11 a. t 5 A- D is lac on m "I " " MM . , , " V0L, i-NO.122. DURHAM, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1888. $4.00 PER ANNUM. SI .M MAKV. : ,...,,. wiili Iih $-VlOO,000 profits on know wnat uinerence it itM a cent a loaf more. TOWXTALIJ. ....t-n- 1 many thousand dot u earns anu iweniy .In !V Our Don't fail to register ! The principal topic Sam Jone.- -uiu vou evfr if.nr tn. before? a man A W-VirT"-i ...1. . ...Ml r f i.the report from Jacksonville hit next'' "l.. l.'itli nnmml Pfinvpn. " -uit. J'-' -r .. , , . . rniu-;, w0 weok to the election. 1 hat's all. V. ( '. T. t. opens in New York. l fr,n i-arreted in Amsterdam on ar- -uuinfr irom-ew l orK on cnarge Three meetings daily 10:30 a. i., 3 p. m., and 7:30 p. m. cniridp in the grounds of the lhe 1 lilman cars hnvfi hppn tn- u, ..... - I . VI -V-V. The Sa. red Heart, New York, fe.n oil between Greensboro and Ra nd' attempt to murder his ieiSn I eople are coming from every direction to attend the Sam Jones meetings. Quite a number of' people were on the special train for the Richmond Exposition, this mornmg. Don't put oil' anv lonwr thp duty of seeing that your name is r.t" .idiriiig the last session of Congress were introduced in the House ;Ci in die Senate;- the President ve--;. I,!!. . . " EDITORIAL BRIEFS. I Whitk m n are, you at work lor party ? Are you doing your upon the registration book L:v? . The Graded School and the :. i ..... i - t Methodist Female Spminn rv will 1 i.ronisK u nave ueen to near , , , . . ----- j ? i i .Jclosed during the hours of service c ,vam r. .Jones , ioi unu nasi nut the Sam Jones meeting. L'-lhim? TllO' mOSt Of Olll hninos! lw-iiiioa Tl. vnnr nt.iiiifints. whit.fi mpn. w-iH cloe during the hours of service ' I th-it thPh-- need he no feir of tllC Sam Joncs' "Acting. See the roado that there need he no tear y . . . . . f ; Merchant, when vou refused to agree to close your store durinu; the hours of service at the Sam Jones' meeting, did you mean to say that you think more of a dollar than you do ot your own soul and the souls of your clerks ? I NX R EASING INTEREST THE MEETING. IN Y. M. 1). C, T important meeting of Young Men's Democratic Club, Wednesday J. S. Manning, Pres. Death of 3Iiss Alice Exum. auu ii v n iijiii. uu i nuauuun. i1" u. x nut is ium ex- i ninirs next wnrk ..n t,.. t;,,t; 4 .r actly the way f feel, brethren. Thank life. God there are more hells behind me , than there are in front of me. This rp. this aftkunoon. makes it easier to go forward than , services this afternoon were to turn back. I feel like going on." larel3 attended and great interest The text was the 14th, 17th and "fs nia"lested by the congregation. lth verses of the Uh chapter of ,,e Prcacher made a very elective Timothy : taIk lrom lne text : "Choose ve this 11. Alexander the coppersmith Ja-V whom 'e will serve " eta did me much evil: the Lord reward sn,,w r J.7.i.. him according to his works : A1- , . . , . 17. Notwithstanding the Lord e Prs ain t; preaching for ;tnnd with m. nn,! BtrJr,.,tl,i , uui mere am i one oi us but Prisoners AYitli Hope and Prison ers ltliout Hope God Pow erlessto Save Without Hu man Co-Operation. Interest in the great religious meet ing that is being conducted by Rev. Sam P. Jones is increasing and the J prospects are that Durham will be birred upon the subject of the sal va It is with pain and sorrow that we tion of immortal souls as it has not approach the sad dutv of recording been stirred for many years. The the death of Miss Alice Exum, the preacher says many things that accomplished and estimable sister sound harsh and otit of place in tbe of our towns people, Mr. W.J. Exum Pulpit, but somehow or other his ::.e re suit. and Mrs. II. N. Snow, whioli no- plain talk seems to be awaking peo curred at G o'clock this mornino- ht P 10 11 sense of their carelessness the home of her; mother, in Wayne and sinfulness, and whether he pnnnh' ThiIit 1..., .i fihnspfs or pntrpnte lnr(rp nnmliprs i- . iiuiy incll.il U) V t a 11 Ml IN - I v,vv, ..wi.v, a.v...v. ing mark, and has fallen here as an nock to near nun. liie people nave untimely frost upon a beautiful never betore been told to 'Vjuit their (lower. To the famil v. so frennontl v meanness'" in such a bold, fearless encompassed bv the dark clouds of antl unvarnished style. closed during the hours' of service of I sorroV we extend heartfelt sympa- a proiuame prayer and experience my and prayerlully commend them U1"uy nem- yesieiuay uuei- to Him who, alone, has power to noon. r : ' shed light in the midst f such The attendance upon last night's loom. God bless, God comfort the services was the largest, we think, grief stricken ones. since the meetmg began, lhe text was from Zachariah, i)th chapter and swim ami the lawyers. liith verse : " lurn you to the strong that by me the preaching might be ,at woulf 4UU to-morrow if you'd t,n,. i. ii topour salarv. icin n.iiiiu, uiiu tiiiii an me vit'll list in this issue of The Plant. -Mr. C. I). Holland has .succeeded i a white man, as your father to the bakery business of the late He lias in his ! . i' IT U 1 D T -r- , :,n,i vr,h. with thfi nnrtv ho. dp- 111111 )l iioiianu x augiian. ''UiW"u. i j- r.v . l . . ,. i Must vv isiics ioi :.H to honor. hfni-w success ' yot'H name on the registration -Just two more weeks in wiiich if itic ,mt cm nnrl nht if to prepare for the political funeral ' " . " 3 ; ii S of Charlie Vickers, W. G. Burkhead, cannot attend to this and the balance of the tribes of Rads ' and Assassins. : Lhe Indiana Republicans seem to W e are requested to announce raJer the impression that they m.i mgoi uie rirst 1 J I (inner nhnrnh ittiII n , 1 I.,. if hour earlier than usual to-morrow night, on account .of the Sam Jones meetings. There were no iury trials yester day afternoon or this morning in the :t not received much help from recent speeches of Mr. Blaine. - the neglect of which on No th will hauut you for years bakers of New York have weeks from to-day, Democrats; have not much time in which the large amount of work that Superior court, all the time of the a be done to give us victory. court being taken up in argument of cases involving only questions ot law. owe a duty, a sacred duty to The jury were discharged for the ve?, your families and your -ay- lhe lactory of Blackwell s Dur- i yf y - a. ' l nam uo-upcraiivc looacco uo. sus pended- operations during .the ser vices tins morning and win do so every day during the meeting. Will n- oil aim1 iiinnii('iiitniMn(r rtnYliili . n i i . I liuu till viii iiiuiiuiuvuui nip, cmuuoir -naweto keep up the advanced mcnts join in thig praise-worthy cus -,,t U 1 riM. : . . 11. J J uicuu. iuis must oe gooa torn. ' thousands of workingmen of The marriage of xMr. R. L. Gat v, fis nnt Miss H.-ittie A. t o hint wn take nlace at Blackwell Bautist ,i - i I- -; ''N I It1 V"!ltill W I'l'Oiwlnlfint I U . . 1 vM.i.Mit m',lit f T z-v".rl ..niv n uu iiainiiuuiiu uillUi;!!, lu-inuiiuiv iiitik,at I U tiutlv, hverv man about whom I Rev. V. B. Oliver oOiciating. In ad anv doubt is ohlio-od nn.ior vance of the cermony, we tender the I - nAiinlo All r hnut ivio nok tTf o life full ot happiness. The Plant is for white folks ruling this country and if you are across the line with, the negroes, ai 4.1, -Tr.'i:i :,,Kt i.,u ,i euner in uiu nauitai hi;ul iniiitv ui and bayonet for the hhe Third party left Hank, you are in :!"ilyand home, why can't front of our batteries and w.e'll do now at the hiillnt bnv ? our level best to down you. If you ' don't want to get shot, come back "luth importance cannot be and get alongside ol the white folks ; 10 l"e matter of registration. Sam Jones says the Durham 'acrats must poll their whole people got together and gave a grand .1 I lwrDiun 'lnr mn( p thin rri cr7 lillS VMr Knf 4l,.. 4 WAUwiuwu m.v ..v. -"-'o--' i rr iuvy uuuui i nowif-the people will stand ; uUtit a lull registration of sh0ulder to shoulder and heart to nt election law, to prove '-i qualified elector. ;Rl, ls'51 to 1805 you could ; Moulder to should pr in thp Vlmuijitoii Will Close During Services. We, the undersigned nierchantr and piisiness men oi lnirnam. agree to close our respective houses during i. t-. i:..: ... : t.: 1, . i i liic iioius ui ui nic sei ice now uciug Denmeratic success is blessings. - L,h.inr.tn.i i- s;n,n .inna , ality. Uoo.Uo and bam Jones says n nen ine ue- t . Qm lo an opiwrtimitv - are the sole Renuhlicnn puuncui pauj - - : 01 en oving the same: I - , - f I l.--.-v inn I I -A 1AM lr i v heart, in this meeting we will have a -glorious time. t)h, tor unity o Star saVS : nC Lnmnco nrwl nnitv of nrnvpr nnt uiaL uie oniy danger unity oi action, .cruwneu wua uou This morning, Sam Jones peeled hold, ye prisoners of hope ; even to ne skin off of the ''little pettifog- day do I declare that I will render ging lawyers" that will defend the double unto thee." We have before violators of the local option law. us a very precious invitation and ex- howing them to be guilty. Said hortation and a glorious promise. ne : ine lawyer that will delenc inere is notning wnicli so engages hese disreputable rascals is as dis- tbe great heart and mind of God, reputable as they are." He turned and of men and angels, as the salva- to the preachers and said : Now tion 01 tne living, i rsot men and wo- say amen to that," and "amen'' men wno snail live a nunured years right heartily came forth, when hence : but the all engaging thought Sam,, turning to the audience, said : is the salvation of men and women "..now n you want to whip anybody, wno live anu want ana iaiK on eann pitch into these preachers." This to-day. This appeal comes to: you of course brought down the house. ; and to you. "Turn you to the strong- In the course of his remarks upon hold, ye prisoners ot hope.77 lawyers, Sam complimente'd the There are three classes of prisoners high-toned members of the legal with hope aryl three without hope. fraternity and said a good lawyer One class with hope are the laith- was next to a irdod preacher. ful men and women who live and x walk upon the tace ot the earth to I1.,.,4- Tl.4- -..,. i , -w t . t min i iiuiunipiis. nitrnt. liis motner was a prisoner Col. A. B. Andrews passed dowm ot hope, but thirty years ago death the. road to day. cut the ligament and she was lree Mr. Sam Kmrner is on n trin in He knew not that he will go to New York. heaven, liis anxious prayer is, let Mr. Will Ilendon is quite sick,' !lim li.veta lJrison ope- There we are very sorry to hear. Is 110 dut7 lie wll,L ,not Perform as tiles might hear : and I was delivered out of the mouth ot the lion. IS, And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me ufito his heavenly king dom : to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. The preacher said he was in line with the facts and the word ol God. (iod is powerless to save souls with out human instrumentality co-oner- itiwg with Him. lie was not talking about what could have been or what might have been. He was talkimr tbout the facts as he found them. In none ol the heathen countries was anvthing done until Christian -men went lorth. livery Christian man can trace his life in Jesus to the fact of some human instrumcntalit v. St. Paul safd we arc ambassadors The iospel is to be carried by reconciled men to unreconciled men. We arc co-workers -with God. Faith comes y hearing. .Wherever salvation has gone it has been human lnstrumen- ality that carried it. On the other hand, the devil is not powerful enough to damn a man unless he can get some man to help him. The devil never told a lie on anybody. He gets you to do that. very sorry Rev. Mr. Pickett, of Hillsboro, ar- 1 j l . 1 m 1 .1 r. nveci 10-uay to aiienci tne jsam Jones meeting. Lieutenant Governor Stedman long as the star of hope lights his pathway. Lord; God Almighty, save my soul at last, at any cost to me. there isn t a thing 111 the uni verse of God he is not willing to do left on the noon train for Raleigh, to get to heaven. Fight on, pray on, work on. Anotherclass of prisoners with hope are those that want to be good. He liked one of these men who, it ten million people are looking on, is go ing to do right. A brave, true soul doesn't mind scoffing. A brave soul fears only God. Anybody that will criticise you for coming to the altar is not your friend, lhe meanest boy and the most disreputable scoundre one :i this er Eimpai or 11 nf nrohibition it lies. Do you be lieve Sam ? You Third party folks ! - , 1 . - wjt Riann) i 41 r If vou do, wnat are you running . r ,m, tile organ Qf i.t , , , .-mnithe Radicals V flis C I I? . Xi J w 0 via? 01 lndi:in;i 1 - vtMiai( .Harrison It is' to eet into power ? It is better to Recently the have whiskey and no nigger than to of that State got up and get "whiskey, and nigger both. Can't do vou want niirsrcr -ni 1111 Mi rr rt thor y vJV- j t .-cj ' 1 if V . . rnlP nnvhOW : 4. -"luuuoii in the East. :CUethe paper professes to. TT Y '!7 'ed'itJ::. dodge behind religion and with an where he will speak to-night Mr. Wm. Halliburton, father of Mr. W. S. Halliburton, left for his home ,in Depot, Haywood county, last evening. Mr. Frank Taylor, of Hillsboro, who has been attending the Sam Jones meetings, left for home yester day evening. Mr. John Arrington, who is at the V-l-WrlTO ClffY 111 !AlLiliHA 1-v - H l, v'ul.uauuiV "?a is that boy that will laugh at had a relapse and is again seriously k- galvation of hfs gou ill U'ii trr it Tk inviv n 111, iKiLi iu iciiui. 1 ,1 . i ....1 1 . . t 1 u 1 c 1 Anotner ciass wiui nope are titose ivev. vi. c. iiiuims. pasior 01 uie t int. haven't sa id anvth n? and Baptist - tabernacle, llaleigh, spent 'haven't done anvthinrr; .'hut have last night and this morning in town done si,rhts of thinking. After a and attended tne &am Jones meet- while they win go to acting. Every inSs- man of vou, there's a chance for you to go to heaven. Take the chance Take it now. Are vou afraid (Iod will beggar you? "Even to-day do I declare that I will render double unto thee." Hear that? Among those without hope are the angels who sinned against God. Others without hope are the men and women who have walked and talked on the streets of Durham and have gone into the other world w ith out repentance. Horrible thought ! '-(Another class without 'hope are the men and women in Durham tkat are just as certainly doomed as thev will be damned. Sometime itOp One rotten potato in a pile of live hundred bushel. will get the whole pile if you let it stay. It'll get your pile, sure as gun's iron. God himself can't do much with a coward. There is no foundaton to work on. 1 don't believe in evolution. I don't believe we came from mon keys, but when I look at some of you I think you're heading that way. You may get there. A prim, nice, elegant Methodist is a monstrosity. These nice, little prim Methodists ain't worth killing ; they ain't worth ten cents a dozen. Methodists ain't got nothing 'to run on but religion. Some of you ain't got that and you ain't run ning. a Methodist church, 1 pews ami a starchy 011 take with rented preacher, with silks and satins set tin around its the c-o-l-d-e-s-t place on earth. I never try to stick to my text, but I stick to my crowd, don't I ? I don t get mad. When they tell a lie on me I'm glad it's a lie and when tliey tell the truth on me I'm sorry it's the truth. I get sorry but I don't get mad. If a man's sick, lame or diseased, he can get on me and ride me with- It's a blessed province to help God t r 1 v frrrl J t 'a on n tt fn 1 tlir-wr t UU LOUU. X. L O 4.K t 1U1 LW11JLL IVJ I it'll lilt. 1 think you arc a co-worker with the ? , e or sauult'' Uut wlu'n one devil. Every man and woman is 01 1 1 1 g OIT r i" eitlier a co-worker with God or a co- )hv1 he ?vak? UP h.e,n find m , llt worker with the devil. me irougn eating, wun one m ins What hurts you is an Alexander auu 'L!5 ueuarou,m In muu "'K- getting in his work on you. He tries to break down-your character. 1 here is great diflerence between character and reputation. Character is what a man is, the man in toto, that part that will outlive the stars. It you are a fraud or a hypocrite or a failure the devil will be the last one to tell you so. The devil's effort is to break BUSINESS NOTICES. Cheaper Kdition of Triumphant Songs. A lot of the cheaper edition oF Trium phant SonS J'rof. Kxcell's liook, that will Ik. usel at the meetings conduct.! by Kev. Sahi Joncs, have just leen revivel at the Durliam lxiokstore. Price '" cents. Call down 3'our character and make you ami get a copy before you go to the hervices think von nn no account. When I to-night. this Alexander pitches into your character, stand up like a man. Failing to break down your char acter, tlie next .effort of this Alex ander is to break down your reputa tion, so everybody will think you are a hypocrite. When you talk about hypocrites you talk about mighty scarce fellows. It always tickled him to hear an old sinner out of the church say l,o wanted to be a Chris- COPPER, BRASS, llclll, IJUL lilt JlK. llj JUl 1 LC."5 C1J 111 the way. A fellow can't be in your way unless he's ahead of you. Will A hypocrite has three things "uu, -nays, niucb, oiiccubfiJUb, If you wi.h topurchase or rent prop erty of any kin, call on U. I. Itogers, Secretary and Treasurer Ihirham Emul and Security Co., Wright building, second Hoor. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF OLD tagged on to him. He is not a good evervbod v air of piety, exclaim : ''Vote as you Wcniv.iL nrav." Don t use as sacred a thing , a . uuiu.li - .. '""i; world mm c inn . . . . i , o nut conic oul iu uiu uu inivij nivu v-iUi'S even thrmrh thn i . va. muutll 1" ir V 1 1 It Til. 'A 1 tnkn vonr stnntl. L 0.. v UlilU "lunis of riftNnn,,t; -ir4- c T-nii i-inv ! Aro von nrnvinc , 'fiercest pelting of accu- for negro rule in this country ? Are . Mm- nn.i vnf x ii you praving for the restoration to aw V.andct she would IZJr of the corrupt, thieving, dis- Ulal was out of style 'oPPfnl Radical party? If so, s.. uvennnent from wreck truly trust that these prayers wil nn "hiVher than yon can spit." D . ' we ill 0 Jones. -A: Lvon, IV W. Yauirhan. C. M. Y. Follett, The Durham Furniture Co., D. C. McDade, Mrs. Ada Smith, Kohbins it Stone, Q. E. Rawls, S. R. Terry. Blackwell's Durham Co operative Tobacco Co., C. C. Taylor, Bowers it Arendell, W. J. Wyatt it Co.jLambe it Gorman, J. F. Freeland, AN'. Shelburn, Smith it Roberts, M. II. Jones, J. Southgate it Son. 'Mor gan it Carr, J. T. Wilkins it Co., W. M. Morgan, Assignee, W. F. Ellis, W, H. Rogers, Jno. T. French. R. IJlacknall it Son, Muse it Shaw, J. B. Whitaker, Jr. it Co., Morris it Son Manufacturing Co., J. "W. Mark ham, Andrews, J. P. Campbell, W. II. Proctor, T. F. Check it Son, A. M. Rigsbee, Mrs. A. J. Faucette it Co., Mrs. Landing, Mrs. T. G. Cozart, E. J. Parrish, Z. 1. Lyon it Co., Robt. T. Faucett, James Y. Whittcd, Mrs. S. M. Davenport. T T m 1 t man. lie wants everybody to be lieve he is good. He don't want to be good. As long as a man wants to be good he lacks that element of being a hypocrite. You don't know what a hypocrite is. If you had more sense you would get along bet ter. Ifyou've got a good solid charac ter it will take care of your reputa tion. A fellow that's got a good character and a bad reputation will improve on acquaintance. He had had some solace along this line himself. If this Alexander fails to break down vour character and vour repu tation his next attack is upon your faith. When a fellow gets to where he says he don't believe somethings in the bible poor little fellow, his faith is breaking down.. The bible when you pray for certain ones the ! is true from lid to lid. The preach voice of God seems to say, "Hush !'' er emphasized the importance of It is not sad to sav a man is dead, ! faith. but the saddest thing to say is, he died without hope. The preacher drew a ture of the devil seeking vivid pic and fasten ing his talons upon a lost soul. This was a powerful sermon and at its close many went forward to pray for the pardon of their sins. this morning: After the choir and congregation had finished singing the hymn, "I feel like going on," Mr. Jones Wool and Furs of all Kinds. WE SELL Ou Ciiiuiinioii or a: iunt m brokers, and buy aii'l tu-11 anything iu our town. -j-I1f-a auk for any information you may want in r garl to the- aUovt- it-um. i. IL. GATTLS k CO., w-It27-lm Dur Lain. N. C. , J. S. MESLEY, Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST RETURNED From the North with the finest' and handsomest stock xi Clote, Casiiers Testings Ever brought to Durham. The next eilbrt is to break down religious feeling and enjo inent. One reason a man doif t enjoy his religion is localise he am t got any to enjoy. All wanting Fine Goods. Good Fita. Religion is the most enjoyable thing Latest Styles and in the world. If there is anything that ought to BEST WORKMANSHIP ! make a man hollow and shout it's the Are cordially invited to call and ex fact his soul is saved. amine this superb stock. ' The preacher commented at length y -i-pcT-pv upon woman's .duties and privileges. J : -L This Alexander failing in other' Over Postley's Jewelry Store.