THE HEADLIGHT. Cheapest Advertising Medium F kid ay Evening,: Jan. 20th 18S8. 35" The office of the Headlight is w in the "Stanley Building," on West-Oerter street, near Mulberry. LOCAL FLASHES. Remember the poor. It is just dreadful! we mean the weather. Po.i't miss the grandest treat of the te ison the Wilson & llankins' World Champion Minstrels, at the Opera House to-morrow night. V?e congratulate our Local on reach ing his 4Cth hirtli d.iy on the 18th Inst, and hope he may live to see the return of many such and prosper. t Tinder the title "A University Thea tre," George Kiddle, widely known bv liis public reading, will urge in the bt again. next number ot I he American m ag azine a somewhat startling suggestion: that the dramatic art should be taught at colleire. The Spring .Term of Wayne Supe rior Court will convene in this city next Monday (Jan. 23rd), and will b e held by his Honor JFm. M. Shipp, Judge, Col. Thos. M. Argo as Prose cuting Attorney. TTo learn from the efficient Clerk of this Court, Mr. A. T. Grady, that the State docket is quite heavy, but that there are no very im portant cases thereon. The Civil dock- ft will hardly have much attention paid to it. This week, the Goldsboro "Theatre goers," have had quite a treat almost every night, at the Messenger Opera House. On Monday night, the treat consisted of G alettes famous play "Held by the Enemy" on Tuesday night, the "Little Tycoon" by (Jolds boro's Amateur Troupe under the auspices of (Joldsboros Ladies' Benevo lent Society; and on Thursday night M'He Rhea's famous French Drama "Frou From" We surmise it will be a Ions time ere such treats fall to our Much Ado About Nothing, The Goldsboro "Headlight," repro duced the article from the Phoenix about the Hammond Hotel, without credit. "We are always glad for our exchanges to:e!ip us," but please give credit where it is due. Ro:Lr Jlount FLoC'itU. That's right Bio. Lewis. I admire your pluck ; but how about the read ing notice in regard to the advertise ment of T. W. Wood & Sons, Rich mor.d, which you copied "word for word" from the Headlight, and pro duced it in jour last issue, without "giving credit where it is dee." In regard to the noiice of the "Hammond Hotel," we inustsay that the notice was handed to us by i'commerci il tour ist," who enjoyed the hospitality of that excellent house. We didn't know it, liro. Lewis that this notice appear ed in your editorial columns. The golden rule is : "Do unto others as you would that others should do unto you." There now ! Mr. Joseph G. Cobb, Proprietor of The Central Hotel of Wilson, and Brother of our Townsman, Dr. W. II. II. Cobb, spent Monday in this city. Mrs. V". T. Ilollowell, in company with the Misses, Kill Powell, and Bettie Harvey, left for Kinston last evening to visit friends. Greasy food, tough food, slcppy food . THE HEADLIGHT S OLD HOME 4 bad cookery, mental worry! late hours, irregular hauits, and niuny others oth er things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. LOCAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Correspondences, Notices and Imports pertaini'.!g to HiittMxTo and vicinity should be audie.-scd to YV. 1. Davis, Battleboro. We Are sorry to hear that our genial, polite and efficient Sheriff John It. Smith is confined to his home by sick ness. We hope soon to see his smil ing face, in his usual beat, around the Court-House. We regret to learn that Dr. W. P. Exum, a most prominent Physician of Saulston Township is lying at his home Very sick. We are pained to hear that the attending physician considers his case critical A woman in one of the northern States has inaugurated the practice of thrashing wife-deserters. The practice Is a very good one, but the main obsta cle to its .lforceineut is that the wife Jeserters generally keep out of the way of their wives. The Pabiee establishment of Mr. Ahcr Fdwards, is daily thronged wih raer buyers, who are receiving the benefit of kis "closing out sale." The pait mercantile career of ilfr. Asher Ed wards is so well known here, that further comment is almost useless. j We noticed quite h delegation of "Masons nassinc through our city last 3 Thursday, on their way home, from at tending the Grand Lodge, at Raleigh, ' among whom, we were glad to see our : old friends Mr J. I. Macks and Alex i auder Oldham, f Wilmington, N. C. KFWe noticed quite an improve ment in the make-up in the last num ber of our neighbor, the Bocky Mount J'hoertijr. It has donned a new dress "all round," and looked as neat and .clean as a maiden dressed for her nup- ,tial. Cotinuid success to you Drj. , Levis. I "Jim the Penman" will be preseut ' e d at thti Messenger Opera House next iTu.esd-.iv. Do not miss this play if vou "dotura to spend a pleasant evening. It will be rendered by the A. M, Palmers' company, and as the play itself is .one of the Madison Square Theatre succes ... ses, we predict for them a full house. Bro. Booker knows how to get up a . nice paper as shown in the last issue of the Smithfield llerohl. It has a brand ' new suit, aud shows a good man) other improvements in the make-up. Typ ographically sp caking, it is a marvel of beauty. We hope that the good people of Smithfield will fully appreci ate his enterprise. ; It affords us pleasure to inform the JPublic that County "Script" is easy, and at par, all the holder of an order has to do is to present it, on some Sat urday, to our efficient County Treas : lire, and down comes the cash in ex charge therefore."the way to keep your credit up is to pay the cash down."This. applies at well to corporations, as to individuals. We are of the opinion that the Grand Lodge of Masons in K. C, could not have made a better selection for Grand Master than it did make in tlecting for a second term, our old friend, Mr. - Charles II. Robinson, of inimington, N. C. Throughout all the State, we ,. know of no one who has been a more ; faithful, zealous aud efficient member .of thitf Ancient Order than Brother Robinson. V W regret to lean that Sheriff John -.R. Smith bad a cudden stroke of some, thing like Apoplexy, last Tuesday worning, at his home, near this city ;IIe fell suddenly, and was helpless and t unconscious for a while. The family was much alarmed, and sent forthwith far Dr. Kirby, but before tbe Dr. ar rived, Mr. Smith had recovered suffici- ently to sit up. W e hope that he may j recover from this attack very soon. I Rev. J.S. Dill, of Tuscaloosa, Ala. I who has been called to the Pastorate Many of our readers will be gratified to learn that the Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar was confirmed, by a vote of 32 to 28, by the U. S. Senate, last Monday, as an Associate Justice of the United ClIAMI'IOX Mixstkels. A. J. Galloway, who has been on a business trip to New York ii the interest of the A. C. L. rcturasd home in this city Tuesday night. Mrs. J. C. Slocomb of Wilmington, was in the city Tuesday, on a visit to her mother, Mr?. II. M. Dewey, and other relatives, aud friends. nr.. t?jwi I?-...,., : x.w. M . ja. ut p.c- j atthe usua,houn dent of the A. x jS. c. It. H., passed 1 through this city on Tuesday en route for his home in New Berne. Miss Annie Rrewer, a charming 3"o;mg huh', of Wilson, passed through here on Tuesday en route for Durham where she went to act as bride's maid to Miss Ella Davis- Cotton 9i, Seed Cotton, cash 21, trade 3. ' Beautiful Snow" but oh the mud to follow. Mrs. J. T. Stewart, we regret to say is still confined to her bed Rev. Mr. G. M. Duke, will preach at the Old church next Suudav evening Rev. W. B. North delivered two ex cellent sermons last Sunday morning and night. Owing to our removal ye local failed to secure the usual number of locals this week. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Wilson & Rankin's World Champion Minstrels will give one of their splen did entertainments at the Opera IIous to-morrow niiMit. The reputation of States Supreme Court. Mr. Lamar's j this company is unsurpassed by any confirmation was str ongly opposed by j now on tiJC YOU amI presents many a majority of the Republican Party in novelties never before given by any the Senate led by such men as Ed munds, Sherman, Evarts, Ingalls and Hoar, but we are rej oiced to know that i a few Republican Senators had back bone enough to throw off Party shack les such men as Riddleberger, Stew art and Stanford and vote with the Democrats in favor of confirmation. Mr. Lamar will be the only Northern man on tho Bench, and is undoubtedly well qualified. The new Presbyterian Church col, jnst finished in this city, was dedicated last Sunday. We are informed, the service throughout the day, was very interesting aud impressive. The Pastor, Rev. C. Dillard, col, occupied the pulpit in the morning. Rev, J. C. McMullen, of the white Presbyterian church, of this city, preached at 3 o'clock, p. M., to the edification of his hearers, and Rev. J: L. Savage, col. of Louishurg, N. C, preached at 7 o'clock, r. M., from the text: Glori ous things are spoken of oh ! city of God" a sei mon well delivered, and well received. JFe trust, that un der the leadership of Rev. C. Dil lard, the educated and efficient Pas tor,, this church is destined to do a good work among the colored people of this community. Capt. W. II. Green, Superintendent of the Richmond & Danville, has been promoted to General Superintend of the Richmond fc Danville system, with his office in Washington, D. C. minstrel troupe in this country. Read the following from the Harrisburg, Pa, Patriot : I he theatrical season in Harrisburg opened last night at the opera house with Wilson & Rankin's minstrels, aud if every performance throughout the season is as good, it will be by far the most wonderful that this city has experienced. "The only" George Wilson was at his best, and cap tured the large audience with delight. Griffin and Ardel in the fun on the quiet and Leopold and Bunnell in their merry musical melee were mo.t pleasing feature? of the performance, and the quartette in their special parts j v;iuu:nfrton N. C. are vers superior, ine music was of a high, crder and the jokes were new. The costumes were pretty expensive, and in all the exhibition was good. Mr. Simon Lamlauer, of Albion 1 N. Y, who has been for the past two weeks visiting his daughter, Mrs. II. 31. Strouse. returned to his home oa Wednesday. 3Ir. Arthur Tilncy, representing that well-known house of Charles Wright & Co., manuf icturing chemists, I of Detroit, Mich.,, was in the city on j "Wednesday in the interest of his firm ! Miss Li die Johimn, a tmst chinn ing young lady of Winston, who has j been visiting the family of Mr. John ! H. Powell for the past two weeks, re- turned to her home on Thursday much to the regret of her many friends. Capt. Wm. B. Kendrick, who is General Manager of the University Publishing Company of N. Y , for the States of N. C, and Va., was in our city Monday in the interest of hi? com- 1 panv, ana leit on me loiiowinr aav ior Tnt: Viiiriiu'LK A:.l. S.vri:. j The vestibule train promises to be j come in a short time the only popu'.ar I ly recognised method of railroad trav el. It has just been discovered that a conveyance built on the continuation plan is free from the dangers now ex perienced in ordinary passmer curs. Not many mornings ago a "limited ves tibule train" on tuj Pennsylvania line near Pittsburg, when going at full speed, ran into a heavily-I.ided freight train. Both locomotives were smash ed t ) pi'es. but the passe; luwly-cvntrived conveyancv the shock, and were moony. Mr. Henry Blount, the gifted and ehxpient editor of our valued contem porary, the Wilson 3Jt'rr9i made a fly ing visit to this city 011 3Ionday, and gave us the pleasure of a call. Truly, I tlierc is (inly o;if Henry litouut, and j only one Wilson Mirror. ' Rev Columbus Durham, of Durham, j former Pastor of the Baptist church j this citv, but who is now the Secretary j of the Baptist State Convention, spent ' a few days here this week, visiting old j friends. He informs us that he will j make Raleigh his headquarters, on and ! after the -first of nxxt month. ' Several of our colored citizens are leaving here to work on the Truck farms near Norfolk. Mr Wm. Wells and family left last v. eek for their new home in Virginia. e wish them every success. The Battlcboro Headlight will pay you a visit next week, give it a hearty w elcome by subscribing to and adver tiscing in the same. Wc ask our former friends and pat rons to rally to the support of the Old Battlboro Headlight aud give her a send off that will ucver be forgotten. Remember: No happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings hcalthand happiness . to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. 75c l'i:EtVEXTLY accidents occtrinthe houseold which cause burns, rut sprains and bruises: for use in such, cases Dr. J. II. McKean's Volcanic Oil I Liniment has for many years been the instant favorite family remedy. WIVES! ilOTHEIW! DAUGHTERS Be Yui k Owx Physicias! A laly who fVr years suffered from dLstressiivg female complaints, weaknesses, etc., so common to her sex. and had despaired of a cure, finally found remedies which compijctkly cfi:v:i her. Any suficrcr can use them and thus cure herself, without the aid of a physician. From feelings of CTatitude she will send two prescriptions which cured her and n illustrated pamphlet entitled "The Stepi'Ixo-Stoxk to IIealtu,' and full instructions, sealed cent stamp), M its. W. C. IIOLMLS, twts Broadway, X. Y. (xame this pajer.) TUALNS COING SOUTH. "November," Leave We Idem -Arrive ILockv Mount Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarlyro Arrive Wilson Ieave (Jojtt.s!oro Ix-ave Warsaw - -I'avc Magnolia Leave Wilmington l:'th, 187." ' So."-23," 1 No. 15T 2:0.- p 3:17 ' J..-OQ A U :10 " 4S0 " lO-M) a si 3:.3 ! u 4:4o " 5;.0 - 7:40 " J:38 11:30 'j.jaa.-ji;pg3j PUBLISHERS DEPARTMENT. Dr. McLeans Pellets for sale at the Post Office. Call at the Post Office for Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. The cotton Fanntw's Journal for sale at the Tost Office. Dr. McLean's Volcanic Oil Linement and Tar Wine Lungr Balm for sale at the Post Office. -'I'S Kl t:l J b::rely iV.t nirv.ict.d to it ! such :i slight extent tint thev flighted aiur ucmg LK'uugtit to t SuAiitt jL-u .r.ia Lis:.:reiy proce-jd.-d to view tim reuiains of !f!ilerj. i';:!i!i.:'t Kf'-n'si :. tV'. B. Ryder, former m-istcr of trains j Uudor tii0 oi(I ,vst,M)lj inste:id of trav atGreesboro, succeeds Capt. Green as elc-rs being tit libei tv to examine the Superintendent, and J. II. Walsh, of Richmond, succeeds Mr. Ryder. The KetcxS? Ob ercer sketches Capt. Green's career briefly as follows: "lh'spro- G OLDSBORO MARKET REPORTS ( oi:n:.CTi;i ny B. M. Fkivktt & Company Cotton Ii;ive: and . .! sr.le Provision and Grain LV-.ders. JF YOr WISH TO POOM YOUR BUSI- N1-.M ADVKKTISE IN THE "IlEAD- LICJIIT." If you have anythinjj to sell adver tise it, in tlie Headlight is the med um in which to reach the people. Try it CitorrY sufibcations. nigit coughs and a'l the common affections of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by J)r. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. broken parts of t ery, their exertions ai were limited ia manv motion is the result of solid worth and merit. Not a great many years ago Capt. Green was a locomotive engineer on the North Carolina road ; then he was made conductor ; from that posi" tion he stepped into the ofiSee of mas ter of transportation: later he became superintendent of the line which posi tion held for sometime and now he be comes superintendent of one (f the largett aud most important railroad systems in the country. Mr. E. B Thomas, geu'al manager ot the sys tem has by this appointment 6hown a discrimination and judgemeut that the R. & D. system cannot well do without and his selection will meet with gene ral approval. An Assigxmemt. We regret to announce that the firm of Sol. Einstein & Co.', of this city has made an assignment, making Mr. Sol. WcM assignee. Their liabilities are First class, $10, 128, 17. Second cUss, )GG.07. The assets consist of all the stock of goods, wares and mer chandise now in store of said firm, and all their notes, judgements, accounts and claims in action due or belonging to said firm and all cash deposited in Bank of New Hanover and all their other, personal effects whatsoever. They reserve a personal exemption of $500 to each member of the firm to wit: Sol. Einstein and Helen Einstein. The amount of assets is not known. pr pvl i i n mac h 1 n- l scope of action instances to an ! inspection of rhiir own persja il fr.;g j ments. The ad vantage of the new plan j is, therefore, to be seen at a glance,aiid once the value of the vestibule train i comes to be fuiiv known timorous peo ple will refuse to travel by any othor. In the case refered to where tvvo trains collided not on ly did the p issengers escape injury, but the new train was untouched. As soon as the line be came clear another locomotive was at tached, and the journey continued with out furtner interruption or disaster. Railroad companies, for their own in terest, will .probably appreciate the new idea almost as soon as persons who go to and fro on wheels at their own expense ai d at great risk of life and limb. If taey do not, tve thall be greatly s urprised. o PERSONAL. Dr. E. Porter, a prominent citizen of Rocky Point was in the city on Tuesday. Mr. II. iJoms, of Tarboro, pasecd through here last Aonday en route for Atlanta. Cotton. - -j C. II. Sides, -1 iie.s.-i IVrk, - - Lard. ! ,'. C. I Jams. -! 1 Unit's, - - 1 3if!, j Flour,' ! Com, - J Oats. iicaswax, - - f 5 !:';.-) Cts. . f itfrT? Os. 17,-"(fri7-jUjer iihl. f fc! Cts. oM, Tww, 10 Cts. - - - -t:ill Cts. iK-rl.l. (pr 100 lbs.) 140M). . - , . - -j.-ifi.-, .-0 per - 7C',(T Ct;. ier bash. hit (a 00 per bush. -' l""r lb An Avaricious Jfan V lij' is an avaricious man like one with a slioit memory? l!c isalwajs for-tMtinii, J-ut tli-' wis' p.i!-ent never forqets Taylor's Clierokee. Ileineiiy of Sweet Gum ami ilui- Ieiii, tbe croup preventive, and cough and consumption cure. When you are constipated, with loss of appetite, headache, take Dr. J. II. McLean's Little Liver and Kidnev Pel lets. They are pleasant to take and will cure you. 'lo cents a vial. TUAIXS GOING SOUTH, Jje.iv Wilmington . ' Magnolia. Arrive Warsaw Arrive OoUlsboro leave lyUson. : Arrive 1 lucky Munt 12:ar am lrU " it i:23- " S.D2 .. im 4.-00 p M u:li2 f u T:40 am G;52 7;43 AM tU9 Arrive Tarlwro Leave Tarboro , Arrive VVeldon 4:TiO 10:00 . 2;45 p m Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for cuts bruises Sores Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblanes, Corns, and Skin Eruptions positively cures Piles, or no pay requir ed. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cs per box. FOR SALE BY all Druggists. feb 14 1 yr - If you spit up phlegm, and are troubled with a hacking cough, use Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Wiue Lung Balm, In cases of Fever and ague, the blood is as effectually, though not dan gerously poisoned. by the effluvium of the atmosphere as it could be by the deadliest poison. Dr. J. II. McLean s Chills and Fever Cure will eradicate this poison from the systfeni. 50 cents a bottle. - Trains on the Scotland Neck Urancbro4 1:IV V l!slirv for Snitl'nJ VL- . Auuress (wnn i JK in upturning leaves Scotland Neck at v; t't a 111, daily except Sunday Trains leave Tarlioro, X.C., via Albtw iiurlm .& Kab i-'li K. i;., exeep .Sunday, WM) p. m. Sunday 5M) p. arrive at Williamson, N. C, at 8:10 p. m. lietnrn in, leavesWilliainston, X. CM drily ex cept Sunday at MM) a. m. Stindav at 0:SO a. m. Arrive at Tarboro, K." C, 10.-05; leave at 11 iM) a. u. Trains 011 Midland, X. C. Branch leav Gldsboro, X. ;., Uaily except ShikUt at 8;:10 j m. Keturnitig leaves Smithfield' N. Cat 10;4.r a m, arrive at Goldsboro X C, at if ma 111,1 Train No 40 Sonth. will stoD odIt at Wilson, Goldsboro and Mainiolia. Irani AOM4 makes close connection at Wfbfcm fotall jioiuts Xorth daily. All rail via lichuiond daily except Sundays via Bay Line: " "-' Tmftis make ''Close -connection for ali points XtJti vLi lJirbmoad A: Waxbington. iniKs rxui soliil between Wllininf;tca and Washington arid haw Pullman Talae Sleepers attached. .--- . : J F Kkxly, Jso F Divise. Sup't Transrnrtation. Gan Sunt.. T. M. EiiMEItsox, Gentral rassenger A gt. You will have no use for spectacles if you use Dr, J. II. McLean's gtrenthcning Eye Salve:-, it remove, the film and scum which accumulated on the eye balls, subdues inflammation, cool ana soothes the irritated nerves. strengthens weak and failing sight. 25c. a box. MARRIED On Thursday last, Miss- Emma Ad ams, a beautiful young lady of this city, was united in the holy bonds of wed lock toJir J. V. Howell, of Faismis. His Honor, the mayor performing the ceremony. They left that evening for Faisons, where a reception was held, and returned to this city yesterday Mrs. II. B. visiting the dens here. fJiddcns, of Clinton, is family cf Jit. L. L. U id- Mr. W, II: Strickland, business manager of "Jim the Penman," was in the city on Tuescfay. Mr. C. T. Willis who has been ab sent for the last week on business, re turned home on-Tuesdiy night. Mr. L. Edwards departed for Hen derson on Tuesday, to superintend the opening of his branch store there. Mr. William P. Hurd, of the Wil mington IifcsK-njeri gave us a pleasaut call while in the city oa Monday. Mr. S. L. Dill, of Xew-Rern, the .Su perintendent of the A. &. i. C. R. R., was in thft city on Wednesday Mr. John F. Woe-ten, a prominent lawyer of Kinston was in the city LITEIIAUV NOTES. The poet Whittier has a ball id en titled "The Brov.-n Dwarf of Rii?en". in the January &f. Kidohir,. E. II. Riash field furnishes it v, it'n several il lustrations. The anniversary of the px-t's birth, about to be celebrated, lends interest to this the longest poem he has given to the public in some years. Prof. John Tynd ill sprmt some time hut fall on the Alps taking observa tions of the sky, and.he h is written one of the most i:np irt mt and interesting of his popular scientific essays on the subject,, which has been bought for ex clusive use by the Foriini, and will ap pear in the Februrary number. Sena tor Culhrni will write in the same num ber on "T lie Government and the Tel egrjph:" Prof. W. T. Harris on "What shall the Public Schools Teach I : Jude W. D. Kelly on "How Protec tion Protects," and Dr. Austin Flint on "Tire Mechanism of the Singing Voice. Judr" Win. D. Keller, tho protec tionist leader in the House 'of Repre sentatives, his written a plain state ment of "ilow Protection Protects," which is likely to be the protectionist platform for the Presidential Cam paign. It will appear in the Forum for February. In the same number Senator Culloni will have a paper ad- i vocattng the Governmental control of I the telegraph. Prof John Tvndall ; writes about "T Foi: sick headache, female troubles, neuralgic pains in the head take Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kid nev Pellets, "lb cents a vial. Old people suffer much from dis orders of the urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J. H- MeLern's Liver and kid ney Rahn in banishing their troubles. $1.00 per bottle. Give Them a Chance That is to say, your Iuns. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-pa ssagef, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leadiug from them. Imperfect digestion and assimilation' produce disordered condition" 'of 'the system which grow and arc - confirmed by neglect, Dr. JJLMcLtarfs Ht.rength- cntng Cordial and lilood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion and gives tone to the stomach. $1100 prr bottle. ' "v 1 Great Excitement in Tens. Mr. D. I. Wileoxson, of I Iorso Cove Ky., says he was for many years badly alllicted with pythisie, also diabetes; tlio pusus were almost eiiduralile and would sometimes abe.ONt throw him into convulsions. lie tried Klccirie IJitters and ant reiief from the first bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirely cured, and has gained in liesh l.w'lbs- Savs he iKistivelv believes lie would have died, bed it not leen foa the relief af forded bv Electric Hitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by all druggists. 2 Thft Verdict Unanimous W. D. Suit, Druisf, Hippos, lnd, testifies '! can reecoiiiend Electric Hitters as the very best reined v. Everv bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man "took six Lottie and was cured of Khcumitisiii of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hrae. druguist. Iieliville, Ohio, atlinns: rTbe best selling medicine 1 ever handled in my in years, experience, is fclertru Hitters Thousand of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Hitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Hlood quIj a hall dollar a bottle at any Drugstore. When these arc clogged and chooked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot ban uo their work. And what they do they cannot do well Call it cold, cough, croup, pnuemon ia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head an lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just 1 ne sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Roschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you you may depend up on this for certain. A Proud Woman's Airs. Why is a proud woman like a music box? one is lull of airs. And if thev blow 011 her, coughs and colds must fowl low. Do not neglect a cold, but tako Taylor's. Chero kee Kemedy of Sw eet Gum and Mullein The Man in tliaMoon.. How does the sailoY know there 'is a man m the nioonP. Hecause hejuujhtieii to see (s'a) and states that whenover he has "ugh or cold he- takes Taylor's' C'herok.)e liemedv of Sweet Ouin and Mullein. Piedmont Alp Lhe Route. Richmond .&. Danville Railroad. Condensed '"Schedu'e in Effect Sept. kh. TRAINS KUBV,75i MEK1DIAX : TiAIE. Soiuhbound Dail'. Ko. 50 """No. 5J Lve New York, 12 15 a m " nuiiidelnhia. 7 20am " Haltimore, 9 45 " Washiii'rtoii, 11 24 " " Char tesville, 3 35 p m " Lynchburc:, o 50 " Lve Richmond' . 3 10 " Hurkeville, 6 17 " " Keysville, . . r .17 " Drakes Hr'ch, (i 15 ; " I)aniile,: ' 8 M) " j " Greensboro, 10 44 " LvE"(ioMsTxro, 3 SO ' -Ja,'Wr. - -.-.,.t.50:i. m, " Ilurbaiu, (j :,2 " " 'JhajH-l Hill, fS 13 . llillltoro, - 7 23 t ! 4 30 p iv 0 S7 " V 42 " II 00 3 00 ana S 05 " I Halem, :,T I ' Ilifih Kmit, Kitisbury, Ar .Statesville, 44 Aslicvilk, 44 Hot springs, Lvk Concord, 44 Chailottc, 44 pailaiihurj:, 44 (ireinville. . Ar Atlanta, f7 20 '11 10 12 37 a m .1 26 44 2 25 am 5 2S 4 6 4:t 44 1 20 pm 2 SO 44 4 23 44 n 05 5 2b44 H 05 44 0 48 44 S 10 44 T'OOam" 2 37 44 3 80 44 C 30 44 10 16 11 13 44 12 31 p m 5 3S . 7 35 " 1201 am 1 00 pm 3 34 44 4 48 10 40 44 . Northbound--Daily. No. 51 No. 53 Lvk Atlanta, , Ar (Iieemille, jU 'Siirtanbnrg,- f .J CLarlott, .... ' .- " ConeortJ,.. 44 Salisbury,. Ar High 1'oint, 44 Gi t-eusboro, 7 00 pm 1 01 a m 2 13 " 5 05 a ni C 00 . (i 44. 44 7 57 a m 28 44 8 40 pm 2 84 p m 3 4fi - 0 25 44 : 7 23 44 8 02 . 44 0 Hpm 0 40 44 "44 Salem, - Ar Uillsboro, 44 Durham, 44 Limpet Hill 44 Ral. inh, 44 Goldsboro, Ar Danville, 4- Drakes Br'cli, 44 KrysvilW,- 44 Hiiikeville; 44 Richmond, ' 11 40 44 fn 34 a m 12 00 p m 12 45 44 fS 15 44 2.10 44 4 35 44 10 10 km 1244 pm ' 1 f)04 1 40 44 3 45 44 f2 41 am f4 05 , fV.Ss"."" 11 45 44 11 20pm 244 am 3 03 -8 55 44 6 15 44 1 15 44 3 40 " ' 11 25 44 3 OOara C 20 44 2 00am 4 10 44' 8 10 44 10 03 12 35 p H 3 20 44 ; If your kidneys are inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even in the most cheerfull society, aud melan choly on the jolliest occasions.' l)r.'J. II. McLean's Liver i:a Kidney Balm, will set you right again $100. per bottle. Aug. 10. 3m. ' - of the Mssionrry Baptist church, this f m0Tnn to make it tie-ir future home. I Monday registered at the "Hotel wishes for their future happiness and success. , city, filled the pulpit of that church ! Wg tender u t iieartfeit last bunday morning and night. He f preached, wa are informed, two most I excellent sermons to the edification, I and delight of the congregation. He I is a young man, and finished his educa- tion at tho Seminary of the Southern I Baptist Convention at Louisville' Ky. Jit is hoped and thought that he will I accept the call. Gregorj-. Capt. Swift. Galloway, who has been attending Fender' Superior Court. Married at the residence of Mr. II. returned to his i)0nie hl thh city oll S. Hazell this city, 011 H tdnesday the ! W'ednesdav. 18th inst, Mr J. P. Albright to Miss-j Nannie Ronev; Rev. Columbus Dm- ! Mr' C' T. Currie, a promir.ent basi ham of Durham, officiating. They left nessman ck ia spending in the afternoon for Durham N. C, a few days in this city, combining busi- Skv." Dr Austin Flint abo-it"Th3 Mechanism of the Singing Voice," and Darius Lyman about 'Impediments to our Domestic Commerce." It is ten years since 4,Iloxy" appear ed in the Cev.;!';i and during ibis pe riod the author .-if "The lloosicr School master" his written no fiction except two or three short stories. But, tempt ed by the possibilities of a iiopular version of a trial in which Abraham Lincoln was a chief actor. Mr Eggle ston has now returned to his old field and written a new novel of Western ,' fouud it to do what is claimed for it. life entitled "The Grayscns, a Story of j The last bottle and two packages did Illinois." The st"ry is said to be me no good and were worse than noth marked by humerous character-draw- j ing. I sec it is not put up by J. II, inr, strong, and exciting situations ; 1 Zeilin & Co., and not genuine, and a and a sympathetic understanding of waste of money to buy it. I would be the country and people described. The ! glad to get the pure and genuine, novel was written before any part of Send me some from honest hands (wite the life of Lincoln, by Messrs Nicolay Uncles Fat Wife. Why is the letter V uncles fit wife going up hill? It m.'ikcs ant pant (aunt) and cooling oil' too soon produces ceughs ami colds. Taj lor's Cherokee Kemedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure her. t Fkrxaxdixa, Xassua Co, Fla. March '29 1880. "I have used Dr. Simmons Liver Regulator and alwavs Mock Agony, - what wine Is mock :fony?-: Chamj agna (sham pain). If it. was a ic -pain in the lungs or chest, .Taylor'. Cherokee Kcme dj of JSweet Gem aud3Iullelu will cur it In Brief, and To The Point - 5 . Dyspepsia is dreadful. . lKsorjdcr?d liver is miferj., jlndiestlQn t !bc to goodnature", 'f '.V... lt The human iligestivcapperatus isour of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. ' Ml. JOB PBRSDH'S Ar Lynchburg, 44 CI :ar. grille, ,J Washington, 44 Haltimore, ; 'l'hiladelphia; -: 4t- New York, . Daily. ' ' fDaily, except Kiilay. ' itILLMAN-CAE' SEEVI0E- On trains 50and 51, 1'ullman Buffet Sleep er 1otw.)en Atlanta ad Xw Yoi k. cn trains 52 and 53, 1'ullinan Iiuffa Sleej.ers 'between Washingtou ' and UonU Comefy; Washiugton and AugusU Tull piau Meeper tietneen llicbmoud and Greensboro. Pullman .Sleeper between (treenshoroand Jialeigb. lullman I'arpr Car 4iet wecu Sali&bur)- and Knoxvi U, Through tickets Cn ' sale at principal tla tl6nto'all'i)oi'iit!i. . -- .tr. rales nyd mformatiou ajply to aar agent'of the coinjiany, or to hVUUAASi - JAS.-L. TlYlJUns '1. 51 Gen'l i mm. At' J. 3. rOTTS, Div. IW Ag.t ' ' " " KICHMOXD, yi. V. A. TURK, Jir,, Paw. Ar t. ' HALE1GII. X. C. T Laboratort, Kittrcirs N.J.- - F o r a 1 1 B 1 e o d D i seas c. By all Drdggist- the home of the groom. ues with pleasure. arul IHy, had been published, and the appearance at this time of Mr. Lincoln . as an important anxiliary clnricter in i a work of Hctlon is a pure coincidence. red Z and Zeilin k Co.'s signature on ! For Sale in Battleboro by W. P. Davis wrapper) 1 tie fictieous stuff sold will j injure "Some one badly. Your Ob't Scrv't BEXJ. T.KICli. and J. P. Stewart. July 20th 'S7: lyr. IF YCt WANT T0LC0K AT THE MOST' DESIRABLE AND ATTRACTIVE . STOCK OF KEW FALL GOODS that wis ever shown in a cora O 1 1 siikI OAiniiiino U YJP 1 ' K f !T V ' LL Y . L IlElLBROXi; & UO Tarboro, X. C j

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