J VOL INO. .121. DURHAM, N. C.,. MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1888. rMMAIiV. Titi.' T,a.i: t.- i .."a in-jjuunuuii ,j uuges oi ,ew a.lji"l on Saturday Jersey are refusing naturalization was u r Papers to persons having honorable v land slide in Italy buried r i . fo llwlluiauic " discharges from thp FnitArl cuntc- ,.ini ;t nuiiir ui iuC liaii- - : .. ' - ....... i . iLvv i I i h r - rur i rn rt , i V ' ..... I. 1. rr.i Vrttoc T , ' ,r,v from hi- visit io iuuy. ine w uic ieiiiucrauc party. h-:a i.i the Chicago market .T . ' '. There- were 50 cases of yellow - x m wmch J udge REV. SAM P: JONES. puur urin m uie uusi. a w i fe should 1 egi n a Suppose letter to her 1 uv.v. , mi ... . i i nil Yrv-i ri v it . . 1 " l . I k -ksoiiville Nituruay, oui oniy one " ao maMu a sptecn ai -There we're two new cases oi iever lu, imi., on mursday, began to ,ir Sntuniay, nm no ueaiu. xne beuie ; uisaster was averted bv will hold their next atnr a ,.r-in at U-nver.- -Jude Thurman ,ir,lu'lel hi- Indiana campaign.- . i.i.iJmnr iu:inufat'tiirers have . de pa'ijrn fund.- -Sen- timely exit from the building by the speaker and audience. There were 20,000 people to hear him. TOWN TALK. Sam .Jones. He's the town talk. Three services daily at the Sam Jones meetings. Ain't Sam Jones pouring hot shot into us sinners? Odd Fellows will meet at 7:-'X) o'clock, sharp, to night. Didn't Sam Jones make the fur fly yesterday afternoon? Quite a number of the Cniver ,llti:..piibli'an r.urip Vl'iiUii'l- is to take tliesturap in Ver- ,. Trench ofliccr has been ex- r!'r.m (iennany where lie went to . t1(, (ierman language, 'Tis said f 'Oimj,' st-;isi)ii is to be one of the gayest . i fi-hington city lias ever experienced.- iilliitcli is said to be arranging the cor- A!rlieitnilfr wheat and pork. (iov :rHiH will make several speeches in ;ar,,;cllt. Harrison received and ad- 1 ..v . 1.. Ljr.it ii m i f ilriimniAP An . loft .'t OOII In flit. Ww YnrV ,tl,fc for the starving people of Da- 81 h? cane over yesterday to . . . i . ? unciiu iiie IlJeeLillll. t ii in ii ill's r i ii niuuuw i i iiei J 1 '.vent in Jersey eny ana is Kiueu ; sue was At. '..ii. f i) i.i inc. A -irs. .uiu, ui jhuukijm, ueiiies THE GREAT EVANGELIST IX j husband: "My: dear poor worm IUItlIAM.-' I of the dust." There would be a war . I in Egypt. Or if some husband He 3Iakes the Fur Fly hi the ' should begin a letter to his wife: Pisence of TremeiHloiis "Mv dear poor wormess of the Coiigregatmiis. i aUsV There would 'tie war nearer ., , . ... . , . i than Egypt. j .. .-ooii aner uanc Saturday evening, j ome people are troubled upon the turne warehouse some with ... . v.caliy kjauunaj -iiniii, j oinc pcoj lie are irou! ueu uj)on me e Irom all sections of Durham tmestion of heavenlv recognition. l their steps ..towards Parrislfs ; That didn't bother .him. Earthlv SUNDAY AFTKKX(H)N. A. still laFger number attended the Sunday afternoon meeting. The text was the 10th verse of the od chapter of St. John: "For (iod so loved the world' etc. There is no text so assuring and so re-assuring to faith and hope. So loved ! Not Europe, not Asia, not America, simply. But (iod so loved the world. Not more than eight or ten thousand people could hear his voice at once but this text encom passed the world. . It's as natural ! tor tiod to love as lor the sun to $4.00 PER ANNUM. Plant Photographs. Mr. T. M. Martin returned from up the road to-day. Mr.' Kirby Smith, of (Joldsboro. passed down the road to-day. Rev. K. C. P.eaman. of Chapel Hill, came over, to the Sam Jones meetings to-day. Lieut. Gov. C. M. Stedman came down on the noon train to-day, re turning from a canvass of the west. Mrs. L. E. Curtis and daughter, Miss Maud, of Franklinsville. X. ('., are visiting Mrs. S. C. Anderson, on larn curios-! recognition is whnt.-is needed. When lty and some with the spirit of prayer ! he gets to heaven and sits under the and on and on flowed the tide of i tree -of life with a crown on his head nuiiiciiiiiy towards me .common ecu- and :i ham in Ins hand, be wouldn't ir i,.. n 1:1... n i ATpMnnnon trot t.-n nt;i o fi,i.i e I ... 1 , .. ' " : . sinuc. iue& an men aiiKe. lie,- J ' M-a ui lacen i care ii vou uiun t recognize linn. uiu touKiiig upon me )iauorm mat lie didn't believe there is anv mon had been erected for the occasion, (religion in crying than" laughing. I he time which thousands had antic-1 The nreacheHwns listened to nt nl a long series of litigationjs the EDITORIAL BRIEFS. The splendid singing of Prof, Excell is an attractive feature of the Sam Jones' meetings. Elder A. J. Draughn will preach at the Primitive Baptist Church to night, at 7 o'clook. The public is cordially invited. H.RIUH for the Democrats ; they No gooner t for Third nartv x pulling up all along the line candidate than for a Radical candi- iin Maine to Texas. date. Both are enemies of the Democratic party. Wtor Dockcry and many of you Mr. D;M Croom and AIis Fa bte men will repeat those saddest nie Giddcns were united in marriage nils, "it might have been.'' - last evening, at 6 o'clock, at the home of the bride, Rev. W. B. Oliver offici- A wealthy young .Englishman ating. bed Henry Ashburton, has mar- We learn frpm the New Ob- laSioux maiden and will take her server that Central Methodist church, England ot Raleigh, will run-an excursion to to the Sam Jones meetings on Fri- I The Third party men tell you they day of this week. ipated with eagerness was fast ap proachingthe hour when Rev. Sam P.- Jones, the far-famed evangelist, would begin a series of meetings in our town. It being Saturday night, the attendance was not as large as it .would otherwise have been, but there were about two thousand people present, when Mr. Jones entered the house. The choir of about sixty voices, under the direction of Prof. E. O. Excell, assembled for practice pre vious to the arrival "of. the preacher. The instruments used are an organ and a piano, presided over respec tentivcly throughout and when. t lie audience dispersed' there was natu rally a variety, of o)inion about Sam Jones and his peculiar style of preach ing. ' We would remark just here that a synopsis of his sermons gives but a faint impression of what is said. The way in which it is said lies the force of what is said and in "some measure tones the harshness of his sayings. As he remarked, the way is the' only thing upon which he has a patent. loves the meanest man in Durham as much as He loves the best man. If there is anv 'difference He loves the meanest the best. The elect are the whosoever wills and the non-elect are the whosoever wonts. Don't believe God was ever in a passion. How bad does a boy have to get before a mother ceases to love him ? Don't believe everybody will goto heaven; but there is not a man in hell that didn't have a good, fair chance. The preacher, in thi sermon, dealt stunning blows to tho whisky evil. Said he was not stumping for Fiske, Capt. Jno. S. Lockhart will leave for the-Richmond Exposition this afternoon to be present at the award of tobacco premiums to-morrow. Messrs. Robert' P. Johnston and Wallace Rollins, of - Asheville, now students at Chapel Hill, spent adav or so in Durham, with their friencl, Mr. Llvde 1J. West, and returned to school last night. Superior Court. Court opened at in o'clock this morning and took up the civil issue docket C. B. Jumican vs. Xeal, a., jury 4" riM '...I . ....... 1 ...1 ... uoi mi uic iniio pany, out trial venlict for plaintiff for So-V.HJ. we came to a vote on constitutional i m..., t , 1. 1 : i Tvson vs. Burroughs was heim I . (- F ill I ii 1frlW.jl twiljh.. 1 k 1l1ili.i -h m. SUNDAY MO UN I NO. Whether anybody got mad or not prohibition to write him a letter and i, '.j.,; .,; at what Sam Jones said during the ;n J 1'UUU11' i.'' .1.. 1. -: T nr ., . - ----- 0 IIU 111 lll... ' t'enn ueiy, oy .uiss i.essie m. .outngate hrst service, there was an increased auu i.ucB liiua xu. uiu. num ipr o irar him Mini iiv mnrn- u, .1... .1 4i... 1 "' ...v j.... , fhe first word, addressed to the i, " - i," , 1 ' l "s to "I!"'1 ' ' conprreprntion bv Mr Jnnps .TOr tta u:j 'o.! - . ' ' . auiourninent. - -o -o-"-- - : ; ,; 11C LUU ao 1Jia -cL, tuu u vt-iau despised the hail room more, hecause jv.i uoiuioiuuu aiiu uimciu ij ci. oi iii.e rum cnapier oi vcis : a ue- i was after Ins rirl. .VI If I lilt-; Ili;iVt-I- I I I I - I 1 VV51K inn i-nnt v-o-i o t I nnn l.t r vrsrl i 1,, M I -t -r 1 l t ft r-, -, .. vUU1, Ulal. auu uug mat tuaicu uuu o ennL-p n hPlnlnl Invo ci-mti!i 11 111 . , ji -. . - I I . V. . k' r v . . . V . i . v. A v . Vv . i . . . r . auu ii-uiiuiHuju yj. .jv ui ill" Willi . ail I11S llOUSe,; WOlCIl gave flv,. tin InvP nnrt nnn nn nrr nvo limn hont Sonrrc roos onnir "llml u. U 1 i " 1. .. ' . 1 1 1 D v... wwfe. omi . vuu to uiuai aims 10 me- people, aim vaimig jfci. iuei uiis, jir. .1 ones prayed to Uod always." noon SUNDAY NIOIIT. Some of Sam's Sayings. Hie biggest question we have to deal with is the children. If the children question don't interest you arose and said he trusted all would Cornelius was a remarkable man. A still larger number Hocked to it is because you are either an old H expect to elect Walker gov r, then why throw away your him. be in a prayerful attitude during Earth hasn't the pier of this heathen hear the remarkable preacher at the bachelor or an old hog, and I don t these services. He was, here in the man. He wanted to present his Sunday night service. The attend- think there is much difference, name of the Lord Jesus, who is will- nortrait Let's : imitate hini He ance was not far from three thou- 1 am by whiskey selling as I am . - i 11 i anu. ov a louse. In a supreme My most principal ob- :om- moment in his life he settled the Tne tent was rom tne llta cliaP" jection is the way he gets his living, here great question witlf God. He would of Proverbs, 19th verse: "As The shape of Durham, morally, is him be religious every day. Religion is righteousness tendeth to life ; so he the shape of a batter cake. God "The freckled progency of every t-tical crowd" is what A. W. Ter- ;alls the - opposition ticket to socracy in Texas. Capt. Freehand Will close his store during the Sam Jones meet ings, from 10:30 a. m. to 12 m.; from o p. m. to 4 p. m., and for the night at G:o0 p. m. Two of our merchants announce to-day that they will close their stores during the hours of service at the Sam Jones meetings. Will not -' RHAM county Democrats are , . T, ? to spread themselves from now gay that llis storcVill be closed daily tion day and on that day will during the meetings, as follows: 'wvtT themselves with glory. From 10:30 a. in., Jo 12 m.; from 3 p. in., to 4 p. m.: and at 7 p. m. wkaiw, keep your eyes on 'Attention is directed to the ad- lstration books ; keep them vertisement in this issue of The lock and key at night. You PIant of the enterprising and reli- be too careful with them able hrm ot Edwards cV: Jirougliton, im I . . i 11 111 1 Kaleign, printers, binders and oianK- i;'N&;iE employs Scotch servants book manufacturers. sports tliem under contraet. Remember the special train to the Richmond Exposition to-morrow morning, via the Durham & Oxford road. The rates are very low and two days will be allowed in Rich mond. Parties can return upon any regular tram within that time. Oh for shame that we have white men, claiming respectability, ing and able tofsave to the uttermost, was a devout man He was for God and the ten com mandments and the right, and th A r.ii: i uuia t;c iju laimji; uui ueiweeii iiim hp rpMcions pvprv ruiv ;r imnn and those who were for these. He a divine nrincinle. Jt will make o that pursueth evil pursueth it to his help you to grow up as you grow took as his text: "I have fought, a Lnn fnHhfnl in 11 tKo rPlntinna nf own death." When a good man out. good fight ; I have kept the faith." life. We need ethical Christianity dies and goes-to. heaven he is not Somebody said the Methodists had , I - y I fcr 1 a " 1 1 m 1 j II I 1 al 1 1 . . He loved an honest man. Some one Tbo sort, that n.nvs h. hnndrpd ni onTy- drawn tnitner uy tne natural to cut down ineir steeple about twen If r ' - , 1 1 a 1 I , t a -w 1 .1 .1 iorces oi spiritual gravity, but ne ty ieet. necKon tney tnougni tney goes there by the common consent went about as far in that direction as of every man on earth, u hen a they owned. bad man goes to hell, he goes by the 1 hate to see a hog in a fine house. common consent of every man alive. The meanest fcllew is one that Sin ruins men and ruins nations, will pack a preacher in an ice box J ML MLA tLM A A AV 9 . X S A 4. .1 V j . . . . - wouldn't stand m oecomes a disease and an incur- and cuss him because he won t able disease as mr as anv human sweat. agency is concerned. The question You swap your religion off for a that outweighs all questions is line house and you ve made the whether you have found the remedy worst bargain any poor fool ever tor sin. made. He rejoiced that eighteen hundred God pity a fellow so poor that lie years before he saw the light there hasn t got anything but money. was a fountain filled with blood. Heaven is a place where you can vl . the law and shows his of home labor. He is IVieud. anonly navigable channel in De ;riV(r is claimed by the Cana- 10 '-e within the boundaries of country. This inn v turn ' nut. that, will nuit the Democratic party j i . t . Some one The sort that pays had said an honest man was the in the dollar ; the sort that does the i.i a l. r n i tt it i I . .i . ' . iiuuicaL woiK oi, viou. xie Deneveo clean tning every where,. that. Suppose every church mem- The best thing that can be said uerin uurnam nad.told God the about a horse is that he will stand truth and had stuck to it up to this without hitching. It's as good as hour. 1 hey wouldn't need an evan- you could expect from a man. Some 1' i. Il'l .il c yi , " n genst. v iiereyer ine cause oi jurist ot you rascals, hassutlered.it has suffered at the hitched. hands of His friends. He liked to If some neonhi's business had the - x - l : r see a man tate a stand, ever had small, pox their! religion wouldn't any use lor one ot the little fellows catch it. Too far apart that nobody could count on. So ; Business men should seek first niany people didn't know whether the kingdom of God and His right- they would or not. Half the Dur- eousness. ham Church members were that n fathpr is in rnnditinn tn mnsp. sort. He believed in clearlv defin- Lmtn bis pbildrpn to Gnd. until bp Thank God there s balm in Gilead live without locking up everything - . . . v" v" v..v ..v , . , . . 1 1 1 -.1 I 1 . .. and meres a pnysician mere. aim sleeping wim your urrecues un- rvery sin is a direct stab at con- der your head. science. The most awful sin is to You might take an auger and bore sin against conscience. What a revo- into some men and you wouldn't lution there would be in every bore a half inch before you struck a church in Durham if conscience pure dog. Reckon this is the reason could be heard once more. so many women love dogs. The following divisions of the text I thank God for the disposition to were also discussed: rursuing evil stick to- the bottom dog. ll vou "a Tw.v serious affair. men, voteas you live. Vote and you will vote for ;:.Vln the administration of the Hcounty affairs and for de efroni negro rule. itizen of the city, who has the white man's party and join hands with. Radicals and negroes in their efforts to get control of our county and State government. Sam Jones says he will come and help uswhen we begin the fight for a prohibition amendment to the constitution. That's the way to get prohibition and the way we miht have obtained it before many vears but for the assassin-like antic ing the'line between the church and consecrates himself to God. He be il 1,1 TU l 1. 1. .1 i. i- . l ' l .' . i me wuiiu. me euuicxi nao gone 10 neves in revivals, out revivals are the theatre with the world and the not the best things in the world world had gone to prayer meeting Thev are necessarv because: of the with the church and the line had abnormal state of things in the been walked over so often it was church. Thev are the hope- of the wiped out. t here are too many ot church and the world to-dav. A the people of God in the territory of minister's daughter said once: "Bro the (levil. ft WOn't do to die there. .TniiPS mv fathpr ilnn't KpIipvp in rp for the devil will get you if you do. vivals." "Your father and the devil t0 ihG. (leatl1 ot I,ower 01 resistance ; want to hnd Sam Jones, scratch He wanted a clearly defined line the are together on that point. I don't P" suing on u io me ueam 01 iiueueui ; unuer me uouom uog aim 11 you S On Other ques- P w un1 ucuiu ui uiumiui. uoii i miu iiik, uiKii 1 111 gone iu uni- i i i Tr ! n i i i . i nexi len uays. ii you are on uoa s tnow now ne stands on other ques side come over and say so ; if you tions." Some people are fearful are on the devil's side go over snout of the re-action. When re-action and tail. Take a position. I am sets in it's a sign you. need a revival what I am and I thank God I am no Some preachers needn't be afraid of ammer. re-action. It don t act the first The preacher criticised his critics time. Nine out of ten in the church pretty severely. There were some that are worth anything were born nine preacners mat wouiu stana in revivals, some come in dry so .:i ;-4dl road to the other since he of the Third party cranks in this ; ,,ed a State or county election', campaign. May be they will come ' reter a-ain before he can to heir senses after awhlle and ee ?lllu oeiore iie can . .. 4i -vnt-co f: s v.. the folly of their present course Uv(H , . xne iueeiiiiii am.o . : W says there are rrK,A .iii hp th rpe services each ;iJ0 'ePubucans applying for jay during the Sam Jones meetings, .." nto the Democratic party yirz: Preaching at 1C:3J o'clock, a. nairmnr, f,u x'i: i - nro vpr meeting atop, .m., and w ui'iue uiiouui r"J Art " e is thinking about charg 4drQsion fee. preaching at 7:30 p. m. Bright Prospects. anger i3 n 1 V At. the close of the service this grent. nnrl tho tiniP : T?o,t Qom Tnnps snid thnt C n8U is short. Now or never, in all his sixteen years experience as , 'Thevictorvbp.ptwppn a nreacher he had never seen such one is th " bright prospects, for a glorious meet- Qii-n , vwv aA U1 nrvAn the third. dav as he saw in LflA vil .1 UU - . . . i mr i i i ii ii i other is the negro -rk..u t otoll rihristiansearnestlv o l iunJUUi. tJVM" ; C VOll Kir.. i 1 i .1 . , ii 1. M'rc;rirta rti o . i5n . j "teeu me iwu , pray mat me ungi -muie ground. be fulfilled. around and criticise him. A fly could light on their nose and paw in one eye and kick in the other. If you hear anybody say Sam Jones is a rascal tell him to write it out and bring it to him and he'll sign it. He had no confidence in Sam Jones. He like to have carried him to hell once. He had all confidence in earth and heaven and Jesus Christ. If anybody wanted to find out whether.or not he practiced what he preached he would pay their ex penses on a Pullman sleeper to his home in Cartersville, Ga.', if the per son will agree to make a fair state ment when he gets back. "If you can say any worse about me than I and they are dry so all the time During this sermon the preacher handled the evil of whisky selling with gloves off. If there was a preacher in this : town that hadn't open his batteries on the evil may God forgive him for he couldn't. Pay I him up and let him go. You don't owe nun anything, out inrow m something and let him go. He referred to the whisky dens set up outside of town and the blind This was the most effective of the ner. sermons delivered up to this time. I'll be a bull in the china shop At the close a large number niani- before this thing's over and you may tested interest in their eternal wel- prepare yourself for it fare by going forward and taking the Hold your grip. We'll get there, hand ot the preacher. Llv. moxday moknino. I expect some of the dudes will The text this morning was: -Pre- want to fight me to-morrow. I can pare ye the way of the Lord, make whip a cow-pen u" of em. Thank his paths straight." This was a ser- 8. n ?iarn? torfklllf dude' mon specially to church members ,Murder 13 the llfe of a huraan i-it-w1 1 v t-l r r t r r ca I ceivedsomenrfcttv hard licks. There . Mww mc a minister that approves tigers was considerable humor in it, too. But nearly every shaft of wit was a hammer to nail a dart of rebuke. 1 he effect was good if we are to judge bv the deep feeling manifes ted at the close when quite a large number responded to the preachers in town. Tic said let every proposition for all who would re man in Durham county play gentle man for three months and you ve got 'em dead sure. 1 Te had drank enough whiskv to know that nobody will drink whiskv but an infernal fool and can about you, just lam in. He had j nobody will sell it but an infernal rather have his job than Grover j scoundrel. Can you put it any Cleveland s. It was more nonora- stronger than that ; 11 so, vou can ble and would last longer. ' He had all he could do on earth; and after awhile God will lift him to heaven and make him a joint heir with the Lord Jesus Christ. Some people mourned UI, am v stronger than that? write it out and I'll sign it. He was talking for home. His deepest prayer was: MGod save my loved' ones, God save-my loved ones." He wanted to see the fathers and mothers in Durham waked up. solve to pray and work earnestly for the success of the meeting to come forward and take his hand. BUSINESS NOTICES. Cheaper Edition of Triumphant Songs. A lot of the cheaper edition of Trium phant Songs, Prof. Excel fa book, that will be u.sed at the meetings conducted by Kev. Sam Jones, have just been received at the Durham bookstore. Price 3o cenLs. Call and get a copy before you go to the K-rvices to-night. dancing and I'll show you a minister that shouldn't preside over a litter of pups for me. You've got merchants here that you can take nickles and scatter 'em a hundred yards a part and toll them into hell. There ain't half of you that can pray as high as you can spit Some of you had as soon set in to make a Chinaman as to prepare the way for the Lord. When you put a No. i shoe on a No. 7 last you'll squeeze the last or bust the shoe. Foolishness is the stuff. to rub on fools and it takes a heap of stuff to go round, too. If you wish topurchase or rent property of any kind, call on K. I. Rogers, Secretary and Treasurer Durham Land and Security Co., Wright building, second floor. r

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