"WEEKLY (innArifift nv Antra i ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY AT- DURHAM, N. C. THE HANDSOMEST WEEKLY III THE STATE ! EVERYBODY SAYS SO ! DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS! ONLY $1.50 A YEAR! Termst' Cash in Advance. THE PLANT GIVES The Latest General News! The Latest State News! The Latest Local News! XiiUiU.il ITJCi D DJLXVIIlUIi O Published Every Week in Large, Clear Type. WASHINGTON LETTER - Giving Incidents of Interest from the National Capital. ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS Of the Durham and Other Markets. I itm! A rlwor icSnn Rone I OUR SPECIAL OFFERS TO SUBSCRIBERS. 3"o. 1, For $1.50 in cash we will send The To bacco Plant for one year and mail to the subscriber two pictures Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland. . These pictures are 21x28 inches each and are richly wOrth $1.00. So for $1.50 you get $2.50. . . INTO. 2 For $2.50 we will 6end The Tobacco Plant one year and make you a present of a nickel-plated clock, six inches across the dial, warranted to keep good time. This clock retails at $2.50 to $3.00, so for $2.50 you get The Plant for one year, worth $1.50, and a clock worth $2.50. In other words, for $2.50 you get $4.00. OUR CREDENTIALS. From the many complimentary references to The Weekly Plant by our brethren ol the State Press, we append the following : ONI OF THI BI8T IN THE STATE. Winston Daily. The Plant, which is already one of the beet pa pers in the State, will be pushed on to greater im provement and prosperity. GRATirrrNQ evidence of estekpeise.. State Chronicle. We have seen, in North Carolina journalism, no more gratifying evidence of enterprise than that shown by The Plant. NOT WOSDKMTJI THAT ITS ENTERPRISE IS SUCCESSFUL Piedmont Press. It is not wonderful that The Plant, with so much enterprise, is successful. ELEGANTLY PRINTED. Franklin Press. ' The Durham Tobacco Plant is one of the most beautiful and elegantly printed papers in the State HIED MORE tXKK IT. Edenton Enquirer. The Durham Plant has its opinions and dares express them. Would that we bad a few more such newspapers in the State. NOTICE ! Application, will be made to General Assembly to incorporate "The Jule Carr Uome Loan Fund, to provide cheap homes on long time to workingmen. January 14th. lssJ. ; 1 1 i FOR SALE ! Oil ThursdaV. January 24th, l-'. we will soil at Auction two beantiful i building lots, on Hollo way street, adjoining the Methodist parsonage and known at the Whitt property." . Terms easy. It. I. liCHiERS, Sec'y A: Treas., jan 10-tf ' Durham Land i: Security Co. NOTICE! All pt-rsons indebted to C. J. &. W. M. Kogtra are hereby notified to make payment of same at once, to the undersigned, as the business must be closed upj All claims net paid by January 1st, 189, will be iilaced in'my attoruev "a Lands for collection. n r! V. BALLARD, deol9dCtw4t Trustee of C. J. W. M. Rogers. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE! All persons indebted to the.ostate of the late C. M.i Holden are requested to come forward at once and fettleltheir accounts. All persons to whom the deceased C. M. Ifolden was indebted, will present their accounts to ttie Administrator at once, ur else this notice-will i be jileaded in bar of the same. U w .. it. iaxj.uk, j i Ailiniuistrator. WIRE RAILING And Ornamental Wire Works. Dufur SL Ce., 113.115 Howard St. , Balto. Md j Wire railing for cemeteries, lawns, gardens offices and balconies ; window, guards, tree guards, wire cloth, sieves, fenders, cages, sand and coal screens, iron ! bedsteads, chairs, settees, etc. I) 1 i jyy-dly IMPORTANT ! All persons who are indebted: to U W. F. ELLIS, in any i way, will please come forward immediately, and pay tame without delay. By attending to this at once you will save : Expense and Trouble to yourselves as well as to Yours, very respectfully, W. S. HALLIBURTON, ' 1! Assignee of W. F. Ellis, decll-wltdtf j DURHAM MALE lLCABEUYl A Classical and Mathematical School ! For Boys. I j THE SPRING TERM OPENS ON ! jiiomliiy, Jan. 14f, 1889 j j AND CONTINUES 20 WEEKS. Charges moderate and payable one-half at middle of termj balance at close. Best ; facilities ottered young men desiring to prepare themselves for Col lege or f r business. ' Your patronage is solicited. "j For further particulars address the principal. - : i L. T. BUCHANAN, ' dec.28.i j ' Durham, N. C. "FIREGRATES ! HEATM STOVES! ' ii V '. ' I- ' ' . : Of Many Sizes and Kinds. "Cotton King" and "Durham" j 'Cocik Stoves. GENERAL HARDWARE. Too much cannot lie said in favor of the Lang1 shan Fowl, when bred! PURE. They are large, beautiful, liarlj quiet, easily confined", stand the coldest weather well, mature nearly as early as Leghorns, niake good betters and mothers, are easily broken up, make the finest table fowl, AND WILL LAY AS MANY EGGS IN ONE YEAR AS ANY OTHER BREED OF FOWLS. I am not speak ing of a large per cent, of the so-called Langshans, which are nothing more or less than a cross be tween Langshans and Black Cochins, but the Pure Langshan, las bred by me. The chicks ape hardy, grow fast and mature early. I believe the Lang shan to be! the best every day fowl we have in this country. Eggs for hatching, $1.50 for 13, J2.50 for 2G. Send for free circular. Address, 1 CD. WHITAKER, Durham. N. C. ..' REUBEti HIBBERD, Florist and hiwti Mm. Cnt Flowers and Bonqaets A SPECIALTY. r Evergreens, Shrubs 1 Shade I1 ZES IE 27 S of all Varieties furnished upon short notice. LAWNSj GARDENS AND Ceznetersr Lots Carefully looked after and kept in order. CHARGES MODERATE. REUBEN HIBBERD, Durham Floral Nursery. i V2 MOXDAY, JAK. 21, 1880. WEATHER BUREAU. The weather prognostications indicate the state of the weather for 30 hours from to-day 3 o'clock. ! Washington, D. C, Jan; 21, 'SUf j For North Carolina, fair, preceded in eastern portion colder. by local rains, .( iREELY FROM WASHINGTON. Special Correspondence to The Plant. Wasiiisgtox, Jan. 20. Mrs. Sena- tor Vancc presided verv rraeefullv yesterday over the Ladies' Historical Society.; Her niece, Miss Cooper, a sister of the estimable young gentle man, Mr. Jlarver Cooper, who died at 1 'Gombroon" about a year ago, is spending the winterj with her ' '' -J: ..'!' ' ' ; Vice-President -Morton yesterday visited the room of the President pro tempore of the Senate, and j was there coached in the general rules of procedure as observed in the Senate. As nearly everything in that body is done by unanimous consent, Senato rial courtesy or precedent, , rather than by an inflexibly set of rules, the position oi presiding officer of the Senate to elect is by no means ardu ous. It will be necessary for the Senate to elect a. President- pro tem pore when the Vice-President absents himself, without designating the pre siding; officer. So Mr. Ingalis, it is understood,1 will be selected by his colleagues a few days alter the meet ing of: the next Congress, provided the Vice-President gives the opportunity- l)y absenting; himself. How ever. ' as President pro tempore with the Vice-President regularly acts as presiding officer lie will not receive the additional $3,000 per annum,, which as .President pro tempore with out a Vice-President he has received for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Morton called on the President and Mrs. Cleveland yesterday i ' i i Everybody here has a good word to say for the members of the X. C. Legislature. Their choice of Senator Ransom is heartily ; endorsed,. The ruxe of lion. William Henry Harrison Cowles in getting ahead of the Ways and Means Committee is still the talk of the hour. He has undoubtedly created a sensation, and what will be the outcome of it is more than I can say. I am told the example he set is to be followed when the Senate tariff bill gets to the House, i. e. an effort will be made to refer it to another Committee than that of Ways and Means. Congressman John Nichols is get ting Lstrong backing for' Public Printer under Harrison. A number of Representatives have endorsed him and lie seems to be the choice of the'- International Typographical Union. . In this connection I am reminded that the Croftxman, the organ of the International Typo graphical Union, published in this city, contained an editorial yesterday on the Contest for Public Printer now going . on in Raleigh in which Josephus Daniels' administration of that office; was most heartihr en dorsed. The paper, looking at it merely from a printer's stand point, said Mr. Daniels had done the work well, had used the best material and paid living wages to the working men. Speak- ling of the candidacy of j. A, Har well, it gave Mr. Harrell some hard licks, and said if he got the print ing the State might expect "rat'' printers, poor paper; and bad work manship in every department. I don't khowr anything about the prac tical part of the work, but Joe Dan iels is my choice first, last and all 'the time. I have written for his paper three years and I have always found him an honest, courteous, conscientious gentleman, faithful in his owrij work and appreciativ of the work of other people. Such men deserve and will ultimately achieve success. Representative Davidson, of Flor ida, has just returned from Char lotte, N. C., where he has been to at tend the funeral of his brother, Dr. Davidson. - ! ! .t i" ! - Secretary Fairchild gave a dinner jast night in honor of the President land Mrs Cleveland. The guests were the President and Mrs. Cleveland,! the Chief Justice of the Supreme: Court and Mrs.. Fuller, the Secretary! of State and Miss Bavard, the Secre tary of War and Mrs. Endicott, the Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Whitney, the Secretary of the Inte rior and Mrs. Vilas, the Postmaster General and Mrs. Dickinson, Justice Lamar, Gen. and Mrs. Frances C. Barlow, of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Hale, of Albany, New York. .Terrible Forewarnings. Conob in the mommcr. Lurried or difficult C O' ! . breatln n sr. raisin cr Dhlecm. tichtness in the phest, quickened pulse,1 chilliness in the evenins? or sweatx at nip-ht. all or anv of these things are the first stages of consump tion. ' Dr. Acker's Englsh Kemedy for Con sumption will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a Mjiiice guarantee by R. Blacknall fc Son. News from the State Capital. Special Correspondence to The Plant. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 21, 'SO. Governor Fowle lias respited lud Anderson, of Goldsboro1, until -the 22d of February. Anderson mur dered a man named Porter, in a most cold blooded manner last; sum mer, and for that crime was under sentence to bo hanged next Friday. The respite is granted! lor good reasons. ' .' I There is a good deal' of interest felt in the matter of appointments which arc in the Governors hands, mainly that of president of the At lantic fc North Carolina railroad of Adjutant General and of the direc tors of the State institutions. Your t; ! t correspondent has reason to believe that there will be lew ehinges. ThejLegislature on Saturday sat heavily down on a- Radical scheme to repeal the count x govtirnmcnt law, in the shape of a bill "(o allow the people I to elect their own j officers." Of course the Radicals voted for the bill, yet one ot them told your cor respondent that in committee he had voted against the bill, that is signed the report against it. With equal heaviness the House satdoWn on a bill to take, away the sum now appropriated to the IptaU Guard and give it to the ex-Confed erate pensioners, the Radicals in troduced this measure apd voted for it. i . Everybody in the Legis to be ; happy. The and tiresome resolutions ature ought everlasting 'instructing our Senators and Representatives in Congress to spare no pains to secure a repeal of . the internal revenue and tariff laws," have by a unanimous vote been adopted.- The; most mar vellous feature was that! the House did this without bluster or speech- making. In the Senate some discourse on the Two years ago, or four mere was resolution, vears ago, there would have been many hour debate. r' Will North Carolina be 'represented at the inauguration of President Har rison ? The State should have some military representation. The Gov ernor's!; Guard would like to . attend. There will of course be many North Carolina visitors. 'J The ; weather prophet predicts a large quantity of bad weather and abackward spring. - 'Winter has realh only just now set in. Some choice tobacco is now being marketed here. Business in the leaf ; department is quite active. The plug factories have all they can attend to. It is probable that in the course of the present year, the agricultural building will be remodeled. It cer tainly needs such attention. Only the laboratory and museum wing is now properly arranged. This week preliminary work be gins on the Postal Telegraph Com pany's line, which is to extend from New York to Galveston. From Pe tersburg to Raleigh it will follow the county. roads. This telegraph sys tem is owned by Bennett and Mackay and is operated in connec tion with the Bennett-Mackay Com mercial cable. It will be some weeks, perhaps months, before the wires Will be strung and the Wes tern Union will have a rival. Very;- great improvements have been made in the fire department here, and there was never j so much esprit-du corjjs. Chief lngel hard's methods are admirable and Raleigh folk need have little fear of fires. The 'question as to whether the public schools will close March 1, or will be kept in operation until the regular: term ends,, has not yet been settled.! The people desire -a full term. It is in contemplation to build a new arsenal and tear away the pres ent small one, wdiich only disfigures the capitol square. The State needs a large and properly constructed ar senal, for its ordnance and quarter master's stores. It is important to have these at all times in proper shape for instant use. Room should he provided for a battery of breech loading rifled guns and also for a battery of gatlings, both of which should always be kept here, in readi ness for any emergency. Much interest is felt in the action' of the Legislature in the matter of a railways commission. - Of course it is a foregone conclusion that there will be a commission. There will be nevertheless an interesting debate, for there will be some opponents who will fight the bill. Then as to the appointment of the commissioners that also is of interest. Appar ently the railway people are lan guidin reality they are very much on the alert. The scaffolding around the spire of the Central Methodist Church has been torn away and the latter in all its graceful beauty stands revealed. In the early spring, when it is dedica- ieu, mere win De lnieresunjr cere monies; Promptness. First take a cold, then a cough, then con sumption, then death. "I took Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption the mo ment I began to cough, and I believe it saved my life." WaltebN. Wallace, Wash ington. R. Blacknall fc Son. Blank Books. j Various sizes and qualities, at the Lhjrliam bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. For Stationery Of all kinds, go to headquarters the Dur ham bookstore of , J. I, Whitaker, Jr., Sc. Co. TOBACCO DEPART3IENT. Alex. Walker, Editor. Durham, N. C , Jan. 21, 1SS9. We find the breaks are small on the warehouse floors to-day. e. have onlv to say that the supply of inferior grades has not abated, but still comes in super abundance. I he better grades, however, have in creased in per centage for the past two weeks, and the breaks Ibr. the past week have very much increased in quality. We look for still larger breaks this week. Asheville, N. C. Breaks for the past week were very full. Quality good with the exception of the paVt two days the stock has been as poor as we have had during the season. It is thought by some that halt of our crop has been marketed. I hardly think so. We are having re markable weather for this time of the vear R. P. Walker. II undersoil. C The otVerings" ands.aW.t'ho past week have been good. There was quite an improvement in the color and general character of our breaks this "week. .- Many good parcels of wrappers were "sold. The offerings of cutters "showed an improvement in color.. The market was very active and strong for all colory stock of desired character. We look for good sales from this time on, on this market. The sales on the Hender son market seem to be increasing very much every year. v This is owing to fts line locality and-iarge company of buyers and good warehousemen. Our sales to-day "were very large. The sales continued till 5 p. m. . . ; w. h. s. & co. B. F. ARRINGTON, M. D., D. D. S. Dental Rooms on Main Street, Over the Bank of Durham. Spei'inl attention given to the, treatment of Diseased Gums, and all diseases pertaining to the Dental Structure. Also to the treatment and pres ervation of Children's Teeth. janlT-d&wly Sale of Personal Property! On Monday, February 4th. 1889. we will sell on the premises at public auction, all the household and kitchen furniture belonging to John C. Angier and wife. The furniture is nearly as good as new. Among tlie articles, one Knabe piano, viiluable.libra ry, bath fixtures, &c. We will also sell at the same time one gray horse, one wagon and. harness, one phaeton aud' harness, one cart. Tertns of sale: CASH. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, a. m. M. A. AXGIER. W. T. DLACKWEIX. Trustees of John '. Augier and wife. janl4-dCt-wtds . ' .j SCHOOL OF 1USIC! MISS L. M. SOUTHGATE, DIRECTOR. The Fail Term will 'open SATURDAY, SEP TEMBER 15th, 1888. . Terms Per Quarter cf Twenty Lessons: Vocal Culture, half hour lessons, - - $10.00 Vocal Culture, hour lessons,' - , - - 15.00 Kano, hour lessons, - -- ' -' 10.00 and' 15.00 Organ, hour lessons,- .- - - lo.OQ Free Classesin Harmony and Sight Reading. j Private lessons also given in Elocution and Physical Culture, per quarter, 15.00 MISS MARION S. FULLER, Scc'y. VALUABLE LAND For Sale at Auction I5y viHrfe of the provisions of three deeds of trust executed by L. T. Puryear and Mamie U. Puryeaf , his wife, to the Durham Land and Se curity Company, John Hall and C. W. Vallace re spectively (all registered in Durham connty), we will sell, at public auction, for cash, at the Court house door in Durham, on Saturday, February 9th, 1889, AT 12 O'CLOCK, M., that valuable residence lot in the northern suburbs of the town of Durham, lately occupied by L. T. Puryear and wife, and now occupied by S. T. Ashe, containing one-half acre, and containing a new and convenient sixTr6bm house with all necessary fences and outbuildings in good order. This house is in a healthy location and good neighborhood, and rs'one of the most desirable pieces of property in Durham. THE DURHAM LAND AND SECURITi CO JOHN W. HALL, I . O. W. WALLACE ( rrutee. By W. W. FULLER, Attorney. jan8tf STORE ROOM WITH ELEVATOR T The store room at present occupied by Messrs. T. F. Cheek & Son, furniture dealers, (perhaps the best stand in town) is for rent after Jan uary 1st. The first, second and third floors will be rented en suit, or the first' and third floors. t The building is fitted with a first-class elevator connecting the .3 floors, and to parties representing a desirable business, I am prepared to offer most satisfactory arrangements. Private rooms or rooms for offices for rent upon the second floor of this building to parties giving good ref erences. TO E. A. HEARTT, AGENT Biisflil. Fri'sli. i .''.- I.. - I' th'e - DAILY TOBACCO Flip ISSUED EVERY AFTERNOON Except Sunday, at DURHAM. N. C ' I ":. . ,i " .'riJ" - i ... ' J. B. WHITAKER Jr., Kditor ' : - -' " ' If, ft! 'r u St! I of c t: T : t. ( STJBSaai'TION One year, -Six months, Three months, One month, One week, i o.ii tit he 6c OUR TERMS: dc ' , . " th Cmh in Advance from Evryxly.' -- ' I 4tr. m RATES FOR ADVERTISING. column, three months, 20." 1 column, six months,.... ...'....'"35.' in i column, one year,....;.......... fO. co i column, three month?, ......... . 35.' he I column, six months,. t . . . . , . . . . . . 60 column, one year, ............... llu. 1 column, three months, . . . ... . . . COi 61: 1 column, six montcs,.......s...... 110 ' 0 1 ohmn, cnayV ar... ... ; '. ... . 2fii ' -" -de - j w: . - - " ; A ; ic , .ca It will be the aim of The DAii.y;ToiAt ytf Plant tc furnish its readers with tbeTt' kr latest news fipni all quarters arid to j k'- ' the same in an attractive manner.? Sc ". '-'. . . . ar " ' V- id: IN POLITICS We shall give Jfaithful allegiance to u gO principles of the Democratic party ti, party under whose administration of ft-' SI. lie affairs the State and the country te. large and enjoyed the greatest prosptf- 'en and the richest hlessings-r-and of co . - ' . i we shall contribute our best efforts to- ; p; ecuring the tiitmihaLt th'c'h n cf c; excellent Sta'e and National reffioe jr. tickets. - ' '47 OUR LOCAL DEPARTMENT. -. - vi We shall endeavor to maka utereU;' and sprightly, farnish'n i the late it Ep penings at home and doing al in our v' to still further advance the interests of 4 plucky, enterprising and prosperous tcv f .i L REMEMBER 'V'ft" i. Our prices and our terms, and fa at once with your s bscription ad ' I your advertising patronage.

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