firs Ban mm (Parrish Building, Canital Stock, Stockholders' Liability, Depositors' Security, OPFICEES : J. S. CARR, - President. W. W. FULLER, Vice-Pres't. ' DIEECTOBS : v' J PARRTSIT- ! J.W.WALKER, J. S. CARR, WW. FULLER, T. D.--JONES, Banking in All LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS FOR DEPOSITS FROM BANKS, CORPORATIONS, BUSINESS HOUSES AND INDIVIDUALS. OUR FACILITIES FOR ON ALL POINTS THROUGHOUT THE 'COUNTRY ARE OP THE BEST. Allieeturns "S7"ill PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS : . ttav t t T?ri'T7TtT m Vpw York Citv. X. Y. NATIONAL PARK BANK. New ork: City, N. Y. MANUFACTURERS' NATIONAL BANK. Philadelphia Pa. MERCHANTS'. BANK. Danville, Va. NATIONAL UNION BANK OF MARYLAND, Baltimore, Mil. STATE BANK OF VIRGINIA, Richmond. Va. NORFOLK NATIONAL BANK. Norfolk, Ya. OUR DISCOUNT RATE IS 8 PER CENT. TO EVERYBODY. Persona Depositing Moneys and receiving Certificates of Deposit there running o or lz montns win at the rate of I 1 - - CELEBRATED Fine Hats Jones & Lyon, SOLE AGENTS. COP. Cotton Seed Lard, Anti-Dyspeptic. Warranted Free From Hog Fat. Pure, Wholesome, Economical. For Bale by all Grocers. Ask for illustrated Painph- let, entitled : - "SOME THINGS ABOUT LARD." ONE HUNDRED PRIZE DINNERS, or how to provide a good dinner for four persons for one dollar. , An excellent Cook Book of 250 pages 12 mo., con taining one hundred Dinner Bills of Fare, with in structions how to prepare each one, so that the cost lor lour persons'cannot exceed one dollar, also 150 additional recipes. This valuable book will be given free to any one sending or presenting tickets representing the pur chase of twenty (20) pounds of CO. P. COTTON SEED LARD, at our Branch Store, No. 1J W. 42d street, N. Y. tacn pail of our Lard contains a ticket, the num ber on which corresponds to the number of pounds in the pail. THE COTTON OIL PRODUCT CO., N. Y. W, J. GRISWOLD, Wholesale Agent, DURHAM. N. apr6-ett2m C. LAND SALE. Pursuant to an order by the Superior Court of Orange county to me directed in a special proceed ing entitled Thomas R. Cole, Administrator of J. P. Cole, nec'ti, vs. J. B. Cole and others, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, at the courthouse door in Durham, on Monday' the 6th day of May, 1889, a lot of land adioiiing the lands of J. W. Gattis and others near the curporate. Jiniits of the town of Durham belonging to the estate of the late J. P. Cole and containing one acre more or less. Terms of ale, one-half cash, balance in six months with m teerst from day of sale. JESSE W. COLE, April 8th, lsaD. Commissioner. The Buncombe Tobacco Stick. Invented by S. B. West. August 14, 1888, ia now being manufactured in Durham. N. C, and will be on exhibition at all the warehouses now doing business. Illustrated catalogue furnished and cor respondence solicited. Farm rights sold upon the most reasonable terms. Agents wanted in every county where tobacco is raised throughout the world. S. B. WEST, Proprietor. aprS-tf P. O. Box 246, Durham, N. C Valuable Residence for Sale! At the Courthouse door in Durham on Tuesday, May 7th, 1889, At 12 o'clock m, pursuant to the provisions of a certain mortgage executed by Frank P. Puryear and wife, dated March 16th, 1888, registered in Book No. 11 (mortgages), pages 77, 78, 7 and 80 in the office of the Kegister of Deeds for Durham county, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the lot and premises therein described, the ame being the lot known as the family residence of said Frank P. Puryear, adjoin ins the lota of A. K. U instead. Fcrrell and others. near the eastern boundary line of the town of Dur ham. i ' t The dwelling is new, the surroundings desirable and the property valuable, , Terms, Cash. W. A. GUTHRIE, Atttorney for Mortgagee Durham, N. C, April 6th. 188y. Triumphant Soogs Just received. Sold at publishers' prices : 35 cents each: S3. CO per dozen. At the Durham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. i of Durham, Mangum St.) $100,000 100,000 $200,000 LEO. P. HEARTT, Cashier. CHAS. A. JORDAN, Teller. A. II. STOKES, J AS. A.BRYAN J.T.MALLORY, Its Brandies. MAKING COLLECTIONS Be IMIade ZFrozrLptl. NATIONAL BANK OF RALEIGH, Raleigh. N. C. . COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, Charlotte, N. C. or receive mieresi uiereuu 4 per cent. Do You Ever Ride? If bo, remember that you can secure at short notice at Cr. R. JONES' REAR OF BAPTIST CHURCH,! Nice horses for horseback riding, and horses with buggies or carriages, with or without drivers all at moderate prices. Teams promptly furnished drummers debiting to visit country stores. jeSTTelephone Call, o. 28. Orders promptly axecuted at all hours of theiday or night. apro-lmd Jones & Lyon! Mm AT THE LOWEST PRICES. We are now offering in our various departments choice lines of new spring novelties at our well known low prices . and respectfully suggest to intending buyers that it will be to tbeir interest to examine pur goods and prices .before making their pur chases. In Dress Goods Department We have a magnificent collection of all j the latest imported and domestic spring novelties in silk and wool and all wool stripes, plaids, side bands and combinations, including a grand. assortment of all the popular shades m plain fabrics such as Mohairs, Brilliantines, Sicilians, Hen riettas, Cashmeres, Serges, &c. at astonishing low prices. Wash Goods and White Goods i Department Complete and embraces all the choice novelties of the season. Special bargains in j Table Linens, hheetmgs, Quilts, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Ac. Come and see us. JONES & LYON. r LIVERY STABLES Dry Goods! Wit Mm flani WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1889. WEATHER BUREAU. The weather prognostications indicate the ptate of the weather for 30 hours from to-day 3 o'clock. Washington, D.C., April 10, '89. For"; North Carolina, fair, station ary temperature. Greely. FROM WASHINGTON. A Graceful Act on? the Part of Messrs. Ewart and Brower Appoiutments The Remark About Mrs. Stonewall Jackson a Canard. Special Correspondence to The Plant. Washington, D. C, April 9. It was a very graceful act on the part of Messrs. Ewart and Brower to ask that Miss Nannie Hoke should be retained as postmaster at Lincoln ton. N. C. Their request will of course be complied with, land Miss Hoke will continue to run the office indefinite! v. 5 The following changes were made in North Carolina postoffices to-day, the Democratic incumbents having been removed to make way for the Republican appointees : , At Burns ville, Samuel M. Riddle was ap pointed, vice, L. E. Briggs; John M. Bowman has been appointed at Oak Ridge, in place of J. A. Holt ; Jesse H. Stanley has been appointed at New Garden in the place of D. A. Robertson ; Miss Mary E. Cecil has been appointed at Thomasyille in the place of J. H. Lambeth removed. North Carolina gets these matters attended to faster than almost any other; Southern State, because few others have as many Republican Congressmen. South Carolina has no Republican representative, Geor gia has' none, Alabama none, Vir ginia will probably have two or three after the contested election cases are decided. Conservative North Carolina, for some strange reason, leads the list of) Southern States in the number of Republican Congressmen. The Secretary of the Treasury has received the resignation: of I). S. Cowan, a special agent stationed at Wilmington, N. C, to take enect on the loth instant. The appointment of new Collec tors and District Attorneys was commenced in earnest to-day . North Carolina was not reached, but prob able will be to-morrow. The President gets from 500 to 700 letters a day, and all are promptly answered. I found out to-day authoritatively that the story about MrsL Stonewall Jackson and the Richmond post office is a canard out arid out. It never had any foundation at this end of the line. I asked Messrs. Ewart and Brower to-day, if there was any probability of Mrs. Jack-J son's being mentioned as a compro mise for the Charlotte: postotfice over which there has been a stiff fight. They assured me such a thing would not be thought of for a mo ment, Brady will be nominated this week for the position, I think. Col. "Q." Young is quite confident of his appointment as Collector of Internal Revenue. I expect Gen. Phil. Hawkins is equally; confident, and so it soes. We will know which one was confident with the best rea son in a few dayo, perhaps. News from tlie State Capital. Special Correspondence to Tub Plant. Raleigh, N. C, April 10, '89 St. John's hospital! is doing a no ble work. It needs' more encour agement. There are now fifteen patients, and the expenses are of course heavy. It is only a question of time as to the enlargement of the hospital, or, better still, of the erec tion of a special!- designed building. It is to be regretted that the Rex hospital fund is not available. Of all mentionable funds it appears to be the most useless as the years go by. . ! - . An oil portrait of Judge John Hall, who was one of the three first judges on the Supreme Court bench, was presented that court yesterday. R. H. Battle, Esq., made the presen tation in behalf of Judge! Hall's de: scendant3, and the chief justice ac cepted the portrait in behalf of the court. The likeness is prenounced a good one. It was away back in 1818 when Judge Hall took his seat on the bench. The progress of the 6treet work of all kinds is very satisfactory and the paving blocks are arriving quite lib erally. There is a strong demand here for street improvements. Dr. McKee, the health officer, has begun a new and excellent system of monthly mortuary reports. Those for March show 21 deaths in the city proper, of which 6 and 15 colored. It is that there was not one were white remarkable death of a white child under 5 years of age, while four were of persons 74 years of age and' upwards. The popula tion is put down at 15,000, and the death rate for the month was 1.09 for 1,000, or 1 in 536. The colored population is stated io be 256 in ex cess of the white. It is said that not a great many years ago consump tion j was almost unknown among the negroes. It is not the case now. Five died of it during March; but not One white person. The mean temperature for March at this point was quite high 15.8 degrees. The highest was 74, the lowest 27, a range of 47 degrees. But the mean daily range was only 18.5 degrees. . Mr. George Heck, who now lives at Knoxville, Tenn., will on the 23d instant, at Henry hall, give a ger man in compliment to Miss Gertrude Winder, of Raleigh, and Miss Bur well, of Charlotte. It will be quite an elegant affair. The favors will be from Pizzini's. V .It is learned that among the young ladies who go to Europe as members of the Teachers' Assembty excursion party will be Misses Helen Fowle and Maggie Merrimoni The Governor lias aDDointetl S. M. Robinson, the member of the, House from Dare, Commissioner of recks for the Fifth district. : Your correspondent picked up some points last evening about the Carolina Club, a. Republican post election organization. It is have l2o members. Mr. George B. Ilissns the president. It appears to be made up of office seekers, a mem ber smilingly remarked. A veteran Republican walked into the room last the evening and looking arciuml at arrayj of enthusiastic Republi- cans, sau How were we beaten with all these men on our side?' The club fills a peculiar gap. It has both acthje and honorary members. Some Republicans oppose it, and say not think it will further their interests, j The changes of route agents are being quite rapidly made. I Tarring ton goes back on the run to Hamlet, Gibson, colored, on that to Norfolk and Noeh6 on that to Greensboro. It is said that "Q." Young, of Hen derson, is in Washington, riioving heaven and earth to get 1 the! collec torship of this district. A Republi can said he had handsomej rooms and. was spending big money. The President of the penitentiary board and the Warden have gone to look after) the convicts on tlie Fay-etteville-Wilmington extension of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley rail way. A greal deal of interest was shown here yesterday about the little rail way complication at Durham. The darkey Republicans see a lit tle gleam' of hope in the appoint ment of negro postmasters at Hali fax and Rocky Mount. The negro woman who gets the position at Halifax will furnish quite a subject! for the tongue and the pen, no doubt. Maj. finger expects the best re sults from the new law in regard to couhtv institutes. By reason of the heavy pressure of office'work he can not go to! all the counties, so he has had two gentlemen appointed who will virtually represent him and his ideas. They will see all the teachers andwillipresent his views. . lloth Mc Iyer and Alderman are bright and able men and ready for all arguments and, inquiries. They are both like Maj. Firiger, earnest- and untiring advocates of the public schools. They will, of course, meet many people who will combat them; not among the teachers, but outsiders. North Carolina needs! a general public awakening onthe subject o education and Maj. Finger thinks the institutes will prove bf special value in this direction. TOBACCO DEPAKT3IENT. Alex. Walker, Editor. Durham, N. C, April 10, '89. The breaks have increased in quantity, and to-day the warehouses have enough tobacco to make it quite interesting. The bidding is lively and there seems to bet a good demand for all grades, and especially so for all desirable grades.) Fillers to-day Seem to be higher. It, how ever, may be from some local cause that may soon pass away. (There is very little improvement in the qual ity otthe breaks. .) The Durham Tobacco Association havingfbeen invited by the Hender son Association to visit the jHender son market on Monday next, the board will go over in the morning and return the same evening. The weather has moderated very much and we expect Ithe tobacco men will now turn their attention again to their daily business. Yes terday fwas a harsh day for handling tobacco and it afforded them a good opportunity of gossiping )ver the railroad fight. When the hulls and bears get into a fight don't they make. the fur fly ? It is timje for the little animals to get out of khe way. If this fight continues, won't freights be cheap? It is an ill wind that blows Ino good to any one. If anv person ready, has tobacco to ship get it if vou want cheap rates. It is I a good time to travel cheap freights, while the men have their dander pp. and get railroad Gleanings from Kichnioiid Times. ; Richmond, Va., April 8. No sales of loose tobacco to-day. Sales for the week ending Saturday, April 6th. amounted to 621465 1 Dounds. Offerings at auction on 'Change to- aay very ngni. ne venue collections for the city reported, 8?,813.88. In spector reports inspections to-day, 18 hogsheads ; re-inspections, 1 hogs head. Deliveries at Shockoe, Blan chard. Davenport, Seabrook, Shel burn and Myers reported to-day, 4o hogsheads, 3 tierces. Sales reported to the secretary to-day : Wrappers, 9 hogsheads; fillers, 20 hogsheads; cutters, 25- hogsheads ; western, 11 hogsheads; dark, 12 hogsheads, lo tal sales reported to day, hogs head. Richmond tobacco market quiet and firm. Shall We Cure On the Stalk or Off 7 ; continued. We take presenting to our readers the views of the -Southern Tobacco Journal: , "Another point. As the lower leaves are taken oil' the stalk those that remain on ripen much better and much more rapidly. The reason for this everv one can easily see. It is claimed bv those who have tried it that fully two. week's can be gained in harvesting a. tobacco crop, and hence the. possibility, of tobacco be ing caught by frost is very much les sened. ''A third point.- It is claimed upon well made experimeutsi that the leaf cured off the stalk gains tully 20 per cent, in weight. The philosophy is this: When the leal is broken from the stalk ti c juices that exude from the stem hermeti cally seal the broken stem and pre vent any loss of weight from the cur ing process. None of the organic matter is lost, and hence the gain in weight. A parallel case is that of fodder. Fodder that is stripped from the stalk makes better feed and has substance, while that which is gathered on the stalk has but little substance and soon blows away. The porous stalk sucks away the organic matter. So the porous to bacco stalk in the process of curing drinks up or absorbs, the weight, the organic matter of the. leaf, and hence leaves it lighter: Tobacco cured on the stalk will dry out quickly in un seasonable weather, while that cured off the stalk, being richer in organic matter, retains its pliable character much longer. . 'The writer examined a tobacco stalk some days ago from the famous tobacco farm of Mr. F. M. Rogers, at Florence, S. C. From it 30 leaves had been successfully cured last sea- son, also anotlier irom wnicn L' leaves had been cured. These stalks were allowed to grow on, only the button being taken out when it ap peared. The ripe leaves were taken off as they were ready, for curing, and boh stalks were smooth,showing no signs of succors. Mr. R ogers averaged from 15 to 16 leaves on each stalk in a crop of some 30 acres, and if we mistake not, averaged over 1,000 pounds per acre. His average price was perhaps higher than that obtained by any planter in North Carolina or Virginia. We know of one planter in North Carolina who averaged 14 leaves harvested from the stalk in a 50 acre crop. But this subject is too full to be treated in one article. We believe it is time for our planters to look at the matter lnacalm and deliberate manner. If the system of curing on ! the stalk is a bad one, don't stick to it because your forefathers thought it was best. . If curing off the stalk is better, more economical and a means of increasing the value of your crop, then give up the old way and try the new. We have no axe to grind in this matter. We want to see our planters get the largest profit possible.out of their crop, and we do think the best way to do this is to follow the plans we have laid down in this hastily. written article." Wilmington Messenaer: The Ocean View Railroad, stood the blow splen didly. It had been predicted that the sand embankments would be blown away at the first onnortiinitv -but such was not the case. It is' claimed that they have got firmer. A Healthy Growth. Acker's Blood Eli TIT lino rt r. n - b"ucl uiui hold on the American people and is ao- o u ue superior to all other prep arations. It is a positive cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it. Guaranteed and sold by 11. Blacknail & Son. We Can and Do Guarantee Acker's Blood' Elixir for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of the country that it is- superior , to all other iiuiouuus ui uiuou aiseases It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning Ul cers, Eruptions and" Pimples. It purifies the vrhole system and thorougblv builds ut the constitution. - " Happiness and Contentment Cannot ro hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden al Dspecsia . Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Consti pation and Indie estion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents 1 .y R. Blacknail & Son. School Books - For Public Schools for Graded Schools, for Private Schools, at the Durham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr, & Co. ATTENTION. rnSr10 bQy Md fo' other, on com Ondrf building, comer iLn jm-tf R.I.EOOERS,8'y. An Exposisition Univers elle AT W. H. k 1 1 An exposition of Dress Fabrics voh of the name is now open to the public. Our great Dry Goods Store Is a public promenade, and iluw spring time is a gai-den spot of novel ties. Remember in the winter, befo February 1st, how we swept thedow things away? The people couldn't resist the bargains we offered Cei tain it is that all the old stuft's disap peared, and everything now is brHt and new. , Customers have leniarke1 that they never saw a stock bnphter arid we know it It is all brightne and freshness and novelty r- W. II. k R. S. TUCKER t 00 mar21d-3m ' ; Raleigh, K.'c "PLANTATION FOR SALE! I offer for sale my plantation, oue miie . Bingham School, containing 400 acres tIh adapted to grain, clover and grasps. Well watt two wells of good water at house. The dweuT house has ten rooms and eight fire plaoe4 necessary outhouses. Fine orchard. Will sell for money or exchange for Durbar property. . tt For particulars, call on or -address W. T. WATTS mch21-dlw-wlm DurhamrS.'c. B. F. ARRMGT0N,M. D.Dli Dental Rooms on Main Street, Over the Bank of Durham. -Special attention given" to the treatmeulof Diseased Gums, and all diseases pertaining to tit' Dental Structure. Also to the treatment and pn ervation of Children's Teeth. janl7-d4wiy MWIRERiHiM And Ornamental Wire Works. Dufur & Co., U3-U5 Bowd St., Sdto, l!i Wire railing for cemeteries, lawns, garden offices and balconies; Window guards, tree guards, wire cloth, sieves, fenders, cages, sand and coal screens, iron, bedsteads, chairs, settees, etc. . jyMlv BUGGIES. R. I. Rogers sells the best and easiest riding Bn gy manulactured in America, known rb "The Siiitfit Centre Spring." Springs warrantedfor two yearn Also, buggy parts of all kinds. jeS"Offlce: Second floor of Wright building corner Main and Corcoran streets. - jan7-tf R. I. R0GEBS. DURHAM, N. C. Jfcg-All work guaranteed and at Batisfattor; prices. mcL5-d3m A valuable piece of property, containing tbr acres of land, upon which is situated a comfortable house with five rooms arid a cook room. On tl premises is a good well of water, a good grap arbor and orchard. The place is situated about two miles from Durham. Apply at I - mchl2-dif. PLANT OFJICE. IE3. IoTXjTJIJS, Manufacturer and dealer in , Hand Made Harness and Saddlery OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.- j A full line of buggy whips. Repairing &t il or night. Satisfaction guaranteed. Second nm wagon and buggy harness on hand. Harneei cleaned and put in first-class order. Give me a call. - ANNOUNCEMENT I At the solicitation of several loading busing men of Durham, and because the first D8etuB editions of the "Histery of Durham" have been bausted, and being unable to supply the coumZl demand, I have undertaken to revise, enlarge v improve said book. ' Bl. Special attention will be devoted to toe graphical Department, new and better engravu will be introduced, and the third will be. w 0"i respect, an improvement on the first ana w editions. In the body of the history much new mw will be introduced, with fine engravings on places of interest. . Parties interested in the work, and wlBliml or ther information, are requested to confer vi address the author, H. V. . Durham. thatts I wish to return my many to my friends and patrons tor favors, and hope to have their to tinued favors bv Honest and Fair Dealing, ar d will promise at i U times to gocds as . 1 . fl.-t . Lav? as Souse is I keep constantly on hand m the Leading Brands of Best Mill Feed, Pure Hog Lard, Corn, Oats, Best Dried Peaches and Apples. . g In fact every article kept m Store. First-Class Grocery I earnestly invite all to gi calk Very truly, me V mch5-d3m CONTRACTOR BUILDER S. R PERRY. 8. R.

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