.lly. , i K NKK A . itinut'S favorable and hopeful. 1'iiK; bill appropriating seventy '.thousand dollars for a public Ming .at Statesville passed the iiatc yesterday IaIikvillk's jollification was a tre- hidous one. The "Land of the ly " will be all right in November Plant Photographs. Mr.B. J. Arrendel is sick, we are sorry to hear. Mr. J. W Jones returned to Salis bury yesterday. Miss Eva Oakley is at home from a visit to Warrenton. : dav Mr. ym K. Cooper returned vester- roin Wrightsvilk Prince Bismarck is ill. His av oirdupois is decreasing, and that makes him feel queer. It marks an editor mad to write a nice headline, and put the credit below it and set all ready to paste the clipping, and then find that a passing July breeze has blown tliP item out of the window. SfjmercVle Journal. Correct. But the feeling of disap pointment is more than overcome by the delight of having a breeze that is able to blow, -this melting day. The Senate is yet in a state'-of un certainty as to its action on the tar iff. This is about the sum of all the news ve can obtain . on the subject : '.'At a, meeting' of a number of lead ing Republican Senators and Repre sentatives to-day, there was expresses a strong opposition to the Republi- tJ . r , 0 -11 L It H. C. Herring, ofConcord.w can Senators reporting a tanrt or on the midday train to-day, en rou reemie uin .-in opposiuon. ,io me ior naieign. Mills bill. It was thought to be the m. V. Ballard got back yesterday best policy to go into the canvass in ft-onij his visit to Wilmington and opposition to the Democratic bill rightsville. without proposing a Republican al- . r..Kobert -Uay, ol the commer- viai luunsi uaierimv. was in iowii ment, of fifty (50) cents per share I DURHAM MALE ACADEMY when due, shall be charged with in- w . terest on the amount unpaid at the j A tlaieal and Mathniati-nl ;fmSv.,'or c'"t'1'orannun' af" i SCHOOL FOR BOYS Judge Boy kin was on the west bound train vesterda. i - Mr. D. L. Kaufman returned from Wrightsville yesterday. Rev. (i. 1 Bostick returned this .morning from a visit to Thomasville. Mj-s. F. E. Bostick, of Shelbv, is on a visit to her son, Rev. G. V. Bos tick. Mr. AVill AVinslow, of Goldsborc, I passtNl npthe road yesterday after- A $50,000 Fro-. . Did you ever hear of sucluajthing before ? It is right on our table now ;and was brought from the North by Mr. J. i). Goodwin. Having under gone a process of redemption and maceration it depreciated somewhat in value and consemientlv v:is Vwvnrrlit 1,.. . a-J 4V.. 1. : .i.,. ! F.iadl of tb-t-rm. IUn., Uillll 1U1 VJi I It 111 111" It I I 1.1 I I I- 1U1 LVtTlC II IllM'l II llt' tt"K. 1 1 . r O "7 1 - - - - - - x , - . . ... , ..., . iui in 1 11 M'Ul"k i-rNtn f in. t,rm- .iiu tjii .n. iLHjuwiii ior par ticulars. Skctiox m2'2. If any stockholder shall fail to pay the weekly install-! iJlTu ments, ol tiltv (-0 cents per share,! clm-k m.Ki-nit-, uj" VJkm .),, I T. 1UVHANAX. I um v. AnuM tli. n-h!f at ihr- at it I...-. With a noon!. as route It Has Come. I I he street sprinklerf is here. e j the sale of personal property under saw 11 ai .uw.' warenouse lo-oav. 11 ppu inn. Uv th s.n trv m the stock of such delinquent may be i11 l,,,,ff-r -"i- n..r a.irnt;. t....,K. u declared forfeited by the Roard of Directors, and after advertisement j in the manner reuuired by law, for FLY FAKTS, 1 tt4 w - - - - ' IAVV.UUUM, w lilt illlU 1 y f , is suggestive of a jollification over j Treasurer of the Corporatio'n, the I lCC-dren 111 V VeCVfrQ. the transition of a town from 1 'dry" same shall be sold at public auction 1 V't13 ito -wet . Ihere is-a . larpe green for account of such delinquent, and ! WA I En-UuOLERS, ! barrel mounted on a -ponderous red 1 the net proceeds of such sale be ap-1 Common Sense Sash Ualmc-t-s vorv truck. We fear the sight of the bar-! plied first to th- pavment of all useful iu this warm weather rel will make some folks want to: amounts due the Corporation bv j Durham Cook Stov a r , istart tor Hickstown :at once. The SUch delinlUent, and the balance, If ! Ck StVeS' at sprinkler is auacneu. 10 me rear 01 , any, paid to the delinquent, provi thc barrel ami is about six feet wide. ded. however, that the forfeiture and Now pay the freight 011 it, take it out 1 sale of stock of any delinquent shall i.i 1 . 1 1.1 1 1 . ... 1 of the warehouse ami it work let us see how ternatc. It seems probable this thisJmortiin evening that policy will prevail. M H Iiiformatioii About Co-Operative Cotton Factories. We are indebted to Mr. J. J. Gorm- ley, Secretary and Treasurer of one of Plmrlotf'o' Pn-(1noTrntivo Cutton justice. 01 vnanoue. t.....:w a... m. Senator Sherman and Representative paseil Durham to-dav on his wav i i" P ' vu,. ,r T.. L . X.A 1 0 J -'and By-Laws ot his company, which Mckinley strongly favor it, and Sen- to Mprehead City. ,s kno;vn as tho A(la AianUfacturinir ators Frye and Mitchell, Represen- Miss Lucy Reams, who is on a Company.' The charter describes the tative Butterworth and others are of visit to Prospect -H411, is quite sick, business as "that of spinning cotton, ITT i-, 4- y-. ' 1 1 ii 1 .i'lV 1 a the same mind - There nro Senntors VYC 'Fb1 lu 1CiUU- ,wooi una oilier lexuic productions - - - v - - - v 1 I II -v . I . who strongly hoW that their .party h- f Heartt and suter, iliss ami t m nianalaetinc t lie same in- 0 J . .- . vl V F.ttn Tiiinriinor lpft tn.rlnv tr cipnl n tO Clotll 311(1 Other lahlMCS i III the ought to produce a bill to oppose the weeli or two Hillsboro. " sale of the same." j Mills bill, but -they do not seem to 7 not release him from his original subscription. Section 27. No ollicer of this Corporation shall -be interested in any way in any contract entered into with this Corporation. J. T. WOMBLE'S !E3:a,rd.-sxra.re Store. jy.M.in Messrs. J. II.. King and J. I). Wil- The amount of capital stock is '.fixed at one hundred 'thousand dol- 1 1 1 1 , , C a ' 1 frnill lnilPM (rrnmil trtr tllOll nllininil. Knrn! I r- n y- linnl ti.r.m tinnmn. icin work unci nientv7 01 11 is none, -1 " an. uum liuvum - , . .. . ... i i- - V--- Nothing is settled yet, and there will men and at their "cases." TO ui me pm uege 01 siaiuiig & probably be a joint caucus of the M ss Georgia Borden, of (Johlsboro, llund rel "and lilt v I ! Republicans on the question, held armcKyestenhiy afternoon on a xhoua (lollars. The capital stock 1 - - 1 viCin Tii ii 1 .1 in 1 .niLiin it 1. 1 - I mm I - I II. .1 . 111. .1 lllllll, IJIM rVll-111- I w "I - 1 t . -t he. one ot ashinston t BUSINESS NOTICES. lOO l)iiliels ea nuts at sc. to .l.oii jk-i lMihel at W. J. Wyait '.s. Smith tS: Kolnrts are now in thtir new quarters cm Main trvt-t next JMr t LvvyV corner, where they will he U imi1 Iomi their friends when in want of anything in the dru 'line. (JcmmI time to sow You can lindtlu-m at V. J k;is for fertilizer. Wvatt A ( o.V Mil vants. PImi'Khok William visit to the Czar. We suppose sbouy some day this week, at-which an at- -LJ ' is aivuied into snares 01 tne par tor. w?n W,!T-ui0 ,,1. -Air. u.i.. u an, 01 me ivocKing- bf one hundred dollars each and sul- : :r . "rfham yiocArf, was on the noon train Wcrint'ions are oavable in weekly in has finished a "enmit poncy. to-day, returning trom W ashington. stalments of titty cents a share for t 1 . Mrs. W. J. Exum and daughter, each week from the organization of TOWN TALK. y kied and parted, with smiles 1 tears, promising to let "absence ke the heart grow fonder."- -Help along the hospital move ment. Big breaks at our Miss Alice, passed through Durham yesterday, en route to Blowing Rock. -Rev. R. C. Beaman, of Chapel Hill, he corporation The affairs of the company are con trolled by a board of directors elected 11 his mav not be inconsistent, but tn-fin v 'Wka so: . Read the information relative lie lUj.uhlicans contend that to takeoff' to a co-operative cotton factory in per eeiu. ol the taxation on manufactures Tup Pt.a vt of tn-dn v ?ns freetrader hut thev deny that" to take rm ' 1 rr v -n . tne tax on distilled spirits means free AI1C. uu iCUIFmi V11A VAC1 -kcv. j,()t r,Mtrmii. onicers 10-morrow nignx. v iuii ai- - - tendance is desired. , km- the Alamance " Gean.r we prpnamtions for nlacinb the nv tluit Col. Thos. M. Holt, our drinking fountains iri position move filiJate for Lieutenant-Governor, slowly, if they are 'moving at all. was sutlerimr verv much a few n?- !'i o j ; . -'1 1 We regret to learn that the in fant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer died at their home" in High Point yesterday evening. The time for working for The Daily Plant erold watch will exuire American girl, she npt. Tnosdav pvpnino- Put, in vour Tlal t.l drank thfv first, two nf har hpst lirlrs hptwppn now nnrl tlipn flulay dinners. We do wish the An official call has been issued trs. would be explicit and exact. fr a convention of the Third party , . to oe neia in jjurnam on tne inn ' 1 win-City- Daily has been of Aueust for the purpose of nomi- wu'od and much improved, and nating a county ticket. its to us to-day with a large The Ladies' Aid Society of "u"t of reading matter. We wish Trinity Church meets every Friday warehouses passed down the road to-day, going annually by the stockholders. One ' to Wayne county, where he will pf the directors is elected President. , spend a week. - The Secretary and Treasurer is clec- 1 i-.l 1).- 1 1...4. t. 1 i 1... Rev.J. T. Harris and family, of 1 iu iwiu, imi no (joldsboro, were on the east-bound r " f n n r 7 - mnm 1 11 nr c I tint' t L-1 1 1 1 rT t.rn n to-ilnv rpfnrn no- from a v s t. """ -. , .,,,M'1 one vote for each share of stock held to Chapel Hill. ago trom an attack of rheuma ). is much improved. "n.KVKLANMi ate her twenty-fourth Vf di-uv it '" If r the ordinarv j For Kent. The store in the Wright huild in;, on (..'oreoran street, in the rear of the Savon's l.:m.- is for ri-nt. Aiiiilv ! r-' 7 - ------ - -1 1 --- J. F. Slaughter, J r., C':hiiT. It ST r of near jtsusny r o.k Tlic Wilmington Star savs : The i-VtsMve, oooming town, changed from 5:30 to G o'clock. " Willie Hall, aged 31 years. He is 1. 1 1 V ALIL illll XlllUUll J I 1.11V' CjUll VI . . v f J 1 ll.. A.Z ,. L- T.-...l.r. -.r-w. nn 'iitinued success. IVt a afternoon at the Seminary. The lives in 1 r z 1 uour ior meeiing uas Band, w ith the exception of one or lain pf the DurhamXonipany. speaking tWQ mCmbers, returned from the En- M. Walter Brad. her, of Parrish' Dn L". P. Sorrell, President, and u1,.c,,iwnriiAiifnririm11 imtnfnni-. Mr. II. W. Wiggings, Secretary of holder enn vote ,inon stock mini. the ILeesville Democratic Club, are ' hi(,h nfrV weekly instalment is due in town to-day. ant unpai(i. Annual meetings of the Mr. W. M. McKinnie, manager ot Stockholders are held, but special the lirotrm faetory at the Oxford Or- nieetings may be held at any time phan Asylum, is interviewing our upon the call of a majority of the mereh ants to-day. Board of Directors after ten days' 1 At the Encampment Tuesday, notice. 1 Lieut. Gattis was officer of the day j lne stocklioklers at any regular or and Lieut. Freeland officer of the 1 palled meeting, may authorize money guard of the Third Regiment. to be borrowed for the conduct of the Mr. C. M. Holden has returned business and prescribe the amount. fr.mln trintn Vl,ito LnVe RlnHpn roin i no u-ias oijiiie coiii)an, "y"1;" vK i .1 ..n : ' ii. county. Caught plenty offish, an i? n me iono,wngeci im, ,unica alga.or and twenty pounds of flesh, jwill give, our readers further insight O j x f tlif innnnnr i ti iniin flirt otl'iiiv fi Mr, H. A. Reams .and family will L. f.nrnorntion nro lnsinaiyPli. leavdto-morrpw inornins for Person Section 1. Members of the Cor county. They will attend the Lnion ation ghall be ersons of the -ntinrr of- I'lomont KnntiBt I nnron . ' . " in6 l V i F ' of twenty-one (21) years and up- wards. -Vlinjprs may nola stoct by Trustees, but not otherwise. Section 2. Each S stockholder shall obligate himself, : in writing, to pay his weekly installments, interest, and penalties, and to taithtully ob- CLl-AN AVATEIt. Let the public visit the water res ervoir and see for themselves that the water is clean. -Every pn-eau tion is taken to keep everything around the reservoir clean. A tiirlit board fence 4 feet high lias been built and no toad can get in. I aud my family use the water every day, and this we would not do if we did not know it was clean and whole some. S. W. Holm an. - - i jr- e- jn-t s . r GOING TO THE DURHAM POULTRY YARDS TO KT A SKTTINc; cK TIloSK FINE LANGSHAN EGGS! llre. r. I ). W II ITA K 1 Ml, I t kii a m. N. ( WE BRING THESE TIDINGS : Liberality, Justice, Security! More than Twenty-Five of the Best English and American Companies Represented. Nearly S500,000,000 Capital and Assets. STKOMiEST COMPANY AGENCY IN THE SOUTH. THE LA IK JEST IN - -THE STATE. SaTISFAC 4 TION GUARANTEED. NEARLY $J.r0,000 1AII CITIZKXS OF DURHAM. Yours traly, J. SOUTH (5 ATE A SON, Durham. N. C. ie debate on the naval annrn mtMiioers, reiurneii iio.u me .ui. uauer P1aUa., uu-u BU 8 fierve and fulfill all the requirements r uu Lue naval appro- nnnmnipnt TOfnnlnv! nfYornnon As wnrplinnsp. accomnanied a larj?e i r c . - ,t ..... i mi : - , j ..v. . - , . o nr i no pn.nnpr anci v-liws. ViiaU' yesterday -over .-the pro- -impression and extended its reputa- light; house last night and let tnem 'Qf the Board of Directors at 1 ... 1 t I i. I 1' --- 4Vv-v j-.1-l-V.--t--- w--l-'v--l I ; u ameiH ment tn the n..oi uuu. vv t,liy ill til aij-l : . . I mi t a i r ii t 1 "anon In showed at least that ine leuer irom ine jjurnam n 7 T C 1 election lor directors, to appoi .uuncu ai.iea.1 mat T . , . T - . -n i i A--r- riThtavillA vpst.prn.iv that nnr - , , e is no onnnotmn 4i . liuaiury wmue unsseu in -j -., irom ine sioc.noiuers ;mree compe- -u VUU""1C th s ssiipo The Plant. For some camera couiu uui- yit- iaFiuy upnt npPfirtns tft ,nvstirnt thft affairs SIMXIAL 3II:NTI()N. I have just received a large lot of first-class Writing Paper, of difh-rent weights and sizes. Envelopes to match, either Long or .Square. I claim to have the best Writing Pa per on the market for the price. Special attention is called to the ele gant gilt-edged Note Paper at 10 cents a quire. Writing Paper in Tablet form, convenient and cheap. Interesting fiction at and 10 cents a copy. Whether you want to read or write, call for material at Whitakkk's Cash Rookstokk. iliWWi THE DAILY PLANT A NEW ENTERPRISE. Many irt-na w ho have built hou hmvt Ut-n at a i to Lou to linit-li mA lot.rau- tln tn. For thi jurjMr the MANUFACTURERS' House Furnishing Agency has It-en etbli-hel. Im-Idk tle firt if the kln-l in North ( rilina. We will take a buiMinr from the hani .f the iiaterer, where lelref. aixl Jim'h it in HARD WOODS or in any manner wanifl. MU al- le-rate the nmc in ajr or in LINCRUSTA WALTON. We furnish lara ctn i. LarI e furnish irjuetrr f..rii.-. aJnM-rftinr. . r - - panel. tUt S rrfi K's to ro into every Li Lome in the town. To exjiMiie tnaiten, we have plai-e! on exhlhi- tion, at autrhan i Irui: More, a Klr AVauh which we will arl uI manteU. tntl m.l and marbh- iutil. rrate. er. Arent for the e!vbrat4-i "WII.UAV hLllINi H1.IXD3." SIAM'PACTl I-KUS' !IOIK n ilNI-H! V; AOKN'fY. Main Street. Iur)iatn. N. Offli-e over lSowen A. Arrendtll. jyl4Uin REUBEN HIBBERD, On the 1st Day of August Uln:- U. That is a wholesome proves that the most con- 'ttlVc of mir vvii .i w-ii !i ru rj 4- ir i -. - -. . - i He ta u . , reen and other distinguished in th$s mi. lirtli ill THO notmn I 1 III I J A I ' Al I I , " vwv- speaers wm auuress me cui.eiis oi seen 11 Un1. f lur in " -J-l IT - 4 I ni GHIII I'llri III r; II lflll MIlll III IIIHKH I t nvy of .itself, but merely a dif- letters have been read with great Such as do not appear in our gallery . )0rtthereof which reoort shall be of opinion as to the manner interest and we are sorry to have to-day will please excuse us. recorded in a book kept for that pur- to disappoint our readers to-day. cinin-r Sale at the Eninorium poe, which shall always be open to Wp nrp infnrmpd fhnf Rpv. G Tn -Tnrrnv. the inspection of any stockholder. V. Sanderlin, C:aptB.H.Bunn,Mr.1 uv reference to new advertisement Section V,K Any ollicer ot the y"V lk 1 . 1 I. 1 1 I 1 . .... I A n A A . . . V . 1 y c.t i.nn nf Tur I'r i vr it will 1M tuipuiuuuu luav ucicujuicum du-- i- ---7 - i - , ... , , r L.- i that Ellis will have a grand penaeu ior negieci oi uuiy, ureacn nnjr saie ai me r.inporiuni 10- y w.wvv., e mean rvf m,o; Audist llth: It is estimated that n.,.-.-A-.- Tn.t th nk-nfnih hnnrnin me uoara oi iirecioi. "' uuciiniv r vv ; 1 1 1 n i iiiiii iun " iw v , . feEcnox JJ. All weekly mstall- rnpnLs of fiftv cents ner share on tock subscribed for shall be paid to the Secretary and Treasurer on Sat- dav nf each week, and the amount - m " Vt I UL1V. lUtl tlVyUklWU ailU ULLA. Ut. I lCJl X . C.4 A ilij v 9, - ---w--.---.. I 7 7 not l.o no : . i i t-. " T -v-.-,,;il- Ar1- --v, Qm will rrwnn nrnmntlr rini clinll nlnorl tn thp rrprlif nf !. i , . I . - . . I ! . i . a a I . t 1 1 11 1 a 1 O a . "'uu states need and nnaVit the llth ot August. Mr. Cireen is at o O'clock', a. m., ami me asiomsn- the snarenoiaer Dy me secretary avN a fontl nn,- ' .i an earnest, efl'ective speaker, and we ins prices quoted will prevail only and lreasurer in the books ot the li tlip J , e are oromise our friends in the Leesville one day and that day to-morrow. Corporation. i - v--.-;iit; Lfi tirrviQ ; I .. ... ... . . I !? ..." in l- l v- ai ' i i i i - Mllv . r , 8 section that he will make them a Kememoer mat -a ooiiar saveu is a n &ectiox zi.Auy snarenoiaer '"v.TOni, I snppAiv wnrth hpnnncr To the tervn Oady or rentleman) who f-rure for THE I)AILY PLANT the Untet number of paid-up yearly tulnnkn. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE To Get a Gold Watch Free! Cosmtions. Only mWripUm taken for a year, and a'-roini-a.nied by the cah, rountel. . i where nt'cessnrv nn vii.v I there will be three thousand people a5 these: 15 and 18 cent goods at K . lietti.r . ir h , present on that occasion. 10 cents: 20 and 25 cent goods at Uj,;,.;,.. flenses an(i Mr. C. B. Green has accented 121 cents: 50 cent goods at 37 i cents, s lu,.A e neeaed. We must an invitation to sneak at a Dem- etc.. etc. Read about these rare I contest for our rights nnd L.mf; yotifiorft? nA KorKo. hrins nnil fro tn-niorrnw nnd se- Vr dollar made." failing to pay the weekly enstall- Pn ir to 1 A LIVE PAPER ! Giving all the Iyxal and State New, all the latet Telegraphic New f, I-etten Dally from Vab inirtn. Richmond and Raleigh : in fart, to be a Ked-Hot. Flm Clan Newipaper. SHOW IT TO YOUR FRIENDS, fk-t their names and it.W. acd hand it to J. IJ. WHITAKER, Jr., Mf The larKet numlr of names feta the Gold Wtach, Auit lt. ii:: Cnt Flowers and Bonqnels A SPECIALTY. Evergreens, Shrubs 1 Shade of all Variet !.- !urniheil hxmi lK)rt notice. LAWKS, (JARDENS AND Carefully looked after and kept ia order. CHARGES MODERATE. REUBEN HIBBERD, Durham Floral Xnraery.

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