: H - :r-' r. t -. . r . .mmmm . ! I;-.--.. I- It I II I -. -.1 j -: i -t, i iKITNE D Y R-RT A rf-y Proprietor: -ji.-WjttLti.li BOBltfSONl .Iditor. b Monxiio, at , 2 per annum, if K f in advance 3;i,f pay mint be delayed : six jiritha-nd j.f 3 Tjrjlt iiianablviv be charged if not hfd till the cx- 1 be cent fo or tS. : 7 " . , v vvKiyO ; : . w 1;4:ftrs9 'Vfif 5:: FIve! copies for, $ll ) "j FitPj'l-an -fteeni copies for $20 r , i r-;1 i - i i jt r k i i t ir - . : i m 1 i .-j . -7- ; iiii. icy. ..w- Jm 0 - - v . . . . -."--.'. - . : one Ten copies fofi wen? a'tptrv tn j , i l . " -.--ir-f .r-T i Ml fi Vol. il tjjt 5nttrtfc of CBburntroii, Slgrimlturf, rinlLtteMinnic 51 rts 0nb rnr nb r n t in i&lifos flnb Ilrlininir. - v T i . i j -" 3 - ' - r GOLDSBORO', N. C, -AVEDNESDAY . MAllCII 15,1854. NO: IQ;, WAN'S sioor IS, '.Ii.lt i 1 U Cx a i ft: Ibiiicine3; Perfamcyi? Brushes, CIS faints' Oils: Varnish, De-Stuffs ; f iteNOilfelAMErilCAX WIlPpV GLASS, &e., f.l-c.,' &c, S K'j'ne;1' TTV' Centre aivl Vtymui-sU, f: :-llic I'ost Oinee: oflcn tothe citizen cf - ;. ' Fancy and Staple Dry:Q3ods, ki':.i,-f- .f all d.scrip pns. lints Lap.-, oH Htlf surU aml sizes,-1 Hi-.elas,-caet KVrHtWrft':thft;ean piea:tc eye cv uvo: El -OI Mitfxhe .-1 i'i"i'rts':-V-rA ls v a' htnxQ assort;- y nn?WinifHCoffeSuar, Cheesy fh. ItM. ivl)i:K' aii'l every Ui : ;a;selectU:k of choice '. ' f li CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY Fall mid Winter Trade. TlIESnbscnbe'r LeprsleaTe to Ai.j.' annoiincetonisniinierousiriena f and custom ers,t hat lie has grent- ilv increased his former stock of Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry, by a large and well, assorted su self, purpose! r for tlie FALL all of wliieli lie is daily receiving, at the " ; ' SIGN OF THE "GOLD WATCH Nearly opposite Mrs. Grhwold's Hotel. He has inonr on hand a larre and select stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold and Silver Pen and Pencil Cases,' Gold .iJreasr, Guard, and Fob Chains, God Disuno:jvl P.ings and Breast Pins. Gold Guard and Fob Keys, Jold Sleeve and Breast Buttons, Gold BrAcelets and Ear. 'Rings," Gold and Silver Thimbles aud Spectacles, beautiful Fans, inlaid with pear) a new and rich pattern; Psn and Pocket Knives of us Jlflrir n I turn I . lect aorfhieiit of Clocks; Hair B ushes; English and J!.iu:Uf Dressing Comi etc., &c HINTS Ops PLANTING IX 4854. The sbort crops in western and central Eu rope in 1833, liiive serveil to raise the price of must Ics- ic mil- When a planter obtain' a clear and correc perception uott plants grow, he U not lon ia adapting hi practice to the known i anti of na ture. I3ut t!ie miifortane is that the wants' of nature in producing generous harvests an not generally Xvioirn, and therefore they are not sup plied. , The leat quantity of !hc earthy cbnstit uenU of plat U that wiU"uQloo to form a large crop of cornt eotton, oaU, potitoes, or can only be liam?4 ly numerous and carefully con ducted exper'enf. Plain ns thU fact appears to us, in vairl have wc annealed to farmers and nig to expect so fruitful a year in 1854, in Enj-I legislative bodie, a quarter of a century, for a land and Frahee, as fully to cohipcnsMe the de- little asUtaivQ to determine what subataqecs, and liow inuth-of each, the soil parts with in producing tht groat staples of the United State. If the fact ff st-ltled bevond all doutt anil controversy, Jlint go parts hi 100 of a perfect tlVulm-1 Pr0VlM " ''eSri'e f. ""I . wiNTFli Tit-'lF i scn tIie consumption of cotton goods by tl uons, am! compel thorn to give a largely increas ed amount of tlieir I ilor for their daily and in oipensnble fxd, during the next twelve month?. It would be eouallv unsafe ami unsound reason- ficiencr arising from the bad weath r and other disasters to agriculture, in 1853. The price of breadstuff nnd provisions in Great Uiitain and this country will rule comparatively hiMi until perior qualities, Porte Munnaies, Wade & BntcheYs, ' the htu vest.of IS55, if not longer. Hence the com or cotbVv'Nnt were waUr.and cr.rbon de- j Foios ,Jct BrnCvhts and Broaches. A large aud se- ,,i -,,tt . c v ,,i , iTTT . , ' .,41, . I' li... f I .1 . 1 . . I - . . - - . - ' ' . . I . iwiwu piamers ovenooK una fjreat department 10U w.v derive :frorn .-iveu, or decomposed : It jshis aUii to extend his patroiiage solely bv-per-i ot rural lmhistry. Tneyneol no cne.to tell sonaj attenii,on to his business and punctually to his them that everv cotton pi: er. ackoi's; Bui usually kejt nartm;ht;:he if : il roc l cry Cfi'iHi nf '0 Pi;ai;eV.Cujs aad Saxu-1 Wash; BuhvU s v l.J.Sj.n-riliL'itcillur ain l if H'!it aaorinien uiajs lrv).HiYt!vte Wsrov-k a fid to suf dj : evejr"vjant V f.?fiXs'oldlrTen'14 tli.-. fanavrs, he .t p Uiem an as 1:U:!i'j-tmeiVt v(- artiy.es of ", " ' i' ' -.-rl" E J a r l w a r . 'uiisNtn-lof ..Sd:vl,'-;s. -SIsmvIs,-. Pol.iO vens, I ry ng- as,': Ja1iit.s,::A-ry. m'v-V aailtous, .1 lies aim cfl p, s Hiit s H k-c t s: 1 A' e..' ?e. ' i . Also a r fai 'assortment. Uo-.is.' t-: -h; ....! unenuaU f fln t he i)liiec, voTuetf lhn "tlie". loM-fit prio."n; ii-t- : -i '11 - I! ; . .v : Il ...... ... 1 ;-...' tin.v I i W'"? VfV1'"' :'! 1 l'h:'sj;:mt s'' sWh;.;;e;-Veils- -hi.-- '-'lep goo - !'.)'.!;V f' :v.i:Vr. i' foo l. : .ijtHA.flf5-, a:)(i .H.nv'sonieii jCrncr i hi tf.il ; V i it nf:-:;, -j i ;.onfeiiun:t;-r:s,.-oajri iinkers,','i :Jie t:ulors;f. f s'ii(;je.iriiV::fev slt-riffs, au ,Vth's; v 11' jl'-'ii J--,fi':;k ft-vrv: 'a!i.l'lbctors, y-':l.ersV.' j V;:. V jv' Store tif ireat. j. ,11-, ; . ... ' A . . l 07 tf eiigageiRents, and he will therefore endeavor to do his work m sue.h a way as will satisfy his customers, mahitaii his reputation, and secure for him the friend ship and esteem of all his patrons. , "f-i '.- '.IS. ' W. SEYMOUR. ' GiohUboro, Nov. 2, 18r,3. . i , SI; : .'"..' . - ; : ; ;'llEAi: KTAJ3 'FOU SALE. ' ; TT7"ISIIING 'to move to the Soiitli, I offer for sale : t f the following ropcrty, viz: One Steam Saw Mill,; located at Waynesboro', and scarcely a mile froinj Coldshort, Wayne County, cn the Xease river ; newly fitted up and in good I'epairJ The boilers and inovt df the running gear are entirely now. The Mill will .-cut with "one Saw in motion C.fiOO feet of lnin J)er per day, and is so arranged as .that two Saws can be rea lily used. . p" - Also t w unimnroyed lots in the' towa of Goldsbo ro, situated on Efj t Ce;:t. or '-street, and fronting oh the railroad, "'adjoining the lots of W S. Bonner. Also one tract of land situated in Wayne County, containing upwards of 3GO aeresj : ttvo miles distant from Goldsboroyflnd'ad joining tlie lands of Theoi.hi I Ills Best,. Tarlton Thompson and Win. Rouse, with sutheient; Sana's, cleared tor a four horse farm. -Any or all of -the above property ..will be sold on rteeomniod;itins tt'rms, ia exchange foj r-.egres or iuherwise'td sit purchasers. J ersons wishing to bnv.mav examine iiUl proner- ty any time on- anplieatiou to the subscriber. i j I . W.I. J. ROUSE. -Goldsboro', -jan'v yd, 185L SO-tf. plantation on which much business in dolie, need for homo" consump tion, a good deal of corn and bacon or other ! There is not mould: and Jit.v much from such mineral as lul . i. 1 1 fi'ii K ''e'xi-Vei'fses'.of this ScIdoI will -: flfmeneeoni - i: '--j.2a'd':(if utjiiii-v jivt. -ialer th l3l:i-ge of A. ;i)!ii;Aj-4v.VBtr 1 fr;e of extrr Itfcfcn-ges, '5pet hi) lath,'; Taitioii!foi-; the L i:iguage 53 per sessnn. pr n:il!ir f;-.v:o to per sesstl : il "" 4,: I:-- - -h-l-V i.VvT- ,:v -.-..Ati-nrt ; - I fUst.eea.- ; - T) AXAWAY from the subscriber" .u the 21. inst -je.' it negro nor, uv tne name in riien. ine s;iia uov Is bout six. feet' hi '1 gi ve'. tlie nlov niifine.i nt 111 ahv jail in this State, so I can get him. '. ri nc caid bo".tu"ay probably be lurking in the neih borho'oM oiT0,r: i-o.: Peacock's, as he has a wife there, in Columou; op'"dj - ' ;;.,;.,. meat ; and if their important money-crop should happen to go down to .a low, figure in Liverpool, by reason of a general war in" Europe, and a great scarcity ct breadstuff's and provisions, the wise husbandman who had produced much grain and meat in 1854, and something les of cotton, would show to his friends and neighbors next Hutiimn, that he had so managed' as to have the, great illarkets of the world in his fa vor. ' These vary exceedingly, and should be studied clrsclj-j f one would have his dish not bottom upwards when it rains por -idge. As no one can say authoritatively what the future will bring forth, the safest course in the long run is to unite. legitimate planting with legitimate f.tr ming; 'and this policy, wisely pursued, will be best for the plaujing States. ' ; As many jof our readeis are now plowing for planting corn and cotton', we will offer such sug gestions as wolil bo likely to be dieted were the writer walking with them over, tin ir broad held!,here phjw.s .were -turning up the fi earth.!, This m-l!owing ! of the ground committing seed to its warm 'and -nourishing ho son, is an operation o peculiar -intret. ' Li t us talk it ovrr, and see why il U tlia't plow, har row jindj hoe the earth at all; and if it will n-t pay a better profit on the labor, to plow a hub- pota-h, bore-M th, magnesia, gvpMim, com'tnon salt, iron, nnl t o like' incombustiblo elements. a. 'tingle "science,, wortliy. of the 1 iec!i properly cultivated, which name, that 1 has not born! valuable fruit in the last twenty year, lha how to find profit, wheri dreamed-of 1 osli before tile combination, in other vrord; into arnmo:)iit then it is evident that the farmer who carulos ly abandons Lis stall-manure to the process of putrefaction, will in the generality of cases' loe considerable quantities of ihe "manuring de ments it contain, anI of thee clement, prwtsc ly those which have Ihe highot value.. XYith the ammonia other volatile combinations of sul phur and phosphorus (sulphuretted hydrogen, etc.) are Rimuluneou&ly generated, and these likewise escape in an aerial form. They.jv-sj; an extremely effensire odor, the fame as lh at of rotten eggs which i strong in proportion to (he activity of the putrefactive fermentation. Ifccca from the strength of the tcnch cmittel during the putrefaction of animal manure a toletntly accurate conclusion miy be drawn with respect to the loss of strength which lUaV It! fe.trrd a tie urn iiiaxiin sti tl a dung-heap into the nlr, tV cf course cjn it continue to retain. - v IS OF ADVEETIbl Tot i ce jJtC . eedin- fourteen lit 1 1 frr th Cm. tad 2 f,r cll .nbfeqtentit.ertn tLo,e of greattrlV. ia proportion. Cor.trtfct. f-r dvcrtuioj bj ll tar iM Le m0.le ,n Urortu terms. t ' AdrertiKmenti v. I.Lout f tatir.gthe oomUr ff timet tLej re to t jruv.;.. ed. vill be contiBd till i rtcnjy.rvprope letter 6a buines" pot-p4iJ. , ! r.t. tt L ., llron.nnlcnilor ocd sddrtfcMd to UieDdit r for the plants ia j jLat' n: decavin- MibLm. the contra -Uafo'.Iv pryinreJ cr tv-r- licet. UV Hie t'titrcftction tia;:'.:re il constituent c!e- tcg fi r a brik decar, l ut- nf erred to those ctunbir.a- trted by plants for thiif Honmisd mouldering ihav respect, Vj the soaking, ina- jig cf .our fvKnl ; decav, on lull anil ijut.lie4 driKvng. atrt5tsl veg table iTa-h: I rith therein ; in the tamo tluently find in the rubMl ' Uof utrtfid or moulder - ;ur instar.ee. w hai is ca eJ 1 . . l these sulsLnncs t.uKt nr- nie old maxim of. the peasantry, " Whatever I :orc -T.n ct ta" tinky f gol f..r nrH U 'fy 'ri rmatiofr thry t j tU ho r:?.v, th'Te.vfe,-.:''.kr:.ft p (ccmir g I TrfV-V' . iiiro -, :i r-"i,1 cuff-', ..r n...r g'... $ vt ' -.'" 1:. !' : ce, on and mou'dering 1 j menu are pt ?a Ly decay are r? i 1 . I nutrition, rnlrt to coroparer, in ccrtation, or pirb 1 the oilier hand, t j J Teat is composed fj pono-niua is eoui manner, tvo t5ry Contidcrnble qua: Vegetable til raoor-earth, etc. tonouMjr li-a lorf -or I-ort, r time in the air. T -It dun-hean intrt tbf rC-.r t'.r 1. efftii'tw it 1 in '; ''' e "r,l 1 ry i t - - - v f . 1 intiuue to retain. v . " I , k t - ln , Those parts of plants which' cVt at Juh t'cr j 1 " r-"' 'J4.acct'V ) Jiitrogcn (f.ir instance, ftraw, nrcl supjU-, j " rc,rptlon w arch,) emit no disagreeable odor during puue- i - P S50 ItEWAIM). igh, of rather light tHimplexion. I deejr, and pul erlc the earth more thorough ,e reward -for his apprehension or H". jLoo'king back to prist harvests and ov-on 1 . 1 . . . . T ' . . - . . i - . . . . . !- f ininrrolorj has taught miners p4oTin granite, and extract it nt a 20 years ago no one wpuld have 4. buning the precious metal, as an "every day lji-iness. Being supported by Oor ernnlent 'anil neonraro(1 tr riihivata th rionoA of iiaviyatiln,' Lieut. Maury has conferred on Commerce fdfantages worth indefinite millions, in his new bud gre:itly improved Railing Charts. Science caij do nothing for agriculture so long as all legishtiv bodies and the pxiblic refuse to culifvate iliJi tl.at connection. The deep subsoil and even the solid granite abound in th inost precious e'eyet: of crops; but who will give h's t;ri - t ;tjf ' o u o y g r a t u i tou s 1 v , to teach us the bef. wa aud'meairs for, eilractlngtuc.se elements!') r: - Th cori 0 rjc not Vi ceded in this mailer, r.or in any depart mint f rural affairs; ofthe.se, far mers have had more thai? enough fir profit. , Science iu4r give rs reliable and valuable re- surts, or gidb us nothing". It 'tart not give i; ful results Itfore ii Tiasall needful appliances, and prose.cites experiments in tho field and lab oratory to their pi iin and practical conclusions. We now lov that ammonia is worth about ten dollafsp.er 100 ioand, und potash half that no siarcn,) emit no Oisagreeable oIor uunn- rutre faction; this kind of change is called,, by way cf distinction, fermentation, Animal talntr.R-;csf arc richest in nitrogen, and amongst vegctrV.e matters the seed ; T.ei.co t!;e great difference In fleh, chec, pase, etc-y which have leen sprii3c-1 . led with water, are left standing tintif they" rirs ! r it is 1 ; concqu ;.t.'y exc!; tardy nnd tlotr j: its -!eratbn. C pile to plants. Tl.e tra:;- v rnd ori fjJows front j vorifom arrMtrt2 Moayr . ' ; .'.. cf: manure can on'.y '.ice, so fir . tliis i . If, tlicrcfure, a ra , :t must only" le I 'ally in heavy K-iL-2" : I into the ground, and f. v the air, the more 1 decay, and therefore 10 tor.' lu DISCtSSK. Among the di- Gobl.-boro', Jan. 24, 1S5-1. ' The Conductors 011 the Cars . ; zx if. resj.-er full v experience, thisjsoil did not yield tlie most abun dant crops; ami it iirtist be confessed that ii was not perfectly mfllowed deejr tlian a very few inches at its Mirhuo. . Now. one of the motttri- l-ll.' 1 1 1 r. i X i,. ,C il. .. I ... 1 . - ""- i'vu"'" ii:v 01 nit iei river ooilmiis is the facility v.ii! which the roots of corn, cotton, Jfeut is generated ly most diernical proems les and in. most considerable Iegrce bv those wlrf.i rocmoie combustion, uigestion ana res-pjra.1 tion have been fchown . to b " $uch prtccAN.M j' jto i aNo arc putrefaction ;;:id decay. 1 of tbr f p.- j son, we ierceivc n visible ana pontinec f'J lutlnn efheat,- vthsrovcrf considerable quantilf. cf animal or vegetable rentiers patrefr decay, or PtoU llcnco soil M.h 4ti humus (for hnm2t bef considered icgetable "fibra ' undergcifg decay or slow combustion will always prcxAe a greater amount of warmth tfian so;P.vhic"i iU poor in this ingredient, and this thfl lnore- be cause on'aecount of its p .rk color it absotl;' a larger proivrtion of tlie-rnys of the sun than a .scil tf ligliter color." -The heating of tall ina nurc U thus explained ntor.ee; it will lc ftrnn gcr in proportion to the larger masse heaped :pa each other, and to the abundance of azotized fjb stances they confain, inasmuch as these latter sum, for aciicultnral purposes. These afe the j t r,wuce a broker putrt faction ; in the Lrtjl:se, mot valu.Jk' mgrcdicnts m guatio, wI.mcJi sells j However, ti.c i:eai is Utter kept together, api a at from to ZGO a ten. We, who once constantly generated anew, lcauc I with: n- thought tlyit any manure was Ue;ir enough at a dollar a to"n, and have seen it cold atfixtv times Boston, we nt ' which is ciccl.'er' war, these disc: r.le i t: Tractic;,l men, m' 5 useful fee lares of well as. at Farmct : . mg reporv we ciji r'lmonUrown, the preparation c when some indii if: in ; ( - ilTil ;t MANcncs. if the Legislative club 'lowing cn manunn, ?od as new. lly tle 7 long intelligent and ije one of the most ultnral gatherings a ins Ac, The fwlkiw- i rioitohma. 1 ho was familiar with -. There was a time lequesteU to keep a lookout, as he my lu'opi i.-. rar-cane, and even wheat; deseend i.ito the tlZM&n . ' - :-ound iwo. three,1 and sonieti.i'es four feet, in MORE NEW G OODS ! ?rv rtf ! . i... .. ... - r-. .!.....; r. "kwe flirt lv."Tff i.r..nr I r.ic m v. r em I i t : i-' li C U uuii - ' v . vi ivn -w n v -3 . 11 i.-i.;i.v v. i v ii , iiui, -" 't " i 1 - - - , ------ ;,V""-"II , . t v- tv i-.is vt t- w i -- . . .v . . 1 . .. . .... .- ... 1 . . r 1 ? . . . . . 1 iif.ioi..:n ni.ti 11; imiii n t vr , i ; irr Trnv-ri V" v vr ! er z zz w o - to penetrate ueeiy into i.ie v.-iriu, r.ua it is uui oecoiiie amcic 01 couiiiierce. jmis win iicer ,v...-, . 1 lir k ir . . , , , " - ' 1- , ' ! too wet, trees ,enera'ly grow to a large size. prevent tho necesary of husbanding all the ma- Kcmc corrupt. Willi a modernism-ire n'l.orU 1 low n lw tu.-se tyinarks de- 'JJbValch , l' myde on c Mnmnts of.. . - ; : ;. ; ,h.e m Y STROUfK, . (Jood gardeneb tinu" vne-vcrs 'trench, or mi re that eaii be folleeteil or made on the farm ! f moisture, deeo:np:tion tirocekl most rapid." coi.s:derao,. He stv.ol :::s mud as I'-i t thrV-r lo-ir ::-icsthe It will simplv enable the planter to improve Ms ly nnd sueccfully. An accessive qtnntity of c'At ..!(. fit.fic in n, s., t:d..-d ..v.-r- t l ? ! -: ' ' trir i s- Vi dLV and the adjoining eouutrv, that he has just re- , y , v . T . w " , , . t . i i -.i tn ,r.1 It 1 .mini, ..il. iL-i, flooii this very dnr!tn. A 'r.i :::r;. ( :.imn M) mm S(i:'-e el" r.-Ifesrs. Gra;; Monk, Wh; tiiril(ia: froni thc Northern cities, and is now reteivinjr epth that a n)u!e vver plows it in common uAl- systv-to r:iise his cotton and gram crops w, h wa.cr retards it. Wvane uheli wlM Cci arc fn- - J - - . - ... -s iaiHt.V;;;7.,-.. j ; . .H hl Jlls stoie, one door Xorth of Washington & An-1 culture. The,!; may bJ a bed of pipe clay, or less labor and larger profit?, lie. wiil then be ijroly covercl with water their heating, and at j : J t n . r:. f Z;; V V . IJ. rifr: ?a "i ; i : 1 dre'a veiy large and complete assortment of U stratum of hltrd-iiai, yi,t below the- surface able, and wml"? to expend more for permanent the sa,c Umo the access cf a:r, are preved,; t! TZX 1 jt"-- " - 'i?' v"i ' F '.JMVlUWOl I'Y S '-rlrtlR " i FAil. AO WISTIia GOCBS i soil, from which the spongioles of; agricultural J improvement ar.:l cilheUUhiiieiiU of hu home. lhecxca.sion or ncxc.uMoa of air -from j 'j,? ?,V f ' " tl.e aitK.o lHrri rS&Vj Ctiin Part of Ladies Dress Goods.SilU, Mous pin.t, can ext act) no' nourishment To force liil taste and the t:Mes of hi, fuIy -ill be fermenting vegetable a,:d aumn I remains a- . :M&ir.QrdfiIb H (JI.JJry j inc 1)clalncsl A1vae,n? i)onibazine9l Ginghams;- a i the plow into fuel.! a worthless miss f earthy carefully cultivated. Landscape gardening. rreat ddlerence m tl.c nature of t! de- J t!f " ,u -UI "V ln' if labor; .but in nine!v-ni. -roves,"orehards, lav. ns, fiuntains, and whatever composition. . In the first cne, as, for example, i T, f,-,,1 I'l,'i':u; tink ys Wmmm f SV: fe U - -"d1Ch-kt'J 5tIu5lif r1 L?r' rt ! eases in a hunted if one wmts. large, paving can ad I beauty ,r i.derest to a rural residence, in .the decomposition of r.ni..nl nnnuce Vh,u J 7 ' i - i .ir-HU- ,'ithn.narke.rjtir Ld-insr a larire assortment of Domestics, bleached i ..... l ; . ... . .f, .... f 1 i! ed tf.rether i:i hir-e and commet l,ca!:nJ lUl- ll? ,,n e 1 1n,lc "a-1d:,i;d i f;1:K ;.viTfER .TOCK OF ; I and imb eae d. lJiaukcts,! lannel.-, Shawls. Csjuti- 1' ' "c 1MW" ."'' -".' r " l 1 Vl v' Ck'"V .... . , . . . I : I manures. If M cd b J..K- It" c-.-ti'-n-d fi . 'H.; v f . : terpanes; Table Cloths, e , Ac. A choice lot of Silk but from year to year, and in spring, summer To ac-u.-e on.' whole life to bags of cotton or ff ur' ,n e draimngs rcrvoir, m the r , ?H i !- ;;! V" 1 1 f:te to EU ' TV -"V. of : I -I antuimu ! Karth brought up to the. light, bags of gold, is a manifestation of idolatry such' -g ofllax anvltr t - JuS. C "l! ' h": l" I that price, Va.iy yet see a still more concentrated food of jhnt.s said at 6-00 a ton'. No fact in ru rah economy is better established .than that the crtyd elements of fertility in all soils Yvrn u.4r-.,ll f."4.. t'o.r 6f tb.-ir v,-:q;ht a:! sublar.ce. lli-noe, like guano, they are soon to wcu.a w.nt llrttji ( 1 1.1- 1 I r I creasing tc!:Mrratnre'thc putrefactive lroct;i is i ll, "J more eiiergcticallv carried on. . M I Meadow mud . ; i , . , . , I litiano wr.v ft f.-.A 1 X v r T r m r 1 t i.m wmvam. h. A A - .- m .- I - influence cton thepiogress of putrid li!inljjra tion in organic matter. Subttancc.4 from which all w ater has been removed by drying, do, 3ot C.aals I.rdil tbrit in!!ii-?if !.-.n woald supply lh ptcc'tf manures lJnt thir ihcorv- did not ttd liitlie te-t of triaL nmo'j jmticr.of preparing manure it was u.vti-l. We rint iof li e farm-for all our fer : ni!i the comjH.t from tlm it rcysiif ii-fortsgn ni.- ttle ia the bain mt of tlie and v.ould drop the tring it with meadow "II would h:. the drop f t ; . e frost. Wo i'.d sprenJ ; Kr. If In" th; VpriAg, ;t .-. 5 was rp. and l low the i!.w.tj!:g if. s n' t pr jH-tlv appreciated. :i . .'Uxiii.irv. but he Mould i.t depend tipori it 4 , V tgenral thing. He wuiild uini.ui.i-c i' .r nae 01 mncii 01 ir. Mam V 1 in tiie comr r. i j: i ... rely" on the rcsou tiiiers, r.ndmu lands at home lie would kcej time, in summer manure into a c mud every morn 2 pings cut'of tile "v in antumn r.nI ; snffx'T" fJjH deoujp..isu:o;,jlss WrpUfhl njv dried fruits, seek, IaVes. etc, which wtTTiirj . bulk wa tt-antc-i tHoperate i:ju .thecal tl v.:rs fouivl in tl lU t.f c .c.'.trr.tol mmu: tan ICS. " Owe U ll. L" Oils &., &c, ,- called for iii 1MB' t tiers- ... -.i 'K X! rooJit r v, t" laH, P:nfl4r'fai'$ hrtiele usiflJly H.'a vi-i ail sit) fie.:.: f r' .-. y I , . , ' v e Ihe eomr.'.unity to anl..:exanjnie kf'i' .thi'y puf ehase,:fedinjc'conjideit it H-itu i theif :u vii'ivt ivreho do so. jfTltcv take pleak n exlii'itinsr 'their'tiodsT do iijrl grimible it they . tfd(luymrehaafierrvannhmg thep : J. V,., 'it iXlivyLviil IriV'j :-" t li' Highest Mar je. price for.pro- i: -rle.i and ifcll . sis l w s any othei : establishment in H I'Dvi'. senior pariiu-r o( this Firm, lulv thankftYl for i'4:? - Vj WT'lpa t -t'oi A hj eh the ol -s fHt-iblish.ricjd re'-. fciitd.;itft;he : hfuils'': of "a i'lrenerou: puliie, 'sinqii.i'elv" ij;Vii;t' lOii?lii; iviitnV':ro:us, .friends- a ! ;tustomeii!wiil' 1 t. , 1 it to tl.e'.i- ia.e're-sV to givtljim a eall, assur- t?liitt'ini '"that. -4'hvv" sh.-.l' , .alwavs l.J Jreut'-dvith the, r ' 1 . ' ' ' . ' .. ! .1. .. - .. i . . 1. .. .4 lr....,.! di'2illoi.?i'n- Bcady-Iadc Cto!l:ix?r, warmth, and atni.j.Iierie inllnenees by the plow OvcivFibek, Sack, and Dress Coats; a fine lot ot t in Aiareli, lbo4, may not yu-l-l up its intent el Cloaks, -; Pants, and est?, blurts,. Drawers, &c, &c: worsxn siio'KS, umbrellas, trav- nents d fi-rtihty before the spring and summer ot IS-jo. lot tranfonn a lifeless subsoil into a living Mirfnec-soii is the work of lime as well as ioodsAvill be sold, for Cash, as low as ! of skilful tillage; but when a cultivator never j light at any market in the btate.. ! begins to deepen hU soil, h;s sjiailowlil!.: Tlie above G thev can be bou For tlie liberal patronage heretofore, extended by a discerning public, the. subscriber returns his acknowl edgements, and solicits a continuance of their favors. ''-( Jolds br.o .'OcC !'., 1 S33. 1 20 r i: . -' ' mm 1. '. at, WAS -'committed to Wayne County Jail, "on the olt Oct. last, a negro man who calls Ids name Ji.Pillv Holmes, and says he is free. lie i about t" feet high, dark complexion, good teeth, and weighs about 17o lbs., his ago is about 2-t yearn, f He further says- that he' was bound to Judge Sanders at 10 years of -age. and remained with him .until he was 21 ; after which' he '--went to Wilmington nnd had a tight with one Charles Hamburg, a, white man, for which lie was imbrisoned ;" that. Mr. John Cowan inii.1 the cost, j that he agreed to work with Mr. Cowan untjl he was lijiKisi-iwrcni-s .-. in 1 1- .01 i , i.;tf,4 l.tO H.rSi mr.Or; ..' io-.i. 1 t -' - i i v . TT-T I I ; 1 t..:; 1 i- -7.1 .....ii.. t.: 1 1 :. . lt'ltJrr !' fi yl f VI O i p-iiu ;oiu li oiu w 11c. - i-in ii.u . v imtn 111 i.iiuv , ) lxVi -IHV VUlliPO, i heXhen-worked on 1h --'.-;: lit ' : ? l- Ai.f. age, ot- ten aide'd by 'wa.diing rains renders his farm less and less productive, lie acts as-though he O A eo ins .ioincr l. ii ui an inappeaaote spue He; first. (so toj speak) shaves the hair oS" her head, (rs-moves the native forest) then he applies a blister, which lifts, the. cuticle; (consumes all I il.V. r 4'' I. I if. fflAKCT Aw I srAPLE ;UY GOODS, ic Light Boat two months; then a-Fi reman on thePeierslmrg Itailroad two months; ;! aud thence came to! Gddsboro'. where, after eommit- j ting several acts of -larceny, he' was committed to -lja.il.; It is em-iial I v' believed that he is a runaway slave. Th Owner is requested to. come forward. iXc-h (rnrr -JHi L LEY WllA R T ' - V : v!i 1 m i ;tot. ' IS n - I i v i 1 ' 1 1 j . ! prove property, pay :barsres, and take hun awav, or t o.f -:t 1 a : larire and $.oe.ral assortiinent j F , 1 , 1 -,i '. ,r . 1...,. i:,.t : .- i - i 1 : . 1 -1 lie will be dea'.t with ast:;v. uircet.s. . f ; CW. Billy say Id mother's uamo is; Amy Hays, ind his father is' Billy llolfnt-s (theUarber) born and virgin niould) then ;ith the knife h. peels ot the true skin ;f (plows the fertility out the groum just below its mould), and then belabors the flesh that may still remain till tired, nr..! perhaps tightened bvjthe rattling of his mother's dry bones, hie filially runs away, ( is well he may) and ever after regards himself as the natural enemy of ail book farming.' - In ouf "Study of SoibV page TO, may be found the following reinark : ,Asmuch waters enters the rots and passes out of the leaves of wheat pl:iutsin six 'months in (Jeorgia as in e!ccn months in Maine. From the increased activity of all chemical, physical and vegetable phenomena at the bouth, the intelligent' rcule is uianv a pagan wou:i no :iuameii 10 tiipi.y. Wealth is a inean, not an end, If rightly con sidered, Skilful planting implies not only the t niichr.vMit of the soil, the keeping up of go.nl . noes. f r tV-rm briars, bushes aud weed, but the cai'iVtl improvement of the inner man, that human rociet in the country may steadily ad vance in knowledge and virtue. 1.). Lke Hil l i oilur are generated, which may I e regard jl', as j nartiadv putnhed r partipbv consumed : ub stances; they arc .pnl need from want , tf :jr or mirc accurately speaking, -f oxvgcn. Th de- coin position is called, Mioply, Jiatr(t'act'0r. It tm-trv; i a ,1 nLiij has the greatest anal gv. to charring or ifry'dis- ', a, Kr example, in the rK;n;i- STALLMANUUK AND bl'IIAW. Ordinary sta!l nianurc is a varying mixture of animal excrements, urine, and straw litter. It is strong, in "proportion to the small amount tY of urine ar.d the large quantities of straw it con- tains. iin tins circumsiancc aiso us greater or less facility of decomposition entirely coincides. Amongst these ingredients the urine has the g rea tot tendency to putrefaction and decay, and straw the least; manure rich in mine w HI, there fore, pass more rapidly into fermentation, and arrive mo-e ipiickly at what is called.41 ripeness," than when poor in this constituent., ' . . Froh 111 mure however, no moans of nour ishment to plants; it becomes so only by what is termed fermentation, that is by a previous putrefaction and deca. The coanges which ma nure undergoes by these processes of diintegra- t;.... -l.prlv to its organic or " cumbustible itific meng-iv-i tc much v. c ight i t k 1 j and spe :al innnur wcrt- ihey were n t tie t-d. IL a !. -atI mnking your own in-inr.fci rnd sav'ng a l th !!.juid.--'ll.e etTcits c f tl urate :.id ddute.1 .1! noticed, and, a ciuton giv r in-; to take .ery-j thii that was a ir rtised.M . Mr. Holmes diviled the iiTe-i c f imntjtrs in. to mechanical aftd -hemical, Ac, and d line I tho d"s"incti iis. 5 Mr.' Uussell. of lilbfield, sail he bad a! way ma I e considerate pompoit v.itli unk t r h'afrr. lie kcrps sevcril i-w, and c r- hi-, co-a-vnn .with tlioe (Triti hep," and p!oi. it M-w-r.t . j time- during the 1 asoii. II j a!i m ikes om- BAll p "wiCictr w.a.ny was pele e with the wish i r;lWd in U ake" couuty. to give lf'.i e 1--iti-i.iction, i Eitv . iiece Jijavuig j ; , : OLL1X COOK, Sheriff. .;imd4goi a '"n?-o fs 1 " -ani nation. y. 1 fttors -".w li? i ' " : -! ft 61 Jslioro. 2f ov. i 23." 1 S53. I '" Si tf. I t i '.--' : t I 1 4.' i. . ' . t .1.1' J - ' I fs fx'AiW suppiu's,, y:ai nni-.i o-ur otj 3ic.riie nest. ?tyl if iopMgt-o.l il:t.4slvlr;il es, i huy- Pl.aa.kets," 1 Iousek4 pig nrlielef,tte.. fry M:e;eTi:i;.ts, ihinf to'ttip, w find u tteV-Wt - to give, him a eai;; irhe feels leodfi- y.aeittiiie:;! llas r?a: MM " . . Ml 1 lRvt:JUOi:ng ;i.i.o;ise;at tiie tli, tor, fr.Hnhis . v. u..vv u.ra.iu.cu ,.i vIJr ueeum-, .ljre ,n cultiv tted and uncultivated soils in tb ep j niT t1UStl'rCtln' VVeU UlC j course of thrle, six, nine and twelve months, i ISff -JAMES II BRENT:- different latitude,, and under various circumstar i'ldiiecin&nts ; ' 1 i a S ; ; ir pflcti o 'ii, and that iei::oaies:e:y wine l;as low by hi in SC5100L, SQTICE-gPECIAL, I INVITE the attention ot Parents and Guardians of Goldsboro', ind vicinity, to the fact, that the v-.-.v. . . 1 .- - - . . .. will see why a defective system of tillage-and ) constituenu; inasmuch as ttiesc are transu.rm- eil into a lrowuwi-uiacK- puiveruicm. iiiav, ine tillation, where. f icture of common illuminating gas, or iu. var- coal piles, from .deficiency of air, half 1,' tmt, j strong-smelling combinations, tar, ammo-jisca! I gas-water, pyroligncous acid, ct are liVjic generated in large quantity. On the contrary, when the air can fretly enter, thee odt'ireive gases and vajvrs combine with, more oxygen, bullion ; a:id the product o eliminated ar pW the sipkJ t;.,. .f.M,rt..l Th; Vm.l r.f .l.rv.ftn,n Manures uiav l i : .,wt nlfAM.Mrt.Vioinl,,..;,,., T extent to b a t lanrj. r. and, like this takes place with abundant aij "nnd a projer "draught, is called decay. . ,1 ( Why putrid draining and putrid mani-rcs, when applied to meadows or fields, dilfjvf- at first a jKj.vvcrful odor, but lose this ruu-II a short time afterwards is therefore very Mmplyctiain ed; they lose their o-lor, because they can pow ahsorb oxygen in any quantity from ihe'nlr'and from ihe process of putrefaction can" inakca'far ther transition into that of decay. s" Manures mav bi "manufactured,"' but not to lie -ait-d rUt his c:npot in tefa!I, ar. l aj-p!i-l Jo loads to the acre. - I - 3Ir. l'rcvtor tjlc) a cas? whcr a Mr. -Hog applied liqucirtt it're freni a t i:.k to a tn aerj lot by means ofta iarrcl, ra ich af:r th m inner that strt-vl are tvarred in titi'-. He tins dou bled the crop of in ihe id. husbandry I hero should iinpoverish the land fiisier than at! the Xortlu lint the same agencies which rapitlly exhaust the elements of crops when misdirected, will recuperate with equal facility, ami regain the lost fertility in the warm climate. To ascertain the changes that trarM- the ! haarked i.iM plain xi9 deviation: can r-.h i . , . . - - 1 1- 1 1 1 1 .-. 1 14. . ... . 1 . Oa tivale. ! A .e:iLiU 111 .no -ucan, na as iuiriv as a- r isiriit e; u lg v; No art iete will bjxepresented to pe o' btfer tiia;it . rea'ly -is.; and he by strieaiid " perXnil !attitin, and j-ftrsiiing straight for--"(trr :kxi4 h o:io;-abie course of de Vnijjg, to receive a f;iiae''bf.pbli:a'-fav.6-r. '.. : ' -... '.- ., M'' . :: n re.iii.-.s.tijig ;tW 'attention- of ie Ladies; 1 6 his: :k idct ;eie-t:tlrt i supply oti.rcss ucms tmbroiaenes, Kilks,.J.khe Avoidd wit'U ureat rbjpt assure ! tlie m, t t &ai;m pHi-ns.j;'as- ueeu paru -uttiet ttte ricuest, i i j in ,ul:uisr, i rid ii v fasliioiynU J fityles, 'alid bel ; tli'inks Iroj can. please tli ot ntost fast 'flpus. '. i.;:'"-i " LOir'deVsfro'u tho country will rrl with prompt5 af tentioni a.tid when the selection ft to turn, and P'-dib fails to please, the! goods- will bj eerfullyj taken i-:-:bie.k:.';. f n -: . j - ..- k 5 I Havinii ni'a le-'arrangemeats t(i:e;ve supplies tnrougii -.his agt-uL iu i'c..M-Kj ousrpmers Goldsboro', 31st 'T:e. '13j3. S3 tf. ll'iiiuington C6:nnereial, newdern News, No'itl; State H'hig, and llichmoad Christian Advo cate, will please copy. 1 . : 1)AINTS. OILS- AND WINDOW GLASo. lie Nyould remind builders that we keep constantly on hand a large, supply of I amts, Ui's, It mdow in 1 tunstatv ces,js not so formidable an undertaking as some may suppose! lly leaching a cubic foot of rich !l . ; .. ... A.I .r.T . i II f earin six moauis u;i rain-water ;u 11 laila lrom i well-known humus,) whilst apart becomes at the same time aeriform, and escapes into the at mosphere. Coiucidcntly with thi, a quantity of water is also evnpoiated ; anil from thoe two volatilizations it is easily understood w hy fermen ted manure is of less weight than fresh. If the matter so escaping was exclusively water, this diminution in bulk and in weight would be advantageous and desirable ; for tlie farmer would thereby save expense in transportation, as he would' employ a drier in mure, and would 1 '.-.. ' . 1 , J 1J. . .11 1 ' e uiusSj sc. auu we m-ir.'i! oursv-'ivcs to sen as low 11 .- t i i 1 , . ' , . not lower than any other house in North Carolina. ; 1 thorough y dried, he can determine the relative - VAUGHN t MOORE. the clouds, one may grow wheat, com, or other j IC3s in a load which' had lost half its. weight i.bmta hi non'nded "rb wit!. b .fi.n;';r bv desiccation the same fertilizing power that is extracted; and by applying a known quantity t containeil in two equal loads of fresh to the crop, and weighing it when main red and i The true state of matters is, however, wholly d.f- . Goldsboro', Dec. 20, 53. T II tl IJ.U ATISI CURED.; We can assure Aj all who are afflicted with this painful disease, that, they will find a sure remedy, one that has cured its Thousands of severe cases, Rhetfcs Rheumatic Liniment. Sold by VAUGHN t MOORE. : Goldsboro', Dee. 20, '53 ' rfIIE best Coiigh Syriip in the world,' is the Bal- by $ e?uf'ivst; jissureo r, a isva'siiiiuiugtniatost styles ot JL samio MUturct, told WM WyUPi ' -s. tlie, very. 'Q w."tecrrJitttrg;t 1' : 1 Ili'PfKRTae Ivan ting o:v in s part to ineriirTniriFgnciTFy"" imm ; 11 3 iiS bustonirs. . :.-"? 1 i T j'GoldsboroV 20, '53. i t i J ferent. If moist vegetable or animal tisncs lie in .a 1 room from which the air is entirely or partjdly excluded for instance, iu a cellar w hich Iku no ventilation, or in a chest, etc. then in ihotun disturhed, damp air a decomposition take "'?ace, consisting artly of putrefaction, partly of djcay the well-known prxro-s of mouldering, recog- r.izel mainly by its cloe smell and kiinjiftjiue oUs proluction of mould, faagi, and spjri)' ex crescenses. Uy the a dditioa of water, thU kind of decomiosilion iitav be converted into .vA. re faction ; by the intro-Juctiiin of a current J air, into decay; cr lastly, it iniy lc brought C'.'Vre ly to a close, if by means of ventilation all'inois-' turc is cvaprate1, aa J the decaying boiy j be comes completely dry. j j In commoa conversation, t!e words ":..ilre- Coav llaEAU-TKvcrT' lly who has Lm at the Mansion lie II. t luiid-, Ac v ltrk, ha learned the luxti'riof the corn bre i l ;!j- c pr- (organic,) and incombustibJe (inorganic; ) of these, the first alone are capable or lermcuia j weight of the plants organised and of the food given to them. I bus, it a corn plant weighs when dry eight drachms, and has received on: lv onft drnehin of organic jin.l Inor.Tniii, tnit..r extracted from a richsoU, it is plain that ground tioarfhd pntrefaction, the latter not. glas,S heated to burn out all vegetable substiin- Aniout organic substances a disti ces, and washed in hydrochloric acid still further to purify it, could not yield the other seven drachms of weight iu the corn, lit mut have drawn 87 1 er cent, of its solids, which are ' 1 . Of the P-oximatc constituents of plants two faction," u mou'idering." and decay, are jjlc) m leading classes are distinguished, the combustible ! ed synonymous in meaning, and the one 01 the j rnospl l' "vo'hrselvf-sj . ' - ;. . ; - ' . " Wii'mifitoa, l' 1 - -' -: i. . t.- i-i . . . i. 1 . . -. , 1 ......J.-U .0 f U'i -.a ! EXCUSE FOR BAD BREAD. One gross i d 1 liabtietts Celebrated. 1 east I'owders. Call and get a box at Goldsboro,' Sept. 6. . tmctiou is made between audi as contain, and such as do not contain, azote or nitrogen, and the former must le ro-'rtrded a inoro scarce and valdable, as well for foddering'animals at f jt manuring -ohmt-w. Xow.it IS qthcr'cf these words ii use-1 at the pleatrj of the speaker to designate the cdianges und-rr our - 1 . v .1 r . r : couuieraiion. in 111c majoruy ui wh-,ix in deed a matter of inditTeieuce, and in a strict sense not at all incorrect, inasmuch as iiu ijiost decomposing bodies all three processes Zr of siinultmeous occurrence; externally, with free access of air. de-ay; internally, with cxwosion is precis :li these nzotizetl con-1 of air. putrefaction ; in the mult, between, bHh, vide!. The chl p often tnl to" w rib: direc tions for home t: ufaclare, and I th'i procure ed a rect ips fjr i!?icstic in-, which I c py fit you, that those ..hpwUh may try a .'.. Lf . "bread from the ? L?isj.n. It is as fulNnvg One quart of so;r jmilk, -ne table spnfd .f s.i!eratu,"fonr cAinjesof b'ltt-r, thr tab!jin. fuls of tl ur, thrj . "j-ggS a l ern rn-.d sutJi -ictit tomakcastitf djer. -. To kzzv rpitf-ES. Kwp pi.k!- only in j woo.1 or stcne-t irf Any tiling lint has hel l frvw ui'l ki':1 4ikles. S'.ir them vasionalK- and if there are i 4 onc"s l ' lI,em ,,',t n:i "I seal ! the vinegar, iJ PO'ir it hot ivr the iic- kles lhat are it ai olid tib;. Alwny k vii enough vinegar it is weak, take I) j pot boil v'ui ICS. 1ST. 3,them V cj.i-r tlicm wdL If ejh tinegar and p nir it in rK. At nd iice over five .minu- PREMIUM lUl ricultuial Socictt z . The S inthern Central A" v.isii--ii pvii4iiu premiums fo-good looking '.;Lies." Wonder if competition U restricted to fi j white male citizens! ere is a lar in trtile p.icj in every lif. Licit might b F-htftteJ the oaks and fruit Toe re ia which tiess of cnlighu . 1 prlnriple and virtuou h.ib- ! mm mm 0mm ..,.- tin urs.til.l r!..! I ..".II .vie. hi children a habit of ! whic-h the writer has been able to demonstrate introiluce at.d transfer to the other mgrec iepU I made to a duUncUon ia these process ( od enjoycicut a glory and sh: i the important fact that, in f .rming one hundred the putrefactive fcruienUtion, by the "Jlcrvcn- knouleilge cf which t importuu m a poetical ; . j. i ' . r. ... .. . -t . i M i. ,.n-A i ..f li.. . tvA inMn. thut.n-t that e heti Mil- i.ie i.isa u ui can ; pour..ds ot i. gamsed matter in cultivated plants OI V,n i 'r''rrVZ:' ...v...-; i.. ' da.trr. nrovides for them Wtt.r tb,n Kp " : y, worm, ctc.j it uv mis s;ier puirtiying ana iiig.i.u-ni uwwhwsvi , . e V j r - - en finely enters into a vo!a- -as a half p-eparcvl or half furuisacl nut-iriftent ; thrn a stock of money. LcH Kaimes. t VAUGnAN" fc; MOORE'S, i Mw soil parts with less than Oftecn. pounds aud ; (infusoria, maggot- i often ten of its solids,.. means their nitrogen ! t 1 i - i 1 i ..-p--.-J.: -v::;r; j ,-'H-:': 1 -,-':.-.-. m!. - ' " N :: - t "'':' 1 . ''.'' ' - - . " ; - .. 'i I- - 1 'J . ----- n - I-.. - ! ' . - ; - 1 ' ; - . -- . cj ,:irir: W:h f, :'-,..;;' J!-. .- , .Mi- ,d- '-1 -. .' . ; . ' , - , i x--- i .'; i-rv- .1; t !-. ;;- i, " : - : . : .