October 10, 11, 12. HURRAH FOR DURHAM AND HER GRAND EXPOSITION BARGAINS For Everybody at the kkm Bazaar DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND TRIMMINGS, 5. Dress Qinghams, S&ieons andFrinis. Blacks Goods and Crape Department! Silk Wrap and Wool Sebastapol Crape Cloth, ' Series, Broadcloath, Tricot Flannels and Cashmeres. Housekeeper's Department! White and colored German Table " I )n tii nut - ( 1 ermine Irish Table Linen in bleached and unbleached, White and colored Napkins in all sizes, Towels of all sizes, prices and quality, All Linen Toweling at 5 cents per yard, Table Oil Cloth, in beautiful designs, All WTool Blankets in white and col ored, White Spreads in Marseilles and Crochet, . -Colored Quilts, filled with choice cot ton, lied Ticking, Sheeting Bleeching, Sea Island Cotton, Cotton Flannel and ool r lannel. TCQ3 LOT OIF" IP AHTI AflffflnMW MIS mi! Hill BR BUB AT ONE-HALF THEIR VALUE. Fix Your Windows for the r- :x: i QXpUblUUII I Cornice poles, complete with brass fixtures, only cents. Brocade and soLid colored Cotton Blush for curtains. Lace ( Curtains i'nll 3?, yards long. Brass chain contains loops and lam brequin pins. Notion Department! Ladies and Chilren s Hosiery. ! Kid Gloves, .Jersey Gloves. Elegant assortment of Ribbons at one third less than usual prices. Twenty-five styles of most popular Corsets Irorn 2o cents up. Handkerchiefs in endless variety, 4 beautiful Sheer Hemstitched from 5 cents up. Ladies' Natural Fur Mulls in black and colored from 7" cents to $8. Underwear Department ! Ladies' Lambs' Wool Vests in while auv t ov. n iv: Gents' Lambs' Wool Vests and Bants in white and scarlet at a great bargain. -- . . i Shoes ! Sole Agents for Morrows' celebrated French Kid Shoes, every pair warranted. We have them in common sense, me dium and opera heel. Don't fail to try a pair. Kvery pair warranted. Boys' and Misses' school Shoes a spe - cialtv. Gents' tine Shoes in every style. Clothing Department! Big bargains in Gentlemens' ready made Clothing. Odd Lot of Bants to close at a bargain. Don't Forget the Place, Durham Bazaar W. J. WTATT & CO., DEALERS IN IlillS. Hay, Fodder, Shucks, Bran, Ship Stuff and Feed Stuffs OP ALL KINDS, Field Seeds a Specialty, MMaiatai and KenebDC Ico DURHAM, T. C. HL LARGEST & BE8T EQUIPPED IN THE SOUTH re o-i c3 "53- 1 1 PYPfjSeRlPTlOl-i msmm mmmZi SOldCITjPjjSTJMATES CHEERFULLY FURlSl Next door to Johnson A: Co's Drug - - Store, Main Street. Very Respectfully, Bobbins & Stone. MONDAY, OCT. y, 1$S8. SKXATOKIAL TICKET. FOR THE SENATE : THOMAS H. HUGHES, of Orange. JAMES A. LONG, of Person. Ol'R COUNTY TICKET. FOR THE HOUSE: JOHN T.. NICHOLS, of Durham. THOMAS M. CHEEK of Orange. for sheriff: F. D. MAPiKHAM. for treasurer: W. IL ROWLAND. FOR REGISTER OF PEEU.st I'ASCHALL LUNSFOKD. for coroner: DR. X. M. JOHNSON. A. for surveyor: M. LEATHERS. for constakle: JAMES T. DAVIS. A V E AT H E I v 1 5 U 1 1 E A C . The weather prognostications indicate the state of the weather for MO hours from to-lay o o'clock. : ' Washington, 1). C, Oct. 1), '88. For North Carolina, fair, cooler, frost Wednesday morning. (Ikkkly. SENATE TARIFF DEBATE and to pun- with the Two Justices, Field and Matthews, the latter ill, were absent. The new Chief looks remarkably bright and alert. The whole : beijch , called on the President after the ceremony. The bill of the Democratic Sena tor Harris provitling for warehous ing brandy passed the House to day. Several Republican members thought they smelt a rat, but offered no obstacle besides asking a few harmless questions. The .bill pro vided that the provisions of an act entitled "An act relating to the pro duction of fruit brandy ish frauds connected same,' approved March third, eight teen hundred and seventy -seven, be extended and made applicable to brandy distilled from . apples or peaches, or from arty other fruit the brandy distilitd from which is not now required or hereafter shall not be required to be deposited in a dis tillery warehouse : I'muub 'l, that each of the warehouses established under said act, or which may here after be established, shall be in charge either of a storekeeper or of a store keeper and gauger, at the discretion of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The renort was made by .Tnator ance. A NEW ENTERPRISE. Many persons who have built houses have been at a loss as to how to tiuish and decorate them. For this purpose the MANUFACTURERS' i House Furnishing Agency has been established, being the first of the kind in North Carolina. We (will take a building from the hands of the plasterer, where desired, and riuih it in HARD WOODS or in any manner wanted. Will also decorate the :-ame in paier or iuj LINCRUSTA WALTON. ! I We furnish parquetrv flooring, wuinsoottine wood carpets, hard wocl mantels, carved wood panels, slate and marble mantles, prates, etc. Agents for the celebrated "WILLOW SLIDING BLINDS. MANIFACTURERS' HOUSE FURNISHING AGENCY, Main Street, Durham, N. C. Office over Bowers & Arrendell. jy!4-d3m Ashley's Bromine and Arsenic Water For Brights Disease, Rheumatism, Syphilis, Skin Diseases, Gravel, Female Diseases, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Ac. For sale bj- R. BLACKNALL SON. . The ''Ball Opens AVith Speeches From Allison ami Vance (treat l.ftor t of the North Carolinian Cliief'Utistiee Fuller Takes the Oath of Oflice. Special Corespondence to Thk Plant. Washington, October S.-Senator Allison's. speech in opening: the great tariff discussion in the Senate to-day was a disappointment to.his friends, it was dreary, verbose, rambling and distinctly behind his reputation, which is not very high as a speaker. On the subjects of sugar and alcohol he used arguments which entirely destroyed the position on the tariff taken "by his party. MrL Allison was heard with respectful attention and spoke for more than two hours, closing just before o'clock. He was followed by. Senator Vance for the Democrats. ' The North Carolina Senator made one of the rnolst power ful and interesting speeches made on the subject in this Congress. That it was well written and well (lelivered I need not take the trouble to aver. ,He spoke from three to half past four o'clock, and had the close atten tion of the Democratic side and of cer- tain Republican Senators. I Around him were Justice Lamar, of the Su preme court, Senators Aldrich, But ler, Brown, Berry, Chace, Cockrell, Daniel, Coke, George, Gray. Eustis, Harris, llamption, Pugh Payne, Reagan, Salisbury, Walthall and others; Representatives Johnston and Rowland, ol Aorth Caiolim; Elem ents and Turner, ot Georgia ; Rogers, of Arkansas, and Sowden, of Penn sylvania. Everybody who heard the argument praised it for its incisive- ness and raciness ot treatment. The thorough preparation of the Senator, extending back many 11 X' A. 1 - ' years, was noiiceaoie. oi oniy did he delend the cardinal prin ciple of the true 'tariff' reiorn bill, the Mills bill being named ex nlioitlv as meetinsr the definition ; thatto"reduce the tariff" equitably )Jou must make the reduction equally on the protective articles and those purely ol revenue ; but he proceeded to demonstrate the intense se'llish hess of the Republican bill, framed in the sole interest of the ! manufac turer, and which he denominated "the tariff' steal." lie stated that the interested manufacturers viola ted all notions of decency by com ing before the committee to urge their owrucause and imposed on the majority to the extent of at least ten miilion dollars in the so-called sim plification process alone. -With great clearness and ability, Senator Vance discussed the provisions of the Sen ate bill, the question of wages and the further question of the home market. He showed plainly that the remedial features of I the Mills bill respecting the internal tax system were rejected because between the lines thev were not seen to enure to the benefit of the protected manu facturers. Since he. had been in the Senate no Republican of either House had even proposed to reduce the tariff. Their policy, he con tended, was to force the former to reverse the true economic rule and kll in the lowest market whi'e buy ing in the highest. His . figures showing how the manufacturing States of New England had appa rently prospered at the expense of population and especially of the country districts were full, and evi Idently'disgruntled Mr. Hoar, who stumbled into the debate awk wardly and retired as soon as he could. A' very distinguished assemblage crowded" the Supreme Court room when Chief Justice Fuller took the oath of office at 12 o'clock to-day. The lovaltv oath was taken privately in the retiring room. The new Chief Justice wore a new silk gown and seemed small sitting between the stalwart Justices .Millet and Harlon. the State. These letters are in most News iroiii the Capital. Special Correspondence to The I'i.ant. Ralkk.h, X. C, Oct. 1), 'SS. The case of A. II. Temple vs. the State of North Carolina, may not be called in the Supreme Court of the Cnited States until Thursday. To t, i day the Court will set the time when it will be heard. This case was re ferred to yesterday. It is the suit in which A. II. Temple is the nominal plaintiff' and Morton, PIiss A: Co. the real 'plaint ill's. ! " . t Although, no! matter how the suit may terminate, the" people will never recognize those special tax bonds, yet there is natural interest telt in this! suit, which" goes up. on aj)peal fro in Judge BoinTs decision. There are new points; which a Meet all the States alike. ; r Rev. Mr. Clark, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, yesterday sent $105 to the yellow fever sufferers, at Jacksonville. It was therlirst money, so tar as known1, sent away from Ral eigh. Yet in 1878, in one evening, $1,200 was raised here for the Mem phis sufferers. ! ' It is Mr. Tuck Badger, and not Mr. RoVjinson, who is to be in charge ol the I bucket shop and special wire here. The wire will be strung by next Friday between Gdldsboro and Raleigh. Mr. Robinson will be the special operator. ' Uround was broken yesterday for an extension of the street car line from Fayetteville street out West Hatgett to the Hargett street sta tion. It will be-veryconvenient for people going to and coming from the lair. j Mr. Wilson reports a heavy de mahtl for privileges at the State fairjgrounds. Hejwill have all sorts of side shows there. The balloon as ce ision Wednesday will be a prom inent attraction. St. John's hospital will have the dining hall in charge, amj all the profits i ill go to the use of that worthy institution. Mr. II. A. Gudger, of Asheville, will speak here to-morrow evening. He made a very vigorous joint can vases in the extreme west with J. C. Pritchard, the Reulffican candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Raleigh will ;certainly be well rep resented at the Durham' Exposition next Wednesday a'nd - Thursday. The attendance of ladies will be large, and all look forward to the af fair w ith special interest. The Supreme Court yesterday be gan the call of appeals from the third district. Many -of them go over, owing to 'the absence of -lawyers. The latter are. in r many cases looking after campaign matters. The court filed the first opinions of the; term last evening. The Cross and White appeal is docketed as Nov 131, next week, and it is said will come upon Thursday. . There waslquite a painful occur rence here Sunday.' A-lady from Florida was visiting relatives in this city, yellow fever broke out in anew place and attacked several members of her family.! Her relatives here did not dare tell her the news or let her see the newspapers. So they adroitly kept her in ignorance, until Sunday, when; hearing more favor able reports from the sick they in formed her. The strain almost pros trated the poor woman. It is learned that Whiting Bros., the clothiers, will wiifd up their busi ness at the end of the current year. The , Yarboro house,- sinee the painters have! exercised their art cases from Florida, and are evidently from people who have settled there and now wish to get away. Com missioner Robinson is supplying the enquirers with all sorts of informa tion regarding the State and tell them that they will find the State all they may desire it to be and that they will find also a hearty welcome from a hospitable people. It is said now that a passenger depot is to be built by the Seaboard system at the Hargett street station. The railroad people are very reticent about the matter, but the ground was measured some days ago, it i claimed, with this object in view. H6w things change. Thirty years ago Raleigh's dealings were with Petersburg. Now, so slight is the intercourse between the points that Petersburg might as well be five thousand "miles away and even a telegram from there is almost a cu riosity. Raleigh's business relations are now with New York, Chicago. Richmond and Norfolk, almost en tirely. TO BACCO I)E1A KTM EXT. upon its Iront, new buildinsr. looks like a brand- The combinations of eolors relieve the monotony of the f out. heretofore so noticeable. " The re-organization of the fire de partment, in accordance with the re quirements of the recently adopted ordinance, will be made at once. The companies will be so reduced as to give each only 2o men ; an am pie number. The disorder which is sometimes observed at fires, will exi.-t no more. ! i ' . Now is North Carolina's time to "cut in" and get a really desiraole class of settlers. ; People? are writing here daily now, making inquiries of the Department of Agriculture as to Alex. AValker, Editor. Durham. N. C.,()ct. MSSS Mr. Editur: 1 want des to say a word to you, but don't you h t dt ni barker pape s .it boh1 o ,t, fur I am hardly got ober that ui.n r skeer tha gib me "dat udder time; but, Mr. Editur, you tell urn yoursef dat when man and wif gits to fussin, let urn lone, fer des as sure as you take sides wid ither one, vou got bof of um to whip or vou will ketch -it. Dis am i'ooi vice, uis metnin wm win v tars ain't no good ; you des git in trubble ebby. time. Ides tell you. Mr. Editur, better stay at horn and tend-to honi folks and let udder nee- pies' bisness lone. Dis famly fais better let um lone. Des think ub it. a pore feller hiden in the bushes for three long niunts traid to come to town, fraid one dise barker editurs would st e him. No good feelins. What do? I want to no bout bully barker ?v I dun no too much, any how. Now dis ting dun got me in trubble one tim, but you bet your three-leg mule da nebber cotch me medlin wid dese famly tars and d(S3 barker papers. Minds me ub some kind of kats I herd ove dat had a mity site of killin in um. Da des killed and kept on killin til dar want no killin to-be did nor kats to kill ; or the cas 1 once herd ove bout two black snakes got into a fit and it was who shud and who culd, and at las de one cotch de tudder's tale. No sooner dun de tudder cotch de tud der's tale 'and at it da went to work to swallow each udder and boff swal lowed de tudder and where now am de snakes. Rn Van Winkli:. ELEGANT Fancy Goo is, Noli Oils J What Din-hum AVants Next year is six more plug tobacco lactones, with capacity to turn out ' i 10,000 pounds per day. Durham wants another cotton mill and a shoe factory. Remarkable Coincident. Ti lis morning Blackwell's Durham Co-Operative Tobacco Company stamped stock footed up 144,411 pounds. The man thatcan beat this will have to go all fours. , IVopIe Everywhere Co ilirni our stilt nu-iit v.licn we smv tl.:,t Ai-kt-r's English lienielv is in every wav superior to any ami all o'therq.repurat ion's for the Throat and Lunrrs. In hooping Cou'h and Croup it is inaric and relieves at once. We offer von fis;mmlf Lottie fro Remeiulier, this lJemedv is sold on a posi tive mii-Hiitee. 11. Ulaekimll A Son. Piniph's on the Faro Dtnote an impure state of the blood and are looked jipon hy many with suspicion Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all im purities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. There, is nothing that will so thoroughly build up the constitution, purifv and stieugthen the whole Kvstetu. Solil and guaranteed by II. Blacknall V Son. Is Life AVorth Living? Not if you go' through the world a dvspeptic. Acker's Dyspeptic Tablets are a'j.ositive cure for the Worst forms of Dvspepsi.i, In digestion, FlUulencv and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by K. UiacknalKt Son. SOMETHING HANDSOME! ELEGANT ASSORTMENT SOLID SILYER AND PLATED WARE ! J lST RECEIVKD AT M.H. JONES' JEWELRY STORE, 3U.r.a-ci, 3T. O. The haii.lnievt line ever shown in Iiur- f"!?- Vlmii"R f lhe iutiful are cordiallv initcl to rail and examine. Kepainntf of Watches and Jewelrv j.romptlv executed. auNHltl. " Mrs. V.AUt 1,,-Lsnn ,.,,,r MILLIE! AND FASCI H Which she purchas.l u v expres.lv for thi. u "V T For some timo .In,.; , September she w:t; i,1 nnng Department ,.f v V- , wuuni v v, , aeders in MilHi.t'1Y j-' lare,Xexv Yoik'i.,,"1 feet Ik -iv, ;,, rr" " Li.- Latest Styles of Trim,,. ...... . . . '""'U ncr st(M-k is , i puces as low as t!- :iMi, "' -ootls can be sold l v :u v latlies of Durham an- VJ." : amine iier oos U " Haw moved to tin- m.,. immediately opj,it. (. , V s-1 bins' Dry (mkhIs St..t m'1'2 ' Mrs. C. M. V. Fo!!t. M WIRE RAILING And Ornamental Wire Works. Dufur Co,, 113-liS Howard St,, fialio, d Jrtire railing, for cemeteries, lawns, gardens omees and balconies; window guards, tree guards, wire cloth, tieves, fenders, cages, sand and coal screens, iron bedsteads, chairs, settees, etc. jyly NEW Flt)i n & mi PKOPKIKTOhs or the. City Bakerj Where you ran alwavs t'n-i ; slock of 'I -I Fresh Bread, Cakes and f;: Baked every day, by MU. Y.U 1H wljo has r o e(jual. lb- l,ls :;:: ,.. experierce in tl-c baking n.i A large and well M-Yctol STOCK OF TOYs kept constantly on haul. Y. : received to-day, :i Inrrt r n : well selected tx k -f which cannot be execllt-.l :i town. The ladies are ei' vited to call and exaiuiix. 1 ou want to make any tn jl birthday )ies( iit, it will pay : examine our stock Ufon r; Also a well selected stork -if CIGARS, SNUFF andTOBAC A fresh stock of FINK French and PlainN Candies. Lemons, Oranges, Bananas and Fine Apples, a'wavs on hand. A hiir- -' DOLLS, which will be H Pure Cream Chec se and ('re;&('- ers. Fresh. We are prepared t furn'. dinars and larties in h-i -d ( )ri.-i:-'-j Cakes, in the most aiti-tir :y- short notice, as line as can b.M this sid(t of New York, :aA tion ruaraiitiC-tT. Send in vour orders and 1. J GOODS DELIVERED FEB Your most obedient stn ' HOLLAND & VAUGHU DUKHAM, n 1 fcfcp. 2id ti". P.W. VAUGHAN, Ph-G- )nricrtiii 11 Kill DUKHAM. ('- SPECIAL ATTENTION Gl -TO- PHYSICIANS I 1 j mm -r II A COMPETENT DRUGGIST' COMPOUND PBESfflD A'ND PILL ALL OBB Fancy id Cigars and Toto Soda and Mineral " We welcome all and " right