i- SAKER' Jr- I Editors. 5. T. Aont, ) TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Year, - - $5.00 I 1 Month, - 50 eta 3 Months, - - 1.25 j 1 Week, - - 15 cts. RATES FOR ADVERTISING. column, three months,. $ 20.00 column, six months 35.00 $ column, one year, . . . CO. 00 A column, three months, . . . 35.00 1 column, Bix months, v . 60.00 "j column, one year 110.00 rcolumn, three months, 60.00 1 column, six months,. 110.00 1 column, one year,. . r. 200.00 Space to suit the advertiser in pioportion to above rates. .""The business office of The Plant is at the Durham Bookstore, corner Main and Corcoran streets, where subscriptions and advertisements will be received. FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1889. DURHAM IS SOLID. "The Durham Bull is the glory of the thrifty and go-ahead town of Durham, but with all that she is not happy. She is now whirling around in the vortex of a prohibition cam paign, and neighbor is arrayed against neighbor on the vexing ques tion, shall the bar-room be a recog nized institution of the town. In the event that the town go wet or dry, dire results are predicted by the respective disputants, and it would seem to one viewing the situation from afar, that nothing but univer sal smash-up, including the famous and world-renowned bull, awaited her. liut we nope lor a Deuer iaie, however that issue may be decided, when the citizens who are now talk ing cross to and about each other will cool off, shake hands and unite in pushing, their really deserving and progressive town still further to the front." . The above from the Wilmington Star does Durham . great injustice. 'Tis true the article contains some flattering words and winds up with good wishes, hut taken in its best light, it is nothing better than damn ing us with faint praise. Any one not acquainted with the state of affairs here would judge from this article that our town was torn asunder split from turret to foundation stone, and that the citi zens all had each other by the ears, carrying on a regular internicine war over the question of local option: This is far from the truth. 'Tis true we are in the midst of a local option campaign, and as a. matter of course the people of the town are divided on the question, as people always have been and always will be upon all questions demanding their suf frage. The campaign, though, is being carried on quietly and without bitterness of felling, as far as we are able to judge.. All our citizens are interested in the question of Dur ham's prosperity. "Antis" and "pros" alike are still anxious,as they have ever been, for the welfare of the town. This campaign has not affected the present business of the town, nor hns it sn stirrpd nn t.hfi' nponle and embittered one party against the other as to have any effect on its fu ture prosperity. Our people are not a bit more divided on this question than those of any other town going through a similar campaign. After the second Monday in June, Dur ham's people will be solid for Dur ham first, last and all the time, as those of any other town of the State Every man in the town is ready to tos3 up his hat and hurrah for Dur ham. That's the kind of people we are. The idea intended to be conveyed that the business prospects of the Durham "Bull" factory are in any way affected is too absurd to need any comment from us. A SENSATION IN RELIGIOUS CIRCLES. About two o'clock on Wednesday morning me iisnop oi me ivussian ...... il T!t. . f il. . T 1 Church! of San Francisco, whose apartments form a part of the church . building, was awakened to find the whole edifice on fire. The bishop, priests and other inhabitants' of the building had barely time to escape. It is charged that the church was set on fire to destroy books and re cords kept in the building, which contained evidence of crimes com mitted by Russians of high rank. It is said by Russians living in San Fraucisco that the Russian church is nothing but a detective agency, and is used by the secret service of j the Czar for discovering the plots and schemes of his'subjects, no matter in what part of the world they may make their homes. Thechief duty of the priests is to act as spies on their congregations. If all this be true, the investiga tion of the burning of this church may disclose some very interesting facts concerning the methods of this church and the duties and conduct of its priests. ; We hope there will be a full in vestigation into this matter. The Greek church, of which the Russian forms a part, should not rest with this stigma upon its fair name if the charge be false. If it is true, such a thing should not be allowed in this country, j Men should be al lowed to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences, but a despotic European powfr should not be allowed to spread through our country a net work of political espionage under the guise of religious institutions. We hope the law courts will thoroughly ven tilate this matter. If they do, some sensational developments may be looked for. THE NICA RAG U A CAN A L. Work upon this important under taking will soon begin, with a fair prospect of coming to an early com pletion. This will shorten ; circum navigation of the world by from a third to a half the distance now re quired to be traveled. The company undertaking this work was organ ized nearly ten years ago, but has jusL got a charter from the United States Congress. Armed with this charter and backed by the immense wealth ot the incorporators, and the large grants made by the I govern ments ot Nicaragua and Costa Rica, the company is prepared to carry the work to a. finish with a rush. The men employed by the com pany as engineers have been study ing the subject of an inter-ocean canal for years. They long since came to the conclusion that this route was entirely practicable. In fact it looks as if nature, anticipat ing such a scheme, had - done what it could to make it successful. Mid way between the two oceans a lake far above the level of either, and a river on either side can be taken ad vantage of and made to form part of the canal. The first working party will sail from New York by steamer this week, soon to be followed by other steamers carrying men, materials and supplies for the great work. A Turpentine Well. Wilmington Star. ; The alleged discovery of a spirits turpentine well in Georgia has stirred up the naval stores men in that State. The well is near Donaldson, in Lau rens county, ;is sixty feet deep and was used to supply water to a still. The owner says he has dipped four teen barrels from the well, and has not exhausted it. How the spirits got into the well has not been ex plained. The Savannah News says of the discovery that it has not un settled the naval stores market and is not likely to until some more infor mation is had on the subject of tur pentine wells. The fact that tur pentine is a distilled product of the pine tree makes it difficult for most people to understand how it could get into a well unless it was poured there. Paris Exposition. New York Star. The Paris Exposition seems to have been prematurely opened. Neither the buildings nor the machinery for showing the working of mechanical exhibits are yet in place, and proper facilities for transporting heavy ob jects through the grounds are lack ing. The Republic should take care to avoid the reputation of being less prompt and efficient than were the authorities under the Empire. Mean while all the world and his wife are flocking to Paris, where some visitors are very impatient about the delay in the Exposition arrangements, and others are finding consolation in the sights that are always worth seeing in the gay capital. In Clover. New York World, j Batfisch is the name of the cab driver who was at Meyerling when the Crown Prince Rudolph of Aus tria died. He is one of the very few persons who know the truth about the affair, and was banished to Rus sia after the catastrophe.; He has now been allowed to return to Vien na, and is to receive a pension from Emperor Francis Joseph so long as he holds his tongue. The pension will be paid daily. Batfisch is in clover, but it is said European journ alists are prepared to bribe him if he should prove approachable. We Can and Do Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir for ic has been fully demonstrated to the people of the count ry that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ul cers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. T OUR EXCHANGES. New Berne Journal: Gen. W. G. Lewis was in the city j'esterda'y. He is surveying the State lands near Core Creek and says he finds nbt only good lands, but plenty of marl and other phosphate rock. Gov. Fowl has done the right thing in es tablishing this farm. Salisbury Watchman: The knitting mill is now in operation on stockings. Mr. Mac Harrison received from across the ocean on Sunday morning, the finest two-year-old colt that most of our citizens ever saw. We did not learn the breed, but he was coal black and weighed 1,000 pounds, i Wilmington Messenger : The han d some edifice of St. Andrew's (Pres byterian) Church in this city will be dedicated on the second Sunday in June.- -A portion of the skeleton of the whale, which was stranded off Wrightsville Beach a few weeks ago, has been washed ashore at Carolina Beach. Wilmington Review: We are sorry to hear that Mr. John Murphy, pf Point Caswell township,was stricken with: paralysis last Sunday andiis not likely to recover. This is his second attack. The first occurred about six months ago. Mr. Murphy is one of the most prominent citizens of Pender county. j Reidsville Week!;,: Mr. . J. M. Swann, near town, has tobacco that has begun to spread on the hill. It was planted several weeks ago. It is announced on good authority that the Chapel Hill iron mines ajre to be opened and extesnively worked the coming summer. The ore lis said to be abundant and of superior quality. j j Greensboro Workman: Track la'y ing, we learn, on the High Point life Asheboro railroad, reached Randle man last night. One of our busi ness men hailed us yesterday morn ing, saying that the good effects of Mr. Pearson's preaching wTere already apparent, persons who had been in debted to him for several years halv ing come forward and made pay ment, j Greegboro North Slate : The follow ing joint stock companies are being worked up for this city : A roller flour mill on a large scale ; a $100, 000 cotton factory, on the co-operative plan .; a knitting factory ; a can ning factory ; a wagon, buggy and furniture factory a sash, blind and contract factory. Mr. Pearson is drawing immense audiences. Busi ness is suspended between 10and;ll daily, and at night nearly everybody in town goes to the tent. ! How the Average Woman Swims San Francisco Chronicle. I The majority of the fair pupils swim with their arms only and if they do kick, the force of their stock inged soles is lost on the air. In stead of drawing the legs up under the body, asfa good male swimmer does the feminine pupil bends the leg at the knee, so that the lower parts of the limbs rise gracefully above the surface of the water! at every stroke and then drop back with a thud, as if part of the roof of the bath house had fallen in. The effect of this innovation is most "lex hilerating, especially to the disinter ested spectators. In proportion to their size women have heavier heads and smaller lungs than men, and! as lung power has much to do with a swimmer's buoyancy, a woman has a tendency in the water to pitch head downward. The conformation of her body, too, helps this unpleas ant tendency, so that when she ag gravates the trouble by kicking her heels out of the water she looks like a duck diving for clams. i Trusts and Socialism. New York World. ' . Professor. Ely says that "It isj of course, only necessary for combina tions to go forward to bring us to pure socialism. Every socialist knows this and rejoices in trusts One ofthe ablest political economists in the country told me a few days since that in conversation with a 'so cialist this socialist said: 'Every time I hear of a new trust I feel like throwing up my hat and shouting hurrah !' And the political econo mist added : 'If I were a socialist I Would say to our industrial lead ers: 'Keep right on, gentlemen. You are realizing for me my dreams. It is now only necessary for me to fold my hands.'" I Mr. Lincoln is Presented, j London, May 23. Mr. Robert! T. Lincoln, the new American Minister, has taken up his residence at No. 5 Cadogan Square. Mr. Henry White, of the American legation, presented Mr. Lincoln to Lord Salisbury! at the foreign office to-day. j Entombed Beneath the Earth. London, May 23. The roof of the colliery at Merthyr Tydvil, Wales, has fallen in, killing one miner and entombing eighteen others. The work is being actively prosecuted for the rescue of the imprisoned. A Child Killed. ! Another child killed by the use of opi ates given in the form of Soothing syrup Why mothers give their children such dedly poison is surprising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother It ' contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by Ii. Black nail & Son. ow To IT IS AN ACKNOWLEDGED FACT THAT THE BEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY IS TO SAVE IT, AND WE INTEND TO PROVE CONCLUSIVELY j THAT THE BEST WAY TO SAVE IT IS TO DEPOSIT IT IN OUR ESTABLISHMENT AND FOR EVERY DOLLAR DEPOSITED -WE WILL GIVE YOU IN GOOD HONEST GOODS One Dollar and Fifty Cents ! WHILE WE HAVE SOLD THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' WORTH OF GOODS OUR STOCK IS STILL UNBROKEN IN ASSORTMENT ! They Must be Sold BLANKETS, FLANNELS, QUILTS, CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, TABLE LINEN, MENSE Dress Goods, Custom Goods, Etc., Etc. Rememler Price is No MUSE & SHAW, W, S. HALLIBURTON, Trustee, IMIarn Street, - - - - "CTnd.er Stores IHIslII. W. H. k 1 8. TflCto & CO, RALEIGH, N. C, f Importers and Retailers of DRY GOODS The Great North Carolina Dry Goods House ! Thirty-nine Departments Carrying assortments excelled by few houses in ther larger cities, and none in the South ; bought from importers, .manufacturers and selling agents first hands in every instance for the cash, and guaranteed to h& correct as to style, quality and price. Why should the people of North Carolina send inoney North when they have such a house in their own State V No good reason exists. Complete Mail Order Depart ment ; With all the machinery for filling orders, by Com petent men. N. B. On all orders amounting to ?5.00, or more, we will deliver goods by mail or to the nearest ex press office FREE OF CHARGE. ; I W. II. cV R S. TUCKER & CO. Sale of Land Under Mortgage. By virtue of a mortgage executed to W. K. Duke by James E. Lyon and wife, on February 2d, 1884 and registered in Durham county in book 3 of naortgages, on pages 309 et seq.. I will sell at the Courthouse door in Durham, on the 4th Day of June, 1889, at 12 o'clock, m two tracts of land on which said mortgagors now live, lying near Bragtown, in said county of Durham, one containing 147 acres and the other 26 acres. Terms of sale cash. CHAS. W. STAINBACK, Adm'r of W. K. Duke, dee'd. By W. W. FTTLLER, Atty. my2dlt-wtd NOTICE ! 5 All persoi s indebted to the late firm of EUGENE MOREHEAD &. CO.either by open account or notes will please settle the same with the Moreheau Banking Company On or before the 15th day of June, All the accounts not settled by then will be placed in the hands of their attorney for collection. Very respectfully, G. S. WATTS. Surviving partner of Eugene Morehead Co. m20-dtf FOR RENT ! The Seven Room Dwelling, On east extension of Dillard Street, recently occu pied by the family of Mr. F. P. Puryer. j5For terms, etc, call on E. A. HEARTT. Blank Books. . Various sizes and qualities, at the Durham bookstore of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. Make It j i am af LADIES', GENTS' AND CORSETS, WHITE TOWELS, IM STOCK OF Olject ! They Must Go 1 S. R. PERRY. I wish to return my many thanks to my friends and patrons for past favors, and hope to have their con tinued favors by Honest and Fair Dealing, and will promise at all times to soil goods as ; Low as Any House in Our City. I keep constantly on hand most of the .Leading Brands of Flour, Best Mill Feed, Pure Hog .Lard, Corn, Oats, Best Dried Peaches and " Apples, fact every article kept in a In First-Class Grocery Store. I earnestly invite all to give me a call. Very truly, mch5-d3m S, R. PERRY. DO YOU PROPOSE BUILD? THE DURHAM lid, Door and IU MTg Eo. ANNOUNCE That they are prepared to take con tracts for Buildings of any size, in Wood or Brick, from the plainest and cheapest to the finest and most elab orate, at Plans and estimates cheerfully furn ished and contracts solicited at home or abroad. Our plant is equipped with the latest improved labor-saving ma chinery and we are prepared vto fur nish Sash, Doors, Blinds, and all kinds of Builders' Supplies at prices mat cannot be beat anlO-df o . -w Soli Onee " ! Brit, Fresh, DAILY TOBACCO FUff ISSUED EVERY AFTERNOON, Except Sunday, at DURHAM. X. C. J. B. WHITAKER: Jr., L , SAMUEL T. ASHE, f Editors. SUBSCWlTroN One year, Six months, Three months, One month, One week. . 2.50 1.25 ' M .13 OUli TERMS: Cmh in Admnce from Exryhoilj.' RATES FOR ADVERTISING. column, three months, 2A.I column, six months, 35.(4 column, one year,.. CM' column, three months, .......... column, six months, J column, one year,.... H"- 1 column, three months, : 1 column, six montes,. 11G.M 1 finlnmn nn a virv 2r$.$ ' It will be the aim of The Dailt Tom Plant tc furnish its readers with tie 7 latest news from all quarters and to pre'- the same in an attractive manner. IN POLITICS We shall give faithful allegiance to principles of the Democratic p&nj party under whose administration of PCl lie affairs the State and the country large and enjoyed the greatest prob and the richest blessings. OUR LOCAL DErARTME We shall endeavor to make and sprightly, furnishing the penings at home and doing all in oVS to still further advance the interest plucky, enterprising and prosper