I : . r- 4. ; . 5 i A J oVAnn TVTo ?! mf . -X M m-m rn.Mm.Mm m M m m m m mm m m. . iUD A.Y, ATIGtlSt 1, 1879. How to " Keep Cool- Correct habits of body and mind will antagonize and generally overcome the j. most persistent efforts of the: sun. To j begin, avoid heating food; most' people j allow the palate' to determine what ; they shall eat and how niucli, which is ; as foolish' asj to allow the family fire to i select such fuel as best pleases it gun j powder, nitro-glycerine, etc! Do not increase Your tihvfucar temneratiire. particularly that of yjour head by drink- ing alcoholic beverages; when water will not suffice as a drink; consult a physician instead of a barkeeper: Use water externally with frequency; no ' one can get rid of superfluous heat through a skin, the pores of which are tightly sealed. If you have a great many cigars that ought to be smoked before they grow dry and tasteless, give" them to your enemy; it is bettfer that his liver be deranged than yours, for a : torpid liver induces a weak, hot head J At least once a day take exercise enough to cause free perspiration; the man who perspires most is always the coolest; the soldier on drill in woolen clothing under a hot sun. with the thermometer in the nineties, ,ia more comfortable than the lounger, in white ' linen 'and un umbrella who looks at him. If you have a first-rate thing to get angry f about lay it carefully away1 until old weather. Do not worry; it is fright ' fully heating as' well as physically ex travagant! Sleep, regularly and full hours, resistisg the temptation to sit up late because the evening is the only cool part of tho day, A hundred other suggestions, might be ! offerdj but the above, if followed; will enable -many a heat-ssrieken mortal to imagine that this is not so dreadfully hot a summer? rhil. Press. : " : ; ' ' f . EAllttOADS. WILMINGTON & WELDON 1 RAILROAD COMPANY; (fFICE OF .GENI SUPElilXTEXDKXTj m Wilmington, N. C, Junelo, 1S79. j I j On and after Sunday, June lr. 1S79 $ic Passenger Train"on the Wilmiugton Weldon Railroad will run as follow?: . :f) AY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS, ijeave Wilmington, Front St. j I Depot at 7:10 A. M. rrive at "Weldon at ...... ... 1 :10 r. M. beavc Weldon daily at . ... 3:32 r. r. Arrive at AVilmington, Front I St. Depprtat i. 0:53 i m. NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN', 9 DAILY. Leave Wilmington at . p. m. Arrive at Weldon at 3:30 A. M. Leave. Weldon daily at 2:13 A. l. Airivc at Wilmington at . 8:43 A M. Trains on Tarooro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5.00 PJ M. daily, and Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day 4.00 A. M Returning, leaving, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. daily.and Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9.30 P. M. i The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Day. ; -. i -i . .'j j i .1-1 j jjine aauy, (except ouuuayj &uu uaujr ia Richmond and all rail routes. Night Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Rich mond. . Sleeping Cars attachedto all Njght ' Trains. 1 if - JOHNT. DIVINE. I ,febl ly General Superintendent. .J !.... , . . f METROPOLITAN WORKS, GOLDSBOUO ADVERTISEMENTS. ROCKY MOUNT ADYEKTISUEXT. GREAT ATTRACTIONS! TOT A PWWW JiiilbIikIJQiS Joe -MAN UFACTUIiEriS OF- AT- or IQia llfESL Ilk 0 IRON , FRONT STORE. W'c have now in Store a fine selection of BOCKT 1 The RfVer Danube. ': The river Danube has figured largely In history for 2,000 years, and it again "becomes the object to -which'the eyes of the whole world haye turned. It fur nished a highway for the Turks in the sixteenth and seventeenth -centuries to penetrate Europe, as far as Vienna, and in the days of the Crusddes ; it became an outlet for the religious enthusiasm , of. Europe to flow to the Holy Lad. , The Danube, from its source in Baden to the Black Sea, is 1,820 miles long; and it drains with its tributaries an area' of over ,300,000 square miles. It passes through Bavaria, Austria, II un- "gary and Servia to the Carpathian : Mountaias, where it separates llouma nia and Bulgaria, and passes, into the Black Sea through several months, the principal one one being that of Sulina. The Danube is navigable for steamers ; as far as Ulm, in- Bavaria.' At Nicopolis in the fourteenth century. 100.000 Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh, RICHMOND VA. ENGINES.portable and Stationary; Saw Mills,' Grist MU1, Boilers, Castirgs of- Brass and Iron, Forgings & c. Ma chinery for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, 4c. ""'. I We call special attention to our Im proved Portable Engines, for agricultural and other purposes. To our new style Small' Locomotives for hauling lumber and, other articles upon tramways and narrow-gauge railways,. . SHAFTING, PULLEYS, 4c, FOR GIN ' f HOUSE. . Eminent planters in North Carolina and other Southern' States consider our gin nincngines the best and cheapest in uc absolutely safe from sparks, f The Boilers of our Agricultural En gines are provided with onr Patent Pre mium Spark Arresters, a device by which the sparks are forced to pass downward over a reservoir of water and effectually extinguished without "the use of wire j gauze. Ours is the onl f arrangement of this kind w-hich affords free access to the boiler tubes for cleaning from eaeh end I ' : . Yours truly, ' I '.. i v m. . t a j u; & tu. BYNUM & DAN I EI. Agents, jano -tf Wilson. N. C. Dry Goods, Clothing, Lariies & Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Hats . and Caps,Boots andShoes,Purni ture,Crockery, Groceries, Hard- . ware, Children Carriages, Croquet Sets, Fruit Jars. Alsa , always 01 tail -at iaifactiirrs Pries, ' Lor illard Snuff, Gail & Ax SnuflE; O. N. T. Spool Cotton, Corn, Lime, Lumtfer, Posts, Laths, Brick, &c. We jjarantce our prices, and sobcif a call. W c call the special attention of Merchants to out Stock of Goods, which we sell at wholesale as low as they can be bought North. Give us a trial: no trouble to show ;ods. COUNT, N. O. L WllJiOS AUVEUTISCilEST. C. Y. VESTBROOK'S NTJRSER ANl FRUIT FARM, rrmntt!j located u WILSON, N. V. J IP We arc still making and lure on haud a fine assortment of id top mm. mylG tf H. WEIL & BROS., IRON FRONT STORE. 187. I L'ttiM New Yeay ta M! ANNOtNCE TU MV PATRONS AND TlIK VUBMC CJKNERALLY, ii. CORN! CORN!! that I keep my Stock of Staple and Fancy (Groceries CORN!!! 5QQBUS.COHX, ' - . For ?alc low by 1Y. Mt PR1VKTT.& CO. constantly replenished with fresh and choice articles in my line. . Goods are low, times hard, and I try to buy close, and sell as low ns the lowt-st who pay for their Goods. Tnankf ul to my friends for past confidence and patronage, 1 shall try to merit a continuance of the Mine. Respectfully, j,,,,-,, A H. KEATON. . all stjle. riiRATONS for two or four person. The DEXTERKINO AND QUEEN. THE EMPIRE CROSS SPRING, SALDEES TRIP. PLE FPRINO. RREY ESTER k WIIITEEV SIDE DAR BUGGIES. While we .make the old reliable DEXTER SPRING- BUGGIES A SPECIALTY. PLANTATION CARTS, ONE AND TWO HORSE WAGONS, CAItr WHEELS, all of superior ma terial and workmanship. Wc manufacture and deal in BUGGY, WAGON, AND CART . HARNESS, and keeps on hand a fine a&sortetl stock at all prices, itjlcs ar.d finish. A c MipcnUe our manufactory m person keep seasoned llmkr, workmen arc Hkilicd and eur work not suipaswcd in value or the beauty of finWi. Give ns a cal! ; and learn by actual examination am tria! that hat e hare saU Is so. and that we can ive you full value fwr your money. Thankful for pxU tutroo Lngc, wc are very Respectfully. HACKNEY BROS.. nnj23-lr ItOCKY JOlVT, C rckiaC Depot near Rail Rod, yard Somlh of Dtpot. 1C0 Fruit Fana, and part of Nurseries Geklbro trad. cat talle ad a kU South of To ww. 20 Acres oflterr Sioci. Christians were into th Danube driven by the Turks and. in the fifteenth ' century, 4), 000 ?urks were slain on its shores at the siege of Belgrade. . 'Attempt to Steal a $30,000 Dog. ; -r': ' ! 1 j .:.-.! A man who oii Saturday morning re fused a dead-head admission to the dog' show at the Driving Park j subsequent ly stole into the building at the rear.! He was, seen, immediately afterwards taking , away ' the dog, oash III. ? Decimal, which it is - claimed is worth $30,000, and is n charge lof the Rev.i , Macdona, of England. ' The intru4 der, who had falsely .m)irepreented himself as a member of one of the sportsmen's clubs on the grounds, w: s seen and stopped by Mr Lincoln, man-j ager of the dog show. The valuable : dog was taken lack and replaced in the kennel. This animal bonanza is a com! panion to the red Rover, an Irish setterj vaiuea at $2U,uqu. uocnestcr Jjemocart: 4 i An Aged Turtle. nnn ?: rfi ilJ to 'ft ! II I J " U 4 ii Mm v m?i m IP U9nn SPUING- STOCK ! 1879. SPUING STOCK! GOODS I STRaTVDERRIKS, ASrAAGla k GARDEN TE AS. IrotnedUteJy at the Ril Itoad Depot. GOLDSBOUO, N. O. (rj Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in 4 Tw have fiae facihliea for PLASTER, SASHES, ULINDS, DOORS. PAINTS, RRUSI1ES. 0115, GLAD'S AND HUGO? AND WAG. GON MATERIAL of every Description. ' j. About the middle of June, a turtle was taken in the St. John's River Florida,' with the Spanish coat of arml and the date 1700 engraved upon his back, f There was also inscribed in Spanish the sentence: "Caught In 1700,. by Hernando Gomez, in the St. Sebas- Carried to IMatanzas by there , to the Great "Great Wekiva is' thSe the St. John's Riyer town. The turtle jwafs ie river with the added Eastern Ilerdldi Palatka tian, and was Indians; ' frQm Vekiva.'' The name by which was formerly ki put back into tt inscription: u Florida, 1879. A Fatal Sleep with a Rattlesnake. Miss "Walker her father, S. p. from Jackboro and slept all ni bead twith his ously I coiled a: aged1 16, living with Walker, eight miles bed Texas, retired to EIGHT YEARS SUCCESS ! THE LARGEST IN THE STATE. PRINTING and BINDING t " AND ! Blaixlc Book Manufacturing. We return 'our thanks to friends and patrons who have heretofore favored us their orders, ana we take pleasure m say-" g to incm we are j IBKTTER PEEl'AilKD I For gocd work and prompt execution of orders than ever before, while our vkickr ARE AS IXW AS FIRST Cr-SS WORK CAN BE IX)'E ANYWIIKRE. ' 1 A complete assortment of Ix'al IJlanks of the latest forms always on hand and mailed postpaid' at $1.00 per hundred. Send for Catalogue. . . I If j'on wish arything in this line write us: it will pay you. .Respectfully ! EDWARD)?, IJRqUGHTON . A CO.. I PlUX'jEliS AND DlXDKKS, 'julyll tf . Raleigh, . C. ww a ntm a ti m CU hTUHATi IM I'LK- vl MENTS, MAC11INK RY, (UTLGUY, G KN" EUAL HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS, STOVES. LIME, In addition to onr Mercbantile Department, we have an extensive Foundry and Machine Shops,, supplied with the Best Tools and )mpetent Workmen. We are prepared to make or repair a) most any kind of Iron Machinery in the best manner and the Lowest Prices for Cash. We are agents for and authorized to sell Engines for the following Firms, at the lowest Factory prices: TALBOTT & SONS, Richmond Va.; FBICK A CO., Manufacturers of Eclipse Engines, and SIIAFJEY & WELL, Manufacturers of Shapley Engines. These Engines have been extensively sold throughout the Eastern portion of the State, and are well and favorable known as the best mo tors for Saw-Mills, Grist-Mills, Gins and Threshers. They have no superior, and are as cheap as any.first-class Engine. In addition we keep a large supply of MACHINE FITTINGS, IRON PIl'E, SHAFTING, BflXES, PULLEYS, ANY SIZE; AND THE BEST QUALITY OF CUM AND LEATHER BELTING, BELT HOOKS and VBELT LACE. Parties wanting any of the above Gods, or any kind of Machinery, in our line, or Repairing done, will do well to give us a call before purchasing else where. Orders from a distance solicited. They, with all enquiries for Prices Terms, &c, shall have prompt attention oct3 ly My beautiful stork now in store, has Wen carefully e Ire ltd in person, and with unurpa.rd facilities for purchaMnjr. knowing the wants of lh trade. I confidentially believe that I can nuit all in want of good bargain. DDXiY GOODS. Silk. Yt ah Poplin, Chinese Cra Cloth. Ftjuml Pinea, Bontrog, lines, Paci&c i awna. a wrauwui line oi rriralrft nd I iIim. n IUTK. GOODS. Swi Muslin. RUhon I .awn. JarcncL. Nainjook. lrrel a4 Kisnred Pique. Brilliant. Whiti and Colorcl linen and Cottn Diaper. NOTIONS. An endleta variety, enibrarinp orery thing New and Jot Uit. DOMK-STICS 3-1. 7-S and 4-4 Good of all reliable IlraoU. PIECE OOCDS. French anl Atncrian Cajimerea, White Line a Dnek. Rrowa an 4 Colored Linen for Suit. Cotlonailcx, a full line of Thread Goods. WINDOW SHADES. Oilcloth. EureVa Rubber Dirr. GENTS' FURNISHING GtKlDS.-Laundered and tnlaunderod White Drew Shirta. . Chevoit and Percale Shirt. Good Material and Mjlmh, Lola Tbread mnd Gaate TJ a fivrr jn r ffTrmrriy Undershirt. White Jeans Drawer, a plcndid atock of Hosiery, White and 7 ilUiklTiU IZ OllLlrxTIiQ BOOTS and SHOES. A full line, well selected to suit the trade. Ladie, MUea, Iofanta. Mema ToatKa .nJ llor. Would call special attention to nr tok of Ladiea aa4 Gcnta Hand Made Shoe and Gaiter. HATS. A very large stock "Men's, Boy's and i'outli bought theaj, and for sale at ootiora price. STRAW GOODS. U.lic, Mi-sen and lafant'a Trimmed and UctrimtnU Hata. Trc and Phnl Iatet Btylea, Men'is You'Jt and Boy'a Straw IlaU- Tle celebrated "Panama' Straw Hat. GBOCERI All of the popiilar brand of Family and Ei Ira Flonr. New Orleans tad Cuba Mo- Ukc, Sucar Hoae JTrKp, La-urra Coffee, Prime and Fair Rio Coee. A. H. aad E. A C. Suar, Pulrerizeti Surar. tiranulatcd Su rar. Tellov and Drown Coffee Sugar, Ground Alum Salt, "'Star Dox Lye, Horsford'a Dread PropaTa- tion, zj.irv poanua jiuik ?itie ana Miouuiem. c. nAHDWARK, Cutlery. Carpenter' Tools, Tinware, CwUngi, Wol aad "Ulo Ware. Crockery, Ac. FURNITURE. Rca.Utead, Rureao. Wahitand, Chairs, Sofaa, le. TURK'S ISLAND SALT for Fertiluine purpose. PLOWS. Stonewall Cotton P'ow. Edrrcombe Cotton Tlow, Watt Plow, Warrraloa A era Plow. Atlas How, ATery Plow, No 43, W and 6 Plow. ftajTA II kind of Plantation Suppliea, and many articles too numerous to Teeatiea van ana see uia. ana examine for voumeir. majO 3 m G. T. MATTHEWS, Rocky Hount, IT. C. GREAT , BAUCtAINS- IN FURNITURE Sign of the Red Kockiii; Chair. New i ;ht with a tremendous rattlesnake, seven feet j long, which crept jnto the Miss Walker t when the snake struck her in the forp- bed. About daylight lrned upcin her .pillow, fangs and instantane- round her throat. She fought wi jjji. wti eadsl and crajwled after on head beat. I : want tT ieax New screamttd and f jiinted. The reptile was finally killed, jbut it is believed !Miss fWalker cannot! live. Mrs. Dye o killed a snake i feet long, witli both heads ab Garden, Tenn; i her garden about three a .head on each ytit jtlre same size. Heavy Rush at T WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE PUIJ X lie that 1 am how encrasred in the Ca-- riatre business, anl may Ve found at the stand heretofore occupied by R. E. Jones, opposite the i I drive the plane myself don't have it done and as II have lon since servel a full - apprenticeship, at the busi ness. I can warrant g?od work and entire satisfaction. Carsages," buggies, wagons tc., repaired withiraatness and durability jan31-ly LEE BAKER. 3 Doors South, of jjank. . Will inform the public, that they have now in Stock one of the largest assort ment of FURNITURE evershowen in Goldbboro, consisting of Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. Chair Bedsteads and XIattrecses Tin Safes, Bureaus Paper and Linen. Window Shades. Ohildrehs Oarriages Picture .Frames, Moulding and every thing apper taining to the Furniture line, also a nico line of CHROHOS, framed at 25 cents each. We warrant ail Treaa and TUzU true to taa roe. Tt Ure hiJ laaoy yean nperirrxt In Iht rrortatiott lud cufcar f Kh- ticiilturaJ, prodocta, cspetUCy fraik Fra'sU aod l"rult Trrta : mad w art wtU fotil la Botxx&cltturt f all the leading ranetjei ; acaet evfrirsia ared'aot fear to order Tree td riant direct. We jire tpecUl atten tion to onlcr receiretl by malL Oar atxxk for fall ef 1879 bkia fair U U very floe, aad caasoC fail to ji?e fuH Mtufactteai with rnvTiamrj car a4 culuire. . We tare added many cboka New FrutU to or Hat and kav prcpgmttl very Urgely f tK ire pro ted Of all kinds cheap for CASH or at rcaionablo prices on tune. Wet will not be undersold. Give us a trial and convince yourself. janlO ly 1 end, It -AND i ar the other, as it I A Georgia wc during aj gtorn;; jtbe ; other night, satatfidowisr; iked man awoke her husband and you would juit snorin j " it thunder. TO ARRIVE. r QBBLS, MESS TOR K. ttgBOXES BULK C.'R. SIDES. B.M.PrivettfrCo. solo rdr; tP? tvh ' Ajfy 4 vW""- y - TOR f ARTICULAR . NUMBER 0 SH" , AOOWS WhiteSewing Machine Co. CLtvELANDjoHio. Fresh Goods rontiuaallj Airhic 9. 5r Goods niticl IS'otioiiM in cndlcsn' variety. Ever Bearing Mulberry. Cataloer taaHed to appTaraut free, Art ra, Meal, Freslily Ground Flour, No. 1 Corn Heal, Gro- C.W. WestbrooIit Co cenes of all Kinds. Box 69, tTlLSOX, X. O Meat on time, save money by coming to see If you want ns. BOCKY MOUNT MILLS, .!!$ it 1 i L-L-

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