VOL, II NO, 109. SUMMARY. Ti.- said Frank W. Palmer, of Chicago, ,:,, been appointed Public Printer. An ,,,! . olloniiin residence in New York State burned yesterday morning at an early .lour."" Tlie mother of the owner, a Mr. Ilnwne, two of his children and two servant ,irU were burned to death. The reports IV. .in Kusmh indicate great activity on the p.ut of the Nihilists and increased fear i tlie Car for his safety. The Russian )Uli,v are working with greater zeal and Hu-riry to break up Nihilists' plots and to .lisn.ver their haunts. Germany, 'tis said claims compensation for the killing of officers and sailors in the action with Mataafa's men at Samoa last December and for loss by Ger man owners of plantations. Only sixty po-unaters were appointed yesterday. I'.utlalo, Dak., experienced a most disastrous storm day lefore yesterday. The damage will foot up 10U,000. Roanoke, Va., is to have another national bank with a capital nf sluu (MM). The Patent office yesterday isMied live hundred and thirty patents.- The New York Kqtiitable Fire Insurance Company lias decided to wind up its affairs forthwith. Several persons were arrested in l'aris Monday for shouting, "Vive Bou langer" The Johns Hopkins Hospital was opened in Baltimore yesterday. It is me of the finest institutions of the kind in the world. It embraces 17 buildings and (-..vers 4 acres of land. EDITORIAL BRIEFS. II ELi- the Durham Light Infantry. Halifax, N. C, was unfortunate Monday. Three negroes and one white Kepubliciin were elected Town Commissioners'. Thk city of Wilmington appropri ates .81, 2"0 a year to the support of its hospital. What does Durham do for its needy sick ? Thk results of the elections throughout the State on Monday show that party lines are being drawn more strictly in our munici pal elections than heretofore. The Wilmington Star says: "George Washington is credited with having introduced the mule into this coun try. How the Southern darkey should reverence his memory. Southern iron is beginning to tell on the market. A Northern Iron Company has reduced its rates one and a half dollars per ton so as to unuersell the Southern material. W!t weeks rrolubitionid says: i . . . . ''We did not publish any paper last week. The editor was necessarily absent, canvassing for subscribers." We received no copy of the rrohibi knitf for the two preceding weeks. I'rixce Ferdinand, of Bavaria, is of a new order of aristocrats. lie is a skilled physician and practices among the poor of Munich without compensation. He risked his life not long ago trying to save a woman u' m drowning The Durham vote on Mondav as' very small, according to the eiCa' and Observer. It gives our to- vote lor mayor as only two hun u and ninety-seven. Brother, town polled a vote of six hun Ured and ninety seven vote. on a light . 1he Pittsburg Dispatch says: "It v luv-ant to learn from the New y . xrujwe that President Ham- s speeches at the Centennial were DeH(v v., vi ineir kind,' and also to be red that the Mugwump slander aat Mr. Clovpinn.i ' : UL-1 enthusiasm at the banauei 4 in Uen. Harrison is 'absolutely tfut the testimony would be -nuu31Ve lf it wer6 nQt for the : . U10n as to what the new Min- hi 3 wo?ld say and do i Georgia has had six State Consti utions. She ought to be well "re constructed" by thisitiine. The question of admitting col ored delegates will be decided 1V ie Episcopal Convention of South iirolina, which begins its session at ikin, this week. The church in lis State has been much stirred up over this question for some time. The arm)' .officer detailed by the Secretary of War to inspect the State roops assembled in; New York, at he centennial, says that last week's experience proves that seventy thou- sand militia could be! massed in that :ity in fifteen hour.4. This shows vhat our militia is worth to the na ion. i The fact of being made a member of the municipal assembly of l'aris' is quite complimentary to Gen. Bou- anger, considering his situation, but it gives him no relief from his awk ward position of either remaining in exile or going home to be tried for attempting to subvert the govern ment. So poor Johnnie failed to get there after ail. The President ought to have told the poor fellow some time ago that there was no chance for his getting the office of Public Printer. It is most too late now for him to pitch his crop for this year. But we do notsuppose beis much concerned about the crop, as he will make his iving out of the working men with out working much himself. If Geor;e Washington did really introduce the first mule into this country, he (the mule) should have been given a conspicious place in the centennial parade) last week. It is alive yet, if is a white one, for it is said white mules never die. And he should have been taken to the ball He at least would not have got drunk and would have added to the much needed- dignity of the occa sion. Did any of you notice the incon sistencv the hypocrisy displayed by the i President in the arrangements for his trip to New York last week? He left Washington Sunday night on a magnificently gotten bp train. He was too religious to travel on Sun day, so he would not j let the train start until after the stroke of twelve midnight, but the train was made up about nine o'clock and air the train hands and officials kept up until it started. The President and party went down to the depot about ten o'clock and went to bed in rthe sleeker. In this way he eased his conscience and got a I good night's rest at the same time. The exact condition of Montana, Washington and North and South Dakota is this, we think : The Con gress has done all it could in receiv ing them: President Cleveland ap proved the enabling a;cts, and now those Territories are taking the steps necessary to Statehood; they are in a political stir and by December wil be in the Union. Wilmington Star. Our understanding is that if these "proposed States fail to adopt, at the July elections, the constitutions at ready approved by Congress, the del elates then elected will: frame consti tutions which must meet the approva of Congress before they can be ad mittPil into the Union. We think IHIH-W Congress has to declare a proposed State has, or upon the adoption of a proposed constitution j will have a Republican form of government oe fore it can become a State. DURHAM, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1889; TOAVX TALK. Help the I). I,. I. to -cure ithe regulation uniform. good time to begin operations or opening a canning lactory. The garbage cart is on the trash and tilth nath. we are irlad to note. ; Barbecues are getting ripe j6ok out, George Lougec lias ljjeen poken to. j Strawberry -'.festival to-morrow night. Particulars elsewhere in to day's Plant. I There aie good indications that he first of June will find two plug actones in Durham. 'r 1 he plug factor v of Mes 'srs. U . .i: I.I a . i' r y unsiian. Cornell ivuj. egms oper- itions on Mondav next. The store occupied by Mr. J . T. advertise- rencn is lor rent. See ment in to-day's Plant. lhe time ot night services! at Trinitv Church has been changed rom 7:45 o'clock to 8 o'clock. j The rise in the mercury elevates the financial aspirations ot the ice cream and soda water venders. I There will be reduced rates oil he R, & : I), road to the memorial exercises at Raleigh, on Friday, j I Subscribers to the telephone xchange complain of the buzzing and whizzing of the instruments, especially after night. Fix the wires. Let .every business man in Dur- iam attend the meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce and Industry next Tuesday afternoon. We must move orward. Remember that the valuable own property advertised for sale'on ;he'oOth instant, by Messrs. Ballard & Halliburton, trustees, may be purchased privately before that time. The Durham Light Infantry has received an invitation to attend the memorial exercises at Kaleigh,on Fj-iday, as the guests of the Gov ernors Guard. It is probable the Qpys will go. -We would suggest that the town authorities announce the days that the garbage cart will pass different ections ot the town and request the citizens to have trash, etc., ready for the cart when it arrive Junior V. 31. C. A. All members of the Junior Y. M. C. A. are requested to meet Mr. E. W. Lunsford, to-morrow night, at! 8 o clocK, at tne rooms, to organize a Gymnasium Club. Reduced Rates to Raleigh. The K. & D. road will sell tickets at reduced rates to the memorial ex ercises at Raleigh, on Friday. The rate from Durham is $1.50 to indi viduals: 90 cents each to military companies in a body of twenty-five or more, lickets on sale Mav lth tind 10th, good returning until the ,11th. I i - Strawberries To-3Iorrov Night. The second strawberry festival j of the season will be given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church, to-mor row night, in the Parrish building, next door to the First National Bank. Ice-cream and cake will also be among: the delicacies that will be served. ! Go and enjoy yourself ant! heln the ladies in their g;ood work. Aid the Boys. The Durham Light Infantry must have the regulation uniform it they attend the encampment ot the State Guard this summer. The time for procuring the uniform is growin short. Ine members ot tne com pany are notable to incur the entire expenses and they snould not be ex pected to do so. The Company is an ornament and a protection to the town, and we hope our citizens wil cheerfully aid the boys in this mat ter. They have already expended much money and time in bringing the Company up to the high place which it occupies in the State Guard, and we want them to go to the en campment and sustain their reputa tion and reflect credit upon Dur ham, which they will do if they go. But they can't go unless they pro cure the required uniform. Will our citizens permit them to stay at home, when a small donation from each one will do away with the difficulty ? W e hope not. REV; FRANCIS HAM LIN, It may interest our readers to see the portrait of the minister, who is pastor of th'e'church of which Pres- dent Harrison is a member. . The Church of the Covenant be- ongs to the i'respy tenan : denom ination and is quite a new7 building, the congregation itself being only a ew years j old, having been formed in it has cost about and is capable of seeting nearly one thousand persons. Secretaries Blaine and Windom, as also Post master General Wanamaker, are -among the pewholders. Mr. Ham- in is a native of Schenectady, N. Y., and was born in 1847. He grad- uated from the union College in 18G7 and from the Theological Sem- inary ot New lork: in lbt l. His first charge was in Cincinnati, where he soon gained great fame as a sue cessful preacher. In 1885 he began his administrations in Washington, and since ;then the membership of his church has doubled. Plant Photographs. Mrs. J. F. Conrad is on a visit to Concord, t! i Mr! W. A. Guthrie went down th road to-day. Mr. W. II. Willard went down the road to-day. Mr, V . H. McCabe went over to rittsboro to-day. j Mr. J. S.'. Long left to-dav on a trip to Pittsboro. i Mr. J. II. Southgate went up the road yesterday afternoon. Mr. John C. Angier left to-day on a business trip to Pittsboro. j Mr. C. M. Parks, of Hillsboro Gil me down on the noon train to-day. Mr. W. LI. Stone, Jr., returned to day from a visit to Newberry, S. C 5Ir. C. B. Kendall, of The Plant force, is on the sick list, we are sorry to know. MrsV . 1 t Ballard left yesterday af ternoon on a visit Memphis, Tenn. to relatives in Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Yaughan re turned last night from their delight ful trip to New York. ' Mr. F. l. Busbee, of Raleigh, passed dow n the road to-day return ing from Washington. Ilev. C. C. .Newton has gone to at tend the Southern Baptist Conven tion, at Metnphis, Tenn. Dr. Geo. ,W. Blacknall,of Raleigh, spent the morning in town and left for home on the noon train. Mr. S. F.; Gardner and family left to-day for Wilmington, where they will reside.; We wish them prosper ity in theirjl new home. j Capt. J.J Bernard ,a Durham boy, has been re-elected Captain of the Governor's! Guard, Raleigh; so we learn from the Xews and Observer. Mr. John H. Arrington left for Goldsboro this morning to attend the marriage of Mr. W. T. Dortch, Jr., aijd Mis3 Lizzie Lewis, which will take place to-morrow, j For Forgery.. We stated some days ago that four colored men, John Williams, James Glenn, Dave Parker and Jerry Parker, had been charged with forging orders for school money. The trial took place i before Justice Angier j yester day afternoon and was not concluded until dark. Glenn and Jerry j Parker were discharged and Williams and Dave ; Parker were bound over to court. Parker gave the required bond and Williams went to jaiL TOWN MATTERS. rhe Mayor and Commissioners Qualify 'and Klect Oilicers and Standing Committees.' .' The recently elected Board of Fown Commissioners met last night Mayor Christian was sworn, in bv Juiice Y. T. Redmond. The Com missioners, except i Mr. . Duke. who is absent from town, were sworn in by the Mayor. An elt-ctioh lor oilicers was gone nto, with the following result: Mr. George , W'oodward, re elected Clerk, by acclamation. Mr. .John B. Christian, re elected street Commissioner, bv acclama tion. ! " Mr. J. A. W'oodalt re-eU-cted Chief of Police, by acclamation. IMessrs. L. Wr. K.i Faucett,-J. J. Tyson, H. J. Brown and John E. Albright, re-elected Assistant Po licemen, by acclamation. Mr. lrank' P. Burch, re-elected Treasurer, by ballot.! Mr. P. B. Cheek, elected Sanitary Policeman by acclamation. Mr. Jas. V. Mark ham, elected Market Clerk, by ballot. Mr Jas. M aiming, elected Town ttorney, by ballot. . The only changes made in the of ficers are Morket Clerk and Town Attorney. lhe following Standing Commit tees were elected : Finance: C. M Herndon, chair- T 1 1 T man : j . w. Carlton.'.. Street: J. Wi-Carlton, chairman; J. F. Corbett, T. D. Jones. Market House: A. 1). Mark ham, chairman : J. S. Man gum. V Duke. Cemetery : J. F.Corbett.chairman ; T.i D. Jones, W. Duke. Water : - W. Duke, eh ai rm an ; A . D. Markham, J. S. Mangum. Fire : T. D. Jones, chairman ; A. D. Markham, J. S. Mangum. Don't Owe Them Anytliing-. The following communication ex plains itself: I Durham, N. XV, May 8, 1889. Editors Plant: In your report of the failure arid liabilities of Mr.' J. T. French you have his liability to the Morehead Banking Co. $300. This is a mistake as he does not owe them anything. Yery truly yours, ; W. M.Morgan, Cashier In justice to ourselves we would say that we are not responsible for the errors as our report of the assign ment was based upon statements set forth in the Deed of Trust. We are informed that the name of Eugene Morehead & Co. 'should have ap peared in the deed instead of the name of The Morehead Banking Co. 'Love One Another,"' Every man must be his own pro hibitionist, just the same as he must be his own christian." Daily Sun iiuia luiuujy iciiiiiKis me OI me prayer of selfishness, viz. : ''Lord bless me and my wife, my son John and his wife us four and no more ! Amen." There lived a man among the an cients who claimed not to be his brother's keeper, and this man was a murderer. Apart from extraneous influences, man would be the most wretched and helpless of all God's creation. To my mind one of the grandest principles enunciated is that "an injury to one is the concern of all." Among the most endearing as well as ennobling commands of our Savior, just before His ascension, was that we should "love one another.'' God save us from the priests and Levites "who pass by on the other side.' X. Y. Z. BUSINESS NOTICES. For Kent; The store occupied by J. T. French, next to postoffice, Wright block. The best stand in town. Apply to R. I. Rogers, Agent. "KVHaaf) V ' 'amp luv jb 'Ajijtrenb Aae ui paqRiojTij soi pus raear) -aoseas 9f JOJ Ud!o MOO ST JOJB(i C0E3J0-301 AJ To Teachers. We have just leceived a sipply of "Page's Theory and Practice of TeachiBg," recently recommended by the State Board of Educa tion. The regular price of the book is $1.25. but all who' call before the present stock is exhausted will be supplied with a copy at tne reduced price ot fl.uu J. B. Wititaker, Jr., & Co, At Durham Bookstore. $5.00 PER ANNUM. FROM WASHINGTON. Appointment of Public Printer and Civil Service Commission ers. Special to The Fi.ant. W'ashixgtox, May 8. Yesterday after The Plant went to press, the President appointed Frank W. Pal mer, of Chicago, .'Public Printer, and Theodore Koosevelt,.of New York, and Hugh S. Thompson, of South Carolina, Civil Service Commission ers. This may put John Nichols in the race lor the Haleigh postoffice. Granville. REUBEN HIBBERD, t and Landscape Mmi Cot Flowers and Bouquets A SPECIALTY. Evergreens, Shrubs I Shade of all Varieties lurnished upon short notice. LAWNS, GARDENS V : AND - ! Oea20.eter3r. Xjots Carefully lookel after and kept in order CHARGES MODERATE. REUBEN HIBBERD, Durham Floral Nursery. STORE BOOM WITH ELEVATOR T The store room at present occupied by Messrs. T. F. Cheek & Son, furniture dealers, (perhaps the best stand in town) is for rent after Jan uary 1st. Tlie first, second and third floors will be rented en suit, or the first and third floors. The building is fitted with a first class elevator connecting the 3 floors, and to parties representing a desirable business, I am prepared to offer , most satisfactory e arrangements. Private rooms or rooms for offices for rent upon the second floor of this building to parties giving good ref erences. .PPLIT TO E A. HEABTT, AGENT COP. Cotton Seed Lard, Anti-Dyspeptic. Warranted Free From Hog Fat Pure, Wholesome, Economical. For sale by aU Grocers. Ask for illustrated Pamph let, entitled : SOME THINGS ABOUT LARD." ONE HUNDRED PRIZE DINNERS. or how to provide a good dinner for four persons for one dollar. An excellent Cook Book of 250 page 12 mo., con taining one hundred Dinner Bills of Fare, with in structions how to prepare each one, so that the cost for four persons cannot exceed one dollar, also 150 additional recipe. This valuable book will be given jrez to any one Bending or presenting tickets representing the pur chase of twenty (2D) pounds of C. O. P. COTTON SEED LARD, at our Branch Store, No. 19 W. 4 2d street, N. Y. i'ach pail of onr Lard contains a ticket, the num ber on which corresponds to the number of pounds in the pail. THE COTTON OIL PRODUCT CO.. N. T. W. J. GRISWOLD, Wholesale Agent, aprC-stt2m DURHAM, N. C. F,:;;; Pencils. Rubber head pencil, only one cent each at the Durham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jb, & Co. Blank Books. Various sizes and qualities, at the Durham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr & Co. Kubber Stamps. Orders taken for Robber Stamps, of all kinds, Seal Presses, Ribbon and Seal Stamps, etc., at the Durham bookstore of J. B.Whitakeb, Jr, & Co- l were to say anything else,