SPECIAL SALE FOR MONDAY! A BIG DAY FOR THE LADIES ! PRICES STRICTLY CONFINED TO MONDAY ! STORE WILL OPEN PROMPTLY AT 5 O'CLOCK, A. II. This Sale Will be Immense ! m m ESI! LIS! IS! TIE PRICES WILL ASTOHISH I! Table Linen! Oik lot of Table Linen worth irum 2. "5 to cents per va-d. lour choice for TSv-ent s foivMonday only. Olie lot of Table Linen wortLi fioni 65 to Go cents, including beautiful bleached Damask, un bleached Turkey-rdl, etc., o cents for choice. THIS BARGAIN WILL SURPRISE YOU ! ' Ten pieces of all ."Linen Crash, worth 10 cents, will sell Monday only at . cts, One Lot Fine White Spreads ! l,tra lare size, worth from 90 cents- to $1.00, your choice for 03 cents Our entire lot of -"White Spreads that have been selling for $1.30 to $1.73, will oiler Monday at $1.00 for choice. Towels ! 20 dozen large size towels, pure white knotted fringe ; also colored borders such as we have been selling from 23 to 37 ? cents, your choice for 19 cents, Monday. 10 Pieces 6 cent Bleaching! AVill be sold at 3 cents, only ten yards to a customer. A mammoth Job Lot of Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries ! 15 'autifuV designs, beautiful patterns, ranging in. width from 3 to 10 inches, sold first of the season from 30 to 00' cents, your choice for 13 cents, Monday only. Satteens ! lir oluuco SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1S88. WEATIIEU BUREAU. The weather prognostications indicate the state of the weather for 30 hours from to-day lo'clock. W as 1 1 ingtox, D. C, Aug. 4T 'S8. For North Carolina, threatening weather with local, rain?, nearly sta tionary temperature. Cragix. LATEST BY 31 Alii. Our 13 cent. Satteons will be olVered at 10 cents. Our 23 and 30cent Satteens will be .offered' 13 cents for choice. Our French Satteen, solid colors and figures, will be ottered at 23 cents, former price 37. . Ladies' Hose ! Our 10 cent Ladies' Hose will be rth red at 3 cents lor choice. Our 23 cent Ladies and Children's Hose, in solid colors and black, will be ottered jit 13 Cents for choice. t" - Gloria Silk Umbrellas ! In Silver and plain handles, 1:4.9 for choice. Washington. Aug. 3. Messrs. Jos. Caldwell, F. Brevard McDowell and other prominent citizens are Kere hoping to be aide to help influ ence the Executive not to veto either tfie Statesville or the Charlotte pub lic building bill. An effort will be made by the Re publican campaign committee to secure the services of Miss Anna fnckinson as a stump, speaker dur ing the coming campaign. In 1800 she made a stirring canvass in Penn sylvania for Mr. Lincoln. On one occasion she was addressing an au dience of rough miners. These miners were opposed to Mr. Lincoln bjecause they thought the abolition of slavery meant competition with tfiem and cheapening their labor. Inuring Miss Dickinson's speech a rough miner drew-a. pistol and or dered her to stop. She paid no at tention to him and kept on speak ing. He took deliberate aim, tired, and shot a curl off her head. .She showed no excitement whatever and proceeded with her speech. Her preservation from the murderous bullet was regarded by the super stitious miners as a direct interposi tion of Providence, and her courage so greatly impressed them that she niatle thousands of converts. Simon Qimeron, Thad Stephens and other party leaders, said she certainly turned the tide in favor of Mr. Lin coln, and carried the State of Mr. Ruchanan for the Republican party. Senator Vance has returned to thjis city after his brief visit to North Carolina. Senator Ransom was called tcj New York a few days ago by im portant business before the National Executive Committee. Senator liar rife, whose family lived at Chalk Ljjvel, near Henderson, N. C, and wno still has many relatives of his name in that town, has returned to this city from a brief visit to Ten nessee. He finds his prospects for rej-eleetion very promising. He has served in the United States Senate for twenty-four consecutive years and has twice been elected Acting Vjce-President by the Democratic caucus. He is considered the finest parliamentarian in the United States. Arthur Simmons, the colored mes senger at the W hue House, who guards the door of the room occupied by Col. .Lamont, was born, I think, ini Duplin county, and was until 4fcjG4 a slave. He now gets 81 ,200 a year and his wife runs a successful laundry on L. street. Chief Justice Fuller and his wife will return to Chicago on Saturday. Hie will not take the oath of office until just before the assembling of the Supreme court next October. He has several very important law cases lich require his attention and in lich- very large fees are involved. Ten Pieces Good Wide Heavy Homespun ! ."Will be offered at 5V cents. White Goods! Imported Swiss Muslin?, beautiful Feme effects, large Mull Plaids, French Nainsooks, efc, worth from 23 to 43 cents, only 13 cents for choice Monday. Don't miss your chance. Plaid India Linens, Stripe 'Mulls, worth from 13 to 18 cents, your, choice for 9 cents, Monday only. Handkerchiefs ! O.'ir 10 c( n't Ladies' Hemstitched ..Handkerchief.? 5 cents for choice. Our 20, 23 and 30 cent, Want if ul shies and quality, 13 cents fen- choice, ' white, colored border and mourning in the assortment. V well-read politician in this city says : Senator Harris point of order on the direct tax amendment to the Sundry Civil bill and Senator In gall's ready and sententious decision sustaining it are the talk of the day. It saves infinite trouble and possibly some peril to the Democratic party. Another filibuster in the House of Representatives would have been in evitable and might have prejudiced some Northern votes.1'. This was averted by Senator Harris' thorough mastery of parliamentary tactics. fhe House adjourned this evening until Monday. The Senate had no quorum to-day. tion has no cause to complain. Win ston seems to have been favored with good seasons and average crops. Raleigh has bcen5having some good rains and some improvement in the crops, and to sum tip the reports from different parts of the State, we are compelled to jsay that Winston and Asheville have fair prospects for good tobacco crops and a few small sections. North Alamance, Knapp of Reeds, also Diitchville, in Gran ville county, have no cause to com plain much, butf south Alamance, Caswell, Person, ()range, Durham and the larger portion of Granville, the: prospects are Very poor indeed, while a large portion of Chatham has been more favored with rain and the crop promises better things. The general outlook frdm Virginia is very poor indeed. During the week the market lias been j moving upward. No boom or spasniotic feeling, but a live market and bitter prices. LITTLE OU()N KO. We have been waiting to hear from some of our old experienced farmers on the culture of little Oronoko to bacco, but as yetjnot one has ex pressed an opinions-Rip Van Winkle like, fast asleep-f-whilu the artful manufacturer is educating the peo ple's taste for the purpose of selling their goods made oL. this porus. spongy, hurley slock, filled with blackstrap molasses and other sweet compounds that add weight and cost but little, and sell it for a low price. It is a shame upon our people that they sit still and See their best in terest sapped and! won away from them,-.and our owii people, many of them, are acquiring the taste by edu cation for the use of such obnoxious compounds. Willi" not our fanners wake up to the importance of culti vating aright the little Oronoko to bacco? Plant it onthe sameland that produces the' fhm silky wrappers, work it well, top it low, make it rich and waxy, let it remain on the hill until it is thoroughly ripe, cut it, put it on scaffolds for a week or more if the weather isj fair, have open sheds around yourj barns, and hang it up in those open sheds, and let it cure. The close 11 lie barns you now have may be retained, but build some cheap sheds around these barns, which may be done at little cost, and you will Uiave some sweet, rich, waxy lillers and wrappers that manufacturers would delight to buy at good prices, ami we would begin at once to regain a part of the lost ground that we liave permitted to slip away from usy ami the North Carolina tobacco interest is suffer ing for the Want of it to-day and has been I since the in troduction of tile white Hurley with all of its incre;ised weight made up of cheap compounds to satisfy a vitiated taste, "young America" may say this is uotd fogyish." Well, call, it what you plejase, but one thing is certain and cannot be gainsaid, and that is this ; f' is frufh. Little Oronoko tobacco will ; Voduce more pounds to the aero than any other kind now grown in this country. If any man thinks to the contrary, let him speak out andjwe are in a posi tion to prove this tb the satisfaction of any reasonable man that has an extensive experience in the cultiva tion of the different kinds of tobacco. One more thought jand 1 will close. It is not so liable hidamage as .many other kinds of tobacco. It has more body and may be covered oer with white mould and by judicious hand ling may be entirely removed and the body of the tobacco preserved sweet and sound, while all the thin varieties the mould will strike through the leaf, anil taint it so that it will be impossible to restore it so that the taint will not taste, if it is free from the smell! This is owing to the fact that the little Oronoko has a thick, leathery body that the white mould does nt strike through so readily as it does; through the thin varieties, but if the little Oronoko is put into bulk with the mould upon it, the mould will age point I wish to make is that if taken before it is put into bulk and -properly handled, it inliy "frequently be saved when other varieties could hot be saved. f 10, 14,csi iiocsiicaus ami tierces; uninspected, 3,'.33 hogsheads ami 217 tierces. Insiected July 01. boxes; same time 187, 30,370 hogs heads and f,077 boxes. Stock on hand Insectel, July 31, l.sss, 21,,.(K hogsheads and 1.003 tiems: uninspected, 3,103 hogsheads and 334 tierces. Inspected July 31. 1SS7. 1 ... 13 hogsheads and in)" tierces: uninspected, ,790 hogsheads and 3i3 tierces. Inspected, July 31, 14.CS1 hogsheads and i t ierc and 13. 10,0.7 hogsheads and 1,101 tierces; uninspected. 3.702 hogsheads and 33 tierces. Total Stock July 31, Isns, 30. 30 hogsheads and 1,3'.0 tierces; July 31. 17, 2,7o:l hogsheads and 1,338 tierces; July 31. 10. 2oG,14 hogsheads and 1,231 tierces; July 31, 13, 13,7.V. hogsheads ami 1,03 tierces. Increase in sUck in July, 1. 1,12 hogsheads and 2(0 tierces. Forty-seven packages of sun-cured were otiercd, selling from $l..'?Mo 17' cents, with good buying. All other private sales were small ami of retail nature. Crop reports bad. and no doubt we shall soon have certificates of those planters who have the poorest showing. We will welcome anything to boom the mar ket on a solid basis. J. M. Tvyi.k. I'eople ISvcr w lie re C'Milirm our stutt raent when wt- siy that Aekt-r's English Keinedv is in evt-rv wav superior to any all other iir-.ir;itins for the Thro.it Knl Luns. In Whojin: Coir;h and Croup it is luajio stn.l r-li-vi- at niicf. We HVr you nsamplf lttlft'r-i lt-mein!jr, this K-ni-ly is sohl on a posi tiw riuraiitee. H. lH.icknail A Son. Scrim ! Our V2 and 13 cent Lace Scrim will be offered at S tents for choice. In conclusion we call attention to a table 43 feet long that will be tilled with job lots of goods. On this table you will lind remnants' of all kinds, consisting of Dress Patterns, Rlack Goods;. Colored Dress Goods, Swiss Flouncing for ladies dresses, also for children. Dress Patterns in Ginghams, odds and ends of Gloves and Hosiery, etc. The entire lot with many other desirable things will be offered for less than half their value. Don't forget the SPECIAL SALE! Don't forget the special lots that will be placed on the table. Rest assured that the sale w ill interest you. Don't forget the place, ELLIS' EMPORIUM, opposite Hotel Claibom. A cordial invitation extended to all. Respectfully, W. R ELLIS. to trfl i"k Itnt nrn-inx-m VI. VVV lLil nUlJU'i 1. Alex. Walker, Editor. Durham, N. C, Aug. 4, 1SS8. n our yesterday's report we failed get the names of Mr. Joseph Ilol- loway, of Wake, who' brought in sev eral loads of tobacco, rather late. We understand there are only a few loads of tobacco on the market to-dav. We learn that Mr. Dorscv Jones, a nrominont voimr ttilifipiwi Imvm- rn the Danville market, who is consid erel rather an expert in the tobacco business, is on the market to-day. He "is a brother of our Mr. T. D. Jojies, and if he is a chip of the same block, it is good timber, at id we hear the stock is prolihe. e are glal as allectuallv dam- it as any other! variety, but tlu to report. that we had a nice little shower last evening.not enough, how ever, to do any permanent good, but we trust it is the forerunner of more abundant and more copious showers that may result in much good to the crops, for we have heard the cry of poor crops and dry weather until it has become to be distressing. With a few exceptions North Carolina has suffered all through the bright belt. From the best information that we can gather from Asheville, that sec- liit-luimiitl, Va. i'A i... i .1.1 . A i t- nan auomer quiei day on TM 1 t- " iiange aim very nuie iraoing was done either publicly or privatelv Mr. Jas. M. Ioyd has iust returned from a trip through thecountry hav ing visited a great many farms, and gone through the tields, and he re ports the crop generally speaking in a very unpromising condition.; lie A. , 1 ' . pons, nowever, are very much at variance. Some sections seem to be sutl enng for rains while others have tiad a plenty, and crops are lookin wen. lielow 1 append report of re ceijfs, shipments arid stock now on hand in this market. lkaf to if a ceo. Receipts for nini months to June 30th, 24,213 hogsheads and tierces ; for July, one month; 3,084 hogsheads and 3!U t irr. fnr tn .months to July 31, PS-S, 27,U0 hogs heads and JU)24 tierces ; same time, 1SS7, 32,373 hogsheads and 4,707 i tierces Deliveries for nine months to June 30, 1SJSS, 24,(M2 hogsheads and 4,20-S boxes ; for July, 2,3o( hogsheads and M boxes ; Caution to Mothers. Every mother is runt ioutl against fiivin her child laudanirm r pari-jrie: it err!tt-s nil unnatural craving for siiinularits which kills the mind or' the child. A-k-rs P.ahv Sootlu r is sp.-rially ri-parl to l. n tit chil- lr-n anl curt- th-ir pains. It is Laiinh s :ml contains no Opium or Monhim-. S.ihl l.v 11. niacknalt A Son. Is'LilV Worth Living? Nit if vou tjo tlVu!i th- woiM a lvNi'-i'ti- ck r s yp. iti Jalil'ts are a ).iti- -ur- lor tin- ort tonus ot Jvsp-psi.i. in- diLTrstion, ' riituhiK-y and C''n-li pit ion (lunr mti t'dand sold iv K. Olackn ill A Sin Are Vou Skeptical? If so wv will convinc von that Ack rs I'u- lish lUiin ilv for tin-hint's issuix-rior to nil other plfparallons. and is a Positive -nr.. for all Throa and Lnriir troul.h s. Croup. Whopiii4Cou-'!iun 1 Colds. We uar.mt. tin- preparation jttid will -rive vou a vmn,!,! f . . i k . .. . ooui- ii-. . j;.-iia-ktu(ll v Son. DURHAM BOOT and SHOE STORE JOHN t FRENCH, I oi;MKl:l.Y WITH GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, WILMINGTON, N. C. rn i lakes tileasini? in announcing f() the citizens of Durham and the sur rounding country, tint he will, on September 1st, 1888, open in the Wright building, on Main street, one door east of tin; Postollicc a FIRST-CLASS Boot and Shoe Store, . where he will keep a full line of Roots and Shoos for Ladies, ( leiitlenieii and Children. Also a full stock of Leather t Hidings, etc. rC'J Harness Leather a Specialty. All goods will be bought direct from the manufacturers and will Ik oflered at prices that will induce vou to patronize the Durham Boot and Shoe Store. P. W. VAUGHAN, Ph. G., )1AI WllllliTI All DURHAM, X. C. , SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN -TO- PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS A COMPETENT CLERICAL FORCE OF RELIABLE DRUGGISTS -TO- COMPOUND PRESCRIPTIONS AND FILL ALL ORDERS. Fancy ani Toilet Articles Cigars and Tobaccos, Soda and Mineral Waters. We welcome all and will treat jou right. CASWELL HILL RESIDENCE ! 1 boxes ; for ten! months to July i, 1SSS. 27,19S hogsheads and 4,01! CO...l:i ,. VT K . 171 srin lot: goM cm " l I'un us over t h- ireinim- TcmjH wy. Apply to J. A. LOXO. jyT-dtf Graham, X. C. WEEKLY tobacco m. ISSUED EVERY pjjj AT- DURHAM. N.c THE HANDSOMEST IN THE STATE! EVERYBODY SAYS ' DEMOCRATIC IN POLITIC ONLY $1.50 A TEAT1 Tcr.ns: Cash in Adun:, THE PLANT GIVES The Latest General News! The Latest;State Hv The Latest Local.News! TALMAGE'S SERMOKS ruhlish, 1 Every W..-K n, I.tr.. Type. WASHINGTON LETCH (living Ii.ci!-nV .f Ini. r: it: N.itioim Cipital. ACCURATE MARKET REPO? Of llif T)nrluTii -.ti.1 I l l . r M .'1,-. Libera Advertisina Rafe u OUR SPECIAL 0FJEKS I SUBSCRIBERS. No. i. i ...... . .. . l T l lir M .11 111 ..lI. u-.1l .iTl it Kuliscrib-r two ii-turs Mr. J-1 isievt-UiTiii. I lic-s. iu tur s ar-ii- 1. 1 1 1 .l 11 i.i N -nil huh :irt nruiy vn.nii ? " you get f2.oO. No. 2. For '.Tl we nill s. ti l lm T i . . i t dial. vurTHnt.l to k-ej t;-f-cl(K-k retails at t. ,. c I..1o, nn.l ti clock w.-rth n'"- V" words, for il.'A) you ft-t l OUR CREDENTIALS- From tin- many coiui'li'ii. uut r & II k . I lO 1IIK KtKI.T 1UM 1' the State Vrvr, we ajin 1 ! ' ' ONE OK THE I.EI IS TM -I' . ... A Tb a. T 1 1 - ft . L - 1 .. I- . f a fc lruv iu-tit jui1 pruH-ritj. SUt- CLr.-ui- 5- -W hav wn. in North Oar 1"- ijire k ratifying eTiil-ii- -f -uurr''r hLuwu by Th IXa.M. SOT WOSIERrCL THAT IT Ll .it It not w oiidVrful tbt Tak " .crt FrwikUn IT- T.. T. . - i ..fir- ( n-auiul ami H. gAuUj iriLU-i i J" SEED MOkE Uk 'T' ruuivu i The Dr&Q4M Plajct Lu it ri!il'L ftzpretMi iUt-ux. Would tlit wt- ,f neTapp-n in the SUte.