VOL. II NO. 61. DURHAM, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1889. SUMMARY. J'hf Inter-tiite Commerce Commission has .wMcl that all common carriers subject to I it'-r-t.-ite commerce law shall give ten I..V.' rmtire of all changes in rates by posting r:lt,s at public places. Thieves broke member .... . ; . nil rol 'bed a freight car standing on SltlOIl Yo a : -lne C.W ,fcThcre -,t to be a telephone . W1 vuuhuto, who "K. iuu quarters oi the Dick Jilacknall voteu against the proposition to nose Co- U might prove a very maKe $5.00 PER ANNUM. iicii a l(,si,i,. track tit Monroe, Saturday night. Republican friends. The I'resHient and every member of Ins Mr. Cleveland an honorary rf u .ancy lor .locating many are not unhcld in thoi. , .anu .Ior announcing theiri in , " " f'7 Ultu incipiency and thus save much 5 " i ! i property. ; borne interest is 'alreadv lifting w . . i I -w - i . i 1 . f r ; ,t tx pt Secretaries lWor and Kusk u " Dudley and his friends are "."" v approacmng mu- JWl- ,. Wrv S!W I Auor .1 i VVi'" cicuuuil. it is an riiint to . :.. r ,,,,tnr v,r,b,v ,..", 7" ie1 "rested in the administration. .a ,111 iii .- - - - jw.... v at Liitj iiaiHis nr trw e Prpsi. of t V,,,, ,W Sut. nr tl.c Navy department dent. . . . w, .."I 2et h E . "f Y .iv.vuailj 1C" ' i r ' -..K.-y mi U.llCilU. cool all the ceived a Presidential snubbimz. Dud ley's friends claim that he javelin a 0U an' ' lucrative business to go to New York lMaut ' Photographs. during the campaign, and that, too. at.tlie urgent request of Harrison if ,. . i . T ,, m-givcu a i iftsiueniiaisnubbinor. )nrl. -f -- way tnroujrii 1 1 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 r v t - I ii .1 1 . t. m m ) i - J ;tr hclfl at Lakeuood, N. ,T was burned w -tt rd;t v : a guest was injured by jumping .'V .in :i window. IJa.il ftjr tlie sugar, refiiv inL -a millers ims oeen nxeu at $,uuu m . T:...- I. w'.ll kit. 1. ..1. 1 . r I . . n -.i Ii ra-f in.iKiiig n .j-ijvw jur e;u-u aeien- tiirimfll hi Tlie funeral of John Kricsson took fn.in Trinity Church, New York city, TlIE World says 1 r.- -11 1 . , 1 ' OA 11 , . 1 ... , . " - v.-nnlav. l ne remains win ue sent 10 ins aim o,-iw small lerranins wptp "uua on a OUSiness trin to ( on cord .... ' l t- native land ior nnai liuermeiu. ragm Siaiisrntereci to frraofi ti tnlib, of Mrs. lllis. who ins Iippm viai'tlnrr inaugural ball.amlUifli.thprntnfo s-J-.K- a' went to IlaleiehHo- i. i 'l , 1 I ' : fc. V Vi Uilj I T - ..., ;j rail niver, went oui (jn a siriKe yesieruay It is now said that the German African i win noi L'o to wimoa. me That 1,700 large Col. Paul Faison. of Rnlpiirh tr'pn . mv.llj u VUt uown on the noon train to-day. Uhierot I'olice J. A. Woodall is on the sick list, we are sorry to hear. Mr. J. S. Carr left vesterd 8. 'tgMMi: . ' 1 i:nlP)il tt-aui country must undergo a Chelonian iLumv, iui ounic weeKs to come in hiP Sultan, from Norfolk, Va., to Bre- consequence, seems to be fairly in- n. carrying cotton, foundered at sea and dicative that this is going to be a i i r l o 1 'IT. i ii II I 1 1 1 1 -. . . , . tnK, .warcn u. i ne crew were rescued oy. uaru sneil. Uiamona back adminis- the -teanier .Nevaua,wnicn arriveu atvueens- tratlon.T i tmvn Nimlav. day. me EDITORIAL BKIEFS. is said Canada is thinking and Mrs. hanertrv o - J New York last Tuesday. They have both been interviewed on the sub uut give non-com mittea an swers. The reoort is that her di vorce was obtained in a California convent, official proof of which are about a newspaper. For in- reached the parties Monday and tance, a new sensation ouickens its thev were married the next, dnv. j " j circulation . 1 erre Ha ule J'Jjrnres of aking a .proposition to buy the New Kndaid States. Let them g;o ami joy go with them. Thkkk's considerable human na MIIS. RUSSELL 15. IIAltRISOX. jNow,that Mrs. Cleveland has left the White House, Mrs. Itussell B TTnrriann !flio lo nnKtov i Utt K r. u 11. Aorton is confined at Prpaidonf on,i ,:e .:n i I . , Ti " iv-umviu tiiitl ilia VYIir, win must rirnrir I tt r.. .w . ..... . I ... ? V OlLttll Wt" TR KnrrU Tft lira tr K m 1, 1 .1 C ll youneer Presidential set, in Wn5h. I I I "WW VKIUA iua orvv. A. Uuthrie .will eave mjrton. a task tor whinh sha i Pml. this afternoon on n. nrnfestiinnnl tn'n nent.lv fi ' 1 I n i -. . ver3' gracetul young lady. phe has been married a few vears to the only son of the President, and is the daughter of Senator Saunders. of Nebraska, who, under Lincoln, hear. Ma. this a to Greensboro. AT.. G T !., rir.i 1 ji Tt ts snid .t.hat Mr va , ' ulux,'Ui euane, Drotner ",r V UCUUdlu 01 xUr- r- -urch, was in town yes a Mrs. Langtry were married in terdav evening " . ji Senator George Green, of Craven! is in town, the guest of. his wife's mother, Mrs.iM. F. Green. Mrs. CM. V. Follett left this morn ing for the North to was Governor of that State. After marriage she spent a great deal of her time in Helena, Montana, where her husband was at the head of a V 1 --..v . nuiunuBeii er 0nnir fn. a t x- sprand su,nmer stock of mi.li- BrfTshe wiss vei7 much admired, 3lrs. b. 1. Morgan returned last era. . Wft will Orirp tVl rlctaila rvf night from Ilichmond, very much toilet, which was of white faille fran- lmnroven in npn th wp nr( rroi iai n?,, man is in jail in Allentown, Pa., to learn, . i Uilk Wi: wonheu how many members of as the consequence of a practical lie Leislatur,cwliich adjourned yes- joke played on him. A few nights accompanied the legislative party to nlay, have begun to set their trig- ago some men, pretending to be Asnevinej passing through here yes M' ofn. return tvvnvrara linn on -9 White f!nns visit.nd hi Innnlv ehnnfv MJ auernoon "" rr r . antl told him they would return the -...Mi uuuui mat provision oi the next ni ht Thc wag gQ fi . The train skirt was of white with; front entirely covered Representative John T. Nichols with white lace, embroidered in goM and delicate shades of pink arid wn charter which nrohibits the .1 1 . 1 , v , 1 mi t fir n onniin inrnnn-ni inr .1. .... I 1 1 1 KWMilil; UVlUllteVU UUi lumuau ncrfhnnnvf dnvnnd hn.l to lin lnntml up. Such practical jokers deserve the cowhide. ar? U not it going to be enforced ? 1 he "work of arranging" the ma- rity membership of the Senate committees has been completed and to have been made public ves- . A. mJ TOWN TALK. en I ay evening. AiT.rRx. X. V., is horrified over a murder and "'l shot and killed his wife then "n-'lf in that p.it.v S - - - - "J r - . J A . A V A A A Gardening is now in order. Meeting of the Masonic Lodge to-night. Mr. P, M. Briggs and family are t . . . . . V moving into the residence on Dillard street, recently vacated by Mrs. B. b uller and family. Mr. K. T. Faucett, of the Faucett Durham Tobacco and Snuff Co., is at home from; an extended business trip to Texas. His many friends are glad to see his familiar face upon our streets again. blue. The corsasre was cut low and sleeveless and was trimmed with em broidered lace. . Her hair was dressed high, surmounted by a diamond crescent. White gloves covered her arms to the shoulder and she wore white satin 1 slippers. In her hand she Carried 'a bouquet composed of roses. FROM WASHINGTON. Senatorial Committees Prpsi cleiitial Appointments. Special to The Plant. I Washington, March 12. North M'r. . P;i ftliBiT 1...., f i i --.ww.-:j ivas uicuuisu ui ims towers ilile tragedy. The Xevv 1 ork ceiling investiga- property for sale. committee seem to be getting The Commonwealth Club met ume good work. It looks now as if last night and discussed matters per- North Durham To-Nii?ht. As announced in Saturday's Plant, Rev. R. II. Whitaker, of Raleigh, Carolia Senators were thus placed Have you taken, stock in the will -preach at North Durham Churli by. the Senate to-day upon standing diead Banking Company? to-night. The public is invited. committees : Senator Ransom, chair- man private land claims and the first Democrat on commerce com mittee. Senator Vance, on Finance. District of Columbia, privileges and elections, audit and control of ex penses, Morel n nrnnmcnfil irnn millnrr ia in uniumwi. "u" ii.iw6 it TA . . -1, . 1'- VIw.... . , 1 , I .1 I 1H1.IIU - Hit J 11. oeing piaceu on me new courinouse We learn that the last bridge on ia Fin rKnm Trrf b cm t-o J 1 ,1 Ja See; advertisement, in this issue about finished, that orders have been of The' Plant, of a valuable piece of J 1.1 1 V given to construct the side track here and that trains will be running to Durham in a few days. )m' prominent New Yorkers stood 1 1'K'tty pood cliance of getting into '"IgNiig before 1 taining to the welfare of Durham. -A general meeting of the stock- Sunday School 3Iap. Mr. II. N. Snow is engaged in tlie oner. holders of the Lynchburg & Durham preparation of a State Sunday ship Senate .elcct Committees : Ran som, on Potomac flats; Vance, Chairman Woman Suffrage Com mittee. These are re-appointments, except! Senator Vance's ! chairraan- Ihk trial of a man named Jarvis. 'Olumhin n 1 r -. u.. 1UI LUC U1U1UL1 Ul llS lather in-l-iw o.i ... ..v., .iiiv.1 Ills l)YU OUIlO-111 -"V. !l . .1 r ,i . ""ilv r". 'uu, ior tne iourtn time anfl establish it. railroad will beheld at South Boston, on Thursday. A factory for the -manufacture of horse collars is talked of. Don't talk too much about it, but go ahead bchooi map, wnicti win embrace all The President sent in nomina- feunday fccnoois in .North Carolina tions for Territorial officers in Mon connected with the State Associa- tana, Washington and Dakota. All tion.: Mr. Snow is an earnest worker residents of respective Territories. in whatever ne engages ana is spe- He also sent in an Indiana local cially interested in the Sunday appointmen School work, and will, no doubt, ! Hvhlfnrfi i r , V , i. S i - -o--f produce a valuable map. v- tii iv iiiiiiii. rMi i i iiiiiv i -ii iiiiiiii'ii iii iij jVtlvAvaaa ll a i v a t . . ---AV V-.WAA V A 1 A A V. I j CA kJOV till y - 1 V- noon and early this morning en route Sympathy of Durham Friends. 11 !l till .: 1 (rrx . I U1 WKU. I finw 1 .HP llirr wnG r.l i.mln lrr Join tri3 nave a telephone ex- for a visit to Aslievillc. Tlie news published in yesterday's Une the next thinor is in pnnnpp.t Tho npxt meetinsr of the Read- Plant of the burning, bv Chinese ;viUl the Ilaleicd, pvphnncm n n iiiT Circle will be held on Friday Hrin? the two cities within npnK night, at Uie residence of Mr. Geo H -distn,. f v V ' ; . E. Lougee, on Broadway. uUbe V -Dr.W. J. II. Durham tells us he has Englisn peas coming up m his rmrden. The Dr. seems to ne in the lead in gardening operations rM A. i. A -mC va lr 1A Xl'T-iVi 1 a ine sireei buhumci, a , , i co,. rnrt,. -"y w wmu luasiici uiiiiiu iiiiw in ir-i aucu nnu w . - i ii . A ii .1 i ieUennHi , rZ.,.:L o .f nnnP- Particulars oi me uouuie inrougn - vi ii 1 1 iivr.i I 1 I t If I 1 1 I AV. . T . - ' roof nrn 1 i ll. h 1 v u L Ijl J II V Hill 1J 111 H III 11 H m of both cities. , rsKt-Ms that the President is not 0!e(1 10 he his own master within rf thn Hnvprnmont rPcrnlaritV. DrOVeS rn the White House. While Mr. nience, specially to our merchant. aiQe has taken ohnrn nf f 1m fnr. The Ladies Aid society o inn- Fire at Flat River. LATER. Washington, March 12. The fol lowing laterjnominations have been sent in : Albert G. Porter, of Indiana, Minister to Italy ; John Lnander, of ' " l. I Tli; . ; T l y . , rioters, of the home of Rev. and inmois, 10 I'enmarK; ueorge b. Mrs. Bryant, in Chikiang,has created a.icneiier, oi iew 1 or, Assistant o-rnnt svmhat hv anion ir our citizens secretary oi tne ireasury, vice ex- for these good people. "Mr. and Md. Governor Thompson, of South Caro- Rrvnnt had but recent v moved mt6 "na, resigned ; Dr. James C. Perry, theiri new home and were very com- North Carolina, Assistant Surgeon fortably situated. As soon as Capt. Marine Hospital Service. The last Freeland hears from his daughterU one ol Ceveland s nominees who iaiicu ui uuuuiujuuuu lur lacK oi time. A large number of postmasters were also nominated. Harris. which she has passed. iter, ai Shoe Factory. 'MounPnoi XT..- ity Churcn win munu aucuwi iu . Mr. H. H. llarnsiniorms us that a A movement is on loot to establish hlhas 1A- i , . 1 ' raise funds to secure a hne organ ior frame building within a few feet of a shoe factory in Durham and those "FMUUlieM himsn t thn Alninr ii. Wo wn h tlmm Slie- .1 . r r 4 r :i 1 U 1 r l"e latter. cess. Lit Flat R iver . was destroyed bv fire the Wetmore factory and ail others Tu Thp. subiect of Rev. H. T. Dar- on Saturday night and that the who are willing to take stock in the r-!L!Jl-1.7 f I -m -r r St k 11 I, 1 .1 il l A ' T . t A ! Lvr 4 i commerce says : pall's lecture, at l . M. . a. nan, on dwelling narrowly escaped xne enterprise are requestea 10 comer uuufor ia rvtf r j I t?! J.. JVf TrtJll hn "Mv hs .inf flomoa Rnffnr n nrnrnh A wind with 'Air If I norpra tnr nortinnlora o uucuiitr ii ee oiLcs anu rnuay iniiii l, mn j - niiin.. -v. . ..-.v, "ev.u t-t. wvuiu uuierous ntK,,- :. " i ennorstitinns." An entertaining oc- all the etlorts of the neighbors to ui; i. facturibo- infp 7 7 T casion is anticipated. save it would, probably,have proved Parade and Competitive Drill. iere." Xh Thcy say the performance by futile. It is believed that tne hre The Durham-Light Infantry will jouM ,e Peple of Durham thp T)in & Gorman Specialty Co., at was the work of an incendiary J have a parade and competitive drill hem i a note of this. Let stokes Hall last niht, was very Joshua Canady, colored, upon whomj on the. 25th of this month.! It will, whit ii. lusame oner and see poor, we did not attenu, dul mis suspiuuu , rr uuuuimj i'1"' " juicicatiug - me resnu .:n i i t tutmosiK i nam to-aav ana lougeu in an. 'occasion. v 111! H. L11U .vv.- - - A Plan to Secure Factories. All of our public-spirited citizens argueithat Durham needs and ought to have more factories that they would be of vast benefit to the town but just how to get them is the rub. j We fear there is too great a disposition to look to outside parties to establish these factories. Of course, it is all right to encourage others to come here and establish the much needed industries, but we must not depend entirely upon outside capi tal tor this work. Let us co-operate wnn outsiders apdlet us push along the line of increased, manufacturing interests upon bur own hook. Many of our ; progressive citizens are men of moderate means and while only a few may not be able to accomplish very much, yet if the efforts and the capital of all were united we could secure results which would other wise be impossible. We give below a plan upon the co-operative idea, recently submitted by Mr. D. AV Tompkins, of Char lotte, in the Manufacturer.-,'' Record. Let our people, study this plan and see if we cannot adopt it, or some thing similar, and thereby push Durham along with more certainty and greater facility towards a higher plain of material prosperity.. Mr. Tompkins says : " "In North and South Carolina a number of cotton factories have been built in the last, two years, the money for which has been raised in accordance with this plan, which has been so tar eminently successful The plan is as follows : "A company is organized which is essentially a saving fund and build ing association. Instead of the usua object of such organizations, viz , to create a savings ; fund and build homes for the members, the.object is to build a cotton factory. Subscrip tions for the stock are obtained, the assessments on which are small monthly sums. Let us take the case of such a company as an illustra tion : i - : "A company has been formed with 1,000 shares at $100 each. . It is pro vided in the by-Jaws that the assess ments on each share hould be. sav. ."A i .: ... 1 r- ' . - ' ov ceu is per weeic. upon organiza tion oO cents per share is paid bv each subscriber to defray expenses of organization. Thus n. mpmhpr who may have . subscribed for 10 shares would pay $5 at the orcraniza i , rni i u. : i f , . uun. iiieu ui me ena oi each week succeeding the organization 50 cents per share would be due on each share. Thus on 1,000 shares the company would receive S500 which for 52 weeks would make about S2G. 000. i ! ' "This would give ample monev within the year to pay for a rood building and make a good navment on the equipment, and with the en terprise in the hands of conservative men would form the basis of i?ood credit. ' "With five hundred dollars per month being paid into the treasury, the company could commence build ing very soon after the organization. Upon the completion of the building, the money required to eouio it with machinery will be far in excess of what the assessments bring into the treasury. The methods by which this money is raised are : First, to borrow it on the company's note en dorsed by individual directors, from individuals, or from a local bank which might re-discount the paper at some money center. -Second, take notes irom an subscribers for the full amount of their subscription ; then discount these notes with the com pany's endorsement A bond and mortgage may be executed on the company's property as a collateral with the above notes if necessary to accomplish a loan. "In Charlotte, N. C, two mills are now in operation, both of which were built on the above plan, the assessment on the shares of one of them being at the rate of 50 cents per week each, and the other 25 cents. At Rock Hill, S. C, and at several other point3 in the Piedmont region, mills are now being con structed on the building association plan, i "The assessments continue of course until the entire one hundred dollars per share is paid in full. The plan serves not only the purpose of being a means to get a factory, but creates an excellent saving in stitution, much of the money which is paid into it being the vest-pocket money which goes nobody knows where. "At fifty cents per share per week about four years is required to pay the stock in full, and twenty-five cents about double that time. t i!0ne.,? the Pmpanies at Char lotte will have a capital stock, when paid up, of 125,000, and the other about $100,000. Many a dollar is being put into them by men who pay regularly and promptly, but which would never be saved at all except for the obligation which.thie etock creates." S"A)0 Reward for an incurable case of Ii in the HpmiI f.flrp.1 in, riianufacturers of Dr. Sae-e's Ca;,rrh 1.. Z AAA chronic CaLirrh in th cdy. Sold by druggists- at GO cts. BUSINESS NOTICES. Warning-. -j- ' My son, Willie (J. Holt, has left my house without my consent. This is to warn all persons against civin" him Pmnlu.i,0nt . otherwise harboring hira; Nannik White. ror the best sewincr machinp r call on V . K. Murray, agent at Durham, and get the Light Running Domestic, Rubber Stamps. Orders taken for Rubber Stamps, of all kinds, Seal Presses, Ribbon and Seal Stamp, etc., at the Durham bookstore of J- Whitaker, Jr., & Co- Triumphant Songs L Just received. ' Sold at publishers' prices : cents each ; $3.(i0 per dozen. At the Durham bookstore of J- B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. For the Boys. , ToPs; Marbles, Balls, at the Durham Book store OI - ; J. B Whitaker, Jr., & Co. FOR SALE! A valuable piece of property.'containing three acres of land, upon which is Hituated a comfortable bouse -with Ave rooms and a cook room. On the premises ii a good well of water, a good gfape nilforard.t .Tlie place is situlted about two miles from Durham. Apply at mcbl2-dtf. :, 4 PLANT OFFICE. 2?- 3c"W1I31jXjI-AJLS, Manufacturer and dealer in Hand Made Harness and Saddlery OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A full line of buggy whips. Repairing done day or night. Satisfaction guaranteed. Second hand wagon and buggy harness on hand. Harness ch-aned and put in first-class order. Give me a (; . mare J. S.. MSSLEY, Iflerchant Tailor, Over Postley's Jewelry Store, Has just received his Spring and Sum- raer Mock of Fine Imported ii Domestic Suitings. All in want of Good Fits, Best Work manship and Latest Style, invited to call, examine stock and leave measure. PRICES REASONABLE. Full Suits from $22.50 to $05.00, ac- coramg to qnality of goods selected. Respectfully, mch4-d3m J. S. 1IESL13Y. SCHOOL OF LIDSIC! MISS L I. SOLTIIGATE, DICT. The Fall Term will onen BATrfRDA V Kvv. TEMBER 16th. 1888. ' Terms Per Quarter of Twenty Lescns: Vocal Culture. hAlf hour Wwma . . tin on Vocal Culture, hour lessona, - . . 15 00 Piano, hoar lessons. - . tin rm mil k m Organ, hour lesson, - - " . rs'oo rorncai uuiture, per quarter, . 15.00 MISS MARION 8. FULLER, SeCy.

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