mrl J. B. WHITAKER, Jr., 1 Editors S. T. ASHE, Jtaiiors. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Year, - - $5.00 I 1 Month, - 50 c te. : Months, - - 1.25 1 Week, - - 15 cts. RATES FOR ADVERTISING. 1 column, three months, . . . . .$ 20.00 column, six months 35.00 column, one year, 60.00 I column, three months, 35.00 I column, six months C0.00 A column, one year, 110:00 i column, three months, 60.00 1 column, six months, . . . 110.00 1 column, one year, 200.00 Space to suit the advertiser in pioportion to above rates. jZSThe business office of The Plant is at the Durham Bookstore, corner Main and Corcoran streets,, where subscriptions and advertisements will be received. MONDAY, JUNE J, 1889. Till CttONIN MUItDER.' Step by step the authorities of the city-of Chicago arc following up the . plot devised for the murder of Doc tor Cronin and so successfully car ried out. What .at first bid fair to be as great a mystery-as the cele brated Nathan murder, is now no longer beyond the power of the po lice to clear up entirely. Day after ilciv.nmr r-lnna orr nlitninoil find now links added to the chain of evidence, which, when made public, will dis close one of the moat diabolical plots ever formed in this country. Already three men have been im prisoned under true bills ot indict ment for the murder. One of these i a detective named Conghlin who was detailed to work up the case when the doctor first disappeared Jle appeared to be at work on the case for some time before it was dis covered that he was the man who hired the buggy trom the livery sta ble in which the victim was lured to his destruction, lhe other two men under indictment are the men wno urove trie wagon carrying tne dead body from the scene of murder to its hiding place and the. third is one Sullivan, an ice dealer. It is claimed that through him the vic tim was lured to the house in which he was killed. Under contract be tween these the doctor was to at tend all of the men in the employ of the other and was to go to any address whenever a card of certain description was handed him. The last seen of him he was called awa v on one of these professional visits. This was late in the evening of May Uh. Dr. Cronin belonged to an Irish association called ...Clan-na-Gail. There were two factious in this as sociation that opposed each other bitterly. The doctor was at the head of one of them and was pre paring to prefer grave charges against the leaders of the other at the national meeting which was to take place some time this summer. In order to prevent this his death was determined. This is the most generally accepted theory. A man by the name of Sullivan, a former vice-President of the American-Irish national league and now treasurer of the Clan-na-Gail, "'tis said has been charged by Dr. Cronin of having embezzled 85,000 of the clan's funds and appropriated the same to aid ing in the Blaine campaign in 1S84. Blaine's defeat prevented the repay ment of the money. Cronin and Sullivan are enemies and this was one of the matters he was going to bring before the convention this summer. The plot and its consummation when fully unravelled will read like the plot of novel. . There is no doubt the conspirators were a long time in perfecting their arrangements. They rented a house just opposite the one in which their victim lived. - He was watched and shadowed night and day. Through the ice dealer, Sullivan, he was induced to go whenever and wherever he was called,upon the presentation of one of Sullivan's cards. A cottage in a lonely spot was rented, and it was to this he was carried on the pretense of visiting one of the employes of the ice dealer. After the deed was done, his body was put in a trunk and hauled to another part of the city and hid in the sewer. When his friends began, to become uneasy at his absence and suggest murder, telegrams were sent by certain persons from Toronto and other places, saying he had be'en seen there. All these .many parts of the plot were carried out by as many dirterent men. Each man in the plot had his part assigned, and upon performing it he had nothing more to do with the scheme. For instance the man who called Tor him to pay the pro fessional visit does not appear upon the scene any more. It was a well laid scheme and must have been planned by some one of more ability in such matters than the three men now indicted, and the seven or eight others now under surveillance by the police. THE FLOOD! J. D. MESLHY, g R PERRY. Merchant Taflor, D EST It I 'CTIOX, DESOL AT I OX AXI DEATH. Fifteen Thousand Souls Hurried ' to Watery Graves Great Loss of Property Washinjjtoii,Iicli- niond and I'etersburir Partially Submerged. Special to The Plant. Washington, June 2 7 p. ii).- all this Potomac The freshet throughout section is unabated. The river is very high, and the water is running in Pennsylvania avenue The long bridge is damaged and travel is cut oil' from the South and West. Loss of property here along the wnarvesis immense, .no lives are re ported lost. The loss of life at Johns town is reported to be eight thou sand. Adjutant General Hastings thinks the loss of life in and near that point will reach hlteen thousand. Kicnmona ana reiersourg par tially submerged. Granville From the press dispatches in our exchanges ol yesterday we cull the following .particulars ot the disas trous flood : The raging storms that have pre vailed through Pennsylvania in the past few days have resulted in an ap palling loss of life. The scene, of a terrible disaster is at Johnstown, Pa., in Gambrea county, on the Bal timore and Ohio railroad and the Conemaugh river. Two and a half miles northeast of the town is a res ervoir owned by a rich fishing club. It is the largest reservoir in the United States, being three and a half miles long and from one to one and a half miles wide. Its depth in some places is 100 feet. It holds more water than any other reser voir, natural or artificial, in the United States. The lake has been quadrupled in size by artificial means and was held in check by a dam from 700 to 1,000 feet wide. It is ninety feet in thickness at the base and the height is 110 feet. The top has a breadth of over twenty feet. Recognizing the menace which the lake had to the region below the South Fork, the club had the dam inspected once a month by a Penn sylvania Railroad engineer, and their investigation shows that noth ing less than some convulsion of na ture would tear the barrier away, and loosen the weapon of death. rrom the best information obtain-' able at the time it is evident that something in the nature of a cloud burst must have been the culmina tion of the struggle of the water against the embankment. The diffi culty of obtaining definite informa tion added tremendously to the ex citement and apprehension. The course of the torrent from the broken dam at the foot of the lake to Johns town is almost eighteen miles and with the exception of at one point, the water passed through a narrow V shaped valley. A dispatch from ew Florence says seventy persons were burned to death in the wreckage at Johnstown bridge. I he loss of property in the vicin- it- of Iredencksburg, Va., is esti mated at four million dollars. Over Postley's Jewelry Store, Has just received his Spring and Sum, raer Stock of Fine Imported and Domestic Suitings. All in want of Good Fits, Best Work manship and Latest Style, invited to call, examine, stock and leave measure. . PRICES REASONABLE. Full Suits from $2l.o0 to $0,100, ac cording to quality of goods selected. Respectfully, mch4-d3m J. S. MESLEY. I wish to return mv manv thanks to my friends and patrons for past favors, and hope to have their con tinued favors bv Honest and Fail and ' will promise at all goods as Dealing, times to.-sell Low as Any House is sr City. keep constantly on hand most oi the Leading Brands of Flour, In Best Mill Feed, Pure Lard, Corn, Oats, Best I )ried Peaches and X Apples, fact every article Hog NOTICE ! The annual meeting of the stockholders of the T.vnehburg & Durham ailroad Company will be held Tuesdav, the isth day of June, at the-office of the Company, in the city of Lynchburg, a., a. P. o'clock. P. M" All stock bolde.s are hereby no tified to attend. PETER J. OTEY, President. dl;iv-4w FOR RENT! Ths Seven Room Dwelling, On east extension of Pillanl Street, recently occu pied by the family of Jlr. F. P. Puryear. u For terms, etc, call on j E. A. HEARTT- MISS I, M. SOI TIIGATF. IURKCTU&. ' The Fall Term will om-n ATrki.Ay Terms Per Quarter cf Tvren -1 0 Vocal Culture, half hour lesson ocal Culture, hour 1,.. " - - -,... -yMe . V.U, Piano, hour lessons Organ, hour lessons Best Kennebec Ice ! I am prepared to furnish the beet quality of Ken nebec tee, from $1.00 per' hundred pounds down, according to quantity. My i e iiouse is on Mangnm street, opposite the First Baptist Church.- W. T. SAl'NDKKS. m 17-tf .. "w. Pilau, kept CONTRACTOR m a. First-Class Grocery Store. to give me a 3-Ul prices. ! DURHAM, N. C. work guaranteed and at BUILDER satisfactory mvh3-d3m I call earnestly invite all Verv. truly, C-! mcho-dom s r! perry. Wyatt Bro's AGENTS FOR lurliaiii Ice Facto DO YOU PROPOSE 2 BUILD? (C M. Herndon & Co., Prop's.) ; THE DURHAM Sash, Door i Blind M'fg Co. We are prepared to offer a beautful A " " -I,f crystal ice niaoe oi pure sprmg wa ter From the City Water Works, now on sale at our store and all orders promptly delivered, and after about That they are prepared to take con- tne 1st ot May our waffon will dp- ANNOUNCE tracts for Buildings of an v size, in I t j Wood or Brick, from the plainest and liver to our customers, as usual through the ice season at the follow ing prices: 100 lb. tickets, 1 lb. or more, $1 per -I t ' -. - " M. Hundred. 000 lb. tickets, 5 lbs. or more 85 cents per hundred. 1,000 lb. tickets, 10.-lbs. or more, 75 cents per hundred 2,000 lb. tickets, 25 lbs. or more 70 cents per hundred. special prices by barrel, ton, or car load by express or fremht. All shipments packed and loaded imme diately before the departure of trains chinery and we are prepared to fur xieftr-iircifiTR sn lp.tpi . . . " ' - . v , v . , I t . I 1 I . I Til' T -1 -l-l uiau. oasn, xoors, jjimas, ana all kinds of Builders' Supplies at prices that cannot be beat. auerlO-dt. A valuable pit-ce of property, containing firet acres of laud, upon whicli is situated a comfortable house with live rooms and a cook room. Ou the premises is a good well of water, a good .grape arbor and orchard. The place is situated about two miles from Durham. Applv at nichl2-dtf. "PLANT OFFICE. A Mew Supply : : OTP TRIUMPHANT SONGS TRIUMPHANT SONGS TRIUMPHANT SONGS TRIUMPHANT SONGS TRIUMPHANT SONGS Usefl in Sam Jones' letiis Just Received AT THE Private 1 0 ir Physical cuhue " BSIWIEB RIIHij And Ornamental WirrWorVc flufur&Co,, li3-HSK6wardSt., Baltu. ttire railing for eemeteries laSI offices and balconies; wind, J " -' guards, wire t loth, sieves, fen X and coal screens iron MUZ : : j . jya-d!' Our Holiday Stock! BE SURE AND SEE IT! -Appropriate 3-ifts! For all kinds of folks, little or W mi hums oi prices, and small A large and varied assort nient of Fancy Goods 3 Toilf OF cheapest to the finest and most elab- DURHAM BOOKSTORE orate, at I : Lowest Prices. :; J Plans and estimates cheerfully furn ished and contracts solicited at home or abroad. ; Our plant is equipped' with the latest improved labor-savin"- J. B. WHITAKER, JR., CO. I For sale at Publisher's prices : , ... 4 - ..1. 1 "1 t'fms eacn ov mau : i i per , - i dozen by express. ma .Gold discovered. Savannah News. A very rich vein of gold ore was discovered Thursdav, upon the property of Gen. James Loncrstreet and Tony Merck, within a mile of he citv limits of Gainesville. The vein is about 4 ft-et in width where first discovered, and as far as has been traced appears to grow wider, rather than narrow. The rock is literally covered and filled with rich yellow gold, and a panning of about two quarts yielded at least five pennyweights of the purest gold LMitlt and Her Conscience. Wide Awake. j Kdith's aunt said she might orct lour caramels lrom a plate in the closet. 1 am very sorry to say that she took five- but she wasn't quite' happy while eating them. She was very still for some time, and then asked: "Auntie, does God know how manv caramels I took." "Yes, Edith." After another long silence, she broke out: "Well ! I shouldn't think he would make such a fuss about one caramel." Respectfully, ; WYATT BROS. THE- Eacket Grocery Telephone Call, No. 23, Opposite Parrisli's Warehouse, Wishes to invite your attention to the tact that we ; keep everything needful for man or be a t, ' in the Heavy or Fancy Grocery Line. We make 'a specialty in Fine Brands of FiouryC&nned Cccds, Fruits, Confec tioneries, Snuff, Tcbaccs a i Fm3 Cigars. ALSO COUNTRY PRODUCE Call and see Floris REUBEN HIBBERD. t - fthd .i'LandsedtpQ Gardener. Cut Flowers and Bouquets A SPECIALTY. fe us, or send orders. your Goods Delivered Free of Charge. Thanking the public forjpasi favora, and hoping to share a part of the same in the future, I remain, Your friend, , W. H. PROCTOR, m.hl6-d3m Durham, N. C. ANNOUN CEME1IT ! : At the solicitation of several loading business men of Durham, and because the first and second editions of the "Histery of Durham" have been ex hausted, and being unable to supply the continued demand, I have undertaken to revise, enlarge and improve said. book. ' Special attention will be devoted to the Bio graphical Department, new and better engravings will be introduced, and the third will be, in every respect, an improvement on the first and sscond editions. " , In the body of the history much new matter will be introduced, with fine engravings of leading piaces oi interest. Parties interested in the work, and wishing fur ther information, are reouested to confer with. .r J 1 ii. , i auuress me autnor, H. V. PAUL martOtf Durham. N. C Evergreens, Shrubs 1 Shade TEEES of 111 Varietis lurnished upon short LAWNS, notice. GARDENS AND LANGSHANS! Too much cannot be said in favor of the Lane- shan Fowl, when bred PURE. They are large, beautiful, hardy, (1uiet, easily confined, stand the coldest weather well, mature nearly as early as Leghorns, make good setters and mothers, are easily broken up, make the finest table fowl, AND WILL LAY AS MANY EGGS IN ONE YEAR AS ANY OTHER BREED OF FOWLS. I am not speak ing of a large per cent, of the so-called Langshans, wmcu are nothing more or less than a cross be tween Langshans and Black Cochins, but the Pure Langshan, as bred by me. The chicks are hardy, grow fast and mature early. I believe the Lang shan to be the best every day fowl we have in this country. , Eggs for hatching, $1.50 for 13, $2.50 foi 26. Send for free circular. Address, L. WHITAKER, Durham, N. C itirtirk Perfumes, Notions, Novelties, c. The : newest designs and the finest goods of the season. Our low prices inake these beautiful goods all bargains. COME TO HEADQUARTERS Where your money will go tie fur thest and where you are sure to find what you want R. BLACKBALL & SON, CITY DRUG STORE; PIEDMONT AIR LINE. Richmond & Danville R. R. Co. Condensed Schedule in' Effect April l ith, MS, Trains Run by 75 M kriwan Time. SOUTHBOUND. DAILY.! Leave Ne vv Yor k , Leave Philadelphia, Leave Baltimore, Leave Washington, Leave Charlottesville, Leave Lynchburg, Arrive Danville, Leave Richmond, Iave Burkville, Leave Keys vi lie, Leave Danville. Arrive Greensboro, Leave Goldsboro. Arrive Raleigh, Leave Raleigh, Arrive Durham, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Salem, No. 50. "j 1215Am! 7 20 " "! 9 45 " i 11 21 " 3 ;;o-p M - 5 4U " 20 " ! 4 r,;t 5 40 " S40- " 10 27 2 00 P M 4 45 4 50 " ft 52 " 8 30 " Leave Greensboro, Ajrivei Salisbury, f6 15 Arrive Statesville. Arrive Asheville, ArriveHot Springs, Leave Salisburv.i Arrive Charlotte, Arrive Snartaiibur. Arrivereenville, Arrive Atlanta, ;10 37 4 : 12 26 A i 1 51 ' i 7 40 9 20 ' '112 32 ' 2 05 ' -4 40 " j 5 50 ' ! 11 00 '" Leave Gliarlotte, Arrive Columbia, Arrive Aiieusta. 2 20 6 30 10 30 No. 52. 4 ?aTFm 6 57 " 9 42 " 11 00 " 3 0(1 A M 5 07 " 1 4." " 4 ai " 5.1;i: H or, " -y 4i2t " 1 1 ixTp M y oo ' 12 Midngt. 2 02 A M : 7 0 Mi "i 5i) ' 11 is 12 12 M 4 44 " f. 10 " 11 2.! A M 12 40 P M 3 37 " 4 48 " y 4U " '"w' " 5 10 " 9 or. " NORTHBOUND. Cemetery XCt3 Carefully looked after anil kept in order canker CHARGES MODERATE. REUBEN HIBBERD, Durham! Floral Nursery. BUG KILLER n -ii i w m Kin bugs and worms that de stroy potato and tomato vines; ek s'luasb, turnip, beet, onion, cotton and to bacco plants: worms and catterpillars on ornamental and fruit trees; lice, cut-worms and rose bugs. STORE ROOM Wi" Ki" Bu9S and Worms That Testio Vegetation of iny Kind. WITH ELEVATOR Guard Against the Strike, And Always Lave a bottle of Acker's Eng lish Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive crre. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treatment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by B. Blacknall Fon. Beaumont Iiouse ! (Corner of Mangum and Hollo way streets,) DURHAM, N. C Is now Open to the Traveling Public: Board by day, week or month. Terms moderate SFree carriages for guests to and from trains. apr-20-lni MRS. F, H. PETWAY. Proprietress. CURES I TS -PILE8, lLsu: i- 25CTs? R. F. WHITEHURST, Druggist. T lhe store room at present occupied by Messrs. jT. F. Cheek & Son, furniture; dealers, j (perhaps the best stand in town) is for rent after Jan- ! uary 1st. The first, second and third floors will be rented en suit, or the first ! and third floors. The building is fitted with a first class elevator connecting the 3 floors, and to parties representing a desirhble business, I am pr3pared to offer ; mos'; satis factoryj arrangements. Private rooms cr rooms for offices for re ut upon the s?cond floor of this building Ic parties giviiig good references E A HEARTT, AGENT used on young plants : Dust through a cloth baj? lifr,tiv cut worms and bugs : Stir into soil, about an inrli ,1 I ' - J 9 HIWUUU the plant?. " For the - FOR SALE BY P.WJAIM.Draggist, DURHAM, N. C. Summer Hardware Cloth Clad Hose. Bath Tub. ater your flowers with keep cool in a nic TZf" . 4 Whit Mountain Freezer. rlhten your walls with L . Tinted Marbeline. ut your window sash with E ' - Common . Lalaace. at foo j cook-d in a """ii niug rlovr, DAILY. No. 51. Leave Augusta,. Leave Columbia, Arrive Charlotte, Leave Atlantar Arrive Greenville, Arrive Spartanburg, Arrive Charlotte, Arrive Salisbury, Leave Hot Springs Leave Asheville, Iave Statesville, Arrive Salisbury, Leave Salisbury. Arrive Greensboro, Arrive Salem, Leave Greensboro, Arrive Durham, Anive Raleigh, u is p 10 40 " 3 15 A M t; 15 P M 1 06 A M 2 11 " 4 50 " 6 22 " No. 53. T45AM 12 50 P M 5 15 " "8 06 P 3 m a 4 37 ' 6 27 ' 8 00 1 Leave Raleigh, Arrive (ioldsboro, Leave (jreenstoro, Arrive Danville, Arrive Keysville, Arrive Burkville, Arrive Richmond, Airive Lynchburg," Arrive Charlottesville, Arrive Washington, i Arrive Haltiniore, Arrive Philadelphia, Arrive New York. M 111 40 I y 45 j 12 01 P " 1 02 1 02 i 3 10 ! H 05 A ' 9 47 " 12 3X P M 1 2:: " 3 30 " 12 10 ' ; 2 55 " 7 13 " H 5' " 3 00 A fi 20 ' 7 1U A M j 5i y m 2 5J- .' 5 30 " j 7 05' M iTia " 1 32 " M , 6 01 ' ; 43 ! 7 12 " 4n; " tl2A-M 10 50 V M M 4 :50 A M i r: ki " : 12 sir " . 10 2-i " 1 Vi A M 2 41 " --- . 12 5S ' : 3 o- " i; 5:1 " ! f 2U " 1 p Daily. Daily, except Sunday. ives Kt'vsviue, n:ov a. --- , P. M. Passenger coach tta neu. 53 connect at Richmond dahy for West -Point and Baltimore Train for Raleigh via Clarksville leavesfRifi mond daily. 3:00 P. M. ; Kevsville. 6:0-" P. J " rives Clarksville, 7:25 P. M.; Oxford. ::Wr-' Henderson, 9:'10P. M.: Durham, 10:30 eigh, 11:45 P.M. - - . ,r.rnir. Keturnmg leaves "aleigh daily :uu a. ham 8:30 A. M.; Henderson, A. M.; Oxtow. 10:20 A. M.; Clarksville, 11:18 A. M.; Keysve. 12:35 P. M.; arrives Richmond. 3:30 P. Mi IxK-al mixed trains leaves Durham dail ext; Sundav, 4:00 P. M. ; arrives Kevsville. 1:35 a. j returning, leaves Kevsville, 8:30 A. M. : l Durham, 8:U0 Nos. 51 and 5:3 cept Sundav for lork River Line. - .ov. No. 50 from West Point connects daily ai ond with No. 50 for the South. .. Nns. f0 and SI mnnprt atfioldsboro WUD to and from Morehead ty and N ilmiagu11- No. 51 connects at Greensboro and Fayetteville. . ho. 53 connects at Selma for w uson, . . X- e j r 1 1 ,w.f i', ,fi at I III 1' uu auu 31 uiae nunc oniuci i U'. sity Station with trains to and from Cbapei except Sundays. SLEEPINC-CAR SERVICE . On trains 50 and 51. Pullman Bufiet S)eev tween Atlanta and New York, k.?"',a and Augusta, and Greensboro, Ashena Morristown, Tenn. itireen on 52 and 53. Pullman Bufiet sleeps rf. and between Washington and Aiken, K1C",D4 and Greensboro. Raleigh and Greensboro. , Pullman Parlor Cars between SaUsm"? Knoxville. . , .,nna Through Tickets on sale at nrincipai b"- all points. ; . . .. ..,,.,..rply lor rates, local and through tune to any agent of the company, or to SOL HAAS, . VJA3. L. TAYLOR. Traffic Manaer. ueu. i--- W. A. TTRK. Dive. Pass. Art.. Raleign,

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