try a jury to lay of. the public Cameron and He and makes the bridsre be given a in as good "Appointed change the route road across the lands of B Major Collins, near StagT the necessary location across L. K. I f Ordered that John Pea drawback on poll tax for 1 ! On motion of Mr. Tillet it is . ordered that Trinity' church trusties! are. allowed tbput electric" lights in cdurt room pro Tided that they leave i wrJls, condition as found. , : II 'JJoard then adiourned fo meet at the 1. and "NV. house at 9 o'clock a. m. ! The board met at the blouse of the aged and infirm at 9 a.m.pursfianf to adjourn ment. ; I . After a thorough examination and not having any complaints t hear from any cause tliey returned' an house at 11 o'clock a. m. On motion of R. C. Tilley it is moved that the petition to remove the voting precinct from Parker's ; , From Friend to Friend uoes tne story ot ine excellence o Hood's Sarpiarrilla and what it has ac complished,) and this is the stronges advertising which is done on behalf o this-. medicine. We endeavor to tell honestly what Hood's Sarsaparilla is and what it will do, but what it has done is far xnore important and far more potent. Its unequalled record of cures is sure t6 convince those who have never tried Hood's Sarsaparilla that it is an excel lent medicine. General Agent Wanted. Mason to travel, appoint and train agents for ! largest, strongest, cheapest Masonic Life Association. Assets nearly $200,000. State law complied with. Per manent, profitable, pleasant work. Ad dress Fred. II: Brown, 701 Phoenix Insur ance Building, Chicago, 111. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use. p court EROWN'S IRON BITTERS store Mangum township to Red Mountain be received and that due notice be consideration of said I come to you With a small affair that you may need, in j-ngianu, ine uonij- considcred at August mieting 1S92 and nent and many foreign countries, mysejf according to I and wares are well known. Many Amer ican families on their return from abroad that the clerk advertise law. On motion, of Mr. Tilljyj it is ordered that the verbal resisrdation of James Yickcr asst. sunt, of wolrk house be re- i i ceived. The county convicts" ordered to be worked Durham township . Mangum Lebanon " Patterson " Oak Grove " Cedar Fork " Xhe following- accpu .ami allow cd : Ilanip Umstead, moving ONE WORD ! given that the emoval will be bring my articles with them, for they know them pretty well, but you may not be one of these. are on motion the several Confidence between man and man is slow of growth, and when found, its rarity makes it valuable. I ask your con townships under the fallowing appor-1 fidence and make a reference to thfs - T 1 I w ' tionment to commence July 1, 1802 : y days to . to njs were audited 1 Jconvicts in -3Iangum township, wood and meals, I. A.G. Cox, lumber for L. II. bridge, Sarah Raines, caring for! Leanna,. Umstead and child,. J A. W. Tilley, supplies lor com ; pany, 3 ' ' James Glenn, smith wort. rcartj ights in May, pointed janitor C. I. Fisher, frosting 44 court house, W. C. Carter, janitor fori Y. C. Carter was for June. A. K. L16ydf hardware fcfr county. A. II. Stokes, rubber stencil for county, j Mrs. II. D Leigh, sewing acct for "county,- II. p. Leigh, salaries jself and guard, : . if II. II. Sim?r jail acct fojMay, J. C. Brewster, witness 'ticket state vs. county comrlissioners, J. A. Ilolloway, smith acct, $G 70 4 88 ." 00 3 li 1 11 00 Vt 00 Journal to indorse that confidence. I do not think it will be misplaced. I make the best form of a cure an absolute one for biliousness and head- ache that can be found In this year. The cure is soj small in itself, and yet its com fort to you is so great 20 minutes being its limit when relief comes that it his become the marvel of its time. One and a half grains of medicine, coated with sugar, is my remedy, in the shape of one small pill; known to commerce as DR. HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILL. It is old in the markets of Europe, but .is new to North America. . The price is as low as, an honest medicine can be sold cenu a to try at, 23 cents, sample vial, purchase.' postal card j forj a them, before you DR. IIAYDOCK, 63 Fulton Street, N. YJ .i o; 3 10 i 103 00 i f 7 40 10 CO in the ' ' ' - vY . N ' t mm the i I way of present; time is a good time to buy j what you want Groceries Dry Goods, apd our store is the place where your mOiiey will 0 farthest. Our! prices are so low you will pild bundle upon top of bundle "loaded," and your purse id lighten AYe cannot enumerate the bargains w to seeu'svask for what you want and y oil in the. city. find. it. i u0ur BestT Family Hour is the finest HBNUYi JBORIJETK CO that until you are then feel that not, much the 3 offer. ' Gome will be apt. to A FULL pSjrssi Tt;is a Very satisfactory thing to template., llhose who squander 1 money on poor oods and ; bacl bargains have. j;l i .tliin purses. :l. f"'-1 i'l : GET THE WORTH OF YOUR liONEY. have less ttan o lie-fourth. There is a strong Mc-Kinley feeling in 0'r uelegation. Outside of North Caro lina republicans are for Blaine. VVil Williamson says! if Harrison ' is nomina ted he does not jwant a eat in the con vention ; he is for Blaine. "Nichols i al most lost his religion, if , lie bad any, when Williamson defeated him in the committee," said a colored delegate office con- tbat you need Fly ans : Que Pill is a Dose. I'HICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. i - . FOtt SALE lJV ALL DRUCGISTSa EVERY PILL IS SUGAR-COATED. If vour druffffist does not keep them we will mail them free to any address on reeeint ! of i 25 cents, lire vials for one dollar. 1 BUY AT ONCE ! DO NOT DELAY J .. lmDOCK i CO. W. 31. Yearby, Sole Agent for Durham. )0 cents are 'rices. -1- - . , . .. CALL ;ANI) SEE LLOYD'S HJJBCB WJlBE the This is the season of ;the year ! and My Iran Those Wire Window! Screens at 40 and; 1 I cheapest thing out. Our Lawn Mowers atiSo.50, S6.00 and 6M are extremely I low and 'thev maket a pleasure to (f ut grass. Whi'r'o roimtain Freelersi Water Cooler Etc., at j IJUlLUlIi X Hock US ulT DUKHA3I, X. C. ST0EE, holder. Central North Carolina dele gates, absolutely but for their bread and butter, would bfeak away to Blaine and McKinley. TheVe may be a break, but Cook, White ana other office holders will prevent it if possible. . ; . i . - i. A Safe Investment. Is on which ial guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a re turn of purchase Iprice. On this eafe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in ,1 m m . ... . . every case, wnen (used lor any anection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consump tion, Inflammation bf Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc- It is pleasant and agreeable ,to taste, perfect. l'y safe and can 'always be depended iipon; rial bottles Ire.ef at It. lilaeknall v bon s Drugstore. ' : ' . ir The need of a perfectly safe and reli- able 1 remedy foj: the peculiar diseases of summer is universal. As a remedy for the household, office or the farm, on ship board, and for travelers by sea and land, Winkelmann s Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy has proved its inestimable worth inithe prompt relief and cure of all dis orders originating in the stomach and digestive system, such as cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, cramps, etc. Service able under all; conditions, and always ready for use ; is perfectly safe. I . i . : ; ; : . : U.. . . To prevent fevers, keep the liver active and bowels regplar with Simmons Liver Kegtflator. Happy and content is a home with " The Ro chester ; a la.Tjp wittr the light of the morning. Catalogues, write Rochester Lamp Co.. New York. tm Pies -rAND . ; - v ' Blotches ARE EVIDENCE That the blood is . T . - 9 wronp. and that nature is endeav oring to threw off the impurities. Nothing is so beneficial in assisting nature as Swift's Specific (S. S. S) It is a simple vegetable compound. Is harmless to the most delicate child; yet it forces the poison to ike surface and eliminates it from the blood. ' ' I oorrtracted a severe case of blood poisoa t oat unfitted meSf or business for four rears. A ; few bottles of Spiffs Specific (S. S. S.) cured lice. J. C Jokes, City Marshal, I Fulton, Arkansas, i Treatise on Elood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swirr bructtic Co, Atlanta, Ga. - 7m$$u I .Ells mm l let us take your order. That isn't &Q unreasonable request to make and it's easy enough to tell you why! At is to your interest to givo your order for groceries to a grocer who will do it justice in every particular from the most Insignificant of article! to the moit '.'Ik 1 ' ' ' lmDoriani. 11 is. 10 vour lniercsi io.ix ,.! . I ' i thoroughly assured that the prices willuc as low as they possibly can b consilient with the best of service. Because wd will give you the best of service at the lowest of prices, we repeat: Let ns take your ordr. ' ; " j j ! W. H. PR0CTQE. l7EflKEJES8 r V QUICKLY. TMORCU9KLT, tOREVt cannot - fall I cm bM tt tri dTj ntrf J7 ramn In bo4 tirt, Xraif odt. . Kj ."t. All petnttmrn of despair. nl If rom. I brialrvrM booor till ezvti brm rr BtallwlM! rr. Ottr B.tHr, 3 rSIE. 2I213ICAL CI