VOL. II" NOv56. EDITORIAL. BRIEFS. S'oiuoix, Va., handled twenty on.-aii'l tons of coal last week. DURHAM, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1889. $5.00 PER ANNUM. The friends of Senator Chandler's opponent for Senatorial honors are usin the comments of the South ern Press in the Blackburn affair ,,lN T vou reckon Secretary Bay- for the purpose of belittling Chand- i nmv i hnt he hnd nnt loft ler in hit; nwn fitnto ! r- . ... C,. tl.O f'.lllInO r West Virginia has rather a sur- 'j-rni.- and coffee for two were in feit of Governors just now. The two -.- .. . ...k,,iVt lJ;ilp?orh pmtIv this men. C!nrr nml OrkfT lioim K.-fK -kirm RlllUllj- ilUUUl . niiv.p.. - . J .. w... m. ivn v vjlw, lltMIKj UU11I UCCli orninbut we have not heard that sworn in, and Gov. Wilson holds on saying neither of the other two can be Governor until the General As sembly declares the ; result of the election. This is sort of a "Mid shipman Easy" fight. inybody demanded them. I'liKsinKNT' Harrison in his in u'Tural address pledged himself to faithful observance of the civil ser ice law. Will he carr out his lecke? . We do not like the condition in which the Confederate pension bill now stands before the Legislature We are afraid the bill has secret enemies who, under the guise of p, are doing their utmost to defeat it. We do most sincere'y The Gkrman papers say. they ex- hope, tor the sake of the btate s repu- (cteil a more friendly disposition tation as well as for the poor sol nm Harrison than from Cleveland, diers, that the measure will be ' jut that liis inaugural address leaves adopted ttle hope for it U'k auk glad to see a disposition a the part of the Southern Press and leople generally to give Mr. Har- c.i.i im s aummisiraiiuu an open uem frjen(snj friii .a fair trial. , TOWN TALK. IT That ''I will see you after awhile," "If vou want' to settle this at lotlier time, I am ready," are by 1 odds the safest way in which to fettle a personal affair between leg- ilators. We sitpose President Harrison to the first President who ever de- fvered his inaugural address with- Li t uncovering his head. He wore i Is hat. during the deliver7 of his Hdress. - Since writing our article on "Good legislation," we have been informed it the .Senate last night reconsid- Ash Wednesday. The beignningof Lent. Thirty-one phones already ta ken. A good start. The telephone service will prob ably begin to-morrow. Fines and costs in the Mayor's court for February, $130 61. Mnggs' Landing, at Stokes Hall, by Bishop's Comedy Company. It is proposed to incorporate the Durham Young .Men's Christian Association. Seventeen dogs have been killed because the owners failed to fork over the tax. If vou haven't riaid vour sub- CU Uie WllOle OUestlon OI Lon ea- knvintinn tn tip .vnhuro- A. )iir- ate pensions and made the bill a ham, do so at once. 7-Viu order tor eleven o clock to- Train trom the west lour hours w late to-day. It waited for the north ern connection at Greensboro. Our clever contractor, Mr. W. C. Bain, who has been a few days 'ab sent from Durham, is at home again. The Plant's phone was placed in position to-day. j Send us the news by wire from all parts of the town. We are pained to chronicle that Mrs. Mary T. Lyon continue quite aick at the residence oi iur. J. ra Lyon, on Ramseur street. We've got something a Harri- vial order for eleven o'clock to- W e noi'E those two members of e House who haul, the quarrel last ght, and called each other liars, pn't kill each Other before they get jrough their legislative work. This puld not be treatino- their constit- nts right. lis said some of our Senators got 'Hty warm during the discussion !-. ' I Ml . t rr i ic pension oui yesterday, ine t-'nus of the bill discovered that son squedunk. It was presented to Kilt1 St'lVltrtrc nKi1a rrnf nn l i r"i nr in ns bv Air. w. b. iiamourton, wno tnendly to the bill, were trving to 3i it with amendments. The Th Fertilizer Factory Booms. ree car loads of Durham fertili zer standing at . the depot, at one time lyesterday, looked like business. - i - ? i notlier Street Light, At the meeting of Town Commis sioners last night, it was decified that an electric light be placed on the north side of Chapels Hill street, near the corporation line, lor the benefit of persons going to and from Blackwell Baptist Church. No Court, No Defendant. Vt the hour 'appointed for the trial of A. II. Scroggihs; for misrepresent ing the age of Lucius Browning, the Justice' beYore whom it was to take place and the defendant were both absent. . The lawyers were there, but oi course they could do nothing with out -a court. . ; - Durham Lijr lit' Intaiitry. An interesting, encouraging and largely attendedjmeeting of the pur- ham ; Light Infantrv , was held at their Armory last night. There were three accessions! to the membership. Special services for the boys will be held by the Chaplain, Rev. K. F. Bumpass, at Main Street Church, next Sunday night. : ' Junior V. 31. C. A. The boys' branch of the Y. M. C. A. has been temporarily organized with a membership of twenty-three. A pretty good beginning. The tem porary officers are: W. B. Rowland, President, and John Puryear, Sec retary. A meeting for permanent organization will be held at the rooms, on -Friday afternoon j at 5:30 o clock. i - X Plant Photo?raplis. I Resolutions of Uesneet. Maj.iW. A. Guthrie got back to- At the last meeting of the Durham lobacco Board of Trade, the follow- dav from the inauguration. Mr. J. F. Slaughter, Jr , went inS report of the committee on reso- down to Raleigh this afternoon. Mr. W. W. Fuller has returned from a business trip to Raleigh. Mr. W. S. Halliburton returned from Washington this afternoon. Prof. T. J. Simmons returned yes terday evening trom Y ake rorest Mrs. s Martha Garrard, of Wake lutmns was unanimously adopted : Your committee, to whom was assigned the sad duty of submitting ull,aule resolutions expressive oi our deep regret at the death of Col. Lugene Morehead, beg leave to ofTer. the following preamble and resolutions: Whereas, In the death of Col. Eu- county; is visiting her brother, Mr. gene Morehead this city, whose every II 1 If I .. 1 .' 1 Jl ivl ."' . - ii. i. niuiKer. interest ne so iaitniu v and 7.p.n mis v Mrs. Suit, of Granville, who has guarded, will ever miss his services ; en visiting Mrs. J. M. Whitted, and this community will mourn the X for home this morning. loss of one of its brightest jewels, Miss Lily Long, of Chapel Hill, was so gentle yet so nonie was on the east-bound train to-day tha nature might stand up and say going to Raleigh to attend the Emma to the world this., was truly a good MRS. BENJAMIN HARRISON. General II. W. Battle. General H. W. Battle, writing to Charity and Children of the New Berne Exposition, says : "Mr. Julian S. Carr, of .Durham, was here, and it is said his great I wealth has in ! no way detracted from those elements that go to makejup the type ot re fined, generous and cultured gentle man of which he has made himself the model.5' ! To-Night. The Bishop will appear at S in Comedy Company okes Hall, to-night, I hey played in Raleigh last night. The News- & Obxer ver says: U he play is an! en VI it nrrro' T o n rl i n " : joy able, la ugh a tords a pleasant ir-sKKM? that some of our State "tv .1 , i J i axe trying to get up a ckburn-Chandler reputation. Gar- ot buncombe, and Banner, ol ?ichtlr are the gentlemen who lived vv )t 1111 LU& V1V pr in the House last night. ittended the inauguration Squad No. 1. of the D. L. I. is notified to meet for drill, Monday night. The roll of this squad will, be published in The Plant to-morrow. Two deaths for February were re ported to the Town Commissioners last night. One of these was buried in the cemetery and the other in the country. The Emma Juch (Uke) Opera Company passed through here this ifternoon en route from Danville to Raleigh, where they will give a con cert to-night. "j The estimated val ue of Col. More head's estate is 8230,000, consisting nf str.rlcs. honds. real and personal unwell- county boasts of a citi i wno is, at the age' of seventy, a Prohibition TTi-k tn his 4 ----'-vikw. L -eeond year he drank half a 'on of whiskey a day, wdien he pre on. it is a wonder he ever pr0pertv , etc. The will has been III IMI'MTlin n -vmv-v 1 . l-v -v r Y I n-4 l-tnl" I T 1" l ' J Mill I III ' I nil i x: c n ,,1 C ! ... i . : . ine atieruiuu ui uii iu uccu ui Ul I I Mil . . . ' I 1 I I . " I I - I I M..a.n-. o "0 v-"" - - enuine miuinerv is inviieu lu uic Harrison finished delivering card of Mr. P. McWilliams, manu "lauguMl nrl.lrooa r, tha ocoom- fnptnrpr nf hand-made Harness. lie i ' - V V I ft. V ft. IA fth. I d thnneo.-, t uj'u...,.j Will furnish vou first-class goods at -"ucuuuB 1111 I H I t'ilLIIf 1CU I " - . . " ... I 1 . f i i.--v him e trio I moueraie pni.es. v.nc unu i Mr. C M. Herndon has bought the interest of his partner, Mr. K.H U ble comedy' and af- evening s entertain- ment7. A constant vein ot vivacity and fun runs through the play which against the background of the plot makes a pleasing serio-comic effect." $4,945.40. j The Plant saw to-day a check! for four thousand jnine hundred and forty-five dollars and fortv cents, pay able to Mrs T W. Harris, being tlie life insurance which Dr. Harris held in the Inter-State Life Insurance Co., of f Staunton, Va. How fortunate that there are such things as lite in- surance companies, and now wise men are to patronize thym. Dur ham has the heaviest insured man in the State, if not in the South. Charter Granted. The bill to incorporate "The More- head Banking Co." has passed both branches of the Legislature and is now a law. ; The incorporators are Messrs. G. S. W atts, ol Baltimore J. Turner Morehead, of Leaksville Julius A. Grav, of Greensboro ;! V H. Willard, of Raleigh ; V. M. Mor gan, A. M. Rigsbee, . Duke. V. Fuller, J. S:-Carr and S. F. Tom linson, ot uurnam. ine names o three or four of these gentlemen were inadvertently omitted in our first report. THe Morehead Bank ing Co. has our best wishes for a large measure of success. wc the east front of the Capitol, ia the hn77.ih rf IK f capping of mvriad of hands, he k. : v,nnrKon Tpa Vnntnrv 11 . , . ! - ' AlnUlCl, 1U un. uuiuuuj -iw - J l f kltL "ooiuty of heart to turn as will be seen by reference to an- Jnd to where his wife and daugK- nouncement in to-day s Plant. Mr O l , r .1 m. ! and imprinted a kiss upon Herndon iniorms u. mai ( cheel- L,. m r. . : for the season will begin to approve every worthy act " Re present administration and is Went to Florida aud Died. frmined to give the President "a Mr. Charles Stover, a carpenter by fiance." So. with oleasure. puienas Act No. 1. Love your f ana serve the Lord, Mr. Presi- (V ana 8lve the South a chance, child sick and in very destitute cir We will say "well done." ' cumstances,at Crystal River, Florida. trade, who moved with his famih' from Durham to Florida, during the early fall of 1SSS, died on the 3d of last January, leaving his wife and Juch concert Mn Daniel Osbrrn, of Oxford, is Airs, isemamin Harrison, wite ot on a visit to Ins son, Mr. W. H. O he President, is one ot the most ad- born, who is confined at home bv mired women of this country. Mrs. sickness, we are sorrv to learn, 'n Harrison is tne uaugnter ot uev. J. W. Scott, of Oxford, Ohio, one man. Besolced, That whilst this Tobacco Association bow in humble submis sion to the will of an All-wise Provi- uence in removing irom our midst our friend, associate and brother, we nf 'rhP hisses Lessie Southgate, Marion can but regret that words are inade- Fuller,Lida Carr, Lily Lockhart, Nola quate to express our deep sorrow at 4. : ... . i t- .1. ' . . , , vi .i ul a i.--.iuJ woodward, Alabel lomlinson, Lora the loss of one whom we so tenrkw V, Tu- , , lauuiciiix tuv; Woodson, Lizzie Harris and Mr. loved uem oi uii-uer euuuatiuii.i iu uer vPrnnn Dnrnnll wpnt to T,m1 : i .i, : ,i r k i I . ..v...v v h ' uiumuii uuva suu can icu uiianu uaiui , nv fft ottpnrl tliP nnnrt bv tba rl hf penin nmnnof tho iifttnn v honn. i . 1 t- . . " . v.. v eoraiea rnma uohm. a i.ns hmmn tiful women of the State, and to-day, Juch) and her cor s ()f ,irlUtjl al &uo pieseressu.i lul- sauie auiau- Metrono tan Hall, to-nibt. The uons oi mce and lorm. as miss uar- rt wiU retarn on th s oVU-eU ik; u. ocuit, sue u&uiy, pupuiui train to-morrow morning. uiuuug uci sciiuuiiiiaLes , s suu was brilliant in conversation, ;and pos- The Town Charter. sessed an ease and grace of manner liexolced, That whilst we woumnot. trespass upon, the sacredness of do- mesne a unction, yet we can but ask the privilege of minglingjour tears in common witn tnose oi ins ne- reaved family, and of assuring them of ouV heartfelt sympathy in this their hour ot dire allliction. fr'sohrd, That a copy of these reso lutions be conveyed to the family of I 1 L 1 I a 1 i i imvsyj x wlu,Uwv, irienew enarier ior ic u v o wmcti gave ner a prominent place in Durham passed its second readine hl.P rncml Bk a p, j . 1 - I l'lll Sun and Recorder. Tobacconist and tne admiration ot ner Inends. In ;n the Senate last niht and will October,, 1852, she united! in mar- probably pass its third reading to- riuse; wuii iur. nurnsuu, wuu was night. The bill will then be sent to then but. .twenty years ot age, and in the House for the concurrence oi March, 1854. the young couple settled Lhat bodv in the chano-es made bv in Indianapolis, with the small for- tne Senate, to-wit : The striki n? out tune of $800. Mrs. Harrison is a 0f the following provisions: To tax little woman, plump, fresh and won- UUrchases of merchants and manu derfully young for one that! assumed iacturers ; to tax incomes ; to tax uie responsiuiiiues oi me in ner street a wavs. E ectr c Lhrht Corn- teens I ; Iri the society of Indiana, as panies Express Companies, etc. The uie wne.oi ueuerai iiamsou, sue changes will most likely be.com ' n - i . .i I CJ ml contributed a large snare to tne en- curred in bv the House and the bill joymeut oi social mo at liiuiana s wj become a law capital, tone nas been equally ad- : mired in the fashionable life of the Telephone Exchange, national capital. L Indiana jmay well We are pleased to say that our i' -i: i ii 1 1 ji i . I oe proud pi ner oriinant qaugnter Telnhone Exchange -is at last about Well-born, well-bred and jwell-edu- Lin established fact. Mr. Gh Man ufaciurers' Record. Southern To-. bacconist, News & Observer, and spread upon the minutes ot this Association. R. F. Webb, f H. A. Reams, j J. S. Lock ii art, Com. W. H. Rowland, j R. II. Jones, BUSINESS NOTICES. For the best sewing machine ever made call on W. R. Mflrray, agent at Durham, and get the Light Running Domestic. Ovsters in every style at Kaufman's Cafe. The Light Running Domestic sewing ma- Vol tul,,c 18 pujjuiar iuacmne ever iu- nntn.Y ohn l,o. tl,o nocv pl.nrm n 1 uuuuwu lu ims cuuuiry. u vucj viiun'i i very ciever aiusirueuir, is luaiaiiiiii ady trom the plant. We publish below a list Fr(h fish daily.at Kaufman's stallNo. 11, PTPfitosr c n,,KnA.;kn 4i, o,.r., . market. n jji euusu iuci o iu ujc o oiciu woman of the world. The Indiana has one of the charms of her sex, a beautiful small Somerset, J. S. Carr; Blackwell's W. R. Murray, agent at Durham, sold Hand,! and in talking .Mrs. jiiamson Durham Tobacco Co.. J.S. Carr. Pres- aoout nuy i.ignt itunnmg lomestic sewing uses ner i nanus to ernnnasize ner iHnt TnnimiPr.ivT w nntp Snnfl ,'B'""i"M lwu P"" 4 i v, a. v v. v ' m. v. viitj I -I. i i i . r y . - I ' ' ' . . . . - meaning, ; and does it graceiuny. & Co., Geo. W. Watts, E. J. Parrish, detect hoarders wanted, Her eyes are also very expressive. First National Bank, Dr. A. G. Carr, At the Arlington House by Mrs. Sarah A. Mrs. Harrison is not a woman of pr J D Roberts. Vaushan's Drue West' a,so two desirable rooms for rent, fashion, but she dresses verv hand ct Wr?c av Snw MonnfuAiiirinrr i "e.a" irom boarding house, ror terms, .i7 xu: LX -XW4V' -5 call or address Mrs. S. A. West. suuiuiy, uuu uveiyuu" aiiu weio (jompany, Jilaeknau s Lruj; store, wTn nas an air oi sonu elegance ner Thomas 1). Jones, J. W. Blackwell, lace is real lace, her velvet is real w. T. Blackwell, Hotel Claibom, velvet. L.iKe an economical woman, y. Hi McCabe, Wyatt & Bros., sue avoids cneap imitations. .Mrs. e. Morehead & Co., J. Soiithgate & narrison ; carries nerseu wim ui-- son., Robertson, Lloyd & Co., Dur mty, never degenerating into stiff- ham Cotton Mills, Durham Fertili of all Kuhher Stamps. v Orders taken for Rubber Stamps, kinds, Seal Presses, Ribbon and Seal Stamps. etc., at the Durham bookstore of J. B. HITAKKR, JR & CO For the best sewing machine oil and needles and parts of all sewing machines call Tops, Marbles, Balls, at the Durham Book store of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. Police IieportJ Chief of Police J. A. Woodall pre sented the following report forthe month of February to the meeting of the Board of Town Commission ers last night: Warrants I issued during the month, 2S, viz: larceny, 3 ; drunk enness, 7 ; assault and battery, 5; retailing whisky, 1; disturbing the peace, 6; allowing dog to run at large, 1 ; shooting in the city, 1 ; in sulting an officer in the discharge of duty; 1; loud and boisterous cursing, 3. , "': T ' i Fines and costs collected for Feb ruary, S136.61. I Dog tax collected, SGO.OO. Dogs killed, 17. ness. j iter smile is as etieery, . ner zor Factory, Johnson's Drug Store, on W. R. Murray, agent for the Light Ran eye as ciear, ner cneeus as rounu anu Durham Sash, Blind and Door Fac ning Domestic sewing machine, Durham. rosy and her whole bearing as nat nrv. 11. Sr. D. R, R. Fidplitv Rank i . -a.-.-,! v c T" - .'l"-"1 urai aim unauecieu as wueii tuu was j,. pm Tomlinson, J. L,evy, stojge and a young girl thirty five ybars ago, residence, Police , Station in 'new tne daugnter ot a college iprotessor Courthouse. of mathematics. Her hair is slightly gray and her figure more full than in Food for Reflection those days of her girlhood, but she Allow us to call your attention to has all the beautv that clings about gome of the goods we keep. We the honored mistress of an ideal guarantee prices on all our goods, nousenold. fctie lias a married daugn- considering quality and quantity. ter and a son who is becoming prom- AU orders, however small, will be inent in the politics of Montana Ter- appreciated. Canned goods, apples, . l v i i L i 'i c iiLuit. : t auncoia, cuernes, ueaciiea ior cream. pie peaches, pears,, plumbs, aspara Y. 31. C. A. Notes. gus, Boston baked beans, corn, okra A tinc will hpld nt tbn and tomatoes, tomatoes, squash, sal rooms to- ni.inc n Htprnrv srvMPtV This is buckwheat loose ; rice, oat and wheat IHo L'oo not m dn I m 1 1 L hnicnnitc nrc sition will be carried into effect. r an,d soda crackers, navy beans, ThPrnPetintrof the Ladies' Aux- ncn ana itai an macaroni, iapi- E3. c-TTXjXjI-AJMIS, Manufacturer and dealer in Hand Made Harness and Saddlery OF EYERY DESCHIPTIOX. A full line of buffer whips. Repairing 'done day or night. Satisfaction guaranteed. Second hand wagou and bugy harneaa on hand. Uameaa cleaned and pat in first-cLiM order. Gire ne a can. mare DISSOLUTION. eeting wi l be held at the mntlpnid milk mini? sv rnn partner-hip heretofore to-night, after rrayer meeting, mon, condensed miiK, maple srup, Herndon Atwaur. i.thu day Mr tho orlv sohilltv nf nr D measure, prepared buckwheat, tual qonaent. C.M. Herndon h fider the adwsability ot or- j , , . . , , ; interest of k. h. Atw.term the i The cpartner-hip heretofore exlating between auaoivea by mn- haa purchased th ice Uctory. C. M. HERNDOJf, , March 5. 183. R. H. ATWATEB. ilmrv vPRtprdnv ffPrnnnni was well Iarma geiaune ; extracts oiinn a 1 ill AA rr ry W"k i n t AV.OT t nv I lOXTK rpr,nrta from kpvpI onmmittPPS and . P1De aPPIe J olVe ll rHemze OETES-A. HOUSE I of I ONE NIGHT ONLY, rat WEDNESDAY, MARCH - 6. aa as a tkvvo 111 1 " i i the roll of members. The ladies LVorcesie are doing valuable work in behalf of lrltx eM- 11 B1?68 ?.bUUP' f P .. I foam, apples, lemons: dried fruite, 111C .LCClA,iailULl. I 1 1 1 . ill iL Regular monthly business meet- appies, peacnes auu prunes ine ing of the Y. M. C. A., on Friday leatdng brands of ;flour. Try us night Every member is requesteu with an order. Very Tespectfully, . - - o. r. r KttLA.MJ. io ue presem. Ever Written ! Muggs Landing ! ' i A .Sad Storv. Why Woolen Fade. The child coughed. The mother ran. Women lose their hearty because colds No remfedy ws near. Before morning the undermine their life. Dr. Acker's English poor little suflerer was dead. Moral: Al Bemedy for Consumption is an absolute ways keep Dr. Acker's English Remedy at cure for colds. B. Blacknall & Son. hand. H. Blacknall & Son. Th Play that haa made all America Laugh ! Three Shows in One ! j Yoo Langb! ! Vnn Hmr! Too Scream f A Orea Storm Scene ! The Langhlog 8occeaa of the Day I Come and bare a good laagh ! Prieej 25, 50 and 75 cent. Beat now on aale at Vaaghan'a Xhug 8tor. .