J B, WHITAKER, Jr., ) Editors S. T. ASHE, ) La,l0rS- TL'DUi; i V TTTQ( 'T?TlTTO'V 1 Year - - $4.00 I 1 Month, - 35 eta. 3 Months, - 1.00 I 1 Week, - - 10 ct KATES FOR ADVERTISING. ....$ 20.00 ... 35.00 ... GO. 00 ... 35.00 ... co.ob .... 110.00 . . . . GO. 00 110.00 200.00 column, three months, . . column, six months, 1 column, one year, ....... column, three months, . . I column, six months, ; A column, one year,, ...... 1 column, six mouths,. . . . 1 column, one year, . , ... . Space to suit the adveitiHtr in pioportion to above rates. jjr-rThe business office of The PiIanxis at th Durham Bookstore, corner Main and Corcoran streets, where subscriptions sind advertisements will be received. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, 1888. , , ,-nt,'' .i,;y I How the How the Electoral votes to which L i. the State. arer wverally enti-j ted in voted in i was well known by all the people of I THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. the town. We are sorry to have to record this horrible deed as being done by a citizen of our town. This infamous deed, this dastardly act, was done through revenge be cause he had done his duty as a STATES nrmiAM is iti:ii:i:i i:i. This; 'is glorious iifrws. Durham county has thrown off the shackles placed upon her two years ago by the Republican party, and -again takes lir proper position in line 'with the, other Democratic counties of the Htatc. he will, for the next two years at least, be ruled and gov erned by white men elected to office by the- white men of the county. The white men of Durham on yes terday showed by their votes that they were in. favor of white men rul ing this county, and that no con- sKleration would induce them longer to remain under the dominion of the leaders of the negro party. The fact that every Democrat on the ticket, county, '.State and National, got a majority of the votes of Durham county, shows that the white men of the county are aware of the danger in which they were and determined to protect themselves against the encroachments of this abominable crowd of negroes and' scalawags. All honor to the farmers and ''mechanics of our county tor the bold; straight forward manner in which they asserted their manhood and their superior nationality and we do most heartily congratulate the honest white men-of Durham county that they have released themselves from the odium of bcinc classed among the counties of the State that are under Republican rule. Never again, we predict, will our county be found in the company she has been forced to keep for the past two years, for we firmly believe that she is Democratic-. forevermore. Alabama ,.. Arkansas California ... wViitp riti7Pn of OUT town. We firmlvM Colorado j Connecticut... believe that the torch was applied Delaware.... Honda..... by certain negroes, instigated thereto Georgia.. hv the incendiary teaching's of cer- Indiana . tain white men oi our town. Kansas.... m, .... v .7 .. Kentucky.. inese men are unuer suspicion, iuisiana . . . - . I Main strong suspicion, oi oeing ine m- Maryland. ,i . . i i. I Massachusetts siigaiors oi una auempi. 10 latce, in a most horrible wav, the lives of a most estimable - laijly and innocent little children, and we wish to say to these would be murderers that their presence is no longer desired in this town and that thev ouirht to seek homes: else- where, , To Mr. ( ireen, more than to anyone else, is due the fact that Durham has westvi again placed herself in line with the white counties' of the State and it makes the blood of every white man in the town boil withrrage,' to think 1 ill It, 10' Michigan Minnesota... Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada. . . ; Nw Hampshire. New Jersey New York. . North Carolina. . Ohio. . Oregon ... Pennsylvania. . . Rhode Island . . . South Carolina. Tt-nnesere Texas ermuiit Virginia rginia. . . Wisconsin Total. 8 3 3 ; -. ! 13 13 "8 H 14 13 y -in ' 5 3 . 4 : 9 36 . 11 23 3 30 4 9 12 ' , 4 12 6 11 401 f.L 3;. ' 4i. I. ...I 15. 13 8 i. . 3 1... 13'.: 91 . ..! 9i. it):. 9! 30; 11! 9 12 la: 14 13 ii: 5 ! 3 ! 4 23 3U 4 11 .219j 1X2 State Vote 1 888. GOVERNOR, i that he should sutler in this way for &caiPS having so manfully done his duty.. ork Mr. Green and his family have the sympathy of our entire commu nity and the good citizens of this town will leave no stone unturned in their effort to find out the guilty parties, both those who applied the Cleveland's majority torch and those who instigated the deed. 143,249 123,010 Scales' majority7 . ...... . PRESIDENT. Cleveland . . Blaine. DO YOU PROPOSE P BUILD? BUY IMS BOLTON'S FIN I r t m Tor Ladies, Misses and Children. THE DURHAM ! J; Door and;Blmd MTg Co. ANNOUNCE That they are prepared to take con tract? for Buildings of any size, in Wood or Brick, from; the plainest and cheapest to the finest and most elab orate, at v . ;! Plans and estimate! cheerfully furn ished and contracts solicited at home or abroad. I - ' K 3 I i ! Oar.-plant, is equipped with the latest improved labor-saving ma chinery and we are prepared to fur- J- r I nish Sash, Doors, Blinds, and all kinds of Builders' Supplies at prices ' that cannot be beat auglO-dtf J. S. MESLET, UNSURPASSED IN STYLE, FIT AND DURABILITY i . , i C and D Widths; Common .euse, U aukenpliast ai;d ( j : ,x EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. JONES & LYON, Corner Maih and Maugum streets. sold-; u:y-r 20,291 142,952 125,008 OUlt EXCHANGES. New Berne, Journal : Dogberry 17,884 The solid South with' its 137 elec toral votes only need G4 more to elect the President. Turn to the' other States that always tnve heavy Demo cratic majorities we see Missouri 10, New Jersey 9, total 2o. lhat added said : "Write me down an ass." to the 137 makes. 162 certain, needing Laves beats Dogberry by doing it only 39 more. Since 18GS New 1 ork for himself. -About the maddest past its 30 electoral votes for the man around yesterday was a regis- Democracy three times out of five, trar who had received one of Eaves' so it can be safely relied on as a "lntimidators. A staunch Kepub- Democratic State. Now where look lican who received one yesterday for the three votes needed ? Indiana said he regarded it as a gross insult, cast its 15 and Connecticut its G elec- and he didn t believe the Republican toral votes for the Democracy at the party endorsed any such imbecile last election. Besides these the Demo- efforts at intimidation. . ornts entertain a reasonable hone of Wilmington Star : The lecture at carrying Michigan and Illinois tor the lecture room of Grace church on Cleveland. Michigan is entitled to Friday night by. President CrowellJ 13 electoral votes and Illinois to 22, of Trinity College, on education, was so that that if the Democrats succeed plain, practical and thoughtful, and in carrying the two last named stales, left with those who heard him much they can elect Cleveland, even though y- . . it-w " i ii . rv x i- to reflect upon, such- lectures are riarnson snouia carry xew iuik. well calculated to do good. The en HAS JUST RETURNED ! If From the North with the finest and handsomest Mock of 11 Ever brought tjj iDurham. A DASTARDLY DEED. This .morning about two o'clock the fearful sound of the fire' bell aroused our citizens from their slum- bersr and it was found that the dwelling .house.of Mr. C- B. Green was on lire. The lire was clearly incendiary, for when 'the lire companies began . throwing streams of water on the building It liad no ellect upon the lire, and showed" most plainly that the end of the house had been satu rated with oil, and then set on fire by some fiend. -What made this deed more hellish than the ordinary in cendiary lire was that the fiends who perpetrated this deed knew that Mr (ireen was down town attending the counting of the ballots of yesterday's election, and that his wife and little ones were without his protection. Mr. Green is the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee o this county ; he has taken an active part in the campaign and has by his vigorous efforts and untiring zea redeemed his county from under the yoke of the negro party. He has conducted a campaign on the prin ciple that this county should not be ruled by negroes and the few white men who affiliate with them for what then-could make out of them. For this reason Mr. Green had made himself very distasteful to the negro leaders and some of the miserable white scoundrels who urge them on to such deeds. Mr. Green Was told about dark last night by a colored friend that . he had better be, on his guard, for a club of negroes had said they would "see him out" before daw Mr. Green supposed of course this meant : a personal attack upon him and his friends prepared themselves to defend himyfrom an! assault, not thinking that these fiends would take advan tage of his absence from home to ap ply the torch to his house and thereby endanger the lives of his wife and children. He was idown town at tending to his duty as Chairman of the Democratic Committee, and this dowment of the College has reached $40,000. The Methodists of North Carolina are abundantly able to make it 140,000 and they ought to I do it and in the next two years. Goldsboro Arausy of Tuesday : To THE VOTE BY COUNTIES. Counties. Alamance North Carolina it would be strange Alexander- W Ir,,, ..vv, : 4-1..,., Aiegnany. ii nuiisum mauu auytlllllii UUII1 I Anson. s I n rrP'ir. snopph hiir tr tlirvcn 'irlio Ashe " , . 7.7 , "" Beaufort.. ieaiu ins eiion nere on yesterday, Bertie... tlo nfifronpr ri' vnosntiinnf 1 1 Bladen... ness ot oi eloquence, the breadth and Buncombe. beauty of thought, ' the bitterness of Cabarrus'"'. scorn and the weight of denunciation caidweu, that characterized the various parts carteretl! of the Renntor's snooflv n rovo. Caswell... 1 I ratawhs. . union io mem, even tiiougn ttiey had Chatham heard him often and gladly before. Asheville Citizen, of Tuesday : Siand" Never before in the history of Ashe- Colmnbuis. ville has such a. demonstration ta- Craven . Cumberland. ken place as that witnessed by our Currituck.. people last night. Enthusiastic Dem- navidson. Davie , Duplin Durham Edgecombe Forsyth .... Franklin . . . Gast-ou Gates....... Graham Granville.. , Greene .... Guilford Halifax. ... ocrats, the friends of the people, and the delenders ot constitutional lib erty, were all in line, and the parade was indescribable. Under the man agement of ChieT Marshal, A. H iairu, ine line oi march was gone through without a - hitch. Private residences and public buildings were . . . . . . ... . i ix. ai i i rv.v . brilliantly illuminated, and every-1 Harnett lrwrltr Vin oimilrl nhn. ni.ll Haywood wuiu tucu ivji vicvciauu Henderson and honest retorm did sn. Thp Hertford transparencies were numerous and "edeu.. aniironnate. : Jackson 1 1 I Tntmil.Mi Charlotte Uliromcle : 1 he two lest Jone I T 1 C i i "I I i-ruuu ...... uiiica Liiiit tiic Jeinucranu Oiaie tom- Lincoln ... mittee had during the past campaign, cDo0WfcU were Judge Uick,ot (jreensboro, and Madison. J li Fnuoa of TJ.J0;V, Tl, ,.,, Martin v. . vU1w6ll. luc man- Mecklenburg. ner in wnicn ine nadicai canvass Mitchell .iontomerv jore . i8h .. New Hanover. Northampton. . Onslow.... Orange.... Pamlico. Pasquotank Pender' Perquimans. . Person Pitt.... Polk. Randolph Richmond. Robeson . Rockingham. Rowan .... : , . JC ii Si 11 " Cr 5 " KV29 1245 . . 596 1 403 1H'.IG 10K4 1211M 11H7 '2U1G1! 1CS1 le.uj ' 1HW U2f, 1511 oi;sS 1941 12.78, 995 1MW! " . 953 420 WW I 5"4 I 1171 697 mn iiaw I ..." l.WU A . IV'- .... 2303 G50 : 24H1 1G71 .... 505 594 .... 704 811 .... 352 2U7 1K67 953 133K 2525 247M 2159 , 413 . 28G '2U72 1107 1174 tin: 1H77 ! 1987 I 934 7U4 127 2(j.s7 v lt94 2-20H) 378G ' 727 - i I was conducted electrified the people yit of North Carolina. They beheld Sae with amazement and rage the evi dences that the Republicans were bent on capturing the State, and they heard with indignation of the threats made againts registrars, of the employment of Pinkerton detec tives, of the instructions gi ven to the "Keliables ," ot the demand for fed eral inspectors, of the importation ot negroes, ot the presence of a cor- ruption-tund from Boodle Morton r, for the purchase of votes, of the use stanly AnAe 3 ik. . Stoke.. ' '"'gcij, a.nx ui nit; new UUCirine Surry...... that fraud does not nnllifv- whor.vor Swain i j - i ii4iip;iiuia.i iw ciueis. TvrreU. Union.. jL'imnies on. tlie Face wake.... Denote .an impure state of the blood and w-??lV ' are looked upon by many with suspicion. Wautauga Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all im- Wayne purities and leave the complexion smooth -Klkes nnl oear-- TVra ie T,t,;., :n NUon v . uuimug liiiiL Will MJ thoroughlybuild up the constitution, purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by R. Blacknall & Son, Rutherford son Yadkin Yancey. Totals 142t 921 2085 1278 1903 1251 G99 1171 1550 2303 2481 505 704 352 2U30 186 1338 2479 978 244 1954 Km; 2-239 157G 1G95 2101 2103 1385 1183 2G8i 2120', 1046' 2491 1 -21)4 1254! 1184 782 1129 867 2079 713; 2801 74G 10 1162 708 1087 1570 951 3727 635 901 1797 ls:i7 1751 173:1 1284 1070 748 898 1215 777 1490 2430 j 440j 2044 19581 2361 j 2443 2636! 15171 2525! lloo; 1334 13711 ' 494 i - 459! 4S8: 1838! 1155: 4772 1146 648 ! 759' 2716 13ol! 2135 950' 740 mm mm m Merchant r Tailor, Perfectly Beautiful This is what the ladies will sav when tlu v CI is URsimBrs TVfiSllIS All wanting Fine Goods, Good Fits, Latest! Styled and BEST WORKMANSHIP ! ! Are cordially inyitedj to call and ex amine this superb stock. : jl $. MESLEY, Over Postleyjs (Jewelry Store. FOR SALE! -i-1 . . Eight valuable building lots in the western part of Durham. For particulars, call on or ad dress, R. I. ROGERS; Sec'y & Treas., augl8-tf. Durham f jand & Security (Jo. PIEDMONT MR LINE. Richmond & e R. R. Co. Condensed Schedule in Effeft October 21st, 1 SSS. Trains Run by 75 iebidian Ttmk. - 1j ; -. '-ii - ; DAILY SOUTHBOUND. TO:-. New Stock of Millinery Now on display at tL yt nery EstaMil.iM-Lt Mrs. Ada I Smith1 Main Street, Dnrhara. N.C. These ( i ods were se'ii . ! 1 , j. ly Mis. Smith, ah-1 it j. hcf ii hci--t-lli.it J.. proi-iirc ti c Finest Line, of llfc Kver shwn in Dfirliarn. wA In aces evt rvthiii'' uu i!:v f in a w 11 appiiihttd M:'.:. n cry I'stal.hliiu. l.t. The ladies of Ihnl am -.A rounding counties arc i vited to call and cxainiiic tl.. Lj some goods and note lL- , y at which thev are otVcrcl. Leave New York, Leave Philadelphia, Leave Baltimore, Leave Washington, Leave Charlottesville, Leave Lynchburg, . Arrive Danville. Leave Richmond, leave Burkville, Leave Keysville, Leave Danville, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Goldsboro, Leave Kaleigh, Leave Durnam, Arrive Greensboro, : 4- 50. 744 977 1305 G7 1708 345 1926 755 1399 753 493 1388 1234 638 3040 1148 926 1426 1528 2879 2351 472 1051 Mo 1239, 1240; 977 j li82: 2285 j 481; 1828 1675 2-2j7 1577 1372 1232 1530 614 Jir29 1433 155 323 335 62 1612 4278 2142 ! lo72i 624 ! 25U! 19"37! 1493i 1261 622; 12il5 A .M 7i7ii0 ' 945 " Uk4 : " 3 r40 F M -:4.-. 81,30 " 3'10--5?12 ' 5f6l " 8 50 " 2,40 '" 45 5 58 :25 No. 52. 4 30 P M 6 57 " 9 42 " 11 00 " 3 00 A M 5 10 ' 7 45 " JOHN L. MARKHAI Leave Salem, Leave Greensboro, Arrive Salisbury, Arrive Statesville. Arrive Asheville, Arrive Hot Springs, leave Salisbury, , Arrive Charlotte, Arrive Spartanburg, Arrive Greenville, ; Arrive Atlanta, Leave Charlotte, Arrive Columbia, Arrive Augusta, no 45 " p. 01 A M ljf.1 7 -11 " 915 " 12-26- " -I 4110 " loimo 11 iOO " 2 30 4 32 5 11 8 05 9 42 DRY GOODS, t 10 P M 1 45 A M 3 12 " 7 40 " 6 30 " 9 50 " 12 12 P M 4 44 " 6 10 " HOSIERY.! I 2 10 ! . ' :) -.10.J50 11 23 A M 12 40 P M S 37 ' 4 48 y 40" 1 no " 5 23 ' y ir. " UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, CLOAKS, NORTHBOUND. DAILY. i- Ko. 51. No. 53. . Leave Augusta, ' 5:5 P M j 8 30 A M Leave Columbia, ': -10' 15 " 12 .W, P M Arrive Charlotte, J 4 00 " ! 5 15 " Leave Atlanta, 600 7 iu a m Arrive Greenville, -l Oe A M 1 51 P M Arsive Spartanburg, ; 2 11 " j 2 52 " Arrive Charlotte, 41.50 " 5 30 " Arrive Salisbury, j f 6i22 " 7 05 " Leave Hot Springs, ; .8 06 p M; 12 10- " Leave Asheville, y;46 " ; 1 32 " Leave Statesville, !:!flA M 6 01 " Arrive Salisbury, j "4;:37 " 6 43 " Tjeave Salisbury. f 6 ,27 7 12 Arrive Greensboro, 1 k qo " 8 40 " Arrive Salem, . j11.40 " fl2 34"aM Leave Greensboro, ; 9. 50 " 10 50 P M Arrive Durham, 12':35 P M 4 30 A M Arrive Raleigh, i;55 " 0 55 " Arrive Goldsboro, 4110 " 1145 " Leave Greensboro, ; . jT65 A M 8 50 P M Arrive Danville, ; 9j47, " 10 20 " Arrive Keysville, : 12;41 P XI 1 44 A M Arrive Burkville, 1 J 26 " 2 36 " Arrive Richmond, , 3,30 " 5 15 Arrive Lynchburg, - "l2?40 LTTvi ' Arrive Charlottesville, .2 ,55 . " 3 On " Arrive Washington, I f 7. 35 " 7 00 " Arrive Baltimore, -- ;'50 " 8 20 Arrive Philadelphia, 3i CiO AM 10 47 Arrive New York, . 6'i20 " 1 20 P M Daily. tDaily, except Sunday. : i- : SHOES, CARPETS, GENTS' FURNISHING BEST GOODS, 4 ' BOOTS, HATS, CLOTHING, 01 E It it o 5? o Train for Durham via jciarksville leaves Rich mond daily, except Sunday,3:10 P. M. : Keysville, 6:00 P. M ; arrives Clarksvillex, 7:21 P. M.; Oxford, 8:: P. M.; Henderson. 9:3(i Pi M.-.arriveg Durham. 143250 123040 Are You Skeptical? If so we will conTince you that Acker's Engl lish Kemedy for thelunes is suDerior to al- other preparations, and is a positive cure ior ail inroat and J.ung troubles, Croup, Caution to Mothers. Every mother is cautioned against giving her -child laudanum or paregoric; it creates an unnatural craving for stimulants which kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to. benefit chil hooping Cough and Colds. We guarantee dren and cure their pains. It is harmless the preparation and will give you a sample and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold bottle free. R. Blacknall fc Son. ... by B Black nail & Son. iv:w r. m. i ; jj . Returning leaves Durham dailv, except Sundav, SK)0A. M.: Henderson, 8i30 A. Si.: Oxford, 10)0 A. M.; Clarksville, 11:05 A. M.; Keysville, 12:41 P. M.: arrives Richmond, 3:30 I'. M. Nos. 51 and 53 conneciat Richmond daily ex cept for West Point and palfimore. Nos. 50 anl 52 from Wpst SPoint has daily con nection at Richmond with No. 50 for the South. Nos. .ri0 and 51 connect iat Goldsboro with trains to and from Morehead Citv and Wilmineton. No. 51 connects at Greensboro and Selma for) Fayetteville. - j !; No. 53 connects at Selr&a for Wilson, N. C. Nos. 50 and 51 make close f Connection at I'niver sity Station with trains to and from Chapel Hill, except Sundays. ,. ' SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and 51, Pullman Bullet Sleeper be tween Montgomery anJ New York, Greensboro and Augusta, and Greensboro, Asheville, Hot Springs and Morristowni Tenn. On 52 and 53. Pullman Buffet Sleetr between ashington and New Orleans, via Montgomery, and between Washington and Augusta, Rich mond and Greensboro; Raleigh and Greensboro, and Pullman Parlor Cars between Salisbury and Knoxville. - - " Through Tickets on sale at principal Stations to all points. . j ., For rates, local and Uiroagh time-tables, apply to any agent of the company, or to SOL HAAS, W. A. TtRK, JAS. L. TAYLOR, Traffic Mng'r. Div. Pass. Ag't, Gen. Pass. AgX RALEIGH, N. C. J GOODS, y J I K I. -d HARDWARE, GDI PISTOLS, crockh GLASSWARE, WOOD, WILLO AND TINWARE, GROCEBS NISSEN WAGONS, FERTILIZE FARM IMPLEMENTS. CL0C3 LOWEST PRICES, Parrish's Warehouse ! HEADQUARTERS For tiie Sale of Leaf Tobacco,