Ay H; V; c?bldsboro Mail IV 1; 14 V Eli At'. :.: : : .Editor FRIDAY. AUGUST 1. 1871). 4-'m:-rV .... : . -. U . . . -V I ' KOTHING NEW IN IT. fit' '.- - i - J Lx-Governor .Pinchback, the Moses of the colored people of Louisiana, savs ;tlat the ;ncw? Constitution guarantees position, to hide the naked deformity " in ever particular the civil and poKti- f its own untenable position. After the expression of fear bj the Messenger tiKXt the question might have been car ried, and the further fact, that after re peated callss were made by correspon- cal rights of the colored citizens'of the , State. : In the public schools,' he says the colored people get full recognition. This is just w hat would have been the 'jcase.'years' ago, (as is the case in all i the Southern States controlled by the Demecratic party) if the 'management f - ,of the political affairs f the State had . uetru jcu w me people oi me oiaie .uatramelled by corrupting influences. :.:rSV: ' , V! ' . K SHIPS ON HIGH LAND? ; WHY IT WAS ANTI-DEMOCRATIC. I benefit of all, and of untold worth to !:!We quoted in our lastf the language! the place: We know - of two persons who havj signalled their willingness to hare the $7,00(h 'This is a favorable start ; the other five can be found we think easily, anj when this is done we can't think there will be anv trouble to find the ten to make up the $5, ROD, and the 20 can be found to take $300 each without trouble, and so with the 20 at $200 and the 100 and the $50. Let each and all think and lak it over and decide to act at once ; thu amount cau and must be raised. - The payments of stock, will be called for in . installments as the work pro gresses il uch of it can be paid in kind Subscribers - to the stock will have one to two years t raise and pay in their subscriptions. All along the line of road, they are looking to Golds boio.- $25,000 here insures beyond ar- f the Messeng' r in giving the reasons that actuated the Commissioners in refusing to submit the" question of a county subscription to the people, wherein it- sad it was because there was danger of carrying it by a class of voters not tax . payers. This anti-democratic dogma,' it tries to get out of by; asking us qiiertidns foreign to the subject, and makes a sickly fling at our dents throughthe columns of the Messen ger for anti-countyuubscription meetings bf wVich not one was gotten tip.is pret ty; good evidence to us that we were not in the minority on the question if question the $80,U0k pledged u II the people had been consumed, and we say, now so far as the expression of the people in a public way. U concerned, - Capt. J. B.Eads.ne of the most th casedoes stand 5 against 3,51 0 ,erienced civil (engineer? of the aWe to 4,ouu. lo make cHticisra ujon the cause assigned for the action may ap peal farsical to the Messenger. We can only judge of the motives that ac tuated the Board by the declaration of ttieir recognized organ and official mouth piece, who said in substance that it was because they were not wil ling to risk noii tax payers to vote up On the question. No one is advocaU a county subscription at this says that a railway across the. Isthmus ' of Panama, to transport ships with 'their cargoes can be built for less than one-third the cost'of the contemplated ,hlp canal. His article on the subject hictvwas first : published . in the Tri bune has been copied into the Scientific American with approval, and thbse "who shall live a few years longer may &ff fiTlirVK 5 from tllO Atlnrtr nett, Cumberlandamqson and John stun. Granthams in Wayne, are willing to do its full share, and is aUo waiting to see what action- our people iotend to take. We -must move forwards wc can't afford to stand still. These good people that seek commercial re lations with us must not ke turned away ; don't let us think too much about what others aught to do, but rise to a high and noble man-hood, and re- Bed-Tape." iVr-w York, July 22, 1879. Editor t$ k JotirnaXof Conxitv.rct: Will you kindly inform the subscriber the origin of the -word "red-tape" and itsmeanini? ' J. lteply. ?t many centuries in Eng land all legal Vnd ofllcial p-xpers, when placed togetlni in order, were tied with red-tape. Heilee "red-Upism" cime to signify a strict adherence to official routine or legai forms, commonly ap plied to a too s&ict attention to more formalities of nintrinsic importance. The "Clfcumhxibtion Oflice," celebrat ed by Dickens, did nothing but accu mulate a large l$t of forms thus care-H fully tied up ad Indexed, and "too much red-tapo" Is at once suggestive of the Circumlocution Office, and "How not to do it." i is sometimes used to represent a prorr attention to order and meW'l, as it has been said of G rattan lVone f his contemporaries: "Hcwou4iiave been one of the greatest men la tte world if he had only known theyalueiof red-tape," meaning that the cele'ated. Irish statesman was deficient ii method and orde. Raleigh' Observer " . 1 MISCELLANEOUS ADD'S. ISE TIUSNBKAND. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEUTISEMEN'TK . DEALER IX, AND 1IANUFACTUI1EU OV. . i pots It is related that the late William Allen used to say that the hardest duty he had to perform as Governor of Ohio, was to say, "A'o" to women and child ren who appealed to him to exercise the paroning power. It will bo observed in the above remark Cor. Allen smaka solve to do our1 duty let others do as of its JJ, Ws duty to refuse. When .they may. There will be some always ever the Executive of a State regards ."son lpg ?and Kcific oceans transported from sea tulie.that we know of; the q.iestion ca as uiiuiy me purter now trans- i , j fers the baggage of a .passenger from mj tara 10 tne notei. uat wont a pig shir look funny passing through the country on car cradles. 5E0TECTI0N TO ALL. ' iThat all who subscribed to the liar tKe JJoard. 1 here was no political slgnificaace in the question until the Rfeesenger saw fit to giye ( it. and if it hd not in its statement of the cause of action' .upon the part of j Jhe Board, made an assault upn the principles of a true democracy that we thought re- nett road might be protected in not J q'iired notice not a ratrmur would Baying to pay their stock and then iet jqo road, tho following has been printed the subscription books as the con ' dition upon which stock is subscribed, v "We hereby subscribe the sum An nexed to our names to the capital stack of the Gpldsborjo & narnett ltiil wavr to be rjaid in monev or kin Taa ptovided in the charter of said Road. i-The proportion of each and value j of kind to be determined by the Board of hdvc come from us. If the spirit did not actuate the Board tha the 31essen get assigned them, it is alone reponsi ble for misrepresenting tleir motives and it should beg . their pardon. It is not the action in refusing to submit. o( which we have aud do in the name of a pure dmecracy 'protested, but the ca"use assigned for that action by the Directors. With this understanding. Messfnaer and if th prfitnr. will fpr until in the opinion of said Board a sum sufficient lias been secured to guarantee the completion of the entire road." to be found to act like the, cowardly athlete husband who got in the loft while his feble wife confronted and slew the bear who sailed down from his place of safety when he saw bruin lay ing lifeless at the feet of his heroic little wife, to slap hi hand and say : Well Sallie aint we brave boys to kill a bear with nothing but a fire poker." Let there be but few such brave boys in'Goldsboro on this question. But why write and make these appeals when so many are only waiting to do their full duty. this function of his office in the light of a duty there will bo but little em barrassment in its proper performance. There cannot ba many cases occurring in any State wben it becomes the duty of tho Chief Magistrate to undo what the Courts acting under the highest sanction of law hare done. The pardon ing power that is the power to su;r- Yise the action of the courts ought to be resorted to only in cases of extreme hardship. It occupies a ground in 'aw some what similar to that which wo formerly allotted to equity,' the corree- BEST IN THE WORLD. And letter (ban any Satcratss. One tcarwMfu! of tins Sm! n.cl w'lU your iu ilk cqiiaU Four U-poinjfiil. , of the lc:st IJakinj I'owuVr, av ui Twc .ty Time iu et. Sec rnc?re fr raln- - ble information. If the tcaspoonful is too lare and doc no produce goo I result at tirit. use l aflcrwarJi Ton SAI.K Uv A. Ht KEATON, . . UOLUsBOUu, N..C. marts 1 j HOP BITTSHS CONTAINS . '. uow, nmir, .-tiindbaks, DtMir.i.ioM. ' Asn ti rmn n Ht VtDirtwt QCAfc- All DincniMn of the Stoavach, Bowels, KImm1, J.icr Kidocya tnl JTrinarj rirt!,NfrvouinuK-, SU-rpiCMncM,Fe ni.ilcConipliiiif and I9rtnkfrU9. 91,000 .V UUL.U WH1 l nai l for a cac they will not -in or lioln,r for nvthlD? impure or uijuriotin foun t in them. Aak'tonr lnigRiit for Hop Bitters tml free oka. and try the Hitters li-fvrc ou alerp. Take no other. The Hp Ccurh Cure Pain RtHaf la ipesi. purest ana eesi KKLT TUB BEST ANl) MOST COMI'LCTK STOCK. OF BOOTS AND fc"Iuc4 to be foMiul in the ute. New wurk made to measure and rrpiirrr dotie at shortoi notice, all wotk iu thj - MANUFACTURING; DEPARTMENT LTktrictlT CASH. AlsoSole Lcxjher. C-lf tU.i. Shoe Fiadimcs, e. lrier to suit the limes. : ' .T0 I AVLNSLOW, . . Jin3-ly Vcit;CenU Mrccu Gouino. N. C. i . -j a I tion of that wherein the law by reason "i i tii t.'r.t.'n-iti.ri'".t 4 Ul IIS 13 UCllCICIlk. TLe Cotton Movement. i. . For the week ending July 2o, the 'r (Now each 'can subscribe just: iYe ( amount they would be willing to do'. if jibe success or defeat, of road depended Chronicle reports that .total receipts have reached 3,272 bales, against 2,S09 bales last week, 3,032 bales the previous week, and 3,037 bales three weeks since; making the total receipts since the 1st of September, 1878, 4,433,653, balesj against 4,256,419 bales "for the sam nprind nf 1R77-R. sliowincr an in- inaulting fling at the poor, then we shall crea3e slnce September 1, 1878, of 177,- can ior ir. unssom 10, see tne Dromer 234 bales. at once. , i get his paper, rub up his spects and can' see that there Is an unjust and on there action. . HEALTY INDICATIONS. Thomas Bufcird,' whoi killed Judsfc i, Elliott of Kentucky, because he ruled The exports for the week reach a total of 7,123 bales, of which 6,756 were rr'jaj il iTI i II i I . I ri'jj ) Jnoo, and. 260 to rest of the contiaent, whilo the HARNETT JtAHOAD AGAIN. Tlie building of. this road depends upon the amount of support it shall get stocks "as made up are now 133,105 from Goldsboro. If Goldsboro will bales. svibscribe the $25,080 without too great ; delay, tliat we pledged it would do, adversely to the interest of Buford dnd there is nothing more certain than that tne tunas can be naa to Duiia tne road. It's importantauce to Goldsboro cannot murder in Hie first degree, notwith.- be over estimated ; over it will come sister in a case, that pame before him, has .recently i been found guilty lof smding the great efforts of counci make it appear that he was insane; and under the laws of Kentucky .he goes to the States prison Tor; life : and also1 in 'ew York, where crime has been ial- to 1 1: this place the 1st 3 ear all. of S.O0O to '10,000 bales of cotton that now go to other, places for sale ; this will gra dually increase from year to year. Tbink friends of the wonderful stim i lowed toco uhwhipped of justice under utus this would be to our commerce g ie plea, of insanity of the perpetrator, raiad jet a fJeWi Yoirk jury has found jthe acgro Cox guilty of rxurder, who kiljed ii I and afterwards robbed Mrs. H ull. These are healthy indications for the jfr,om coming protection of i societv neighbering States. While in our own i co.mmon-wcaitli we have a chief ekecu Uive that respects the action of Courts by allowing their verdicts to stand; as rendered by juries instead of turning loose fellons, thieves and despeHit oes (-"generally upon the country. Our aws 1 punish offenders not for revenge, but ; to protect the virtuous and hoieSt ' let it take its coXirse we say, and when , Court after all the remedies of fpeal make out a case, let that tase stand without executive interference. t . ; COST OP ROYALTY. , - .."The difference in the salaries paid td kings and royalty and those paid to tne servants of the people in our. Be public is strikirig. The Uzar of ItqssU gets $$,250,000 per year, or $25,000 a i day. ' The Sultan . of Turkey gets atinU' ally $6,000,000, or $18,000 a dayi Na jiolian III. had a salary of $5,000,000 annually or $14,000 a day. Francis LpsepU of Austria receives $4,000,000 a other enterprises. Think af the increased volumn of trade; think of the impetus it would give to building and substantial improvements pf the place ; think of the hundreds of ..thousands of dollars that would reach the pockets of iiboring men ; think of the thousands of as good pep pic as eyer honored a place with their presence and patronage, thronging our streets, seeking our merchandise ind filling our market with' the choicest products from rich and well cultivated farms, reaching far beyond the Cape Fear Biver ; think of the enhanced value of real estate. Just think if you can grasp it in your mind, the new face t would put upon every thing, and the certain and rapid development of Golds- Vofo as the great inland centre of com tricrce for Eastern Carolina. "Ye bee i . . of you friends citizens of Gol -Isboro. lo think f those things and then an fewer the question, shall we turn a From the foregoing statement it will be seen that, compared with the cor responding week of last reason, there is a deerease in the exports this weok ef 1,001 bales, while tho stocks are 27, 490 bales more than they were at this time a year ago. - Most sections have been visited by satisfactory rains, and the reports this week are more generally favorable. Texs, however, has beea suffering from drought, and in some districts rain is badly needed. Middling uplands cotton was quoted in Liverpool on Friday last at 6 9-lCd; in 1878, 6 9-16d; In 1877, 0 5-lGd, and andinl876515-16d. An Admirable Address. It was a very fortxinate selection when Rev. F. II. Ivey, of Goldsboro, was chosen to deliver the Memorial Address on the Life and Character of the late Rev. Dr. 17. M. "Wingate, President of "Wake Forest College. The published address is a tasteful, appropriate, just and elegant tribute to a great preacher and a most devout, earnest, spiritual Christian, who is now a saint in glory. It is a pleasing contribution to the memorial literature of North Carolina.- The, artisU is successful in delineating the very beau tiful and lovely character of the depart ed worthy, -who united in himself sweetness and light in a more marked degree than any other man wo have ever known.. The portrait, if not complete in , every detail, is life-like ever the courts do, ought generally to stand. There should not be a recogniz ed appeal from the jury to the Govern or. I Without referring to and particular case, we take occasion to commend the present Chief Executive of the .State for the care and circumspection he has used in exercising this highest "prerogative of his exalted office. The power to pardon, as he Justly conceives, is not a personal privilege; it is a high duty annexed to the Chief Magistracy", ?.ud by its exercise jusico' ought to be advanced and never defeated. Iiahigh A Observer . , . .You -are right J3ro. Ashe In our opinion. DRUNKEN STUFF. How many children and women arc slowly and surely dying, or rather being killed, by excessive doctoring, or the daily use of some drug or drunken stuff called medicine, that no one knows what it is made of, who can easily be cured and saved by Hop Bit ters, made of Hops, Uuchu, Mandrake, Dandelion which Is so pure, simple arid haraless that the most frail woman, weakest Invalid or smallest child cau trust in them. Will, you be saved by them? See other column. NEW ADVERTISMENTS. ' CHOWAN Baptist Female Institute,, JIUIlt KKESIiUKO, U. Thi. Institution, now the permanent Iiropcrty ot me uapmt denomination at arge, will begin its thirty-second annual scssicn under more favorable auspices than ever before. Its success in the past is a guarantee of it prosperity in the fu ture. Necessary expense of board and liter .ary tuition, per session of vine months, $1.3 to ir.i. Session begins 1st AVedncsday in Octo ber. For particular, addres. A. M. McLOWKLL, President. auzi-Ct 50,000 Pounds WH n r WANTED, for which 11 UUJJ the WOIIKST CASH rnici: willbe naid. Apply to A. W. WATSON. Water st., Wilmington. N. C. Also. IVh paid for IllUE, R'ACS, MKTAI lv. Jknd forpruci. jn-20-3m Now Unloading Another Car load of choice TIMOTHY HAY, and for sale low, by , B. PR1VETT & CO. R AO STUFFS- New Flour, all 'grades, Corn Meal. and Hoxiiiny fresnly ground and sweet.- v Also Corn, Wheat, Oats, itlill FecU, , v heat Israiul, &c, &c., Cunstaully kept uu haud and for sale at lowest prices, at the GOLDSBORO MILLS, C&U and examine befcre 1 E. WESCOTT, Afft. june27 tf - - - f .Messenger, (Weekly) cpy 3mos and send bill to tbw oCice. f ' ! I'll, !.! H " ; TALBOTT & SOISTS, near Kornejay's Machine Shop, ou. Walnut StrctL buing cucwhcrc. nnnnirnn tti qj, - cm works, KICIIMOM), "ruV. 1 and truthful. The colors hare hpfn deaf ear to our interest by neglecting U3ed wlth descriminatlon and proper restraint, ana tne general enect is raise the 25 000 that we pledged he 1 friends along the line that would be raised to offset the $?5,000 at .tcfUT, line- must of l'russia is naid S3.0Q0.000 a vpai and 1 i. , . . ' j J M i 1 r . , . T a - - , .r -rwr : .1 4i ii-n n it it ii Victor Emmanuel 3,$XX)T000, and good uueen yictona manages to live on $2, ; 200,00a Now, in addition tbthese sal- aries,!epl soyereign is furnished yrith j a don oj? warp first qlas residehevs i free of eost. Exchantc. t ; : Vt It is among such crowned heads ft these; that Geii.' Grant has been spjend- iqs; hi time for the last few years, 1 1 ' he is how to return home in time to J f it and aise it ; and the more ot . our citizens take part in bearing the burden. 'Ihe better for all. "NVe had rather see .the amount raised from 200 people than from one individual, even if that one individual could be found to take Stock to the wliole amount (vvh'ch it is tnot probable will be the case). We happy and satisfactory to those who knew the original. The eulogist ha: not overdrawn the character he dis cusses with so much of insight and tenderness. "We believe that Dr. Win gate was all that he is represented to have been. lie had the simplicity of a woman, the moral courage of a strong and resolute nature, and an intellect that was delicate yet virile, acute yet bold, vigorous yet philosophical, im aginative yet practical. When he NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- DEM Slit:, arse IllustratcdCat- alogue oft RIFLES, SHOT GUNS. RE- VOLVaJIS. Address. Great Western Gun Works, Tittsburg, Pa. SAIIFQRD'S JAMAICA GINGER, The onlv combination of "CllIFnnn'C the true Jamaica Ginjrcr OHIirunU O choic Aromatic. ami French llrandy for Cholera, Cholera Morbus, JAMAICA r?lrjr;te of Tone ActiTity in the Stomach' and Bowels, and aToiding the danger of 6IH6tni Chance of Water, Food Q 'and Climate. Ask for SanforcTs Jamaica OinBror. OI Ofin returns in 30 day on $100 n OiyvJU vested. Official RepjrU and information tree. Uke pronts wcwiy on ftock options of $10 to Address. T. Potter Wijrht Jb Co., Bankers, 35 Wall " ALTAFFER & PilieE, SASH, BOORS ana BLINDS, Wilmington. N. C- 'Having increased our facilities. ly add in? new and improved machinery to our cstablinhmcnt. w c arcprcparel to (ill any order il or line with which wc may Uc favored. NEWEL POSTS, STAIR BAILS, BAILUSTER S, MOULD INGS, BRACKETS, &C., . ; oh hand and made to order on thort no tice. . We use the bt season 1 Walnut, Ash, Oak, Poplar, Wnite and Yellow Pine and Cy press Lumber in the manufacture of our goe-Uand in work and prices, we can compete with those made anywhere. Send for price list. Call on or address AI.TAFPF.R A PRICF Factory foot Waluut St.. Office Nutt, ne ir Rel Cross St. . m Arm P'jo iy :i3iintox, u. . For Sale! BlfXIARI) AN'U 1 1" A N" r FA CTU R F.R.S OF Pt)RTAi:i.K AND STATIOXART F.XniXES AXD l'l Itoilent. Saw Mill. Corn and Wheal Mill, haftiur;. I fairer sand Puller, Tor btne Water Wheel. Tbacco Factory Machini.ury, Wrought Iron Work, Bra aad Iron Catirr. Marliinsrr 4 rrr dt-rrition. GINNING AND THBSEING ENOINEa A SPECIALTY. Ripairing promptly and carvtully done. Talbott's. Patent park Arrester, the Inventi8n of the Ago U is really the only perfect and rcliahlc Spark Arrester. an-I U anperwfms all others nor iu u.e. Iu great eJlicicncy i attracting uniTcral atlrutijn. and is hwioc endorsed ty he Wit mechanical enpneers and insurance campanie.Ila proninent feature are it doc not interfere with cleaning the tuWs It will not choke op. and requires no eltaninr It rcjbirc no direct uamptrs to tc opened worn rauinc m (tampers bein ohj-tionahle. a t!iey roar Iro left open and allovr park lo eM-ape) It requires no watvr 10 exlinruUh park v. whU-h br condensation i!clroy the draft. RoiJca, when water i us-.l. if nKvlt-t the etSrtcncy w tlifrlK p.,rti,.n nt the water, aud the b-ilrr Uktpi in a'Ultl.v cundttion. U is hTtatft and durable aad can W lehtnl uion. It can be attacl.etl ta any Uilcr No f lanter should be without one or thrm. Insurance C-mpanit-H will injure gins and barr. where the Talbolt t ginc aud Spark A rrtV.cr arc uscl. at t-am rate a thar-d for water or V.nrx rower. 1 x ,tirrv r VW101 House, Goldsboro N. C. Send for IllnslraUd CalU;ne and Trice Iit. lnaer. wr JO Cm a first-class il Uajratcllc Table, '-Taylor rnake.' Iialimore, with the necessary attach ments. For particulars apt lr ' at this office, or . J. II. MJRNF.Y, janl7-U Rocky Muut, N. C CI-EEW, IXJII AJND SIT. We bee to announce to oar many friends and the tmblie rpnrall. lLat have opened a choico stock of Groceries, Liquors, wines, Tobacco, Cigars, &c. Also . FUESH LAGER liEEH OX DRAUGHT. Ture and free from adulterat.'oa. , Billard Table, kopt in First Class Style. We keep In stock the 'following brands of fine Whiskinr 1IAUUY 1JAS-iiETl-S. Ol.l) I'.YE, OLIl HAKEU, UNCLtf IIOUEBT9 . TRYUMril, and SWEET MASH CORN. Close attention, to business, and impartial Justice to all win be onr motto. Thankful to our friends for past favor. We Invite thera and the puWie gr&er ally to call at the New Itrick Store on North side or Walnut Street, nearly oppo site Smith, Palmer & Co'a. hardware store, and we will treat theta rljhL mayiG-Sm . .. A. SLAUGHTER BROl Ho Slo F EMM yOop ATLANTIC AND N. C.B..K. COMPANY. riEW SEKIKS TIMK TAllLK NUMBER 2. To take eject 2; t3 P. J.. Frly, July 2.1. .1371. Train Xo.l lKnvu Mail and Passenger. EASTWARD. Stations. St.N. Y. - au-1 It just We accept a nomination for President , to savelhe country you know " ' ' suppose about such a save as hi?j "let us hilve peace" has proven'. to; 'mean. Tf nlain Ueninratic America wants to iff l v i 'f: . " I ' ' Jearji . U pay homage and contribute jurf4feds of lhilUons to maintain jDrown heads, we say, by all means they the mple type ;Cial ability or the prospective benefits hto be deriypd to each citUen as pcr Jhaps others who have been among the 'people of the place longer, yet we beg Hto suggest the following destriiution of . jdiould go for Gen. Grant, If' oil fltpe-hand 4fey desire the old si ' plar-f representative Jeffersonian f democracy, lpt hem' watch these Moilr ";f(?novs ho' ayc sufl a hankerin 'J-'tpr Eirqpean ays and European arths. A: word Lothp wise is ,siiii4u;nt are not as lammar witn the finan- passeu away in reonary jasi a louy I . ' . . ' - I 1 .1 t 1 1 J .. 1 auui icvuiuvu .uuu auu a greui man fell In Israel. ' "Like a (shadow thrown Softly ana sweetly from a passing cloud, 4 ucatn feu upon him." ; U'tZmtnyton Star. "We have read the address with great satisfaction and pleasure and heartily concur with Bro. Kingsbury in every word he baa said. It may be had by sending two three cent postage stamps to Bey. J1. II. Ivey, Goldsboro, N. C, who bas been prevailed upon to accept this small remuneration to aid him in paying postage and bearing the cost of publication, which was done- at his. expense. . JL (JllfJAT 4JFF4.lt ! Organs Wo up wards: Pianos $125 upwanU. not used a vear, good as new; warraniea. ew Pianos and Organs at xtraoruinary low ynces for ta-sh. Catalogues .Mailcii. iloiace Waters, Art., 4J YmL Ulh St., K. Y. P. O. Box, 130. Goldsboro, Best's, La-(J range, Falling Creek, Kinston, Dover, Core Creek, " Tuscarora, Croatani' Woodbridge, llavelock, Newiort, . Colebunivllle, Arrive. Leave. J r. m . . 2:45 r. 3.11 " 31 J 3:49 " 3:4H 4m 4:11 . 4:3S 44 4uW 41 4::9 4:59 5:17 " r:17 6.W 5.57 C.30 0.30 " 6.45 C45 0 4S .4 44 7.12 44 7.14 44 7.20 41 7.'.KJ 44 7.44 44 7:47 44 7E0LESALE KM EETAE GROCEBS ON WALNUT ST., GOLDSBORO, N- C. Are receivirir fresh supplies of Gootli daily. One of their firm is a rr si dent of BALTIMOI1K. and is buying GOODS VERY LOW. Merchants and farmers In need of Groceries &houU call to see the above firm and be ceo tine eJ that he ar e selling goods at JLloclv Bottom Irxnces. fb2S Svx . , $10 TO $1000 the burdens, viz : . 7 persons $1,000 each, - $7,000. 10 " 600 " - - 5,000. 20 300 44 - ' 6 000. 20 ' 200 4000. 20 ; ) ,100. ' 2.000 20 " .. 50' " ' . - 1,000. 1 Total, - - $25,000. j Now in all candor, we ask can't this be done? It surely caa to the gnat Invert in Wall Street Stocks nukes for tunes eTery inontb. Hook sent free ex plaining everything. AJdreKs, HAXTEIt i CO., tJANKKRS, 17 Wallbt. N. Y, ONLY S1.00 A YEAR. T1IE BALTIMORE W EEKLY AMERICAS.. THKIRtlT. BKST AND CHEAPKTT PA : IS TUS WOKLD. An extra copy six months' free, for a club of live, and one year, for a club of ten. A varied lot of vaulable Prcmiuinns jriven for Clubs of from S to 30J copies, a INt of whih is publUhel in TiikWekklv Amkkicax. Sneciinsn oopiH sent free. AdJrts UI1AS. O. tlJLTOX. i jyllii America n Office, Dihimorc, M. MohMCy.St'n, 7..V) 44 Train No, 2 Up Mil and Passenger. , AYIIoTWAllD. Stations. " AiTlve. Ieave. Mohd Uy.St'n. Morebead City, Coletumvillc, Newport', llavelock, . Yoodbride, . C'roalan, NEWiiErj; Tuscarora, Core Creek, Dover, -Kloston, -Falling Creek, Grange,.; . JJest's, GolcUboro; 4.na a. x. 4.3 J A. M 4.4.', 5.CO 5.17 5.42 5.45 coi a. 49 i 7 22 4 1 TAQ 44 , -fi.02 8.34 9.K 5.U) 5.15 ?.41 ,5.45 V o.oi (Ul 7.22 7.40 -8.01 8.52 41 ' air 44 0.31 U.M 44 W. DTNN, 8upt, 4 tl 14 . 4 tt tt t t OKSI Bom It- I. ML M UILM :o:- (illEAT REDUCTION L PRICES ! Money Saved- is . Money, Ivlade. WE ARE SELLING WEnSTEffShPELLEn T10ceots; KEST.SCH(X)L blates at 5 and IU cents, Note paper, ier quire, at 5 cents, and al uu atock of Books3 Pens, Iuks, Slates, Pencils, Ac., AT PROPORTIONATELY L0T7 PRICES. Our facilities for buyinz are unefjoaled, and we art determJoed to rite onr friends the benefit of UOW PUICKS. IlTO OUr Call and examine our strk before yon lniy elaewbtrp. "We Inow we ran suit you, as we bave the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES In this market. ; IORBY &; HI1L1L Goldsboro N. C. . October 3rd, 1S7S. tf 4 A-

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