'11 i i 4 . :1 a ,1: t "I 1 . -I -i -J 3 4 1 ! i . tl ; I 1 i IS ! ' ""-M i lv ""P'Tl " 1 -i i J ' ' " rrmm I A ' i h . , . :i ' . ' . UIlH'iltlt II; wnsti furnish, us with tin iv .Vi.i ri'lr nuj'ue ariil,swl-lress..-vLk-l---we 'i ..Uigutt- to keepjin strict confidence. J UV7- I lit Plant i- phj no wise re ponsiUle for tlii vi-vs ot its iforrcsponiJciits. M : . Adilress nil lyiimuuit-itions to V : J j Tin-: Toii.u'co plaxt, '! f '. I'"" Ml -M ? I'l KHAM, S..'c .'-. (i -one-sine iinr niifni tin:ii ax;i:ls. Mvh-:rrt i:Vii.lHl as lie; 1 i t caii lie. .An.t til ii' cry of Klacliel !fc iii fryjii nit 1 i.riiW tcitilt r tin es tnilnr-ot i ( -t i nf liltle chililivii tliati :trv not ; Aitlsi'iuijli, I klKftV, I hi sin all iti.tlni- Ltllfl ivlu-iv I slial I : 1 1 1 1 itlii fnii lost: in iiLi Z '.''. WL' ' .1 , V .Id r.ii.t-;liif "ot-sltor rii Ami He w liot rii;idt- 't li;is inade it riiflit' . . . . I. . .. . -T . et I jiiiUs my d:irjlini;s ut of mv sibt. I All lioiif;li, I kixtV,. 1 1 i;cv ti-c all in in!- land ivhero I shall m, ' I : 1 . H ;. . r i i j " 1 lulv (j.jie liasdicd. 'I here js; oiiesmall iiioand, ioiet-liea'ed, ih;tlii- iweet "iiave-nxmd ; I welilv vearf tlii V liaV- lilooiued ami isiuvad t ivit 'jlic litile) li;dy dead!: , i Mud oil . 1 Know, - ( .'. iia!e in; tho laml.wliere i shall go. Sol dead: only jgrovvn and uoiie awav-, tjair ot mv larling is; tuniinsrray. I li.it Has L'oldeii Once jiif the dsty so ik ar', ( )vM' "f maisv :nii inanvia vear 1 L s a chtlili in lie' land where I shall n. My :itfii;!u hravtj Ihiv is :i! irrave-eved inaii, . I'acing the World a tiu'rworker can ; 1 I'.ul 1 think of him now as 1 had hini then. kiyjiiis cheek t my heart a;raiii. '..And m 1 know.j ! ! '.: 'ff-;.V liave himitliere Where we ImiiIi sliaH'iru. i I ! : " . ' I i - - I -lial Out! t'lfoin tin Father, ;t!if into life ; ! f Pact )o lliil.reiist tVoiii he einled strife. l:d tide i d I:tlor. . J hesir the word nf I lini wlnrwasl. dild anul Lord. l 'l iifiit he lip I I Kliow.; tii:it so It l l l' Ilk the land where we alhsliall jo. I ! i " uvea I ai k w ilh the La: n.. I he secret this hack ' f th Moxjd Kingdom id" ehildrt-n is I Mv mother's anus are waiting lor iiii I shall lav iik v head mi niv fatlier's kfioe ; l'or soj I know. I Im child iuvsi lf w herei i shall -o; l: The vVorhl H trdiddoiis ni)d hard and cold. nd inen and womeii jjuow rav aiidirld : . llur U liiinl the Kvorld is an inner plaie : , heif. yi t tfieiri at'irel H lioM I umI s iaci-. Ani loi! wekno'.V, L ' fhai imlv c,i.," ;eaii! see; Him s'" VliH.lNE -i. '1'. WlII'fNKV,. ADVK'lv TO lAUr:NTS. Ii TalniageVSf riunii, I'raf IhmI Siindax .Morning;, Nov. Hist. - j. . !;. j j' i;; ! j. M ; 1 lu that Ins hie i lii)iinl tij lit tiie la 1 s .KM.siS I ' i i cs- words were! spoken ihv Ju ts des-njiive d: the t( ndeiness illectihii viiich -fah felt toward imin.j tli-! youngi'st sonjof that aivhal family :: hut th;y -are s just) as appi(4jiriate to hiany Kllj , :;:..di j V.i n j ! pJitn l wi d' patent in this Jiouse siii(e " his '; 1 hie 1 loiind up in the lad's life." I navy: knoin ian nts that sit kncd to ; havt I .tit huh i 1 it en t in tlieir, Cliil-' " 'My S(n iniist If hi'i Conies Ire turns out dl( 11 r-A tltt Her sav look out tor hlinselt Mil W 11. all right : if I-adl 1 cjtniiot Ift'l it. I am hot hehaviof. He yt s p.jiiisi I 1 Pi" his must-take th fame fiMsk in life that I tH k.T s well! jnight the sht-p- hi rd throw a ainl'! into a den' pf lions " Litt'.e'hnnh. look out and tlu n sav for votirse It js gt ueryll v 1 1 if lease that: ; ; 1-: " iE xi tiu:: :ka? It kr alter its Voting. 1 have gone through tlje woods oh a suiuhier's day in a tnd 1 1 halve heard a great utcry ird'sjmt-C and I have chMhed np t ce ; what .was thf matter, I ait that thi' brrds wert? starv- . fi iln ing1. and the iniother ii-d had gone oil' not to t'onjt back ;agaHi. Hut tl;at It is .generallv the is an cast' yes nigh exception. hat thek.f ui rathci its briodJ d bird will pick your thati ; let yotl come The lion will rend you m twain; if you approach; too near v the wjielps : tile 'fowl" fill the ba i n V a i d . cl 1 1111 sy-"fi ut 1 d a n 1 1 h ea v v wingVd. Mies ;ticrc'clv at v-m if -voV stain ;id' tHi near;; the little, group, and .intcndeM i-vi-rv father and motljer to be the protection and the . : i 1. . 1 :. .; m 1 i . . he! : UU? CllUd. -ICS US COUK'K IlllO f . 1 1- 1 1 1 . . - vt rv dwelling' ,:uid savs to tin? father i or mother : "You have been 1 oking a tter the child's body and mind ; the .-. tiii it has; conic; when you oitgnt to be looking; alter "itsx iiuinorta soul." I stand bcrore hunlretls ofijieople vitIi,wliot:n jthe ;Uestoii morning. nK4i ami pight is: bat is to be i comtf of tbe jcHibL.' What will be its history ? Will it tboose paths of , virtife or vice j;: Will it accept '.Christ ; or -reject Hint? Where will it spend ; eternity ?" ; ; ; ! : "' . : I ivad of a vcs-el that ibuiidtaed. The boats were; launched;' liianv f j 1 1 ic j iassei igcrr wt re si rugglilg'm. the water: AlmMher with onf band beat the waves, aiid with the other handiiftcd up the little cliiht toward the lifeboat, t rying : "Save nichild ! Save mv cj.iljl !" I The iinpiissionetl outcry of tlia -hiotherT is- the, prayer of hundreds of -Christ ian- people "who sit listening this morning while I ak. I 1( p hi". se to shov strtlie of the Huh viaft (User I.OW 1. areutal anxiety, and that anxietv hia v e alu LMnd the ifiirst cause of ijarcntal mxirtv 111 the inefUcichcv aiid IMI EjJKECTiON ol TAREN 1 ' ! ; 111 1 i- i;.i. I e Jiai c a siigni noiie. all of us, that! lour U'hildren nuiv es- oiir faults. We:hitle ur,ini- perfeictions;. and tliink; tlwv will steer clear; 01 ll.nii ; Aias. there isia poor prospect of that ! ; There i more H-obabiIity th:at they will' el 10I is iir vicesith:im jclilxisc our virtues.! There is something .like sacredncss' in pa- rental i!hpiT!jhti-n- when the child looks upon tiiein. 1 He -loily ot the parents is not so reHilsive when the chilflj looks at; it. He -ays: "Father iinlulges in it : mother imlulgt s in itj itjcan'tl Inj Isti bad' 1 Yotir boy. ten yj-arsof age. gtes lip a back street siiioiving ins jeigar aii phi stump that if t'Hjnd ;jn the street rand a llei; iior-- jiccosts lnnx aiul ' says -Vou doing this lbr?i What "Whitare )votild Vfiur father s;iv;if he knew it?'' ihri jmy says !" Olt. father does that huiisjelfy Tkere is not- one of us tins nit .ruing that would del iberatelv hoof-e that his children should in an t it is tion dngs ;fol ov his I example, and iousncss of imperfee- . i ,oie consc of" ohr part as ! parents that i tiiKi-s us most anxious for oiw ehil- oreii I I :.:rarv f "bstressed on su-count i. - 'i use VOL. XV.--NO. 48. .min).m oh 01 k i)isciiLi,K ; and iiistriK-tion. It reoviires a yreat I deal of lMjrenuity to hnild a house or htshion a shij. hut more inrenuitv j to huild the temple of a child's char- j .at-tcr ;iiid launch It on the- oreat-' ocean ot tune and etemitv. Where i there isnme liaient that seems uuali- i tin --I uim, luiM II lit It tied for the work there seems to he ! ;... 1 v. . I -Ail.. 1 1 ou iii v patents no miseraoiv Tail. , Here is a father who says : "'Mv child ' shall know nothing hut religion ; he ! .1 . . 1 1 1 . . 1 ' 1 . 1 ' - ' 1 ' stiau hear nothing hut religion: he 1 11 .1 'l I- .. r.., snail see noumig hut reliirion. 1 he hoy is aroused' at o l(ck in the morning to recite the Tt 11 Connnaiid- ments. He is awakened off the sofa on Sundav niidit to see how much ; he knows ot the Westminster cat fclMsm. It is religion Morning, noon' ami niglit. Passages of Scii,turf are plastered on the heijroom wall. He looks for the day ot the month in a religious almtinac. ; Kvery minister that conies to the house is told to take the hoyaside and talk to him, ami tell him what a great sinner he is. After awhile tlje hoy comes to that period of life-when he is too old for chastisement, and too young to know and feel the force of moral principle. Father ami mother are sitting up for the hoy to come home. It is ninco'dock at night ten o'clock it is twelve o'clock it is half past twelve, and thev hear the night key jingle in the door. Thev. say he is .'coming. Icorge gois verv sot'tlv through the hall, hoping to get up stairs he fore he -is accosted. The father says. Ccof'ge, where have you heen ?" " lleen out!" Y.es. lie ha hceiiout.and he has heen down, and he is on the hroad road to destruc tion, for this life iftid the life toconie. Father says: "There is no use in the Ten Cominandhients ; the catechism seems to me to he an utter failure." Ah. "my friend, you make a very great mistake. You stuffed that child with religion until he could not di gest it : you made that which is a joy in many households an ahhorrence in yours. A man in midlife said to me: "1 can't hecome a Christian. In my father's house I got such a prejudice against religion I don't want any of it. 'My; father was one of the best men that ever lived, hut In- had such severe notions ahout things, and Tie, jammed religion down my throa't. until I don t want any of it, sir." ' There have heen some who have erred m that direction. There are households where mother pulls one wav and rllEOint.K. ' FATHER l'l I.I.S 111V1. 111. ... 11(111 IV tll'lll..'.l- ...... ( U.ll .'I'l.'.l It . M. 1 . Illl'l Father savs: "Mv son, 1 told voti thrown all around our young people, j a solid cake of ice at the heart. Ho the first time 1 caught voiun a false- H may be almost impossible to take ! you wonder that fathers and mothers hood I would chastise vou, and now ; a castle by siege straightforward j are anxious about their child ren. and I am going to do it." Mother savs: 1 siege butsuppose in the night there that they ask tlietnselves the iju'-s-"Diuft, let him off this time." In ' is a traitor within and he goes down tion lav and night: What is to be some families it is all scolding and i and d -aws the holt and. swings' open ..come of them? what .will be their frctfulness with the child ; froniMon- I the great door, and then the castle i destiny ? day morning to Saturday night it is. that style of culture. The hoy is pickfd fit. and pickt d at. and 'picked at. Now you might bettt-T give one sound chastisf ment and have done with it. than to indulgf in the perpetual scolding and fret fulness. There is more health in one good thunderstorm than in three or four "days of cold drizzle. Here is a parent who says: "I will not err on the side that parent has erred, in being too strict with his children. I will let mine do as thev please. If thev want to conic in to pravers, thev can ; if thev want to play at cards, they can : thev can do 1 -i , jiiivthiiiir thev olease there shall he 110 hintfrance. (io it! Here.-are j tickets for the opera and theater, son. ' Take your friends Avith you. Do ; whatever you desire. " Ope day a ; LM'iitleinan conies in from the bank to his father's oflice ami savs: "Thev : -an 1 atlord to sacrifice tliese Ineiids, wtint to see vou at the ba'nk a'niiii-: andj'jl go and see lor myself." ute." Father goes into the bank. ! From the gates of hell there goes a The cashier savs: Is that vour shout of.victory. Farewell to all in check?" Fathe r looks at it " and 1 nocence : farewell to all early re says: " No : I . iiever gave that check. 1 stfnts favorable to thiit innocence I never cross a "t" in that way: I ! wliichj: neviT make thj' curl to a "y" in that ; oNt .; ;oxk nkvki: c omes 'hack.. way. It is noj iny-jcheck that's a ; j ow w wn j tiV(T mrgen. 1 .or 1 u-( p.mce. .u . , says tne cannier. 11011 1 oe so tpucK ; vour son litl that," The fact was that the boy had been out in tlissi pat ing circles, ind 10 and ")0 went ; in that direction ; and he had been treated and he had to treat others : and the hoy felt he must have s?00 to' keep himscjf in that circle. That night the lather sits up lor the hoy to come home. It is 1 o'clock be fore he conies into the hall. He comes in very much Hushed, his eyes glaring and his breath offensive. Father savs: "Mv son. how can vou xlo so ? I have given you everything you wanted, and everything to make you comfortable and happy, and j now I hml 111 my old'age. that you j are a-spendthrift, a libertine niul a I drunkard." The soil says : "Now. father, w hat is the ttse'of your talk ing that way ? You told me I might have a good, time aiid to go it. I have been acting on .your suggestion, that's all." And so one parent errs on one side, and another parent errs on the other, and how to STRIKE A HAPPY MEPIl'M ! betwet n severity and too great leni- j ! eiiev. and train our sons and daugh- i ters for usefulness on earth ami bliss i - .. i-i i in heaven, is a ouestion which agi- : tates- evcitv Cliristian household in mv congregation. here so manv gM)d men and women have failed.it j ' is straive that we hould sometimes i . w . . tloubt the liroiirietv of our theory j and the accuracy' of our kind of gov ernment. j Again, parental anxiety ottvix ' arises from an early exhibition of I sinfulness in the child. - The morn-! i ing glories bloom for a little w hile under. the sun, ami then they shut j up as the heat. conies tin ; but there ! are flowers along the Amazon that J blaze their beauty for weeks at a I time : but the short lived morning glory fulfills its mission as well as the Victoria Hegia. There are some people who take forty, fifty or sixty HERE SHALL THE PRESS years t! ! develop. Then there ;ire little ehi lldren who Hing their heautv n the yi ision and vanish. Thev are imriiinw plories that cannot stand the jrlarje of the hot noon; sun of trial, Vou haye all known such little chil- dren. iFhev were pale : thev were 'tun. iiiv: m u Otio.,, uni i o ethereal : there was1 sonicthinjx verv -, wonderfully deep in the eye; they! 1 1 :. . .1 i ., .. "ait a ijeiuie 1001 aim sou nano, aim something almost supernatural in ; their behavior read v to he wafted j . i 1 1 l ! - i awav 'l ' You had such anue in your i househo Id. (!one now!. It was too j delicat a plant for tliis rough world. ! The heivenlv gardener, saw it 'and ; took it jni. 'e make splendid Sun- hiv school hooks out of such chii- ; i dren, hut they almost always die. i'l have j noticed that for thv. "?ost 1 1 1 1 pr.n, toe cjiiidren that live some- ; times get cross, and pick up had .words 111 tlie street, and quarrel with hrotlier and sister, and prove unmis tafthly that they are wicked as the Bihle says, going astray from the wonih, speaking lies. See the little ones iir the Sahhath class, so sun shiny and beautiful, you would think thev were alwavs so, hut mothe. seated a little wav off, looks over atj these childnn'and thinks of the awi'ul time she -had t get them readv. Attt furthe the hoy or girl comes a little on in life the maik of sin 11 n ihem is still more ' evident. The sojn comes in from a pugilistic encounter in the streets, hearing the marks of a defeat. The 'daughter practices positive deception, ami tin parent; savs: "W hat shall I d : 1 can't alwavs be correcting and scold ing, aiid vet these things must be stopped. " It is especially sad if the parent; sees his own FAip.Ts coi'iKo iiY Tin: ( im. P. It is verv hard work to pull up a nettle that we ourselves planted. We remeiiiher that the greatest frauds that ever shook the banking bbuses of the country startd from a boy's deception a good many years ago; and the gleaming hlade of the mur derer is only another blade of the knife with which the hoy struck at his comrade. The cedar of Leba non, that wrestles with the blast,.' startec of the from seed lodged hi the side and then lashe;l it down in the des mountain, and the 'most tre- . olation and woe. until all the harpies niendous tlishonesties of thf world . of darkness clapped their hands with olicc toddled out from the cradle. ; glee, and all the voices of hell ut All these tilings make parents anx- ; tercd a loud ha! ha! Oh. there are iotis. . 1 scores and hundreds of hoifies that Anxietv on the part of parents al- have been blasted, and if the awful so arises from the consciousness that ; ttwir. i-iVi. o lii-illl- ti li 1 .tn t ii ills ' falls pmmediately. 1 h;it is the ' I shall devote the : rest ot my re trouble with the hearts of the young- ;, marks to alleviation' of parental thev have foes without and foes 1 anxiety. Let ine say to you. as pa withfr). There are a great many '' rents, that a great deal of that anx wliol y to make our young people : iety will he liftetl if you begin early believL' that it is a sign of weakness j with your children. Tom I'aine to be' aire. The man will toss his j said : " The first live yeirs of my head j nd take dramatic attitudes and ' life I became an infidel." A vessel tell of his own indiscretions, and iisk goes out to sea : it has been liveilavs the young man if he would not like to do the same. And they call him verdant, and they say he is green and Unsophisticated, and wonder how lie can bear the Puritanical straight jacket. Thev tell him he ought I to break from his mother s apron strings, and thev say: "I will show vou all about town. Come with World. you p you. says: lllf. 1 oil ought to see tile It won't hint you. Do" -as ease, it will be the making of After a while the young man "I don't want to be odd, nor kll,.w 17.5 vt.nrs,0f -us-.v : Sir. (Iod ; has forgiven me lor all tlic sins of i mv lilctiniev I know that: hut there i is one sin 1 coniniitted at '20 vearsof age thpit I never will forgive myself tor. It soniet-inies conies over me overwhelmingly, aiul it absolutely I blots tuit my hope of heaven," ' Voting man, hear it. How many traps jhere are set for our young i people! That is what makes par- j cuts si") 'anxious. Here are tempta- j tions for every form of dissipation ! and everv stage of it. The voting: i 1..-.11 iliiii I11. Hrvt iriii- into ilwsio:!- ti(n y yvTy lKU.ti0ular where he goes, ,t 1,,. inti. ne n)u(j ; not be u.mj)te(i int(, these conu,r' nujs;lluVti with ml staine.l ,.. ! ...... 1 r li;1;nt..d on the sign board. You .ask the voting ! man to fo into that place 'and he ! ivi.nlibsn v "Do vou mean to insult I ..w.- ! X.-.- it .lYiist lie :i m:irlIf. tloomi bar-rofini. There must be no staml in the way of mural influence : lustful pictures behind the counter : against a child on this side or on there niust be no drunkard hiccup- that side, to the latest day of its lit',-in"- while he takes his glass. 'It tin earth ;i"nd through all eternity it must be a' place where elegant gen- ; tlenieit come in ami (-lick their cut i glass aiid drink to the announcement of - flattering sentiment. Kut the ! voung nian cannot alwavs find that kind of a ldace; vet he has a thirst and it .mijt l.ii rrr.ltitli.il 'I lit. i"wx. (;KAI)K ,s N,mv ' and he is almost at ' the bottom.; w Li - - 1 1 . ' Here lliev su in an oyster ceitar aroiuul a eanl table, w heezing,bloated and bloodshot, with cards -so greasy you can hardly tell wdio has the best t I i ii . miK . nt never mind inev are only playing for drinks, . Shu file ! young man had no early good inliu awav ! ShulHe awav ! The land- ; enee ; the last had been piously lord stiinds in bis shirt sleeves with hands on his hips.-watching the :ame a1 ml waiting for another call to fill ud the glasses. It is the, hot breath1 of eternal woe that Hushes les ets of that -young man's cheek. In thej of frasliirht I see the shooting out the tie'rv 'tongue of the worm that THE PEOPLE S RIGHTS MA1XTA1X, UN A WED BY tXF.L UEXCE DURHAM, NC.,. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1,1886. never dies. The clock strikes twelve : it is tne toiling 01 tne ncii 01 eternuv at the hurial of a soul. pass on. and thev are isieeii 111 their, chairs. i,anuioru- i t t 11 1 says: tome, now. wake up; its !.,. 1. l...,v ,.i,t It 1 " . ' nun in riiui up. 1011 Liirni fiu into the air. Thev are iroin-; home, Let the wife crouch in the corner, 1 i .1 aim inecniidren nme under tne neu. , They are going home! W'jat is tin- historv of that vounr man ' lie he- 1 , . 1 I M" : 1 1 gan his dissipation at the Fifth Ave- nue hotel, and completed the dani- nation in the worst grog slop in Navv street. 1 Hit sin even does not stop here, It comics to the door of the drawing room. 1 here are n.en of lepvus 1 1 'arts that 'go into the verv hest classes nating- (d society. Thev are so fa-ci- have such a bewitch- ing way of offer ing their arm. Yet 1 .1 . the poison of a ps is under the tongue and their heart is hell. At first their sinful devices are hidden, hut altera while they begin to put forth their talons of death. Now they begin to show really what thev are. Sud denly, although you could not have .expected it. they were so charming in their manners, so fascinating in their address, suddenly a cloud, hlaekor than was ever wovkn of m ip 10 1 rr oi; in 1:1: i a xi:. drops upon some domestic circle. There is agony in th" parental hosoiu that none but the Lord iod Almighty can nieasurt ai) agony that wishes that the children of the household had heen swallowed by the grave, when it would be only a loss of body instead of a loss of soul.. What is the matter with that household? 1 They have not had the front windows open in six months or a year. The mother's hair suddenly turned white ; father, hollow cheeked and h-nt over prematurely, goes down the street. 1 There has been no death in that ! familv no loss of ptopertv. Has madness seized upon im! A villain, kid l them : .Xo : oved. patent leathered, with g 1 chain and graee- ful Manner, took that cup of domcs : tic bliss, elevated it high in the air until the sunlight struck it, and all the rainbows danced ahout the brim statistics could U' fully stdt before , .n 11. Mr l.li.i.il i'lilil t'l-i.i.v.. ii.fi. out. A storm comes on it : it springs ;i leak, the helm will not, work: everything is out of order. What is the matter? The ship is not sea worthy andVcver was. It is a poor time to find it o.it now. Coder the fury of the storm the vessel goes down, with "J")i passengers, to a wa terv grave. The time to it MAKE TI.1E sllll' sl.AW oKTII V was iii the drv dock he ion started. Alas for 11 if we wait until our children get out into the world before we try to bring upon them the influence of Christ's religion'! I tell you. the dry dock of the Chris tian home is the place where we are to fit them for usefulness and for heaven. In this world, under the storm of vice and temptation, it will lie too late. In the dpniestici circle Vou decide whether vour child shall be truthful or false whether it shall : be "-enerons or lienurions Yon can tell by the w;iy a child divnles an ; apple hist what its future historv ; will b You (flight to oversee tht ; proces If tin; child takes nine- 1 tenths o: the, apple, giving tin one- tenth to his sister, if he should live tti be one hundred he will le grasp- ing and want the biggest piece of everything, I stood in a house in one of the Long Island villages, and I saw a beautiful tree, and I said to the owner : "That is a very fine tree, ,ut what a Vurious crook it has in f it !" '.'Yes ' s-oil he "I i.hmtiil i that tree, and when it was a vear old Wt nt to rU. y()1-k anl woVked as a mechanic for a vear or two. and when I came back I found that thev . leul .ill.nve.l soim-thm - to st-m.'l 'against the tree: so it has alwavs had that crook." And so 1 thought it w:is with the intlneiu-e ui.on chil- ! iln-n It' vol! nlloW .1 11 vt 1 1 i 11 to ! will show the pressure. .xo wo'xpkk i.o;:i) nvii-iN was bad. Do vou know that his mother said to him. when she saw him one day limping across the floor with his unsound font: -"(let out of mv wav vou lame brat !" What ebance tor .a boy like that ? Two young men conic to the door .C - 'l-l .- 1 ...1 . . . 1 . . .. 1 . .... ; oi sin, i iit' coii.-tm hih-uht inn j will go in. The one young man I goes in and the other retreats. Hi. j you sav, the last had better resolu- ' Z.' "x x i x : . f.i , j wn. .o, in;u ui.sjiui u. iieuo-i trained, and when he stood at the door of sin discussing the matter he looked around as if to see some out and he felt an invisible hand on hi.- ! shoulder saving: "Don't go in! j Don't go in !'"' Whose hand was it? A mother's hand, fifteen vears ago j gone to dust. A gentleman was telling me of the fact that some years ajro inere were twa vounit men who wo hours stojiiei at the dQbi; of the Park thea dl sound ter tn New York'. The question was 1.1 .1 1 11 1. wnetmr tnev siiouio :o.in. 1 hat - 1 A i 1 ,1. Jiijrni there was to he a very 1111- i.i,ii-il i,!.... ,n....t.wl . I..i.l'- ni'dit then no'LunirKii i mivivu ui.uir j in ft um ater: One man went in : the other stavk-d out. The yotini: man who. weux ii.em 011 irom ism 10 sin anu through acrowdpfiniiuities.and died h the hospital of delirium tremens. '111 f . ! I . , 1 Tin other voung man, ivlio retrratecl. 1 chose Christ, went into the iospel. and sis now one of the inost eminent ministers of Christ in this countrv. Audi the man who retreated gave as the man who retreated gave .his reason tor turning back from the , II ..K . 1 . .. .1 A . .1 .1 ' 1 ai k meaicr mat nigni inai mere, .was a voice within him saving: , 1 "Doji't go in; don't go in." And for that reason, mv friends. 1 believe 'so Milch in liible classes. Hut there " , 1., .1 '.I !! is sojinetiiing Pctter than the runic clasrf. and. that is the Sunday school dass, I Jike it because it takes children at an earlier point : I ANU TIIK INTANT I.ASS I lilie still better, because it takes children before thev begin to walk or ti) tak straight, and 'puts tin-in -on j , A r K. the j road to heaven. ; on cannot oegiii too early. ton sta-nd on the hank f a river Mowing 1 bv. You cannot stop that river, but vu travel 1 i 11.. " . 1 - das aim davs toward the sou ret 01 it. ahd you limi it eiinies down after awhile where dropping, from the rock, and with vour knife, vou make a cojurse in this or that direction for 'the ilrojiping to ake. and iu ilec'nle the -ourse o the river. A'o;i slaiid and j see your children's eharaciei roliiitg on with great; impetuositv am 'lassn in 1 vou cannot effect tin in. th up toward the .-oun-i win ire the character ln;st start- and de iUe that it shall take the-right direi-tion. and it will follow the p.tti, vouj : rive it. Hut I want vou to re-jietiib.-r. ( t'.ol. 1 111 1 1 f ! ( ) mother ! that; it is what yotildo that i: children, and Yod tell voni going fo affect your not what you say. children t- become cnrisjians wniie you arc not. and they! will not. Do you think Noah's family would have gone intotheark if In hal not gone in ? 'Hiey would say i "No, there is something about that boat that is not right j father has not gone in."' You cannot pusn chiliprcn into the kingdom of Cod : you bave got to pull them in. There has been many a general in a tower or castle looking at his army light ing, but that is not the kind of man to ajrouse; enthusiasm among hi troops. It is a ( iarihaldi. or Napo leon il. whi) leaps into the stirrups, and lashes into the conflict, and his troops following him with, wild huz za. So you cannot stand off in your impenitent state and tejl your chil dreiijto go ahead into the Christian life and have them go. - You must yourself dash into the ( 'hrist-ian con flict j you '-must lead them and not tell them to go. Do yt u know that all the instruction you give to ypur chilijren in a religious direction goes for nothing unless you illustrate it inj vour own life? Tie teacher at j -. 1 1 . - 1 the School takes a copvbook. writes a specimen ot good w-ritnig .across the th op ol the page, hut he makes a . t 1 1.1 1 nustfiKC 111 one letter oi the copv. Thejhoy comes along on the iyxt line', copies tin- top line ' A XI) MAKES Tin; MISTAKE, and if there he fifteen lines on that page they will have the mistake there wasjin the copy on -the top. The fathi-rhas an error in his life a very great error. 1 he son comes along and copies it now. to-morrow, next vear. copilcs it to the day of his.death. It is will at you are. not so much what youiteach. ; Have a family altar. Let it be a cheerful place, the brightest room in your house. Do not wear, your chil dreifs knees out with lpng prayers. II a vie the whole exercise spirited. If you jhave a inelodeon. or an organ, or a piano, the house, have it oKii. Then lead in praver. If you cannot make a prayer of your own. take; Matthew Henry's prayers or the Kpisicopal pra ver book. None better thaii that. Kneel down with your little! ones morning and night : coni lnelid tliein to ( !od. Do you think they! will get over it? Never! Af ter vim are under the sod a good many years there will be some pow erful! temptation around that son, but the memory ("Hither and mother at .moping and'' even'ing prayers will have its elfect upon'hiin : it will brin v him back from the path of sin and death. ; l!iijt I want you to -make a strict niarkj. a sharp, plain li.he. between innocent hilarity on the part of your child' h and vicious proeiivitv. Do not think your boys will go to ruin because thev make a racket. A giuni. unresH MUisi ve ctiilij makes the worst L I'll 1.1' fol'lll iif it villiai-T Children, when S thev ian- healthv. always make a racket, b want you at tin- very first sign i' depravity in the child to cor rect i. Do not laugh becati.se it is sinartj. If youdo you will 'live to cry localise it is inalicioiis. 'Do not taljk df your children's frailties light ly m tlieir presence, thinking they ilf nut unilerstani I. Do not talk dis paringiy .of your chihl. making him feel that he is a reprobate. Do not say t4 your little one. "You are the worstjchild I ever knew. "' If. you do he will be the worst man you ever1 knew Are! vour i " f UII.PIiK.X SAKi: Koli ntWKN? You tan tell better than any one else. I put to you, the question: "Are your children safe tor heaven?" Ihcajdofa mother, who when tin housc was afire, in the excitement of the otcasion got out a great many yaluaole things manv. choice ar- ii . - tides b'f furniture but did not think to aslc until too late: "U mv child ; safe?" It wa too late then. The flame had encircled all ; the child AXD UXIIRI RED RY CAIX was one my dear friend, when lall Kuril in the final sea and .land conflagration will vojur children !. sate?"" ; : I wonder if what 1 have said thi morning has not struck a chord in some one in the audience who hail a good .father and' mother, hut who is not yet a -Christian ? Is that voiir historv ? 1 )o you 'know why voti came here this morning? Cod sent von to lave that nieiiiorv revived.. Your dear Christian mother. how she loved you! You' remember wlun voti were sick how kindlv she attended voti : the night was not too lon' and vou never -asked her to turn the 'pil- 1 , I' l'l-.. W I low nut she did it : 1 011 rcniemher Tier prayers also : you remember how sonic (d you 1 do not know where the man is in the audieiie how sonic one here broke his moth er's heart. . You remember her sor row over your waywardness, you remember the old place where, she did you sir. many kindnesses: the chairs, the table, the door sill where you played: the tones of her voice. hv vou can think them back now. ri. ...... 1. (i.,.,; 1..., 1.., ,i t - .1 ' 1 the air, thev; come ringing through your soul to-day, calling vou lv the first name. You are not "Mr." to her: it is just your plain liit name. Is not this the time when her pray ers will-he answered I o you not think that iod sent yuuin to-day t" have tiiat iiieiuoiv of her revived? If you should come to Christ this morning, amid all the throngs of heaven, the gladdest of them would be your Christian, parents who arc rn glory waiting for your redemption. Angels of ( iod. shout the tidings, the io-t ha- ciiine back again : the dead s alive ! King all the bells ot' heaven it the jubilee ! King ! King ! oi it Washington ia:tti;k. Kit hnmnd and lanvill (Jossip I Jrutal Vssanlt 011 a Italeigli Ca- l Kesult ot'tlic loli- S'nsa- tion. W.iiuTo., Niivt mlier 2f. Tiff great deal by! which Sully. Pace. Lo gan and others came into possession of the Richmond ov Danville Kaii 10 d has. of' course, been discussed, here. The chief tojiic of interest in this tjuarter, howevi r, is the location of headquarters.- A few months ago they were brought here from Rich mond. Most persons now think they will be carried back, but this view may not be c a reef alter all. The present, maoagein'-: ' - ;i, nt on the subject. As the superinten dent. Mr. Thomas, told me when I interviewed him three weeks ago f..r the Richmond Jh'smli-Ii the ollieel- arc not troubling about such matters. They are running the road on line pretty well; mapped- out. I think that ihiipossibl . ti,,- removal may already be decided upon, but that it it is. it will be several months before it is carried out. n one head it is n t probable that any one doubts: that the new management will push the extension; of the road ' far west' and south as soon as arrangements can he affected. The city was shocked Ust Satur day when tin"' evening papers an nounced thatr on tiie previous night at a late hour, a negro bird broken into the residence of Mrs. Page, a clerk in the Land Mlice. chloro formed her iiged- mother and at tempted to chloroform the lady her self, but had been stoutly resisted until other members of the familv came to her assistance.- I have sinee learned that" the lady is from Raleigh and that she! is a widow, and the sis ter of the late, Col. McLeod Turner. The next morning the mulatto eh'u-l of the room in which Mrs. Page is engaged in oMice hours came to her residence and confessed that he was the assailant. ' It seems that he had left his eye-glasses and the .-mali chloroform bottle with the druggist's label upon itj b' feared detection, ami wished to obtain his glasses and escape'. He invented for his purpose the story that he had lost his senses in some way ; and suddenly found himself tin-re i without intt iiding to go. He was j ordered oil' and left, and has not .since been seen. Of .course he has! been discharged from ( Jovernnient service and the police authorities everywhere put on his : trail. His "name is-. I oh 11 L. West. I and he was appointed from South Carolina. Ibjis a legacy of the Re publican administration. Mrs. Page was considerably bruised by his ' blows on her Mouth and face when she struggled against his attempts to place a handkerchief saturated wjth ehlorolfoiil ov been so much r her face. She lJa- cigitatef t 1 1- tne ass-iult that she nas n-inovcil her famjiy to the resplencejof a "relative in tli citv and abandoned housekeeping. at least intense for tin present. l'he most prevailed ndigjiittion ha fver the affair.; i i l . 1 he llegm Wf Ul' lit. The ladies IVliehed it c;.iU retired for the jnight and were sleep ing in the same beil. the young daughters of Air-.. Page being in the ailjohiing room!. Th.cn-was no light, or a very dimj one which did not enable Mrs. Page, to distingush her a--ailant. The feeling here is that in no case ought ladies io be subject to orders lroin pegro chief's of -rooms or divisions. J The great police scandal has re sulted in the Commissioners accept ing the resignation of the chiuf of police, Maj. Walker. anwK dismissing Lieutenant Arnold and private'Kde lin for false statements and dissem inating scandal. Lieutenant Kelly is suspended for three months with out pay. and -Sergeant Diggins is re primanded and reduced for three - ,i . .1-: l ti' n montns to the ranKs. walker savs this afternoon in an interview that .! -. . . .. , the I omimssioners have sacriliceil i him to save themselves from public : opinion. He. declares that thev have j made up their! judgment from the I newspapers anil not Irom the testi- $1.50 PER ANNUM. inony. There is no public opinion i- : jht doubi what lleWsp:in r IgllO Dt ; .1 p- have voiced- it. Th pr v-d. d o i'i '1 isi rvath.n h.ls re.lehe'i .1 at public Mir.cia!.- 'lllt n UlsUfii rahle aild conteliip-tilde "l'l es pipige. l.Vell- nig pa pi. rs lure chroiticlf the fact that the I'r. Mdeiit mid M, ll-s. ( 'li-Ve id w.-dk.-d 111 the r.nd- tl Whit, times lb 1-0. ;,H:i i;,,i walked art und li.cr th. i.-es 1 n il r, e-, jn V(. An Illinois 'potma-itc i In- department ha.- a!n ltd ajiplications f.p i!. 1 ; 1 ; ; t " - tore l e vacai. s them. ambition ".' the -average.A: ' 1- -IcU. " IV-.'-'lVed .lOc- ee I he ti-ft : 1 ( in 10 :: l'l i- to sei've his eo'untrv. 1( i- tie patriotic peph- in hi -torv. Hilt there ;;;-i .iii(- iliillu- 1 t . ' u n t truiv maki U.- l.roii. lie n ! n il t of I osflllilsteM m llela 1 :.i- a 1 v lias Hiu 1 T I 1 tlx t We have the largest nu'mber p rdohices and the lariicst total "i mill-age of any nalio!i op ihe f;.,-,. ,,! the globe. 111- .Mr. handall s .-.imiiiilte.- coh-iilel'.-ibie irielV-s nil ihi priation inear-un - 'or ;;n- 1 1 1 . 1 K 1 1 1 -J appro- eojii il year. I In- Presidential pany arrived without incident irom i-x-1'n id nt Arthu.r .- - Inner;,:., noiw.tii. the rejiorf that an oihee .1 .. '.1. ..... I ;iniiing eeking erai iia'ned il. huier aitleinjiied for si ime j .Ul'j i i-e 1 1 Li! to . 1 i ea rriage. arty stite that they .Mi iniH rs 0; tin know nothing 1 ' of the tact that mh-Ii intercepted before he Mr. ( 'leve'and. Tin- a pei.-on wa had leached storv is therefore dis'.-rcditc -I. Kvell if true, then- v. a- ;n -I i j 3 i 1 l iTsatiotial about it. Prim" is Randolph's new postolliee. 1 li 1: i I i n t S. I.oiuy i- p:!stmahr. Other new postmasters who have been recentlv commissioned are Mary J. Luther . acting at Flea.er : ' Ash ford i.-i-jncv. libb".- ( ross Roads ; . William Holtcii. Nanileiinre : .lohn R. Cross, (iabsvilie: William A. ( 'Uthbeiisnn. Nebo. The postollici- site at Helton. Ashe county, has been chainged thr-e-' loXirths of a mile ea-t. ' : 1 Railway po.-taUservice has been established on the line of the W. A-. W. ( short cut 1 bet we. n Fayetteviile. Among the arrival- w n ;i l- ! tie- i,:i-t week have been Stith. W. . Le; . I!. Aiinlrews. Fred and .f. ( '. I hi .ti m. Whin IVohihil ion ojnes e l Kikcwist-. can Atlanta has a ard. Mr. lb-nrv kerosene drt drunk- .1. burrows drinks ha a lion Kill si He oil WeeK I '. int of th- oil at one taking a half swallow. When I' In- a nd t w 1 1 1 1! In r ecu Veal- of age io s went oh a camp-limp and wen Woods for three Week-. lost m the JhllToWS be c.ijiie separated fmi h:id nothing to ea t ; water. IF- had a kerosene oil which lli- Irieiids and nd eouM find 110 small Lottie of i;i I been i Y illght along to kindle tires, and inun tun II'' all to time he would take -a small mouth ful to alleviate his t was n-s. ii,. J ),,. jia :rst. Relorehe s wa Hi 1W1 1 1 t i 0 entire contents of th! bottle. It- had an exniniMtiii. the ta.-te was . 1 ' etl'ect upon him. and pleasant. i When he seiie oil every day or two. and in a -few months was drinking it regular ly in small doses. It seems to have no injurious elfect. am! his parents did nothing tti stop t In - h-ji bit. While : in tin- army he would make regular ; foraging exeiirsions for hi:s drink. and while others sif-und but term i 1 k. nf fce and whi-kev. he a 1 wav.- obtained a fu! -11 1 is I. ii 1 ki n 1 in- Once during ing man b his oil almost! w. nt crazy the tortiin-s of a rave nit and and suil'ered ali d ri ink an lb- wa . with Dm iff 't i'i 11 in lifi:ifH. lit to a ho-"pnal ami ivmv.- 1 cn-d mime to swallow burrows n i-diah !y ai'l- r bijing allowed a C'.lp ot kellos lie. .ir. ow drinks miirlv a'half- ga n of oil wci-a. and 11-1 - otilv the verv iie-'t. His In-iltli i- k r- .;is f'eetly gfiod : his a .;peu ;-. -i m-ver f.t and he has no known organic tn hies.. H" MVS the oil givi feeling of exhilaration an liiiii ;i liurn-- him as it pa. es down hip thrjat jus ahout a- mueh a- v.ii!Si- would onlin.-irv people. Capital Le:-': i!-e t'l-om l.s o. Hlount 1 Min-.r. - r.arne.-t nes with a clatter, in this wur. 1 f loi s 111 n a.i wa Vs lie ve 1 . 'flu l'- an- pt her t h ings ,. ii;eii aB'e iUlte its I - - .1 1 pleasant am a-f Hie riii)-a- dub of a snare .hum. fu fut. this kind of melofly is not geiii-rai 1 v tin- lii!n -t sivh- of lnMsic. : IblV'- "oU ever known a man -ieis'ling aic o!!icious. clam-r-'H and lorn Ub;it w o itui not veigh heavy a " ... a thill; everv on ; very eXee Well -1 1 ! 1 1 1 r.-tood i,v i pt .jus't thf man who lit' i! by that piece oi' And l;ae you f vr jl 1 iet a I id i-i el I tat ;i : i- might havi n information, kii. iw n a man ami iaimiui. :i man v. no wa- a l, . tiial hli s-ing. a goldf h ina.ii. deep souldf 1 and true, whose memory Illgel'S nig alter h'.- is gone, j i k: light upon the ,;il. it it a gf rge us sun-et '.' 1 In- -hallow strt-am rattff along its eoiirse. but whi-tn it is met and drowned hv tin- maie-tie tides lolling in from the sea.it here is a silence on the hill-. Ill the great tide there is the power of more than a hundred ri vulets, yet itf coining is almost as j ' i i- t a- the celestial forces that bring it. I j Iavyers, I.ead This aiitl Sigli. Col. Ward Lamon has iiist received fine ot the largest n-es on reconi. in .... i ... iii took ?'"( UK Hi for recovering :!.),- ; ,M H ,r the (.'hochiw I inliains. A big it:-. a. . , .. . j . i, . ive. nn iwo oi mice ta.-cs hki that a month a man of frugal habits ! might make "buckle anid tongue", J meet.' Any how, we shohhl like to - ' try " aootu six iin.iuns RATES FOR ADVERTISING: 1 inch, one insertion, .. --r 1 inch, one month ". . "'." ' 2(y; 1 inch, three months, "V.".!"" 3 00 1 inch, sis months, . . 1 in.-li, one year . . '. ". ". . 6 00 i "Folumii three nmnthJ " ,".. culumn, six months 375 Alnnm, one vear " Wni ' f"iumin, three months,... . A column, six months, . .'. A column, one year, i column, tim e months,."."."."."." 1 column, six months,. ...... 1 column, cne year, '.' 1 column, one insertion".".'. .' "." '. . '2 columns, one insprti,, 30.00 17.50 3tl.00 55.00 30.00 55.00 100.00 6.00 one insertion. 10.00 Spree to suit advertiser charged for in iuror.lau.v w nh alwive rates e rates. lM-OlM.i: TALKED ABOUT. Mouade. one of the Imhx'Uc ahler-nun.i-to have ain'ither chance. The i'lry fafled to agree. lie iilt -lew to sit in the tinner :ilative house d' frussia was the :f-Haroii Karl Hothschild. 1 1 iiic l'ulitzei s l.rofits this vear a-j''.""priet"..rof the New York llw-W,' h i- -aid. will reach SCOO.UKI. le v. T. DeWitt Tahnage has been m it. -d;;.. deliver the literarv address at the e.nniiieneeiucnt of Wake For 1 -'t C-!!-ge h.-xt -lune. !."Mi Chief .lusti.ee Colt-ridge has .just -d.dided tlytt dogs shall not be allowed on the' 'streets of London un less lmi.led or led bv a string. 1 1. IH is I alius, one of the ulili.st - a:e! wealthiest citizens of Detroit, t' died t-iis morning. 1 He leaves aii :' e-;a!e worth from .SL"i.(!H,KKtt81S,- ( U ( H H : ; 1 An inti resting coincidence it is thai ah- should cojifer LL. D. updn 1 oliv-.-r . Holmes. Jr.. while Oxford' wa- doin-' mu.-li the same for Oliver Wr Holme-. Sr. i ...v. rnor Currier has appointed Lx'- j. ivei nof ( hi-ney. of Manchester, Fnited States Senator to till the va cancy occasioned bv the death of A'.stin I". Pike, of Franklin. Hui.-r. dl . the historian, has col 'lecied :(nd classified all the material for hi- history up the war of the re iieihoii. 11,. i,.ls n,,t d,)ne mucli literary work since the death tif his W iie.JioWf ver. Mrs. llarricf Prescott Spoflord per petratejs the worst abomination in thesha'jie of a newly coinedAvord in her story, in Harpr'.-i IVerHyi. She uses "tii I It 1 1 lor height, lhateo nin - age will sea reck- Pass current. The jiew President of Yale.is the third I w ight that has-been elected to that (position. The first one en tered upon his duties about KM.) years ago. and the President Dwight of to day is in a direct line of descent In m him. Friiiee Di-mank has 'resumed his little dinner parties. He invites a few gentlemen to each, prefers to see them informally dressed, iiwists up on frank talk, and gives them two wines only a good red wine first and a -very dry champaign afterward. - (!risyold Lorillard has declared w ar oil the present style of dress ,-uits. although they may be einbei- lisheil with white silk vests and pique shirt fn.nts. t the. Tuxedo ball he', appeared in a coat without any tail and a Scarlet vest. The effect was dazzling. Cf-invjet Charles Puddensick, the, man who used mud for mortar, re fused tosay anything yesterday con- . cerning the decision of the Court of ' Appeal in his case. Warden Brush sail! that when it was told him he. took it ;in a philosophical manner, not -ee-ijuitig to Care much. -Iti'.igl' Henry L. Lazarus, district judge ol' the parish of Orleans, La., isahoiitjto Lise his ollice. A petition lor bis linipt-aehmenC hits been lileil with die Attorney (ieneral. He is eh.'irged, with nliscoiiduct in oflice, and it. is also charged that he is in ti liupeteht for the duties of the office. M-ayor-elect Hewitt has taken the oath ol' ifliee. He took' it in a truly -h lii-isohian sfyje. Hi; casually dropped into Mavor Ci race's oflice, and in the presence of the secretary took tin oath and signed. his name, and after congratulations from one 1 11; 1 w 1 1 '. cel'i'tnol ho had come in while the y was going on, gradually wi: hdivw. Thi- is better than we can say it, and it embodies our sentiment: ''The Ii i'i'il proffers to the President its kind felicitations. May his Thanks giving, with all that it suggests of pa-! iortjune ami iuture jironnse, oe evervthilng that he Can wish it; and !ii;t Tin .1 - 1 i 1 i. 1 1 good that he has sought to iien iuincd to iiinueniom. mere , 1 . 1 1 . e 1 1 pi is only -fiae Pn siilent, but there are :i gre;it Miany turkeys, X. Y. Herald. Mr Henry (Icorge made a speee.h at a Fenian meeting on Tuesday evening, in which he had something to sav oh the hind question. That : . j 1 1 : 1 . 1 t.. tu ue.-iioiij na.- iiiin. ieie;tJicy in uie charachf ami purposes ot the re man org uiization. -aiul it Air. oeorge expt eli'i- o retain standing andinllu- among sensible Americans he wbtiid fl n v . I i linn to agitator- well to avoifl such compa would be :i misfortune for -ink to tin: level of tho.se who make guerrilla war- I-'-"1' n'j.oii e-tahhslied (lovermnenta. a in cate dvnamite for the -lauglit h f of the innocent to terrorize , til'-sl 1 tuthoritv. Mr. (Icorge can to enlighten the working this country in regard to interests if hef-roperly di- efl'orts, and it would be tfo ve him spoilcfl by making i it . . !o much j H i i. ,je o their na reels l.l.s bad p. hi common iau.-e wiin an manner oi. agitalors jregan uess f; tiietr -jjiuiiMj-tcr or methods. A dispatch from Columbia, S. C, report.-4th;it Senator Wade Hampton and ;i party of friends started out hunting I Moii'lav morning. The . - i ii . e a .1 artv bechnie separated, and in the aftei noon while rifling through a. tfii' k wodd. cnator Hampton's gun was caugl-t by a vine and disehared. The lo:rd of ' buckshot -entered the head of Ins horse' and killed him. The horse) tell on the Senator. He was severi-ly hurt and his leg badly maimed. jAfter several hours of pain ful effort he got loose, and with the aid of a stick hobbled on one lefc, weak and almost exliausted, Tor five hours through the dense wooa w- . . i t j ward luiie. The party reached the Senators tiou.se atxui oociock, cjl pecting td find, him there. As it d he did not return they st' hi In started to j look for him, and found liim .a short distance Trom home, limning slowly toward it. Richmond i Diiatrh. I 1 ! i n I '.-

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