iir iw .giro Uor Hobday Stock! WKPNEAY, APRIL 10, 1889. LATKST BY TELEGRAPH. Sav annah Again. ...vviii. Ga., April 9. The Sa- " n A Cotton Mill was burned this ,anD'ul n., roctQrtprl p little of. For i u Tt is .snnnnspH ilia Ie ,;nriinatedfrora a heater spm- V? ,1 in an hour nothing but the a II of the building were left. The Nva .c 'welv had time to escane through the windows. The engineer Wh ere the lire started and attempted o unreel the hose, -d.ui was ariven t hv the intense heat and names .and ...rflilt T Mr rilLllC . UUIlllIU. i.J and IUU em pipy es were iiptween tho- building, but all of them scaped. the lactory consisiea oi M IW- - .... V , ? i . 1 two through which the employes "t into the streets. Firemen played i n the builuing irom an uie, out Iv flames spread with such. rapidity VY .Knyt.lif-v.were unaoie 10 get control "riff to check them. The mill . was built j'K'K R r.,,ifViiri(-rV ' acitv "of 10,fX)0 spindles, and . the only mill ot the kind in ba .onnnh. It was owned by John Hnnnerv and was operated under a ' onfl. M. Warfield. The total InU on the building, machinery and .tn(k i8100,XKJ : insurance, $4y,uuu Dn'rin" the progress of the fire in tu mill a row of tenement houses on the opposite side of the street ..Qhpht. and eight houses were burned. The loss on the tenements mMo the occupants will approxi- ,nntP SH.OiO. upon which there is but a small insurance. The Trial of Boulauger. Anril 9. The Chamber of Deputies to-day discussed the bill nrescribinc the mode of procedure to be followed by the Senate when of -.ulnr. nc- n nnnrt trr t ip trial nt Knii- SILLIU 00 wui ' 1 Lnvrer. Delafasse denounced the 'measure as a mockery of justice and an' insult to the public conscience. lie declared that the Senate, being r.nlitipjil bodv. could not act im- i j. j 1 paruuuy 111 lug uiisc. mc dijotiwuu causea :i gieui uuiuui, uicmucio ca- changed abusive epithets ana tne scene was one 01 wna aisoruer. ine president of .the Chamber repeatedly 1 ...... 1 i 1 .: 1 called the nouse to oraer ana urgea the members to observe moderation in discussion. When Delafasse was allowed to continue he said that law and decency required Boulanger to be tried at the assizes, otherwise the and a disgrace to the Senate. These remarks, caused a renewal of uproar. The members of the left made an at tempt to reply to Delafasse but im mediately moved to aDDlv the a A. . closure rules. The motion was car ried by. a vote of 253 to 242. A mo tion was then made to begin discus sion on the bill by- clauses. ; This motion was also carried 321 to 222. . Cider au Intoxicating" Liquor. Chicago. April 9. A dispatch from l'es Moines, Iowa, says : 4An inter- esun case has just been decided at Mt. rieasant. The defendants were tried on the ordinary liquor-selling indictments, lhe witnesses had, as shown hv the evidence, bought cider in the defendants' .restaurant. The question was whether or not cider is to i)e clashed with intoxicating hquors. Judge Travers said "that while;. cider is at first a non-intoxicant it becomes intoxicating in the wse of time. Since the law pro hibits the sale of all intoxicating hquors it prevents the sale of cider. Judge Travers also overthrew an I'ther ingenious evasion of the law. in ward partition had made a lanre room nn nnn atjkJi--': t I other. A barret was set in the partition and a customer could de posit his money and get his drink without seeing" a man in the other rom This made it possible for the customer to swear that he did not see lt!e "quor-sciler and did not know uuo he was. The proprietor is now ln jail serviner n spntonpp nf four uionth-j. ' .. - Big' Fire in Louisville. ':?nILJKy, April 9.- The ?w me Bridget Iron Co's ma chin pops were completely de st.royedby fire at midnight last "'6ui, causing a loss of $1 90.000. The shop; iroK&y corrugated m. v IJ : ' Mill I I 1 I .-LI H I T UUT 1 II IDTKri II I ne ii rp won it .i i . ntCGUld jirrJva fK florva UA such headway tl bat the build- ..a .,sm)ywl. A gre.it deal of "'uau enilphinn... j rr"U losMafnli,? y,wasru.ined The W aVLyefed H insurac1e given auimen cannon ue m The fir; " ; Wre this morning, of n uFi"Jo,eu 10 De tne wors incendiary.. Guarl iwh.Rpn,? navea hottle pf Acker's Eng- ltllhbwsnn2r ihe onse You cannot or ft ca rouP may strike your little Qlon vo nr 'cou8h ihay fasten itself a few Ll Une.dose is a preventive and tronKi" care- Ml Throat and mnlp v.:?, r Jieia to its treatment. A KemWZ.ue 13 gen you free and the radbyByoXX4siu:l BE SURE AND SEE IT ! -Appropriate G-ifts I . . i i all kinds of folks, little or big, at ail Kinds of prices, great and smalL A large and varied assortment of it Article; Perftunes, Notions, Novelties, &c. A"c "cweoi, uesigus ana uie nnesi gooas oi tne season. 0ur low prices make these beautiful goods all bargains COME TO HEADQUARTERS ! here your money will go the fur- wue yyu are sure to nnd what you wani - BLACOALL & SON, CITY DRUG STORE. REUBEN HIBBERD, ' 1 j ! - i 1 ii L&adsc&ps G&rdener. Got Flowers and Bouquets - I . ; A SPECIALTY. Evergreens, Shrubs 1 Shade all varieties tarnished upon short , l ! notice. jAWNS ' GARDENS AND , CiXTlOtOXy Lots ! Carefully looked after and kept in " order CHARGES MODERATE. REUBEN HIBBERD, Durham Floral Nursery. VAUGHAN'S DRUG STORE I For Fresh Drugs. vAUGHAN's drug store, For Reliable! Drugs. VAUGHAN'S DRUG STORE. j For Prescriptions. VAUGHAN'S DRUG STORE, I For Fine Perfumery. VAUGHAN'S DRUG STORE, 1 For Fine Cigars. j 1 . . Yaughan's Drug Stors 1 . 1 For Fresh Garden Seeds. j. 1 Yaughan's Drug Store, . j !' For Anything in the Drug Line. P. W . ' VaUOhan. Fti. (JL, S 1 ' i ' Main Street, Durham, N. C. T wish to return mv many thanks to my friends and patrons for past favors, and hope to; have their con- tinued favors by Honest and Fair Dealing and will promise at all times to tell f A. DHa ItllB Piin WW hi flSY MSB Ul UliT, Wk). . j i I - . t I keep eonstanUy on hand most of 1 the Leading Brands of Flour, Best Mill Feed, Pure Hog r Lard, Corn, Oats, Best Dried Peaches and Apples. In fact every article kept in a First-Class Grocery Store. T earnestly kivite all to give me a CalL -TT i,,l i . Very truly,! Fancy Goods TO! Floris S. R. PERRY. mch5-d3m S. E. FERRY. Wyatt Bro's STOCK OF HEAVY GROCERIES. Spring Field Seeds, AND IS COMPLETE. Give Us a Call When in Need of Such. J. S. MESLEY, ! Iilerchant Tailor, Over Postley's Jewelry Store, Has just received his Spring and Sum- mer Stock of Fine : Imporied and Domestic Suitings. 11 in want of Good Fits, Best Work manship and Latest Style, invited : to call, examine stock and leave measure. PRICES REASONABLE, ; - i - I Ful1 Suits' from $22.50 to $65.0a"ac- i. .f 3 coruiug 10 quaiiiy 01 goous selected, Respectfully, mch4-d3m J. S. MESLEY. Racket Grocery Telephone Call, No. 23, Opposite Parrish's Warehouse, : I - 1 Wishes to invite your attention to the fact that we keep everything needful for man or beat, in the 1 ... '.'. Heavy or Fancy Grocery Line. We make a specialty in Fine Brands of Flour, Canned Goods, Fruits, Confec tioneries, Snuff, Tobacco ano; Fine Cigars. ALSO COUNTRY j PRODUCE. Call and see us, or orders. send in your Goods Delivered Free of Charge. Thanking the public for past favors, and hoping to share a part of the same in the future, I remain, " Your friend, I W. H. PROCTOR, mh!6-d3m Durham, N. C. SCHOOL OF MUSIC! HISS L. M. S0UTH6ATE, DIRECTOR. The Fall Term wiU open SATURDAY, SEP TEMBER 15th, 1888. j Terms Per Quarter of Twenty Lessons: Vocal Culture, half hour lessons, - - $10.00 Vocal Culture, hour lessons, j - - - 15.00 Piano, hour lessons, - - - f 10.00 ana 15.00 nitron, hour lessons. - - - 15.00 Free Classes in Harmony and Sight Reading. Private lessons also given in Elocution and Physical Culture, per quarter, io.w MISS MARION S. FULLER, Sec'y. LAND FORI SALE ! pn the 9th day of April next I will sell at public auctiont the courthouse in Durham.the following tract of land in Durham county, beginning at junc Hon OI ijriggs Avenue wnu iuc j uiuui by f. d. Marker d running & tion of Briggs Avenue witn tne o Brian t roaa wmcn line, thence north with Briggs line to said road, thence west, with the same, to the beginning, fronting 3chs. and 25 links on O'Briant road and bchs. and 56 links on Briggs Avenue, containing one acre more or less. Time of Sale 12 o'clock m. Terms Cash. V. BALLARD. Trustee, March 9, 1889. for C. J. & W. M. Rogers. Executor's notice ! Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Eugene Morehead. deceased, I hereby notify all rumnn. inAnVktAA tfk suit) ootftte to make immediate (settlement; and aU persons having claims against WU must iireocm hkui, - " " , 4t purham. K. O.'before the 4th day of March.1890. or this notice will be pleaded in car oi ineir retuT I'WW ery- aius, i. aivifcrji-m, Executrix. Bright, Fresh, Newsy! 4 THE DAILY TOBACCO PLANT ! ISSUED EVERY AFTERNOON, ! Except Sunday, at" DURHAM. N. C. J. B. WHITAKER. Jr., SAMUEL T. ASHE, Editors. SUBSCRIPTION One year, ; -Six months, Three months, i- : One month, One week, i I - $ 5.00 2.50 l.25 .0 .15 O UK TERMS Cusfi in Advance -frenn Every! ody. KATES FOE ADVEKTISING. column, three months, .... .... $ 20.00 column, six months, 35.00 column, one year,. . ............. 60.00 t coljamn, three months........... 35.00 i column, six months,......, j..... 60.00 g column, one year ..110.00 1 column, three months, .... J. ... . 60.00 I column, six montes,...L...J.,... 110.00 1 column, one year...... I,... .J..... 200.00 It will be the aim of The Daxlx Tobacxjo Plant tc furnish its readers with the very latest news from all quarters and to present the same in an attractive manner. IN POLITICS We bhall give faithful allegiance to the principles of the Democratic party that part under whose administration of pnb- i . . i lie affiairg the State and the country at (.'- i largeland enjoyed the greatest prosperity and the richest blessings. OUR LOCAL DEPARTMENT We shall endeavor to make interesting and sprightly, furnishing the latest hap penings at home and doing all in our power to still further advance the Interests of our 1 plucky, enterprising and prosperous town. Robbins THE ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Eats and Trunks, Will be offered from this date at and below cost A settlement must be made within the nest ninety days in order to enable Messrs. Rob- . bins & Stone to lay in a fresh Spring and Summer Stock. . 1 Dress Goods and Silks, in every variety of quality and style", will be sold at prune New York cost In fact, the entire stock will be sacrificed Endless variety of Table Linens, Towel White Spreads, Blankets, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, CorsetsJBtosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs SEECIAL ! Nuns' Veiling,,vith a deep border, worhi $l,wiU be sold at G3 cts. per yard SHOES ! SHOES! SHOES! $4,000 worth of Ladies', Gents and Childrens' fine band-sewed and machine sewed Shoes will be closed out at a positive sacrifice CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! 300 suits of Gents' fine and medium Suits "will be closed out regardless of cost. 0 HATS ! HATS ! HATS! Men and Boys' Hats and Caps at your own price. Come early and make your selections. The stock must be closed entirely out within the next ninety days. Very Respectfully, IjXJOITJS TILLER - Trustee for Robbins & Stone. DO YOU PROPOSES BUILD? THE DURHAM Sash, Door and Blind MTg Co. ANNOUNCE That they are prepared to take'eon- racts for Buildings of any size, in Wood or Brick, from the plainest and cheapest to the finest and most elab orate, at Plans and estimates cheerfully furn ished and contracts solicited at home or abroad. Our plant is equipped with the latest improved labor-saving ma chinery . and we are prepared to fu r nish Sash, Doors, Blinds, and all kinds of Builders' Supplies at prices that cannot be beat. auelO dt S. R. Carrington. John J. Tliaxton. Carrington & Thaxton At Carrington's corner, iiear the Rail road, is the xlace to buy the best Groceries for the LEAST MONEY A fresh supply constantly arriving b- the car load. Flour, Heal, Corn Bran, Shipstuff, Haj, And Oats, both seed andfeed, Home Packed Meat, pure Hog Laid and N. C. Smoked Hams and doles,, Breakfast Strips and everything kept in a first-class Grocery at bottom prices to suit the times. Call and see us and we will send you home re joicing. - Yours very respectfully, Carrington & Thaxton. Stoves, Grates, &c. I have the best assortment of Stoves, Grates, &.C., ever before of fered in Durham, which I am offer ing at prices that Cannot be Duplicated elsewhere. The bid reliable FARMER GIRL : - t than which there'fis no better. The GAUZE DOOR which is the latest triumph in Cook ing Stoves. of all kinds at very reduced prices. Heating Stoves, Franklins, &c, of all descriptions. A nice lot of Lamp Goods, Tinware, ere., at lowest prices. C. C. TAYLOR, Main Street dsciaSjB and Stone ! WE ! LIME ! LIME ! SIMON t BEO S, MANUFACTURERS OF SIMON PURE LIME, OAFFNEY CITY, S. C. Guaranteed to be fully as pood as any lime on the TJl a f pre a.H low- bPwW induccmeuti in car load lots. Try it jau24-daiu FIRE GRATES! HE ATMS STOVES! Of Many Sizes and Kinds. "Cotton King" and "Durham" Cook Stoves. GENERAL' HARDWARE. Richmond & Danvme"R. RrCo. Condensed Schedule in Effect Jannary 6th, 1889. Trains Run by 75 Meridian Time. SOUTHBOUND. 2 DAILY.;- j No. 50. No. 52. Leave New York " " lTW AM 1 30 V M Leave Philadelphia, j 7 a) " 6 57 " Leave Baltimore, I y 45 9 42 Leave Wash tigtou, 11 24 " 11 00 " Leave Charlottesville,-' 3 40 P M 3 00 A M Leave Lynchburg, 5 45 " M 5 lu Arrive nanville, :io ' 1 45 ' Leave Richmond j 3 10 2 30 Leave Burkville, 1 5 12 " 4 27 Leave Keysville, j 5 5H ' 507 Leave Dauville, 1 H 50 " 8 Oo " Arrive Greensboro, ! 10 35 " y 42 " Leave Goldsboro," 11 55 A M "flPM Arrive Raleigh, - 2 10PM 12 35 A M Arrive Durham, 5 56 " 3 12 " Arrive Greensboro, ! h 30 " 7 40 " Leave Balem, i"tlTT5 " "T30" Leave Greensboro, 10 45 "l i) 50 - Arrive Salisbury, 12 21 A M- 11 18 " Arrive Stateeville, " 151 '7 "i212 P M Arrive Asheville, 7 44 " 4 44 " Arrive Hot Springs, I 9 20 " 6 10 " Leave Salisbury, i 12 2G " 11 '1 A M Arrive Charlotte, I 1. " 12 40 P M Arrive Sfartanburg, " r 4 40 " 3 37 " Arrive Greenville, j 8 50 " 4 48 " Arrive Atlanta, I 11 00 " y 40 " Leave Charlotte, 2 10 'iab'7r Arrive Columbia, 6 30 r " 6 10 " Arrive Augusta, 10 30 " 9 05 " NORTHBOUND. DAILY. No. 51. No. 53.. 8 45 A M 12 50 P M 5 15 " Leave Augusta, Leave Columbia, C 15 P Jl 10 40 " 3 35 A M Arrive Charlotte, Leave Atlanta, 6 OOT P Mi 1 10 A M Arrive Greenville, 1 06 A Mi 1 51 P M. Arrive fepartauburg, Arrive Charlotte, Arrive Salisbury, 2 11 2 62 4 50 6 22 5 30 7 05 Leave Hot Springs, Leave Asheville, Leave Statesville, Arrive Salisbury, 8 06 P hi 12 10 9 46 " 3 30 A 11 4 37 " 1 82 6 01 6 43 Leave Salisbury. 27 i 8 00 7 12 " 8 40 " fl2 4 AM Arrive Greensboro, Arrive Baleni, 11 40 " Leave Greensboro, 9 45" " 12 02 P M 1 02 " 3 10 " 10 60 P M Arrive uurbam, Arrive Raleigh, 4 30 A M 7 50 " Arrive Oolusbo: ro, til 45 " Leave Greensboro. 8 05 AM 9 47 " 8 50 r U 10 20 " 147 AM 2 36- " 6 15 " Arrive Danville, Arrive Keysville, Arrive Burkville, Arrive Richmond, 12 41 P M 1 28. " 3 30: " Arrive Lynchburg. 12 40 ". 2 65; " 7 35 " 8 50 12 55 " 3 00 " 7 00 " 20 10 47 " 1 20 P M Arrive Charlottesville, Arrive v asnington, i Arnve Philadelpnia, 3 00 A M Arrive ew loric. 6 20 DaUy. t Daily, except Sunday. Train No. 56 Arrive Raleigh 3 40 P. M. Leave Raleigh 4 40 P. M. Train No. 57 Leave Raleigh 10 00 A. M.. Arrive Selmall55 A. M. Train for Raleijth via Clarksrille leaves Rich mond daily, 3:10 P. M. ; Keysville. 6:00 P. M ; ar rives Clarksville, 7:21 P. M.; Oxford, 8:30 P.M.; Henderson, 90 P. M.; Durham, 1030 P. M.; Ral eigh. 11:45 P. M. Keturning leaves 8 aleigb daily 7:00 A. H.; Dur ham 8:15 A.M.; Henderson, 8:30 A. M.; Oxford, 10:10 A. M.; Clarksville, 11:11 A. M.; KeysvUle, 12:41 P. M.; arrives Richmond, 3:30 P. M. Nos. 51 and 53 connect at Richmond daily ex cept Sunday for West Point, and TuesdayB.Thurs days and Saturdays for Baltimore via West Point. No. 50 from West Point has daily connection at Richmond with No. 50 for the South. Nos. 50 and 51 connect at Goldsboro with trains to and from Morehead City and Wilmington. No. 51 connects at Greensboro and Selma for Fayetteviile. No. 53 connects at Selma for Wilson, N. C. Nos. 50 and 51 make close connection at Univer sity Station with trains to and from Chapel Hill, except Sundays. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and 51, Pullman Bullet Sleeper be tween Atlanta and New, York, Greensboro and Augusta, and Greensboro, Asheviils, Hot Springs and Morrhstown, Tenn. On 52 and 53, Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Washington and New Orleans, Ti Montgomery, and between Washington and Augusta, Kick mond and Greensboro, Raleigh and Greensboro, and Pullman Parlor Cars between Salisbury and KnoxviUe. Through Tickets on sale at principal stations to aU points. For rates, local and through time tables apply to any agent of the company, or to SOL HAAS, JAS. L. TAYLOR. Traffic 'Manager, Gen. Pass. Agt . W. A. TURK. Dir. Pass. Agt, Raleigh, N. C

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