t;: ; ' r' ! i X'V ....... . j ;f -" : ! ' . ' , ' '-: : mm n ' r w IV 7771 " t - , 3) 1 i That a paper ''! tie , - L i T I " I , A V I i- 111 I I 1 V I i ' If 11 i ' - . 1 S cuitutnr and t-.ati, itlt Ute ! 1 Durham.! -J .-lit LiJ i Fnn - rg rN liM- rV 151 ; vXZi (ZE5) ClV, si;; The liTt, wealth., moM w.djlr . f 1 ll I i J U I " - '; XSJ Li3 V- :,L ISJ B II ,,,,te. tllis 1 : f ? known .n.lpi-.n.n in N.h j . Pjl t , Vfc ' U " U U U U U U V U; ! i M i: ' '. t 1 " V; " .ir TxVLtlx, fr Lvlt fr ' oltjr. rlsocpeaxe. : , j -j f . : j, ' UKM: pr -.-- : - z7"'VrTTTT . InURILut Ix. THURSDAY, MAY liKKJ. -V;!':' : :'f 'j'- ' : 'U ''1 T . ill"; 4 -i - I I . I .-rt-fc.lt . - . , f ft - . I I s i i lU'iiiiiTJiuc i n 4 to ' ; 5 ! C f V - J -j-l 11. morion, wbo w I - M , ' : ' Ar.v.iau?tordy v: l J ' ' I between himself a?' Plaifurm of Organ iza tiou. i We publish hffre w ilh a carefully cor rccted copy of the Democratic Y Oranizttion ninended aDl an of in North Car!io, as changed at the recent inceilnir of the State Executive CwAimit- tt-e. All Democratic jconvcniionSihere- aftor will be hel l ami all Demojcralic candidates wiil be nominated accmliag to this amended plan, and ihereforejeveiy n.imrit aiinnid rend it and learn its provisions. It is as follows : 5 ' ritECIXCT okhUnizatiox. 1. The unit of county organisation each the THE ; LOWEST : BICES ! -AM hshall be the voting precioct. Inj (inct there , shall be elected by Dt.locratfc roterj of the several preicincts lo tbeVjeelings firsj rolled bj the county; raefkrber hVt.tf-pV&- fa!1 I?;feside at all commuiee" eiinf?s. tn of the several InMenJ Boy arid Sec 2. The chi? ta of precinct committee8iMil cmpoBe the county executive" committee, whici shall meet at the same time andrlace as the county convention ,first heTd.in each election year, and elect a chaiimanf said county committee, who need hot be a merober of the committee, and life shall preside at all meetings of Shi 1 cobmit- tee, aud shall hold his place until his successor shall b- ejected. A msjy of said precinct chairmen, in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum. The county committee shall likewise appuin rnt ml mmmitiee of rive, who shall act in its stead when the county committee is not In session. j lu case there shall be a failure on the part of any precinct to elect its exe cutive committee for the reod ofthirty days, the county extcu.ive committee shall appoint said committee from me Democratic voters of, said precinct 4 Tl.e mem' ers of the precinct mittee sLal elect to -any vacancy riiiit.ia sai i committees. ThH couniv executive com I iry of tic county convention shall cer tify to each convention trie vote receive bV'each candidate at the county conven tion, and no other instruction shall be r-iven Provided that where only one 'L.11,1.1.. L nresenttd it shall be lawful i"" . . t6 instruct for hini. . ; i At all State arid district conventions ie delegates frorA tic different pounties ,4ay disregard th? vote of tneir respec tive counties as tb any candidate, ,pro- dtdtwo-ihird majority of all ma votes from the coun'y consent thereto. 2. The chairraaM, br, in nis uu, ahv member of the .county, senatorial, judicial and congressional committees, DiUil rU lo order tlieir respective wu- vention?, and hold chairmanship tnereoi until the conveniion fuvl wr an.. I i i' a Th. Tecutive co nmlttees pi iue - ' . . tvl.lt.!.1 rtrt1 Vaeoo ifioniA ana, juu i :-v'.tji litIoA ichftirmen. meet at 01 meir ici"";'- ; - i . some time and p acel in their respective .WatriM9 designated in said call. And it sliall be their duty to appoint the time aid place for 4ol :?ng conventions in tbeir respective districts ; and the chair men of said respective committees shall immediately not fy U chairmen of the Ai(T,rnt countv executive committees of tieaid appoint neni and the said coun ty executive conimitees shall tonnwuu Ju nBpniinnW l&eir respective coun- - nfrmitv to said notice, 10 seuu MAIL Roldcn onrls arid tnuoeent vrhite trow. Arid like red rone petal blown apart. And laughing eye of blaet-1 py;you now. Com-' yvt a :ittu clssr to yr h-art! g, Kay.ar not I ThyVtKld hriart ' nnderj Lovo that trusts all and.tnewa not to con- to hf.ld thy tiny, wwut . . C9UU1 OTAMS 4; delegates to saui m id respective 6i" f 4 tipns. c m- becur mittee STATE respective district dele; district conveu- conemtion- Ch;ldrens shall call all necesary cunty conven- T 1-4 . '.- " j ; -...and.... . ; ; CISTS'': lT!iMSIIili : MM J 4 I ti mi rv giving at leasi ien utjs uwi.v. advertisement in three buouc nreclnci. at the court 1 . Via nfm m.e State convention sun. pjsed of delegates appointed by the sey- eral county conventions, r.ucu stll be entitled ko eect one delegate and .X alternate fori every one hundred and r,rL Dt-mocratid votbs, and one.delegate fractions oVer teveniy nvC i. i .uJ-,.t ot thplftt.nre- htif votes, casi lucici" . r- - il election, ana none so ele'cled h'H he entitled to sfiats in saiu couvc. . i Ti,-.t iirv county oh'ull have at least one vote - 1 vttition. fo C! ce I) ling gubernaton t ,l..lerates or a".ernates by public tn 4Cfckfh Iiru.a v. - lioufe door, aud in any Democrathrnews- paper that may bej published ir) said county, n questing an lycimnian. county to meet in their respectiv pre- ciBCts on a common; uy mnuu olc...., which sa'd day shall not be lessj than three days before the meeting oi me county conventions, for the purpose oi UUUI Theieunon, the mefctiogs That I may warm my withered .- thorn! . T ; f:.rv.: 4 .- Ob. U t we fHt'.-sincn in BI "f0,, Ko c artLly lova npon're? Hfo hath That b.-avc in nincj ksth rerred f ;r me The ud tbe cliiistog ef a child. - Atlanta Constitutioa. PROFESSIONAL 'MOURNERS. Curloua Calabrlaa Custom J Which May E Observed In New York. f : In the Italiauarter I found myself the otliec day in bae vfhich hadbv darkened by a dcuble'misf ortmie. A lit-l tie Italian- boy had fallen from a fire ea eapeo ;the ptreeadbeen Jastantly. cTrlpou ithe ody of Jier son; went mad with gric! 'aud attempted to take her own life. She was taken to the hos- ?1Tlie hoy's body lay upon a table, aid tVTebilirnni stood at its head. At the eido the buy's foster father and ,rif t,,;,lt in crever, ! Seated about the room was a -roup of worneu chant inn- mi Italian death. wail.- One of tn TVOKen raised her face, and her quaver ing voice filled t ho -room : . "HaKMiWM departed from us for ever !";!'' ' : And tho U hers vlroned, the refrain: TYv.ovpr !" "He will never be absent from our thoughts I'M ! nvw-frraii onr thoutjlits! At.-t c,i r.n. fitrwhe and antistrophe, ;,v,,--Avuil le;ttiiuji an the ihorus Wll 1 ' - " . . ,ini.t n'n'ri la sound .to move even the . -.;r.ilii iofS df a reporter. Such k-eoos r.re -tot uncommon in the t.boiich- they seldom nm r,i.deiJ thoeycof visitors. .'The pro fnni inourner is an institution in iaiy Christmaa lristmaa keep it here? ake Diercea trie gloom: . I "Mamma, isn't there; in heaven?" i "Ves ' darliuK." answered the weep iAg mother. "It is always ti "Tlien whi don't you Kted the little CirlL bl'lieve baby isn't dead, hanc up her little 'stdekin, mamma, an le's all hav CjbrisStmas jns,'. the sam4 an bkj happy, , like slae is. " j . j Thfl child's wisdom prevailed agains. the unreasoning sorrow pf the mother,; and tl e little! ones are lfappy and busy filling the stocking of th baby who will kep Christmas in heaven: . s UGHTN1NG AND RUBBERS. ' i - I " dJ.-L - tVearl Oolohe4 Dnrlng innnam- " You Are Afr.IU. I rrv.1 Wins which la woman most Ufthan-intr. of course a mbuse and being4 out of style is a thunder sliower. Many mose espmauio nuiwTru, ter and force, who can lead gteat cru sKdesUnd revolutionize society, go all to pieces at' t' clap of hundcar, and a good many men, too, for that matter. ; 1 It is not agreeable to e struck by lightning. Nor is it ati all necessary. There is a vsiU preventive sure as it is simple, iuexpensivff find always uc- a n:iir of rubbers ii a-wuiu. mwri I I MniTtllT I ill I, III! Ik I'tUA W 1 J.A . Dl 1AJ J I'"" ; i When the ligl t;he thunder t the flor so else, she will sealed in a gl Rnbber is a itv. and if tninc becsiia ro uasu auu o roar, and! will Stand cm that she - tmiches nothing ln as safe h$ if fhe were . t i . . ass case. - ; i nonconductor of electric- khet lightuijug haB to go Apt Ina somo of tod provinces of southern Italy. ;hc the oni-e belongs -entirely to tli BotMf viis analogous! to the Irish kociior.'f hx her vail N nnder its potent fH ".f evam-scent, ljkothe tindul.Uing.jelliptlo ai ; rings of,-bmoko tjmt' rloiit pat tha -tin" windows. T)io attic is toll win- down, except, the flooi.rocf and,themi. plematchwi bolird dala Tho Initio room L .,rr,lir.riv iu cr.4n 1 the floiir is car- wtod "with dull gTeenldonim ; the gabW nxjf iicoverna who v-' "i- hne a green wicmticuw u htirnr cloth ; a broad groea and white utripod ujwrninR shad tha sunny sides of the liftle honall tha carelessly strewn cuhhious, though of varying designs aud materials, are of the same general hue, andgrea fiKured denim draperies on plunder brass rcnls hang ready tocxclnde the wholt? outsida world if it ia dcsiro.1. I Bet it is: ihe window grvrddna thill ;4. li irratest charm to the place. Lorr deep boxes of country earth and loam give gustenanoq i to thickj tangled clumps of tpicy pinks, old fobhione4 rose bushes and honeysuckle. Tinea, clanibeting over wire network relliBoa, inh ti.etaohorically; kill two birdj with one stono by literally preserving the birds that is, the hen and her chick from disaMcr and upholding tn itAinerv of the vines, Of course ilho ben iwnot allowed the lil)crty of thiis garden in the ajt, though sho keeps a vigilant and dctei mined eye out for opportunities t maraud outside her own domain, which is quite spiwioua w.noii to kiwn her hal and hearty, apparently contented with her, lot and giaciously disposd( in. the .rtutter of. egtrs.1 DanieiAttiea Jilenuica-fWhich ia imp evidently oe-. at in race Cf fowls, YONDER. Ant fl.'.y lit .' (t IiiihI mr Wbvrc ant i Tr .1 toi : frit i ml Au3 rr (at u it lb ri Jf or oti Ir r. U t!. b'U.t'jl t f "WUri. fi.rnJt Ijtg iilJ d.hI 0 rt M Wtlrr U! l (ttl t (llnr. h li 1 bm fonfe loi bt-ti. tti N . i J.it etrr joi Vr. through th if IVf trout n. lo tri ti.i aia', Wi4 i 1 t u..u r .l ,.a rta rt. 4 And tier moti !t4 iwt.tLIn Cl4 tL muI Aud grr ya'.ui U ., I !. b I f ut Bl. i AnJ inlii'.,)!! tiOrlk Iburef iioa . i With f .& a-cU.ut iutro n. l tL TUuk l Oud. 1 ' Jot orrr yonflrr, av r fM-i ! Arr Ihr lleul ! ftiti 1 ' Svuliln lit lort4 l-r ti H li"t. TLrtu rfutin br.iuar tiwui 1 tltr Uvt ru(t:u. " ; Jut ewt jrnW: I to ay a U fc. , A n.l thrrc ffirn '.a Mni tru ! M t'. t The nutitf gf M jr nl th l.nnli 14 f. Aud f ruja llit cruc!B4 ! lJ ! ' -J. Ui ittoii Smith, la Mill co S;hat4. ihrough a shept of rubberj to gett at u it will leave you alone anu iao ihincipisft. In other woMs, when yon jiave on a pail of rubbers fapd aro not iti.J contact with imy tiling, y n aio insulated. I , rrwVo ii. n.-. n theorvs merely Ip.f T.rnvrfl bi iimumerabN exp( f"-"lT"' -1 . L l i .. Ufa rnHiora li:is K IVPU llJilli v u m 4aii. U4. z - r - W. Filger of- wus . on GEN KUAIj 1 KL I.ES. t ' oil conventions the sliftll be selecuo, from the ..lrtinir lh.ir Ueleiraies lO iue tuumj ccm vent ions . . it -1 .l...t .lulorrotlia tn r4n so lifld snail eieui ium ... rWent tbe pteciLCts. in the county con- ' m.isri of lhA rdanec- VCDIIOUS III Ul 141 iv,v, - - -T-r - .. .l..ln nl!rh itl IPO-BlPS Or live young pmnn-is, ..t iiu m Klmll attend, shall vote delegates as near as may, oe, friends and supporters oi r.:.tididates voted for, i. Such delegates-or alternates ol abt'ent delegate-as may be present at any Democratic convention, shall fal lowed to cast tlie wnole vote to wh-ch tbeir precinct or county may be en 3 In all conventions provided for by this system, after a vote is cast, .the.e shall be no char ge in. such vote until the final result of the ballot shall be pri ced by the1 cbafrman oi earn wu- ,nt with the ditioreuoe mai inre mu?i;'Jl than weira, whe-reas tlio "Keener w, jvr..i, i :.. .i.vi,Ki. snivthiiiff hut musical. Tho Ttahr-n wallers they are called M..i...,r," in tbeiir. native tongue aie doubtless desoendau!s5of fho profession- al muunier.s of ancient iu.me. i -.o:i:iiibn. and -theuj thunderstorm Lastumi her tionvco ri-...i.kii.looTM-it Mass. . V liilUlUlJVIv 1'"1M ' .1 bnnr. iiii Bost uiiarbor,- wnu a U..ir iiin.' He was on det k wear- s.t ,.,iVitfi- bohts. but steadying ! ...Ji i .. .. ,-;,.t J.nh!n ".frimi" IllO iwitn one uaim oy . y"'v 1 It is a riences. a pilot- thunder istrnekl the top- inters. Tl,.v are M, M wus f u . I it 4 1.,.. .-,mnr. ij most : me puiwni m. v " I - . , ' ii.,.. for tne ruuutr .. 1 1 . n lti 1 11. 'v IT - I H lli - I clearly lpiie.i in i.ir - mve Wert zo a.d Caldlna and m py; , ns t ie corre the are regularly retami am. V i, so ed with a l o. m other ptovinees a ie! V J main topmast Lightniiig mast, j shiveri Jig. it into sp tha o-.tha went the cunen L . .' , . L .i.- . ivi.U.i 14 Jniittku uncoiisi-iuu.--. . .'r i 11 of ai-lios ano p: .'nah. If it boots, the furrent wouia ltirelvthninUh hiiju. As it it con Id not; get through t paired down thel cable. ativo of the! afaicled tam:iy may " H" i.ftoffl. mid lead'! the chorus, or the fnrction mify Iseof a wholly miscellane m, ...haracter. all the monrners joining in a soug of wo . New York Hera Id. Down ger was recowr- ins, but, had tiot beeff; well to add that . ' ' t ' i rabbet's to be ettective agaiui i .i.nit RouiJd and whole-i D L, n.,,I,d.l iKiii with a crack ' iii the toe- LLi4,..ti !f-itv will cell but (if " very :silli hole when it U cdrnere 1, and a bair of defective rubbers ill d you no ;gOOd.i iN6W lum riv Ever Shown in Durham. i. oldf 11 t I Uv aaa w - i full Democratic strength of their re- voting precincts ou all questions . r . S.I ...... t I r fln come beiiire eaui wuu i l ucii no meeline shall be any precinct in pursuance the pi live Hint may Venli'ons. held in of made, ll. or no eltction suau e Iho t.r.ciuct cxtcutive committee snan ippi iut fcuch delegates l 1 (XX) Men Suits from fM tiV 45() Boys Suits from to 12.51 i ,(X)Chiltlreu Suits from .rK-ts. to 7.50, ; i iro IV ir Men's Pant from SOcts. to O.oO. 4U) Pair Children Pai f from lets. to fl.jj t -lll M'.I N IIIIHI I .. - " l imh l.irt from lrK'-tf. Siaifs from r-t 1,;V)) PairSmpMV.lor l-KlMAUY. every precinct Stc 0. At J.I nntj-iihAtf. tht-re t.hail, beiore aeiegi w meeting oun- ralic executive commu- thejpower to fill any n tneir iijc-"' of the different iy convention are elected, be a vote for may' be representee tne ...s . . I , I t a for the dinereui cuuii whose names the delegates shall jvote in convention their respective precin accordance with their vote: that rh candidate shall receive IThe chairman ana taken office, and county cts in is to in the nout ven t ion. 4. All Democi tees shall have vacancies occurttng bodies. "ho Chairmen i cotnty convent ons saU certify hells t of delegates and alternates t--" enl district ami Statte conventions, and a certified list uf saii delegates an. al uinat. sto the State invention shall be sent to the secretary k the State central Cfhshailbe the duty of the county committee, and of its chairman, to fur nish such information and made such re po'rts to thechai'rmaii of the State com uiitte as be may1 desige . A. pair of ghtniug not put THIS CHINAMAN KNEW ENGLISH Geaius Toi Expression Scientific- Kqaipment. Eqaai to- nii to 81 ro. to ;x'ts. i. oni oei. say, tirffiurt meeting. secretary of the precinct meeting shall certifv to tbe county convention the vote Uiv"..! Iiv each candidate at lb pre cinct meeting. 7 Each precinct shall be entit iWlrient rolb-a Nashville Home rr,i4 r.Td Polk nlacei on Vine street, the home of President amfesjK. Polk, ano the scene of many brflliaut gatherings m former -day, i viewed, with interest by pressions of legiet tt irc. 1 104.m5irv f theWpll ----- who view tl.e picturesque rui zi... fl--4T,i tivit tJie historic old home e-.,nri Rbfinld'have been allowed to fall n.V. a state of dilapidation. They think the old place should be inaintou a is, m1 iremir for the sake of the me mories that surround it. It has been ...1 thou nnco ruav it wuum aesieti iiiviv . i r1 ... tlie hen's claSsu-al nam I.Min4 tn iv'fuio old La .r,,Thrr iifi.rilMirs'. tho doves, are on the most amicably terms. -'oW Yorki're. :- 1 - I -! I- !": THE TYPEWRITER'S WORK. ' '! .1 -f ' ". t. i riinrAVa-o May Tlilnk Pbo ! Only Orn mental, but Jslm. I Not.:' Few peopli imagine the amount of la bor involved In a day 's i typewriting or realize the digtanco the 'hand travels in that length of time.! v Tho highest rate of Ered cvr attain ed is 200 words a minutb. This is sup posed to be tlko result ot tne nion rapiu movements tuo BBm;ui uama "i bio of. Tho person making this record maintained this speed lor ouiyjour con secutive minutes and has never been ablt to exceed thatt limit !,,, ASs'ttinins tho words ftveragou fix ters npiofce,- ll 2U0' letters a miauto wera written. f". !..!'.-. I V It is estimated that to maKO acn ter the fingirs aro railM0 a i,f two inches from tho l;rybo4Td, Tw0 Inches added; for tho rtrsuiingiinir ment make the ringers travel four iucn before each letter is isirnc.. ' pert's hand in writing theso ?00 wor.bi traveled 4, uu lncuets ' V- A A the minute in which fho wroto uio -vv words.. . ' . I " ' ' J Bnt this is untistuik of course. , Very rapid writing U ft f pee.1 of 7p jvords a minute, and this rate is too fast for com fort' Practical work is 10 pagt flof legal paper an hour. Each pago contains 800 words. . I ' 7 DEAB OLD LADY. ed to to 75c ts cast in the county convention one vole f.,r every twenty-Gve Democratic Collars, Gulfs. IIkcrc send as hie s etc., in ciulles! Utti&i latest, styles a id lowest prices variety, etc,, all of1 vote?, . j e tbirionn and cne vote for iracuous ui,.." Deraoci'atic votes cast by the township at the last preceding gubernatoria elec lion: i Provided, That every voting pre ..I i i m Kail at leuist one ciuct snan ite euuuiu . . vote, and each precinct may inanv dtlenates as it maj see lit. 8 The chairmen of precinct cojmmi! hMll Tieside at all precinct raeiungs -i....o anv mlier member of LU I IJ x. " -" " . aid committees may preside ' . .. f VTIAV J AND niSTBICT I d-' t. cpvral couuty conventions . . ii i. .r,iiiipii to elect to their Sh Wf l Coins "Atoervs t Therw Safely. j An oldwomin wearing a rair of ! gtjd eyeglasses was fa pasaenger on one of the trains from Buffalo o ew York. She had come through from the west, and tlie nervous way in which she gathered, hr bundles around her and the number cTquestions a11 -.showed thji ,1 .... Jnstonied to traveling. sno was i ., i m;i-v. I Wfhen the traiiiboy cme . thronglrwittt. epistlR b s assortment of boats, Bne wuuu h m the facts that ahf was going tolsew Ark to Beefier son ? and that she had nht seen him fir oveif a year. She grew ivwi home for the official resi Uliiiio t." j rpu., if Tpnriessee'a 'eovernors. xnt excuse that can be very properly offered v.rilHims for the I present-couui tiou oi ithe;P61k place is jlhat they have j nothing to do with it, the proper y oemg Tr-. i3 feared tn i ii.-i, riivision of the property, tht old place will be cut np into lots, and if that i3 C.ouo tho homo of Polk will he.e only a -memory. Neville American. fTlMLUUiitl V . . i ni.-it-a llf-d an "express"4-i. .t special bill pjinted and delivered quick i v.- iionii n'mionnciiiiz tlie arjrival oi IV UT . , m Py special ioods, etc., as a: rtieans oi adveitisemenl Our frien4.Tohi China-; ,nn atCautoii, not to be cmtoonpin iiot.Q4t iup followiu'c lemstlo as an til V It?. J.WUVAl y " ' "exprbss" Hst month, highly amusing: i. ' , rnR SAL.E, npt 'pipnnenritt Oil Made, Prom ft9 Koally dud w'.hich is Soi His Funeral. Eluffkins' wrote a very'bad hand gen rlly, but i in writing -hurriedly, mak a friend, he lying for half ; COUNTY 1. The taiKative ami csam. j - t,- t"Mv son Albert's a great preacher, jie is a Methodist, amd I am a Metho d'ist. I tanyhtjhim xthen he.was a little bktof a boy what was right and what wrong. E(e hast been back to see. nle for oVer a year. I live way ontm vr.-ii i eonldn't get away rim . . 4- ens ma nnrl lie 1 , .I'-l Jl T I I,. Bt.ll 1IVI .' " " LiXJ uiiiiiv.h or1' 1 IV iU" an appointment with excelled even hiniseit. w i,o,i ipfc. tbe letter XiJ lien i , . . . aniiour, and on going to aa. r envelope, he happened 10 Sum - Scarcely a word couui no ua.i-.., but calmly inclosing it ho said to nim- After all, what does 'it matter? It's Hawkins has to read it.! not L "Boa U SWEOrNAPDRAGON. Mind Players of Male, Ijcaf.s. pi rnralilil For tho SKtmesses Vuu -- - Female or juoy ml TTb to imt or winie low drdps on trie 3-i v.,.n, nmlr cv -brows,- hostholt-il loreuiiiu, i. T. - j. i i lli Inrk of KilW. f ... w!U i ii. fort li-.itl and rioeholrs. inV-Xww nJost to tho noseholes. ind drink f6w dripps mixdd with t. a. 1 1 j WItJ iMith tides of, forehoad tont!eor GoLwolleri.-WiJl; .tllaW of (on-hcad, noJIoUiaand mochj t T TTnoflnfllP.-JVlIJO Oil WO IOllim-.!" .!.. ICliavn Ll - - CHOV TfllOOS' Tai-pir, ton. Gate, dutsido Bras Hjirith pat. Can- Loud A MtralaaUt. "You bad Wtter iv.t ak pa f"f tnj hand just now," nul l Uu.lt JJwOtiiuia to Vrttf AuiKtrrlu. 'U by not ' ". "He i in uti awful bad ritf. lie l.ta jus ha I to jMiy vtia of uiy mUliar. billV "Now th time t Bklt I'iin Ma t)l want to iho yoj t wm fcuicbl cInc." Texam SiftiDtf I.is.t a on f Ilia UiuJl 'l men. lie walaa ra ly : t.i uUVgm young muhical artist, au.i wln'o tLa Vlayrd be fr a him fr-iiatl.v fm them valuable puinta la nuatd U tha jianner iu wliicli tb cviujfclUwa i'juuI'I Lave bu rcn It mi , 4 1 naaUVea Iona. Vnitjjiit. UaW G3, Toon.lii anJ lllinuU -hava tiTst-larlng debt, and tliera ar atx or aeten othrr mlumn tiaJ4 debts arc rurre bafrut lie. AniuOf Ua DumWr are New Jcr-y. Nabtaaka. Kentucky an4 t alifurtda. Iaarirra newa paragrai'h, which contain tha Ibove Informal ion. it la aald thai elusive of tha uuth the tatraf tha onion are generally fra fruia cd that theannualluUrealchatf a or aft the fctat" collectively ia Iraa tha thatof aalnglerollruad, tha AMdaoa, Topcka A Santa 1." To a forrlffatr. or anyone eK t'"t familiar wlh tha tl.l would cun'ver the hurU Uiat the Americana bear an trt-mely Ibrht Vnrdrn of debt, hn.-h wiiul-Lte e'.im'whal modlftV.!. aver, wya the Cincinnati Tlm SUr. by tlie kDimledge that the Atrhiaoa. TorUa hanUTa paj inter.tt t50O.00O.O00 or trior, tha annual Jntar t charge rxceedln, I .000 cost a much-a the mtlra itral charge of the federal tfovarutnant.- It la trua that tho Mat dtbta rratalda of tb. aouth are rnH. J't the eirKl U far froaUlaga trifl-. Tb-oUt- aUUa hare a iwnnta inov- ci Wr' ateadr writing can bo re- . , llL-AA . .ii nftri 1nT'a work. Thia if I a rtstA ttl tn wra n 1 Tl Timber. Tha 7' 1,71 rV nrflt Vi. tilnutfl. Ba iu . . ... w rSacLlcaT VuiKui wJilu ami KCK'a. m Ti Bits. ndnute. ana tno.i. v-'.i-a ,VTi -- 1 1 . 1 , ...- !..,.,. 1 r ." ' . . f iriir i.H'iLi wuria mt . - - i jt r . mu rton i 80 pages loiwu worua, tersJ ' - 1 i ' - "1 . i , ' 1' . ' If her fingers travel four,, inches ta mako each letter, during the day thj travel 432,000 inches. : I. , This provides for the porpendicuhv movement only, and it is fair to lcra this distance by one-third to rtimata the distanco tho hands travel over tba keylxard in a horizontal din-cluji- The total sum in. inches is 5.0,000. Thb-ls equivalent to j-JH.OOO feet, or a little ever niiie miles a day. , . in 5 week, the bands can cover 04 .iino. ,n a Wb steady arplw-ation u IM1 HJPf 4 m' w - 11 hiisiness over ,2, 800 iraloa. Dookkeea: A PUZLED PHILOSOPHER- , ; Should He So Greatly! Mla tha Thine That Are Not? - A philosplH-rdwelt in a house owik-4 by Cleon. lint 01.0 d y Ch-on r.m to J T . .. . 1 1 ...1 i'UI.w i.iiu Hie philosopher uui w", r-.v you! not snti me Ithe monry for 1. . month's reutrThW phi l.,s,.phr said h knew of no reksoir xrent thatd.o had ii' y, having gotten to uie.wnium m a a a rr ii im BlKa ' . tha annual iDtertt .1 w. 000.000. . The total bonded ; 1ta U alKUl fine-.""" w. - UonillnteMatrtH-anog-ucu , The people of thla country youbl have ffood r. av,n to conalder lhr- taxation for Interest on public W .U If they ha.l nothing . mora to pay tU l Intereat on th- national and aUU W5ed indebted It la thj jc aj burden that wrlgh l.ratr.ly r ahouldera. and. .UhouBl l ta.y balea on.roua than .r" mother countrlea. thf y are dlamlaad in.ttf ? - n,. b dun InUiacaa Thy Most Be Quick and Mot Burntd Fluge;r. year, seua- Bciiiember money icfimdcd if De- sired I ' I 1 1 S. PoMeiter t ! i Company. ii ii at first, then nervously, until she grew tired. Then she Degan - X wlr aliened to the floor. - Tha ueiiot-u , a fSTSnducltar came through to col, Lf tintptn. '.and seeing the peaceful sleep of his 101 East Main Street Nejct dobrto Sneed & Thomas Drug Store. 1ST. C- t a T). O. Christian and H. V. Couch are wi and will be pleased to havf Wf riends call on them. J.i.lic ial and congressional cbnven- .- - iuiuirsii Und one alternate for every fifty Democratic votes, and one ..I la.i.nttT five delegate Tor iractiocs ui Democratic votes, cast at the last tireced ine gubernatorial election in tnevr re spective counties, and none but delegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled . -' n t;An - Prrtvidrd. .. loan a a tn C7 111 1 c IJ 11"" T ' a.iia.AAnvi. That every county snan . i t . .M nAnvpnlinnS. cnlP n MCQ Ul wu vi'u.v- INovided further. That in. all county conventions in which delega.es a.... -,,....4t .o attend any State, congressiou- J.cial or olber coby, - .i.ia with the shall be taten in smu.uv. r plan of oiganization as i ..y--whose names may presented .o such .Tnw convention; Thedeleg be selected from the inenos porters of each candidate vo ed or in proportion to the number of votes he shall receive In such "county convention. other instructions snan r;.t,,l further.! That when only one 1: i.i. ia nrenented and voted CBUUluakb wo such C6unty conventions, it snan i o. inatnict for such candidate, o a. erv county conventionJ before H,wte9 to State,! CongresalonaU Judi & . . trA a.n.tnr Ul or ouer vuui.u , i . ..t. tr chosen, there shall t i 1 . ...m.i for office! whose lie nreaented, and tbe dele duic. i ; oo oK.ll ota their reapeciivc fn accordance with tbla avote : that is to k .n.lidte shall recelv in tbe I J' ,.tonab Judicial. Senatorial ataic,vi6 . . , nina tne Druuunwu v - OtMr con""""""! -- -. t hlch the couniy may m cU uuu ' ' r . - sent for me to icomo on. i..,..i, Hirr niai lie uus k-" """" The trainboy lis- Cm v family growing up i if . .4-t-fr1fl on , fcned to her attentively aim Du--Klling her a copy of "he (ickor .i . cninlr assuring her that it was a Methodist religious book. When Few "Christmas gaml)bls', exist m their original form. .Putthe old game modified to suit modern taste as weo as the new ones are just as full of f" !? Ii entered into by the yonng folk nowadays with as mueli a9J!J the rougher gambols over which in old li:f5 iiTnrd.- cf Misrule" pre - fe . . .t. 4 ,n;ir nf tlna Althougn me luu'."J - - Generally acknowieogeti m 9;H nr 300 Christinas inierrym! . and he maaeiuiuf " i iiaeci. lord was n-waaaiuoiii"" d-- .lmi-. vpars a"o. ana ue munu iu..b.. , -1 be left her, sh began to read cJ yJ- dlsardcw fiually crept into his j.r-j. ni-rmKlv. nntil sne grew i ij, . (w m wusntf 3 passengei was - her. Finally ne ieauv for at be law- or b US th TOte V hich te received In that couniy ,i TKnt rhtlrmtn and eecre- I titled convention. Tbe i..i tinftosntie reign tnai ub r Oneof the most quiet aud genial of the gambols over which he was niaste Len banded downumder the name o. i-r,n itmsuiM m c .M. vl. coverea .who is isrni. tinguished and 'i lrr nricl Said "To Albert s," was tne qmc is theeye,hindlaso and the la woman ;iW.v. Jor a moment, still tmable to tell whe- Kewas. The motherly re-e toL ed a sympathetic cnoru fetor's heart and .he carefnlly looked after her until uie euu "J w h rush! into Albert's arms hall . ,. t,l onrilie. Hew W Timea ( . ! j 1 Squlr. 4rae'a Mwterplee. issued by some ol ent issned b Squirt Drake of Madison "ne and adsj as follows: ''Tban"D Lake, oath thathe b-. . jo fer, Ewi lSld maliciously Lj.tnd beatorke arfwoundby. rCT.winlz stone or shoot and kill bla wwa SKrfUa: children or dothn r 7.. a use, abusive, pro flVe, Tile and Indecent 1. ttlirtarbance o the peace by loud, bolat Sua talk and threata Cincinnati Co inecclal Gaaatt. u - Vwi--l. cove Lights in iu - each one arrempis iu Jf5u p .t i.Qf, nirlTIC t-rn to grasp a raisin, a,."" Sme skUl and courage. Mjahtte.J appropriate accompaniment is the fn of the Snapdragon," beginning thus. ; Here he comes witn uaiiiti.H " r Don't he mean to take his toll? Snip! Snap I Dragon! J : - - , ! - ! . , Take care yon don't take too mnctt. Bo not grecay in your uu t Snip! Snap! Dragon! With his blue and lapping tongu Sources of Color. I ,f - i- i. - An inrerestins enumerarion iaa iw-u -i. k.-. .m..Liiniv knii imblishrd in a mau ujr nuiiij-"-v i - - . iuLi inn -nnlof the sobrces if color. Uiiia ir. nrmears thafc the t4chineai :'.i fnmikh the iforgeoiis .. cfetfniine, crimson, scaflet, carininfe and purple lakes;! the cuttlefish gives sepja-tmu is, th? inky fluid which (the fk-h dis charges in order to render t.hb war opa(i4 wlient attJK-ked ; the Indira yelr loVcdmes frUi the camel; ivofy chipa produk the"ivory black aid boriebhu k;; the e uisito prnian blue conjes f rom fnrinul horse lics and other refuse ani mal matter fith impure putassijurtvcar- various lakes are acny i.uui .arks alid gums ; blile blac k comes ihe chkreoal of .tht vinel .k-U5 rod is made from tho jmaooer which grows in Hjindusfen ; the -yellow sap of c wam trre ibe inatural eattn 1ia Tiihborhood tf Sieud, : Italy , J.w i an earth found4 near Um hrtml:. india! ink is made . il ,il ..,,i,hf,r : mkstic is made . .. . i. L .t fi.o ti.astio treet-whicn . aU,wii4,!fir4vian .irchipelago; bis 7 ia'ibe soot, of wood atJivs ; Vety little real lltrahiarine, obtained frpm io,r.- birds lazuli, is' found m. ,nrtel; the Chined white iai. w-ar- ... . l.f . n.ercnrv. and ve-milioo ia frm the duicksilver qriciuniibar. iKinate! roots, from trirkey plant Many of you will be stung. c.;ni Snrnil Dragon 1 U PHILOSOPHER'S Bit of Patho t Chn.tma.ua-. i little girl ot o wno a- of the ministeriug The had There is a f 1 1 j n in name only. A f ew weeita o the baby of the family died. T5.. , ii na the mother bration ing, as nesa, recon tad circums -ykind. Lafet Sday eve?1 family sat in i- ing their loss wiui t- i:e1A vnlM 4 A ATTIC. OnJt Combination of Greenery and Hea- i nv Abore the i-ny. One of the queerest places lb r Xew . u?6" V uj; . iin bk lookk from ,v, stiwt to be a funny bttl gat cbe street, x JLntiU on one roorea nou t'frr.-,-- corner of the roof oi me .u S ??tWnthatreet It is a cogserya rynnd abrvroory in one. a matura roof garden, lthei den of ai atticphilo. ohefsSenri S. GoodaleJ whoste some .'ifiliL Hnohtera. Elaine and money. id uiuuv i ui. n -- - -- ; his 'purse. . ! . t "Vnn willlhave to nioVe out, i-iJ,n "ir. r.4k room if r a'cordwainer liwu, 1 . . I . ..II... know who wants tnis i.ou mm i Would ytm.'thoji," said the philo-o- "turn THO Ollt Wllfll i ' fortable here,;iia:ng dw.-lt iuthish0twa 80 years?" ' J - !....! !. ... 1 'I...... I'on.l It is mycomiort, bam v.n, not yours that I consider. l L VTheh yon preicr i,ruiMa.u.., -concede, to ;tphil(sopher4" "Ko," said CltK.n;; a wuuimiu ..." no preference iexr. pt to prrireu, mr to no rent money, i I Su tne coiniwaiu' i ty and nmnkipal u i"m,,"'-7n . ... about X.'l.0-0-nearly i tha UnlUd M.taa. of tl.ia v.l aaa about $t.Kt.H waa x.r-o tU.aHal. b!!d . tha list of t alalia a tha anou eniu - . tti'ifulo r'l cfibflf a.rgtirr- , .,lt,uU I II WiniT n" ...i i . i. iii. rrmmvm ndebtC'Il', n "" ' mm Jf which ''V',MiriS AS loalitlci. IVnnavIvaiua had IM .W .00 of local.. ta. .1- ; ,f te moved into tho' philasopher's J;oue. and the phij.ph'sr. went to live iu tho mean lnvel of tha t h c l)hil''ph'fi cordwainer. ( r ' 'f But once then', altuougn c-m.. .,.i, he was " . n . i j ,i.i..ii- vet he could not: avoia tii't - no ai).-H-ii;o u nr if v n- hd f jr.t the ah- .v,-v,t, in lnk lo:0ier uauiuiuuii iV lllu - - - I grown habitual .to; hup. , ! This was the first thing that pnzUl him how that' which was nit. could be aobbtruaive. fWlmtaW. "can U bo -entirely mWuitent . aa a negation. And yet herej-I am coufroul with an obtrusive negation. t "l miss," said he again, . .. . . i r.i 1 .1 ..I.I.I 1,1 IIW 1-M IK III' i i:ut It " ,r, aaJ ia i rarioua ra'Jdly aa StaUa, tber .... ertnrrratulati"n- . . tn.nf fa ST ?S37.V -f ...V Vaa aWtad, YANKLCS V lilto' FULL OP CURlOSlTYi aa.w ia-i'n In a cht of and the Dora, jenoei"' ,. PC P. iJ,w bJ a ateo'p ticafflight of atepa leading up . nan- . a n n IT . 3.i onrmot nuxjin. wonoeni" VtJ . l,.nn.rT. of comfort, - V. r,f one fine Drtrwn xr."- trery consisting SSd . nfTy. yeliochick. S' dovecjot, where .there aH gfj whimng wiaga. aa --T- Arcadia, Juko DVro ) " l! i a f..r,ir. n lin- ii o scenery from the window where I ul to ait I wonder if it will he m after we ar driven out; from our death, the final, inexorable landlord, d-.mand-areJitalyecai.notpav.: . In time, towever.j the philpher gradually cead U ing opprM.l by tha obtrusive memM-hls and greW aectwtom ed to hew ariS'jciations, I1'? wonder.'! said be. "if it will b w when we aro i" at first painful regrets for hat and in the end nothing ;of the old bufoint memoriek ad a new aet of aS ciiSoL I wornler alway-and won 'Se?mS phil..hy will ever b ay fi!fn better than clever Wondering .nnLrfnL "-Cldcago Open Court. 1 I : tr.i ah in - I ( h.'at"-. , f tb I'ulUfl rtaiaaa AiM-rh-ao taritor. tba liKoera J 1.ut t l V v i tun "Tbegr at A me Undo day tt.ii.i Wh.rteraah!p' ttn.-b..r-'I ' ., ii..i.!i.tt.r. S'ar, uij i. , i nerval .i i. " - --- aeraara. thn purj-v V"' i..aallooaif .n tha otbe Sam a Ita . . ii.. A .. m r mm iii.t . 1 inilT " " battle a. .... ib wrtn ia ButOott-jr," k1 rxclalmetl at lt. thinS wai mistaken I. JJJ 'y. do yon know who I I yoo Terfw-tly. niadaiiie.V w tla reply, l am pretrribii. f an old woinaa :.u..1L,,wl stomach. " Nineteenth IUU v a-D r-ntury. j . .l.nrn il a . i'i. i if-ml . t.i bare liu i . ...... u ..fra. money wb.n an on- t,(,y df, Uclam d y th whad- nt objt ct to ''''JV''' J to wa0,rr vf t!''!",vp'r?;!trt:e'cuVM- they doobj-t 'U. aX'andn.thrpg Inn and all th-ir .rltaU ff " wLf.1 t, art klea mw Jb. . . . t . i . i . irrru i.t ' - - - . .i. W r-rm. ruw plae m count " - nH(Uj1,oot,i4,daw to atand w.teb .l.b.iut ill, tb' ' iau.a. ...... - al he a aiep. - j At other time tlKTwa out tvl one of -Vm. al i. iTouldVather armin.l tha akylifht ow wrala. making aooh n9Z3 cboMonlb..r'ori1h.,t!! l!3 ?JT "L- na from rtdlo at aoM tioticrli 9 Ta in-" CWii. - 1. i v.ajl'ajafK;. -r; - t ' - C ii.