J. B. WHITAKER, Jr., 1 Editors S. T. ASHE, f td.tors. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Year, - - $5.00 I 1 Month, - 50 eta. 3 Months, - - 1.25 1 Week, - - 15 cts. RATES FOR ADVERTISING. ; rolnmn. three months $ 20.00 f column, six months, . . . . $ column, one year, ...... column, three months $ column, six months, .. . column, one year, l column, three months, 1 column, six months,; . 1 column, one year, 35.00 60.00 35.00 60.00 110.00 60.00 110.00 200.00 Space to suit the advertiser in pioportion to above rates. ' feSThe business office of The Plant is at the Durham Bookstore, corner Main and Corcoran streets, where subscriptions and advertisements will be received. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 18S(J. SLANDEROUS. "All, that bluster on the part of the Governors of Mississippi, Ala bama, Louisiana and Texas anent the prize-fight was designed to head off the Northern people who might feel inclined to brand the South as barbarous once more." The above is a clipping from the New York World. This paper claims to be a paper perfectly friendly to the South and one that abhors the continual marking down of the Ma son and Dixon's line ; yet what could possibly be more out of taste than the above fling at the Southern States mentioned? ' - ' We might have expected some such ugly remark from Elliott F. Shepherd or Governor F.oraker, for they make no concealment of their hostility toward us or their want of faith in our sincerity as law-abiding citizens. We were taken by sur prise though, in finding such lan guage in the "truly patriotic and loyaly Democratic paper," the World, It just shows us what we of the South have to bear from these Northern calumniators. When it was understood that this brutal conflict would take place upon Southern soil the whole South was indignant that these brutes should transfer the scene of their a conflict from their own homes to our land. Those Governors who made proclamations against the fight have been applauded by all good citizens of the South from one end to the . other. They have been upheld by the people generally in their effort to prevent this meeting. They were sincere in their endeavors and should have received the commendation in stead of the ridicule of all good peo ple of the country and of the press no matter in what section located. It was a matter of surprise to us, and grief too, that such a paper as the Wrorld should see fit to throw ridicule upon the efforts of these Southern-Gbviernors to do their duty. Nevermind. Every dog has his day. 'Tis the Northerners time now Our day will come some of these times. THE SWISS REPUBLIC. There seems to' be danger of the oldest of the three existing Repub lics being obliterated. The German Empire has its eye upon Switzer land, and Prince Bismarck is trying to find an excuse for forming acoali tion of the powers of Germany Austria and Italy against this poo little Republic perched up among the mountain tops and in the val leys of the Alps. Switzerland has long been an eye-sore 'to the Impe rial and Monarchical governments of Europe. They have never liked the idea of a Republic a govern ment based on the principle of the people's rule being established among them. - The Swiss Republic was formed over five hundred years ago when the people of the Forest Cantons threw off the nominal yoke of the Empire and established a Confeder ation. .. Ever' since that time the plucky little Republic of twenty-five thousand square miles area has with stood all the efforts of her more powerful neighbors to subdue her or to overturn her form of governmen so distasteful to them. She has been over run by hostile armies She has been forced at times to sub mit for a while to the superior mili tary power of an enemy, but she has always rallied from her defeats and returned to her long established and cherished republican form o government. The Swiss Republic is always pointed to as refutation of the charge that republican forms of govern ment can not last. Whenever it is said that Republics soon degene rate into despotisms the answer is : ook at Switzerland. It seems that his Republic, which has for over ive hundred years withstood all the enemies that generally threaten governments of this nation, is now hreatened by an enemy more pow erful than any internal distentions. The German press is calling the at- ention of European Monarchies and Empires to this Republic in he center of Europe in no very dentil terms and are charging that it mars the map of that continent. While the three powers above, mentioned seem to be anxious for her disintegration she las only one friend in Europe - France. Uut r ranee cannot render ler .any aid if- Germany, Austria, and Italy determine to destroy the Republic and divide her territory among themselves. If Bismarck is determined upon her destruction it is most sure to come. Poor little Switzerland. OUK EXCHANGES. Person County Courier : There is i great deal of sickness in some sec tions of the county. Franklin Pre : Mr. John T. Stall- cup sends us two bunches of wheat grown from two grains, one of thirty - tour and the other of thirty-five stalks, which ho calculates is at the rate of 1,200 bushels to one sown. Asheville Citizen : Buncombe county has more iron bridges than any county in the State. The one across the French Broad at Ashe ville is by odds the finest arid cost liest in the State, 410 feet long, 20 feet wide, and resting on granite piers and abutments, and costing up wards ot 20,000. I -Wilmington Star;: Col. Thos. S. Kenan, of Raleigh, is quite sick at the residence of his brother,1 Capt. W. H. Kenan, in this city. Rev. Mr. Creasy s talk to the children of theSabbath School of hischurch on Sunday afternoon was very interest ing and appropriate, and attentively listened to by all ot the large num ber of children present. j Pamlico Tribune : A large bear fol lowed Mr. J. M. Sawyer and Chris topher Lupton some distance along the public road leading through Broad Creek swamp a few days ago. Our Irish potato farmers are somewhat discouraged; some have not heard from their shipments ; oth ers have, and say the prices obtained are small and not up to their expec tations. V Henderson ville Times: License to retail spirituous liquors in Hender sonville was granted Mr. J. N. Rus sell by the county commissioners on Monday last. Mr. Russell will occu py the building now used by Messrs. Lyda & Justice as a beef market. There were other applicants,but ow ing to locations selected they were re fused, the object being to confine the business to one side of the street. Wilmington Review : It is strange what funny mistakes newspaper men will make sometimes, in proof of which we refer to the fact that the guns have not all been mounted yet at the seacost battery and that the battery is not ready for drill. One gun is mounted, another is in the road, where thehorses stalled with it, and the thiM is lying on the ground at Wrightsville depot. New Berne Journal ; Capt. G. H. Walters left for Washington last night, or will leave this morning. Some of the remarkable feats of his swimming with his apparatus here were, the taking of a rope jrom the revenue cutter Stevens and towing her several feet from her position, and towing a schooner through the draw of the railroad bridge. His swimming apparatus is a useful in vention, and, we believe, all he claims for it. j Washington Gazelle: On Aloud a j afternoon, just as the night fireman went on duty, the large boiler at the saw mill of the Beaufort County Lum ber Company burst with terrific force, killing one Sasnett, a white man, out right, and scalding two colored men severely, one of whom died in a short while, and the other was not ex pected to live at last accounts. On last Friday, Noah Brown, colored, was working in front of the circular saw at J. 1. Brown's saw mill, run ning through timbers to be made into curtain poles, when one of the blocks that had gone through caught in the saw and was hurled back with such force against Noah's breast that he was knocked senseless and died in a few hours. People Everywhere Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Crop it is magic and relieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a posi tive guarantee. R. Blacknall & Son. Is Life Worth Li veiug Not if you go through the world & dyspep tic. Acker's Dyspeptic Tablets are a posi tive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flautulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by R. Blacknall !L bon. A CLEARING SALE -AT- JONES & LYON'S UV clearing sale in every way. Not sliop worn goods marked down to et nd of, but new and desirable goods, bought of manufacturers and importers. . Black Dress Goods ! i 22 inch all Wool Albatros, at 20 cents per yard. Reduced from o0 cents. 1 38 inch all Wool Cashmere, at 3-j cents per yard. Reduced from 45 cents. ' j' -10 inch Nuns Veiling, at 42 cents per yard, worth 00 cents. j 40 inch all Wool and Silk warp Tumise Cloth, (a very soft and light weight fabric for summer wear), at G.! and 85 cents per yard. Reduced from 75 cents and $1.00. J: Best American Satteens, atj 8, 1H, 12 and 20 cents per vard. Reduced from 10, 12h, 15 and 25 cents. ' Best Imported Satteens, at 20 cents per yard. Reduced from 35 cents. White Goods Department! Victoria Lawn, at G and 7 cents per yard. Usually sold by other houses at 8 and 10 cents. 300 yards Victoria Lawn, at 12i cents per yard. Cannot be matched at other houses for less than 15 cents. Special bargains in Plaids and Striped N&insook, Check Muslins I V1IVVII IIIMIIIII IIVMNVll Lace Flouncings ! 42 inch Black Chantilly Flouncing, at $1.35. $1.50 and $2.10 per vard. Reduced from $1.75, $2.25 and $3.00. I - i; Special Low Prices on a lot of Remnants, Cream and Black Flouncing, running from 1 to 2h yards to the piece. ; ! Glove Department! 'Misses' Silk Mits, in Tans only, at 25 cents per pair, worth 35 cents. Ladies' Silk Mits, at 35 and GO cents per pair. Reduced from 50 and 75 cents. Ladies' Pure Silk Gloves, at 30 and 40 'cents per pair. Reduced from 40 cin d 50 cents ! ' Ladies' Taffeta Silk Gloves, Tans only,1 at 20 cents ier pair, worth 35 cents. Special bargains in . cors ets, Hosiery, Towels, Napkins, ia Die imen, tec. JONES & LYON. WYATT BRO S ; HAVE KENNEBEC ICE On and after to-day, June 15th, we will have on sale, both from wagon and store, best Kennebec Ice. Your Continued Patronage Solicited; Respectfully, ! WYA.TT BRO'S. ! CHEAP HOWIES! ON LONO TIME ! Within Five Minutes Walk of the Market House. ACCESSIBLE ! TERMS EASY ! READY FOR OCCUPANCY! ENQUIRE OF E. A. HEARTT? Agent Jule Carr Horns Loan Fund. DO YOU PROPOSE S BUILD? THE DURHAM M, Door ii hi III. k ANNOUNCE . . . I " : . ' ! That they are prepared to take con tracts for Buildings of any size, in Wood or Brick, from the plainest and cheapest to the finest and most elab orate, at Plans and estimates cheerfully furn ished and contracts solicited at home or abroad. Our plant is equipped with the latest improved labor-saving ma chinery and we are prepared to fur nish Sash, Doors, Blinds, and all kinds of Builders' Supplies at prices that cannot be beat. . j auglO-dt Racket Grocery . Telephone Call, No 23, Opposite Parrish's Warehouse, Wishes to invite your attention to the fact that we keep everything needful for man or bea t, in the Heavy or Fancy Grocery Line, We make a specialty in Fine Brands of i - Flour, Canned Goods, Fruits, Confec tioneries, Snuff. Tobacco a'ld Fine Cigars. ALSO COUNTRY PROBUCE. i Call and see us, or send it your orders. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. Thanking the public for pasi favors, and hoping to share a part of the same in the future, I remain, Your friend, W. H. PROCTOR, mohl6-d3m . Durham, N. C. DRUGGIjST, DURHAM, nr. c. DEALER INH- Drags, Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles. i PURE AND FRESH DRUGS i ' I RECEIVED ALMOST DAILY. All the STANDARD PAXENT MEDICINES kept constantly cm band. . We make a Specialty of Compound ing Physicians Prescriptions of Strictly Pare DiWs and Chemicals. A corps oi competent and' reliable uruggists to Avait on yon with care and dispatch. We solicit your patronaye. P. W. VAUGHAN. TO THE People of Durhai I had the misfortune to lose my ice factory by fire just as I had suc ceeded in making a good quality of ice. The comDlaint of a little smo ky taste was caused bv distilling the water, wnicn nau oeen remedied. The impression that amonia or other chemicals can get in the ice is cer tainly a mistake, which can be shown by the physicians of the town. I have on hand enoush ice to sun ply the town for over GO days, and I respectfully ask the people to give me all the encouragement they can by patronizing me at this time thereby enabling me to rebuild mx factory. The loss to me is great, at 1 j 1 'f Jl 1 Ml Dest, ana 11 me peopie win encour age the enterprise, I will rebuild be fore the present supply gives out, and rav experience heretofore will enable me to improve on the other factory. ery respectfully, C. M. Hern don. Mav 1G, 1SS9. Vh S: R: PERRY. I wisii to return my many thanks to my friends and patrons for past favors ' and none to uae uicu. W" tinued favors by Honest and Fair Dealing, and will promise at all times to sell o-nofls as o : i I Low as Any House in Our City- I keep constantly on hand most of the Leading Brands of Flour, Best Mill Feed, Pure Hog ! Lard, Com, Oats, Best Dried Peaches and Apples. In fact every article kept in a First-Class Grocery Store. I earnestlv invite all to give me a call.' Very truly, mch5-d3m S. R. PERRY. ! RALEIGH, N. C, ! " i Importers and Retailers of DRY GOODS The Great North" Carolina Dry Goods House SUMMER DRESS GOODS! We are now prepared to supply a very large de mand for materials of very light textures for mid summer seuson; just the goods we oau recommeud as the most desirable, for the reason that they coru bine lightness, coolness and firmness, viz : Tainise, Couvent Canvas, Silk Warp Cballies, Dress Veilings, Printed :Molairs, French and American Cballies, Genuine China Pongee, Printed India Silks, &c. Complete Mail Order Depart ment With all the machinery for filling orders, by Com potent men. i B. On all orders amounting to $5.00, or more we will deliver goods by mail or to the nearest ex press : office FREE OF CHARGE. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. STORE ROOM WITH ELEVATOR T The store room-formerly occupied by Messrs. T. Jb'. Cheek & Son, furniture dealers, (perhaps the best stand in town) is for rent The I first, second and third floors will be rented en suit, or the first and third floors. The building is fitted with a first class elevator connecting the 3 floors, and to parties representing a desirfible business, I am pr spared to offer most satisfactory arrangements. Private rooms or rooms for offices for rent upon the second floor of this building to parties giving good ref erences. E. A. HEARTT, AGENT. A Mew Supply -OF TRIUMPHANT SONGS TRIUMPHANT SONGS TRIUMPHANT SONGS TRIUMPHANT SONGS TRIUMPHANT SONGS Jut Received AT THE DURHAM BOOKSTORE I . OF J. B. WHITAKER, JR., & CO. o For sale at Publisher's prices : oj cents each by mail ; $3 60 per dozen by express. To Teachers. " ; We have just leceived a supply of "Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching," recently recommended b7 the State Board of Educ tion.; The regular price of the book is f 135, but all vho call before the present stock 'is exhausted will be supplied with a .copy at the reduced price of $1.00 J. B. Whitakeb, Jr., & Co., At Durham Bookstore. wins Jones Meetin WEEKLY TOBACCO PLAnt ISSUED EVERY FRlDiY AT DURHAM , N. G. THE HANDSOMEST WEEKLy IN THE STATE! EVERYBODY SAYS SO DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS! ONLY $1.50 A YEAR Terms: Cash in Advance. THE PLANT GIVES The Latest General News! The Latest State News! The Latest Local News! TALMAOE'S SERMONS Published Every Wrsek in Large, Cleaj WASHINGTON LETTER Giving Incidents of Interest from the National Capital. Liberal Advertising Rates! OUR SPECIAL OFFERS TO SUBSCRIBERS. JXTo. X, For $1.50' in cash we will send TheT bacco Tiant for one year and wail to tw subscriber two pictures Mr. and Mrs Cleveland. These pictures are'21i23 iucbrf each and are richly worth $1.00. Iul $1.50 you get $2.50. For $2.50 we will send The Aoblw Plant one year and make yau & present o a nickel-plated clock, six inches tTOilH dial, warranted to keep good time. I clock retails at $2.50 to $3.00, so for you get The Plant for one year, wop $1.50, and a clock worth $2.5u. In words, for $2.50 you get $4.00. OUR CREDENTIALS. From the many complimentary refere to The Weekly Plant by our bretweu the State Press, we append the follows I OKE OF THK BEST IK THI 6TATI. Winston Daily. The Plakt. which is already one of tb pars in the State, will be poshed on to gre provement and prosperity. GRATIXYIG XVIDEKCE OT KiTXHP1 SUte Chronicle. m BC We have seen, in North Carolina more gratifying evidence of enterprise shown by The Plakt. KOTWOKDEBTUI, THAT ITS EKTEBPBM1""7 ! Piedmont Press. h0itf It is not wonderful that The Plast. ltn enterprise, is successful. klkoahtlt pbiktxd. h rranxnn The Dukham Tobaooo beautiful and elegantly printed paper KEED MOBE L IT" Edenton Enquirer. -dtt vt ifT hu its opinio rtii ex them wSuli that W. Qewspapers in u

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