T '' ! i . Tiiis goi$ isPT ji . ; ,r, ; THK GLOUK IS rnt it nnv is l i ; CUSSED and DISCUSSED. NEVER A TOMBSTONE. ; i t. KVIDENCK OK PtOSI'Kr.l TV. 4 Si............ ......... 1 ' 1 ' IT IS ALOMC roil L.IVK MK.N. !, - vol. m-NO. -jptainplc Copy jUIUIAM,.-C,,VJD'NJSIA"t EVENING, JUNE . W. II. PROCtOIt, Proprietor. . Prof. E. 0. PA'TTISQN, liook-koopeiv U. S. HARDEE, M. G: MAKKIIAM, Salesmen. It UJb FIN BANKS, Porter: Y :. AND ORIGIM AC (Orders by Mail or from the Cify given Pro nipt Attention) . -J mm- ."m t ' 1 1 - ' ' ' V - ymmw- m .m-::- -i - ::mmm-mm'M:mm : - - ....- --' ''!"' ' '" is:: -'-'i ' - ' -TV;. -' ... i - ii- ii -J . r.; .,. -j , , txiL. rz.r--T-irr---r, ' ' , , j , , . -T - . , ii ;Vv;.-M :' 8, 1S9J RaC Heavy G 0 1 Ej "THE BACKET GEOCEEY IS, AS IT EVER HAS BEf)N, OFFERING BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF Fancy; G-roceries DURHAM! And all other Goods Heedful for Man ar.d Beast, at Wholesale and Crockeijy I MAKE A SPECIALTY! Just received 25J000 plund Hulk Meat, 1,200 bushels of Meal, 500; barrels of Floiir besi-cles! a; f nil line of Hay, Gbain aiid Shipstuff. ALL I ASK IS !A TEIAL AND IP I DO NOT CONVINCE YOU WHAT I SAY IS TETJE, WHY THEN I WILL THROW UP TEE SPONGE. ys Prepared plements reeqiK risi and the!advane will be divided with the people. who buy theniJ . liine is lib hunibup a Thanking my frib j ids and ; customers; both in the country and city who - just call and I -will prove to you that Ixlon't spend mx)ney adlvcrtising just for a ! business to put your business before the public, so f hey will ;iret have b ams an(i! aye money. stowed ithe same, T remain as Friend ami AVellTwislier, it A ever Youi' ' ' ;t-i , !. 1 . : : f v - t Mil ii-, ' . : ! )out this advertise! w know or fun. I advertise because where to upon me favors by their lib3rl)tronago:.-ah(l- All thes lent. If you thi s- it is were lk-flier louirlit before the, is,; , 'that I appreciate Conflicting Keports Cbi Comlition of 4' -vrr eernin the rblk. Th (Mol.o I nable to (let Later 1'artic nlars To-dajy BUT WE GAVE f ! HIM SEND OFF I i People AVho Cine and C5j-l!rlef IIrvi- tle of Intercut to All I of The Cilobe.f .i . it The Kaleigh Chronicld i-ontained following this morning Wasiiixgton June 9.-H lleadern the I1 ;K) a. rn TJie he same. )r. e or no rifpe live through t condition of Col. L. L. Pcjllt is somewhat improYcd and his physiciaijs have hones, tLat he will live through f le night. His wife is expected In the mdr ling and tlly. have put forth strcneouste Torts to kt?p i him alive, lie has regained conscious ness and recognizes those,around his bed. Washington, June '..--ciuiieuni a. m. Colonel Polk resting Hayes at his bedside. Lift of his reebveryt though rnat to-morrow. At 2 o'clock this afternoon we learned thai Polk was dead. This morning ai 10 o'clock.we wired The Xews'and Observer for Information of his condition upfoa .this afternoon. . At the hbur of goin press too answer has been received. Mr. Samuel Adams, of to have information that dead. In any event we have gf xkn the subject an editorial, ana snau .11 truth until we hear further particulars ah npnnle-will reioice to know that we .... i ' l are mistaken. elas DirxiraQj (V, C n i-n f n han d Eolite D tfovk always on haii( k is wou auxthing you will 1 WCTDtf THF.V" STniiTr.AT ' IK ' Y71STILU AT llV f I wor pleased with your prices ! L John It. Ilutchings fc Co. are selling lots of tobacco, they have some good figures in ihis paper proving that the Tteams warehouse is the place for good averages. ! ' , -r " ' j ' : I - " ' Durham is the best tobacco marki-t in North Carolina, and the Reams ware house has the best light in thq state to show a pila of tobacco. r Try Iliitcliins fc Co. with your next load. The love knot and table decorations which elicited general admiration at the Norfleet-Walker marriage yesterday were J. T. Tin nix LoseS a Dav ill Voting Colt.. A n n1 Put in the Stable' and Lockwl l ) for the Niirht. Special met at n IN THE MORNINGjTHEY WEfE GONE ! ' M.. - ' : i - A t'areful Search Fails to "'.Throw I Any r-ight on tUe Snhjeot'of Their V hereabouts.': j- the work of 31 rs ) ,M 11. Ilibberd, who, when Mr. J. T. Pinnix ;'n forms Tiie Globk that night lefore last, at his tobacco faC' g to Colonel Po LIVE LOCAL LINKS. s city, cliims it comes to( selecting and arranging floral t,,rv th"e bay mare hich tliey jjave been designs, is an artist of the first water. . ,i',-iving to a delivery was locked up in - ( ' 1 . v " ! l-i In this issue Proctor, the grocer, has lIlt; siauie. .v youDjg coi wnicy naa oeen weaned six months' ago was in another, apartment, and in' the morning; both the mare and colt were 'gone. j A search has failed to find jthem and Mr. Pinnix is afraid khey have been stolen. Any information concerning them will .be paid for. k is i li in d Varied pieces ssware just in nt. O 1 The !: Kecord of Cuilent Kvent the City and YMintty. Five thousand new ad of crockery, china and gla -" and must be sold. . J. J. Matkay, a lluck Lea, the old ana reliable ware-1 houseman, is now connecledwiin ueams warehouse. Don't forget to calf on ydur Uncle" Buck when you ko to Durham. Colonel Shelburn, who runs an incu bator in connection with his pjiotograph,ic V studio, will receive a limited, number of Hon. I I John Ilutchings an j Buck Lea are the farmers friends, so h on jt forget to call on them at Beams warehouse witft your next load' of tobacco, and If hard some pointers for people who buy groce ties and who wnnt'the best goods for the least mcney. Proctor is a hustler and is not ashamed to let the public know w hat he, is doing, Ile'keeps good goods and is not afraid of competition. ' ' i . . - . - Of the-Durham business firms which are getting' there with both feet, the hafd ware housf of A. E. Lloyd & Co. keeps in the lead. The goods sold by this firm the past yearisiow up big for the town and gives an ylda of what has been done in the hardware line. They are also bnild ing up a oun try trade which s con stantly growing, because they sell honest goods and jtreat their customers as they should ne treated. Lloyd's is.headquar- ters for farming implements ana every thing in" the! building line. 7 For a firm that handles everything and handles- it successfully, the Durham Supplj- company comes as near filling the bill as could well be supposed. The heads of the various departments under stand their.busipess and the customer can buv evervtbinir from a silk dress to a sorth Carolina herring in the same estab lishment without confusion or inconve : i nience. The Durham Supply company is doing a great business these days, and people who wants goods of any kind should examine their stock. The, .Minneapolis CeiiventJon jSstJH 3Iou- :j . ' ' ; : "'-' ' 5 ! keying and Does Nothing 31 iNNEAroLis, June 9,2 p.m. tb The Globe. Convention o'clock. After a wrangle with commit tee j on credentials: adjourned until 8 this, evening, when that committee "will ) I i! t : ' I rjiake its report. Both Blaine boomers and Harrison men claim the majority of strength. , ! ' - . . . " -. . ! :. . f--. . '. .1 -.'v. ,-' . . - i ' i ' . ' . . .. II. All Qods (leliverejd hA). M H v f. ,;,. ' .1 No Market is behead of Durliam Gons. IJack iijtb the' Warehouse tusines.f To Sly Friends : I Having formed a business connection with the Beams Warehouse, I invite all my fiiends to give us a call. I will be on hand at all times to' guard youif interest closoly. : ; : I . j Good: accommodations and lie best ing well; COMING AND GOING light in the state. M m ' Bring on your tobacco, it is sell improvement in all grades, and now is a good time to sell. M M I ! j When you come again don't forget that you win nnu me ai me iieams areiiouse Your friend,; ; Some 1 oolish People," Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of! medicine. Thej' often say, "Oh, it will w ear away, but in most cases it weafs them away. Could they.be in duced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee tocure, they would im mediately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1.00. Triar?ize free. At all druggists. . . , ; : Bnovrys ikox bitters i.maxac i I For 1V4 Contains One Hundred Ileclpep for m ak in jr Ccliclons Candy cheaply and quickly at home. This book is riven away at drus and general store. Durham People on the Move and Visitors In the City. i Col. Jim Gattis is attending jthe Trin ity commencement to-day. "I Mr. and Mrs. II. JL Martinj and chil dien left to-day forl'a summer irip, : ' Mrs. E.j M. Graham and chjildren left to-day for Lj nchburg, Vdi , td visit rela- lives. . ' ;; MM: Col. It. II. Wright is home min after a trip abroad, and bis many friends are pleased to note his1 continued improve ment in the matter of health. I.' . Mr. C. D. Whitaker has returned from Goldsboro, where he left his father much improved; ' This isjgood news, and The Globe is glad to see its foreman again on deck. ' ' m w l- t " Rev. T, J. GattSs left yeserda3r for Buffalo Lithia Springs where he will spend the next month or sixj weeks, in quest of lost health, having been a par tial invalid for,sojietime back! ' i r1 j r 5 M They are giving away 10) in cash to purchasers of good's at 'Bawls (New York Cash Store and are sanxrous to Jiave every One call and get full particulars and se cure a share! pf this grand! donation They mean business. Wm. Simmons Liver Regulator ble in the nursery.' It is a tuve and harmless A is Lea. invalua- e laxa- j t . i To insure a hearty appetite and in creased digestion take Simmons Liver liiogulator. v ; ; ; .; M -4- A certain cure for malarial fevers is tnd n Simmons Liver Regulator. Glen Alpine Station,'N. C5. feb. 13. "'.-.'''. n ; This is to certify, that three yearB &tm I had niy left leg- amputated four inches below' the ! . f: ' i i M kjnee, caused by blood i6ison and bone affec tion. After it was amputated there came a rhnning ulcer on the end of it that measured 3ri inches one way and i inches the other, I i ': . ' ' '-'Ml i tiid continued growing worse every day .until good aHracs. ' M REAMS WAREHOUSE lis ALWAYS TO THE. FE0NT. BEST LIGHTS i We guarantee the Top of tho Market. Ni THE STATE day,' June 2, were the following. How docs it strike ou ? :- Xttipng tlc many Falc.s Thurn- f l.M One lot PITTARD & j . 74 ponds j TOO 1 44' 40 70 90 210 28f 130 40 G2 100 J. 'ATELLO. 'U h One lot S. ,S- MOOKK. 52 pounds 0 32 84 M 0 McCAULLY & ANDEItSOK. One lot 20 poqnds 22 50 29 50 20,00 22 50 10 75 15 00 i 75 7 50 H 50 8 50 10 75V 0 ) f 31 50 22 50 24 00 12 00 0 00 Me lot If Sou (feel weak, tired, add all run down. Hood's Sarsaparilla isnust what you need to build up strength and purify your blood. ! f M ? In all derangements of the liver a cure is certain, if. you take bimmons .Liver; Regulator. a: short time ago. I was given up td die by the i 1 - ' ' " - I I -i test doctors in Charlotte. I heard of the won- djerful D. B. B. I resolved to try that.! My weight at .the time I commenced II. B. B. was 1?0 pounds. When I had taken three jbottles I gained 37 pounds in weight ; when I had taken twelve bottles I was isound and well, but con- : j MM ': - I titiued taking until I had taken fifteen bottles. ' - i - I now weigh ISO pounds and measure five feet - : - . : ' j . ., I . a jid three, inches hib, 1 contend that your iijedicine has no ejual as a I.IgxhJ purjiSer. It certainly worked like a charm. 'I r ;.- . : j. it. wilsox. .40 20 ?A 20 294 304 123 274 1. I. Une lot t L. I). EM Ell V 12 pounds f 40 1 , 20 '''.' ' ' 10: ' f - ' f 9 fX) 11 75 11 50 ,22 00 30-00 20 50 17 75 1.5 (XJ 9 75 $13 00 19 00 S' 00 13 25 11 75 ()ne 4 .1 .r lot MRS, .MARTHAJA. PHELPS. One lot GO pouinds m t: - it 50 90 . GO 50 $ 8 00 13 Z j 21 00 :ts 50 29 5 13 25 10 75 One A. W. UMSTEAI). 10 pounds ' 121 " ss 51 " 50. " 74 40 " , CALVIN CRISP. 21 pound 40 " :;o 30 " 72 " 172 " ,:;o .102 194 " ot OndJlot ( X LAWRENCE. .190 pounds 114 " 150' M. 100 110 v 94 " 12' 140 ' lis 40 '''."' !'' .1 SO A. A. LATTA. I 20 pounds i 50 " . 22 ! 41 50 " 02 " i 20 ;4 i. t i 1 1 11 , 25 m i :J2 5f) 21 -ini 15 00 8 00 12 50 $ 7 :.1 10 00 22 50 40 ( 41 00 :?j 50 2i 50 2 .V 13 m 11 25 12 50 $I7;T5 nr 5o H m 19 () 19 00 12 M JO 25 21 50 23 00 9 00 1 13 OO 19 75 17 75 13 tr) 40 if) 30 IX f 23 .V) , 12 .30 0 0) 'J! NOTICE BY EXECUTOE ! " ' : ! M ; -MM . f. . , - ' Having this day qualified as Executor of tbn last'will and testament of athan Carlton all nrsong havinir claims against said; estate are hereby notified to present ibein to me duly j verified before June T. ISvcJ, or this notice will ba nleaded in bar thereof. And ail (persons I owing said estate are notified to settle with j meat once. JOHN" T. BURROUGHS. I Tui3 June 7. Ibtt.'. x. of Nathan Carlton. Our Market is ts good aa any in the land. Prices holding up well. M Gave 03 a jcall and will shbw j oil that I'Durham is the let Market and Ieam3 Wareuoae the place to ell your Tobacco m ' Youri Friiead. : -.'-- ' '''if-:'" -' ', ' ! JOHN E. HUTCHINGS & CO. - .-4 : l .1 tit i A;

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