VOL, II NO, 36. SUMMARY. u The I'- Senate was kept busy Saturday, ;,:it lil nothing of any importance. Whii' the -House had under discussion the 1 Vtoin e appropriation, bill, Mr. Mason, of Illiri"!-, wedged in a partisan speech on ,,uih Carolina elections. : The President h i- re-moyed Judge Edgerton from the civil 4rvice rtiinriiission, and nominated Hon. jlucrh S. Thompson, of South Carolina. The w:tp'- f the employes of another Penn ,vlvani:i blast furnacedias been reduced 10 j,cr ivnt. The British Parliament will open 'on the "Jl-t. In the Dakota .Legislature Fridav the female. suffrage bill was defeated l,v :t v..tf -of to i!2. A furious gale with hitter co-Id weather is now prevailing in 1 Indian' 1 ami Scotland, and numerous wrecks are reported.- Riotous demonstrations -con tinue in Rome among the unemployed work men; cavalry have been called out to. guard the ltiildiiigs.: New York harbor is to be defended-by. some dynamite guns. All was tjuit't in loldsboro Saturday, though the ti.wn was full of negroes. . i:ditokial. briefs. (ioi.n-r.ono realized $182 from fines 1 li it.. iL f T and penalties ior inc luuuui oi jau- j tjir" .m Edwin Booth and Lawrence Bar- re u receiveu cv,uuu casn ior seven 1 ir" rrt i c performances in Louisville. Thk Germanton 1 ime& and the Far- m r and Mechanic, at Walnut Cove, tlie breensboro Workman learns, arc to be revived. One gentleman in town says he is the nutt numerous - subscriber The 1'lant has. His live dollars repre sents about five regular readers of the paper. . It is live dollars fine to say any- i Lilt; n I .,ltf I x r-Y llf 1 11 I fW-l ttT ' ' uun.y,uui uie- uMuuiui buu . not beautnui ; we have not seen any mat was since we were aooui tell Vl'liTS Old. . .V'mkmbeu of the Legislature has iiuumuu;cu a urn to auoiisu cum i- house , rings, whereupon the. Ashc- ville CiIkc savs : "A bill to abolish flo , ., ; , .. the ,UuI is next m order. - fun Pennsylvanians are becoming aroused over the question of State prohibition. A liquor prohibitory amendment to the constitution will most probably be adopted this spring. We hope the resolution of the Lexington convention to plant only about fifty per cent, of last years crop of tobacco will be observed, i It will help both the farmer and the dealer. The Washington Critic contains the following tender epistle: '"Dtir Ben: I take ray pen in hand j To write what gives me pain : I h New gets in your Cabinet, i There ain't room there for Blaine. Yours, J. G. B." Ini: New Berne Journal estimates that the" veterans of the late war are dying at the rate of six thousand a year. Still the Federal pension rolls an- nnt JiminicWn, W onv ' hk Treasury experts say the de- It'Use in tho mvenno nnlpr thp Spn- ate t-arifT bill will not amount to more thnn fr., iio i,v nn a on . NJij.iNM) ruL ; Orrnvo, 4V. T . .. taxes tne Republicans are going teil- Ti i k w i l m i n rr f v More nilKUr cnirit n ml pridpnppfl " enterprise among the people of -orth- Carolina, have developed 1 1 1 1 tlP tncf 4 it-r i.nn .. (lion rni I te has known throughout her wholeliUtr.. ftory. Goldsboro Argu?, of Sunday, s:l.V;5 : "All day yesterday the streets 01 ur city were - thronged with dar- kevs-I,,, un n ,.i not HI Called" meeting did off ,P f 6 thC PaSSet 1 orderly and even more or- Clerk' tbor, U J.J Oil ,j luc usual crowueu oka- Ury in this city. It seems rather a curious way to begin a newspaper article on a sub ject by the confession on the part of the writer that he does' not. know anything about the subject rnatter. If a man does not appreciate his citizenship highly enough to pay a cent toward supporting the govern ment that guarantees his rights as a citizen, he should not be take part-in filling the o that government. allowed to Rices under The Savannah Xeivs say: The Baltimore Sari suggests that Sena tors Chandler and Kvarts take a trip to Marion, 111., to investigate the race trouble there. Messrs. Chandler and Evarts won't go. They are too busy working the Southern outrage mill." We are extremely sorry to hear of the death of Col. Charles R. Jones, which occurred in Charlotte on Sat- urday. Col. Jones W2S for some I'M rs fr i trr nf th o Pli a rlrvff a Dhvtw " "" vwn. , nriM TinHor hlJ DHltnrD ni -if mnr. "nvivi no v-nnjicuip 11, wan one of the best newspapers in the State. The New York World comment- ing on Governor Hill's recent visit to Washington city, says : "At this dis- tance a live Democratic dovernor of . i . C,L , . J , the Empire State seems to be more popular in Washington city than a Democratic President with onlv one month's salary in sight." The Columbia (S.-C.) Register 8&y& with truth "Tf i rdnin fn n flipn j with thegovernment at Washington the result will be to give one set ol . l states, having the controllof the cen- tral government, the mastery over Infhpr mpmlws nf fhp ITninn " v The New Berne Jontasavs : "An authentic silver dollar of the Con- federate" States is valued Ijy coin col- lectors at SI, 000. Only a few were coined." We were under the im- pression that only two coins (which were half dollars) were struck ofi by the Confederate Government, and one of them was lost. TOWN TALIvl Cold and growing colder. Whoop up the new factories. Commonwealth Club! to-night. St. Valentine's Day nextThurs aay Meeting of the Durham Light Infantry to-night tor drill; : The Tobacco Board of Trade held a meeting this afternoon. There are many vacant houses in Hati since the colored! exodus to Mississippi There, were two accessions to Main Street Methodist Church yes-; terday morning. -Thp nnlirp rpnort considerable drinkin yesterday. Where did the 1 . .... whiskv come irom ? - rrw f o. ,M-;li";J o institution and-ivesus a city like appearance. Patronize it Qnorinl mpptinor nfl Durham Lodge, A. F. & A. M.J lO-IllKUl. ork in the second degree They say llickstown is in a stir over the bill introduced m tn islature t0 repeal it8 charter. Remember the valentine n,.n l-r Kill lntrnniiffin in thp I Pit- . i ine party and . fejstival, on -Wednesday ana and festival, on Wednesda Thursday nights of this week. Tmnortnnt mpptlnor of Link No H4, I.jjQ. to-night at 7:30 o'clock. Re tr nr iroinpn r i ti ure to i-iyid We presume the withdrawal of low rates to the South, by the Rich- low rates to the South, mond & Danville railroad, will put a quietus on the negro exodus. j Alma Lodge No. 5, Daughters of Rebekab, will meet to-morrow night at 'i:30 o clock, snow or blow. .Lvery member reque'sted to be present. was quite a surprise to our hponle to find the around covered I X' 1 n witn snow mis morning Nearly all of it disappeared during the day. DURHAM, N. C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. -To-morrow niht the Ladies' Aid Society of Main Street Methodist Church will give an oyster supper at the church to its honorary mem bers. Fo.ur persons applied for mem bership at the Black well Baptist Church yesterday. There are indi cations of a revival spirit in this con gregation. The Kpworth Band has pre sented the V. M. C. A. with a beauti ful centre table. This gift from this band of young Christian workers is highly appreciated. Sheriff Sharp, ot 'Little Alec," j passed through Durham Sunday morning in charge ot a man convic ted of manslaughter and sentenced to the penitentiary four years. Interest increases in the propo sition to establish a shoe factory in Durham and we hope to soon be able to announce that definite action in this direction has been taken. Don't forget that one way to make things prosperous is to patron ize home enterprises Stick a pin right here. Don't send away for anything you can procure at home. fUV Inf. 'inf vnlpntinps nnrl a fresh supply of Triumphant Sonss ust received at the Durham book store of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co See advertisement in to-day's Plant. The youngest child of Rev. and Mrs- T- M- u- George met with a Pamtul accident yesterday by fa ling againsi a suck, wnicn protruaea tne roof oT thft. mnnth innp nntl. ing serious will result from the wound. Those who were so badly taken in by the tricky quack, on Saturday, still mourn for their lost dollars. It is estimated that the lellow cleared mnnv hif nf hia iv;t n,, if ,r;no the old adage, "Truth is stranger They say The Plant's runner went wild Saturdav vrhen the quack passed alon the street throwing awav the nickles and dimes. He had been left in charge of the sanc tum and while the chink was living around in the air, Adolphus yelled, in imploring tones : "Oh, Jim! Jim! Somebody come and stay here, 1 " "."V" ' ' ,., 1 '' Blaekwell Baptist To-Night. There will be services at the Black- well Baptist Church, at 7:15 o'clock, to-night. Preaching by the nastor. Rev. W. B. Oliver. The public, and especially Christians, are invited to attend. W. C. T. U, The Woman's Christian Temper ance Union will meet at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to-morrow at o:30 p. m., at -which time it is proposed to perfect u.iti organ izauon cu u e riower.uisr pense charity. to Durham's poor. The New Berne Fair, The Richmond & Danville rail road will sell to parties attending the fair at New Berne, which opens on the 19th and closes on the 22d, tickets from Durham to Goldsboro and return for $i0. Ihe tickets will be on sale fromthe lGth to the A'Sia ana wiu oe goou returning unui the 24th. ' We do not know what the are wi i be irom uouisooro to Aew ierne, out presume it ui ue iuv, probably not exceeding bL.)() tor the round trip. Absurd Stories. Tt i mVl thht n nirt nf our rol- r , I nAiMil.itiAn is in 1rrm mntmn and trepidation over bare faced lies that have been circulated among . i li t . i ioem pruma uy u were trying to induce them to leave rnif cpci nn ... i mp re i ii ir i i 1 1 rii i 1 1 "-- . ,. . ' I narrrrtaa nxvix irr1t ! KlrA UlrA tHp. 1 4ie mi iiu in i inv iuvj did the Indians. Anotner is tnat when ; Harrison is inausuratefl the ne oes are to' be colonized . . ,,f i- , We suoDOse that other lies equally as ridiculous have gained currency among them. To intelli gent persons a refutal of these things may appear absurd, but as they are believed by some of the negroes and molests their peace of mind, we would assure them that they are free from all danger right here as long as they are industrious and well-behaved. PlaiJt I'liotojjraplis. Mr. J. S. Manning went to Kak-igh to-dajy. t r 1 Mn L. (i. Cole spent yesterday in Oxford. i 'Mr V. J. Exum went down the road Mr to-dav. J as. It.Uireen spent Sundav at Chapel Hill Rev. H. T ! Darnall preached at Chapel U yesterday. Mr, day a Mr, T. E. -Whitaker spent yester ternoon! in Raleigh. F. J. Ila-jre has returned from a busmess trip to Oxford. Mr. F. P. f Burch spent Sundav with relatives;near Mebane. Mr. Telepi day. Geo. II. Glass, of the Raleigh lone Exchange, is in town to- Miss Salliej Yates is confined at homelbv sickness, we are sorrv to hear. j Mr. T. A. Noel, of Henderson, was in toyn yesterday, and left for Ral eigh to-day. 4 j Dr. I J. P. Monroe is back froni a visit jin anotner county. lie re turned alone. Kev. C. J. Curtis, of Lincolnton J officiated at fet. Philip's Fpiscopa viiurcn yesieruay. Mis3 Xanriie Cobb, of Caswell county, is visiting the family of her brother, Mr. j. B. Cobb. " Kev. T.M.X-George, of St. Philip's Episcopal Chllrch, held services at Bingham School last night. Miss Pearl Yates is sutlering from the ell'ects of a fall. Hope she will soon recover from her injuries. Jude Walter Clark passed through Durham yesterday evening. He convened court in Union county to-dav. 1 Miss Sallie pavies, of Chapel Hill, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. J. Kirkland, will return liome this evening. .; The Cotton Factory. Thej town of Lenoir wants the cot ton factory, referred -to in The Plant some days ago, as will be seen! from the letter published below. . What steps are being taken by Durham to securej the factory ? What answer shall we give to the gentleman's in quiry We refer jthese questions to the Commonwealth Club, which, we hope, will have a meeting to night. Here is the letter: : Lenoir, N. C., Feb. 8, '89. . Editors Durham Plant : 1 hr.ve seen! an extract from 'Our paper to the effect that a Pennsylva nia manufacturer wished to move a cotton, and woolen mill plant to North Carolina, if the citizens would take a. certain! per cent, of stock. If his proposition has not been accepted, will you kindly forward me his ad dress. Our citizens are wishing to investl in a cotton mill, and will take stock liberally with the ritrht parties. By giving this your attention you will greatly oblige, lours very trulv. Y W. C. Ervin, Mayor of Lenoir. Strike While; the Iron is Hot. Let ever' member of the Com monwjealthjClub be on hand at the meeting to-night. Mattfrs of im portaice to Durham requite consid eration, and we hope thai we will not ha ve to report to-morrow that there was no meeting for the want of a quotum, j With proper effort Dur ham may enter upon a new era of prosperity. Our people are awak- ened uy tne; importance oi new m- . i v ! "USineS, anU the time to strike is is hot. Organization U1IC .lllC is necessary, however, to secure the result? so greatly desired arrd that are within our reach. The! Commonwealth Club was or- ganized for the purpose of taking the :maii)e m sucii mailers auu 101 con tnbuUng in every possible way to tne successiui culmination oi plans set ori foot to advance the interests of thel town. ,,jThe people, therefore, are lopking toj the Club to act. Shall they be disappointed? Let every member answer no; by attending the meeting to-night with a disposition to del everything within his power to pu$h forward .' plucky t progressive Durham in her march towards greater prospent.v. Blank Books. . Various sizes and qualities, at the Durham bookstore of , 3, B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. The 3Iutual Lifevf Now York. The following items culled from the annual statement of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, which appears in The Plant to-day, will give an idea of the im mensity of the operations of this in; stitution during the year 1888 : To tal assets, S12(),082,15-j.50 ; insurance in force, 8482,12-5. 1S4.3G ; new risks assumed in 1888, $103,214,201.32; in come in 1888, $20,215,932 o2 ; paid policv holders, 514,727,550.22 ; sur plus." four per cent., '-$7,04.0,003,63; numbers of policies in force, 158, 300. This company, of which Mr. Rich ard A. McCurdy is president, is rep resented in Durham by Mr. W. H. McCabe, who says it is a strictly first-class life insurance company, and that there -is ho better in exis tence. ' Y . Celebrated Gardens. The celebrated "Hanging Gar dens of Babylon" were within the precincts of ihe palace called "The Admiration of Mankind.'-' They con sisted of gardens of trees and flowers on the topmost of a series of arches 75 feet high and built in the form of a square, each side of which meas ured 400 Greek feet. The city of Babylon, with its famous- gardens, was razed to its foundatio'n, GD0 B. C. - Two thousand, five , hundred and seventy-inne years . . later we find the celebrated gardens of James Yick in Rochester, New York. For description, 'catalogue of . seeds, ad vice how to obtain free a copy of Vick's Floral Guide and also of the famous new rose, called "Vick's Ca-! price," address, James Vick, Seeds-! man, Rochester, N. Y. Error in the Statineiit of Iur hani's Death Itate for Novem ber. - It will be remembered that W stated several days ago that some of our authorities claimed that the death rate of Durham for the month of November, as published by the State Board of Health, was incorrect and that we promised to investigate and report. We ad dressed a letter to Dr. Thos. F. Wood, Secretary of the Board, in reference to the matter, and in reply we have received the appended letter, from which it will be seen there was a great error in the report, the tempo rary annual death rate being only about one half what it was repre sented. ...:.' Our statement was based upon what we considered reliable author ity, the bulletin of the Statfe Board of Health, and of course the respon sibility for this injustice to Durham does not rest upon - us. It had al ready been published throughout the State, and had not been denied ty our authorities, and it was very nat ural for us to conclude that the re port fcwas correct. , A . Exceeding care should be exer cised in the report of mortuary sta tistics, for their value must depend entirely upon their correctness. We are glad to learn from the Secretary that greater vigilance in this matter will be exercised hereafter. Xow, because there was error in the report, the temporary annual death rate being much less than rep resented, let there be no relaxation in sanitary efforts. Durham has the reputation for striving to reach the top in whatever- she undertakes Let not the matter of health, the most important of all material things, prove an exception, i.et us . i 11 n utiijze an our means tor securing cleanliness and consequent health fulness, and let us endeavor to secure for Durham the lowest .mortuary-re port of any town in the State. Here is Dr. Woods letter-:.". X. C. Board of Health, ) ' Secretary s Office, - j juh.m.h, r eu. o, oo. j ! J. B. Whitaker, Jr.. Esq., Eddor Plant, Durham. X. C. Dear Sir: I reply to vour favor of the Gth inst., I. beg to reply aa fol lows : Our rule for finding the temporary annual death rate is to divide the population into the number of deaths per thousand and multiply this by twelve. The death rate for Durham is not given correctly for November, though whose mistake I am unable to say; but in my annual report, which will be extensively circulated, it shall be $5.00 PER ANNUM. corrected. I note that proof ot that issue was not read at this office. The total number of deaths for Novem ber, 1SSS, in Durham, was 7, and not 0. The death rates are as follows : Whites, 13.2 ; colored, 0.0 ; total, 9.0 In the future I shajl insist opon proof of bulletin being carefullv re vised. Very truly, : J Thomas FYWoor, M. D. BUSINESS NOTICES. Pure Harvey Lard. 20 pound pails, W.J. Wyatt A: to. Triiuiiphaiit Songs Just received. Sold at publishers' prices : So cents each ;'. t0..; per dozen. At the Durham bookstore of J. Ii. WlIITAKEK, Jli., Si Co. Valentines, Sentimental and comic. Various qualities and prices, at the Durham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. If You Love Me i (Jo to the Bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, J r., A: Co. and get for me one of those ex quisite alentines. Go at once before srme other fellows get the pick of the lovely stock. I-- Seed Oats and Grass Seeds. All kind Seed Oats and Grass seeds at W. J. Wyatt Co. For Stationery Of all kinds, go to headquarters the Dur ham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. School Books For Public Schools, for Graded' Schools, for Private Schools, at the Durham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. STATEMENT -OF- The Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW Y0KK. RICHARD A. McCURDY, President! For the year ending Doc. 31st, 18M8. Total Assets, - $126,082,153.56. Increase in Assets, 7,'275,3il. CH l.G45.C22.11 17,42 10,301 $103,214,201.32 j--.J3,7S6,792.H5 $4H2,125,1H4.3G $r,4,4.6.2ri.8r. 20.215,932.52 " $3,096,010.06 ; 14,727.560.22 Surplus at tour per 'cent.. Increase in Surplus, Policies in force. Increase during year. Policies written, Increase durinit year. Risks assumed. Increase during year. Risks in force, Increase durina year, Receipts from all hources. Increase during year, . Paid Policy-lloldcrs, THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: Bonds and Mortjcag, $49,017,874.02 $48,616,704.14 21, 786,1 25 .34 $ ,H 13,277.00 3,24U 72.46 Lnited States and other securities. Real Estate and Loans on collateral. Cash in Banks and Trust Companies at interest. Interest accrued. Premiums deferred and In transit, etc. 12fi,0H2,153.56 Year. I'.isks Assumed. $ 34.61,420 40.507.139 56,832,719 69.457.40H 143.214.261 . Kiik'k , Outftandint?. ' $351,7K9.2H5 368,981,441 393.809,2 427,62,3 4S2.125.184 Surplus. $4,743,771 5,012,634 5.643,56-t 0.294.442 7,940,063 1H'4 1SH5 1880 187 ROBERT A. OR ANN 18, Vice-President. IS.V.C Y. LLOYD, lid Vice-Pn-pideiit. WILLIAM J. EASTON. Secretary. RRESEE k SONS, General Agents. Baltimore, Md. O. F A GENERAL MEETING -OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Lynchburg & Durham R. R. Co. By virtue of a resolution of the Board of Inroc tors of tbe LYNCHBURG & DURHAM RAILROAD COMPANY, passed at a meeting id Bard held In the city Of Lynchburg on Thursday. February 7th. 1"89. a general meeting of tbe Stockholders of the LynchbnrKi: Durham Railroad Co. U hereby call-d to be held at the SOUTH BOSTON HOTEL, In the town of South Boston, in the county of Halifax. Virginia, at 1 o'clock p m., on THURSDAY, the 14th day of MARCH. 189. And all Stockholder are hereby notofied to attend said meeting. By order of the Board of Director. PETER J. OTEY, President fed-dtpm - DO YOU WANT NICE VEGETABLES In your garden thia eeaon? If o. don't plant anything without uicg DURHAM BULL FEETILIZEE Remember thla FertHiier aurpa anything you ran get for your Garden or Lawn. Cheaper than Anything Else. GET A BAG 113 LATELY. DURHAM FERTILIZER CO. feCd-lu r