- . . ' v . ' - ."..' I ;:l - . . :': ' 1 - - . 13 1 f i - - - . . - V OL , i-NO. 90. DURHAM, N. i.C.,' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1888. . . .1... ;l.ciiiMiu? of yourselves to- , i.iivM Ml'.'I HOI.) I NT. t m1 k, a. in. Preaching ;in. I t ; ,t , 'ill'" .i-iiiii-ii'l-nt.. ; i .i. I AN 1. m kl: Mr. K. A. .1.-: inot'tiliig at 11 o'clock, II. T. Darnall, o'clock. Mr.' (i. W. .i , rli k 'k, 1 v'V "I TV! '! ilii' ! 1 '.' II,.- pulilie conlially invited. ( am; mi.ih'Iist. ,,,l;v tin .riling and flight hy .'..!'. II. Hall. ' I II ! I I l' s I.l iCl'AI.. IV 111' I Miir-i, " w.t il l luck, KeV. i.Il i m 1 1 ii 'k-. T. M Mr. V , i fn!J fi'li'.nt. .,. 1 In , j .nili- cordially IH.sV I'.UTlsJ. X invited. 'iii'h.v- morning,' 11 o'clock, and ,,; .jt,-:O0 o'clock, I lev.. leo. 1'. I'.os- rt,,, '..i'lri.-itillU'. i .v -. ti' !, V-V o'clock. Mr. W. II. ' 1 1 1 .1.. . . . - 1 i , I Tin- I'li'ilK1 coitliaiiy invneu. TKiNirv mi tu'ikist. Suii'liv morning, 11 o'clock. luck, Kt-v. h. A. ates, !T' '. i l,K celebrated hnglish Astrono- How many persons will you mer, l rot, .Proctor, who recently ar- teed and lodjre during the hxposi rived in New York from Florida, oMed there of yellow fever. tion Let the Committee on Ac commodation k now. Take as many as you can. ; Grand clearing out sale of rem nants at Ellis' Emporium on Mon day. lig bargains ! Head the an nouncement on third page of this is sue of Thk Plant. The I'ittsboro l'vt,r1 has just cel ebrated its tenth birthday. We hope these tenbirth days are few in com parison with the ones it will live to J j Push along the work on the rK.., ti- i liivjuc, it-Mais. v.-Miiiajuu, u fin, star ling news comes that that the scaffolding may be removed there have been two cases and one and the street and sidewalk in front death from yellow fever at Decatur, of the building cleaned up, before the Ala. The citizens are leaving the Exposition. , place and other towns have begun "The Durham Sash, Door and to quarantine against it. IHind Manufacturing Co is prepared - m , - ; . to make lloats lor the street parade TnKGreenvilleA ArA.rsaysiWith aml ve printed designs from which t,.i v: i i iuv i i - i i- i A to select. See advertisement in Thk John Nichols, ol the Ualeigh district, pLANT to-day ' basing his hones of election unon the at t r c . . 1 ' Mr. James Warren, bupenn- supposition that ten thousand Dern- tendent of Messrs. Duke, Sons A: Co., ocrats will go to the Third party, is it issaid has purchased the residence ,..Ii;-iil.; '"'I v:' Si li'.'il; ' l''k. Mr. I'l. J. J; 'i I 1 1 ll rl I' 1' 'II t . .' 1 In- iiiil.iic ronlially invite!. V. M. '. A. MdiV liiiti:iii Association tlevo--in ! -tiiiL'S at tin? Association rooms in !;,!lil'iirt'iii Imililiii Sumlay afternMn "iI'H'k. i . . ii.. !....:. .1 , 1- II) t III' ( II V SJK'Ci:!!! IIIMlCtl. . j MMVMUKl.l MITIIoDIST. . r-'.!'- Sunday inoriiiniT, 11 O'cloi-k, :,v ',!,!, ..'cluck, llev. NM. Jurney, ;;,!iy M-r..M.l, '.. o'clock. Mr. V. Hal- vl'iTintcllTcllt. - vine. Tlic pulilie cordially invite!. KWI.I.I, ItM'TIST. . W. P.. (Hivcr pastor. Services inorn- i .M'l'.ck :ml at s o'clock, at nijjht. i i i ik i ik li t. I li.l iv srhui.l, '.i o clock. IT. .1. 1. itTilltcllilcllt. ! it any w(nder that we look with sus picion upon thatf. part)' ? Somk person in New York, who decline th(vuse of their name, con tributed S1LMMK) to the sull'erers of stricken Jacksonville. To date Dur- of Mr. J. A. Lonr, and will become a citizen of that portion of our com munity known as "Caswell llejght." Assignment To-Day. Mr. I). L. Kaufman, dealer in dry goods, made an assignment to-day, we regret to learn. The assignee is l.Oo 1.K) 1.IM) Yellow Fever SiVerers. The following amounts have- been subscribed to Thk J'lant fund for the benefit of the velhiw jfever sull'erers at Jacksonville : George W. Purch, J. M.(Jattis, Mrs. Florence (iatfjs, Cash, - i ! J. T. French ( rallli oil shoes), KMX) 1 .( K ) l.(H) 1J M) 1.U0 'S1JHJ 1.00 ..r)( ) '.)..",( ) Hr All f'nrr Reuben Ilibbard, K. (J. Lea, Mrs. J. D. Cioodwii: A. K. Fm stead. Kev. Dr. E. A. Yats, ueo. E. l atton, Mrs. M. A. Closs, Cash, Plant force, Plant Photographs. Mr. D. W. Whitaker wMit to Ital- eigh to-dav. Tlie Hag-jjinj Tri(st It. Smith. I Just as Thk PLAfr hought, Cat)t. has a !apital idea to beat tlie Jute 1 aglri is tr. Trust. He O. K. Smith 'has annl Capt. (). Ir. J. S. Carr went down t lial eigh to-lay. i Judge (iraves was n 1 he east bomnl train tj-day. Kev. C. Duiliaui. of Raleigh,' passed down the road t onlay. Maj. S; F. Toinlinson n'tiirned t day from a trip to lligjj Point. Misses Saline and. Pearl Yates re turned to day from a very .pleasant visit to Hillsljioro. ' 9 Mr. W. A.f Muse, of the linn of Muse & Shaw is at the North select ing: fall and. winter, stock. Miss Sallie IMeLaurin, of Wihning mington, VhoHias been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. II. Jones, leit for lioiue to-dav. $4.00 PER ANNUM. are sliuring in tlie avantages tltat you have refused to help create? Whether you aid or not, tin- Ex position will be held ! Whether vou encourage or belittle the enterprise it wilMiippen ! You shall 1m- helped,: in spite of yourself, if von still with- hold your assistance! Rut irifll(l Mill! t)..i,rlil...r. vour ami niifibors nel "von. They neel your money thev n-el your counsel they need vour words of cheer. Won't you help? Won't you Keep up with the procession? 1 Jon t lose step ! Don t be a clam ! J.no. S. IH KliAikT, Presd't. AY. W. Fl'LLKK, A- KliAMKK, A. E Lloyd, S. T. Mok;an, J. R. W.M.KKl!. ?ept. loth, 1N.S.S. Committee. sasj i ne couon s t!f lint cotton. t5Hk Tlud that i s no w 1 It t o r rot ought to hale half thr stalk , or worthless in the field, woulilMjalc-the entire crop of cotton. ; 'Tfjc tnachinery for breaking and. hadkliW ' the stalk, use l in hamllinr llax. That the stalk is I . .w. 1..... ....1 I--lL fl't If i w .... ..I . f. . I . v ' i . . Hint- jir. v . m. iiorgan. i ne amouni oi . reaov lor inaninuiaiuiir nisi as soon you lone youf'duty, reader. If not assets and liabilities Jiave not yet as the cotton is "picked, so that the Tim: Planl stands ready to rect i vt your'contribution. been announced. talk of one crop wfiul oalmg: the next. JIh Makiii"-. Ready for Our Visitors, of; alum would ninh What are you doing for stricken Jacksonville? To date only $o-f.o() subscribed from Durham. The Ma sons from Jacksonville make an ap peal for help. Tiik Plant hasa Ma- M0, ,,s0 as 1(Ml.-,n quarters during sons reiiei list. Kemeniher vourr v "t-""""- T I be ready lor U a treatment r the baling This is an it, ii the stalk Mr. A. R. Sites, the clever pro- wholly non-combustjbl prietor of the Hotel Claiborn, to-day idea worthy of tliofi rented the throe-storv brick building which is now left 0 eot in the field on the comer of Parrish and CorcoJcan 1m made to, bahltBie crop ran streets, near the business centre, 1 1 1 11 .! omigation ami call with your con- om-(.OI.s of tllo i)liriia,,. I5obl,in tribution at Ihk Plant ofhee.- . anl Shuttle Co. i We learn that Dr. J. L.: Watkins Mrs. E. II. ! Dewey, of (jnldshoro. was on t lio e;tst-oomul train . "to-davr returning lioiwe from a visit t her a rents, Dr. :ud Mrs." P.. F. Arring- ton.- at Ashev We 31 list II Ladies. President 1 ill: 1 LANT 111 11 iVtli Help of the iockhart airrees with its iisit ion t h:it 1 he OHlTUAItV. Iifl, at II il.lccsonvillc. X. C. Aimu-t Jsth, ls.vs, John N. Moore, of (invn Ciiw -prints, l lori.la. H- w:is a naliv.f North Carolina, having U-cn Mirn in Crtt-n .unty,' in iht ; vtar Is'V., and was at the time of hit K:it Ii tifly-two yrars of ai;e. lie inovnl to SMMitli I arolina w lu i niiii.-m vuiini? man, wli n- he vjK tit niit f his time" until lie movid t Klori.la in sr,.- He ni.irri! Mary .V, tin- ellrt lanyhtt r .f lu-v. James r.- t.r. , - cr ires. Tin: Independent. Republicans of has been elected President of the (): 1 Massachusetts who supported Cleve- Durham Robbin and Shuttle Com- j' 7,'nd'er ' graphical error in the, : ( the purchaser is jtiot MI-. u rl li':tmit ,oinmittetl Xot An Krror. Thk Plant's Washiington corres nondent says: i"I fnoticein the real estate sales yesterday the following iiems . neorg j. jnqnuennv, ei ai. to William T. ()'RrrJ, of Durham, )t 20, s pi a re is not a typo- ibove and if i v i i rn mirehaser is not i ham 1. Rlackwell, Esq.,ia wel known capi siib-1 if there suieitle thin l-Hf tin' live women lie hatl I. Tin- niaiv who undertook to if l!:tulic in a small sail boat lias i'ktil iii lv a vessel ami brought talist,of your progressive city. I fhe public eonlially inviu-.! i.Uui in iSHl 'tis found after a care- Pny, and Mr. 1 homas I), W right I ' I I . . . I 4...I L.' ..4 .. , .,, , , . - nasi oeeu cit'cu-ti oeuiuuuy ;iu in f.'inv.'iss win simtiorT. mm i us ... . .. .v ...... .... rreilBUrer. year. 1)1 the tamous committee ot l l in li .ill - .. i. . w w i as one hunureu, eigniy-seven are sun ,viieimoii, i,. i,. i. una a.. ; . T . - , . f M ,r, , living. hixty-eight ol these have loir are nereny commanoeo i Weli intended to ii4st from $o,- citv." error in ttn r. .1 he prop c William T. idrintendent of Machines in IvXposit ioil cahliot le a collinh'to sue- Mal.ney, of North Carolina, whoinaile him CCSS Without the help of the l;llies. 1 ""'iean.1 laithfiil-.,m,ani..n thatnursttl him anl aut horize us to sav I hat even VU tl,r..uUh the lat ii . , l i i . i.iasoi ins McKiiess, and was m ith him until - lady in Durhafui who teels.au mt rst .;: r.......;... ...... ..V;....i i . r - I . IHIHM III lllfXMIOI in the appnfaehing gala : stn th- I'.lue Kide mountains, in the emeteFy (ami this includes every on' ol our u lleu.lersonville, N. ('. ladies), is reo iestel to meet Monla . 1 !'-':'l bad U-en a sutlirrr mi .i nuiijMn .ukmi oi uiscast-s ur more man two years ami had "one to the mountains of North Carolina totrv the virtue of that tine atmosphere, but even that eoiild riot stay the dread dot rover, death. Hi children were all cut oil from reaching him by tbe quarantine in consequence of the yellow fever at Jacksonville ami only the wife w:is iK-rmitt! to lie with him at the time of his death. 'lhe lec asel was a man of influence in hisadx.pte! State of Florida, ami had made many lrienls ty Ins Jionest and fair ilealint; with his fcllowmVn. He wasaeiMMl itrovidt-r. faithful I iiisham! and a kind ami indulgent father. lie leaves a widow ami six children and afternoon, at It o'clock, at the room: of the Common wealth Club, on the second lloor ojf the Rigslx'c'building, : i i i i ! :. , . in which me lusiiranci' oince oi Messrs. Soutlrgate t: Son is located. We do not derm it necessary to use manv wonts an oruer. to urire me alies toattcufd. We know that thev eel a leep interest in the Exposition and will read! o co-operate dtogcther the lam's irlowin announced their determination to meet at your armory, Monday even- mM) to 8HfHj( in tfii.4 . c r 4, .,1 mg, at 4 o clock, sharp, in latigue vn here is not'fhl vote for him, five say they will sup- , ' lin;f(1Pnl Lr tldv nnrle Vl'V.1. i iir ' 11 1 1 1 --- -- , . 1 u ii it; ui itiu . luir i ist !,; is. haying earth qiiave t'" - v inseciion aim largei pruciice. iy prtv was botl'Mit by I A la.ly at hong Urnacli has ; T2s not been heard from yet. order of Cait. W. A. (Iattis O'Rrien, wht" is Suk a i;,iis well ':!,:;( io iVet deep .. 1 . . L ' . T. J. Winsto.n, 1st Sg't. the Ronsack Ci'arettt i -tr. aui df hot water 1 11 feet high, in' new ('on.nres.Moiial library at Wasli i will Irnld cr-t-r l(,tl(HI,(H)U bo)ks.- : -;" in 1 b'MiKisonville accidentatlly !"' :i.i'itul in bands of :i bov "who ii"w il was loaded." A llender- !)!.v inan has raised a four pound eu- r A ( 'oiistautiuople paper say '21'2 :iij'l-Jews 'have bwonie Mahoin ' in tin- la.-t year. r A Michigan r 'ii'-'l lhe iltlier day supposed to le ?Jhh(hmi. 'iVeis growing near T im . are said to- be of the same - nut ..f which Noah built the Mm. ist everv train troinji north TOWN TALK. Push!, Keep on pushing ! -The outlook is bright. Pay Up. All members of the Young Men's Christian Association that have not paid their .membership fee are re- Durham. V. l lie ouiiook is nrigni. quested to do so at once, as funds are i i Tn J i " '-Everybody get ready for the l ceded to carry on the work. Mr. ; btokes H:dl fey Exposition. . W. L. Wall, Usurer, or Mr. L. (1. The ladjes of Purham are going Cole, assistant treasurer, will take lnilte of five lo aHll j, "H.ia is i i. .Wtlt'd :V:v:: with refurees, 111 txpedition in search of Stanley 'i .l ii. i n..i i ,r i.: ... 'ri. '. inin. Jill." M illllT- to 'work for the Exposition be a success now, sure. Mr. T. R. Etiller has gone on an extensive tour in the interest of the Golden Relt Manufacturing Co. An encouraging businesTs meet ing of the You-ng Men's Christian Association was held last night the Il ' 11 I - . 1 . . . HA v vhottf tA Vi.noMilu f 11 Will llfUSUlC III t-AUIl.lllglll n tciein iui r uif uiuuuj. I Mr W W Knl r i m 9' l n I Irit I ltirnn II... .Wl. I?,w...1 "o "l" , , ,, -r rhcJlulJrhn ot the orth Carolina ...... . , i lioard of Health gives the death re- norts of ten towns in the State as fol lows; for July last Pnvettoville. : DrniiAM. . i.0 : Have '--you contributed anything (joi.uhorn. 1 1. 1 : New P.erne. 1S.0 "lorvvinps '2U more pounds of to Hie lupiium luinu ii not, Wilmington, IH.S ; Aslieville TlH; 1V lWu.viiie Indepeuilent dotit you think yououglit to ;do so? oxford,' 20. ! ; Raleigh, 2:4.s ; llen- ,,l"'!rv has eeiebr:itel its r,th anni- lhe i). 1. 1. and JJanci will dei'sou, 27.4 : A ashtngton, s:$.n. meet Monday afternoon, at 4 o'clock", firxtcla showing for Durham, for monthly parade, inspection and-" : target practice. The Plant's 3Iasonie List. Tlu; Special ('oininittee. In conformity:-with the action of the Wednesday aftfrhoon meeting ent Eockhart owing gentle special com- im in the m'an- kx;t)osition. vi er, John l A. E. Lloyd The well business opial- 1 are known enterprise and Hies ol tiiese txentienie tees that the very in!portant work assigned them will be loromntlv and jruaran ,:,noi:iAi; i5un:rs. i i i i vigorously aiKi succfs.nuiiy prosecu ted. rWe congrattdtite .President Lockhart upon his happv selectioi and we commend! the Lxecutiv Committee Air adopting the idea o concehtratui' it lie 1 work. .'Lartr bodies move slowly find now is tin Hauuikt diKKCIlkll STOWK, u!' "Viuje Toms Cabin,7' is time tor raid progress Nx: will-,-at "iv will tat" the watermelon ; tlie rhine :. Runn Wl; Nichols lea behind. .if ,M;i,,'Ur State tax was- eighty ,,nti"' "ne hundred dollars. r I), It lllncnttic rule it has been the committee of live! Observe that H. N. Snow, " twenty .cents. ";N:;;A1- Huvky, Republican can-';',,r(:nv'-nior of Indiana, lias lMin ,1 !'h ft 'his opponent in li s ! rilSH S II'll to sulidifv the parties. I-ANT SKMX) ').() it is addressed to all the citizens of .1. J. Mackay, oXn) JUllllllll. I 1 Let us have on our best clothes mid look our handsonust when the A Mistake, Exposition rolls around. To this end, r kI will devote my best efforts to mend up fences, put touches of paint the cause of Prohibition. I will ad here -'and there, cut down the grass vocate the Third party." HV (. nn tbo streets and sidewalks, clean Hurl-head's SaltitaJoru in Durham tin tlic streets, move the bad smell- rroqres.. . . . .. t: .-t, I mi 1 1. ing uiiriit louacco nuiu neains.jare- lnis is wueieuu ujuku a unsuhf. would like to ask if a iinnsrv tnkedown the nnsihtlvFskele- Thp two statements do not harmon- ''V of . , , ... I . .! , .. . i ' . i , . a. i ii- . uie siock ot the rrogres ton ot a nuuoing: on me southeast, lze. i ou cannoi auvance uie cuue of Main and Mancrum streets, of Prohibition bv advocating the .. - j ' i if ii. ii m i i i i if i v . - - r 1 ;v!i,) have lu.rr.ws i a do anything and everything that will Third party. Rut you can and will, 'an r'-u all to our good looks and make a by such a course help the Radicals v e 1 "v't s- favorable impression uon our thou- in their etior "'tails effort to pulldown a white 'Cr tllisJ diioatinn if it nn.la nf n'citniv oml ib it miil- sor,a r!ri.'rniiipnt Till iJ illt tliA ' J Vv; HV'il llliO VI I 1 ItlllVri t.A&m II .pill, ft V. I IJJtHA C V ......s..w. ...w .jmww v.. w ilulrone. 1 the time is short m which to do. isizeofit! -Meeting of -lhe ladies Monday The Masons of Jacksonville have Gf preparing for! the grand Exposi aiternoon, ai o ciuck, m uie ioom lsSued an appeal ior neip: jsreinren tion. ot the Commonwealth- luo in the thev are within the. length ot vour interest oi iue rxpuMuun. cable tow. lou Know wnat tnat Persons in a position to know means, think that a plug factory.' ought to , The Plant will receive and 'for- pay IS percent. How mueh'better ward each day to the Hon. Donald are we doing with our money than W. Rain any contribution from any that? Mason, and maKe proper acKnowi- Read the anneal in to-davs edgment in these columns. Plant from President Lockhart and One brother hands us The State Fair. On October 10, 171 IS and V.L wil occur the twenty-eiglith annual Eair of the North Carolinii Rtate Aj;ricul tural Societv, at Ralij:h. The pros pects lor a successlul exhibit an T.m ' 1 t 11 " very encouraging uie ioiiowinr is in the matter vncceptthe invitation n the effort t make it grandest aliair in Dur- And-. our r liilnev .... wonl for it, thiy an; going to do yen valuable and ielfeetive work m this many friemls to nioiirn their Iss, vet their i : . 1 1 i i . i . Hurrah for the ladies ! ' T A ' "m m" ua'.,v "'"V-' mis ii im mi. in iihh'i nun wiki nas nie !- tore, around their l ather s throne in Heaven. .May the Iml throw around tju faithful wife and ehildren Ilis gracious. prona tion in this life and pu jiare them for that life hi h is eternal in the j,rIory lanl. lirection. V; can't get along without them, no iov. Second, a would scatter one, than aln will be fuller be the lar a synopsis of the outlook Fhe list of entries than ever. There In gest show of tine hirses ever made in the btate. 1 he Ihhest herds ot cattle ever on exlgilition will be there. There will life more pens of tine hogs of more bri e Is than ever before. The poultry vi;ll be a sight in itself. It will surprise rofessional breeders. This hal Wen a good fruit year and the exhibits will be in keeping with it. tllie crop dis plays will be equal o. anything ever seen. The races wi le shmdard. Tire great Indian hall, game will be playitl b- a band of Cherokees,J Distinguihetl speakers. Meeting of farmers. Merry tnhes and tun for all. A Plug Tobacco Factory. 1 iik l lant E oelieves tlie lime is . . . most opportune tor the agitation ol he piestion of building a plug iac- torv in Durham. We amtate the building of a j plug lactorv for two reasons : ours is a tobacco market ; the raw material is bought and sold riidit here everv da v. hence a nun n 7 - - - i tobacco factory Wonld have no trou- ble in securing its supplies. plug tobacco factory more money, two to ost any other enter prise we can suggest with the same capital, and this is what we want. . Durham is Ipown to tin; uttermost parts of the ea!rth as a tobacco town, and this fact jf itself ought to be ol great ad vantage. Now, Thk 'lant wants to pee a plug tobacco. It ictory with a capital of SiV.M) to ?.0,M)0 started. The community needs it, ami the - object of this article s to' invite suggestions from any get tleman who feels an interest in Durham ami who wants to aid Thk Plant in establishing the plug factory, to make some sug gestion through Thk Plant as to how it will be best to start the move ment. Shall t be a co-operative or joint stock con i pan y, Ac, .Vre. ? Write us suggestion gentlemen, if you please. We v ill freely publish any thing you want to say on this mat ter. In a m.umtude of counsel there is wisdom. The plug factory we must have. X An Appeal ! To all Citizen hf Ihirliam : The Exposition will Ik? held on the 10th, 11th an 12th ol Octolier. To make it a gjheat success reuiires monev. iiiisfinonev inusi no con tributed by iublic-spiritcd jeople. .Most cl our jK'ople have generou.-lv rcsiKinlel. home have given noth ing, ?ouie could give more. The Ex iiosition will lie of great and lasting iKMietit to every 1ody here, whatever his business or fortune. Will vou uot aid ? I o p-ou feel j icrfectly sat i s- licni with youieli w let others con tribute the money and give the time to promote the common welfare, am vou reap the benefit oftheir zeal am toil? Is it pleasant to feel that you Pimples on tlic Face Denote an - impure state of the Mood and are looked ii) ton ly many 'with snsji-ion Aeker's JMood Elixir, will remove all im purities and have the eiupleirii smooth and elear. There is nothing thaf will so thoroughly huild upth -iistitutin, jmrify and strengthen the who'- system. Sold and uni-iiiiteed by Ii. Jlhu kimll .V Sui. Caution lo 31 ol tiers. Every mother is eautiomtl against ivin her Jnld lauduiium or par -'orie; it-ere.ten an unuatunil ravin lor sliinulants which, kills the mind or the child. Aeki-r's Itahy Motller is specially pn pur-. I to ! lietit eliil- mi nnl cure tlu ir pains: It in harmless md contains no Opium or .Morphine. 'Sold y U. J Slack nail A Son. BUSINESS NOTICES. . y - CikiiiiiIhtx for pickling, 7"i ts. ier huhel, -0 d. H-r KH-k. rlers left at .Mrn. (iard- nT, on Cleveland street promptly attended to. A.J. Khine. If vou wih t purchase r rent iroiiertv if anv ind, c-all on Ii. I. I Joyer, S- retarv ..i r . i i .. no iiraruu r 1'iirnuiii iiill alll oecurly "., Wright huilding. seconl llor. Iil You Fver? Well, never Ufore !; uartJ-ttleH of ink, -ents ; half pints, K) ivntx The cheai- st n rc-oril. Try it. Yn will find it at J he Ihirham iViokstore. IXOATS! We r- prej4in-.l UtjnuVv Vib.U tor lhe KxiOfi tion 1'nriuie anl vi ill viecute llin in any ik-irel tie at rcH-oiuil.ie prie-. I'riuU-d leiiiit froui vlii-i vi iiiht '!-ct. M KIIAM SASH. lHM .V HLINO HT(J CY -e.l.r Uoantil ill Fancy (;hs, Suitahle for Wedding and Eirthdar pna- ents at the Durhnm IkioksUire. ThU line mut le seen t appreciated. . J. H. Whitaker, Jr,A(X Ice-Cream Freezers WATER-COOLERS, l Common Sense Snsh IJalances, very useful in this warm weather. Durham Cook Stoves, 4c, ic, at J. T. WOIIBLE'S ISaxci-wsure Stcre- i 1

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