VOL. II NO, 143. SU313IAUY. urth- l;iss postmasters were I'uiir ap- lU.,l -ft,r U,i State yesterday .- The citi- Hi- in the iipl'r Irt ,f Tuscaloosa county j t IimVl tinned a vigilance committee for tjiemreHreaking up illicit distilling .,,,,1 arresting moonshiners. The report of rapture of l'ort au Prince by the Ilyppo- j:u, js proven to he untrue.- A leper ward U-n.nstructcil in connection 'with one ! the London hospitals to encourage the ,:n,lvol'that disease. The body of the lit t,. ,v who was swept into the sewer in Bal timore. Friday was discovered in the river vt-ierdav morning. -The strike of the l';iri, cabmen is beginning to break up. The people 4n the Conemaugh Valley are l, 'iiuiing to settle down to routine life again. -A Mrs. Tvler and her infant, Benjamin Harrison Tvler, were burned to death by the ,-xploMoii of a coal oil lamp Sundry night tu-;ir Annapolis, Md. i:i)lTOKlAL BKIEFS. Tin: War and Navy Departments are still. mum as to the reason for st-ndiiig more cruisers to Hayti. Aftkk turning out a few hundred hands to starve, Mr. Carnegie goes to Kii-hind to give a big dinner to Mr. (iladstone. Fkanci; gets about one and a half uiillion dollars a year from her tax on dogs each year. What would the same ratio of tax net this country, we would like to know. (Jknkhal Withers, proprietor Of the Fair Lawn, near Lexington, Ky., and a breeder of noted trotting horses, died on Sunday, of wrounds received in tire' Mexican war. knatou (Jordan says there were more men killed during our late war than England lost in all her wars Hince the time of William the Con- fierer a period of over eight hun dred years. Mauony and McDonald have been discharged by the New York author ities. Parties from Chicago had failed to identify them as the per sons they were supposed to be who to.ok.part in the Chicago conspiracy 'Ta.iama suits in lieu of the ordi nary night-robe are growing in fa vor."' They are a good anti-burglar invention. The sight of a pair or set which ever it is) of the things will Incited a burglar out of a house ev 'ry time. '-''.. Thk rights of the poor Indians are invaded. They get mad and kill somebody and are hounded down as savage. That is always the way. The recent' outbreak of the Chippewas was caused ly a high handed" in vasion of their territory by whites lor th ieir own gain. Martin Bukk, alias Delaney, wanted for complicacy in the Cionin murer, was arrested on Sunday, illt as he was about to take the east !,0lmd train at Winnipeg, Manitoba. He had a ticket to Liverpool. . He said to be the man who rented l! cottage in: which the murder was committed. 1hk position of Consul-General ai lllo De Janeiro pays a salary of 5 'INH, and the officer's fees last amounted to $4,400. Ten tliou?and four hundred dollars a year is not to be sneezed at. We now many men who will run the gaut'e't-of emall-pox and vellow fe Ver for that income. . " i AVhat does John AVanamaker mean 'y all,-wing the President to spend un'lay sailinnr around in his yacht? l ht to be tied up at the P.hila ! c 1,lna (Jock and the crew at Sunday The President has gone Us,ung or other pleasuring on the w 111 this pious man's yacht of uu,Jays, several times lately. - ' ; : -" J' ' ; J":-, "' j r- ; ,i ., - .. ... . - -y " . .- ... - . . ! . r - ' ! r -.'! ., . ! I " .:!- 1 .- . :. Governor Hill, of New York, has signed a bill providing, for the or ganization of a State Naval Militia force. Our State needs just such a force. . It will have to come sooner or later, and the sooner it is the bet ter it will be for the State it we are to utilize our broad expanse of oys ter and fish grounds in the eastern waters. Positively the oldest living Ma son in the world has been discov ered. Re is Robert I. Chester, of Tennessee, one of the Cleveland elec tors in 1884. He was born in 'Ten nessee in July, 1703, and will com plete his ninety -sixth year next month. He joined the Masonic or der in Tennessee in 1814, when he was twenty-one years of age. He is still an enthusiastic member. Mr. Chester served in the war of 1812. Mr. Chester carried the Presidential vote of Tennessee in 1884 to the President of the Senate at Washing ton. He is still strong and energetic, though he has the rheumatism now and' then. N. Y. World'. ) In answer to 1I12 question, what shall we do with our penitentiary convicts ? the Roanoke News suggests that a guano factory be established at the penitentiary and the fertilizer there made be supplied to the far mers of the State, at a price a little in excess of the cost of manufacture. There is plenty of material in the State for this. Phosphate rock, cotton seed, fish scrap and other ma terial of the kind abounds in the State, and could be utilized at the penitentiary for the manufacture of guano at a nominal cost, compared to present nriccs of guano. Besides the employment of the convicts in this manner would not allect labor in any particular that we can see, but would be using them in a field that is comparatively untouched in 4 r the State. TOWN TALK. Grand concert to-night. Beginning to-day, sleeping cars run through from Raleigh to Ashe- ville. Vegetation nourishes ami the present prospects for good crops are encouraging. Let the farmers bear in mind that high prices for the leaf prevai on the Durham market. 0 Where will the street railway run when it takes a notion to utilize its grant upon Peabody street ? Thn D:Tj. I. is drilling twice a week, Monday and Thursday nights, preparatory to their trip to the En campment. y Ihe moonshine road put in a JuTTe" track in the vicinity of Duke's fW.tnrv Yesterdav. Was this in the j j original grant? The Teachers' Assembly train, consisting of eight cars, passe through here to-day. Quite a num ber of pedagogues were aboard, mak ing their way to the pleasures they will enjoy at Morehead. Don't miss the grand concert bv the Durham School of Music, at Stokes Hall, to-night. Admission is free, but, as stated yesterday, seats are reserved for members of the St. Cecilia Society and the pa trons of the school. Let every Confederate soldier in the county who is able to do so, come to Durham on the 4th of July and take part in the county organi zation, looking to a permanent home for the needy veterans. This is a worthy undertaking. Encourage it by your presence. Twenty or twenty-five thousand dollars might have been secured for the right of way on Peabody street, but nothing was received for it and the damage to the street as a thor oughfare for vehicles grows worse and worse, and we expect it will be almost completely ruined in some places before the end is reached. DURHAM, N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1889. I "My hat! is off, my head is bare," am the rrpsident of the Sunday OCIJOOI L.011CnilOn TQ-( av. Ill flC - knowledging the compliment - paid '"a 1 n m in cnaii 'etc is bald, lie that you know. . whoopeth up his busi ness in the newspapers, shall gather a beautiful harvest of irolden sheckels. Ie that reatlctli the. advertisement and heedeth, shall have an abundance of the world's gootls lor little moncv. Ie that chooscth not to subscribe to a paper, shall wonder, at the intellect of his neighbor. He that advertiseth iberally, getteth the cream of the i-ade. Old fogies get skimmed milk. jo i led down hard. Fulton (M.) Globe. Legal Proceedings. A restraining order from Judge Gilmer was served upon the Rich mond cV: Daniviile authorities to-day, with reference to the proposed ex- ension of one of their tracks up abody street. They were notified o appear before the Judge, at Greensboro, on the 2Gth instant, and show cause why an miunction should not be issued. District Conference. We are reduested to announce that the Durham (Methodist District Con ference will 'convene at Burlington, at 9:30 o'clock, a. m., on June 2 th, and continufe through the following Sunday. The delegates from the Durham churches are: Messrs. C. A. Jordan, N. I. Lea, C. C. Taylor, and W. Duke, frpm Main street; J. S. Carr, U. M. Wahab, J. II. Southgate, and J. R. Gattis, from Trinity ; E. A. V hitaker, and L. H. Lyon, from North Durham ; W. H. Branson and C. A. Rollins, from Carr church. Mr. Tracy's Address, We did not reach the courthouse to-day until) near the close of the address of Mr. Harry Tracy, Na tional Lecturer of the farmers Alli ance, and therefore cannot attempt a detailed report of what was said. We have heard the address very highly complimented, one gentle man remarking it was the finest speech he ever heard. There were present quite a number of farmers, a few ladies land several of our citi zens. Mr. Tracy delivered a private lecture to members of the Alliance this afternoon. His visit will likely inspire the lAlliance men with re- newed zeal n their contest against monopolies, "trusts." usually denominated The Grade to Keinaiii As It Is. It seems to be the general impres- sion among our citizens that the grade of the Durham & Northern railroad in front of the-..Hotel Clai- born should be made the same , or about the same, as the grade of the Richmond tfc Danville road in that locality. Tie reasons urged for this 'are that the appearance would be better and the obstruction and dan ger to vehicles traveling the street would be less. We understand. fhowever, that the Commissioners. last night, decided that the grade should remain as it is, which is about two feet higher than that of vflhe other tracks in that vicinity. This action of the Commissioners is to be regretted. Confederate Veterans. Col. E. D. Hall, of this city, lias been author! zed and designated to is sue a call for a meeting of Confeder ate veterans for the purpose of or ganizing a County Confederate Vete rans Assoeia tion, in accordance with the circular of instruction issued by Julian S. Carr, Esq., President of tfje State Association. The meeting for New Hanover county will be held in the courtroom at the City Hall at 12 o'clock noon, July 4th. At this meet ing a President, Vice-President, Sec retary and Executive Committee of five will oe elected. Wilmington Star. . Who will do for Durham county what the gallant Col. Hall proposes to do for New Hanover? We trust we will nave a large assemoiage oi "Old Confeds" on July 4th, and that Durham county, who has the honor of haying the president of the State Veteran Association, can boast the Banner County Association. See to it, Confederates, that we do. Trinity Sunday School Kxcursion. The excursion to Oxford Saturday Mrs. J. A; Robinson is on a visit annual meeting of the County Con es to be a pleasant affair, and to relatives in Morrisville. vention. inrnmii largd crowd will doubtless attend There will be marshals in charge of the dobrs of each ear, who will see to tli faf!ly ttlV)he1VvhP g ?e linnpr With thn !snn1air Siolrr1 The price of tickets for those not members of the school are: Chil- dreri under 12 years, 50 cents : all over 12, S1.00: for sale at the book- stores bf J. B Whitaker, Jr., &, Co , and T. J. Gattis k Son. The mem- oers ot the school under 12 go free ; from 12 to 1G, 50 cents : over 1G, 75 cents. I ! iUmoers oi classes irom i to iu inclusive ,wiH get. their tickets from iir. !v. ii. iMcbaoe, at ms ollice : classes irom 11 to lo irom Mr. Jas. Gattis,! at bookstore ; classes from 19 to oo from Mr. E. B. Turrentine at Blackwells Durham Co-Operative lobacco Company s factory TMS fnllnnt!n. . , Z 4-4- A - appointed by the Superintendent : Manager, L. B. Turrentine. Music, W. G. Burkhead and Miss Lessie Southgate. Marshals, J. C. Angicr, J. S. Bureh, E. L. Bryan, T. C. Goodson, T. M. Wahab, M. W. Reed, J. F. Freelaijd, YV. A. Muse, C. E. Crabtrec, . V Gattis W. W. Shaw. Speeches, J. S. Carr, Jas. Sou h- gate. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, R. B. Boone , P. M. Briggs. Commissary and Tables, J. R. G it- tis, 11 E. Lyon, II. J. Bass, Mrs. J. Ed. Lyon, Mrs. E. J. Parrish 'Mrs" r. U. Cozart. iiciiets will also be lor sale at tne train Saturday morning. The Town Commissioners and the lt.'&'D. Railroad. We stated yesterday that a eon strnpt on mrns nf thp P Sc. D. rrkd tbpfr iidp tmnks on Ppnbodv strUpt and that it was rumored the toivn nnthoi-itiPs would offer risbn! if nn nttemnt was made to enrrv he track beyond the passenger depot v j r It seems that the Town Commission ers had ground to believe that the track would be extended a consider able distance up the street, and ihe Board met last night to consider the matter and the following action was taken i: Rekhlvetl Thnt, wliprpns tbp tnwn of Durham has heretofore con- ,.,T ., " demned Peabody street ! for a public high way, and whereas the town has been in peaceable and exclusive pos- session of the said street; and has ex- pended large sums of money in grading, paving, lighting, and other- wise improving said street, jind whereas the extension of the track of the Richmond & Danville railroad along said street will utterly ruin the street,! therefore it is Beflced, That the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company be for- bidden from laying any track west of I their ticket office on Peabody iix street. fiedl ml further, That the Town Attorney, be instructed to institute proceedings to enjoin the laying of said tack, if the same s tempted. Revived, That the Chi be directed to prevent hould be at- ef of To he laying of said track on Peabody street west of said ticket office. Remced further. That any and all other railroad corporations or cpm- ; nro hprphr notified and tor- for- bidden to lay any track or switches on sanl street without tne consent on the town of Durham leg given A. O.I u. w. Regular meeting of he A. O. Xj W., to-night, at 8 oc ock EWv member earnestly requested to be 7 . e? 7 i. i present. ? E. . Kenn rov M Y IX B. Tckrextixe, llecorder To Teachers. We have hist leceived a suimlv of "Paze's Theory and Practice of Teaching," recently ia.-uujiuciiucu uy uic ..-laic mjma ui jiuva- . .1,1 l. Ul.tn i'nar-.l nf y,lnl tion. The regular price of the book is 3l.J-, ill. ..ii U7 nn i i I ikuit t rn i i ii . irfu.1 si i m ' . exhausted( will be supplied with a .copy at the reduced price of f 1-00 ! J. B. Whitaker, Jr '&.Co t At Durham Bookstore, That Frenchman, An intensely interesting novel by Archi- l i i r .i - .... . 1 . C a I C- i nam wavering uunier, auiiiurui ine iainuus Mr. Barnes, of New York. tic lauiuus ! Price, 50 i rents, i At the Durham bookst At the Durham bookstore of ! i . J. B. WniTAKEii, Jr., & Co. Plant Photographs Mr . V T,n Smith's -infant! ia nriti- cany We are sorrv to learn, n nn A vf J; T , - v daughter born unto them on Sun- xji. iuis. i ill. null XiclLt iX ; loi'- iV- Kennedy left to-day for Vie eacners Assembly at More- neaa lly- 1 Mr. and Mrs. .J-ake Halliburton's little child is seriously sick, we re- grot to learn. Miss Bessie Fanning left to-day for Morehead City, to a tend the Teachers' Assenddv. ia,r t t ;0 nAA .a day afternoon from a trip to the pofprn nrf tua fata ; T). , Cranberry passed through here on yesterday after noon s train en route for St. Louis. Mr. Tom. Hill, of Goldsboro, rep resenting a: well known drug house of Baltimore, is in town this afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. L. T. Smith have gone to Reamston, Granville county, in response: to the intelligence of the serious illness of Mrs. Smith's father, Mr. J. M. Howell. Mr. P. M. Briggs, President of the Durham Township Sunday School Convention, makes a good j presiding officer. W e congratulate the Con- vention upon the wisdom of its se lection. ! I Durham Township Sunday School Convention. Pursuant to previous notice a Sun- iav ocnooi uonvcniion ior imrnam township was organized at Trinity Church tins morning. The meeting Was called to order and its object, explained !v Mr. C. C. Taylor,! Viei-President of the County Convention. temporary! Secretary. Ucv- J- Whitc rcal a ripture lesson and led in prayer. It was moved and carried that a i :u AC l 1 u :!. J Huuimuie .lul UB appoinu iu draft a constitution and recommend permanent! oflicers. Ihe Chairman appointed Messrs. Geo. W. Watts, W. H. Muse and V. Ballard to Constitute that committee. The committee retired and subse quently presented their; reports, which, after being amended in some , : 1 - i 1 Pcu ars, was auopieu. ; I constitution. Article !. To promote ithe Sun- day School cause in "Durham Town- ship," we; hereby organize ourselves into an Association to be known as the "Durham Township; Sunday School Association" Auxiliary to the Durham County! Sunday School As- sociation, the same to be composed oi ine wuiie ounuay cnopis oi said township. Art. 2. Officers and teachers of Sunday Schools, pastors and minis- ters, and all interested in Sunday c u i i u i :i . -i I, School work in this township shall be regarded as members of the As- sociation. t Each Sunday School shall be entitled to nine delegates, but Sunday School superintendents, pas- I - ! ... . tors and ministers shall be ex-ofliciol full powers of delegates. Art. o. Ihe officers of the Asso ciation shall consist of a President, Vice-President, I a Secretary and Treasurer, and an Executive Com- mittpi nf tlircp mmfiarj whn chill mittee of three members, who shall be chosen? annnually art. 4. it shall be the duty of the President, Vice-President and Kfrrptnrv hnd TrMsnrpr tn in lr a an t ial interest in the Sunday School , . vv .lv, u.vv, I cause in the township, and to per- form duties usually devolving upon 1 i nr " ' t - 8Ucn oincers in omer organizations. It Shall be the duty Of the ExeCU- tive Committee to visit the schools of the township from time to time, organize new schools where there is aemanu ior mem, anu doing wnat they Can to help the schools Up with l..ik 1 i4 A X 1 I 1 I KireUiiu uiiu iiiieresi. iurou;u ine entire year. . . . . . . . . iiui. jl uy j v butt j anaii i t a record of the I proceedings of the meeting . of the Association and shall also keep a record of the sta tistics of each school in the town ship, in accordance with the blank form adopted bv the International ffnn AaxT CAl'fVn.: j qu0ii af u u 4A v vu wa vvu v a.a Liuii iiii A niiai i . ' r -i ' .. reppri asummary oi me same to tne 1 Secretary of the County Association L' A I A I- I A T . I j' - v s', cf. 1 hi m---"-" $5.00 PER ANNUM. at least two weeks previous to the Art. G. The- Association shall meet in Convention; annually and at SUeh Other limps na th. Procldont and Executive Committee may call. Art.. 1 his Constitution maybe amended by a majority vote at any annual meeting. 1 lie lollowing oflicers were elected- for the ensuing year: President, P. M. Briggs. Yice-President, T. B. -Fuller. Secretary and Trfnsnror -T T Whitted. Executive Committee. 11. D. Black- nail, J. C. Angieind II. A. Reams. Upon assuminsr the duties of Pres- j . . . idnt, Mr. Prigg8 indulged in ear nest and practical remarks upon the Sunday School work, spicing his lciuaxii.: Willi liUIJJOrOLlH suggesiioiiH. i statistical report of the schools of ! the township was then read. Ihe first topic was "Are there all the Sabbath Schools in the township that are necessary for the conve nience and well-being of all the peo- nle The subject was opened by Mr. J. Southgate upon the particular lirieofSunday School evangelization. 1 he. question elicited considerable erest ami was spoken to by sev in eral members of the Convention. The question drawer was opened. After which a hvinn was sunc. the j , . O 7 oenediction pronounced and the Convention adjourned until this af ternoon. The following was the programme for the afternoon session : Devotional Exercises. Topic, 'House to- House Visita tion," S. F. Tomlinson. Song. -: Topic, "How; may Home help the Sunday School," W. H. Muse. I Song. ''j-:;, Tojic, 'Sunday School Teachers' Oflice and Work," T. B. Fuller. (Questions answered. Song. Topic, "Value of Sunday Schools to the well being of the community," IlV 1 1111. nv . a. Aiongnt. Song. Topic, "Teachers Meetingtlieir necessity and influence," H. N. Snow. ' - ' Mr. V. Ballard was appointed to read the paper prepared bv Mr. Snow before his departure for Ix)n- don. BUSINESS NOTICES. ano Tuning. Mr. Paul Yetter. represemnt; the Knabe Pianos, i.s in town prepared to tune instru ments. Orders mav Ije left at the Durham School of Music or at the Hotel Clailjnrn. short Hand and Type Wri tin . Miss Nina Gihbs will ojien a schfKil of Short Hand and Tyie Writintr on Monday. June 17th. Terms : Short Hand only. &HAH): Short IIani1 aml r Tyie Writing, $10.00; JfctIcash 5n vance. Indies will meet at V) o clock, a. m.. and 'gentlemen, at 8 o clock. ., , ' ' j : -... Rubber Stamps Orders taken for Rubber Stamps, of all kinds, Seal Presses, Ribbon and Seal StamiH, A 4 I I 1 - - A etu-' ai uie "UV A irUOOKSlore OIT ; it 5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales, $60 fBEAM BOX Brass Tare beam. gg?Hz' i" Warranted for 6 Yean r retrbt raid. ACENT8 WANTED. Kad far J em a. JONES HE PAYS THE FREIGHT. ' For Free Price LUt, Addraa JONES of BINGH AMT0N, Binghamtcn, V. T. ! A valuable piece of property, containing threw acres of land, upon which ia ituatl a coiufortabl Uotiae with Atc room andacook room. Ou Uia preiuiHeN ia a good well of waU-r. a good grape arbor and orchard, i The plac ia situated about two mill- from Lmrbaw. Apply at mchl2-dlf. i : . PLAXT OFFICE. WYATTBRO'S HAVE lENNEBEC ICE j On and after to-day, June !5thf 7e21 hve ? both trom w6n d "tore. htat Keauebec Ice. I TT- tn L! S m. .. .. . our woauutiea . rauonage SOUCltea. juU-Ult Respectfully, WVATT BEOS. t ' t