: - i FACTS ABOUT GUANO. , Afew days ago wo learned from an cnterpri vracr'of tLU county jjvl bad used gu ilds cotton.larls tlicC ear with, won ""cess. lie applied' - 'SQ9 pounds -nnd thinlCtItt 'jproi!ne& will bo 3!nlleman nirpina ,s a . ma un e-Vltfi KC51 vptAw is the pro ,.Mvpprr,r,.Ajin.o character. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. These excellent and instructive public .cjibi- tioas of domestic industry and enterprise fft at- trading public attention and coratnanuinpuu lie favor in ever fpiarter. Our own count$ ar becoming alive to their importance, wnHeirtry State throughout the Uuion is actively cn;ged i.nnrr i!iom into a successful existence,! Iu 1 another column will, be fouud the preceding xf the Agricultural Society of Af son wumy -on this subiecL And we hone soon to be aio 10 record other movement, nearer home, I ice Of tha V rnoia State: ;i-air ;ora tfiil I" lately held at Norfolk, the Portsmouth L'lobc e ad- says:..' . ) Wc feel proud of the Noriolk AtmctBural IWt, Eveiv thing is in better trim thai the most sanguine could have exdected for i; first demonstration. A great many persons fc in the two towns, among ihera a fair sprinkoag of our North Caroliua neighbors, wlro"inaniftt ex iih ft -.'TVftrorable ft o 'Jail -of is, and Jives. ds farm, jd, hence, 3 surface uctive con orthe In the wth'rcc miles from mVUV '0 'I The G"uitH t drill 10 TIP. lu tlitZaere. Tim -il -iT - - . - j w rr f v oTTuN ew York, and the latteT t-JFcH L 3Cr,l,s-- W,tI the freight added, the cofLVftlf Guano and Gypsum was a little 'less tQair Ave dollars and a half per acre. 1 Now for the result; Mr. Lacoste is satisfied that the land, without manure, would not produce more than xvv ids. ot seed' cotton , to the acre, and that, crowded, Mr. .Gresh.tm being subsidize all the y are trutV the Fair proceed -CJ! nd,inust I Uve a Bappy effect in qvckmn- Vsric.Hnral l.v JoveintQvnd m cootnWinItt.o tliwiuq. dLi fce'Hnf hnppy toUlW) to,h o iupost heap. !v itV every thing lhat lade an active aent Vhat which is going' ?d. " Let all animals let those houses or woods-mould, marsh jould from head-lands All covered with litter. about to be cu!tia- 1- . J- J i !. " - r." v?fteii,t Uss than LJVari 2. '. i. T-i l.l i ' i. 1 i 111 l-r i , " ; irum ueNvooieu uiarJKei, r l-a ieet square. ' Jitife-;i)!M.t piece " Ngro"; Kerseys, not Jess : j ;Jrtjie jit :prece of domestic Carpetings not :. I . -- 1. i ' r -a. wm e ii: UMITL NORTH CAROLINA. - ;e If arr. ed upon undoubted authority filliiaiMferferJtHry of the Navy intends imme(i- iiWiU tfr HeitdHa'corns ot top'ographus' andcoast i -tetirvevors to "Jeautort: -rs. aj.. to-maKe iuii, care- f - ;iiltftndbmwtia; exlbraUons of that splendid iiilirlfcnritUitiHe'w to establish a Naval1 Depot inejp.-1 v iv enow. iroin our own ooservaiion vmui twli Unienpc presents eveyla's- iWcC ot' ok'ie qf the finest harbors ,'in' the worjd : recen 1 Iv, had the opportunity of. hearing ; vCapfciin. lal a '"'distinguished head of one j uf t);;ft BhiauW ay, that he jhad visited " 11oatrtjaiidl folind it si?ierior to every repre'-; i ioaiorrt jaHcu louna slfi ;1 :;f;'bi deserves great credit. (and is daily '?.ecivw5 ffvatv'tul- jnstallinents of the same) lor j :. e!Hiie"ly.: -libld'.iiVattini er in which he discharges all f . - lifel, aifU tliQeneigy witli wlijcti he I pur- : .ses;evL-rv otik'tt calculated to elevate the navy B ' ! "V.'. .... F - I ' 1 - . !. - . '45.'." ;iii-sirt5iS of.-; thk-'servi'ce.'' " . 1 : , ."'I - f;1 jjj'After tliisjsurvey,' a report of it will be fur i. ivshedfr)iii pi ! Dobbin's department to Gohr cither proot ot wuat skui combiucu witu cidU try will accpmplisli, He is now; doing - ati ex-cbllentbusiness,- that has gradually increased nee his first cstablishment-in Goldaboro'. And persons at distance, "having clocks, watches, or jewelry to repair: or to buy may rely implicitly I iat justice will be done. them by Mr. Seymour. . 4 ' ". ; . - Thakks. We are indebted to cur friend Mac Williams, Esq., of this County, for a handsome present of sweet otatoes-f-unusually large. It is- peculiarly gratifying to know that the respec ted donor made,! this year, an unusually large crop,. but much more so that he has the unwdn ted liberality to share them with There were more, than ten pounds by a hayful, and vje duly appreciate such )larje favors. . W his libxU- " -ri! ".. i .1 try fxeffiodJnL,,; nU. Nothing must be lost tha can add to their bulk or increase their fertilUiii! i . i propcrtk-s. Ko illustration, however, that wc could give, of the general neglect or want of economy in far mers, would perhaps be more striking than the subjoined statement, which we copy from the 'American 'Farmer tot November. That excel lent journal bays : J Dana thus Leautif illv illustrates the value of human urine as manure t I vutiiju , iu hj acre, ana mat, rial for wilh the Guano it will produce 1200 lh Tlirw 5passes gentlemen, of good judgment in such cases, late natic ar-' roJc over and estimated the crop, each ma YthUmn tin bis own observations, without conference VHIS Ilia- .1 rri . . . wiiu ine oi.Mcrs. ineir average estimnte, inclu ding sixty-five, acres to which no Guano has been applied, was 077 1-2 lbs. per acre. This sixty five acres had been manured from the stable and barnyard, but the cotton thereon was by no means equal in the size of bci'.U, general appearaucc Arc, t( that of the 100 acres which the Guano had leen applied. If they snpposc tliis 100 acres shall produce an average of one thousand two hundred lbs. to the acie, then 300 theieof may bo placed to the account of the Guano. This 500 Jbs. of seed cotton, at ordinary rates, would be wWth $12 56; from which, deducting 3 50; the c"W of the manure, leaves a clear profit of $5pacre arising from the use of the Guano. To thithe value of the cotton, seed should be added, which, properly applied, will insure an abundant corn crop tho next year, s Further rro6t, afo might be secured, by making the totten rows five feet wide, thus giving room for tbe weed to spread, and io materially dimiimh- tm'glhe labor. of working the crop. Aur.cQsic woricsw in cotton, tins year C5 .acrcswiU deven hands ; the product will prob ably exceed ajiundrod and fifty bales over twplve baies to the baud. He planted 110 com, having made enough last year to, supply Ids plantation for two years, lie has' ordered 21 tons of guano for the next year, and intends to apply it all to hircottoii lands, and devote only thd cotton seed to .his com land. The Peruvian agent at New Yoijk thinks the sup.y of cuano for tho next year will bo abundant, as alar "." g-vam vauiortna expect to load ii.ii uBHnw 'ti- tntiT TrTrrtt. Jin other io be de . directed, .d,1n the col iCture of in a ward. Expe- nd earnestly V)Kges tnat his U a hc.1 in a ier fertih"z;nj in PHILOLOGICAL. We confess to avn(lnA fp ml If 1 PniriVI Jno.T.St-Clair.' . ' StoLa William Clegg, , mry Samuel J: Spott. - - -WASHINGTON DISTIUCTrWm. C!of-S P.E. IPfljAnjfoJi Jotl W. Tucker. lloannle Uobert O. burton, Supernumerary, Henry Gray. II urrni rhilmcr . Archer. Plymouth Oran Sctiville. , W,ll'tamiton Jhn Jonc-. KJjccumlt James I. Cotton, H. II. Gib Ion. Columbia Thomas Jonr. . jra(tamit$itttJuo. I). Habtead, Charles M. Anderson. ' tth Ji"on Geo. W. Farabee one to be BUppl'itL - Pvrtsmouth Ah-x Gatti. yctue Samuel It. iKirivr. Cojx Hattcrat 2Hlon To le supplil. NKWHEHN DISTHICT D. 15. K.iioi-otv P.H . - Xttrlcrn CVnti narr, J. II. 1ictlcr. Andrev fclinpcl,. Thos. P. Ilican L- Circuit, Zellw Uali. . Snow J To be MippVictl. ' I GnUsloro Laf.r. W. Mfirtm, Jas. IL Drcnf. Smith juU-Zno. TilhtL Oao 7 Marble N. Taylor. rt"n Trent M.Y. Ham. e. r Ilm, disquisition, and arc roudi vleascl with.! bo cx plaualion which our venerable f.nd oftltVCom mcrcial has given of the word "drViVt.T It is both curious aud learn t, not to sJA ana logical and cannot fail to amue the. reJLdciv TheCommerci.nl savs: . ' There is a little matter ofdNpute tatwn our friends of the Asierille Sjxctator and ihhA ville Xcv3, concerning the appointment of.'Post master. The AViri says the editof thSJcc. tator is disgruntled ; aud the latter says ft does not know the meaning of the word. " Gi untied is the participial form of the verb yrcw hich means to grunt. It is no seiious violation of the rules of our language to .add the woi;Tii, which is a prefix, or inseparable preposition-, de noting separation, rr parting from. It J that case,' disgruntled would incatr that a mi V had done grunting ; as if vr were to say thaA. is done grunting about this matter, nnd now 1 vcaks out plainly. t! Fur example nhen a man is fretted -liouu! the loss of h.s property, his sweetheart, U din ner, or any thing of that sort, lie gruiv; of course, at the first. l'resenUy he gotifulates vehemently, and utters words explosively. Wcl. Jt takcs.titne to write down all thinci denU relative to a man, or gentleman, in-the case may be, who is in such a predicant t. Then comes iu the convenience - of this vVil. Alithte incidents attending the afi'air can p em braced under thccomprcheinivc and cuplunious word disgruntled.' " . ;;, WILMINGTON DISTniCT. lMltVW:v "v - v son. P. II 4 m ,v . . A r Wilnungton, Unci: Church Nu.tci F. Ueid.V 5 A Street Abr-tn Weaver. .: Topsail Wi!!i.im.M. YnUh. Smnjtsnn Charh- P. Jones.. !tldor Iiirhanl IMWJcv. F'igrtierilh Satn'l M. IVit lit i Jo. P. Martin. CIan.'nibn,r'pir. T Cau? frYar; African Mission Jcix. Jolnrnt. b:"thri!UVxljj2;VTTiKxX.ir ii'i s 1 f ... .-. - , -t Atusnue VR.!iiD',rt"n b. luaKin, Jii'. McKao. 1 " . f Fo'fttterillc Circuit John WTimu n. W il'iam J. r-ingtlon appintol to biUr f.r tfie V bne!it of Hnmen in Wilmington. Johr.ivry M. Shaqv', tra:.frrcd to llv.rr CTifert-!lf. - . Faiiei 1 IParing, ch Avithut jj'pi:;t:n.-t.t. Win". H. lUibbitt, Kft without appoir.tmcr.t oit . acct'Uiit of ill health. I)cl"atts- to Gcn'rnt Con ft rente C. F. IKt-ms, William PoLt. J. C:irnPoli rt O. Purton, I. P. Nicholson, nl:am Carterr William Parrinc:"-r. - alternate -N. II. P. Wilsnn, Ja. Jam im. The next Conference U to Ik; liel I iu Pi:!b- ringing it from New oik to Charleston i about per ton, it ocomes important to all in reach of port, to get it- hern direct from Peru. Our inquiries, thui far, induuul the belief that tho demand would, well warrant the Peruvian Government in establishing an agent here for iu sale. He could sell ; thousands of tons for tho use of this State, Georgia ami North Carolina. A single 'planter, A. Scarborough, Esq., of Ma rion, has used, this year, about sixty tons. Others have tried it in smaller quantities, who will be induced to; extend their operations next e hope. WlllMTVn flV" A- e miiddrstand a traur pttri'aa4d land : freight crossed Eagle's Island 1 i trjints 4vi jtr4i uailj; 'to. that point on -and faf- -fti--iloy tetr iThU yvill reduce! the time in 'prvtrs .-.jliite .ju3pt tinree-quahefs of an; hour. The 4: -':'; e.fajug;;ii , iife,iJitced to. fourteen! miles, I and : vymn days a further reduction of ve mjles 1 ifi she pi ;td.'? The gap between the two Seeds' ;) ::, -L ' ; -iih e JX aclf is how1; only nine miles- liel. the :- 1 1 iv ;.hiy'e.:to. finish -except the Bridge'. . -pX j;-.-i"t. lip'ti' -:s1jcj3 uleV-'wiU take place pn 'icft'iiet night mail going -South! will K irfrrfi uiM'pfac at V I M., and be conveyed1 by ::i;"tb.aifi- with- the - viai by vthe reduc-'-iib'llw fipnt pearly twelve hours. In tliis '. mail -vy W 7i(hcsxters in poiicdvs loyuo respecuve posi omces on me nne, It' scAjicrrx of. IjAbouers ik r lorida. 1 lie vKio'liidU News cpmplains at"th great want of, la- VorCrsjtilaid about Jacksonville, and on the' St. j .; CONGRESS. The meeting of Congress will take place, on tli'e 5th day of Becember, just one week from next Monday. It is looked forward ; to with deep interest by all parties, as about to be the ihost interestinir session held for many years, and as beinx the first;since the inauguration of our new President. Political w riters differ, of course, as to wliat will be done, but regardless of all their fears and anxieties, we look upon, the country as in a urosperous and happy condition, and the machinery of the government as likely to " keep ihqving" without any serious jar. Little, politi cians, better denominated little office hunters, must speak loud, at times, arid splutter furi us fv, or never would ! they be heard or seen. All the noise they make avails but little, seldom if ever reaches Washington, and should far less eldom reach the ear, or bother the brain, of the industrious husbandman. Let them wrangle 6fer the spoils, in enjoyment or exjxetancy while the clieerfuL independent farmer luxuriates' in the rich enjoyment of a' little farm vvell tilled, a little wife well willed, and a little house well Sj ' - . ' j piled. Let these mere politicians .alone; they vill do very little harm, and scarcely, by any I possibility can they achieve any; good i Ii The Presidents Message is looked forward to fwith much curiosity sand some solicitude. The Democrats expect.it to be just "the thing and nothing else," and tho )Vhigs as devoutly be lieve that it "" can't be the thintr." They may 4-Eachl pint of hmun urine Avill produce a year. Wo hope, tlieretre, that information pound of ' wheat. Juich )oumd vf Ammonia is aul exertion may'be concentrated on this point, equal to a buslal of (rain. Whatever may be Sl) that all within.reach of our port may be sav- t he food, it is evidant that rivers of riches run ed from the unnecessary extra freight from Acw ...-.... 4..... r......;.o.. ..e ..,., I 01lr. I .llL.Kl I II ! I.II 113. Illllll .1.1111. Itl .11 11111 lllll 111 .l." 1 - - - ....... 7 . ... ........ . - - : .! ... ...1:1. . 1: m.. ..11 1 a - 1 . a 1 in- uKa,.,e.i o.uim.uuv a..o, eu u. , CUUI0US MAPVELLOUS. ".Each man evacuates, annually, enough salts I ... , . , , , . , ,.. to manure .111 .icro'of IainL "So.m form of -ine "e imNC id e.sewiierc mat tlie Virginia oi.lr U-tn'bft .-uldod to 1.-o,m. tbn 1-ind in lu-irt if State Fair was highly successful. Of tho many Merited. The folloAving well-timtnl rcuark, relative to the Paltimorc boats and tho "loute, via Portsmouth to that city, we cop froni-fricnd Badger & Co.'s paper, ar.d are glad to vrite with that paptT in its mead of praise to t? ofli cers spoken f : - . j irrmi prrrr, mf nonii OMtxma r.pwM through from Baltimore Iat niht in tho srtn ihing short space f. 10 hours runningtiiC; averaging 15 miles an hour. This speel i;-Yare ly reached by Steamboats, and is a capita' a rgn mcnt in faVor of the route. The Ox Car Con nection, called, a Bail road, between Bal-tinorc and Wahiutoii City very Mldoni average the same rate : and very ofton doe not. Because tho Poatis fat do not suppoi.j that the iMlito Captain and Pursers Aspril :md Allen :re fast men. They arc excellent officers how ever, and the fine comfort aud ease enjoy vl on the boats, are due irreatlv to their a-'recajfa at- tcntions. adits' prparttnettt KltACMENTS OF AX AXTKlULUyiAX' DIAKY. I e farmer has but the heart to collect and use favorable notices of the Fair, by different pajers, at which many -allow, like the flower uuseen, wc glean the following from the Clarksville (Va.) the th 10 its j v;ci.iiv;3 uu tioj v.icei t mi. The author here means mould, and we in fer, that it is immaterial whether the substance used bo' woods-mould, marsh-mud,; river-mud, peat, mould from head-lands, or any, other kin dred substance. According to the above state ment, 125 gallons of human uriuc mixed with as much of either of the sub-stanccs named, to dry the urine, and prepare it for broadcast sow (Va.) u Tobacco Plant," as at once curious and mar vellous. That paper savs : 0 "A silk bed quilt containing 400 Hoses, 2,- 80O hexagons, I'.SOO diamondsin all, 0,000 pieces, and requiring 270,000 stitches to com- 1Ieto it. It is surmounted with a beautiful )lack fringe price 00. A I ur liObe, uvinufacturcl by a lady in llali-: 1 ing, if applied to an acre, would produce twenty aA ""V ? 1 r gyaiei cuno.. ...' ... ... 4 - lit? .if tlirt hiir 4n-fti IIia w.t Mint ( La . I -1 a bushels of wheat, provided the season and other v - - - v.v circumstances combined to facilitate production. P??"'?? t ;vere taken froni Domestic jnsy Cats, Looking at the constituent elements of. urine .as a" onna ea, au oorn a ncr jow, ana all rai, compa.ed with tlio.e of wheat, we most implic- . d d 'huteml by her If there is any truth . . t . . . in tlio fnlrt t inv iisiil in toll 11c ul,.--n K,.i- .., itly believe, that 200 gallens ot human urine, , J v 7 , . mixed with 30 bushels of mould, or either of the crcd cats turn to hags and haunt the gho.ts substances above enumerated, 5 bu,hels of ashes of J the other world, we would a grave substances above enumerated, 5 bu,hels of ashes 01 "ir e woujvj aud i bushel of plaster, would be sufficient, if '1ioJ 1,kc l70. be mithat womaps place, buch a broadcasted and ploughed in, the land being fcriroii ir,0.i tAr,,ln,.nM.nlw ovorv would be sufficient damnation for twenty bin . Jtiavs many works of improvement iri jv ;r; . .;tat 'cty;tuV treimty,:' ahd;much business on ;tie rrvjr and, in li;lt;;l?svvli) w :es some y abandoned, for want of. the requis- a! .a.' 1 .-'.-a. Ai i. -. i 1 Kioorers lo prosecute mem. jViT Ixpil Salt Crop. Capt. Jons of i! Muk iCtv-rdMia,: 'ati Bhilnrlplnhi.t from''! 1 .nnr i ;vr.i , 2 . . Aiuui a ' i - n . .1 - - , !. - ' . 1 . 1 .1.:. .; 1 . T. : 1 aia nn I . i. -. i s . 'ia.iKuuas. vet. t unreports no salt at i3o- Wrangle over this too as we can't decide till gee it. we r'li ' i 1 . I .oorae 01 our cciemporanes who arc pe culiarly wise on the subject lay 'down the follow ing, as a synopsis of the leading questious which will agitate Congress : , i " lue projected railroad to the l'acinc, the sur j.n-.fe jor oiuftlteilsl :Ba I: ; railroads . 1 - ti qure 1 trori t ' .St ill 4 Mrs acoa, and ipds and very high. generally scarce through- .":'! ROiDs ix: ALABAMA. A larjte numrwr nf u c in an advanced .state of' progress in I Hi is fctatc promises soon to be ctie-1 is wnoie extent with ;the , . ... i - rouanout 1 AyDEiatiEs in AViTER. The Columbus plus revenue in the Treasury, the enlargement of the navyi the proposed reciprocity of trade jwith tue iqtisu provinces on our JNorthern fron tier the interrupted demarcation of the bounda Iry line between our territory and that of Mexi co,' the Garay and lehuantepec grants, the rights of naturalized Americans travelling in Europe,, the proposed purchase of the Island "ot I Cuba, and the course to be pursued in bur rela tions with China and Japan these are a few of the interesting snbjects which will' probably be properly pulverized, to produce uot only a very large crop of wheal, but carry it through afoijT years rotation of eropk with profit to the farmer; and that the land migiit ue seeded to closer with the certain prospeet of luxuriant crops ot it, provided the land naturally had lime in it, or that that mineral, in the event of their beWig none, wcrb supplied at the rate of 10, 12, or 20 bushel per acre. The quantity of urine named would, upon decomposition, furnish upwards of 44 lbs. of ammonia,ra quantity abundantly suf ficient, by its direct hud iWrtcf-action upon the vegetable and other substances in the soil, to fertilize an acre of land. Ed. of the Am,.Fanner. t -. TO FAUMEIIS. Day after to-morrow, ijiat is, next Saturday is our regular day for the regular meeting of the Wayne Agricultural Society, Wo hopo every member will attend, as we are authorised to say that Messrs. G. V: Collier, John Everett, and David Everitt will havesomo fino stock in town for exhibition. Let all come and seo thetn. It is likely that other gentlemen will exhibit some thing of general interest. - . ' " nets. ((faAfriiiies' speaks of some fine strawberries in 1 debated and enlarged upon with the utmost vis ,!; 3 ;j 4 grd4n there, on thef 1st of October, and in j or. We think there is . every probability of a a.L-tei.-:- Star "Extra." We are indebted to the Baleigb Star for an ' Extra," containing the np-, pointments of the X. C. Conference, which late ly assembled in Raleigh, and which we publish in another column. The Star has our sincere thanks for this act of kindness, which, to us, is but another evidence j of the uniform courtesy and obliging disposition of our friend Mr. Doub, its indefatigable and industrious editor, -' Also, a seamless Shirt but the lady was too modest to come forward and claim her premium. We wonder if it was made rfter the original model of Jake's Shirt. A representation in tapestry work, of Joseph beforo Pharoah, of large size, was most beauti ful. ; There was exhibited by Mr. Win. Irby, of Lu nenburg, a pjt.of fresh Yellow Butler, made from the milk of a heifer 7 mouths old which had never borne 11 calf. There is r.o mistake about this. We know Mr. Irby well, and 110 man in the Stitc is possessed of more incorrupti- ! T ... i oie integrity man ne. ue .accounts lor 11 in tins way : A lamb which had lost its mother was turned into the lot with the heifor, and fcwas'in ihe habit of sucking it, and after awhile, it is supposed, brought on a flow of milk from which this butter was made. It was exactly similar to any other butter.' Prosperity lot and week and this, wc have hadseveral gentlemen from Wilmington, endeavoring to purchase lots, both public and private. Mr. Grant of the Firm of B. Grant and Brother, purchased, wc learn, the new house'lately erected by Mr. Nelson, op posite lb coach factory. The. terms, we did not learn. Other purchases are likely soon to be ef fected. APPOINTMENTS OF THE NORTH 0RO LI.XA COXFERANCE. RALEIGH DISTRICT James Reid,tl E. iMciV William K. WW. City Mission B,T, Blakivup. u African Mission Daniel CctA.a-th. I2a lei fh Circuit Is.iac A vent. Tar llivcr James Jameitn. " fi.- u Mission Peter II. Joyncr. Henderson it- Clarlsrille Junius P. (rc. T. B. Bcks, supernumerary. ; Granville -Alfred Norman, Jno W.Vloyd Suxrnumerary. Person .John . Ix'wi.-, -i jnilsboro' Thomas W. Guthrio. 1 . Chapel Hill Lingimi S. Burkhcad. V.I Jtillslort? Circuit -Nalhan A. lbitkel'. South Lowell Academy- Jaincv A.Jxan, Principal. 4 GBEEXSBOBO' DISTBICT W. Barngtr, P F ' Greensboro" Nathan II. D. Wilson.- i Guilford Malcolm L. Dougla, kuue "4o be ful' ..." Randolph A illiam M. Jordan. . Monttfonirry Chas. H. f'hillijK, IhuiIiH. Haw' llivcr l. T. Hellin, W. B. Rfc hanl- &on. " -f- Franklimcillc Jams N. Wolbrojk Jtocl tnghftm Ira T. Wyiho.- :', M'enttrorth .Iohua Bethel, William i.nder- son, llIHrnu!:lrary. . ' Deep lUeer uShocklv I). Adams. Charhs F. Deems Preidei:t (ircr..Uro? Female Cd -. Xormal College Alien K. Ar.dceu. et m&i JEWirnrnr, Reflections of Methv'sdoh in his youth in his middle age end eld age. To-day I am a hundred Year old. How-Lli- ful are the feeling of iKivhood ! My Hih aio. acute as the tree with the felirir.kiu Uuf. Mv b!ood" lounds throui my iu a the ii.er throiili the va'Jt-y, tt joicing in it tdrctiglh. MMl0 p r "i flf l M" 4Iaw , vnt, uii.H.cupIe.1, Hnitin I w till ilwit!t achievement and pleasures! In idn-ut s-ixjy icarlt will be time for 1110 to think of innrrviii" ; piy LiiiNwomen Rillah wi'.l by that jitu hio emergr'l fromgiilhood ; h!e already .jjn cm nm- ise, 1 hear, of comeliness and di-cretin twenty years hence I will pinr a visit to her father, '.hat I may m"o how the grew, meanwhile I v. t! build a citv to receive her when rLe becom mv '. t.;r. , Nearly three ctituries have parsed kir-? my marriage., Can it Itcvtnel bat. yct r- day since I sporUnl like a young ant ltc rouud- mv father's tent, or climbing the dark cedar, . nei-tled like the bird among the thick boughs .and now I am a man in authority, a well ,v in . the prime of life. I Vr.vX out mV trninol m.t- ; v:iiits to tho fit, and kit head of the o:mel, le- . nealh tin? very tree w he re, as an iiit.r.t, my .. liiother laid ine to hleep. Jazed mv vo;in"i-t . . ... . . . ?t ujrn, a lovely baiHj ot thirty summers is Jr.t.i, t but 1 have four goly sons remaining. And piy three daughter are fair as their mother, when I nrt met her 111 the Acacia grove, where now tand one of my city watch tower. They are the pride of the plain, 110 le for their r.c- j quircments than their beauty. No damvtl car ries the pitcher from the fountains with tho grace of Adah, none can dry he summer , fruit like Azubah and none can fashion a robe of skins with the' fcki'd of Mi'.cah. When their cou sin Mahalevl ha seen another half century, ho bhall take the choico of the three. My i-ight hundredth birth .lay! And now I feel the approach of age and infirmity. Mr beard is become white a the Mo.vo.u of llio almond tre I am contraine-l to tw a f tafT when I journey, the s-tars look l.ss brigltt than formerly; the flower mell les clorous; I Lave laid Zilah in the tomb of the nxk, Milc.di u g-ne to the dwelling of Malta! eel ; iuv iwu Uako mv place at the council and in the held : a'.l U chatig'l. The long future has become the khort pi.st. Ihe cartit; lull ot ioicnccjJlii; jilcuaV Vi i and the honorable are Kinking beneath the Touri' nnl the viciou. ' Tlie giants stalk the lct "ll and breadth of the land, where or.ee dwelt a ipiiet people; all is changed. The be;uts of tho field and the moutcrs of the deep jjrowl and. res ou us with unwo.r.U-d fury ; traditions, vis. ions and threatening are abroad". What fearful doom hangs over this fair world. . ........... . . . 11 .... . . . . SALlliuK 1 D1S1RICT IVter PouVr Iv. 5 1 know 1,01 11 14 cno.ugu la leaving it; Salisbury Hilary T. Hii'lMn. ( Rowan Iam-s p. rimpi, B. 'p. SluYin. Mffksville Thomas W. Po-tell. 7mf Rolrt P. Bibb. Taylorsrilfe Wrn. W. Nesbitt. V. ' Wilkes i.i to be supplied, James imis. Sufernuiiierary. ! Joncsntle John M. (unn. .i Surry Wilaamm HarrU, ri Forsgthe Samuel FraUv, Win. W. tVjUs, Supernumerary rEniTV.Vcs, prosperity is the "present Daridson L-inon Shell. t future destiny of our rising tow'n. Last Arrows of Yadkin Horatio Townsc. id this, wc have had . several rentlemen XVu? RlJ'J To U- supplied. . yet another live or tight score rears, and the tde will lie complete-. But. have I, in very tk-ed, tro.1 this tailh nearly a thousand vears I-. It h falc, I am yet a boy I have had a dream a long, long buy dream of buying and selling ; m.trn inl and giving in marriage ; of building1 and planting; feasting and warring; sorrowing and rejoicing; loving and hating; but it ifabe to call a life. Go to it ha been a vi-ion of the night and now that I arnawake I will for get it. Lamech, my son, how long U it since rvc planted tlu3 garden of oaks bci de tho Tivcr ; . Was it not vesterday V Mv father dot thou sport ! lhoe oaks cast a broad shadow n xx-VIM PTTTr!f(TTl,..-. c nn.li u S whca luS Mu r carried ine Uncath them in her V.' arm and wove me chaplets of their leave-. 1 r,E. Danville Thomas B. James. Caswell William Carter, Wni. A. Branie. j Halifax Linville L. Ilendren, Jas. EL jann. ( Halifax African Mission Jos. Goolmjiu. Staunton Adam U. Johnson, Jas. H. fffer- son. Ecrotean. No news of particular or gener al interest. Thd War seems to be as far off as ever, and wc now think will never arrire. Pittsylvania Evan E. Freeman, Natliah : An derson, Supernumerary. ' . . J, Franklin David W. Doub, 9. S. Bryan i. M.iiegaapy 10 w suppnei. Ihou art nght, my son, and I arn old. Lead ir.e to thy mother's tomb, and there leave roe to meditate. What am I the letter for my past length of being I Where w ill Unu records when I am gone ! They are yonder on all sides. Will those masy tbwer fall ! "Will those gold en plains become desolate ! Will the children that call mc father, forget I The, seers utter dark saying upon their harps, and tley ung of the future ; ihey My our descendants shall0 be men cf dwindled lUture, that the vcara cf their '1 . 1 2 ; 1; 1 1

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