- v ..." CtrAS?r - -- ar- 77 - , . " - 4 1) OL. I"NO. 144 SIMMAKY. Clarke, 1erk of the House, thinks ;.vin the next House will not be ' either w;iy. Dunn's review shows " t ext'f ctf 1 revival of trade after the ,-. 3 ha n"t taken place. Un fcatur- ;,. ,uen ;n New lorkeity were sen yVl inij.ri-omuent for illegal voting, i .virm-r -at Charleston, loaded with ,a. found to be on hre. Jr or the .yej to a State ofhee in Iowa. In '.lection districts in Mississippi, Harrison n-aivc a single vote.- Lord -'.ill advocates the speedy appointment t minister to Washington. The ii - ;': ,..:n : I -gent i'I Ji'issKui iruuj mi f;ivcs gieui L'at lierlin and Vienna. A Chi- l- -hot dead in an Omaha hotel by a ,f() CUIUIIS IU W 1113 yyuc. vii- ftlif Hatfield gang has been captured , 3 ithoritics of West Virginia.- Hon. 1-t IVhuont lias been appointed Minister I :n.The lady known" as Mrs. Brown, emitted suicide at theCampton House . y.jfk city, has been identified as Mrs. -Harrv, of Brooklyn. A woman died V York hospital, Friday, with symp- . f villow fever. Congress meete to i wftks. And still it rains. Are you going to 'the Danville xposition this week ? Danville Exnoitinn rm Wminns. day, Thursday and Fridav of thf eek. -Let's go. -A la ran exploded. office last night, but the fla mPK ward extinguished before any damage was uuue. If you are eaner to learn nf the manners and customs of Italy, so to cue nrsi baptist cnurch to-morrow night. The confidence pTrViihitorl here in Durham's abilitv h nnll hrough present embarrassments i most encouraging. Golden Link Lodge and Dur am Encampment of Odd Fellows will meet to-night to make necessary arrangements for the fnneml of Dr T. V. Harris. 1 heV ilmington Star says: "Dur EDITORIAL 15 KIEFS. rhkan powers are uniting for I- purpose of putting down the in slave trade. haklottk Republicans are al ly in Washington with their ap- itions for oflice. They want to : a time. , "iAiit there will soon be a car trust, organized for the purpose putting up the price of carpet i: all over this country. ::lls plurality in New York as 1 jjff appears is 17,740 and Harri 12,181, which gives Hill 30, iwe votes than were polled for viand. : seems that the East Tennessee, pa and (ieorgia Railroad is streunous- efforts to keep U the clutches of the Richmond Danville road. iiots M.adison and Polk tacL defeated in their own as presidential candidates. hare the only instances of the ;m our history. Laid that Simmons' defeat i the tact that a great many ne ho wished to vote for him Nraid to do so on account of 'ican threats. - "MAxm Yew York, who had peatenby her husband, finding asleep, sewed him un in the .1 ':it's and in that situation him soundly. fNK lliui) was not a candidate f, but his district has in .mocratic by 1,G00 majority rsuistrict went Democratic Ulese gentlemen were defeated ;tar$ ago. 'Sported tliat a meeting of citizens of North Dakota lleHlat Rismark soon to dis feasibility" of calline an institutional convention so , ii hum 1 ;ikim;i Wought abnnt nt tVie first ' t UnreSS nfter tho I'nnlifrn Harrison. . u.-wru rairioh says : A r-U1 terror" arw-. r, '7;.ov good citizens in Win 1 Forsyth county. One made against the prop es ot men of good stand . 111 the o:isp nffho r.-;iori at U;., '""Hon the menaces 50 t h,. al hy the railroad au n I . 1 hr.r, , 1,1 Kkh, "HCttlCUCU .1X1 C 11 Ut.., ana mob law is in ' Qt Tl. I 1,! Ue trUlt flfPaimo'nirnnloro DURHAM, N. C, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1888. ' ... TOWN TALK. w S4.00 PER ANNUM. Hal- Plant Photographs. E. C. Haeknev went to cigh to-lav. Mr. J. . Can- went down to Ral eigh to-day. Gov. Scales was on the east-bound train to-day. Mrs. C. M. Y. Foilett went down Wie road to-day. Dr. J.D.Roberts went to Ral eigh this afternoon. Mr. Benehan Cameron came down on the noon train to-day. Rev. Dr. Hutbnm nf tl JsecK, passed do From An Old Yank." We commend the following truth ful and sensible letter, in reference to the people of North Carolina, to the bitter, bloody-shirt waving news papers that are using Jordan's lies as a means for hurling vituperation at Durham, and North Carolina, and the South generally. As will be seen, this letter is from an ex-Union soldier and a Republican, who lived tnree years anions? na - rwi who r'hile here, did not attempt to dis uise who he was nor what he was, ut spoke of these things "freely at . v x O J wn the road to-day. .all proper times and places in a sen- Mr. y. S. Halliburton wpnr to tlemanly, considerate manner," and 1 n , . .' . " ' " wv . j linn. n ui hjv; uuiiieier ui me man mat was gave his Durham friends the pleas- gentleman, of whatever nativity or made to leave Durham and that i ure ot a hand-shake to-dav. unlitios will fi ham is wonderfully plucky, as its Auditor elect, was on the east-bound ranid frowth nnrl rom o !-. 1 vl . 1. trnin tr.lrnr i-ndn.m'n.. i, rapid growth and remarkable busi ness enterprises conclusivelv estah lish. It will SOOn rPfnvpr fmni tlio -A A V 1 11 LllV blow and go ahead with undimin- Church, South, waV 011 the 'noon shed vigor and push." A friend writinir to us unnn a business matter, gives expression to me ionowing encouraging words in reference to Durham's financial troubles : "If a half dozen more had made assignments it would not have weakened my faith in the place. Such men as Blackwell and Parrish can t be pressed to the wall. They are too much needed and must and will come to the front again very soon. St. Cecilia Society. The meeting: of the St. Cecilia So- ciety will be postponed until Friday, rsov. lod. 31. b. r ullkr, Sec v. Judges ol" Tobacco. Cant. Jno S. Lockhart. Mr. Geo W. Watts and Mr. J. S. Carr. have been appointed judges of tobacco at the Danville Exposition to be held at Danville on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of thisweek, Nov. 21st, 22d and 23d. Attention, D, L. I.! You are commanded to meet at your armory Tuesday night, Nov. 20th, at 7:30 o'clock, sharp. Every 1 - ' mem her requested to be present. Business of importance to be trans acted. By order of . W. A. Gattis, Capt. T. J. WixsTox, 1st Syt. Attention, Odd Fellows ! Every member of Golden Link r 1 xT -1 i 4 T r T- 1 ijoaare iso. 11. 1. u. r.. ana 01 Durham Encampment No. 24, is hereby commanded to meet at Lodge Room to-niffht at 7:30 to make neces- a sary arrangements for attending the funeral of our deceased brother. T. W. Harris. J. A. Stout, N. G., H. M. Smith, li. S., Golden Link Lodge No.114, 1.O.O.F. J. T. BoBBiTT, Scnbe, Durham Encampment No. 24. The Kocky 3Iount Fair. A Durhamite who attended the Fair at Rocky. Mount last week, writes us as follows: "At the Rocky Mount F'air, on Thursday, it was es timated that there were six thousand people present. The Agricultural Department was very good, and the Ladies' Department was excellent. The stock, cows, hogs, rabbits, fowls, A-p w!n verv tine. We had a verv pleasant time at the F'air and after -annrulincr two davs amid the amuse- UJVH v v rr ; menls there Ave left for the banks of the Roanoke, where we now are in Williamston." - of Pinkerton de- thefuneral will takr place to-m or row afternoon irom innuy vnurcn The bereaved wife and children hav thfi heartfelt sympathy of our com munity, in their great sorrow. May -Heaven comfort them and shed the light of hope upon the gloom that surrounds them. Raleigh on the noon train to-dav. Mr C. F. Reams is back from a VlSlt tO the ensttprn nnrt tlin Qfoto Ju b vx lhv utaic. Rev. A. Walk er hns retnrnprl frnm A " : u viMt to the Richmond Exposition. remark that his experience is similar Mr. Louis Dibrell, of Richmond, ure of a hand-shake to-day. Hon. Geo. W. Sanderlin. State rain to-dav. retnrnino- from thp Bantist State Convention Bishop Cranberry, of the M. E. w ram to-day. The Bishoo will nre ide over the N. C. Conference which ill meet at New Berne next week. What -Is the 3Iatter? The letter appended hereto bears testimony to the fact that the Wil mington MexHenfjer'x article upon the Jordan matter lias created surprise ejsewhere than in Durham. We are atished now that the article was not written by the editor of the Mes- enger. hut hy a substitute, who was impelled either by indiscretion or malice to do our people a gross in justice. I he editor of that paper is igain at his post, we iudire from the well-written article in yesterday's is sue upon our financial embarrassment, wmcli is copied hy The Blast to-day, and we submit that both the JUease'n- ger editor and, manager should ex plain the situation and clear their skirts of this imputation upon the good name ol our people. The iol lowing is the letter referred to above Nokfolk, Va., Nov. 16, 188S. Mr. J. P. Whitaler, Durham, N. (I: My Dear Sir : What is the mat ter with the Wilmington Mexxenoer? i x i . - hat a great pity you Durham folks didn't send Jordan to Wilmington. The Messenger's article on the sub ject is worse than any comments I I l ; -fii i . nave seen in any 01 me soum-natinsr sheets of the North. I have heard several of the best men of this place say you did right with Jordan. In m f - t i -i many places he would not have r i w- tared even so well. 1 have a erreat deal of respect for Durham's best citizens and 1 sincerely nope none of you will send after and bring Jordan back. Iruly your friend, T. Durhanrs3Iist'ortiuie and Pluck. Under this caption, the Wilming ton Messenaer, of yesterday, savs: "The'recent failures in our nluckv and enterprising iittle neighboring city otuurham, whilst sincerely de plored by the Messenger, in common wun ine people oi tne wnoie ctate has left in it matter for congratula tion. As shown in our news col umns, the people of that wide-awake and thoroughgoing place, are in no way dispirited or disposed to give up. wniist Keenly sensible ol th losses that have been entailed bv th failures upon the people in and about Durham, there is a nluckv spirit manifested, that more often than otnerwise turns deieat into vic tory. Misfortunes are not always ad versities. Though discomfiting and at times, working great hardship business failures very frequently re suit in the development of more sturdy and lasting enterprises than a happy-go-lucky success. This seems now to be the situation in Durham. The people there hav Death of Dr. T. W.. Harris. We record with deep regret the death of our townsman, Dr. T. W Harris, whose critical illness was re rded in The Plaxt. of Saturday -i . 1 i " 1 u HAnth rrr n tt"- i unnn . i ii i h'.k 1 JLZCk Hi VVW I- A X V MWMV - v -w-. w " X " - w 11 A. V X C A J iUli this morning, at the home of his long been going along in the easy further trouble. conuueuce 01 assumeu prosperity Jordan was driven from two or more places before he came to Dur- tUlO Uiviutug . ; k.MUno.in.lani r FncrpnP T, Hflm U1UIUC1 IU ii,ii".-"hv"" r -i -.'7 " ri;w Kik r-ion rrmna tnr inn inw revprsM in iiinnnp rnn nan JO, XvaieigM, nUCIC IJC uuu. guuv .. . . v. , v j MULij.-: UVIUlt 11U Cilllie LU UUL" treatment. The remains will be very embarrassing, does not promise ham. Soon after he arrived here he brought to Durham this evening and to work any permanent injury to the was indicted and convicted of a com- al will takr place to-mor- place. mon nuisance ; he was of a coarse. 4 . .. I , , nn . r r 1 , .1,1. . ..... "l tie Messenger nnds it specially iiarsli and vindictive nature and uRCauic lu uiaiic iuia xiulc ui ill pluck and business determinatio .1 il I 1 on tne pan oi ine uuniam peopi and wishes for them, in their spunk pronounced success." never received an unkind word or ook on account of being a northern an and an old soldier. We thank this writer for his vin- lcation of our people, and we will m o that of all others like him. Any of Labor by his anarchistic ideas; he I w disturbed the Inendly relations that e.iisted lietween employers and em ployes. Furthermore he was in conclave with the negroes the night of the election and some hours afterwards the dwelling of Mr. C.B Green,Chair man of the Democratic Executive Committee, was set fire to and an attempt thus made not only to de Scroy his property but to" burn his wife and children. It was believed and is still believed that Jordan either had something to do with this crime of arson or knew something about it He is charged with, and the charge is supported by positive testimony, that this disreputable fellow was guilty of the horrible crime of in cest with his own daughter. We have mefelv given an outl ine of the character of the man that was ow it anv well e cu be politics, will find welcome and secu- tyin.tne outh, hut we have no se for such renegades and trouble- brewers as Jordan, arid we do not esitate to say that we do not want any ot his gang among us. And furthermore, we are of the opinion that as disreputable a fellow as this man Jordan is not wanted in any respectable community. North or South. He can find congeniality only among those of his own evil and troublesome kind. Here is the letter of "An Old Yank." Read it: Denver, Col., Nov. 14, LSS. Messrs Editors: I mail you. this, lay a copy of "The Denver Republi can" with article on the late trouble at Durham, which explain them- selves. 1 wish to state right here that I am not a Xorthem Donah fare, but an old soldier and a pronounced Re- publican, i know nothing of the merits of this case, but on srenernl principles I have taken upon myself tne liberty ot denying it in sa far as it states that Mr. Jordan was driven from the State of North Carolina on on account of his being a Northern man and a Republican. I was en gaged in the lumber business in Guilford county, N. C, from 1S83 to ib, and during that time my in terests required me to travel over a large part of the State, and I can honestly say that during that time I never received an unkind word or look On account of 1113 being a North ern man and an old soldier. I never attempted to disguise this fact, but spoke of it freely at Sll nroner times and places in a gentlemanly, considerate manner. It Mr. Jordan was invited to leave Durham in a rather uncerimonious way, I feel confident there was some good rea son for it. A true statement of the fads in the case, if published, will. I think, be of great benefit to the State 1 A at large and remove impressions cal cuiated to do a great deal of harm. ortn Larolina needs outside cam tal and men of intelligence and Vit up" to come in and help develop her i,i i. 4 valuable resources. lo all such. without regard to their politics. I feel justined in saying she extends a cor dial and hearty welcome. With her healthful climate, mild, open winter she offers inducements to those who are seeking new homes, second to no .1 other fetate in the South. ';Ax Old Yank," Who has been there. In this connection we will state, in 1 response to many inquiries received from frienrl in nrirkna ca!nna f luitvuo cLiiiuiio yj 1 I ------'. the Union, that the statement of and confidence Jordan that there was anv intention to murder him is false. The inten t ion was to make him leave town not because he was a Northern man and not because he was a Renubli can, but for the reason that he was a bad man, a sewer of seeds of dis cord, a disturl e f the pence of tt community, and because it was thought that his presence and his e incendiary language would lead to w now being held up as a martvr bv the traducers of the South. Let tb whelping bloody shirt organs whine to their heart's contents, but let all fair-minded and hon orable men everywhere tnlcp thf facts and pass upon the ouestinn na to whether or not the people of Dur- nam were right in peaceably elect ing this low and dangerous fellow and furnishing him transportation oeyonu the borders ol the State. As we have previously stated, get ting rid of Jordan had a salutary eflect and the high excitement that prevailed while he was here soon subsided. Democrats and Rennbli- cans, white men and black men, are glad that he is no longer here to stir up striie and to incite to deeds of 1 violence. liis going is regarded as a happy riddance, and no more of 1 . nis sort are wanted. But all good citizens irom any section, whether they be Democrats or Republicans, will find a cordial welcome in Dur ham, and elsewhere in the Old North State. o e threatened personal iniurv to two or n three of our peaceable citizens ; he was bound over to keep the peace ; ne was suspected ol shooting at one mm. a - 7 " ' ' " 7 m w ' - v. v v 11v 1111 Ut VMlVs endeavor, the most abundant and of our citizens; he stirred up and i . 5: 1 , . . came near breaking up the Knights But One Spirit in the Community. We make the following extracls from an article in the News and Ob server of yesterday upon the "Situa- tion 01 uurham ": "Yesterday evening we met Hon. T. C. Fuller, of this city, juM after he had returned to Raleigh from Dur- nam. lie had been in Durham since Thursday evening, had talked with all its leading business men, and was and is as thoroughly fami liar, we have no doubt, with the sit uation of affairs in our sister city as any man in North Carolina or else where. We conversed with him for some time and from what he snirl gathered that one really would not know from the general appearance 01 tnings that there had been any crash any failures, in Durham .it all. There is but one spirit in the community, and that is that the credit of Durham must bv everv means be maintained. There is no doubt about it All citizens nre net ing together to this end with a vim and a pluck and energy that nre surprising, or would be if it were not Lnjrnam that js displaying th qualities named. "Mr. Carr says all he has or can command shall go to maintain th credit of Durham. It is probable that no considerable portion of the property involved in the diflicultv 111 11 1 .... . j win pesoid and none of it will sac rifwed. The spirit of the people i most admirable. Their self-reliance are remarknlile There is evidently no such thinj among them as being "downed " Al the banks other than the one which assigned are as sound as a dollar - are strongly sustained themselvc and will sustain Durham to the u most. The people are standing u to eacn otner 10 a man. They are not to be dismayed or disheartened purely Durham is the pluckiest pi in Christendom. jar. .oinconer, a leading lawyer of Henderson, to continue persona instances, went over to look matters with which he was concerned and expressed himself as entirely sat isfied with the situation, the outlook tne wnoie spirit 01 the people. It 13 prooaoie mat tne total liabilities re sulting from the crash will not ex ceed $500,000, Col. Fuller says. They seem greater because the items jro- ing to make them up are in manv instances separately stated. Inothe lace ords the same item is counted manv mes. T . 1 . 1 ... 11 ciear mat while our sister n has lM?en visitoil with n nroSi, has by no means leen 'downed' iH iy sense of the word. It is alread v on the road to rem verv-n ml wiii fore long le itself again and more.' Let ture To-Morrow Niirht. Rev. John H. Eager, of Rome, taly, who preached a very interest ng. sermon at the First Baptist hurch yesterday morning, will de iver a lecture to-morrow night, at ai uuurcn, upon the manners and stomsol Italy. The lecture will free and the oubl ie is ennlinllv ir- ted to attend. VI BUSINESS NOTICES. Parties having thret-room hous?s to rent ill confer a favor bv writing m l.tl.... rice ier week in a'dvamv. and when imw- ... 11 1 I o-iuu i-m oe naa. John I.. Mahkiuu sesf Boarders AVanted. Two iientlenien who will iMt unv 1 m ''x. 'ally r a man and wife, can s4t iirtT.--l M...r.l l.w I'l'Ivinj- to lin C'ARK ToHAlXX) PlJiNT. Special Notice. Ihirhamites, you can buy a monuuivnt 14 ?t hii-h, genuine It.ili'-m Murl.lo f. m . ' - m ' r j V ' ft 1 1 Whitaker : Ilulin. for J-mUki rtl in the ceiiKterv here. feet If you wish to purchase or rent jrojertv f any kind, call on K. I. Kopers, Secretary :md Tre usurer I)urliani litiil nnt sunr!i Co., Wright huihlinp, second floor. OF Boys', Children's and Infants' Caps, Sacks and Bootees, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19th and 20th. Mrs. Foilett offers next Monday and Tuesday special inducements to purchasers of the above goods as she has a large stock on hand which she will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices, Please Call and See Goods and Prices. IVTOTICE ! TO THE TAX PITERS OF THE TOWN OF DUEH1M. I have been nrdprwl l.v tho tvn4 ,.t rvi Moners to colle t the laxe for the year 1888 AT NCE, au.l all taxes not paid by ' ' December the lf, will b? eollectel by dihtrew. You will rind me In the Mayor's office, from 11 a. m. Ut 12 m., and from 5 to 6 p. tn., lor the Dur of receiving the l&xe. Please come up and settle and ave ert. I mean bueineM. j. a. WCKJDALL. Tow n Tax Collector. them: FOR Triump Your Sunday School ! hant Songs! The book used in the Sam Jones . .MeetiDgs by Prof. E. O. KxcelL Price, 35 cenb each by mail ; $:1C0 per dozen by express or freight. For sale, in any quantity, by the agents for this section, J. B. WIHTAKEU. JR. & CO, Durham Bookstore. S M WIRE RAILING rsnt. And Ornamental Wire Works. Ihfur & Co., 113-US Hc &rd St., Salto, Ui' Wire rallinjr for cemeteries, lawns, rardena officea and balroniea; window, euirda. tree guards, wire cloth, sieves, fender, caea? sand and coai screens, iron bedstead, chalri, setieea. etc- JjXllJ

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