Ui$ x)lmcr.o Wlmt " ii J.B. WHITAKER, Jr., ) Edjtors S. T. ASHE, j taitors. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Year, - - $5.00 1 Month, 3 Months, - - 1.25 1 Week, - 50 cts. - J 5 ets. RATES FOR ADVERTISING. 1 column, three months, .$ 20.00 column 6ix months, column, one year, k column, three months column, six months,. . column, one year, . 1 column, three months, ....... 1 column, six months 1 column, one year, 33.00 60.00 35.00 CO. 00 110.00 CO 00 110.00 200.00 Space to suit the adveitiser in pioportion to above rates. The business office of The Plant is at the Durham Bookstore, corner Main and Corcoran streets, where subscriptions and advertisements will be received. WEDNESDAY, FEIi. 19. ----- THE BILL '.TO AMEND OlIJ TOWN CIIAitTLK. There wa.s introduced In the I louse of Representatives -day before yci terdav, a bill to amend the charter it of the town of Durham. This bill, so we 'have been . informed, eontaiii. four amendments. The first provides lor dividing the town into two vot ing precincts. The second amend ment gives to the town CoinmisMgn ers the power to regulate the running of trains w ithin the corporate limits, and to prevent the blocking of our street crossings with cars. The third amendment gives the Mayor ami po lice -the same jurisdiction for a halt mile outside of tire corporate limits as -they 'now have within them. The fourth invests the- Commissioners with the power to levy taxes upon solvent credits, evidences of 'debts, stocks, bonds and such intangible species of personal property. We think all these amend men-is are good in fact, necessary for the proper administration of the town government. The lirst should by all means be adopted, for one polling placels not enough for a town ol this size, and we should have two. It is also right and proper that with, the number of railroads soon to be located within our town that the commissioners should 'have the power to regulate the moving of trains through the' corporate limits, and to prevent the blocking' .of the street crossings with cars. The amendment providing for making all species of property bear their proportionate parts of the burdens of the town government is just and proper. This burden should not be confined to the real estate and tan gible personal property, as it now is. The most important of them all is the third; amendment. This will give the town authorities the power to break up the numerous dens" of iniquity that are located, just out side of the corporate limits, and have therefore been exempt heretofore from police surveillance, although many of them are nearer the centre of the -town than .the surburban dwellings of some of our citizens. This amendment will allord great relief from annoyance to this portion of our citizens, as w el) as rid the town of a great many bad immoral characters. KAILKOADS. The Wilmington JItwnger says it is time for'some one 'to rise superior tg the intimidation ot that public sentiment which brands as belong ing to railroads every man who does not loudly vociferate against these I'lirnnrjitimm. Lliinic ine Messen ger h wrong in supposing that public tentimerit is against railroads. There are a number of broken-down politi cians and demagogues in the State who are eternally raising a howl against railroads, hoping thereby to fool somebody into believing that they are patriots and are trying to protect the people against a devour-in-; demon, but thev do not fool the people a bit they have known these olil fellows too long to be led by them they7 have betn Tefore the foot lights too often. To this class may be added a small number'of the new crop poli ticians who think they see for them selves great political renown in a crusade against railroads brought about by their eloquent appeals to the people to "rise in the majesty of their might and put under foot this hydra headed monster." Of course the people right shy of this class of office seekers, too, for they are aware that they are a . worse lot than the first mentioned class, if such a thing be possible. We are neither a railroad man nor an anti-railroad man in the pres ent political acceptation of the term.: We believe in railroads, and we; want to ee them form a perteet net work all over Xorjh Carolina. Such! will be the making of the State. Anything that is done to cripple our? present railroads, or that tends to putting a stop to thebuilding of new roads in our .State pulls us back just tnat much in the progressive march of the daw Encouragement should be given to all persons contemplat ing an investment of tr.eir capital in ps drih Carolina railroads, and noth ing should be done, to make them, apprehend a hostile attitude on the part of the State. Just here we would say we have seen it stated that the Iowa Railroad Commission ; law-has -'put a. stop-'to all railroad building -in that State. Railroad corporations are power-; lul concerns generally, and often do oppress the people; where they have no", competition. They do this for the sake -of making money, and every one. of the.-e fellows howling against them -would -do thr very same if op portunity ollered. I Again-t this! op-'. pression of the railroads, the people ,-hould be protected, and the expect this protection from their legislators, and this is all they do expect or want irom mem. n "ine people are so. opposed -to railroads, why i it that they so often vote by overwhelming majorities, to tax themselves heavily for the purpose of getting new roads ? OUR EXCHANGES La(Jrange jevolor : Now cadets continue to come in; at Davis School: This institution is in a more nourish ing conditioirthan ever before. 1 Greensboro Workman: Mr. A. L. ;i hi nicer, whose father was one of the Siamese twins, has been made Secretary' and County Organizer of the Mount 'Airy branch of the Far mers' Alliance. I Person' Courier' Now if our far mers would put a little money in a canning factory in iKoxboro, we be lieve it would pay .them and be a benclrtrko; the town:' We must have manufact uring enterprises if we wish to prosper. j Twin City Iaih: The friends of Rev. Hj O. Lacy will be glad to know that his condition is much improved since bis treatment for his throat trouble. His physician expresses himself as being very sanguine alout his early recovery. ! New JJerne Journal: Three mem bers of the gun club went up Neuse on Wednesday in ; search of some thing to shoot. ly the steamer Carolina yesterday they sent in over one hundred partridges and doves, the result of about it day and a half hunting j Fayetteyillc amercer: The grand jury of Robeson county indicted en gineer Monaghan for murder ot Jess McLean (col.) on a trestle near Red Springs last week. The killing of McLean was purely on account of his own negligence, if we have been properly informed. Asheville Citron: Many persons will be interested to know that they can-make the trip to Washington and. return, attending the inaugura tion, for one limited fare, which means half rates." Special tickets will be on sale for this, from the 28th inst.. and good until the St li prox. - Sanford Rvre : The largest prop-' erty owner in Sanford says he will hot invest another dollar of his money here, until whiskey is driven out. Gentlemen, ucal lager must go. One of the very lirst signs a stranger sees upon his arrival at Sanford, is the sign '.of liquor for sale. We cannot begin to estimate the material dam age groir shops are doimr for San ford M Charlotte Chronicle: We have how four cotton mills, one knitting mill, one spoke and handle work?, one oil mill, two iron foundries, one furni ture factory v one mattress factory, one .'patent- medicine factory, one cotton tie and bagging factory, one bellows factory ,three machine shops, one steam prist mill, three sash, door and blind factories, two clothing fac tories, and a number of smaller in stitutions. Washington .(1'jietle : There are tilty counties in the State that pro duce as much grain as Hyde, which is called the granery of the State. The old Tar has been on a tremen dous boom. Fortunate tor the farm ers that it is not in the cropping season. Our country friends will tell you that the town lock-up and local option have crippled the busi ness of Washington. We know that local option has materially crippled the business of the loek-uo. Shelby Aurora : William Aberne thy, a good-looking young man, be came crazed with whiskev Mondav afternoon. He had a huge pistol a foot long, and while passing a Shel by alley he wildly 1 drew his pistol out and fired it three times among a large crowd of men and horses For tunately the pistol balls entered the ground and did no damage; but he made the crowd scatter iu haste. He was arrested for his reckless shooting and his Inn cost him $24.60. Talking in Slang. New York Clipper. ijhe was a Bobton.maid of hicli degree. With eves that shone like incandescent ;- . lights, -'-1 ' And,jnt .such pouting lips as seem to me - The, kiss invites. I met her oh the Common's Grassv sod. iear where the fountain plays in squirtire mood ; j She Mood reliective, while a plastic wad Of gum she chewed- "It doe? one good to seek thissiot," said I, "When weary! of the city's hum and buzz." She ceaed her waxic pastime to reply : "That's what it does." "This svlvan spot," then softly I avered. "The foot of man seems almost todehle.v Her voice came,! sw eet as notes of woodland bird i - I "Well, I should smile." The balmy breezes whispering overhead With such enchanting softness kiss the brow'" ' ! In tones of lujuid melody she said: j "You're shoutin, now !" j And have vou noticed, fair one, how each have vou noticed, fair one. .bird . .j Seems here to choose its sweetest vocal gem I dwelt in rapture on her every word: "I'm onto them." '"Ami now the leaves like moving emeralds seem, j When in re-pone to the sweet breeze they 'shake!" Her voice cji me sMt as echo from a dream: "Thev take the cake." ! - ! - ! Dost wander ofteh to a sylvan spot, j The dreamy sense of quietude to seek ?" Soft uurled her answer. "Well. I take a trot Bout once a week. In converse sweet I lingered by her side, And felt that Ijhere forever I could dwell, And as I left her after me she cried "So long, old fel." I was not captured by her voice so rich, Nor with her lovely face, so fresh and young, ' - . But with. the sweet dexterity with which Her Mans: she shins;. lie Was the 3Ianajrer. New York Star. ; ! I heard another story about John Stetson the other day that illustrates his strong personality as well as his u nfa m ilia ri ty -j-a t on e t i m e with th e English language. One of his travel ing theatrical Companies, under the charge of a business manager named Sharpe, halted at Yonkers a lew years ago to give two or three per forinances. Stetson went out to take a look at the arrived at the he discovered house, and when he theatre at about noori a smn in iront ot trie house, the inscription upon which read : "Matinee at '2 o'clock, sharp." Stetson did not like this at all. lie summoned hij? manager and asked him why he hnd put out such a sign. "Take it inj" he continued, "and have it painted over so it will read, 'Matinee at 2 o'clock Stetson.' 1 w'ant you to understand that I am manager of this company, and I am not going to own name on allow vou to star vour a sign. An Important Meetin Asheville Citizen. !. '-- I ' ! On the 5th of March a general con ference of State railroad commission ers with the Inter-State commerce commission will be held in the city of Washington. The principal sub jects to be considered are these : (1) Railway statistics, with, especial ref erence to the orm uiation ot a uni (2) Classification of form system freight, its siiil plification and! unifi Kailway legislation, ion be provided? (4) cation, (o) should reiiula The heating and lighting of cars. (5) Automatic car-coupling. (G) Con tinuous train brakes, and other mat ters now more particularly within the sphere of State authority.! This is ah important meeting, and (North Carolina should be represent.! Supposed a Case. Detroit Free Press. A small boy entered a Fourteenth avenue grocery the Other day and asked the proprietor to trust him to. two cents' worth of candv 1 don t Know vou, was he re- lbr. But- 1 live just two blocks down." "But ...what made you suppose I d trust you ? ,T supposed so because you ve got two barrels ot kerosene out doors and bored gimlet holes in I could have both of them last night without any body knowing it." The grocer compromised by trust ing the boy to a cent's worth of candy -and roiling the barrels into his shed. Capt. II. I Waring's Mission: Charlotte Chronicle. j Capt. R. P. Waring, Superinten dent of the Assay Office, left yester day for Iiiladelphia to assist as one of a committee of 13 to assay and weigh the coin to see that it is up to the government standard. Besides the officials the President appoints a committee of thirteen to assist at these annual examinations, j Capt. j W aring will represent the Appala chian chain. Members of the com mittee come from every section ?of the United States. The selection of Capt. Waring) by President Cleve land is no small "honor. ! This is the season when the coun try editor begins an article "Let us warm the heart of the poor;' and then he goes but and treats himself to a cocktail. -Texas Sifting. Promptness. First take a cold, then a cough, then con sumption, then death. I took Dr. Acker's English Item edy for Consumption the mo ment I began to cough, and I believe it saved niy life." Walteb N. Wallace, Wash ington. K. Blacknall & Son. IvE O IDsT E3 ,TT bw To I IT IS AN ACKNOWLEDGED TO MAKE MONEY IS TO TO PROVE CONCLUSIVELY THAT THE BEST WAY TO SAVE IT IS TO DEPOSIT IT IN OUR ESTABLISHMENT AND FOR I EVERY DOLLAR DEPOSITED WE WILL GIVE YOU IN GOOD HONEST GOODS One Dollar and Fifty WHILE WE HAVE SOLD THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' WORTH OF GOODS OUR STOCK IS STILL UNBROKEN IN ASSORTMENT! Tlievr Jin t Sold BLANKETS, FLANNELS, QUILTS, LADIES, CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, SHIRTS, TABLE MENSE Dress Goods, Custom Goods, Etc., Etc. Rememler Price is No IMITTSIE &c SHAW, W. S. HALLIBURTON, Trustee, Eain Street, - - - ELLIS' GREAT BARGAINS UNHEARD OF ARE BEING OFFERED EVERY DAY IN EVERY DEPART MENT. OUR DRESS GOODS STOCK Embraces beautiful .styles ami .color?, attractive' trimmings to matcH such j as Plushes anl Velvets, Braids, Ornamentsretc. ; Our Stock of Black and Colored S3ks IS IMMENSE. YOUR ATTENTION IS SPECIALLY CALLED TO OUR Ingrain and Brussels Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, etc. REMEMBER THAT EVERY ELEGANT STOCK-MUST f ASSIGNEE SALE. Black Goods ! Hoisery, GlfveS, Table Linen, White - o " -w A GENERAL CLEARING OUT Please couie at once and ! embrace md embrace offered again. Remember the tire. A cordial Respectfallj, Some Goods areteiDg' Offered at AlmostHalf their Value W. Store opposite YHot el Claiborn li. Make I w ' ! 1 r. m TfT A FACT THAT TUJS aiAL wax SAVE IT, AND WE 'INTEAD am Cents Sold Once ! GrENTS' AND WHITE LINEN, TOWELS, IM STOCK OF Object ! They Must Go ! - XTrider Stores Hall. -OIE1- BANKRUPT SALE! DOLLAR'S WORTH OF TJTTQ BE CLOSED UNDER AN NO TIME TO LOSE Black Goods ! Goods, EmbroUeri' and Lace 8 are ieiiecLiiacririee, OF EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH. this 6rrortnr.;f t- ... stock is New never invitation to ai UraC S. Halliburton, t Assignee for W. F. Ellis. VV XjU ivi n THDAPPn DT iiJ D ! j. 1S U .; V iSK Y FRjJ) XT DURHAM. .N.fi THE HANDSOMEST WEE! IN THE STATE! i EVERYBODY SAYS DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS ONLY $1.50 A YE Terms: Cash in Advance " THE PLANT GIVEb The Latest General News! The Latest State Net The Latest Local News! TALM AGE'S SERMONS Published Every Week in Large, C. Type. - VV,' ' .,.' WASHINGTON LETTEE Giving Incidento of Interebt fn.it' National Capital. 1 Liberal Advertising Bates OUR SPECIAL OFFERS TC SUBSCRIBERS. lJo-.1, For $1.50 in cash we will send Thi bacco Plant for one year and uiailtc'4 subscriber two mctures Mr. ana Cleveland. These mctures are21x'26i each and are richly worth $1.W. 4 M.ouyou get 12.50. J No. a, For 2.50 we will send The Tow4 Plant one year and .make you a prew j a nickel-plated clock, six inches' acro-j d i nl wnrrantorl tr fimfi. i-1 clock retails at $2.50 to $3.00, so for r vou eei Tttp. Ptivt for nn vear. c; il.50. and a elnr.k worth $2.50. In words, for $2.50 you get $4.00. OUR CREDENTIALS. From the many complimentary refers to The Weeklt Plant by our brettf the State Prees, we append the follo OSK Of TBC BKBT IM THI tilAlt. Wlnainn Tn.ilv. The Plast, which 1b already one of v i ine state, will be puehed on w JC provement and proBperity. GRATirrrso ktidehck or iHTrBPBU State Chronlcle.l more gratifying evidence of enterprise tw i fciiown by Thje Plant. i SOT WOKDE&rux THAT ITS EKTEBPBIB I fCOl Piedmont Press. J It is not wonderftil thkt Thi Pi asi ltb i enterpriae, ia aacceasfal. ''!' : " . - KLEOABTLZ VSUSTtV. Franklin Pre. k,Th5 P?a Tobacco. Plat Ib one of &D umui ana elegantly printed papers in ) . mo ICOBI IXEJC IT. . r-aenton JCnquirer. a MIfLE Drham Plakt has its opinion J expresa them. Wonld that we bad a few n w.paperB in the 8tate.