J. B. WHITAKER, Jr., Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Year, - - $4.00 1 Month, - -35 cts. 3 Months, - - 1.00 1 Week, - - 10 cts. KATES FOR ADVERTISING. ..$20.00 soon as he gets where Judge Fowle cannot be presenUo defend himself and refute (this slanderous and ma licious imputation. The first speech he makes after they separate he charges Judge Fowle with having been bought up with a number of these bonds. He did not know that the valorous 35.00 Kitchen was on the watch for just 3500 such action on his part and was 60.00 readv to show to the neonle, Mr. 110.00 . 60 00 Uockerv was trying 10 uupe, me l0.00 folm'tv of the chftrcre : and such a - j - o j TUESDAY, OCT. 0, DEMOCRATIC TICKET. for president: (J ROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. for vice-puksidkxt; ALLEN G. THURMAN, of Ohio. coluopta, three months, . . column, six months, . .,. . J column, one year, . . 4 column, three months,. . column; six months column, one year, 1 column, three months, . . 1 column, six months onn fin ' nnotifratiAn inI tnnrrno. Qshincr nS KnonotA fiinf (Vie i1vPtiKfer in ninnortion D a . j UUVV W . i. . a ... I r- . tr RV,nvA TRtps. Kitcnen gave mm musi nave re- ffgrThe business office of The Plant is minded him of the camuaiim he had . . . . . -1 l C3 at the Durham liookstore, corner aiain aim . , ... , , . , Corcoran streets, where subscriptions and " auucn m advertisements will be received.-' I necially of one particular occasion A. when he told the people of Moore county that, he had always been a Unionist and opposed the war. It so happened that the speech was made under the verv tree under which he had in lStl made a violent secession speech to some of the very men who were then listening to him urging them to go with him into the army Colonel Waddell called the atten tion of the crowd to that fact and denounced Mr. Docker v and his false statements in words of fire that so withered the spirit and energy of ii Is opponent that he did not rally 1 .1 T 1 - T . uunng tne wnoie campaign, it is to be hoped that Mr. Kitchen will follow him around and give him just the reply that he deserves every, time he makes this false charge, for he makes it knowing it is false Alliance will build this fall a large store at Siler City . The store will be open for the winters trade. We understand that the goods are to be sold to the members of the Alliance at wholsale prices for cash only. We said (Gov.) Walker in his speech at While Hill; this county last year, declared that prohibition ought not to be mixed with politics, and the. knowing and fanatic editor ot the Prohibition Leader says Mr. Walker didn't make such a state ment. Some of these Third party editors need a code of good manners at hand. 'Xew it- ObferviT : Cant. Harrell informs us that the Girls' Military Company is on a boom. It has al ready enrolled 54 members of the bonniest lassies in the city, and a meeting will be called in a few days to perfect the organization and choose a name for the company. It is a unique and happy idea, and ought to be entered into by all the young ladies of the city. It will afford healthful exercise as well as pleasant pastime. Capt. Harrell says the guns have already arrived and are ready for the company. He ex pects to have the membership doubled before the organization of the company is completed. Fon govehn'or: ".DANIEL" d. FOWLE, of Wake. FOU MEUTENANT-trOVEKNOr.-. THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. FOH SECEETARY OF STATE! WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of New Hanover. for treasurer: IX)NALI) W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR auditor: (iEOKGE V. SANDERLIN, .of Wayne. ! FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: SIDNEY M. FINO ER, of Catawba. j FDR ATTORNEY GENERAL : Tl I E( )D()RE F. DA VI DSON, " of Buncombe. FOR SUPREME COURT BENCH : Associate Justice, to fill vacancy caused by death of Thos. S. Ashe, JOSEPH J.DAVIS, of Franklin. To serve if Constitutional Amendment is adopted, JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Beaufort. A LPHONSO C. AVERY, of Burke. OUR CANDIDATE FOR COX- STABLE. It is true the oflice of Constable is not a-high. one, but it' is an impor tant oHice ; and wc wish to urge up on the people of this township the importance of having a good, up- ngnt, straignt-iorwam man to nil the ollicc. The' Democrats have nominated such a man,- ami n is tne tunv oi everv Democrat to vote for him. Jim DO YOTJ PROPOSE BUILD ? THE DURHAM i ; ' t ' My Door! and li If g ' b. ANNOUNCE That they are prepared to take con tracts for Buildings of any sie, in Wood or Brick, from the plainest and cheapest to the finest and most elab orate, at ; Davis, our nominee, is as honest a FOR ELECTORS AT LARGE : ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. FREDERICK N. STKUDWICK, of Orange. FOR CONGRESS FOURTH DISTRICT! BENJAMIN H. BUNN, of Nash. man as ever served a warrant or sum mons, lie served his State well and faithfully during the war, as a soldier, and -ca'tnc home from", the ticld of Ap pomatox with both arms and both legs intact, 'tis true, but it was not because he had shirked any duty dur ing those four years, which tried men's souls, for lie did his duty then, and that is- as much as can be said of any man. If he is elected he will do his duty again. 'Besides this he is a member of the . White Man's party and believes in the white man A Grand Old Party. "During a truce. in one of the great European wars in the early part of this century three crowned rulers met at Tilsit, in Prussia. They rode along the lines of the victorious French army till Napoleon's eye was arrested by the sight of a giant vete ran in the ranks whose face had been slashed diagonally by a mighty sabre-stroke that left him hideous but noble. 'Brother,' said he to the Czar of Russia, 4whatdoTou think of soldiers who can bear such wounds?' 'What do you think of soldiers who can give them ?' said the Czar. Na poleon did. not answer, but the sol dier did. Memories that led him back through all the battles of his chief from Friedland to the Bridge of Lodi, made him mutter, 'They are all dead, all dead.' uSo the old Democratic party, cut and slashed in many a battle, beaten but never subdued,defeated but never discouraged, can look back through the century, marking 'the rise and fall of all political organizations that rose and grew and fronted it Feder alists and Whig and Know-Nothings and say, 'They are all dead.' " ruling this country.' QUlt EXCHANGES. DURHAM. Those, visitors to the Exposition this week, who are entire strangers to Durham, who are not at all aware ni,ti,n.;,, nf a11,tiwn mn; . Wiliii ington . AV? cieio : We hear ji tiiv; i3i.t wi win u tuu niacin- , . , . ... i , ', .. , . , that there were but tour members in alter taking in wnat uuriiam now nnminntpd Mr C T.nnlfPfv :fnr is, will hardly - believe it when told Congress. that where are now situated the large Wilmington -Star: The Clyde steam- maniifaeturimr buildinirs. the hand- er Delaware, which came up to AVil w.r..n .Hinnnn, nni -i,nwv mington Saturday evening last, from . . A , ,',.. (luarantme, is said to be one ot the stretch our long streets closely built la t vcpsclfl 0ver entered into that up with stores or dwellings on either port, Her register is said to le side, twenty-live years ago there was 1,050 tons nothing to ,be seen but waste lands; Greensboro Patriot: His Excel- tilled with old field nines, and cut un Men(T Governor Scales was formally i i.. ii. w. installed into .the ollice of elder of , , therirst Presbyterian church last llllO llltlU IHIL UUll Ul Q,imr-rr iiritl-i l m liwoi ita nnvn.n i r, . - CVClilll )tlll 11UUII DiJl u i,ci cuiuiiica four houses in the place and no busi- in the presence of a large congrega- ness ot any Kind was carried on here, tion.-? 10 tne .ortn Carolina Synod, which convenes Jn Golds- boro, Hon. A. M. Scales has been appointed a lay delegate. Twin-City Daily : The Forsyth Riflemen have decided to attend the Durham reposition. They will leave here on the morning of the 12th of October. We hope all of oiir business men who have any ot the members of the company emploTed, will if possible let them off on this occasion, so the' may be able to make as creditable a showing as pos sible in number, jf . Monroe Enquirer : We noticed in the last issue of the Raleigh Signal a letter from Stanley county, written by D. B. Tucker. Burt says Dock ery made 500 votes by his speech at Albemarle, and Stanley county can be carried by the Republicans. Burt is guessing about as wildly as he did when he imagined, two years ago, that the good people of Stanley would elect him clerk of the Supe rior court. Person County Co u rier : Person county can boast of the champion "joker" of the season. Pie is the man who reported the Republican convention of the couaty, in last week's issue of the Xorth State, and said there were present 1,000, when bT actual count only 267 were there, white and black. Out of these there were 181 negroes. And our "Joker" says it was the greatest convention ever held in Person county vell to AzV' way of thinking we guess it was. Sanford Express : The 'Farmers' They will see here the evidences of cnorgy and push, nowhere else equalled in the State, and not sur passed by any town of the Union. If the prosperity and growth are an every day surprise to those of its citizens who have grown up with the town and have helped to make it what it is, how great will-be the surprise of those people, whose only recollection of the town is, as of a railway station of a few years ago, when they come in on the trains this week and see our splendid city and the enthusiasm of its citizens, and the pride they take in its growth and prosperity. MR. DOCKERY'S WAY, During the joint discussion be tween Judge Fowle and Mr. Dockery the latter did not dare to make the charge against the Judge that he was in any way implicated in the special tax bond schemes of Little lield and his gang. Mr. Dockery knew if he made such a charge it would be denied by Judge Fowle ; and that he not only would deny it, but would prove the charge to be false and slanderous ; in fact Mr. Dockery knew full well himself that there would be no truth in such a charge. But see what Mr. Dockery does as A ' Drunken Son Kills His Own Father. Greensboro Workman. Abel Rippey, an old gentleman of eighty years of age, who lived hear McCrays, in Alamance county, came to his death at the hands of his son on Friday evening last, under cir cumstances most appnlling. His son Albert had been on a drunken debauch for several months past, and came home on Friday evening last. After unhitching the horse which he. had been driving, he turned it into the corn field. The old gentleman, on seeing wThat he had done, came out and remonstrated with him, and told him to go and catch the horse and feed him at the barn. Albert was feeling his whiskey considerably, ami became greatly incensed at his father. He went into the house and got his shot gun and shot his father through the heart, killing him instantly. The murderer was soon arrested, and is now in jail at Graham. We learn there was some talk of ly nch ing him.,. but presume it is not so. Plans and estimates chef rfullv furu islied and contracts solicited at home or abroad. i . Our plant is equipped with the latest improved; labor-saving ma chinery and we are prepared to fur nish Sash, Doors, Blinds, and all . I . kinds of Builders' Supplies at prices that cannot be beat. . auglO-dtf J. S. MESLEY, Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST I RETURNED From the North ith the truest and handsomest stock of Cloths, Casimers fefes Ever brought to Durham. All wanting Fine Goods,. Good Fits, Latest Styles and BEST WORKMANSHIP ! Are cordially invited to call and ex amine this superb stock. '.' j J. S. MESLEY, Over Bostley's Jewelry Store. This is what the ladies will say when thev New Stock of "illiner Now on display at tj nery:Est:d.,sl;I1' ' fflrs.AdaM.sJ wainbireei,uiir!iaoi.K 'J ,i -IT t,. t Tliese (I. ods iv by Mrs. Sinitl,. bcfii Ium . Finest Line ot Kver shown' in l)iin ;i:f. bi aces every tliii;- in a well apj.oh.T,, ." . nery EmuMI j. , ,. " " The ladies of I (ni l,,,,. rounding count it s ,U (. r'V;j;' vited to call' and , -:iu t. '. " V some goods and nt- , at which they aiv . fh j,., r AS CANDIDATES FOR YOUR PATRONAGE, WE INVITO i INSPECTION OF OUR UNEQUALED AND UNSUR PASSED DISPLAY OF FALL AND WINTER Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, PLUSHES, SHAWLS. WRAPS, &c. EXCLUSIVE DESIGN IN PERSIAN ROBES AND NOVELTIES WITH PLAIX COMBINE, AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Excellence, Elegance and Econom DISTINGUISH ALL OUR GOODS, AND Prudent . Purchasers are Pleased With 0 PLEASE DO I NOT FORGET That 'in cpuutctiou with my Tailoring work, I th ' vote spwial attt-u'tiou tc ' Re-Fitting, Cleaning,' Binding and Repairing. Old Clothes Made to Look as Good as Xet', i And please bear in mind, that in. ' rutting and re fitting, I positively guarantee' a fit or money refunded. The Best Work at the Lowest Prices. j . . .. Give rue a trial before going elsewhere. 15. DAVIS, Socman's ; old stand, next to Tiafcery. sep-20-d3m. SCHOOL OF MUSIC! MISS L M. SOUtllGATE, DIRECTOR. The Fall Term will open SA'ITUDA Y, SKP TEM1JER lr.th, Insjs. Terms Per Quarter cf Twenty Lessons: Vo;al Culture, half hour lessons, - $10.00 oeal Culture, hour lessons, - - - 15.00 I'iano, hour lessons, - - .- tlO.OO and 1".00 Organ, hour lessons, -, - - - 15.00 i ree Classes in Harmony and Sight Reading. Private lessons also jiven in Elocution ami Physical Culture, per quarter, 15.00 MISS M ARION S. FULLER, Sec y. WE LOOK AFTER OTHER PROFITS THAN MONEY, K WE HOLD THERE IS PROFIT IN 1J LEASING PUUCIlASEllA AND THIS WE DO AT ANY COST. COME AND LOOK Verv truly, . JONES & I.Y0 Harrison in 1877. Webster's Weekly. The Hon. Leon C. "Bailey, one of Indiana's State Senators and Dep uty United States Attorney, has done the country a service and won the gratitude of all laboring men by searching out the facts as to Gen. Garrison's actions during the rail road strikes of 1877. He has done it with the patient thoroughness of a trained lawyer and honest investi gator, and has supported himself on every point by conclusive evidence, documentary and the affidavits of reliable men. He has shown that Harrison, while the attorney of a railroad company, managed, by keeping the fact quiet, to become one of the citizens' committee to ar bitrate with the strikers ; that while Republicans like A. G. Porter and Democrats like Governor Williams were for peace, Harrison was for shooting the strikers down, and tfrat he organized a company for that purpose. AVustinjj Time. Greensloro Patriot. j Some of the papers are alter Col. Dockery with a uharp stick" for his anti-prohibition proclivities, as evi denced by the number of empty whisky rlasks found in his:room at Troy, Montgomery county, alter his departure at the close of a recent speaking. Severer ammunition than that is needed to bring down as tough a bird as Col. Dockery. We do not remember that he lias ever posed as a pattern of morals, .and the Demo cratic press can find in his political record pure and simple countless ''true bills" against him as a dan gerous citizen and unscrupulous pol itician which will damn him in the estimation of all honest men. JOHN j GREER, Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter! Having given : bond to do Pluinbing in counec tion with the Water Wbrks, takes thin method of informing the public that he is fully prepart d to turnisn ZBaut-ZEdo-m, Outfits, KITCHEN OUTFITS, WATEPw, STEAM AND GAS PIPING, ALSO FIXTURES. aug22-dlm j Ice-Creaiii Freezers WATER-COOLERS, Common Sense Sash : Balances, very useful in this warm weather. Durham Cook Stoves, k., &c, a : J.-.T. WOMBLE'S Hardware Store. jy9-6m ; HIGHEST CASH PRICES Mi STOP ! READ ! CONSIDEE THEN COME AND EXAMINE THE MOST COMPLEH STOCK OF CLOTHING i GENTS" FURNISHING EVER OFFERED IN DURHAM. Suits Made to Order a Specialty A Fit Guaranteed or no Sale, and from S5.00 to S10.00 Sat on Every Suit. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES Our stock of Gents' Shoes was never more compete in every r: Calf, Kangaroo and Porpoise. HANAN'S CELEBRATED HAND-SEWED SHOES Have no superior. Try a pair and be "satisfied.- A full ami 'rl " GENTS' SLIPPEES- Ladies' Shoes ! Childrens' Sbo We'are now offering, to make room for our stock of M-n line of Ladies' and Cliildren.s' Shoes at SLt-. i3. Greatly Reduced Prices! .CO I &3-00 1 $3- PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF OLD ' Iron, Rags, Hides, Sheepskins, Wool and Furs of all Kinds. WE SELL Cocintr3r rcd-iace : ' i . " " . ' On Commission or ajeoiint as Eroters, n3 buy anl sell anything in our town, jftjf Please a k for any information you may want in regard to the above items. J. R. GATTIS & CO., gept2T-lm ; Durham. N. C. Our $3.00 Shoe cannot be beat for DURABILITY AND COMFORT- Take a Look at Our Weckw and M-t W And be convkced that it i.-? the Nobbiest eves ever saw. Lambe & G-orm, - CLOTHIERS AND GENTS PUBNISHSH DURHAM, nr. c. s.