;n ,,, -HSfe "NwFw 'r C-?-7rfv-Y- MrK Vn! 1 mrt&-r VOL, II NO, 19. SU3DIAKY. "Air. 1) nffrro woman was most foully .unit-red near Alexandria, Va., and her !; was found in a manure heap yester The Cnding was through a dream re- v an Old negro preacher. Two men ta.v- heen arestcnl for the offence. The k:t rn-y General of New York has applied r :t receiver to wind up the aflairs of the K..rth"Kiyer Sugar Kefining Company whose harti-r the courts have recently declared riVited hy hs joining the sugar trust. The j.j.lii-ation has not yet been acted upon by h- Judge. ; Archbishop Corrigan's circu- ir condemning Henry George's meetings . meeting with poor success. Gen. GofF, U,e Republican claimant of the governorship Ji Virginia, says there will be a dual iiveriinient in that State for some time af ! r the fourth of March. A Washington Yrritory man is killed by his lawless wife ho has ehifed with her paramour. The ii-rill is on their trail. The grand Jury ! Kmkport, Indiana have received a warn ing from the White Caps to "walk straight ;r git."' -In Chicago yesterday an oil tank uiM. letting loose about 1,500,000 gallons of -x troleum, w hich has spread pver about 20 i res. There is great fear lest this oil catch i re Minister Phelps and Lord Salisbury 1 eld a consultation yesterday over the Siiinoah question. A tragic double suicide ol a man aged 29 and a woman aged 19, oc- durrcit-at -Monte Carlo yesterday. KD1TOKIAL BRIEFS. Mrs. 'IIaurisox, wife of the Presi- 3ent-elect, is said to be opposed to ie low-necked dress. T ( )-A N I )-A-II A LF-Y E A K d LD daugh ter of Levy , the cornetist, shows ex- """ ' tj-.tordinarv talent lor music. Cui.i yaves try to whip out our diild, -pleasant weather every day or ttvo, but they get "worsted" every t: me. Thank, to lirother Greely for the ipfonnation that wTe may expect no c)ld wave for the next twenty-four ours. . Thk full amount of ' the bonded c lit of North Carolina, when all the i 7 d bonds are funded, wilf be ' S6,- Mrs. A gxess Marshall, of Lon- 4n, has a cooking school in that city Inch last year was attended by ,),(KHJ persons. Boston-, cooking schools have edu- 1 cated lQO girls in the last year. tc wonder how many of 'them really biow horto cook. j A Kextivkv State Woman Suil'rage i) ietv has just been organized. AVe .j'-Te sorry to see the female sun'ragc iiea tr:lVOli?lr rntl Ihkuk is one thing that can be -m in favor of Dr. Marv Walker's dyle of dress for ladies : they cannot fb low-necked who wear it. k .Thar as much time of the 'larch term 11 l,Q I . .... ui uui luuu ui t jken. up in the trial of liquor cases I lias been consumed at the pres- tpt term. Miss Emma Oouvft tit of iVpfifnrrl lY - got the $100 prize for the near- ft guess to the circulation of the i.!'!!lJov SS-:--She -guessed 104,- '' t . and the circulation was 104, ,;,, )"- She missed by 127 copies. 1 hk impress of Janan is a hard ident of the German, Russian, fich-a"nd Italian languages. Cer- ?n days of ih wiking one or the other of them, ie.n the Japanese language is for- Jdt-n. - , . An ixcii.vNGE says : "Side saddles V Jroing out of fashion in England, 1 tG manly way ofridins: is being 'opted by many ladies. The next lng we men know, the ladies will insisting on getting up to build 'tire in the morning. The men u better form an anti-female en aching association. This is certainlv a free country. " A man can buy votes, intimidate vote?, practice all (kinds of frauds upon the elective franchise of the people, and no one has the right to molest him, by prosecution or indict ment in the courts. The Democrats in the Legislature have thus early given the Radicals to distinctly understand that there is to be no change in the existing status ol county government The white man is still to rule throughout North Carolina. His interest are safe in the hands of the present As sembly. ' ! . ' i . -.j Th e News and Observer says : ''To day the Legislature will elect a Federal Senator and the recipient of the honor will be Ransom, the su perb, the patriotic, the experienced. The great distinction of election to serve four successive terms in the highest legislative body in the land is rare, indeed, but it is Ransom's." The Wilmington Star says : "One of our Northern exchanges, we failed in clipping to note which, says of the Tariff' in the Congress: 'Senators Vance and Vest have! conducted the Democratic end of the debate with great skill and tact, considering that they did not expect to be called upon except to serve as Senator Reek's as sistant. The latter overworked him self last session, and he has not been in the Senate this winter. It is quite evident that there will be no tariff law enacted during the present Con gress, but the Democratic party is entitled to the credit j of forcing: the question into prominence and bring ing it before the country until every man, woman and child in the Uni ted States who can read has been en lightened on the subject.' " ; j TOWN TALK. Catch 'em ! See advertisements of Mr. Ji W. Hutchins, dealer in fresh meats. -Ain't. "it about time we were starting that co-operative plug fac tory.? " We have not yet heard of any whiskey being turned out or shipped away.. j . - The train from the North was about on time to day. A rare' oc currence. I Meeting of Durham Lodges A. F. ife A. M., to-night. Work in the first degree. ; ' Col. Eugene Morehead will leave New York to-morrow to join his family at Savannah, Ga. Remember the sale of valuable property on Thursday, by Messrs. Fuller ifc Whitted, trustees. .It appears that somebody must be made an example of before the lawless have a proper regard for the law. Don't forget the supper and fes tival, at the Banner Warehouse, to night, by the ladies of the Black well Baptist Church. Regular meeting of Alma Lodge, No. 5. Daughters of Rebekah! to night, at 7:30 o'clock importance. Come. We would not be unmerciful, but it Business of vindictive looks as or if nothing short of severe punishment will deter violators of the local op tion law. ' Let the faithful officers of our police force have the commendation of every good citizen in their vigi lance to detect violators of the local option law. . Big breaks of tobacco at our warehouses to-day and good prices realized. Bring it right along. The money is ready fori you and j the prices will be at the highest market notch. I One hundred and eleven hogs were killed yesterday at the pork packing establishment of Messrs. Atwater & Carnngton. This j will give an idea of the extent of their business. - DURHAM, N. C,5 TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1889. A crisis is upon us. Stand firm. Be vigilant. The law must prevail. To give up now would be toyield to the lawless and this must never be done. Keep a stiff upper lip and push ahead. j In this day! of adulterated food 1 people should avail themselves of every opportunity to obtain the un adulterated. At "the new grocery of Carrington A: THaxton you will find home-made lard pure: hog's fat The price is no higher than is charg ed for the Northern lard. Let all contentions cease among our people in reference to the course pursued with those found guilty of selling liquor. Let us stand shoul der to shoulder in this work of re form, with a fixed purpose to catch these fellows again if they continue their meanness, and to" catch all who have not yet been caught. Mighty Right." f The Greensboro Workman says : "yhen the local option law is exe cuted as it ought to be, then the lo cal option .vote will no longer be a huge joke," as it has been in many places." a j The Maimed Soldiers. We find the j following' telegram, whicn explains itself, in the Xetn arid Observer of this morning: Durham, N. C, Jan. 21, 18SD. Dr. G. W. Blackball: See Mr. Stronach and have him entertain six maimed j soldiers on my account. j j.S. Carr. New Telegraph Oflice. Arrangements are now in progress for the removal; of the Western Un ion Telegraph office from the Hotel Claiborn to the; room oh the second floor of theiWright building recently occupied by the! Young ;Men's Demo cratic Club, the entrance to whicji is on Corcoran btreet. The change will probably be made Thursday morning of this week, j The Citizen's Committee. The committee of fifty met last night and formed a permanent or ganization. Mr. Geo.l W. Watts was eleeted chairman and Messrs. J. B. Whitaker, Jr., and M. W Reid Secretaries. Matters ' pertaining to the enforcement of the local option law were acted upon. The commit tee means business and offenders had as well wake up to the fact. Another One Caught. A white man named Geo. .W. Tay lor, usually called Whit I Taylor", was arraigned before Major Christian th'is-morning upon the charge of sell ing whiskey last night. The evi dence was so strong against him that the Mayor bound him over to the Superior Court. The case was at once placed before the grand jury, who found a true bill, and his trial is in progress in the Superior Court this afternoon. ; Still There. The pile of trash left near the rail road from the removal of the old ice-house is still there, a monument to the failure of the town authorities to do their duty. We alluded to this nuisance several days ago and we hope for the sake of decency, for the sake of town pride, that the au thorities '"will not place upon us the necessity for complaining about it again. If it remains there you will hear from us. We cant keep quiet with such a stigma asthat upon the civilization and respectability of Durham staring in the face of every i stranger that passes through the town, take away the nuisance and do it at one. ! Superior Court. MONDAY, i The four; white men, Nichols, Aren dell, Moore and WagstalT submitted in 26 liquor ases in which motion for judgment was continued. State -vs. S. T. Cook and George Floyd, assault; verdict not guilty. No civil cases were tried. Judg ment by consent were taken in sev eral eases. TUESDAY. ; The Grand Jury returned one true and five not true bills and are dis charged. In case of State against Saunders Miller, the former judgment was stricken out and he sentenced to hard labor on roads for four months. Plant Photographs. Mrs. II. A. Reams is sick, we re gret to learn. Mr. D. L. Kaufman left to-dpy on a visit to Goldsboro. IMr. S. IT. Turrentine is seriously ill, we are. sorry to hear. Representative John T. Nichols was in town this morning. Miss Julia Crews left yesterday evening on a visit to Ilillsboro. Mrs. Wi J. Griswold Is confined at home by sickness, we regret to learn. (Mrs. John W. Cheek .returned yes terday evening from a visit to Ral eigh." If . T .-.'' Mr. J. F. -Jordan, an extensive to bacco buyer at Greensboro, is in town this afternoon. Mr. J. S. Carr left on the early train for Raleidi this morniner and will preside over the ex-Confederate Pensioners' Convention, to be held to-day. Messrs. T. M. Stephens, W. B. Bennett and Henry Pickett left on the noon train to-day to attend the convention of disabled Confederate soldiers, at Raleigh. What an Argument ! "Durham is stirred up over the lo cal option law that is not enforced. The illicit traflic in whiskey goes on shamelessly, and is bearing fruit in lawlessness and disorder. Raleigh, Wilmington, Asheville and other cities, where the sale of liquor is licensed, is in the full enjoy rrient of peace, quiet and general sobriety. The contrast is a significant one, and presents the anti-prohibitionists with an arugment on their side of the question." Asheville thlizen. Wherein is the argument?!; Is it in the fact. that the local option law is violated ? Then you have an ar gument against every law upon the statute books. Is it in the fact that the people are indignant at the vio lation of daw? Then you have an argument against the peace and or der of society and against the law loving and lawr-abiding everywhere. The anti-prohibitionists may be able to frame an excuse out of this condi tion ofaffairs, but don't let's dignify it w ith the distinction of argument, for argument is reason, you know. There is' another strange lesson taught, at least by inference, in the above paragraph from the Citfyn. It is this : That peace, q u iet and general sobriety follows license for the sale of liquor I in any community.1 3ly ! My ! Did you ever hear of any thing so absurd before ? "Peace, quiet and general sobriety" where men sell liquor and where men drink liquor and -in consequence thereof bring themselves to ruin, body and soul, and inflict suffering and heart aches, andsometimes brutality upon those that they should love and pro tect and support ! "Peace, I quiet and general sobriety" where a man, impelled by the passions created by the accursed drink, stabs a fellow man nigh unto death ! When license for the sale of liquor brings "peace, quiet and general sobriety" rivers will run up stream, water will burn and fire will quench thirst. Errors Corrected. j I A correspondent of the Asheville Citizen, referring to the efforts that are being made in Durham to put a stop to the violations of the local option law, falls into errors which we will point out after giving the follow ing paragraph from the lettec: "In two; elections Durham voted the "dry" ticket by a majority of her citizens. For some months there has been an open and shameful violation of the local option laws ; indeed, to such an extent that it resulted'in a public meeting, just held, in which there was an enthusiastic uprising of the law-abiding citizens and they formulated resolutions saying the violators -must stop and 7ia "stop their illicit traffic. Embraced in the reso lutions was one appointing a com mittee of fifty citizens whose duty it shall be to wait upon the low and secret groggeries about town ; notify the keepers and warn them to stop immediately, and if this warning is disregarded, forcible means will be used. The fight is on and it is a vigorous one. Many of these liquor sellers have closed "up and skipped out, in the hope ol returning to busi ness when the Superior Court ad journs. I Some who have already been indicted journej-ed off .to an other county, but the strong arm of the law, is fetching them in. 7i ftantrr capiases are flying around and the faces of some of these men are now daily seen Sim the court room. I will cite one instance : A man in dicted for violation of the local option law, was required to give a S 100 bond for his appearance at court this morn ing. Half an hour after he gave bond he skipped out, leaving his bondsmen to hold, the bag. The wires have been made hot and by the time this falls under the eyes of Citizen readers he will be back in Durham to show cau?e for his be havior." The correspondent is mistaken in saying that the resolutions adopted by the citizens' meeting made it the duty of the committee of fifty "to wait upon the low and secret grog geries about town; notify the keepers and warn them to stop immediately, and if this warning is. disregarded forcible means will be used." Such a statement will have a tendency to injure our community in the eyes of the world, because it ma&es it appear that ur citizens have resolved , to resort to lawlessness and violence in orderj to put down . lawlessness. Such is not the case. .'The. circum stances are -very . aggravating and while there may be difficulty m re straining passion in the face of Out rageous and presistent violations of the law; in the defiance set against the will of the people as ex pressed at the ballot box; in' the failure to get the offenders severely punished after they have been convicted yet, with commendable forbearance, "the citizens of Durham propose to stick to the law, withoujt recourse to vi olence. . The resolution of instructions to the committee of .'titty is as follows: 'That a committee of titty be ap pointed to carry out the wishes of the law-abiding citizens of this town, as expressed in this mass meeting, and that, they be empowered to act in any way that in their judgment is best." - A little reflection ought to show that the law abiding citizens of a com munity are opposed to violence and that the judgment )f Titty law-abiding citizens would not declare such a course to be bed. While this is true, it is also true that the law-abiding citizens of Dur ham are determined that the law shall be respected and enforced and they will continue their efforts in this di rection until the desired end is ac complished or it is shown beyond controversy that justice and the en forcement of law cannot be secured. BUSINESS NOTICES. Superior Court, Cliarrel and Convicted of keeiinr the bsst Beef, Pork, Mutton and ' .Sausage in town. Trv him again J . . JiUTcmxs. Be Quick and lie Dead ; A parody on "The Quick and the Dead," just received at the Durham bookstore of Only 'JOc. J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. For your Spring Grass Seed don't forget to call on W. J. Wvatt A ( V Local Option Law. Purest and Finest Fresh Meat of all de scription at Lowest Prices, delivered free by J. W.-' Hutchins. Three hundred bushels White Spring, ?,rf bushels Rust Proof, 400 bushels Illack Spring Oats in stock and to arrive at W.J. Wvatt iV Cos. At Stokes Hall I Thursday night, January iMth, at S o'clwk Rev. J. J. Ilovle, of Kaleigli, will lecture on "Revealed Religion, according to the old disjunction," and on Friday night on "Re vealed Religion, according 'to the new dis pensation." A cordial invitation extended to all. 7 School Books For Public Schools for Graded Schools, for Private Schools, at the Durham bookstore of'. J. P. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. : : , ; - Have; You a Piano? Messrs. Wm. Knabe & Co; of Baltimore, will have a Piano-tuner in town thL week and orders for tuning can be left at the School of Music, corner Main and Church street. Blank Books. Various sizes and qualities, at the Durham bookstore of D. Whitaker, JrM & Co. For Stationery Of all kinds, go to headquarters the Dur ham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr, A Co. $5.00 PER ANNUM. NOTICE! Application will ,o made to O. nt-ral A&somblv to iiiKorporato -The Jule Carr Home Ian Fund' to provide cheap homfs on lorn; time to Avorkingiuon. January 14th, issi. $25 REWARD lOIl V JAMES MILLER, Colored, F. D. MA.RKHAM, SberilV. FOR SAXeT -Kijiht valuable bnil.litisr lots in the western part of Durham. For particulars, call on or ad dress, K. I. ROGERS, See'y te Treas., auglS-tf. Diirham Land &. Security Co. - ATTENTION. the Durham Land and Security Co. has some of the most valuable Real Estate in town and in Fjmt Durham and AVest Durham for sale. JTS-They make a specialty of collecting account, and rents. .. i - , They also rent, buy and sell for others on com mission. !:' . Ollice: Second floor Wright building, corner Main' and Corcoran strc ts. V i jan7-tf j . R. I. ROGERS, Scc'y. I VALUABLE LAND' For Sale at Auction Hy virtu" of the provisions of three dcodn of. tru-t executed by L. T. Puryear and Mamie II. l'urvear, his wife, to the Durham Land and Se curity Company, John Hall and C. W. Wallace re spectively (all reisterd in Durham county), we will sell, at public auction, lor cash, at the Court house door in Durham, on . Saturday, February 9th, 1889, , AT 12 O'CLOCK. M., that valuable residence lot in the nort hern suburbs of the town of Durham,!, lately occupied by L. T. Puryear and wife, and now occupied by S T. Ashe, containing one-half acre, and containing a new and convenient six-rooni house with all necesaary fences and outbuildings in good order. This house is in a healthy location and good" neighborhood, and is one of the most desirable pieces of property in Durham. THK DURHAM LAND AND KECURITV CO. JOHN W. HALL, C. W. WALLACE. iru-- J. I n. . C. W. WALL. Dy W. W. FULLER, Attorney janStf FIRST MTIOMAL BAM OP DURHAM ! Chartered Nov. 9th, 1887. Capital, $100,000.00. i OFPICERH : J. S. CARR C. 8. BRYAN......... LEO. D. HEARTT...., CHAS. A. JORDAN.... ....... ...... ..President Vice-President ......... Cashier i.i.V ...Teller. T I RECTDItH x J. S. Carr. W. W. Fuller, H. N. Snow. J. T. Mallory. E. J. Parrish C. H. Bryant T. D. Jones, J. W. Wa ker A. H. Btoken, Jas. A. Bryan We beg to announce to the public that we are now ready for business, and can be found in the "I'arrish Building." Tersons desiring paoers dis counted will please present them to the Board of Directors through our Cathier every Tuesday and Friday. ! , Persons depositing monies' and receiving certi ficates of deisit therefor, running six or twelve months, will receive interest thereon at the" rate of 4 per cent, per annum. We are Trqartd to do Banking inAU its De- parimenls. GJlections, Loan, DiscourU ard Dqmii. Knowing the wants of the community as thor oughly as we do, we will endeavor to erre the public as liberally as circumstances will admit. REUBEN HIBBERD, riorist- and' kfaje Mm. Cat Flowers and Boaqnets A SPECIALTY. Evergreens, Shrubs 1 Shade of all Vaf ietics liiraisheil upon short notice. ? LAUD'S, GARDENS AND Oe23a.eter3r Xjots Carefully looked after and kept in order. CHARGES MODERATE. REUBEN HIBBERD, Durham Floral Nursery -I