1 ; v i : WEEKLY eJLOB15, lVEiAKESi AY 8. i ;. , ; ' . - : ' I r : - . : '- . L ' " "'it -; ,.',:. : .. '..'.; . - i : .' t ' ! ! - .'' . .'"' .' . , .' : , . . 1! i XUJi DUKHAil .JUNE ! 1 1 i BLAINE IX IAND OUT ! ' M i- : ! The Plumed Kniclit Gives Earrison a Suninse.1 !tl Getting Ready for tlie Nomination lie Resigns llis Place. BENNIE ACCEPTS WITHOUT The Greatest Political Fxriteineri THANKS for Many Year ton the a Great Convention." ' r - T I '' ' From Monday's Daily. ' 1 ;: Washington, .lube 4. J i i Blaine resigned the porfolio of ! i t Known of mes u. ecretary of state at 1 o'clock Uo day. President Harrison accepted it in hour later. No ink was wasted in tie correspondence. I s ir on both sides it was. cold and iformal. There was no expression of regret on either side, and the president even . for- T I I , got the usual courtesy of expressing his appreciatiop of tlie services rendered by .the headjof his cab JJut Mr. Blaine s letter was aJ hitherto t ; net. ; .i dec,lara was ac tion of war, open anil fair. It cepted as such, evenj if, in hisj haste to take up thegauntlet lest hesitancy might le attributed to fearj the predenr did forget to be courteous or even dignified. Apparently no one of MrJ friends1 had any intimation as - I tcntion. Maybe General Clar those who arc looking after t tary's interests in Minneapolis knew it r t bui party leaders in Washington did not. Hut the steps h aviig' been rle Blaine's i 1 i o; his in- kson and ie ! secre- iJed on. Mr. Blaine did not .wait to cisult hi f - i . . friends. W!!h his tibial fir rimers'" he acted. It was hist V2A't Kclock when Mr lr. Dent irectlv ta : ti 1 s joc re Blaine's secretary, of his chief. Ho went the executive mansion. In I reposed a -communication ad! 1'rcsMcnt Harrisoii,.staled h onv.-ir.ni nt lite iaiei ueTjrirtii-nt. l'ri vale Secretary Ilalfonl jfeceivdl the mes left the- lgnation and the acceptance to the press but declined to talk. ' Secretary Elkina said: "Secretary , j Blaine's resignation does not change the situation In the least. ' I still think 3Ir: Harrison will be jrenominated. I do not think it would be justice to Mr. Blaine to i . say that his withdrawal from the cabinet is a declaration that he is a candidate. I do not construe his action in that way." Assistant Secretary Crounse Uaid: "The letter of Secretary Blaine, wjitten to.Mr. Clarkspn sometime ago, I. inter preted as a frank full withdrawal from the presidential race. His resignation at this time, however, I regard as a complete-withdrawal 'of that letter. To me it signifies not only that he will accept the nomination if tendered him, but that it. ': ' he is possessed oj the Assurance that his nomination is in.pight. His resignation now is a proclamation io the world that he is a much healthier man than he is credited with being." ' The announcement of Mr. Blaine's withdrawal from the cabinet turned the discussion in both houses and congress ! - upon the political outlook. JltX'ItEN TALKS IT OVKK. "I do not see," said Reuben as he came in the oflice and put his foot on our desk and borrowed a pipe of tobacco, "why some ministers profess so much sanctifi cation, do bad themselves, and then com plain if one of the flock goes wrong. I was thinking of the case of Dn. Tver, who kicked a man out of I the East Dur ham church this week because he took on a little too muh cofiin varnish. - The gentleman who 'was. "churched" says that he did drink !a little but that was not the cause of his being bounced. He says that he had! talked a little about yh::t tlie painted sirens had -said '-about t&e good and holy. Dil Tyer, and that enraged him that he just bounced him -jrtentk-man who was bounced s u.l that lie wasnnotSiiiJ0 meei ms to o;. and if the stories nbont tWJoClor n filliid were true, as he verily believed, h 'would not be hot 'enough tc boil the sin out of him So i believe that preachers i I wuo live in ciass nouses snoum not oro- w 4 f he I.ittcr tore open klic letter "DEfAUTJIENT ok Htate, t "Wasiiinton. June 4, l'J-?, 12 "To tho President: - "I respectfully bdg le ;ave ;? L0VES03IANIA. ' , The latest sensation in the wav of a suicide is the case of a young girl in New Vork a girljyoung, beautiful and gifted with wealth, position and influ ence, all in fact that makes fife worth living to the average mortal tjo smooth the rough places and round the square: corners of the years which, in jthe natu--ral order of things were supposed to be before her died by her own ihand and in her own father'p house, all because of an insane and idiotic idea thatlshe loved! a cheap fellow who happened iiot to love her. ,. . j ' J This luckless maiden, who is described! as possessing all natural and lunnatural graces both of person and iptellect, is said to have .been the happy possessor of wondrous Ion g and silken tresses, such as seldom seen outside tlie charmed circle of aside s jow or a freak house; that in these same long and silken tresses she felt an especial pride and pardonable vanity which caused her to devote the larger part of her time to their care and arrangement. - j - ' And it so transpired that when this frail and fated maiden resolved that in failiug'to attract the eye .of a brainless and pennyless arid soulless idry goods clerk who chanced to have regular fea tures and a good set of teeth that all was ended with her, to add brilliancy to the tragedy she fastened thej long and silken tresses about her swamlike heck and let the. beautiflul golden bi aid's do the cruel business. 'j . And such brain sick idiocy makes peo ple tired. . . , j There' islsuch a Lhing as. love stronger than life and enduring as. time. , But such a love is not set down in the cata logue of sentimeatal sixteen .year old maidens who are not out of the, alphabet of existence, 4inU when "'occasionally such a passion akes' possession of a human breast i does not hasten to put hope forever out the range of ipossibility by ending that ex stence upon which all depended. j The Globe says that in this age of advanced thought and social freedom such occurrences jas the case just cited REMARKABLE TWIN'S. i: TWO I WOMEN SO NEAR 'TO ! DECEIVE THEIR H ALIKE AS US3ANDS. Sirs. Coombs and Mrs. Turner, of Sprlnjj : field, Mass., Dave II ad Ias jof Fan in ; Thef Lives Becaase of Their jGreat Re semblance Mrs. Coombs Stoir. 'k- '- l - ' : . Similarity in facial appearance has of ten resulted in mistaken identity with the snbjects of this sketch, Irs. Levi T. Coombs and Mrs. Josiah Turner. ' . ' These estimable women I are twins; their maiden names were F; . . IL I ette "and Florella Antoinette are a sad commentary on our civilization. . It remains for s6me moral scientist and ;nth century bencfactoi to decide that love is a disease jnd discover a gold ie. president and read n miacuousiy heave boulders at, their J neighbors who keep their windows open." cure for the prevention-of suil And the. feUowj who gets jthe p5 right will be a winner. " ; j ces Arro- Foss. It ' will ! be observed that their ni ials were the . same, the middle name j being be stowed on the promise of afpearl neck lace for each. I The Foss twins were the daughters of Dr. Simeon Foss, a Maine physician of the old school and a Mason of high de gree. They were born in Belfast, Me., Nor. "22, 1825, Frances mafle her debnt in this world half an hour before her sis ter. ; i. . At Paris Hill they went to school with the late Hannibal Hamlin, e x-vice presi dent of the United States. v . Frances married the lste Levi T. Coombs, who held the position of depnty sheriff of Androscoggin co mty, in the town of Lisbon, twenty-one years. Florella married Josiah' Corner, now dead, who also lived in the " own of Lis- bon: Both have been schpo .... . . -i .i and inseparable companions they we e i KEEP THE ItECOKD STI5 IGI1T. . ' . i . ' ; : I There is journalism and there is jour 4-7 p. nr. vliut the meanest thing I have heard," t I r. T.i t.jL t .i 1 -" i? tt nalism. AVe " -briar that, snmflf nf Mri rw r lr.vu .vM.w w u.ua.u uxa auu - , i WJ' sttn nf tlp lniteil States, lb wldch I hi nVn nnil tnU a ilrinlr T nn tnM thot 1 SilOUlU not nave wa3 appointed by vou on t March; 1889. "The condition of mother died when of age. . ' s - ': r It is difficult to distinguish the ! other, and the photographer who took . their pictures persiste d I that Flo-, rella had just been in the rosm when,; in fact, it was her sister wl o had been there. . . t . ' ' Frances has given birth to six chil dren, all of whom are deac but two Walter Coombs, of this cit , ind Simon Coombs, now mail 1 agent 01 jthe Maine Central railroad, j j' ' . Mrs. John Staples, of Charlestown, and Charles E. Turner, o ! - Lawrence, are the only living children of Florella, who had three in all. . f. i T,he height of the twins ii exactly the same, and twelve years ago t ley weighed just 200 pounds apiece. : ; . Singularly, when one wot Id fall away in weight the other would ( o the same. Their aggregate weight at r resent is 3o0 pounds. I I . 'I These duplicate sisters thi ak alikeact aUke and haye never adopl ed diif erent characteristics of dress to avoid mis takes of identity. . Often one has worn ""-s shoes, while yeas j ago their ')m i ' i i pocketbook, and money came 1 1 'I 1 i it did not matter which one teachers Their 2 years one from A GENTLEMAN OF HIS WORD. come home wh6 had felt that he was urday's issue'. public bhsiness in; cured of the damnable disease of drunk-1 T t iho -at,.A - V,W V V S V. W 1. - thf rlpnitrtmpnt of state iustlies me In'lenncss. was assured bv tho harkffnpr rcn'uestine'that ray4Csignatibn ije ac-j that air Keeleyites drank on the sir that I controversy - - - L . . I . " 1 . . . 1 . . 1 . .. . . I rx.. rr: r ' . cepted immediatly. 1 have th nonor to hcihad sOnie splendid whiskey, etc. I do auu k. aki; iue ulobe nas no part t T I . .. 1 ' be, very respectfully 'your obellieht se vant. i hands with pome two hundrrf lie said little, but it ie f.V.h, of this is a fact that one fellow who had Mr. JJ. N. Duke which appeared in Sat- other by our given, names "Mistaken identity was almost a daily occurrence witn us in purr younger. days, remarked Frances la few days ago. "My father always caBea us 'crirls.' published the. card of and neither of us ever addressed the never each other 'sister' instead "The reason why father I be'-kp.t., straight. In dressed us by our given names was due between iTit, ..Dusi i to the fact that he was always uncertain After we were marrieta people ad- not'want to belief e this but if It is so, I It considers both parties gentlemen-!- dressed me by my sister's rjew name so Goi pity the abandoned wretch who n.i mr thrl 00 vin.t. ;,t,D J often that 1 declare 1 got puzzled my- - I I -e"' V" .jv-tia.w laiuau l,lll,cu3. , j . , ,A . ,1 'ii-. beu.uute, auu uuui.uu l lur tiio; iut 01 me Turner or isrelre Years Not Too Long for One Man ' i to Kcmemberis Fromlie. - ji ! ' What makes some men the soul of honor?" asked the story teller. . "Every 1 one of us has had some experience in life to prove to us that there are men of unimpeachable honor. I ' think the most honorable gentleman whom I ever met ; was a man of absolutely infernal luck. I first saw him in a frontier town. He had been a cowboy, but he had got taught in a terrible winter back on the plains, and at the time I first saw him he was only a wreck of a man, with legs misshapen and weak I and eyes that were nearly blind. He seemed to be just clinging to life in that little! Colorado town, doing what little he- could in bar rooms or going slow errands, until fate should be kind enough to take him away fromhis misery. , ! i f He stopped me' in the street one night f ' Will you len4 me ten dollars?' he said roughly. I am in a bad way. and 1 need it." ''".-:' " ' . ' .''-. J "f'NowJten dollars was a good deal of money to me at that minute, for in my western experience I had my . nps and downs, and at that time I was having my downs . . j ( 'Wouldn't a dollar do you?I asked.f or the fellow looked so bad that I wanted to ! do something for him, but I knew hat I should never see my money agam. " 'No,' he said doggedly, 'it wont . l want to go to Denver. I am about crazy with pain and I want to get; there and ke if I can't find some relief. I haven't a cent in the world.' (There were a good many men in that little town-who were in the same predicament.) ! 'But I can't spare ten dollars,' I an swered. I need it'- f I' 'You don't need it so mucb as 1 do,' hq said fiercely. 'Lend it. to me. I'll pay it back to you. Give me your name land address. Til find you if 1 live.' I I'Well, I gave him the ten dollars. 1 told him that he need not worry about I paying it back. I expected to get out of I my troubles some day and then I should net feel the need of it : j ' 'No,', he said. 'I won't .touch it on 1 arty other condition. I want to i pay it back with interest 12 per cent, a year.' (Money was" worth something ort there.) ' ..pr.-,' '. . ' . -';i 'So I Wrote out my name for him, giving him as my permanent address the hdine of my family in the east The nejxt day he went.; to Denver. Shortly afterward I climbed into a saddle and rcjdos away to 'punch cows." 1 punched thjem with varying success all over the Cilorado grazing fields for nine years. Having had enough of cattle raising by that time and my ideas of great fortunes having been considerably modified, j 1 scud out my cattle and came back. I "Of course, after the first few.months lie: my loan of ten dollars to the fdllolnCg came" into my thoughts, cripple, he nevfcr wrhen that ten though there wereSmssd friend, dollars would have been aTJT5i!-Iind but I completely forgot about it. been east for three years, had married A VERY OLD S,' List FOR ELEVEN HUNDRED YtARS IRE LAND HAS HONORED ONE MAN. Has Tteen The Memorr of Patrick Cherished by Irishmen and Their !) . scendants with a Conslstencj That ltas Been UnswerTlnc Th rough Slany Tears. America, so far as we know, has no patron saint Columbus was.j never cin cnized, and George Washington lived too Lite for 'such honors. But 'she haa compensation for this lack in the num ber" of 'saints brought with bjer pettier.. St Nicholas, St David, St' Andrew, St George and we" know not how -many thore have become dominciled, each bringing his quota of ; history, legend, poetry,' song and genial association, but they are incidental throVn in with tho bargain, as it were :and bur republio has no one patron saint . j We would not. willingly say a' depre ciatoty word of thoso distinguished per sonages whomWe mentioned, but simple, modest, historic truth compels ns to say that no one of them is more than a "cir cumstance'; on . American nil to hin whose anniversary day, criisp, breexy and. bracing, calls out the ling proces sion, the harp-decorated green fla and the indestructible shamrock! which re appears in . fresh verduro cjvery year.1 For something liko.l, 100 years tho l?th of March has been observed as St1 Pat rick's Day.'j . ." ; And yet it is curious how entirely this, eminent saint has liecn overlooked in naming .places. You havo sainta nil through the alphabet, from St. AlUins to St. Vincent, but no St. Patrick. Tlio Scotch have got in their' St"And re w, in the cold north, to "bo sure, jis was fit The Anthonys, Augustinesj JJernanN, Charleses, Christophers, Clairs, Francis es, Johns, Josephs (run into Joes pro fanely), Lawrences, Lani4s, Marys, Pauls, Pctets and all tho rei havo their names linked with towns, iarishes. or streams, Init there is not - a notable St. Patrick's anywhere. This rjan only bo' explained by tho modesty of those who , hold him in regard, arid it is a wrong that ought to be redressed. ' It is to bo" lamented that fio. much of the poetry, song and drolleryjof a lively; mirthful, j mercurial and iinaginativo people- have gathered around this name that the historical character s lost tight of, and' thero stands up to the opular eye a legendary figure, exorcising tho snakes and displaying tho f shamrock. Nothing can bo further front tho reality than this picture. A great amount cf real scholarship lias been expended on the investigation of ! St. Patrick's his tory and while differences of opinion exist as to 'details, St. Patrick, unliko St' George, of England, is reeognized by all as a tnio mari with a definite record ahda solid claim to tho veneration of the good. I p- ''! ,!,''' According to history, Patrick was a Qn. either on tlio coa'it of" famerT,- most jof the early handsomest children in New Yorkwhen France orf Bcrrcnting n m ns a letter was forwarded td me from my church authorities reis111; fit.bpr's homo "in MfM.ir.riihRflHjL . It w.o being born, aboutv4I0, in tJt from tha crionle. In it was n. oostofTir. uw" OI nw iniogn( order for my ten dollars and interest on original name Vas Succatli, which th itlfnr'twp.l va vfiars'iii 1 twr mnt. .amhnth I early writers of tho Irish Christian We called j i till u. nW luo jnuuu . muifi ui uiQ- inu 3tniU .TkMKrt U. IlLAlvVE." woulil rilieit a refnrmerl mn tr fall tr I : . ' I 1 6 . 1 .1 n , J , , 4' , Lri 11 -r 1HE ULOBEpnntfcd Mr. Carr's letter to tell whether my name - YVithout a wofd the president Landed! go back t6. a hopeful and happy - wife ' ...',. , v i. ; , , hjrnh i . .1 A , 1: ;.l with bleared eves' and the seent nf Heth which Mr. Duke took exception. The Hombs: ' : , n I V .' the message to Jir. iianora. inen.-asiii - n . . r ., , , ., vv e tooK our nrst riao on 1 . - i 1 f. . unon his'breath.", Globe has.-always, said thalfc all sides ,i U reception, i.il he went to the east rdora, wher he shook: a nap am jeft town on the first train. And Reuben got under the table, took j could have a hearing in this paperj. If had seen the cars before. At d guests.5 was apparent that AM) THIS IS TUUE. 1,0 "ivoa .Ininrr 0 "hpiiTi o' thinkinW The! In his tobacco U.ntinn over, lie hastened to iucch. but! Yesterday, Hev. cretarv i 1 ao's resi- Ile, .too, recjption over, he hastened to lucch, but was bfick at his desrkjin a half Hour after he had received Mr. hlaine's letler: 1 . It wa3 2:05 when Private i Halford callel at Secretary. Ilia t . , dence ; on Lafa-ette square. bore an ollicial envelope, which In the hands of Mr. illainc nims letter it contained read: ; "Executive Man ' uWAsniNbTON, June "To the Secretary of State: 'Ypiir letter of 'this date, t head is always lev talk in these columns Alex Walker, whose rel, concluded his articie by saying: "A lazy. man and a politician seldom succeeds In raisins: fine tobacco." And how true this is. iYet Mr. Wal- r ker need not have confined himself to the single proposition of a tobacco crop. We earnestlv "none that whnt Mr. b placed yALKER suggested will lk taken as ber- f,. Thelconal bv all classes who deal in nolities 1 'hi 1 , j -1 ? ior a living anu an jazy men wno ueai in nothing for a livinir (): lier papers .CaRk's letter r DtrKE'v it'tter lu business. Any www ". ho v in yAVi'V can $ man is responsible u?es language tha of state of the United States, your desire are such as to lcav choice but to accetle to your once. Your resi-rnation is ther cepted. Very respectfully yours "(Sisrncd) Ukxjamin IIar "Hon. James G. Dlaine." to Sec- president wks busy Was on its wa ? While this letter i f ! retary Blaine the 1 sending telegrams announcing til I nation of the secretary of stat other members of jthe cabinet. fifteen minutes Attorney-General Miller f was at the white house, and he irpt the ox,- . 1M) 4 i nderiu a railway We niever that time i 1 i , ill nATTi frnminprA in o rnaicA'fh Pn-rlQTiri' letter, n:en we . siiouiu nave rctuseu. to Ryhen we i alighted at Sac print the loiter of Mk. Duke, i I closely resembled the one . in But . wo; p'riiited one we had ! the and I stuck;to it that it went; with us;: ... 1 right to print an a larjgiiagc was decent-.- s - i 1 ; . - . . v . . . r r- tic ' 6eax was jusz aneaa or nim. fue;i; to print Mr. rtitoW Qrta ofoii u 6t)ory."--New York Tribune. t tiiat of codrse is their aisle to let me into mv sisterfs seat ! ''- ! .Hf WJ .ilU A Falthfal Car Horse. tl ill V I f I I'M I II I I II I r II IIIIMIIIJN IIVHIThtll'I I e . ! . 1 .lis m in x ijiiv . i i. 1 1 - a aueer ana iniemzeni jorwicn nni lrfj oil o r ll'orticnmnnl I lUr lllVStill. AO UlUSLfaLH IIOVV BH.S1IV I1H I -o - . 1 ' 1 iijtiu&u t I ; ' J . i i . - . !..'; 1 j 1 I was fooled: I will recall tTiAf h'tiiaVIipti I W ?.ur , pvrueu tne . . V rnv InrshnnnWotn Wodgtog r Im.i lift m n-kn nW I X' MT J : " T 1 X-" ma ua!ui.c3 auu I , . lr T., V-u JJtl-1.- yay nun a uaii. uuugo viia-ui uci 1111 ta there, and I knew him well, but my sis amount was $34.40, his loan and the in nsweri-,s ion- as thl time in church Jude Chamber- . M". aa lffl tnougn tnejnte ns w er as long as the ,. fiitt- fn v , R1-stPT4 1 M v, tHe boy would .not ; be anything tan are The lazy man an I the politici two extreme. For an end wh: luiliorps in Qiirlit tli r-.Ul inian will xert " 1 purieiier 01 inis uaic, 11 uueriu 1 - j 1 " " your resignation oflthcolliceof 4cretary PTht aml day Pever ceasing until his as been I ambitions have been realized or the grave is decent For our part wej sincerely icgre.t that ter didn't the two tactions in this city remain so far I As I entered leisurelv- mlv husband . I apart; and we earnestly hope that the said, 'Come in, Mrs. Turner, and be I ' 1 ...... 1 ., - 4.JI t I 1 r.-l-.Ui. JJ. L l . , I open lener ousiness win cease. i I Beaicu- a.cw a 6uugui iaco mug as AT Iioq frrA.to Oi m rn,a n,4 1 WJUiU UlllU UO llOXL U1UUUUW3U 111 IU tne juage, wnen a smile on tqf tace let supporters and so has Mr. Duke. . place in. front of it and helps half a mile to Rockwell street. n.. J. . 1 L l J . -1 rnired Th-1 terms in which 4ou state takes, him in arid covers up over.him. ' "Ul ,l wu1 s,s ue unuersioou luai husband discovered that ho had iritro- - - - 4 1 t . 1 thn rr 1 11 m io - r 1 nr fir -v- a w-wfi, . . . . . , . 1 : im i ho r o mi 1 a Tft t CxT- u'tpq i crrrwir . a r 1 feme no He is indefatigable; he will lie for his r " it.jl-T I T aed ms te insteaa ot Aim iTnrner. 7?" aZZ . 1 tin. tingM with IsIim t candidate; he will misrepresent the other an' ' snucsji-au-uave a lieanng. j wnen we uvea m Aunot xve stuaiea 1 TtT" " I tIlw: - Celtic, in which his "Confession.- are . 1 , i ti i j I 1 i 1 e j 1 1 1 1 j 1 rr. aiiu. pun ti w rt ltin lax r.11 ljxa n. . . fpllnw on.) r,rais'e. hi nwnthe nmfP. .xr ' rencn unuer jraraun uoiies. yua uay 1 JX,' L .iv":Hi written: ( - y i 1 iwiiuMi t 4. 1 j jjj ' m uonom or m a 11, Domenmts sue 1 1 .., 1 .. uau. a peiieti icuii auu biaimr uiu iiui 1 , ,. . . . .. r 1 - "i am ; irrealiv a ( (- trr n tin. . tvhn- -l i ttt . i. -. i 1 a . 1 I frop.rlpar nrnm to r rant in Knnnre I. . . f . . '. . 1 . w ners. we snnreji arpuna, ana 07- "r I V ' 1 bM u fore ac- .1 IISON". ! the while, being) the grossest misrepre w - . t 1 a. WW - - m mentation. 11? is not inuoieni. lie is if j beJievel that xKcn the end does come? doing work mat would not only raise a There was no word in the letter except church stated meant 'bravo in heart, tlianks for my' kindness and the assur- and tho aUu name Pat ricics was laU r afieo that he was now 'doini? nrettv Well' JYen to him. 1. Ifj him.1 - ! - I i At sixteen ho was carried captivo into j jf'I call that man' a gentleman and 1 bcUnd and was in slavery for six yearn. Mid him so when ll wrote him, and J llf g as a herder in comiira- iajso told him something in the letter ve .loneliness , 1 woods and wihU tho xvhinh T hnrA u-nnU nico Wiri ttiat Christian truth of his early days rami on that day I had made the first bank to. his mind.: He iaye.1 meditatod, tne aepot , . . heved; and when liberated returne! Ui lortlana, l . r o , ya home what would now bo callel u that though the interest for converted, act lyely religious man. He re li n U ou lihl 10 menibered with pity tho heathen amotik' PTfT P?r cent., the deposit ought to bring him m. h? hvf h .ih"m a? :J good luck. .That's all there is -to this a Christian teachery -That is PIkI 10 nave oeen aooui tno year i-k. jjm preached tho Gospel with singular elo quence and such extraordinary effect that - ho established Christianity is the Franklin 'street hill' horse, strongly m Ireland that t could not iging to the Kdrwich Horse Rail- overthrpwn Ho baptize the kinjsof! Dublin and Munster and tho ftou of thn y company, b or several years she has done duty on the hill, and knows quite'; as much abopt the business j of oyee" She has no driver. After break- xc hiBlTpi?xna at Armagli. f.it Kh trrid?e nn to her Ktatinn at the IIe d?votol Tn5ch attention to the sap- king of Connaught. Ho aLwj ctablihetl numerous monasteries. i St. liernard testifies' that St. Patrick' ,! I hbutSInl ItST- my Hf. de ' voluarily takes- her IJSrSl .rW or 49? tMt .u a,nreroi1 wwllb .f bllacein.front of it and helps to drait I Lv . ? 1 J .r 7 .! fast she trudges up to her station at the foot of the Franklin and when a loaded car street hill -alone, pTefislOU vrrj- one of the con.M-; r comes to climb ?1c'ncCi, fft Tthc .ltlcfl W? Mv ti.Vpi W the age. lilo Uiwl.-m Down, Ulster, on know the parson mistook me for sister and I And death doth close my weary eyes instep,; recited the lesson for her and jnb one was That God would knotw my fearful sum Of sin closed eyes e'en, then woluld weep If I believed that Gap would cast ine out And stoke the furnkce in the sul-plrur hell-' large crop of tobacco if j applied in that direction, but heis performing labor that would make a good crop of most any- ejresig- ! thing; he is throwing away his time to the jwhich would bjuild a successful busi Witi'iin ;,ness but he goes on through life allow- ing the weeds to grow over his whole plantation, and finally dies his life a T . 1 president company until Secretary of The lazy man would not keep down the . . i . . i . - I! . ... . I .. " War 1 Elkms arrived. JNeither waited nweeas eitner oat tne ' : . It: 1 ! L long, but the way in which they; ik. t a I . "V"" TH 'allow that the crans wouldn't be worth noon indicated their agitation. ' L (lprn anvhow.' than to out n.1 Keln The "V0 cordprehfcnsive poem-was written ' " ! .. IL' 1 .1. Ii . , I by the Editor, If anjt wall-eyed pelican wants The news of the resignation crtsjtcd the hake them worth something. td say that it is not poptry-weareprepared to most intense excitement tnrouguput tllC 1 1 adii oi me i u e lis me ia.y mau anu 1 aamii inai muca 01 iu out win ais prove inai Mr. the. wiser. : . "We used to attend parries in my younger days, and on one From his Wbite.Thirone where joy and peace' the fellows come in after' the girls, 1 do dwell ' ! . r started off with sister's fellow! and irot llllU R O t UIU f VI LUUI Z IU I KMXUA f - where the cars are started, and exceeds ies is Stan I do believe that then this wicked bit, of .qlay Which will arise nm down beneathlhhe sod, A better chance will ptand oUthatdrefi day-. When all are called, before the bar ol(5op i I city. I Few would at first believe a f -i Blaines most intimate friends j anticipate It. . The consensus ot 'is that Jir. uiaine lias tnrown clo 1 gauntlet, and that his resignation 1 claration that he is, a candidate. The'effect of the opinion jiat there woulil be no real difference. I itself un in order to I T ; - . I - ' kvn the I Thev are both watts and sores on the resignation at and Mr. Ii both Mr. Harrison, nress the fear that the friends of the qther will be tpgj to go actively into ,lhe campaign. 1 Mr. Blaine gave out copies o ept theSnylhinS' i tt ' Ibn a box scamp never had I Than hypocrites who! with cheek sublimV .,!,. 1:, ' .. I Prate of their virtue which they fcave not spt rather sit around I - ... .i , . I T o ttnti1i1 1 1 .1 Such scamns will siizle till the end of "time in front of; some grocery and Tn the devil's hottest boiling pot. toved his graro t-o largely ine. that multitudes KhouM be , t 0 v I Vin-rn nriiT in I Ztui thW.ntrii vha nn.l TiiTrt r Vi rt - f Mi TT"k I Mr. t ThA hill ! j 1 , - TS ry ' 4 ' v v , of these; clergy should .bo eveo'w hero reached. Connecticlit Cor. hew York L..it,.i' t. r"V 1.,, i..r,.t ,'t.. the faith, itvhom the Uord took from tho a' . Si? ! m 1 i ' 1 t rrt . t tVben I'ot Is Dangerous. . .extremities OI 1110 Clinn. 1110 inoll, Pits ia nf-firct licaHJir' Rxr ita fr no. WllO HCVer Maa tl . knOWl(-li:6 OI quite a piece with him befortll. told him nature peekg t - heck or curoin. God, and jhithctio workhiped only idol he was mistaken and had bel ter go back flimmation; but if the pus cannot find a and unclein things, 1 haire lately Uwroo afterhis girh I 1 . - fr vent it soon becomes 'septic, when the peoplef the Lord; and aro calle.1 .Once at dusk Mr. Coombs was going f ' medicine offers anv bor. and even a thesonsofiGcKl.- J . surgical operation but littlei; The time The-"CpnfessionA" the hortet, tle for an operation is-before the pus her genuine work, without! later inUrrpohV comes septic generally on the second tions is ih the "Book of Armagh,- one he nnlitieians we are nf the deliberate I it is the truth. And we desire:tO state here luai iruin la not ca id not rare opinion, as would say, that f . .i . t t . I luai, iruiu is not larintr u comijaenwu aaru t . I about any frills or rhyme or rythm or ornar snase em oom up in a ments. The lie is the ithin rhichlmust dress t an audience; - i i i . . - . n : n .1.. J VI 1 I a de, treat body of progress ; they are can- started to Hendersoa. If CAPriix R&'s tcrs which eat the nutriment they are j train, which left a few minutes after the Old a Ulrnnes whieh kteal the hnnev honest I Man started afoot, overtakes him. he expressed people make. J i' adeternilnatiohtoridepart of thdway. apolis is eagerly cinvassed. Friends of ; - rorxWr. jk nriwrv hi, nUhad kn ne- ex- I J auk. conimenctuicm season is now I tne l am Jr arm onions and win present thera Rlinne- home from the store.. He saw m v sister on the ! other side of thej treet and thought it was L Florella had a bun dle under her arm which he ipiistook for a baby. My husband thought it strange tlat I was put at j that time 'with' my bby, and said to a clerk that he be lieved Frances was 'crazy and going to drown that baby.' i" - j I used to fool my children sometimes or third day. Youth's Companion. Why & Steamer Vibrate in Calm Water. Mr. Yarrow says that the cause of vMjrauon m screw vessels when running inismootn water wit n their propellers of the ricjhest literary treasures of tho Irish IibTCnes.r- Daniel D. Bid well 'in New York Ledger. ! An Awful Thlue to RetnemWr. When a bachelor getting out of Ul whll immersetl is miainl v -dne to the on a cold morning decides to keep on his after they had got; to be-uite iare. Uf-ei produced by the unlmlanceJ xnbvr night robe till tho room gets warmer , Tienever 1 wanted to go away my sis ter would come over to my! house, put on one of my dresses and stay with the children till 1 got back, and Ihey would -L- It ".t J.-ff rr ' St" :c-l.i- no Know tne uiuereuce. ippnugiieiu Cor. Boston Globe, ing parts of the machinery, such as pis- and then tons, piston rods, valves, gear, etc Awl oric 1 imes. f either is nbnli'nated Ubout over and lhe sweet Sirl graduate to Coixisei. Harris, pf - f fa" J . the Itoos oa' cut j lis-res- diner womanhood. And in this connec tion it might be! remarked that now is a good time to mike butter. It will "Only be one These open letters dull days. , flay till to-mcrrow. . furnish subjects for the er Labora- J ' l ; Unfortunate: nankioaon. - Mr." Hankinson Here are some choco late creams, Johnny. Doyoui think Mks Irene will be downeoon? ' : j Johnny (after stowing: them away se curely) -Yes, sisTl be I reckon. I wish it was you. aownjp inson, sis was goin to marry instea that stingy old Snagsf ord. Tribune. Chicago urty soon, mk- Xeter Get Hart.. -''"' .' 1 l' bid Lady O-o-o! 1 Horrors! There's j 4 a n "' a t a runaway, ana meres a man in ine wiigon! O-O-o! Hell get killed! ; Bystander Calm your fears, inaL:nj.. HeTi come out all right. ; Tisn't a man. It Is a boy. Good ISews I tVliite of llgj; for lJoanwruft". ; Ltf egg, flavor with len&ti and sugar arid :e some occasionally. Cw x ork JoiomaL ''-- thoughtlessly hurries away to breakfast! vfhero people smile lyly and significantly, it does not ald to his joy Lto rememljer that he did not make tho chango in the apfarcl ho contemplated. Chicago Tribune. . Cale Catalog Was n Krly Hier. A Washington real c-stato man, wish ing to show Caleb Cushing a piece of , property; jwa to!dv to call at 5 o'clock jjn the morning. Tlio man was not iw rn-jtomel to fetich early hours, but was Advised by oao who knew Mr. Cushlng to le prompt.; As he drovo to the dor r tt tho appointed .time Mr. Cnihipgwaa 33 the steps. Grtn Bag. . . - -.- - I ' i 1 ! i il t

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