1 V' i l 5 I 1 n ; . v. J)f-rr i Lv w means rfsjicnsiMft for Hie or';,!?? sp:essed by our cmspom!- Enitroil it the PostOfiioe JE39cc-R;l-ji:s mntpr. j 88. ! Friday Kvkkixo. Jan. 1"th 18 NORTH CAiOi.UL. ' From our earliest recolle tion Wrj (.'reified withm her borders, the pure nir of liberty and health: our ilrst : faltering footsteps, assisted by a moth- ! cr's never failing hand, were pressed j upon ier sacrud soil : from her bosom, j ve have been nurtured, evr.rv pleasure j came fronnher bountiful hand, and we j would be '.ase indeed to turn from her ! now. The heart throbs quickens at j the inoatloaof hor name as at no ether, j fend at lie:- call to daty our heart re-I-;;ids with a delisjht whijh no ether can jnfLise. Jieaeatli ht-r green sward :s Jam die &acred dust of all that made life hajipy, inspired hoes for the fu ture on nerved us for any coining con test. 2so ski'. are Muor, Z Xo cllaia e purer, Xo hearts beiit truer, Tlian in our good old State; Then stand by her, Xrver decry her, Tnit share Ler every rate. Have you stood amid her forest the gentle zephers of spring fanning your check the unrivalled odors of the llo I1CY suckie, Jassamine and Dogwood vieing with each other to delight the senses, ai:d the lovely tints, before vrhose rich g!otr, the brightest colors of the pal ette pale, brighten the eye? Have your oars ever been greeted by the grand orchestra of Aerial songsters of her wood land bowers, which Lilst with ali his matchless skill might have cnvio.l? The air laidened with the perfume ol her many scented woods : the rich grasses united with the open ing buds of her trees all decked ia flowing robes of emerald green ; Have you ever wandered amid her fields of a summer's morn and seen the lark soars r.pwards to pay her homage to the Cod of day as he assuurs in ail liis splendor, his throne, and to pour out her soul in praise to hi:r Maker for this goodly land? The Partridge calling her absent mate froni the scen ted woods to the heavily lade tied fields b: grain, which stmds ready, ripe for the harvest ? Have you beard the genlie coo of the dove from a neigh boring copse, a fit and only emblem of her gentle and lovely daukters, tell ing to the wandering mate her sweet tale of her love and fidelity ? Have yo a wandered under the warm glow of ht-r Autumnal sun gathering the r idl es fr fruits and flowers, satisfying at o;?ce your longing for the beautiful and delicious, heard the irreprcssiple rip pies of happiness gurgle forth in song lVfm the laborer as he gathered the .bumUnt harvest ? Have you watched the changing tints of her forest, show ing forth in the richest profusion all the gorgeous tints of the rainbow when the old year was preparing to put on lits mantle of suow? Have you, when weary from the toils of the day, tired rf the battles of life, returned home, ,a:d be met with a sweet welcome and laid your throbbing head upon the piJs-ting bosom of one of her fair d '.lighters, whose gentle eyes pours forth such a flooi of devotion in ans-Vv.-r to your questioning glance, that, oven Kdeu without her would have seemed a desert iu comparison with her presence ? Has your soul ever been thrilled by her tender touch? Has the pulsation of your deepest feel ings been quickened by the music of her magic voice.? Has your better nature been inspired and strengthened by her presence, and happiness, a rival "f celestial joy, pervaded your entire , .til buoying up your failing energy, trengtheuing your resolves for good aad preparing your soul for the full op rcciat'.ou of that everlasting liappi iii a world beyond ? Have you, and d you yet sigh for more luppiness es voitr heart sigh for the unattaiu--' ; ? Ts there beneath yon vault of H1,uuu,iulul.M:juui!W.i'.0.Jve nol time take the time to d iuinil that promise? If so: eye C not seen it, the ear hath net heard t, uor can the tongue tell of it. Q man, young lady, where in all vorld does there exist nobler, truer ...its ard more v.I!linr lunds than ve v.hie'i beat in the bosom of hor us and dan-liters? Their devotion , , u.i..0 , rt f . , ,; in coasiar ro.ir, upon her Eastern a;-e, f,:::i as the mour.ta'ns that mark r Western boundarv. strong as her gentle as the iitam torrents, vet ! lie v-in wat r oi lier L astern , , , - ao uiit; trails; ua scut;.-) .tn fear ;ess eve and mounts her eiteni peaks aud quiet as the sea I resting on her Eastern waves, .-.Wp -im . r,H c,,,.'. a ,,1,1, c v- i..v, no wheres, such a variety of " .. v. , ." '"?su;;h 51 ln- 1,ft 05 lsuera,S j frcc:ois melius, r.a wneres uie : inense water power scattered through- j out her borders to drive machinery, no wheres, such grand scenery; her snow capped mountains in the West and the crested waves of the ever restless waves j of the broid Atlantic on the E-ist ; novhercs, such hospitality and true chivliry; no wheres, such devotion to co-miry and principle; ro wneres, such a imniber of rivers, sounds, creeks i songcrs of Commerce ; no wheres, i such a variety of fertile soili ; bo wheres, such stout, true hearts and , strong arms, ever ready in tne cause of the right, to dare, to brave or die if necessary iu the cause of liberty, All blended in one grand phalanx to h-jld, alk:re and claim the presence, courage and affections of every son and daughter. The brightest gem in our of Stars, let it be your life's object, the highest ambition of your imwt soul, to add to her glory, sd- , ;eueiifc and honor. Men and Mstrimony. Y'c say it boldly and without fear of contradiction, there is not a man liv. in who is all times, proof against feminine fascinations, who has not at some period in hi life's history in dulged in the hope of realizing his dreams of domestic happiness, in which the face of some real or ideal woman bhone foeth as th-3 guiding star to brighten his life. No man ever in dulges in dreams of domestic htppi ness outside of his i deal home. Th world is hia at all tunes, in which to roam aft his own sweet will. Hisex pcrisuc tenches him that in ail the world can oiler there is nothing so tweet as the love which lives in the home, gives rekt to the soul, and tliat peace of mind which the world cannot giye ; h'i9 innermost eul craw for it, so sitisfying is it ia its tenderness. True love i3 the very mainstay of hap piness and no outward ruia c wreck the citadel where tne immortal lives. Is it the fear of the failure- to realize such happiness as this that keeps these dreamers from seeking it in marriage ? The most inveterate club man, the bit terest scoffer of,4lve in a cottage," are those men who f&ilsd, eithor from 1 iaok of couf denee in their own powers of persuasion or want of means in their youth, to win the one particnlar woman Lhey worshipped aa their ideal. Dis--ppointment in love is oce of the main cans.es of there being bo maay bache lor in the world. There are another claw of men who Yry cautioisly estimate the expenses of married life, and come to the con- elusion they "r,gii4 be a fvel to marry a girl if tkey cauld not support her in the style in which she had been accus tomed," and, wish a wise shake of tae head, determine to let well enough alene. OfVm men do not marry be cause they are too busy ; they become enamored of their work; every effort oi their existence tenia to th sucuess fui accomplishment of a certain pur pose, and marriage dose not seem to them essential to that result. Many men shun female society as they would, some deata-dealing plant, from the very consciousness of thir own helplessness in avoiding being entrap ped into serious entanglement, believe ing that where a woman wills it she can do anything, while man is a feeble child of destiny who can ill afford to war against so fair a foe. Other men, from a worldly point of view, have enough money to support one but not enough for two, they value their own comiurt and position too much to im peril it by aiiavniig any "sentimental aonsense iu lore affairs" to disturb their mathematical calculations on the subject. There are plenty of men in the world, ar.d wemea cannot complain they do not see theia, for the tendency oi the age is "to level all barriers between the sexes." Girls are allowed to in dulge in all 6ports that were usually considered invented for the sole pleas ure of the lords of creation. They row, they skate, they play lawn-tennis ; tliey shall we say it yes, they smoke; it is considered quite cdt'c to indulge in the shape of a mild cigarette. Per haps it is these 'mannish" accomplish ments that make men regard the mat rimonial state with disfavor, not par ticularly rciuhing the idea of a wife being a iaatch for them iu every sense of the word, even to the extent of her in u s c a i a r d e v e 1 o p me : 1 : . o f.'IIAT SHALL THE CHILDREN KKAD? Tins is a question that every mother j should decide for herruself, sad judge I whether it is good or bid Lifure the ! rhiid riils lh first liaa. Ik.n't a.iv road a large share of the book, .r i j glance over the paper, before it U laid on the table for public use. A quick, ; intelligent eye, and a mother's eye, ; aiSO Will do WOliderS IU a turil!!l? over ! of leaves, reading here and there a K v.o:as, seeing ii lue aujiuce is Dare, : the styie yraeetui and the ' mcral : ueaiuUU, t;' is Uoue to . is djiic i tiie yomi" people by the.r readaig sen oi tiie muiigled Jjl-jod anci clumder'" style, ia and read : secretly, or ia some csts, opeaiy, iu illustraWd weeklies nave caused many i bc';s.-J ryb and liy from their hotnes, .vi,-iMT f fr vi':i'lf!i tn f"!.rinii.r ' l-.i i.ir-- ! o ,n r. j uB u(J u u .aaiuau -v.vu ..ua itiut- UeU ilJlUe :r Much of the blame is to be laid to j ways seen that they prosper in pro j the mothers too much indulgence portion as their conduct is re'ulatd r. 1. l a- ; . .t .. . . i ..tn'Ur Vi "U11; j les, tll:ul. ? Ml'irs harssuiess oad , Uw,;jS ami uaa comnamons oemir easv . " stones to wwstdaess. A IV-t i i i tl- rar,i, luring her cMIdren's character. der W Infi-acnce and she aii to them;! er : b'.i her in a: happiness. Keep hold of the children, don't let them grow away from you. A mother should never grow old to her sons and dau 'liters; be one of them and gain their confidence : be t'nir ! L)mp:mi(llJj evwi if yJu i quaintance of some of lose the uc- quauilance oi some oi our own age. vniir liiMrjn thm ie n lri.4fr nf fmn- ' ion. ilut about the reading. "What ! k1i-.I1 tW -rt-wi i" jf nosiblT se'ert th hooks notr ; etc, yourself. You can easily look j over the book notices ina weekly and I thiv i.-iv n!, ,,i.,r1Mv f i cism of scientific works, biographies, i ,..,,1 n.,.,f ., r.. ' like tales of adventure, .d in a rea"-! sonable amount thay should be trati f.d, for what'wouW a m-in be without I bravery and courage. When inv boys vfr. t tsi. r.. t,i -iffiMpfoH ! iirV i were at the age to be attracted bv such reading, the principal of the grammar schKl they attended, puta list oi'Looks on the blackboard for the use of such pupils as cared to profit by it. There was tiie War of the Rebellion, Life of uihington, and others I fail to rc lneiuber, but various kinds, and for light reading, one cr two of Scott's and Dicken's novels. I always felt grateful to him, and think the plan might be followed by the teachers. At the public libraries, sometimes an attendant will tell of a popular work, bat that is not always safe to go by, as not always is a popular book a good one. Kou must find out about the books in your own way, but be sure to find out in some way. There are many books and papers in the world, ?onie people say too many, but there's more good ones than bad ones and you must sift them out. Don't trust the inno cent child to d it for himself, lfa h Mne life is what it should be, bad books and bad companions will not be there, and mother at home evenings will be friend and playmate to the boys and girls. By this I don't mean they are to have no frsesds or mates, bu4 you'll see they feel so proud of their mother they'll bring them to 3ee you, and you will be able to judge whether they are fit associates oi not. In all this, remember the mothers Lave the love of their children, the fathers, the respect, it is said, but let us have both. A liOTimt. Tfiin Year Beys. Upon you, mothers aud slaters, the instruction of b:ys in politeness de pends Girls, as a general thing, take to this port of thing rather naturally, but with boys it is upon precept. A voting man may acquire a great deal in d?.ncing school and t-Oviety, but the test manners are thuse to which hj ni-i iwwavs oeen aceuotc-uiea wincn he has always had. Bovs should not h. taught by words alone, but bv manner. and by shor, ing whit is expected of them ; or it a boy is allowed to be rude, careless in manners, or inatten tive to the members of his own family, he will surely fail, sometimes at least, in the courtesy due other women. Teach him to say,"! beg your pardon," or "What did you say?" if he wishes to ask for the repetition of a question, instead ofEhPor "Uh?" or What?" Aud teach him to say "Yes," it he means assent, and net grunt or say "M." Teach him to rise and open the door for any lady," who leaves the room, even if she is a perfect stranger to Lim ; and in his own house he will not only open the door of the room, but the hall door as well, if there be no servdnt at hand to do so, for a de parting guest, lady or gentleman never should be left to find the way alone. A host also should open the door aud close it after his guests have entered. Teach him to offer a lady assistance if she oes to open or close a window or door, or do any labor of that s:rt; to find a seat for the lady whom he escort into a rocm, and arrange for her com fort at the table before he takes his own seat. Teach him to rise from his own seat when a lady enters the room where he i3 sitting, to raise his hat always when speaking to a lady, or performing any little service for her, even if she be a stranger, and never to shake hands with one person while talking to another. Perhaps he would complain that it was ,a lot for a fel low to remember" if you attempt to teach him these aud the hundred other things of which you will think; but have patience, urge one hing ata time upon his attention and his "man ners" will a part of himself after a while, never put off nor forgotten. Vhat Keeps Some Yoii.ig rVlen fiom R!ii-.o h the World. Some of the yreatet drawbacks to the success of vomit; men arisr fro?i; their self conceit and thir un iiine to accent advice tVoin j)crs.a wf &x- jrlface. Iu fact, s- coniuioti i the i f'il!.nv .it" wtl -in:.;..nf 8,,,..,! i at.iotn the vouthiui and the po:idig disre$.ird of advice ftv:; tiu agfd, that it vouid ai.'.j-t app jar as if. .uf race v.ere, in this inajr, do-.nicd ; u be retarded iu it adv.t'tcemeKt. fl eriil o;i-r:lti-n Wr.- tn start viii ttiA i adv'Liiitae of the experience of th; one which TrfeCo.l n it. it. is inmnsxiv I bio to conceive the hei"J;t of nrcspsrit- aud tuypiness at which nnitKind would uttmarely urnve. tiut it seems to le ! as ditSeuit to endow with tae wisdom ' ! t.f three-8c)re the youth of five and twenty as it is to train the muscles of ' a child cf six vears old to the eneriM- ' Rnd endurance of a full grown war i l 1 ..- ... 1 . - . svtfill IU SU'p 01108,33 11 WCreilUO ! the sai?acitv of the aee. and it is al- ' Y te aamomuons ot prudence, 1 bey engage in their occupations with cool- r.es5 and deliber.itirtn. mtintl v-.t. : 7 I fc ...... g for opjortaaiti js of we'd doin, n en the school life be-rins, and teach- ' ying anu uiougnuess u...4-t" md schoolmates broaden the view, aside out oi toe ranks ana ats?.ppt,ai- it the mother must not relinquish ; mg, uc are s.eauuy i--. watchfulness but interest herself way, suuuing uieu ev m their studies, plays, companion?, j -gainst the various amiiemems uiai. 1 make herself necessary to their i beiet them, and so, oy use u.i.e iaay cire i ) avoid those ft-her st-..ps which proofr'tate other imni trie nj- While the greater proportion of the others from tae omi- lvivn r-n,.hi'i :i mnt'ivft manhood, thev are already in the possession of those comfort and that h-morabb stations that are the reward of virtue, industry, and good judprtiotit. LOCilLXE: A TRAGEDY". Bt J.'.rrui Char!- icinhn, ?i-.-12mo, JjJog ' rimer xy.n; uue . ctt.u, -v... P'8t:le cc- , , , , . ' . ! "It is a nuole work of genius, splen- ! did in its passion and its Swinburnian ; eup.ioin. x ct. ork- , . tA wcrk ot surpassing charm, an arc countlsss fine lines in it, pleasing ! the ear wiL'i tlicir nr.is-.c. ana tueiiiiiHl , their thont, and ta-J intt of , its tr-.'-ino sloiv wul er.enam t.'-.e at-i ttioa of the rtuder who lairly enters ,JP' p lU perusal i :e j imc.f, ew York. W- M m 5 ELM 3 , -r & t AbsoJutejy Pure. Tlii kr nvr viri :. A narvl puritv, .ltr.ifcth ii'i hol.-ynin. M j coni.nicl than tli uruiiurj kiri.U, and j rannot c sold in competition witht!inu:l- j titude of low test, snort wi-int Ium or phosphst powders. Str.n only ijt rxxs Uotai. B akixo ?ow LEli Co. M) Wall. SI New York. ! 1 1 ;-.v,.m-.. Cof, V elf ?r& ? r$7V w 'f-4 PURS LYVcG til ABLE. It felt ',V. otriK-rdir-f r.f r-T;-.eicy or. tfce a - Art D s i & fl:l EfrSCTl;A5. G.-SC!:-;2 TCS lfy?s!a, Slctt tirC Ko HosseliaM BbaM be liiiioirt It ond.ty beiiii; kojit rs-iy rjri:i"irv'-c".i-i:eas. w!U S-'.-.v r.vir.y uz i.oi.r fi! surh ri'it laauy a tioi!-r su tix.it. i-ii It. 3 SOT OISi Ees ?r.t yea i : '. -js: -- .v '. ' j.h.xesl: a c , c-.s 5. ti- Jr. A tsi A Kf.vili.iprr s.i;5-jui t 1'ia t.f at lcmoruLiu liiii Putilshed In we C.'.y (.i Nc Daily, WaeMf, and iinc'ay Edition. I He, vUL.iLg c r-Tn A 1 6 page ff;w&paper, ?srued every Wccinc-eclay. A clean, iiur?, brirt aI int-ctin I, f ft-.b;I!. '.hi LUil liv..4, tivW i tj Utt- j .d' r p-.ii.;; t ; : . : Agriculture?, FaishJcn, yo'?tica!, Financi-Tl and C&rr.n'twiT.tal, rr tics!, Kurrt'snys s ttii'.oriit IWjJirir.iPTit, r'- t!. u' :-:'.m tr::, 1 J(teru:tlit tT li.r i!!.fKt :u.-:j. I; , ; ironi hil-ir.uji. . tfcd OTiarit'.m tcn- 1t d;UnniUed AtTMrlcsa nr..: (erio wnUrra of Ccti u. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAH Tu Sri: Ctt:RER. TKKB itr rusTAbE lit the I t..trd Uit - Canad- ttUlde lht ,ua,w of -NtNT York CS: :. ca;cfTpn'"."."U".' .....V. iui Cltil:! t-f 1 t:cen (ana cce txim to orsranirr tf club 1. For THREI KOJlTtSS, 00 tr:ri!,23 CETS. Tha Paixt Star ccct.i:i .ill the jieu : l.-iy In -'ii p rlrri--ti -t f, irr-. 1- ki .... . .-r..w-. 7 fr('!l1 i-ou-in. i':in. iicriiu, S ;itu.i I A: Was!iint')n, A.Uvjy. i-.rn .:!.cr i,f rrr.ttrs, ; tho ttUlfot corr-.-; '-r. ! ii. s; t-c :;: !' rt-ts-ueti by The Stat:, fnnii- h tl.c Ir.tttt ij-. w; 17 teft:nfp!i. It literurr fejiM rt- !!L.-ii: ix-t-J. Ttic t'iuauciu! :.ul J;t:k.i llcviuwa ure nriUiuslIy I f!l siinl tninjik'te. l;iecial turms aiul Mtraoreinary iit'Iaco- . BKrUt to a-v;it uu:l ctamswre. , h o 11 a lor vlrculurs. TERK8 OF IKS DAILY STAJI to Fnt- ' BCr.ir.B3. rr.EE o rasTAte in the L'mted t-tittra J and Caiiadd, oatsido ilic l.uiita of New York Ci:y : tvery csy lor one renj (lnciriCir.-; tuiiOfiy) t i w Daily, without MHulay, cijc year 0 CO Evt-ry day. six month's 3 50 Iilv. wii'ioiit S'.M-.-iav. six r.aopLi.3 3 CO Sunday, v.iitoat I.t ly, cue year IU Brcadxrar ami I'm!; T ! u . ZZvvr Vcii. mm P 6?lb?r la; MS. XL: j I j i ADVERT ISEMEXTb. J ' if TAKES THE LEAD. It will V- generally conceded thai for pare X. . Corn Wfci&fccy, NASH COUNTY APPLE BRAXIV and OLD HICKORY" EYS j WHISKEY, tl:c I'ALACXbALCX j W- 13. PATFS?ake5tiel; Bear hi mind that th:s Is the onlytiV-! hniJ iit v. Jicre you ct:i buy. Vkiiiia Cauiati Ueerd A full and varied line of the Vst V,'iNES, j TOBACCO AND CtGAltS, are vrz- j stautly ..ept m stock. iAI'if-rACTI' GlK.lXT32D To llxy.v.r- l The r :iiz iis of 'OhisVwo ar.i cur r:t ::, i l j li'. (i5 in the country, r! ,ord:!!y inritcd. I K J: M EMliE 11 T H K P L A t K. i i I W. U. KATE, - -"PALACE ..SAIXOV est doer Je Edward..' tcre. E-u Ce;- lie S. Gel.I: br'', .V. .-'. Sept. w& r i L l ! J :i 1 1 i Z o i t U y GO.,o;OI!0, . t!. G, CUTTING, DYEING liii .rn.-i.t3 Kr.air-lj C'!caa?: C;ArTs 5--H i.t .the Crt-rr s.u Ariirtoa iJoirls will Le Promptly rille l ' HF.ST IN THE WQnLD. FOR SALE. t SO Ol:' ill f t'iiiv. jiw Jr- or U.r pirr T.r: r . viTJ '.v:J! i ':... I Jiiiri . Jt j'rrferrd m i rr i"C Z:s.l". i.-.y j-at.r.t or. tl.' !i.tti-.uv !)Ur!b'.:ti-.r, vcild wi! tin , t.r vTi! ttil i-'iaLt; or Co'iutviil.ts. 1 it.-ii. or f: i v-uiUcii.ars si ;.!y to. A. J. II;: a? iUl.,ir N". C An-,', lotli ST. 5?H2 LEADIHG aura s in. WOOD & SONS 10 3. liih Si, Eichinoad, Ya. Request zll Garc!cncrs, Forcers ead Trackers to Ecnd for their HEW SEED CATALOGUB for iS-33. It contains descripticyas of all neTT aad desirable varieties cf I PLANTS for the Farm and Garden that are adapted to the Sooth. Crasi & Clover Seeds a Specialty, Catalogue mailed free. Sbxd for it. ra TT T?. TH "Hi ij i?! this ccj:?lzts yZriX PHI ti5- 'n'Mi'i U'iU :1 :-rr-tt"".f U32J bvjl Pu-.ir.-t rr. l -t : I T ... tjfjj If you Tf-.at "t, write tt3 JSrfl isad T'::1 explain ihe IrV??! or. r.-hiti St wSU ':-( SCIILICKT & Fini-D. i HE vOSMOPOlTTAN, RccursTsa, k. v. pump. ADVERTISEMENTS. fOSEPH EDV j ORIGINAL CHAMWOx OF 17 uast l seld 20 per cc:ii ! Sa! Commencwg Kovcmdcr 4Lh, and endi.-.g postiveiy Bec-r.;bef :5 THESE GOODS -MUST BE SOLI) AT ANY PRICE. Below I will give you a fevr Lf sJers LkJiee Markeii, rJi wco! aliohal, lmor pries JU,W, I jUiitlli' ? jr,.,) Tu-i.ui Cht-alu-s, wjoI Corkscrew, last year's prieo $?,0-i, u, K 't 1 ' Wulkiiio j;.fk,..t?, fcr?r :riec SC.O-J, now selling at $2A5. ! Indies Jersey Jack-its civtry o'evrirtk'n, just at HALF-rUlCE, as tiiey i j Sails fwr Hem', t'oy's anO.Yo't'Ji'i" i o r lI.Mi t-IsevkLcie. a!io r.EITi:IT3E5t U U L! 1 o: Ti.'f if ttc xba3 wbo turj hi $oa ftr to y thro price fbr Ms jpod If I wfuM buy my good.oa thna, 3ad ( I v. culd be ro:irtr.tiy iu i;tr -f lIr.g r TA i kj2T- 42 "fc'Ja it's tawarfit'sfSrdH 7&z&i! e2- r.:ip r, ;,IV. i lnlkl trv,, e.l 0 t rtA r rz ; v;.'. t-. 3f . r '-' -"--r ! :.e.:.-.i!'."t. '. o -.-. 4f;-..in U.i u." ! t"i-4ii-n fir'- -T ".".'.'J T'Cii-. . C's;.'-"! 1 .aVtSt. W, rt.-.ts .ti-.r--nu 1 I-t-.;-. '-i :?-. tKr-..i,.-.-itl.!.. ' f.i.i: .C-.....:.. i.. I T-.ti;. ti. 1 l.cii---t :-, ..-i.x ir:-,t-::t.li."i-;r. ! ' "!. .,rywirr1V, i.; .-.r: r r- t IVi i: v.i ( -.,-.i?B.a iA-.:-3t.r.-ce-.--a' r-v!Ur 0c'J ,i C.i-'r!Tifc v. -'! - ik.r- i .... cJ .11 unniv k,r:if W.-.t-iT.-K -r1: A. . t- . : - r . -. r r.-.t t . " .ks r-. j IH-sr,-r... j js-t,- .-. l r7 .'n, ' r bo-.' i r.; flcs3Tf.-vii,f rv.'i.r C VtVi r::r ',t --nn sitfi.. A.. Tiiitiii-,ifTtir?; Alsriir'-:i. n..ar.'!:?;.c"! o-f.--:. j. r.,'.r js. l'.-r S leseit- C03-;?!Oia FJ CIuZ3 to ail whspSr. It sliou'.d 1st li.L Oiilft crtvif.U WJtj I. aiai"i ATLANTA, GA. ta. aa peb ;.aer cf ti-o Sci.a-.il, I 4 - ccr.t.rua t ect n ro-c:tora gVMO Pi... ia Cad. Eiig:&nd. ynaaaT Bd '.olh,.r aaatetaa Tb.rip" jejU aaaaaJed tad tae.r fae:iMe ara iw pe' fict!a P-Taral an fl'a a irawium AJ.. hy nt..il fr. j letent.obtijnetfuvjoM, Mi?nnAC. Tof.tiea Jatb. SCIKVTIKIC AMKTUt .Vh vue larict circuiaiiba in l :t tu9 tno.i ial;tnt -l -.: cs ri rac.i a C'T :r .vr . . t !ec:v t . r.-.Ti o:. l..iti :i ae ct:ftr-. !: o.nii r." ! fci irr.iwJ:s, vcrk "-M ' Uo1 PtaU i.i A twa. i.VV, 6 J'.i-rj ViV. J f-i Wi-l2 t-e.:: :-- Xtr ; 'tr e, 3 12 u JJ f t;:re r..oti.!is r,.-.- lis f J. i.r;r. I ) s . f tie t . -- ?r nz f - - t. i -. ETrr--' '"v"'""3 -f:-sr Fenjr yer.r NEARLY TWO THOOSAD Jt io cr.o-..T.t of t-. Vr. ."i'.n f.h..'. Vfcjc.!. t !9 t.-j.Tit ! :o.!nrK. a.rears-.rrj ; re- " ji'P'.'u liaycu." ! U.jre." .'" A S-j'.f-'Ht ! ;;;-tn ' Sc-.'-n'. "-i-V " '" . t Ltu- j "T;,c . TV irv.,:.,; B00V," "At 1 Ar -,!-, v I .: fba Ked M"nttia "n': See-i ei Er:r Thora,-' "Tb Term rTw F"m t! Rinks." "Cbek aa C cvwr- JlL'-" ":;,'.'ti ' " i jt. fjicr'e ccrr cas 1 . fi-coTx-; suaizixc rmi.AJLruu. VAKDS lewer (Lau cngisial m.. Ov-?rcoatsr TilV be disposed ef:Z9 pf THE SIGINr S?0: CASH, and . who do jt t4 dipoh t!; at tha prices abve mhM(! IW up by nsy cr?;iitcr. But fornwu i i il l? tv: .(.: -scik Tval umtz bi; t-. -''.' Aft iUi iiimi. cy turn, ; . .?trx; r'S Ca.f J ul UCj 1 BiKl-SitiMU. A W.V.rf Oil!. 4. .'.. ;SutC,niC. 157 nt-.t-rUt's. KVlCRuo. fr Kt.rf. Tf Wit. X... Ij ..Iter .1 -i, Tl-e Km: ff iVi t Cc. tf B. t. P l'."iV i crn v AjTil. .r Pimsxcb W.(Sk. A .sw ttirr'..- A Kf'. r M.m M?lock. Tr.. of A. :. 'F.-tcr,,Ei7.- Lrrt.N J .T.I, if i!n. f r., Al;j!fB2l!"'L'Mli AN:ei. ire ' I Tr r-v- 91. ry lev tur I Via ttUcrRta Caoli. A ry M. T. 7 ir.c.:l rr-"f r; 1 vrr-i t--: f cs!r 7 T ; li,; ;"i ,fr f ectlf.s trji lii-t tAt'.n is n "!. ltH)t!lttkln',''"- e?rnv.. ti!"?n fi-r f: enr c.f a icllT. A toour rl.f b dlr. S.E. rti t i-; in Ar-n!. liT4. VVertrihl L :. prow iilair.. Sat surely. T til! I wrote EDWARDS A mrl J2:v ijf I :s-e.Ti tlre:io on bleed an J lia ditiire, T-.;n jitirs t i Isetp un it S. S. I!iuo. TL kunk ct. n i qu:t2 lie,Ty, a!,o ery dark and -17 ioo.ics, uni:. 1h3r--.ad.se Io-ti ber, tlm I fe! that I inn.t ei'fi-r life it ii tmt or die. BnU mtniT t 'l rxpecsati,. it exn-r.ru9& to mi a lktie b!ooi"y -w:iir, .ni . trrk . i-fji.. . vr.aV, miky lxrre or-n".up J rfir'ir;r fj iaiv.iii- f w -.W b-'ck, thiek b'n-.ol. IS tc-t ar1 rrhi.rt lnt bad :, fcral.t J tround ft ed;r until lVtrry, vhen it r.Ure.y iic.-.:ei ani waii. I ot tirentT-isN nle cf ths .s.6 I thai I osr !if t'iu rirrts. Mf:;wi o.rer .n.i 1 im.:1 to .:i in tni jtbeat tkt eosnanirr. 5 I i-S If 'Ui f!l Tcry'woOy cf rt beaft 1 ae T 5 :Ti. aJ ia !c? aii mio wtf-r froot aar ta Svifi'i "i." 1 iei wirtiiM x baa T..ryr. Yiiiii or ",Tili. jt L r.: ut 'i.UcX. ' rr' rt ft Tf.or . tUMitiora I isrhed to h fact thai la r J ehaaiag the lataa lasne f thi worx.yaa gf A Dictionaiy ( eoDtxini'm? Zrrc, mors wrJs m-avhr liiuaiiaticas than any other ..tjfT.v-ai"i iJ-Jn!f 7" ASazsttesr of tne Workj cortiiKU-sr over 2r.iwT:rJ. trttht'vr ;r (rtcc-.:'.-.i-:-.-.S..i I !-r!.r.urio:if.v. ;i - :.r. s : tf T.T.-iv pr' L'rs. : f-:t ' -J tt. 1 ft..: .'fttt- , r.n-i !-r I' 'i-" l c:ts.l O i I i :.' r- u-v :. r--orr.cv 1 .-i-.i. t t Soht"-ia i"-' ; ":;! rr-'-iJ-:.tt ' tin. ;..:r. .r.. I. U ;uitiarU At- :.d !S t.':e '.TC:xr.-.Tt r.-:tit::.7 Offv. in' 'eptiff 'oc:?d in cr.-ry -:." trlirMStt- 1'i.rr Lav t-tca Tiini? fvr .teii't.!'. tint i.-' the iir tiin arr cpua vtiiica nearly a'.l i'u J wtiool L-cjr.s Cot the Latest and Best It ia Ml inT1iWe c.t.t si i r. ir. crr-ry Sh--1, tertnartt!5 o::t f rct-m i on sp.uiawt. PabUsasd by G. & C. KE3WM A. CO., 2J Che Friday VJ- Tl now in West-C Their cl Whcr But :f 1 Then