90SD OILY TO FEBRUARY 1st, 1389. UR ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' FINE GOODS IT COST, AH A h M if is ntlemsn's Fine Custom Mads ik h Ms &itt Ladorth S3gOO C' D' E F Las'at .35, Laced or Congress Gaiters, at $4.00, worth $5.00. worth $3.00. Goat Button Boots, $2.15, worth $2.50. Dongola Kid, $2.00, worth $2.50. French Kid Button Boots, $3 25, worth $4.00. Remember there is no "sell" each box. Laced or Congress Gaiters, at $3.00, worth$4.00. French Kid Straight Goat, $3.75, worth $5.00. AU L?TJ??S stock of Children's andMisses' in this offer, as all our goods have our selling price plainly marked on 3 MONDAY, JAN. 21, 1880 STORES, TOWN LOTS, Stocks and Personal Property PORSALE! , Whitehurst's I.ATKST BY TKLKGUAPIf. A Hlack Criin4. i.u York, Jan. 11). A Memphis, 1(1111., special to the Jlerafrf say x : At irijitonviile, Term., a lanteny on the is-ippi river about one -hundred -aid iit'tv miles north of here, some i i i,i McrKs ao a youn" man marneti me auuditer of .Nlrs. J. F. Atchison, a idriw. The vouny man's fnther !'-' J 7 t aniin that his son s mother-in-law .o.-ssed !?:00 or 8100, concocted jthe plan for him, his .son, and- the vounir wife, to murder the old lady The NOTICE. Caro- ,hvi "''Will ri'li .tr'Tnililic auction .'it Hi.- i- r. n limwr. door in Imrhain, X. t.'., on Thursday, January 24th, 1389, At 1-J o'clock, M., the following valuable an 1 do-i j ' pirable; .property : Ten shares of the Capital Stock of tlie First Na : tional Bank of Durham, X. C. Par value 100 a share Ten shares of the Capital Stock of the Durham I Electric Li;,'htin Company. Par value S100 a share. Titty shares of the Capital Stock of the Durham Fertilizer Company. Par value glOO a share. Une tfood two-horse ipliii-ton and pair of Bav Horses and Harness, one Llack Mare, one tine Sad-: die Horse, two Top Busies, one Open ButjyJ 1 Two new two-story Brick Stores, with" plate jjlasA front, eucli 22x:"r feet, situated on Fairish street, ad joining First National Bank. ; j Two buildingtyts, adjoining -named stores, each fronting 25 feet . on Parrish street and bavin-' a depth of 65 feet. Corner Main and Church Streets, Un der School of Music. New Store and Fresh Goods. Notice is hereby jivn that application will niaie to tne next K-neral Asseml.lv of North Ci M 4 .1 1. ,. Sll: - . i , . . . . . nuo. id iiim-un nit! quarter oi ine fluent v Savin! and lrut Company ot Durham, N. C. By order ot the Board of ireotors. IJ. F. SLAUOHTER, Jr., Cashier NOTICE! of I have just opened a complete stock Application will be made to the General Ass bl y of North Carolina,' at tlie next session then t-jr an amendment to the charter of '-The Imrln lias Company. ; Durham, N. C-i, Dec. 10 th. iur the purpose of robbery. )iu was agreed upon and tlie crime i it is quite likely that' we shair'oir. r nmnv ad.ii- enmmitted The npith'bfirn : tional lots- This will be the most favorable oppor-; d COIimnilbU. llie ntlgnOOls tunity h,r safe and profitable investments ever uilt earned of the crime, fixed the tit-parted. A possee ol indignant fitieiis followed, overtook and jjianged the entire party to the limb M a tree. Tiptonville is practicallvr almost jls remose. as. Shanghai, being with out a railroad or telegrai)h connec- ion with the outside world. otf-red in Durham. U. i 1 i l - l j, i i .inese stores ami lots are (iireetiv opposite 1'ar- IC triO, and the latter hastily , rish s Brick Warehouse, and are anion , the most i . i i . .... i t . i . 'it'Mi.nm' oc;tuiiis in uurnaru. ; i Timers or j-ja i : ! Stoi-ks and personal property, cash. ' Rial .estate, one-third cash, one-third in sis; months, and one-third in twelve months, with in- erest'etn deferred payments, at: rate (,f ei;ht'per' cent, per annum, from day of sale till paid, title to; be reserved till lull payment. Titles to alp above iiroperty perfect aud uuen-' cumbered. ' The undersigned wilj furnish any desired infor mation about an of the above mentioned propert x. ; W. W. FL'LLEK, ' i i J. m: WHITTED, - Trustees of E. J. Parrish. Durhani, N. C, JaTi. l'-'.Hlbdu tds . A ISuriiiii- Luke. 'X 1 miianatolis, I ml., Jan. 11). Near! r i EDWARDS :;"10UifONrl; Our Holiday n j i iv l inmTAi'i n -i-ki : i nit 11 ah i mum (iiiti Diiiiii'. 5 Kewdeeker, a village, in Southern Indiana, a small lake is burning, ; nd is emitting a jeculiar siHphuria! 6dor. The community is excited, ! $nd those living near the lake, arc reparing to leave the rila.ee. r Hie lake is about half a mile inj Cireumierence. The fire covers the eastern surface with a steady blaze ; six inches in height. Xo smoke is perceptible. 1 I I Several theories are suggested, the ! i- - fos( plausible of which is that a! We have the largest and most thor Jein ot oil near the surface has j ou Wy ecmipped nrintmg office and Yui,i uuuci uie puim, unu mm ixie book-binderv iir Xortk Carolinn. nnd was i ,-,-....,1'. ah i-,.i nf tiaai- 1 iiicjiicjj.iicu iui an ttiuunui.iuu nuiiv, i Book and Pamphlet Printing, Book , Blank Book Manufacturing, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY AND TOI LET ARTICLES, which I propose to sell as cheap as can be purchased in the city. I am a druggist of twelve (12) years' experience, and in asking tlie people of Durham for a share of their pat ronage feel confident that I can give them . Satisfaction in Every Particular. " All prescriptions, sent to my store will be compounded under my per sonal supervision ; and by competent druggists, at any hour, both day and night. Soliciting. a share of your iat ronage, I am, very truly, R. F. WHITEHURST. jaril-lm NOTICE ! Notice is hereby eiven that apilication- will mane to the next session ol the General Assein bly tor amendments to the charter to the town Durham. i W. J. CHRISTIAN, Mavor January 5th, 18s9. BUGGIES. 11. 1, lingers sells the best and easiest riding B: gy manulactured in America, known as ' The Sin Centre Spring." Springs warranted lor two veaV Ajso, buggy parts of all kinds. jfrfrOmce: Second floor of Wright buildin corner Main and Corcoran streets. -jani-tf f It. I. ROiiERs JONES & LYON. WE PROPOSE TO MAKE A he n of In Special BtiM Winter Goods. if- i ;Te : In .Srder to rapidly rednc the .piantity of our stock, and to make assurance .,v .muc, in.n uoitiiiicr w,h nave to be carried over for another if season. W e mean to sell these goods, and there's no reason - why tbey;should hang tire. Everything is i New, First-Class and Desirable We propose to put -down all prices en PIEDMONT AIR LINE. Richmond & Danville R. R. Co. Condensed Schedule in EiFect January Gtli, Trains Run by 75 Meridian Time. EVEI5YTHIX(J in our stock for SOUTHBOUND. Stock! BE SURE AND SEE IT ! RALEIGH, N. C. Oil rose to the surface, where it a t mi lirebv a spark from -a burn- lfig log-heap, and that as the oil con-; uimiD HUiti r- lit I N' I Kl'l' IS I r ) i I) 1 X - ; T T-l. eurtace. ' . 1 Kebinding Old Books, kc. The (iladstoiio I(Moiin- I i i . in t.S", Jan. 10. The election of i AIA M. UVA UbVW 1 A V VW & U -Appropriate O-ifts I For all kinds of folks.-little or bi. at. all kinds 'of prices, great and small. A large and varied assortment of DAILY. ' Leave Now ork. Leave I'liiladelptna, Leave Baltimore, Leave Washington. ! Leave Charlottesville, Leave Lynchburg, Arrive Danville. Leave Richmond, ', Leave. Rurkville, Leave Keysville, Leave Danville; Arrive Greensboro, Leave Goldsboro, Arrive Kaleigh, ; Arrive Durham. Arrive Greenslro, Leave Salem, I This means lliat we make a per cent, reduction on any article chased, and tlmt voii ivt tw wnt'w vn m.;.r. ,w n ... ,7 T v"') " mier goous. All lliose OUV- in- now will get the benefit of our reduced prices on si .ecial winter itock ""vi '-i (Ul-J vllllll l.UI. V.OIUC Ml ! . pur- ;buy- t: FancyGootts Oln nt 1U11DI perfumes,. Notions,. Novelties, bz. . . ' . !'' '.' '1 The newest designs and the linest ; goods of the season. Our low7 prices make these beautiful goods all bargains. COME TO HEADQUARTERS Where your money will o the fur thest and where voui are sure " to find what you want. Ames dr. Wilson, the (lladstonian candi- , qate in. the dovan division ot the Lanarkshire, yesterday, to fill the seat in the House of Commons made vacant by the death of Sir William. P arce Hart, has caused the greatest rejoicing among the members of the Qladstonian partv. c-avc- tk , i i i ' bend orders to 1 tie VK'torv is rnmn pte. crush-1 . ---"j f - lDg and conclusive. It is a' veritable j electoral Sedan. The Gladstonians now want only a general election to ' complete their triumph. 1 Sir .John Pender, the defeated can- j til' late, left ( dasgo'w for London to-j y- A large crowd gathered at the! . 41 'ot to. ee him oil". - . supplied with all their needs. BOOK-KEEPERS will find our Patent Spring Ledgers the ; . f:;- VERY BEST MADE. EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N, Printers and Binders, oct22-d3m KALEIGH, X. C. ! Leave GrecnsL-oro,. Arrive Salisbury, Arrive Stat esviile. Arrive AsheviHe, Arrive Hot Sprintrs, Leave Salisbury, Arrive Charlotte, A rri ve Spartanb m r. Arrive (ireenville, Arrive Atlanta,; Leave Charlotte, Arrive Columbia, Arrive Autrusta, No. 50. j No. 5'J. 12 V A3ll"YlrF"M 7 -20 " , f, .07 " . ; i 4,-, " ) .j ) . ; U li-l I " 11W ' ' I 3 40 V M ;: fao A l ' " 4j f Ui. i (i ?33o iT . -r, 12 :f ' 4 27 " ." ,r:; V 5 07 " s no .s y.- " . 10 : " ; - ,' 1 1 r5 AM is 10 1 M ! 2 10 PfM 12 25 A M , 5 ,r.f. Si :; 12 j" ; ' J 7 40 " . Jt6b5 J"'i " ! 10 45 ) 5o " I 1-' 21 A.M 11 i s 1 r.i ""vj: 1 12 PM 7-44 " 4 41 " y 20 " r. 10 " 12 2f. 1 1 2:T A 1 1 55 " V2 40 V M 4 10 " a :7 " 5 50 " j 4 4S " 11 00 " . vt 4i) 2 10 i 1 (Ki ' " v. " j r 10 ' 1() :;o " ' ;t o5 JOIMES & LYOHL Robbins and. Stone -THE ENTIRE STOCK OF- NORTHBOUND. DAILY. No. 51. No. R. Stoves. Answered With a Bullet. . Winston- Jan. ID. Mr. Harrell, '. emplove' on 1 - i3.ui. was evenmix ffun - - lira BLACKNALL & SON, CITY DRUG STORE. Carrington. John J . Thaxton of com in 2 I have the best assortment the Wilkesboro ; stoves. Grates. Ike ever before i of- to Winston this ' fered in Durham, 'which I am offer- ) ul,' of negroes and a demand 1 . ' I !'. iade for his money or his life. His ! fTnnnnt THuniTratpfl 1 , . J Villi liltb'ti H 1 Vli -f ,UJ'iie(uare v ilrpw hi mstn nnn ; nlcnn-lmvo f Thoo L ro a h f .,. . i -i .. :tv '111 liltl tho Lai ; "i " " "t. iii uci. uic uau ucir 1 .4 . . .1 ' t- . 1 ia antiy. The other Carrington & Thaxton At Carrington's corner, near tlie Eaikoad, DURHAM, N. C. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC ! Leave Augusta Leave Columbia, Arrive Cliarlotte, , Leave Atlanta,; Arrive Greenville, Arrive Spartanburg, Arrive Charlotte, i" Arrive Salisbury, .' Leave Hot Springs, ; Leave Asheville, j Leave Statesville, 1 Arrive Salisbury, . Leave Salisbury. Arrive Greensboro, Arrive Salem, ; Leave Greensboro, Arrive Durham, -Arrive Kaleigh j Arrive GoMsboro, Ieave Greensboro, Arrive Danville, Arrive Keysville, Arrive Burkville, -Arrive Richmond, Arrive I.ynf-hburg, Arrive Charlottesville, Arrive Washington, Arrive Baltimore; Arrive Philadelphia, Arrive New 1 M i S-45 A M M XI ! ; 15 p 10 10 ' 1 12 50 J 3 35 A M 5 1 6 00 P M 7 lu A -M 1 Oti A M 1 51 lj 2 11 " 2 52 4 50 " 5 :50 6 2 " 7 05 s 05 F3i LMir 4f, " .1 32 3 :;0 A I 6 01 4 K " t 43 ; trT ' 7 12 ; .s 00 " : H 40 11 40 " t!2 :H a M :i 45 " 110 50 P M 3. Dry Boods, Clothing1, Shoes, Eats and 'Trunks, Wmjbe olVered from this dale at and ; below cost. A settlement must be ; ni.uie wunin ine next ninety days in order to enable Messrs lioh,. i bins k Stone to lay. in a fresh Spring and Summer Stock. r Dress Goods and Silts,, in every j variety: of Uality ami stvle, Avill be sold at ;:. pinue e AorK cost., in lact, the entire- stock, will be sacrificed Lndless variety of Table Linens, Towels, White Spreads, Blankets, I and Gents' Underwear, Corsets, Hosiery, gloves, Handkerchiefs 1 SPECIAL ! 1 : Xiins" Veiling, with a deep border, worth $J.fwill be sold at ct. per !! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! i worm 01 i.auies, oents. and Clnldreiis lincband-sewed and machine i . -jl , sewea biioes will be closed out it a! positive sacrifice j CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ' .'T' ftU,lf U1 ut:llls "e aim. medium huits will be closed out regardless : 1 Of COSt. HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! jieii anu 1,03 s uais ami uaps at your own price.. Come early and Ladies' kard. your selections. The stock must be closed entirflv out within the next ninety days.' A'cry Respectfully, n-i-r-p .t -Lm 1 12 02 P M; 4 :J0 1 02 " 7 50 310 ' tllj" s 05 A M s 50 '. 47 " lt 2 12 41 P M 1 47' A Ml P M i 2; 3 30 1 5 1.) lelpu rk. 12 40 . 2 55 ' , 7 S5 " . ; h .V " 3 in) A Mi 0 20 " ! 2 3 00 7 oo -2D 10 47 1 20 'Daily. I Trustee for Jlobbins k Stone. P. W. VAUGHAN, Ph. G., DO YOU mscr i iptin hmi, PROPOSE BUILD? P M Train Xo. 5U-Arrive Raleigh 3 10 P Raleigh 4 40 P. M. t Daily, except Sunday. M. Leave nesrroes then KAKff Hjtt IrliXij aM complete: stock of Heavy and Fancy Train fc.r Raleigh via Clarksville leave; mond daily. 3:10 P. I. ; kevsville. 6:f) P. i ,U . . - , , .... rives Clarksville. J:21 P. . M.: Oxford, ::50 AA e have jUSt opened and Will keep ; Henderson. 9:p; M.; Durham, 10:30 P. M constantly on hand aud for sale, a fall e,lhurnfngiVeakiSh daiiv ::oo a. m DURHAM, X. C. Train No. 574-Leave Kaleigh 10 CO A II , Arrive rm-nn . . .! , , ,T,:. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN plr. Harrell has just come in and ; than which there is no better, f ,'n himself up to the sherifl;! T j. The ie rgro has not been identified. The GAUZE DOOR which is the latest triumph in Cook I ing Stoves. i r :, . . ': ; of all kinds at veiT reduced varices. VAch- ar- V- M.; Ral- Dtir- Groceries, ham :15 A. Ml; Henderson. S;3o A. M.; Ojxford, teviile, 10:10 A. M .: Clarksville. 11:11 A. M .: Kpv! nii r. n.; arrives Ku nmoml. a::io P. il. Nos. ol and : connect at Richmond dai -TO PHYSIC IMS PRE y ex- vim's Followers Under Ban. 'Voiiiv, Jan. 1!). Archbishop ; prriiran has issued a circular which il be -read in the Catholic churches ; this diocese to-morrow, which ! tvs tliMt nil tUr. r..n f n. Mrt X1 and those who attend the ! HPAilTltf StnVPQ VMM 1115 telincr ot tho ni .Tovorlv Snmptv ! P ' ' ' cept Sunday for West Point, and Tuesdays.Thur- ..lavs ami aturdays for Baltimore via .i Point. No. 5C from;West Point has dailv connection at Richmond with No. 50 for the South. Nos. 50 and 51 connect at Gold-Loro with to androm Morehead City and Wilmingt .u. oi couuecis ai uTetiisuoro ana .-e Feed Stuffs, &a, &c. lfure home packed meat; pure hog lard; pure hog sausage; best snow iiake Hour and other brands; Haxall et;t f , r v , j, Tr , , ' , No. 53 connects at selma for W llson. N. ( meai, naxaa oran, snip stun, nay corp, oats, and everything in the GROCERY AND FEED LINE. train 1a for Agents for the best brands fertili ty P -incur the'ban of the church and alolution will be denied them. ! She is "Grateful." I itved the rf lUlo orirl hv SI tjyt use of Dr. Acker's English Remedy f Consumption ."Tra v V Hbut- r Ney York- K- WacknaHA Son. of all descriptions. A nice lot of Lamp Goods, Tinware, &c, , at lowest prices. M 1 C. C. TAYLOR, ' ! !) ' fain Street dtM'lii 2iu Nos. 50 and 51 make close connection at II sity station with trains to and from Ch&i4 Hill. except sunaay: SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. : On trains ,50 and 51. Pullman Buftet Sleeper be tween Atlanta and New York, (jreeiiislx.ro and Aueusta. and Greensboro, Asheviil. Hoi zers. ' We will sav to all that we are 1 n ? 'JTlli,owu' I?1?; J . ' ! I . i t i -i Ono2 ando.), Pullman BulTet Sleeper between j amplV able, and do buy Our goods lU ' Wahinston and New Orleans, via Mont-bmeo-. i lqrrpninTititiP! 7nv,nrrocli ithI aild een i Washington and Augxu-taJ liich- laie quanillies, paying .casn and sen j m-i and Ureeboro, Kaleigh and ;reetisboro. : for the Same, therefore VC are aWe to ! an,i oilman Parlor Car between Sali-bUry and compere wim any nouse in ine rtaie A COMPETENT CLERICAL FORCE OF RELIABLE DRUGGISTS THE DURHAM Sash, Door and Blind MTg Eo. ANNOUNCE That they are prepared to take con tract" for Buildings of any size, in i Wood or Brick, from the plainest and j cheapest to the finest and most elab- orate, at Call and examine our stock. UespectfullY, CARRINGTON A THAXTON' Through Tickets on fale at principal i-tations to all joints. i- . '1 For rates, local an 1 -through time tables ap.j.ly to any aeiu oi me companv, or to SOL HAAS, ! J AS. L. TAYLOR. iraSie Manager, Gen. PaK. Asrt.! A. TUKK, Iiv. ra..Agt., Paleiyh, IN. C. W T- i Plans and estimates cheerfullyfurn- C0MP0UND PRESCRIPTIONS ishea and contracts solicited at home AND FILL ALL ORDERS. ' or abroad. Our plant is equipped with the latest improved labor-saving ma chinery and we are prepared jto fur nish Sash, Doors, Blinds, and all kinds of Builders' Supplies at prices that cannot be beat au?10-lt Fancy nl Mel Articles, . Cigars and Tobaccos, Soda and Mineral Waters. i-- -r - (i We welcome all and "will treat you riht.